How to make a universal grinding machine on wood. Grinding machine from a drill do it yourself: drawings, photos and video Slices Machine from an old drill

Grinder (eng.) Literally - Crusher. MEAT Grinder is a meat grinder, Rock (Stone) Grinder - stone coast; Stick (Wood) Grinder is a garden crusher of branches and rods in chip. But there is the meaning of the word Grinder completely unequivocal: in mechanical engineering and metalworking is a grinding machine. The thing on the farm is useful. For example, send the smashed meat grinder knife on Bruke-dowdow is manually impossible. On the hand cleaner for knives - somehow possible, having a solid worker skill. And in Grinder - no problem. The same thing - if you need to inch a detail of a complex form without breaking its profile. Or just sharpen scissors or professional knife. Miscellaneous kind of wood cutters and metal is best to rule in Grender. Describe and reclose the same Grinder with their own hands possible, without having complex equipment and skills to work on it. For money, this will mean savings from 50-90 thousand rubles. up to 3-6 thousand USD.

To make Grinder independently, it will be necessary to order a maximum of 4-5 accurate parts, and it is often possible to do without turns without turning on the part. For example, how to make the simplest Grinder literally from the rubble, see the video below:

Video: Ribbon Greenover with her hands

Or another option, how to make Grinder early and worse from scrap metal:

Video: Grinder from scrap metal

Disk or tape? And drive

The varieties of grinding machines in the industry are hardly not more than larger than the turning ones. The emerats known to all craftsmen - a motor with a pair of grinding circles (or one circle) is also Grinder. For myself, at home, it makes sense to do either a disk end (plate), or a ribbon grinder. In the first abrasive is applied to a rotating hard disk; In the second - on the elastic ribbon, the luxurituing system of pulleys and rollers. The disk is more suitable for grinding simple wooden parts and coarse or medium purity - metal. On the ribbon grinder, it is also possible to produce accurate and clean finishes of profiled parts of a complex shape, incl. Large, see below.

Disc Grinder is very simply from the very essay or suitable motor power, see below. It is necessary to order an adapter from the electric motor shaft under the shank of a plate grinding circle on a metal basis. Or under the clamping cartridge, then on the same motor it will be possible to build a mini lathe, see Fig.:

"Plate" is worn out: a disk from a thin (4-6 mm) fibrous plastic is placed on the edge of its side, and the abrasive is on it. How to make the end grinder, see the next. roller.

Video: homemade end grinder

The difference between the disk and tape grinder is not only in the possibilities of use. If you take ordinary home crafts, then for disk grinder, there is enough drive power in 250-300 W on the shaft. For small wooden parts - and 150-170 W. This is a motor from the old washing machine, direct (ordinary) drill or screwdriver. But for the ribbon Greenman, you will need the engine from 450-500 W: three-phase with batteries of launchers and working capacitors. If it is assumed to be processed largely, then the power of the motor is from 1-1.2 kW. Moreover, the batteries of the capacitors for the other will cost the slightly cheaper of the engine itself.

Note: The capacity of 100-200 W uses a ribbon mini-grindder (see below) for the exact edit of knives, grinding / polishing jewelry, etc.

A drill or screwdriver as the Greendera drive is also convenient and that they allow you to quickly change the speed of the abrasive movement (see below) by the regular regulator of the rotational speed. It is only necessary, first, to make a holder for a drill, a hard locking tool. Secondly, an elastic transitional clutch with a drill on a disk shank, because It is difficult to achieve their accurate centering without special equipment, and the beat will reduce the accuracy of processing and can damage the drive tool.

Drawings of a drill holder for using it as a home metal cutting machine drive left on Fig.:

Since the shock and irregular signage of the drive in the Greender are an order of magnish lower than, let's say, in the lathe, the drill holder for it can be made of solid wood, plywood, chipboard, MDF, on the right in Fig. The diameter of the fastening (large) hole - on the neck of the drill. The drill is very desirable to use without a shock mechanism and with a steel shell with a neck (under the installation of the front handle).


For the transition clutch, you will need a segment of a steel rod (not necessarily accurate) of the same diameter as the shank of the Greendera drive shaft, and the segment of the reinforced PVC hose (garden irrigation) with a lumen so that it is tightly tensioned on the rod and shank. The length of the "free" hose (between the ends of the rod and the shank in it) is 3-5 cm. The length of the protruding part of the rod must be sufficient for a reliable clamp in the drill cartridge. After assembling the coupling on the spot hose on the shank and rod tightly tightened by clamps; Can be wire. Such a coupling completely parries the drive mecentric and the slave shaft to 1-1.5 mm.

Ribbon is still better

Ribbon Grindder allows you to do everything as disk, and much more. Therefore, further we focus on how the ribbon grinding machine do it yourself. Lovers, focusing on industrial samples, make Grenders sometimes very intricate, see Fig.:

And this is justified: the design and kinematics of the ribbon grinder are very plastic, which allows you to successfully use sweater materials and old metallowers. You only need to follow 3 principles:

  1. Do not do as on the second on the left photo of Fig.: Tape abrasive side should only be constructed by the processed part. Otherwise, abrasive will eat and roasting rollers, and themselves. The accuracy and purity of processing throughout the operating operation will be unpredictable;
  2. The design of the machine should provide a uniform tension of the tape regardless of the nature of the operation produced;
  3. The speed of the tape must comply with the character of the operation.

