How to artificially be a tree with your own hands - master class with photos and videos. Artificial aging of wood: types and methods of processing How to make the effect of antiquity on a tree

Vintage wooden products with a faded surface, textured jar and openwork grooves, left-wing, are distinguished by special luxury and charm. Clear business, the natural process of aging wood takes many years. However, if desired, the tree can be artificially. There are several techniques, thanks to which you can independently give new wooden things a spectacular antique look.

Chemical treatment is ideal for artificial wood composition of hardwood:
  1. To begin with, wooden billets are carefully cleaned from stains and contaminants.
  2. To make a natural wood pattern with more textured and volumetric, the boards alternately process large and fine-grained emery paper.
  3. Next, the sanded wood is wiped with a rag or sponge, impregnated in the ammonic alcohol or a different alkaline solution. As a result of such a simple processing of the workpiece, a noble darkening is acquired.
  4. Finishing varnish with a transparent glaze will give the prepared wooden products a rich overflowing gloss.
To effectively and quickly "be" coniferous wood, the heat treatment will be needed:
  1. Wooden parts peeled and dust are burned with a soldering lamp or a gas burner before the appearance of light nagar.
  2. Next, the charred wood is manually treated with a metal / wire brush, after that we are cleaned with a shallow sandpaper.
  3. To emphasize the beauty and texture of wood, the products are covered with a neutral shade venge. To apply a solution, use a soft clean sponge, depressions and other hard-to-reach areas are crossed by a brush.
  4. The final stage of processing of blanks is the application of decorative ancient wax. The paste rubbed into the tree with circular motions with the help of woolen cloth.

Mechanical processing (brashing) is the process of removing soft layers of wood with various brushes mounted on a drill or a corner-glass machine. The premium procedure consists of three stages:
  • preparation of wood and black sample of soft fibers;
  • grinding and polishing blanks;
  • toning and varnishing prepared details.

An important nuance! For machining, it is recommended to use soft rocks with a pronounced patterned texture - pine, spruce, fir, larch, lime, ash or nut.

At the first stage of the brushing, wooden parts are processed manually: a wide chisel or an acute angle of the ax gently cut the edges of the boards and cause chaotic scubons and potholes of various depths (up to 1.5 cm). Next, the electrical instrument and brush nozzles are allowed - it is they allow you to remove soft wood fiber without damaging the annual rings. The polymer brush planted on a drill or a grinder will help achieve a delicate making, the Metal brush-crafts is chosen for a more "brutal" effect. When using brush nozzles, it is important to adhere to certain rules:
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to go to protective equipment: a high-quality respirator, plastic glasses and tight gloves will protect you from wood dust and flying particles of metal bristles.
  • It is advisable to organize a workplace in such a way that the rays of light are directed perpendicular to wood fibers.
  • In the process of work, avoid strong pressure on the surface being processed, the pressure on the tool must be moderate.
  • Before the immediate brushing, new brush nozzles need to "ride", otherwise wooden billets will cover the shallow darous "Mahra".
  • The movements of the brush should be directed along rigid wood fibers, with transverse processing you can spoil the natural beauty of the annual rings.
At the second stage of the winning, the ribbed wooden blanks are treated with the help of an abrasive brush and fine-grained odds. In the process of grinding it is important to remove all sticking fibers and burrs. For polishing the office boards, an sisal brush is used, a metal cotton or an abrasive sponge. Dust from the processed parts gently believes flat brush and vacuum cleaner.

On a note! For greater nature, the product can be decorated with "wormworms". To do this, with the help of a stupid core or sewn in the wood, the gossip breaks through shallow holes.

In the third stage of the brush, wood tinting is performed. To give the billets a natural aged view, they are stained with a veneer or acrylic paint of dark shades. First, the selected paint plant is applied to the wooden surface, then immediately remove its excess with a rag or rubber spatula. Thanks to such tinting techniques, the saturated dark shade, and the protrusions, the so-called "ridges" remain lighter. After a complete drying, the product is covered with transparent protective impregnation or acrylic varnish.

To simulate the aging of the wood, will have to be stockpit for rapid patience. Such work does not tolerate fuss and hurry. However, the result is worth it - artificially aged tree looks obstaciously beautiful, spectacular and kindly.

Braching is a unique technology that allows you to generate and structure wood. Such a solution provides the opportunity to give a new wooden product aged noble view. More and more people prefer to create a unique interior in a house or apartment using wooden finishing materials. As a rule, a tree that has more aged look looks very noble and luxurious. But not many people know that even new products from the tree can be given the luxury and nobility that the tree acquires many years of operation. In this article we will postpone - the master class on the brushing.

Increasingly, when designing an interior of the house, wooden products, beams, overlapping, doors with an appearance of aged wood are used.

