How to glue phlizelin wallpapers: detailed briefing for a novice wizard. How to glue fliesline wallpaper: meter, the right blowing with your own hands, video, pasting walls, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo how to stick phlizelin wallpaper with pictures

If you ever had to glue the wallpaper with your own hands, it is quite possible that you cursed everything in the world: and heavy panels, and too thick or very liquid glue, and uneven angles in the room, and themselves, for the fact that they glued up the cloth legs. And if you now have a thought about repairing your own hands, read how to punish the fliesline wallpaper, since prices for warehousing services of masters are comparable with the price of the material itself.

With proper blowing, fliesline wallpaper will retain an attractive appearance longer

Features of fliselin wallpaper

Despite the fact that the phlizelin wallpaper is not much different in appearance from other types of wallpaper, it is not quite a common material. The decorative layer of vinyl in them is not immediately on paper, but on the phlizelin, which is glued to a paper basis. Fliselin is nonwoven material obtained by pressing fibers. It has an amorphous structure, so retains high stability in all directions. This greatly simplifies work with the material. The mass of the canvases is also reduced, so the phlizelinic wallpaper is usually width, which is twice as much as the width of conventional cloths - 1 m 6 cm.

Wallpaper with Flizelin is often unpainted, which gives additional opportunities for the flight of designer thought and creating a unique interior. If you want not only to punish fliesline wallpapers yourself, but also decorate their paint, better consult with experienced masters. After all, not every paint is suitable for such wallpapers. In addition, there is a multi-layered decorative coating and the painting of individual elements manually.

Designers offer very unusual options for fliseline wallpaper for every taste.

Preparation of the surface for pasting fliesline wallpaper is the same as for other species. Walls must be clean, spacious, primed. Only small scratches on the surface are allowed. But there is one trick: so that when painting fliesline wallpaper, there is no paint in several layers, it is better to apply the last layer of primer. But, unfortunately, the melted primer, and even the right color, sometimes it is difficult to find in our stores of building materials. Therefore, prepare it yourself. Just divert a little paint in the primer, which you will paint the walls after salabing. The primer is applied with a roller after the last grinding.

How to break the fliesline wallpaper: preparation for work

A standard set of tools will be required - the same to work with any type of wallpaper. This is a pencil, a roulette, a knife for wallpaper blades to it, a water or laser level, a wallpaper line, a stepladder, rollers rubber for the canvas and joints, a sponge and dry rags (and the gauze), two tanks for glue.

Wallpapers are glued on dry and clean, pre-prepared, walls

Works start from the window, gradually moving deep into the room. The edge of the first strip must be placed in the level. But it is not necessary to carry out a solid pencil line! The fact is that phlizelin wallpaper is very sensitive to pollution, and this line will be shifted, even through several layers of paint. Marking should be done only by a very thin dotted line.

Divide the glue by following instructions on the package. Use a special composition for fliesline wallpaper. It differs from other types of glue with oiliness and drig, so long does not absorb on the base. The glue should be applied onto the wall, and not on the wallpaper canvas. Many, not asked how to properly glue phlizelin wallpaper, make it in the traditional way: woven cloth with adhesive composition. In this case, after drying wallpaper, glue is tightened between the canvas, so the slots are formed from 2 to 5 mm wide. Remember: when the walls are pasting with fliesline wallpaper, glue is applied only to the wall surface!

The glue composition is applied to the walls, and not on the wallpaper

The glue composition is applied onto the walls in the usual way using a roller and brushes (in the corners). So it turns out neatly and quickly. To avoid glue to the surface of the previously pasted strip, apply it wider than a strip, about 10 cm.