Kinematics and design

As mentioned above, the designs of Grinders have many. Consider, from what and how to build Grinder to yourself, it is better to focus on industrial samples, designed fully mechanized for accurate and clean grinding of large-sized profiled parts: once "skin" as it is necessary to blade the propeller of the aircraft or wind turbine, then with any other work it will cope.

The kinematic schemes of the Grenders of the specified purpose are given in Fig.:

Major kinematic schemes of ribbon grinding machines (Grinders)

Pos. A is the most complex and perfect, with three rocker. If the length of the tension roller roller approx. 2 times less than the worker, then, adjusting the tension of the springs, you can achieve a uniform tension of the tape with a course of a working rocker at 20-30 degrees up and down. The slope of the bypass rocker, firstly, the machine is reconfigured under ribbons of different lengths. Secondly, in the same way, you can quickly change the tension of the tape for different operations. The working branch of the tape can be any, except running from the drive pulley to the stretch roller, i.e. Grinder with 3 rockers at the same time and horizontal, and vertical.

The scheme with a coaxially swinging rocker (pos. 2) is easier, cheaper and according to the processing accuracy is not inferior to the previous one, if the length of the rocker between the axes is at least 3 across the processed parts. To bring down the grinding profile, the course of the rocker is limited to the stops within 10 degrees up-down. Press the ribbon to the details most often gravitational, under the weight of the rocker with the roasting pulley. Tension tape is possible in some limits to quickly change, tightening the rocker upwards of a weak adjustable spring, partly compensating for its severity. Grinder of this scheme can work as grinding for small parts from the trail. In this case, the risk is rigidly fixed horizontally, and the working surface of the tape will be a circular pulley. According to the scheme with a coaxial rocker, for example, a popular BTS50 Grender is quite popular. The shortcomings of the scheme, firstly, technologically complex coaxial with the leading rocker hinge. Secondly, the need for elastic ribbon: if they make the watercolor pulley with sliding spring-loaded, the processing accuracy drops. This disadvantage in the processing of small parts is completely eliminated by an additional tensioner, see below.

The scheme with one unauthorized rocker in the industry is quite rare, because In principle, it does not allow to achieve uniform tension of the tape. However, it gives accuracy, quite sufficient at home and allows you to build a very good simple Grinder.

What is what good

Now let's see what is possible to "squeeze" from a particular scheme from the point of view of the amateur masters. And then let's try to figure out how to make a tape for the Greenman and do without custom-made accurate parts.

3 rockers

Competent lovers of their grinders build just according to the scheme with 3 rockers, on the left in Fig. below. The blades of propellers are ground not all, but in this case there is another dignity of this scheme: if the Grinder is used as a vertical, then the working branch of the tape is elastic. This allows a skillful master, let's say, cutting cutting edges and blades literally with micron accuracy.

In industrial grinders for home use, a scheme with 3 rockers is also used widely (in the center) for the same reasons. Repetitions themselves in most cases are quite possible. For example, the drawings of the popular KMG Greenman can be downloaded abroad.

Sizes, however, inch - American machine. To drive, in any case, it is possible to use an angular drong-grinder (right in Fig., It is quite suitable for power) with homemade pulley and rollers, see below.

Note: If you do a landline drive, try to get an asynchronous motor for 2-3 speeds from the unsuitable wash with a horizontal tank. His advantage is small revs. This makes it possible to make a leading pulley of a large diameter and thereby exclude the slipping of the tape. Squad tape in work - almost certainly spoiled item. Most of the styrels with 2-3 high-speed asynchronous motors at 220 V - Spanish. Power on the shaft - 600-1000 W. If you score on this, do not forget about the standard phase-shifting capacitor battery.

Coaxial rocker

In the pure form of Grenders with coaxial fishers, lovers do not make. The coarse hinge is a complicated thing, the elastic ribbon does not do it, and the purchase is expensive. Grenders with a coaxial rocker house are most often used in the embodiment for small accurate work from the table, i.e. With a rigidly fixed horizontal rocker. But then there is no need for a rocker as such.

An example is the Mini Grinder, the drawings of which are given in Fig.:

Its features, firstly, the invoice for the tape (pos. 7), which significantly expands the possibilities of use. For example, the piece of iron is ruled on this Grinder with an angular focus literally in itself. In this case, Grinder works, if you can put it like that, as a self-moving donel (emery bar). Removing the bed, we get Greender with an elastic ribbon to accurate grinding / polishing rounded small details. Secondly, the stretch shaft (pos. 12). Pulling it with the grooves with the nuts, we get a relatively fixed tension of the tape to work with bed. And letting the nuts, we translate Grinder to the gravitational tension of the tape for thin work. The drive is not necessarily through the pulley (pos. 11). You can be tied right behind the shank of the leading shaft (pos. 16) from the drill through the transition clutch, see above.