Wooden products tools:

  • Grinding machine or electrode with nozzles;
  • Iron and abrasive brushes;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Wide brush for varnish and oil.

Stage 1. Draft wood finish

We take a wooden billet, in our case, a board of soft wood. Next, with the help of a grinder and a special disk on a tree, we carry out shallow notches, as shown in the photo below.

As a rule, this processing of wood with a grinder will already be enough to further use it on the ceilings or in places, where a person cannot touch her hand, since in this case, in the primary processing, burstles remain on it.

Stage 2. Finishing

In the case when you plan to use the tree after the process of the embossing for the windowsills, doors, furniture, and other interior items, it will require additional processing of the wood surface. First of all, it is necessary to smooth out a little and align the surface of the wooden product. To do this, we will use a metal brush. It is worth noting that it is necessary to work as a brush on the surface without much effort so as not to spoil the finished structure of the wood.

First of all, the electric drill must be installed an iron nozzle with a large fraction. As shown in the photo below, we pass thoroughly without excessive efforts the entire processed draft surface of a wooden billet.

It is worth noting that iron brushes are used to smooth the surface of the wooden product, and with the help of abrasive nozzles, burstles are cleaned. Due to this, the formation of wood looks not only believable, but also safe for humans, since the surface of the wooden product will be perfectly smooth without sowing.

Stage 3. surface treatment with abrasive brushes

After the entire surface passed the iron nozzle, go to the finishing finish with abrasive nozzles. Working with abrasive nozzles, should be crushed with effort to carefully remove all sowing on a wooden billet.

Stage 4. Finish finish

After preparing wood to finish-treatment, you can use the lesing or treat with olphos, butter, the mourn, the surface of the wooden product.

In the photo at the bottom of the wooden facade of the house passed the lesser.

Oil coating allows you to get the effect of "aged" wood. To do this, we need ordinary brush and wood for wood in the interior. It is best to choose dark shades oil, in which case wooden products will look more noble. Covered carefully the entire surface of the product with oil.

Stage 5. Put the effect of "aged" wood

So that dark recesses remain dark, and light-bright, we will need to treat the surface of the product immediately after impregnation with oil. To do this, we take the usual cotton rag. After wiping a rag thoroughly the entire surface of the product, we create a visual effect of "aged" wood, as shown in the photo below.

How to form a tree at home? This wood finishing technique is popular among gardeners, designers and self-taught masters. With it, you can make a unique interior design and exterior.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

Have you already turned 18?

How to form a tree: Main points

To add a tree of age with your own hands, you need to be able to work with natural materials and stock tools. From the tools you need to have:

  • metal brush;
  • electric or handbank;
  • sandpaper;
  • bulgarian.

In addition to the listed tools, you need to have dust protection products. It can be a respirator or glasses. Since there will be a lot of dust in the process of creating a craft, then you should think about ventilation methods. It is desirable to carry out this work outdoors. If there is no such possibility, the tree is recommended slightly moistened before abrasive processing. But before opening the lacquer, it should be dried. You should also not forget that it is categorically impossible to fit your hands from the surface to prevent the appearance of the zoom. Hands also can not touch the surface to feel its relief. This can be done only after completely removal of dust.

In the interior, this technology is used very often. It successfully connects with stone, metal and ceramics. Without it, the style of the interior of Provence is unthinkable. But then the special painting of the boards is required.

A shaped tree is used inside the house for steps, shops, as well as to create a designer lamp or a chest finish. From it you can make furniture, such as table or chairs. Also, it turns out unique boxes. Methods of use in the interior of the old tree a lot, the choice depends on the style of registration and aesthetic tastes of the owner.

Artificially aged tree should be maximally reminding natural, which has been influenced by sunlight, wind, rain and other natural phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary to use only manual tools and manual processing of the material. It is also important to choose to choose varnishes and paints for the external coating. Today there is a huge range of such, so it is important to make the right choice depending on the desired result.

In order to achieve an antique effect at home, it is recommended to take off on a piece of wood. This will allow you to evaluate the result and avoid mistakes. For training, you need to take the breed of wood, from which the whole design will be made in the future.

To make a beautiful and durable design of a tree with an antique effect, it is important to choose the right breed of wood. Coniferous trees are not suitable for this idea, as they contain a resin, which prevents the creation of effect. Also worth refuse to birch, cherries, maple, pears, juniper. It is better to pay attention to ash, larch, oak, wenge, Merbau, Dussia.

In order to correctly make the effect of aging wood, you need to take old boards. They are easiest to be machined and well absorbed paints and varnishes. It is desirable that they had a bitch. This will give even greater beauty to the craft. If there are no such boards in the house, you can ask for neighbors or acquaintances. Surely someone supposedly such, but I did not find applications. Often they can be free. The young forest does not have a lot of fibers, so poorly treatable, it is better to leave it to the right time.