Punches of sticking and painting wallpapers on a fliesline basis

Do not cut the rolls on the strips. Even if there is a drawing on them, you can adjust wallpapers at the place. But most often, flieslinic wallpaper do not require fitting. Therefore, unpacking the roll and glue the cloth to the wall can be immediately after applying glue, having previously determined where the top, and where the bottom. Make a launch of at least 5-7 cm on the ceiling, and then cut wallpaper exactly on the plinth. Looking at the top is needed in order to compensate the bias of the ceiling. You can reduce the stock to 2 cm if you know your ceilings are more or less smooth. Immediately after sticking the band cuts the reserve with a sharp knife along the wallpaper line. The surplus of the adhesive composition is removed with a wet and clean sponge, and the next strip is pasted with a jack.

Flizelin wallpaper can be painted, getting original and unusual visual effects

You can stick the web is not perpendicular, but parallel to the floor. This will avoid vertical seams that are familiar with a person who has entered the room wounded by wallpaper. Sticking of wobbly canvas horizontally creates the illusion of perfect walls.

Color fliesline wallpaper not earlier than two days after sticking. There are many ways to create additional effects that emphasize the wallpaper texture, there are some of their elements. But it is important to understand that special paints exist for flieslin wallpaper, and they are not suiced. Create a stylish interior with cheap paint that is not intended for fliseline wallpaper is simply impossible.

You can combine various types of wallpapers and decorate them with multi-colored paints. And you can use one paint, but to apply it in different ways. Below are unusual methods of staining.

Creating a decorative coating

In addition to the traditional technology of staining wallpaper (using roller and brushes in the corners) there are several non-standard methods.

When painting phliselin wallpaper, it is better to use a foam roller

First, the wallpaper can be painted latex paint on the back side before gluing the canvas to the wall. Fliselin base will change its color, and the relief of the foamed vinyl will be beautifully highlighted on this background.

Secondly, as already mentioned above, you can apply paint on the walls, and, waiting for drying, glove the wallpaper canvas. In this case, the color will be slightly shining through the foundation.

Thirdly, the relief of the plated wallpaper can be separated by a rigid rubber roller without a pile. Drive around the canvas almost without push, so that the deepening is not filled with paint.

Fourthly, you can conduct primary staining in the traditional way (soft roller), and to finish the relief to use paint of another color.

Video Master Class: How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper

No matter how well I did not look at the wallpaper in a roll, their place is in the room decoration, so it will have to learn how to glue the vinyl wallpaper on the phlizelin basis.

But you should not be afraid - it's very simple to work with these wallpaper. Despite the relatively high cost, these wallpapers not only use stable demand, but also rapidly gain popularity.

The explanations of this set - there are among them and the "novelty effect" - the material has appeared on the market relatively recently, but also objective factors are also present - the quality of the coating quite corresponds to the price.

Helpful information:

Pros and cons of the combination of Vinyl Plus Flizelin

Formally, these wallpapers are not consisting of two, and from three layers - the flizelin base brings two layers - opaque, designed to hide the color irregularity of the walls and decorative vinyl ().

A huge variety of textures (including other materials imitating) and drawings of such wallpapers allows you to implement rather courageous design solutions.

One of the main advantages of using the fliseline base is rightfully considered to be the ease of sticking. Although from a practical point of view, wallpapers have a lot of other advantages:

  • density and elasticity - it allows the wallpaper to hide the defects of the walls of the walls, up to small cracks;
  • gap strength;
  • resistance to abrasion and fading;
  • durability;
  • do not create problems when leaving - admissible both dry and wet cleaning;
  • high level of noise absorption;
  • the absence of deformations - wallpaper are not inclined to stretch and sit under the influence of moisture.

More often for sale meter long - in this article.

Does such a finishing disadvantages? The main negative moment is associated with the probability of obtaining a steamproof, and sometimes highlighting harmful substances with the surface of the walls.

However, this single lack of vinyl wallpaper can be practically reduced, not forgetting to regularly ventilate the room.

Preparation of materials and tools

So, a very pleasant stage - the choice and acquisition of wallpapers is completed. What else do you need to bring the idea of \u200b\u200bthe room finishing?

First, it will take special glue. It is desirable that it be precisely for flizelin-based coatings (Flizelin Premium, Special Flizelin).