Specialized instrumental Grinder (eg, for the guidance and editing of turning cutters) generally loses any similarity of the source scheme. Motor for it takes high-speed (power 200-300 W enough). Leading pulley, respectively, small diameter. Pulley pulley, on the contrary, make more and more, for inertia. All this together allows you to reduce tape beats. Tensioner roller with the same purpose, plus for greater uniformity of tension tension, remove away and spring up the long non-very strong spring. How to make Grinder to treat cutters, see the video below.

Video: Grinder for making cutters

One rocker

In amateur practice, Grenders with an unauthorized rocker is good because they don't need exact details at all. For example, hinges can be made from card loops. At the same time, processing accuracy remains sufficient for ordinary amateur requests.

The initial scheme in this case is also modified: the rocker is rotated 90 degrees, referred up and spring, on the left in Fig. It turns out a simple vertical grinder. And, which is important - without any problems working with a homemade negress tape. Provide tension of the tape can spring as stretching (center) and compression. The force of her is not the essence as important, if only the ribbon in the process of work did not burn excessively. No adjustments for the time of use are required.

Consumables and details

The only consumable material for the ribbon grinder - tape (not counting lubricants for bearings and hinges. The tape can order the desired length (see at the end), but it can be done independently from the emery skirt on a textile basis. It is very desirable - flexible, unprofitable. In general Procedure for manufacturing tape for the Greenman with their own hands:

  • Sut off the workpiece - the strip of the desired length and width.
  • We prepare the mandrel (not necessarily round) lengths by forming slightly less than the length of the tape.
  • We supply the mandrel with the workpiece outward.
  • We bring the ends of the workpiece exactly and fastened and securely.
  • We put on the joint of the adhesive of the adhesive rod for the thermoclate gun.
  • Gray with a construction hairdryer until the glue is melted.
  • We put on the bog of a thin tissue lat.
  • Click something tough through the Teflon film until the glue is freezing.

There are three significant points here. The first - instead of the fabric on the latch, use a rough film from PET with a thickness of 25-50 microns (for sale). It is very strong, but try to spend your finger on a bottle of Pat. Not really slippery? A rough PET film under the tension will not stretch over polished metal. And instead of the margin, it is better to flick the offstand of the ribbon of a solid strip of the PET film with an adhesive by 2-3 cm. The tape beating will be no more than 0.05-0.1 mm. It is less than from the thinnest Mitkal and even less than the error of the thickness of the billet skin.

The second is the finished tape in the machine and graze it without a strong push something indecent. The rubber on the seam is missed, and the tape will become no worse than the brand name.

But the most important thing is to elasticity the best glue for gluing the Greender tape is not expensive and complex in the use of thermo- or assembly, but an ordinary PVA. If the tape is saved by lining along the entire length of the inside, then it is enough for its durability with an excess. How to chase the ribbon for the Greenman PVA, see Roller

Video: Bonding ribbon for Grinder glue PVA


The forming (side surface in the context) of the GRINDER pullee should be straightforward. If you use the pulley barrel, the tape will be angry through the entire length. The rollers do not allow it, see further, but the forming pulley should be straight.

The pulley for Greenman, not intended for particularly accurate work, firstly, should not be accurate. In a scheme with 3 rockers, the tape beating from its route will go out on the rollers before it comes to the working branch. In a simple vertical grinder, the tape is sufficiently extinguishing the stretch spring. Therefore, the pulley for the Greenman is quite possible to do without a machine, see video:

Video: leading wheel on Grinder without lathe

The second is a pulley, rollers and in general all the details of the home grinder is quite admissible to do from plywood. In production, this is definitely not an option, even if plywood Grinder will offer a gift with a surcharge: a salary grinder is needed, and the Wooden Grinder in the workshop is completely causing before it and itself. But you will not chase Greentand the day every day in 3 shifts. And on plywood pulley no ribbon is slipping. Including homemade. So you can safely do the pulley of the Greenman from Plywood:

Video: Pulley for Greenman from Plywood

It is much more important to correctly calculate the diameter of the pulley by motor turnover and the required speed of the tape. Too slowly running tape will tear the material being processed; Too fast - herself erased, without finishing anything. In which case, what ribbon speed is needed this special conversation, and very difficult. In general, the smaller the abrasive and the harder material being processed, the faster the tape should move. How the ribbon speed depends on the diameter of the pulley and turns of the motor, see Fig.:

Fortunately, for most pairs, abrasive material The permissible limits of the speed of the ribbon movement is quite wide, so the pulley for the Greenman can be chosen easier:

Video: What a wheel is needed for a ribbon grinder


Greenman's rollers, oddly enough at first glance, the most responsible details. It is rollers holding a ribbon from slipping and provide its uniform tension in width. Moreover, the roller in kinematics can only be one, see for example, the video is higher about Grinder for the cutters. They will cope with such a task only by barrels, see below. But the "trough" of the tape after any roller should straighten before it comes to the working area.

Rollers with flames (sides, rags) can not hold the ribbon. The point here is not only and not so much with the distortion of the axes of the rollers: the Greenman's tape, unlike the drive belt, must withstand, not sliding, load from the processed parts. If you make rollers with flavors, then a little touched something to the tape, it will turn off on the flavor. In Grender, it is necessary to use rollers-keg type 3 (highlighted in red on the left in Fig.).