The master class on creating aged tree can be easily found on the network. There are many videos and detailed process descriptions. Therefore, do not worry if you have no experience with natural materials. In just a few hours of study, you can understand the essence of the finishes and choose the easiest and most beautiful way for yourself.

Methods for creating an aging effect. Among them are the simplest, which occupy a few hours, as well as more complicated, for the manufacture of which takes several days. Everyone chooses itself, based on its reserve of tools and the expected result. There are already ready-made boards with an antique effect on sale, but the process of creating them in the home is caring and pleases much more.

How to form a paint tree?

Painting is a mandatory part of all ways to create aged tree. If the paint is not used, then the outer layer is covered with colorless or colored varnish. It is necessary to protect the outer layer and give the beautiful texture. Translucent glaze "Belinka" - the basis for which other paint layers can be applied. It covers the surface after machining. Before coating with varnish or white paint, the surface must be treated with a soft brush to give relief. A colorless lacquer is applied to a slightly dry paint. Thus, wood is obtained with a slight effect of antiquity. It comes out light color and without gross damage.

If you like aged aggressive Effect, then do not do without multi-layer painting. Also here should be subject to the boards with all sorts of damage: to beat iron rods, roll up, make holes with a seboard. If you want to completely achieve naturalness, you can make worms, but this option is suitable with the most brave and creative.

Wood, Painted several times, acquires a deep color. "Pinotex" is often used for priming, it unevenly covers the surface. It also serves to create thick color the lowest layers of the board. After its drying, it is necessary to make minor damage on the surface and proceed to further processing.

Using White paint is welcomed in some cases. It will help create a craft in the spirit of Provence and give a beautiful shade. Since it can give a glossy defill, it is recommended to dilute White Spirit.

How to form a tree in the style of Provence?

To create an interior in the style of Provence, do not do without old white boards. They have the most detailed purpose: used for shutters, for furniture or steps. After the main coating of the primer, the surface is covered with white paint. It is optional to apply a flat layer. After drying, you have to go through the brush to even more achieve the effect of antiquity.

Loft involves the use of gray-made boards, which reminiscent of concrete. They can be made gray using acrylic paints of the desired shade.

How to form a tree with your own hands in white?

If you need to paint the board in gray, you can do without paints. The chemical method of aging implies the use of alkaline or ammonia alcohol. Using this method, you need to take care of your safety: put on the mask and mittens. After using the alkali, the future product can be covered with a film to reduce drying rates. When the exercise dry, it is necessary to remove the alkali traces: for this it is necessary to rinse with acetic solution and handle the brush. The last stage is a plating with colorless varnish.

How to form a tree in a decoupage technique?

To make cracks on the product in the decoupage technique, the surface is stepdown by special colors. For the first layer, you must take the paint, which will be shifted through small cracks. Then it is necessary to apply the crustaceous varnish on the dried first layer. It should be applied with a thick layer. Having waited for almost complete drying or accelerating it with drying a hairdryer, you need to apply the top layer with confident strokes. For small cracks, it is recommended to produce acrylic paints. Crakellers on the cracker can be considered ready after paint drying (30-40 minutes).

How to quickly form a tree?

The fastest way is the heat treatment of wood and the subsequent coating of varnish. Soldering lamp or burner will help achieve the desired effect very quickly. The top layer of Gary is be sure to remove to facilitate staining.

How to form a tree with a patina?

The aging of the tree of the ammonia is a cheap way to get the effect of patina. You can also use special paints with gold, bronze or silver particles to reflect wood. Morilka can be achieved. It is used for complete or partial tension. Morid will protect the tree from moisture, fungus and mold. Of the cons of its use, it is possible to allocate only one - as a result, it turns out only dark color.

Effect of aged tree

Imitation of the sun damaged by the sun and rain is popular for the design of country houses and modern apartments. Without such wood, do not do when creating certain styles in the interior. It is successfully used for both facades.

One of the most interesting ways to add wooden subjects a highlight is their formation. In this article, read how to form wooden products with your own hands.

The tree is one of the most easily processable materials. It is this that makes it possible to indulge their buyers from wood to indulge their buyers with various decoration and finishing options. One of the most interesting ways to add wooden subjects a highlight is their formation. For such a procedure, not so much time spent, how much effort is that the cherished years or even decades will affect the tree in a matter of days.


One way to help add a young tree age is the brushing. This method is actively used in all workshops, where they are engaged in artificial composition.

He received his name from the English word Brush, which is translated as "brush". After all, the main tool that helps the tree by this method is a metal brush. Using such a simple tool from a wooden billet, soft fibers are gradually removed, as a result of which brightly pronounced annual rings begin to appear on the surface. Such a drawing can be observed only on old, exterior boards, and here it appears in a few hours. However, just the rubbed tree looks not very aesthetic, so after the initial coarse processing, the workpiece leads to the final form. First, using a special tool, get rid of burrs on the surface, then the products are grinding ,. There is an eye color of different parts in different shades to create a patina effect. The floor-aged floor looks very colorful.