And secondly, you should take care that at the right moment at hand turned out to be:

  • malyary roller and a flat brush (you can several brushes of different sizes) - for applying glue;
  • rubber roller and wallpaper spatula - to smooth wallpaper;
  • a bucket of at least 10 liters - for the preparation of adhesive mortar;
  • scissors and construction knife;
  • plumb;
  • several soft rags and sponges.

If the wallpaper has a regular pattern and there is a need to combine the adjacent layers, then for the cutting, you can use the table of suitable size, and you can cut and adjust the wallpaper directly on the floor, of course, with confidence in its purity.

Room pasting - Main stages

And now it's time to make sure of practice, how to just glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis (compared to paper, for example). After making the decision to do it with your own hands, the algorithm should be adhered to:

Step 1 - Preparation of walls under pasting

Not the most "clean", but an easy stage, including simple actions:

  • , Plasters and wallpapers. Additional tools and means may need: drill, hammer, special fluids for removal of wallpaper;
  • removing wall switches and sockets;
  • primer. Performs a lot of tasks: alignment and lightening of the color of the wall, giving the strength of putty (if they were applied), antifungal treatment of the wall. For phlizelin wallpaper, they can be used as a soil of their "native" glue, prepare a solution of weak consistency.

Alignment of the purified surface. Wallpapers on a fliesline basis are able to smooth out irregularities, but if there is a serious difference of heights of more than 1 cm ,. If there are few irregularities, you can choose a more expensive and easy-to-use polymer putty;

Step 2 - wall markup and wallpaper cutting

It is necessary to place the walls in any case, but it is not always necessary to cut wallpaper in advance:

  • designation on the wall of the original point. Start pasting from the edge of the window opening, it should be a vertical line using a plumb;
  • cutting wallpaper wallpaper. For this, the height of the walls is measured, 10 cm of stock is added to the obtained value. Just such a length and should be each cut piece of wallpaper;
  • combining drawing. If the details of the figure must be combined, then you first need to cut off a piece from one roll, and then select "pair" from another. This will avoid unnecessary consumption of material.

Good news for those who have prodled the chaotic texture wallpaper, without an orderly drawing: they can do without a preliminary cutting, gluing wallpaper straight from the roll - the strength and elasticity of this type of wallpaper create conditions for such a pasting method. A small scab is made on the ceiling, which is later trimmed with a knife, and the wallpaper is cut below the plinth or on it.

Step 3 - Creating Finish Coating

Directly work with wallpaper and glue:

  • preparation of adhesive composition. The purchased finished mixture is divorced by water in accordance with the instructions. Important moment - if it is not necessary to withstand the proportions, or do not want, it is preferable to make a mortar, i.e. put more powder, it will only improve adhesive properties;
  • applying glue. Flizelin base of wallpaper allows you to make this stage as simple as possible - the adhesive is simply applied with a roller on the wall, it is not necessary to cover the wallpaper;
  • print first sheet. Regardless of whether the wallpaper is pasted with a separate piece or straight from the roll, you need to combine the vertical edge of the wallpaper with the starting line line. Begin to glue from top to bottom, it is convenient to work with an assistant that will maintain a heavy cloth. Smoothing the roller or spatula from the center to the edge of the canvas, squeezing the air and excess glue, it will allow you to get a wall without bubbles;
  • combining and sticking the second and subsequent sheets. All sheets after the first are sticking to the previous one (with an approximate overlay, a gap of up to 1 mm is possible, which will disappear when smoothing), is not needed here. The joints of the joints are stroked the roller, the excess glue is better to remove as quickly as possible with a wet cloth or sponge.

In the process of applying glue, it is important not to rush, do not save the solution and cover them only that section of the wall, where the wallpaper will be placed right now. If it is not possible to stick exactly the first time, the wallpaper can be removed and placed again without deteriorating the quality of the coating obtained.

As you can see, glue this wallpaper correctly quite simple. However, in any room, in addition to smooth walls there are such "obstacles" as corners, plinths, radiators and electrical outlets.

To miss glue of hard-to-reach places, you can use a small brush.

To stick the wallpapers in the corners, it is better to start, to acquire at least some experience, well, if it is not, then at least reading the following recommendations carefully:

  1. If the walls in the room are quite smooth, and the angle is located so that attracts attention, then the canvas are placed without adhesion. To do this, the piece of wallpapers, which is glued first, starts the corner with a margin of 2 cm. The next simply combines the joint of the joint.
  2. If the walls and angles do not allow the Wallpaper to lie immaculately, you can glue the first layer in the same way as an option 1. Since the angle is uneven, then the intake will be different. Wherever he is the narrowest, it is necessary to retreat from the edge of the wallpaper in the direction of an angle by 1 cm. From this point, measure the value from the angle equal to the width of the roll. Here to spend along the level of the vertical line, it will be the edge of the next layer of wallpaper. Thus, the backstage is formed about 1 cm.
  3. It is possible to glue the wallpaper in the corners using such a common and fairly efficient method as a double cutting (cutting) of angle. For this, the stripes adjacent to the corner are glued alternately with a large overlap - up to 5 cm. Wallpapers carefully "imprinted" into the angle. Then use a rigid profile (ruler or rail) located in the center of the corner, in order to cut the wallpaper. After trimming, the excess is removed, and the edges of the wallpaper are lubricated with glue and stroke the rubber roller.

But what about the sockets? It is advisable to disable them (like switches) and remove them at the time of the pasting time.

The question of how to break the flieslinic wallpaper gets up, as a rule, when the wallpaper is already selected, their color and drawing are arranged, and how to perform the finishing of the room with their use, not quite understandable.

Fliseline wallpaper is a decorative material that serves to cover smooth enclosing structures (walls, ceiling), which includes fliseline.

Fliselin is a canvas manufactured from compressed cellulose fibers with special additives.

Flizelin wallpaper are two types, it is:

  • Made completely from flasnelin, while the inner layers are smooth, and the outdoor is embossed.
  • Consisting of two layers, outdoor - decorative (paper, textile) and bases manufactured using fliseline.

Distinctive features of phlizelin wallpaper


  • Durable, resistant to external mechanical influences.
  • May be stained several times over the period of use (up to seven times).
  • Removal, if necessary, is performed quite easily.
  • The low flow of adhesive solution due to the fact that glue is covered only the surface to which wallpaper is glued.
  • Able to pass through themselves air and water, with the exception of models made with coating (outer layer) vinyl compositions.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  • They are environmentally friendly, do not contain toxic substances in their composition.
  • Universality, allowing to use on surfaces made of various materials (plasterboard, concrete, wood, plywood, chipboard, etc.).


  • Relatively high cost, in comparison with paper counterparts.
  • Low indicators for sound absorption and thermal insulation.

In order to avoid errors when finishing the surfaces of various types, when using flieslinic wallpaper, it is necessary to remember that:

  1. For stickers, only special glue should be used for this type of wallpaper and in accordance with the instructions for its use.
  2. The surface on which the wallpaper will be labeled should be prepared accordingly (homogeneous color, prospaplev, processed by primer).
  3. Wallpapers must be tested for marriage.

Preparatory work

All work using wallpaper of this type, it is necessary to start with the preparation of materials and the surface on which they will be pasted. Such work can be divided into several stages, this is:

  • Calculation of the number of rolls.

In order to determine the number of required rolls, it is necessary to calculate the area, which will be bold and determine the proportionality of this value with one roll area.

Type wallpaper rolls are manufactured 1.06 meters wide and standard length - 10.0 / 12.5 / 25.0 meters.

Knowing the number of meters in the roll and the height of the room, you can determine the number of strips required for pasting. And knowing the number of strips, the area of \u200b\u200bone strip and the total area is to calculate the need for rolls.

  • Selection of glue.

The glue used for pasting should be intended for fliseline wallpaper, which should be indicated in the instructions for its use.

When choosing a glue brand, you must pay attention to the reliability and brand of the manufacturer, for which surfaces it is intended and what expense per unit area.

  • Preparation of the surface.

The surface must be cleaned from previously plated wallpaper or other finishing materials, after which the spike of chipping and cracks is performed. If there are significant irregularities - plastering is performed.

With a partial putty surface, spots of various origin (fat, oil, etc.) are removed, after which the wiring products (sockets, switches) and other structural elements (plinths, platbands, etc.) are dismantled. After the surface is equalized, the structural elements and electrical devices are dismantled, the surface primer is performed, for which special solutions are used for a particular type of surface material (wood, concrete, plaster, etc.).


Prior to the start of work, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the instructions, how to glue phlizelin wallpaper. Here are the basic rules that need to follow:

  • The glued first strip is the key to the success of the entire work performed.
  • To resurinate the pasteable bands, a rubber spatula or roller is used, for smooth and corrugated surfaces, respectively.
  • The stripes stick to each other, without adhesion.
  • The joints of the joints are perfectly carefully, through them the excess glue from the entire surface of the glued strip is removed.
  • Waste Cup is used to remove glue excess.

Works on the surface of the surface flaslin wallpaper are performed in the following sequence:

  • Preparing glue

Preparation is performed in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of a specific glue brand. The main condition for successful use is the absence of lumps in the prepared composition.

  • Cutting wallpaper.

The size of the cut strip must correspond to the height of the room, if they are glued onto the wall, or other geometric sizes - when pasting other enclosing structures.

The length of the strip must be somewhat larger than the height of the room (other size), in order to take into account the irregularities on the conjugate elements of the design. This stock is 1.5 - 2.5 centimeters.

If the wallpaper has a certain pattern, requiring the alignment of the strips, then it is necessary, when performing cutting strips, take into account this pairing. To do this, after cutting the first strip, markup and cutting of the second, in accordance with the created pattern, are performed.

The docking of the first and second strips (markup) is performed on the floor, the subsequent stripes are also placed in the same way.

  • Wall markup is performed.

Marking is done for the first strip, so that it is located strictly in the vertical plane. To do this, use a plumb or other construction tool, as well as a pencil or a drawer, by means of which the vertical is placed (when the walls) is placed or another plane for other surfaces.

  • Sticking the first strip.

A prepared adhesive is applied to the prepared and marked surface, for which paint brushes or rollers are used.

The width of the wall area to which glue is applied, should be somewhat larger than the width of the wallpaper.

When the glue is applied, the band is taken, for its top edge, after it is pressed to the surface of it.

When docking the wallpaper strip and walls, it is necessary to monitor the applied markup (location in the vertical plane).

The band is necessary to firmly press, after which movements from the center down and to the parties, perform smoothing and sizing this element.

  • Sticker second and subsequent strips.

Adhesive adhesive to the sealed surface is similar as for the first strip. The second strip takes and connects to the first jack in order to create the desired drawing. Surverating the surface is also performed as with the sticker of the first strip.

Works on the sticker of the following strips are performed in a similar way.

Features of performance

For fabrics of wallpapers on surfaces other than the smooth, as well as in hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations, thanks to which the quality of the work performed will comply with the requirements.

Trimming wallpapers under the baguette

If there is a baguette, in the walls of the wall surface and the ceiling, the upper part of the wallpaper strip is somewhat pressed (as it is possible) into the place of their docking, for which you can use the spatula handle by spending it along this line.

This line will determine the place of the wallpaper cut.

The stock left when cutting stripes will ensure the correct, without voids, coating the surface of the surface.

Trimming is performed by scissors or stationery knife.

Casting corners

If the angles are smooth, then pasting, as a rule, is carried out in half, i.e. The middle of the strip is placed in the center of the corner, and its parties are on the conjugate walls.

If the angles are not even, then the docking of the bands stressed on different walls is carried out, while each of these bands is pasted with some allowance, so that there was a small backstage between them.

The greater the deviation of the angle from the correct form, the greater the allowance must be ensured.

Battery Packers

Wall pastries located behind the battery, the most difficult stage of work.

Casting can be performed by dismantling the battery, but it is associated with technical difficulties associated with the disconnection of the heating system, therefore, as a rule, the salary is performed without disassembling it.

In this case, the available places arranged around the battery are inhabited. Then the band is cut, to place the battery, it makes cutouts that correspond to the installation places of the battery mounting elements to the wall surface.

The prepared band is flawed with glue, after which it is starting behind the battery and carries out to the wall.

For spinning and clamping, existing items are used (stick, brush with a long handle, etc.).

Flaslinic wallpaper is a modern finishing material that appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to firmly take a place among other materials of this group. The reason for this was the high operational indicators and a variety of color solutions.

The acclaiming technique involves the use of generally accepted norms and rules. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of flieslinic finishing materials. They are wider than paper, and differ greater mass. All you need to know that Flizelin does not swear, and the pattern was saved, it is:

  • Before pasting the walls you need to put shit (if the panels are uneven) and rejuvenial.
  • Figure direction is indicated on the package using special characters.
  • The fitting pattern across the edges is performed in accordance with the directions (straight - all bands are glued in one direction; reversible - in the opposite).
  • Fliseline fragments are pressed against the wall from top to bottom, smoothed by a dry cloth, butts rolled with a special rubber roller.
  • Glue need to smear on the wall. Fliselin allows you to not apply it to the opposite side of the base of the canvas.
  • The technology implies glipping without seams (butt into the joint, without adhesion).

The temperature in the building during drying should be constant. The large weight of flieslinic finishing materials requires that the glue has appropriate delicate and viscosity. Wallpapers are not frozen if after sticking the surface to smooth down with rollers or clean rags.

What wallpaper glue is better to choose for fliesline wallpaper?

As the basis of wallpaper, paper is used, which allows the use of starch-containing compositions. You can glue with PVA or specialized mixtures. If there are polymer components in their composition, then such wallpaper can be glued at drywall or a plug. Mixtures that will include antibacterial additives are sold, which will not give the opportunity to appear mold and fungus.

This problem is solved by primer. Before glue, you need to take into account the thickness, size and weight of the strips. If we are talking about massive flieslinic wallpaper, then when weakly use a thick (viscous) solution. Light can be glued to liquid. If the wall surface has not covered sinks, glue has adhesive having increased density. The preparation formulation is indicated in the instructions for use.

What instruments need?

Prepare should be prepared in advance. The inventory and tool will be required. Before starting work with fliesline materials, you need to think about what glue glue, and that you need it. The process cannot be completed successfully without:

  • wide brushes or rollers for applying adhesive composition;
  • wallpaper knives and a wide spatula for cutting the ends of the strips;
  • special equipment (electronic levels, construction plumbers or levels);
  • capacities for the preparation of glue;
  • clean dry vet to smooth the surface of the wallpaper;
  • stationery scissors;
  • narrow rubber rollers for rolling seams (joints);
  • pencils or ballpoint handles for applying.

All of the above should be available. The list does not indicate the tools necessary for preparatory work.

Proper preparing for sticking

General requirements say that before glue phlizelin wallpaper, it is necessary:

  1. Wash the floor, and even better to lay Cherofan on him. It will save time cleaning.
  2. All electrical wiring outputs are isolated.
  3. Removing the covers of sockets and switches, the room is de-energized.
  4. If natural lighting in the room is not enough, "glasses" with socket connectors and swap with paint scotch, which is then deleted.

All necessary inventory should be working, clean, and better than new.

How to make glue?

Cooking is best done immediately before glue fliseline wallpaper. Bands of the required length are cut in advance. A dry granular mixture is poured into dry container. Then it is poured by the necessary amount of water. At the same time, it is necessary to continuously stirring the resulting mass until the pellets is completely dissolved, which monitors the consistency.

IMPORTANT! The recipe indicated on the packaging of the wallpaper glue is designed for the entire bundle, and it is impractical in advance to breed the glue. Over time, he is thick. The optimal amount is 4-5 bands.

Surface preparation

Flizelin wallpaper can be glued to:

  • concrete panels;
  • plastered brick walls;
  • fanur or OSB;
  • plasterboard or other prepared surface.

Laminated surfaces of the chipboard will not fit, since the glue does not absorb such a surface, and there will be no sufficient adhesion with phlizelin elements. It is important to remove the residues of the previous coating:

  • paints;
  • decorative plaster;
  • dry plaster;
  • lime blots;
  • old wallpaper.

The surface is cleaned of dirt, oily stains and dust, aligned (plastered) and ground. Only after that you can begin to glue phlizelin wallpaper.

Algorithm of sticking on the walls with their own hands

First glue, the wall is missing. The width of the treated surface is larger than the width of the roll. It is necessary to lubricate with a special soft roller or a wide thick brush. Preparing stripes, take into account the need to customize the pattern. Glue phlizelin wallpaper need a joint into the joint.

Step 1: Wall Marking and Marking

The width of the roll is measured from the window, and the vertical band is carried out in terms of or plundering. This is a landmark so that fragments and joints are smooth. Having placed the wall along the entire length, you can determine the required number of solid bands that should be chopped in advance.

Stage 2: Wallpaper Preparation

If phlizelin wallpaper is glued without a pattern matching, the fragments are cut down with a small reserve in length (5-7 cm more ceiling height). When it is required to fit the pattern, the reserve is made large by the value indicated on the packaging of flieslinic wallpapers opposite the corresponding symbol.

Stage 3: Print

The pasting process starts from the window. Applying fragments, it is necessary to ensure that they are vertical. To do this, put markup on the wall.

When sticking phlizelin wallpaper, glue covers only the wall. If the canvas are heavy (with vinyl coating) it may be necessary to apply glue and on the wall, and on the wallpaper.

Rolling the roller or smoothing with a cloth, press the middle of the strip over the entire length, pre-deployed the wallpaper.

The residues of the air and the excess glue are driven away from the axis to the edges, which are rolled with a narrow special roller for dense clutch. Adopt should not be.

Stage 4: Finishing

All protruding parts of the fragment are trimmed with a wallpaper knife. So that the slice is smooth, a wide metal spatula is applied to the cut line. At the bottom, you can leave the wallpaper as it is, since the plinth, hiding defects, is installed after sticking.

How to glue in problem places?

These places include:

  • internal and outer angles;
  • erkers, Arches;
  • plots over door and window openings;
  • sleeping behind batteries, etc.

To glue phlizelin wallpaper in these places, you need to prepare elements suitable in advance and sizes.

In the photo scheme of kneading wallpaper around sockets and switches:

In the photo of the shocking of the wallpaper behind the radiator:

Features of adhesive meter wallpaper

There are several factors characteristic of flieslinic wallpaper width single meter:

  • The glue is applied only on the wall.
  • If errors are made, you can remove the freshly canvas, and glue it again.
  • One work is difficult.
  • Flizelin allows you to fit the joints by the method of smoothing.

Step by step guide to the ceiling

The process has a number of features. The stripes are stacked in the width of the room from the window to the door. The complexity can cause the seat of the chandelier, but it can be solved.

Video instruction

For clarity before glue phlizelin wallpaper, it is recommended to watch video. Where told about all technological nuances of the process.

How much do flieslinic wallpaper dry?

It all depends on the temperature in the room. What it is higher, the longer it takes time to complete drying. It is usually 6-10 hours. At this time there should be no drafts in the room.

The pasting procedure is simple, and can be carried out independently, without the involvement of a professional construction brigade. Flizelin wallpapers are ready for painting, which is a certain plus. The only thing you need for quality repairs is accuracy and the above instructions.