The size of the rollers is also given. Type 3. The diameter of the rollers is desirable to take no more than 0.5 widths of the tape (so that the "trough" is not left away), but not less than 20 mm of steel accurate and at least 35-40 mm plywood. The tensioning roller (the probability of climbing the tape from it is the largest) if the working branch of the tape does not come with it, it can be a diameter of 0.7-1.2 its width. Plywood rollers are made in the form of a thick shell, in which the bearing will be filled; Then the roller is satisfied with the axis (in the center in Fig.) And it is perfectly processed, see for example. track. video:

Video: Roller-barrel for Grinder

Turn the roller-barrel profile exactly according to GOST may and on the machine not any turner. Meanwhile, there is a way to make rollers for the Greenman without significant difficulty. It will help all the same garden reinforced PVC hose, right in fig. Previously. On the blank of the roller with a direct forming tightly stretch its segment and cut off with a margin along the edges in the thickness of the hose wall. It turns out a roller with a complex profile forming, even better holding a tape and giving it "trough". Do not believe? Try to get on the cemetery of aircraft or rockets and dig in them. You will find rollers with exactly the same profile forming. Just into the mass production of the rollers of a complex profile is much more expensive than the barrels type 3.

And another option

All responsible details of the Greendera are a solid tape, a coating pulleys, excluding its slipping, rollers - can be purchased separately. They will cost not so cheaply, but still not thousands of foreign and not in dozens of native "cosuh". The remaining parts of the Greenman, or flat, or out of proftres, are manufactured using conventional desktop drillings or drills. This is where you can order the details for the Greenman:

  • //\u003d4091 - Tape. Make lengths and widths at the request of the customer. Consult on abrasives and processing modes. Prices are acceptable. Delivery time - Questions to Ruchkut.
  • // - spare parts (components) to grinding machines. There is everything, the prices are divine. Delivery - see before.
  • // - The same, but foreign production. Prices are more expensive, delivery is the same.
  • // - Drive wheels. You can find suitable for the Greenman.
  • //, //\u003dcom_content&task\u003dview&id\u003d36&itemid\u003d36 - spare parts for grinders. Ribbons to order do not do - choose according to the catalog. Rollers without axes; The axes are sold separately. The quality is impeccable, but everything is very expensive. Sending - within 2 weeks to the border. Then - the customs of them, our customs, Rudskaya. Total approx. 2 months. Maybe not to go if some local chinch considers the goods with sanctions. In this case, with the return of the supply of problems there is no problem for a complete lack of real opportunities for an ordinary citizen of real possibilities.
  • (2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Grinding is one of the ways of processing wood, which allows you to give the billets perfectly smooth surface. Universal to use the grinding machine on the tree will be different functionality and ease of operation. To process lumber, you can use the aggregates manufactured by specialized manufacturers and perform such equipment yourself, which will significantly save.

Types of woodworking machines

Currently, there are numerous types of grinding machines that are intended to perform various kinds of works with wood. They differ in their design are intended for domestic and industrial use. You can easily pick up both highly specialized models and universal machines that are designed for complex wood processing.

If necessary, you can make a homemade grinding machine for metal or wood, made on the basis of a drill, a motor from a washing machine or using other equipment.

Disk units

The working surface of the grinding machines for metal and the wood is made in the form of an island metal disk, which is attached to abrasive. Due to its simplicity of design and universality of use, the equipment of this type has received wide popularity in the market today.

Consists of such an electric motor, on the axis of which a circle with a fixed working surface is put on. Abrasive nozzles and grinding paper are attached to the working axis, which allows the processing of wooden billets. Despite the simplicity of design, such machines are distinguished by the universality of use, can perform high-quality wood treatment, giving the billets perfectly even smooth surface.

The advantages of the plane oxyl informative applies:

  • Universality use.
  • Efficiency.
  • Reliability.
  • Easy design.

The feature of the equipment of this type is the ability to adjust the speed of processing wooden blanks without changing the number of revolutions of the working element. When working with such a machine, you can move the workpiece along the radius of the circle, which allows you to change the processing intensity. On the periphery of the disk, the linear speed will be higher, which makes it possible to significantly speed up and simplify wood processing. But inside the circle, where the linear speed is lower, finish grinding with the removal of the finest layer of wood.

Ribbon installations

Ribbon plane grinding machines have two shafts, between which the continuous belt of the emery paper is stretched. Processing of the billets is performed by affecting them sandpaper, which removes a thin chips from wooden blanks, giving them a perfectly smooth surface. The working surface of the plate machines can be vertical and horizontal, while individual models allow you to change the direction of movement of the tape. With the help of such equipment, you can process products of large length, aligning their ends. The simplicity of design allows you to make it yourself a ribbon grinding machine for domestic use.

Drum models

The main purpose of the aggregates of this type is a horizontal alignment using Fuganka. This type of equipment is used mainly in industrial workshops, which is due to the complexity of its design and a narrow specialization of drum aggregates. With the help of grinding drum machines, wooden monotypes with the same thickness are manufactured and processed.

Production of grinding machines

The machines made today in specialized stores manufactured by an industrial method are distinguished by universality to use, functionality and efficiency. Their only drawback is a high cost.Therefore, if necessary, the majority of homeowners are solved for the manufacture of homeow-made equipment, which in its parameters and quality quality is practically not inferior to factory aggregates.

Constructively made with your own hand grinding machines for metal will consist of the following components:

  • Metal or wooden bed.
  • Electrical engine.
  • Lead shaft.
  • Working surface.
  • Grinding tape.

In the manufacture of a drum grinding machine on a tree with their own hands, it is necessary to determine the power of the electromotor used. It is recommended to choose electric motors that develop about 3 kW and capable of maintaining purity of turns of 1,500 per minute. On the basis of such a drive, a functional, durable and reliable grinding machine can be made, which can cope with wood processing. The easiest way is to perform such equipment based on the electric motor from the old washing machine.

The bed of grinders can be made of lumber or metal corner, welded and additionally tabulated plywood. Choose the sizes of the bed must be based on the dimensions of the drive used, as well as the size of the wooden billets being processed on the unit. Performing a box, it is necessary to focus on the existing design documentation, which will make it possible to properly make the carrier base of the machine, which will later be able to withstand significant loads.

The shaft of a labnoclifting manual and automatic machine, which is directly connected to the electric motor, can be pulled out on the lathe or use ready-made blanks from industrial equipment. The shafts of the calibrated drum grinding machine must be located strictly in the middle of the main drive, which is subsequently guarantees high-quality treatment of wooden blanks.

The optimal width of the grinding tape used will be 200 millimeters. It is possible to perform it from the emery, which is cut into the band and the abrasive tape used is already glued in the subsequent. The material should be glued, and on the reverse side, a dense matter is led, which will ensure the strength of the weld performed.

Having made a grinding machine with their own hands, you can significantly simplify the processing of wooden blanks, alignment of boards and lifting chips from lumber. Make such an aggregate with your own hands will not be difficult. On the Internet it will be necessary to choose a diagram-drawing of the machine manufacturing, and using an electric motor from the old washing machine to perform the simplest equipment, which in its functionality and the quality of processing will not give up the technique made by the factory method.

Greetings to crash, in this article we will analyze how you can do a good ribbon grinder of a drill. The design is very simple, everything is made from wood, attachments for making minimal. Power will depend on the power of your drill. The speed of the tape can be configured using turnover regulators on a drill. In general, the machine copes well with its tasks. The disadvantage is the fact that the grinding tape is fixed here, it gluits right on the machine. However, if you use the machine only for coarse work or small grinding, you will not need it. If the project is interested, I propose to consider in more detail how to make the machine!

Materials and tools used by the author:

List of materials:
- drill;
- plywood;
- sandpaper;
- Super glue;
- self-tapping screw;
- two threaded rods and nuts;
- steel corner;
- Sheet steel;
- bolts with nuts for the tensioner;
- screws;
- carpentry glue.

List of tools:
- marker;
- line;
- Lobzik;
- grinding machine (any);
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- Crown for a drill;
- Bearings (4 pieces).

Self-timer manufacturing process:

Step one. Making frame
As a frame, the author used Paneru, you need to cut two racks, the author gives them a neat look using a disk grinding machine. On the one hand, there are slots, they will be needed in order to adjust the position of the slave roller. And on the other end of the racks, the hole is drilled, and the grooves are drilled to install bearings in them.

Racks need to be fastened to the base, which may be plywood or board. Breeping rack using steel corners and screws.

Step second. Installing the driving roller
The presenter roller will rotate on the bearings installed in the racks. The author made the author from plywood, you need to twist a lot of rounds from plywood, and then glue them together. After grinding, we get a great shaft for the grinding machine. As an axis, the author uses a threaded rod.

Step Three. Slave roller
The slave roller is also made of plywood, but bearings are installed directly in it. Thanks to this roller, we will centen and stretch the grinding belt. The tensioner is a threaded rod with nuts. The tensioner is resting in a corner, which is fastened with self-draws to the racks.

Step fourth. Work plane
Next, we will make a stubborn plane on which grinding will occur. It is a piece of plywood, to which the steel sheet is screwed. We screw this plane to the racks.

Pitch fifth. Bracket for drill
In completion, we need to make a drill bracket. There will be a wooden bar, as a result, it should be a clamp, which will fix the drill in the handle setting area. So everyone, clamp the axis of the leading shaft in the drill cartridge and the device is almost collected.

Step six. Grinding tape and testing
The author manufactures the grinding tape directly on the machine by gluing it superclaim. We stretch the tape and turn on the machine. If the tape floats into one of the sides, centen it with the help of tensioners. That's all, the machine is ready. The author can see how the car grinds. The machine without difficulty handles wood, and even metal.

That's all, good luck and creative inspirations, if you decide to repeat. Do not forget to share your homemade with us!

Nowadays, there are no such surfaces that would not be smooth. Smoothness is achieved due to various grinding devices. Professional equipment costs big money and not everyone can purchase it, besides, such machines have a sufficiently high mass and dimensions.

Fortunately, the skillful hands of our country were adapted to make equipment analogues for such a modest budget. The grinding machine also did not stay aside and was upgraded by manual skill. It is with this homemade machine that we will continue to meet.

There is a huge amount of grinding equipment that makes any wood surfaces are very smooth. It is a box on which a special frame is located with an electric motor (the masters of washing machines are used for homemakes) and the mechanism. The mechanism itself, in turn, includes shafts, pulleys and ribbon from abrasive.

Application area

They are used on all industries where wood is treated. Often, any black products have an uneven and rough surface. Such blanks can not be easy to paint and put it on sale or install anywhere. Therefore, for further wood processing, all its surfaces can be grinding.

Grinding machines are also used to handle sophistication and soles, angles rounding. In addition, the grinding tool gives any surface smooth alignment and calibration.

Varieties of a grinding machine on a tree

Depending on the surface being processed, the following types of grinding machines are distinguished:

Ribbon grinding tool

On this equipment, an abrasive tape is used, which is tensioning with two shafts. These shafts are given due to an asynchronous electric motor. Abrasive tape during wood processing does not sane, and rests on the working plane, which has a small friction coefficient. The tape can be located both horizontally and vertically. Plus this equipment is to process long blanks.

Universal grinding unit

In this case, the machine has two workers grinding surfaces. One tape surface, and the other circular (disk). This versatile machine created for the convenience of working on it. By the way, such equipment will significantly save the budget. In such a device, only one engine is used. Based on this, when working on two working surfaces, the load on the motor will not increase much.

Drum grinding tool

In this case, the abrasive tape is wound on two rollers in a spiral image. Under the rollers there is a tabletop with a smooth surface. The gap between the worktop and the rollers is adjusted for the required distance. With the help of such a machine, you can calibrate the surface of the wood blank.

Disk grinding tool

The workspace of this equipment is an abrasive circle. A circle with velcro is fixed on the electric motor axis to which the abrasive is fixed. After starting the motor, the abrasive circle rotates around its axis, thereby grinding. This type of machine has the ability to regulate the processing speed, and the number of axis turns will not decrease.

On each of the four types of machines, you can perform certain operations. Now that we have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow grinding equipment looks like, it is time to disassemble the design of the machine.

In addition to the above machines, there are also portable grinding machines. And this is not all so as not to spend money on the machines, people came up with grinders from drill, from Bulgarian. The fact is that the nozzles are fixed on these tools and the same grinding is carried out.

Tip: If you still have decided to acquire the factory grinding machine, we decide in advance with the works and loads that your device will undergo in advance, and only then make a purchase. The same applies to homemade tools.

Motor Power Calculation

Important! Before creating any self-made brake, performing grinding functions, it is extremely important to correctly calculate the power of the electrical drive. After all, if the power of the motor is weak or vice versa is strong, then no work you can do.

Calculation of power is carried out according to a special formula, which refers to the category of complex mathematical calculations.

The formula looks like this

P \u003d Q * s * (k + k) * u / 1000 * n

Where every designation means the following
  1. q - Means the pressure of the treated wood part on the plane of the abrasive web (N / square centimeter).
  2. k is the index of the injection of the abrasive side of the working surface.
  3. n is the efficiency of the entire system.
  4. K is an indicator of the working plane of the abrasive relative to the part being processed. In priority, the density of the tree and its graininess. The limits of this indicator ranges from 0.2 to 0.6.
  5. S is a portion of the processed part that comes into contact with the abrasive, measured in square centimeters.
  6. U - the speed of rotation of the abrasive, measured in meters per second.

When you calculate the necessary power of the electrical drive of your future unit, you can safely begin to collect the machine as a whole.

It's time to get acquainted with the design of the homemade machine. Blueprints All four types of equipment can be found in free to view access and download, as well as download all sorts photo schemes. As an example, for visual examination, consider the ribbon grinding tool.

Machine design and its scheme

Any assembly of homemade equipment begins with the design of the bed or the founding of the future machine equipment. This can be done with a metal material, or from wood material. The following dimensions of 500 mm x 180 mm are standardly used, while the thickness should be 2 cm.

After making the base, you can move to the following steps. Asynchronous motor can be installed in several places so that its work is full. Prepare a plane on the window itself or make a platform for a motor that will be attached to the end of the bed. The other side of the bed is designed for the location of the shaft, with a strap pulley and rollers for abrasive tape. The tape itself is installed with a slight tilt. This is done in order for the abrasive smoothly and gently in contact with the workpiece-processed plane.

Tip: Before installing the abrasive strip on the rollers, it is necessary to wind on them a thin strip of rubber. This will reduce the slip of the strip during operation.

As we see from the scheme and drawing, the design of grinding equipment is quite simple. All varieties of these machines are collected by the same scheme.

Tip: In the process of assembling your future aggregate for grinding, it is necessary to observe all the necessary sizes, and it is necessary to make the calculation of all parameters it is necessary to be extremely serious.

When the design is familiar to us, you can go to the assembly process.

Grinding machine assembly

For the grinding tool assembly, the following elements will be required:

  1. Wood board.
  2. Wooden bars or metal profile tube.
  3. Ball bearings.
  4. Electric motor.
  5. Rubber belt.
  6. Rubber passion.
  7. Metal pulley.
  8. Self-tapping screws, fasteners.
  9. Abrasive element.
  10. Working tool (drill, Bulgarian, screwdriver, jigsaw, etc.).
  11. Welding machine (if the design of the bed consists entirely of metal).

After we have determined with materials and working tools, you can start assembling all parts and elements into one mechanism. For this, the bed assembly is carried out. It can be metallic (consisting of metal pipes) or from wood (consist of wooden bars and wood massif).

When Stanina is ready

You can proceed to installing the motor. The motor power should be at least 2.5 kW and no more than 3 kW, with the number of engine speed from 1200 to 1500 revolutions per minute. The motor pullee is installed on the motor shaft. The motor is installed on one side of the bed. Often the motors are used from washing Machines used in everyday life.

On the other hand

There is a shaft with bearings, on one side of which pulley is fixed, and on the other side, the abrasive ribbon will be dressed on it. The pulley of the shaft and the engine must be located in the smooth horizontal plane. In the same area there should be a belt tension mechanism.

Next of wood

Or from plywood, or metal is designed by a rack, on which the other rollers and the sandpaper will be placed. There should also be a tension mechanism. In addition, the presence of a working strip, which will produce friction abrasive tape will produce.

On the bed, as a rule, from the end, the launcher is set. The electrical circuit of the machine must be grounded.

After that

How it is done, you can make the first launch and make the equipment setting properly. When the setting is made, the first workpiece is driven and the result of the work is checked. If everything succeeds, it means that you did everything right.

For visual visibility and complete understanding of the entire assembly process, you can download video instructions.

General feedback and summing up

As a rule, on the Internet about this type of equipment only positive feedback. After all, it is true when in everyday life you need to give a single wooden thing a smooth surface, then the presence of grinding tools is indispensable.

Video reviews

Video overview of the self-made grinding machine:

Video overview of the choice of grinding equipment:

Video overview of the belt grinding machine:

Video overview of eccentric grinders:

Electric drill is a universal tool. In addition to the use of direct purpose (drilling holes), it can be used for a variety of types of work. After all, the drill cartridge allows you to clamp not only drills, but also cutters, grinding elements and even wooden blanks for turning. Therefore, from this tool you can make several types of full-fledged homemade machines for processing and making various materials and parts.

Features of applying machines

Working the drill on weight when holding the instrument only with his hands significantly limits its capabilities. The weight of the tool and vibration does not allow rigidly fix the drill in the desired position. But if we think over and construct a special box where it will be stable to attach, then the ordinary manual drill will turn into a professional, almost industrial equipment.

From a drill, you can independently make such types of machines:

  • drilling;
  • turning;
  • milling;
  • grinding.

Moreover, after replacing the working or cutting element, the machines become interchangeable. Provide the function two in one, for example, drilling and milling machine, turning and grinding. It all depends on the conditions of installation and the needs of the owner.

The power of the machines and their capabilities will depend on the type of drill (the power of its electric motor), the attachment method, since it is it that in this case acts as the main working part of the equipment.

Types of machine tools

Despite the homemade assembly, each machine allows you to produce a wide range of details of various complexity and configuration. With the right installation of the unit, it practically will not give up by professional factory counterparts on accuracy and speed.

If high-power drill, designed for long-term uninterrupted operation, then on such a machine it is possible to establish serial production or processing of various elements.

At home, such machines are capable of fully satisfying household needs for the repair of furniture, a car, a bicycle and many other things of everyday everyday. They will help to implement many design decisions without the need to contact profile workshops.

Each type of machine provides for the performance of different works and has its own characteristics.


The drilling machine is necessary for forming holes in various surfaces - both flat and multifaceted elements made of wood, metal, plastic, glass. The diameter of the opening and the material of the part is determined by the type of the used cutting element - drill.

The principle of the unit is based on the fact that the mechanism that ensures the torque of the cutting element (in our case - drill) is located directly perpendicular to the surface being processed on a special bed - fixed on the spindle rack. When lowering the spindle, the drill is included in the surface and makes a hole in it.

The main advantage of working on the machine before manual processing - the hole is obtained more accurate. The attached drill can be clearly focused and send to the right place.

You can consolidate a drill on an additional longitudinal bar placed perpendicular to the omitting / raising spindle on its housing - this will allow you to move the fixed tool not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal direction.


The processing of parts on the turning machine occurs due to the rapid turnover of the workpiece around its axis, which are provided by the spindle rotating from the electric motor, in this case, this is a drill cartridge. The cutting element is applied manually from the side, perpendicular to the rotating workpiece, or penetrates inside, depending on the type of work performed.

The lathe is used for the inner and outdoor treatment of metal, wooden or plastic parts:

  • thread cutting;
  • screw-cutters;
  • trimming and processing of the ends;
  • coinening;
  • deployment;
  • boring.

The billet is clamped in the machine between providing torque element (nozzle in a drill cartridge) and a presser guide bush. The clamping sleeve is placed on special seasons, and fixed in the desired position with a nut. From the length of the polozov will depend on the size of the workpiece that can be installed in the unit.

In this case, during the independent manufacture of the machine, the length of the polozov is determined individually at the desires and needs of the owner.

The drill is fixed in the window "tightly".


The milling machine is used to process metal and wooden blanks with a cutter - tools with special cutters, teeth. During operation, the cutter, turning around its axis, is removed from the workpiece part of the outer layer, giving it the necessary form.

With the help of cutters produce sharpening and other works:

  • cutting;
  • sharpening;
  • torching;
  • zenkering;
  • scan;
  • cutting threads;
  • production of gear wheels.

In the case of a self-made mini-unit, the milling nozzle is clamped into the cartridge drill fixed on the bed. The billet is applied manually or also fixed in a special clamping device.


With the help of a grinding machine, it makes stripping of various surfaces, making them smooth. Also, grinding helps to change the shape of the workpiece, to give it the desired design form, for example, in the woodworking version of the equipment.

As a grinding element, as a rule, sandpaper. A special nozzle is clamped into the drill cartridge, which has a rough surface - grinding.

There are nozzles providing for the replacement of the grinding material - the sandpaper sheet is fixed on their flat working surface using special "lipochki" located on the back side.

The grinding process is made due to the processing of the workpiece rotating in the cartridge drill the nozzle with a grinding coating. Thanks to the abrasive spraying on sandpaper, it removes part of its surface from the processed blank.

In the manufacture of the machine, the drill is clamped and fixed in the bed in one position, and the billet is applied manually.

As a stop for the workpiece, an additional stand can be used - for convenience it, as well as in the case of a lathe, can be placed on the clamges.

Necessary materials and tools

Creating a torque by an element, and according to the main working part in each form of the machine, the drill is. Type of processing will be more dependent on the nozzle installed in its cartridge. Therefore, they will need identical materials for their assembly.

To assemble the lathe, grinding machine:

  • rectangular metallic or wooden base, bed;
  • clamping sleeve;
  • clamping grandmother, which will be attached to the cartridge drill;
  • clamping for pressure sleeve;
  • planting place for fixing a drill.

Materials for the assembly of drilling, milling machine:

  • square bed;
  • the metal rack on which the spindle with a fixed drill will move;
  • spring corresponding to the rack dimer;
  • table for the workpiece;
  • pin for fastening the table.

From the tools you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • hacksaw on wood or metal;
  • fasteners - bolts, self-tapping screws, nuts;
  • welding machine.

If a metal machine is planned to be made, then the presence of a welding machine will be a prerequisite. Since the machine is designed more for home use, its drawings and the size of the components of the elements are established individually.

Production algorithm

Considering that by type of processing, home machines will be interchangeable, and a decisive role will play the nozzle installed in the drill, consider the two main options of homemade units - horizontal and vertical.

The order of assembling vertical machine is as follows.

  • Cut out of a piece of metal or wood square base 50 to 50 cm, thickness from 10 to 20 mm.
  • Exactly in the center at a distance of 1-2 cm from the edge, drill a hole for mounting the rack in it. The diameter of the rack must be at least 5 cm.
  • Install the rack, select it using a level and weld the welding electrode. If a wooden machine and a wooden stand will be made, it is hard to fix it with self-draws.
  • Drill using metal clamps to fix on the moving element, which will be put on the rack, forming the omitting / rising spindle.

  • Put the spring on the rack. Its length should be at least 2/3 racks.
  • By putting a drill on a rack, mark the place where the drill will fall when the spindle is lowered.
  • Accordingly, this place is cut into the cross-cross-time cross-through hollows.
  • In the hollow on the thread pin, a table is installed on which the billet will be attached. From the bottom side, the nut is screwed onto the pin, it will fix the table in the desired position. From the outside, you can also attach a table to the pin to the pin, drowned it into the surface of the table, so that it does not interfere with the laying of blanks.
  • It is important that after fixing the nuthouse, the length of the outer part of the pin was flush with the upper surface of the table.

The workpiece is stacked on the table (if necessary, fixed by clamps) and moves in the desired direction in the descent. The drill is descended manually, rises back due to spring. To convert the machine into a milling or grinding machine, it is sufficient to replace the drill with the corresponding nozzle - cutter or grinding.

The horizontal machine assembly algorithm looks like this.

  • Cut a rectangular bed - dimensions are determined individually.
  • On one edge, fasten the seat for a drill with a hollow in the top of the appropriate tool sizes.
  • Fix on it drill a clamp.
  • Along the bed cut through a hollow for the pin, and on the edges, install two metal corners, which will move the presser sleeve.
  • The width of the clamping sleeve must accurately correspond to the distance between the guide corners (by clauses). A thread pin is screwed into it from below, which will move in a hollow.
  • Moving the sleeve close to the cartridge drill, determine the place where a special grandmother will be installed for fixing the blanks.
  • Attach a grandmother with a metal cone-shaped pine placed in the center.
  • The bushing is fixed in the desired position (for the clips of the workpiece) with a nut, screwed down on the pin.