Braching, as a rule, is used to form coarse surfaces: floor, walls, doors. But you need to remember that not every variety of wood can be brought. Great to this method, pine, larch. And, for example, breeds like beech, birch, maple have an unbearable texture and are not suitable for the brush. Of course, it is impossible to use this method for products from MDF.

Paints - Patinating

If you still need to form doors from the array of beech, maple or furniture items, you will have to act thinner and use the patination method.

First, the paint is selected, which corresponds to the main tone of the furniture object. This composition is covered with a wooden surface in one layer, after which the tree is given to dry. Further, the second thin layer is applied on top of the first layer. To do this, light tone can be used, up to milk-white. It is important that the second paint is not too light or bright. The fact is that overly bright coating will look too new, which will reduce the effect of antiquity.

After applying the second layer, he also gives dry.

When staining is finished, the time of creating the necessary effect of antiquity has come. For this, a small skin is taken, with the help of which scuffs are made on the tree surface. It is important to achieve a result when through the upper layer begins to penetrate the lower basis, as if the furniture was painted more than once.

The degree of "shabby" of the tree can be adjusted independently, bringing the piece of furniture to the right age.

Wood blast

Another way to create artificial rubbing is waxing on a wooden surface. Paraffin rolls individual parts of the product, before which the tree should already be painted under the antique. Once the case is done, the product is covered with a new layer of paint, lighter than the basis. Next, with the help of a spatula, a layer of paraffin is removed, and the tree is thoroughly grinding. It remains to tint the wood surface by Morilka, after which to treat wax. With this reception, a plausible effect is created, they are already used for more than a dozen years.

Morilka coating is another common and very effective way to form a tree. As a rule, it is also used to handle furniture or doors.

  • It is necessary to start with the fact that the product is fully covered with the main layer of vehicle base.
  • Immediately after it is finished, a soft clean sponge is taken, which you need to wash off the freshly melon, but only with certain places. Processing, first of all, must be exposed to the middle parts of the boards, while kayms, cracks, the corners must be left intact. Captures and hard-to-reach places can be painted with a brush.
  • When the tree dried, the finishing layer of the veil is applied to it, but already on the basis of White spirit or another composition, after which the workpiece is again given to dry.
  • The next stage of the composition is to fill the pore pores by shellah soil with a tassel or the same sponge. This is done to secure the color of the product.
  • At the end of the processing in the fiber of a tree, an antique wax is rubbed with a special metal brush.
  • As a result, the surface is obtained by the necessary texture, and the effect of the composition will continue for a long time.

If you want to have aged chair or doors with a patina, but you yourself do not want to do this, you can always buy them in the store, where professionals have made it for you.

A tree is a universal material, it is suitable for both construction and repair and to create decorative crafts, decorations and interior items. Modern technologies allow you to choose various processing options to create a variety of art composition. Recently, it becomes more and more likely to appear in retro style both in the walls of the walls and the ceiling and already ready wooden items.

Real old things have a very high cost, it is not for each budget it fits. However, there is an outlet - the tree is artificially. According to the appearance of the differences from the antique there will be no, and the money is spent much less. Next, it will be told about the main ways that will easily and quickly solve this task.

Processing with chemical solutions

With this option, deciduous trees are perfectly processed. Ammonia, acetic acid, veneer, and ready-made special solutions can be used among chemicals.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. The tree is thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt, outsiders.
  2. After that, passed by sandpaper, to create the desired composition.
  3. Then there is chemical treatment, as a result of which, wood darkens.
  4. The final stage is a lacquer coating that will help create protection against moisture and microbes.
Aged tree in the interior


Good method for coniferous trees. It is carried out using the effect of fire.

Includes a few steps:

  1. Fire processing that replaces ordinary cleaning in this case.
  2. Further, the burnt surface is cleaned with a metal brush, and then polished with shallow sandpaper.
  3. To emphasize the natural beauty and the desired shade, if necessary, you can apply a little veil.
  4. After that, wax is applied.

Firing, brushing and impregnation with a pine board in this video:


With it, soft wood products are well processed - linden, pine, nut and others.

  1. At the initial stage, artificial damage is applied with a chisel, ax or hammer.
  2. The next step is to process with a metal brush and usual, to remove excess fibers.
  3. Next goes grinding.
  4. The tree is ready for applying paints based on acrylic or verses, immediately after this, the colored layer is wiping into the cloth, to preserve the natural pattern.
  5. After drying, it is processed by varnish.

Step-by-step video instruction: