How to mount door handles. Installation of various types of door handles with their own hands

This article will help you figure out how to embed a handle-latch in the door canvas. Adhering to the work algorithm described in the article, you can easily do this operation yourself, with a minimum set of tools and very quickly.

No door can do without a handle. The most popular type of handles for interior doors today is a handle-latch.

The design of the handles of this type is such that, regardless of the appearance, all of them are installed in the door canvas equally. About how to do it with your own hands, will be told in this article.

Stage knob design

Handle itself, that is, the visible part of it may look completely different. So:

or like this:

All these handles are latches consist, in fact, from two parts - the handle itself:

and latch mechanism:

Both parts of the handle-latch require a separate junction in the door leaf.

Handles-sets are without a retainer - the door with such handles is not locked from the inside, with the retainer - an additional swivel mechanism installed on the handle and allowing you to lock the door from the inside, and the key - on one side of the handle of the subject turning turnkey, allowing you to lock the door outside, with another lock . All pens have constructive differences, in no way affecting the routing process. The inner part (latch) is as the same, that is, it is embarrassed equally for all types of handles-latches.

So, proceed.

Required tool

To make it easier to facilitate the process of installing a snatch handle, you will need:

  1. Manual drill or screwdriver.
  2. Crown on a tree with a diameter of 50 mm.
  3. Tree drill with a diameter of 23-24 mm.
  4. Chisel.
  5. A hammer.
  6. Pencil.

The crown and drill can be purchased separately, and it is possible in the form of a set, which is called "Kit for the cut-batch knobs".

Install the handle-latch

1. The installation process is starting with applying on the door canvase under drilling. Markup scheme, as a rule, comes with a handle.

If there are no schemes, you can post manually. To do this, put a mark at a distance of 60 mm from the edge of the door.

2. On the side edge of the door on the axial laying line, place the center under drilling.

3. With the help of the chisels, we squeeze the three-millimeter recess under the front plate of the latch. The center makes sense to pre-mark the sewer so that it does not have to post it again.

4. Drive up with a crown with a diameter of 50 mm through a hole. It is better to do it from two sides of the door to avoid damage to the door cover at the outlet of the crown when drilling.

5. As a result, we get such a hole:

6. Go to the side edge. Tree drill with a diameter of 23-24 mm in the marked center drills the hole under the latch. It is not necessary to make it too deep, otherwise you risk drill the door to Fillycast.

7. We already get two holes.

8. In the side opening, we set the latch and brought it by self-drawing.

9. Remove the top of the handle. For this we are looking for a hole on the side.

With the help of the key or any other thin flat item:

press inside the hole tongue:

and remove the handle itself:

10. Remove the decorative lining and, thereby opening the fasteners.

11. Insert the outer half of the handle.

12. Insert internal halves. We are tightened by both screws that are coming in the kit.

13. Wear a decorative lining and handle housing. Do not forget to press the inner tongue by the key.

14. With a closed door, we mark the place of touching the tongue of the door jamatic latch, after which they hollow out in the resulting place to deepen under the tongue of the latch.

15. Insert decorative plastic pockets.

16. We screw the metal lining.

17. The handle is installed.

If there is no drill, then all the holes can be done with the help of a suitable chisel, however, in this case, the installation of the handle will require more serious repair and construction skills and may be an unbearable task for an unprepared person.

The most hotly beloved and common handles for interior doors are the knobs of the "Knob" system. The popularity of this model is quite simple to explain. They are the cheapest and unpretentious. A budget option. Installing these handles is simple, especially if it takes care of the presence of the necessary tools. You will need: a crown on a tree with a diameter of 51 or 54mm, a penny drill on 24mm, a screwdriver or screwdriver, a drill, a pencil, hammer and a chisel or a manual milling mill.

We begin with markup. Height of the handle over the floor 95-100cm to your taste. We celebrate six centimeters from the edge of the door at the desired height.

Take the crown and drill a hole. The photo shows the bosch crown, the price along with the holder about 1200 rubles. If the crown is needed for domestic use by one two times, there are cheap options for 100-200 rubles.

Hole is ready for a handle.

In the drilled hole insert the latch and discovered along the contour.

With the help of the chisels or manual milling, we make a sample of the desired depth.

Insert the latch to the finished sample and screw the screws. Do not forget to leave the hole under the screw with the drill with a diameter of 2.5 or 3mm, otherwise the entered cut screws can spoil you the whole picture.

List on site. Insert the handle, the one that is with a built-in square.

By pressing the button of the spring-loaded retainer on the second half of the handle, disassemble it.

That's how it will look like.

We insert the soul mate to the stem square and tighten with screws.

We put on the decorative plate and insert the handle to the place until it clicks, if the spring-loaded lock is beveled, if not, then you will have to click it to insert the handle to the end.

The bulk of the work is completed. Pen and snatch in your place in the door.

In a set of any door, the handles are required, otherwise you will simply be able to open them. Many developers do not pay due attention to the door handles, considering that their main purpose is to assist residents in opening and closing the door. However, the handles still have to withstand heavy loads of the door and fit into the overall design of the room. It seems at first glance that installing this accessory on interior doors is very simple. However, in this case, deviations from the instructions for installing the door handle are not allowed!

Appointment of door handles

Before you directly do the installation of door handles, you must first buy accessories. To do this, decide on the model and manufacturer of the handle. It is not too easy to do, as a rich variety of accessories is presented on the market, which differs from each other by appearance, size, price and material used.

First of all, door handles are separated into two types: for interroom and entrance doors. The accessories for the entrance door should not be so much aesthetic as reliable and durable, because there is a colossal load on them, as it is unlikely to open a heavy entrance door to the apartment without push on the handle. Often, door handles for entrance doors are equipped with special steel linings and combine the functions of the protector, that is, it is served to protect the cylinder mechanism from drill, slick and other power hacking methods.

Handles for interior doors are characterized by a less massive appearance, they are required to be destined to be more beautiful and elegant. But no one has canceled their reliability, because it will not like anyone when the handle will constantly stay in hand when opening or closing the interior door.

Principle of operation of the handle

When buying door handles, it is recommended to pay special attention to their functionality and fitness to the movements of the hand. Depending on the principle of operation and forms of this accessure, these types of door handles are distinguished: push, stationary, push-button (Noby) and handles for sliding doors.

Purpose knobs

Purpose handles are equipped with a fell latch that is embedded at the door. When you press the handle, the lock tongue is driven, the latch hides, and the door opens. When the door handle is in the initial position, the latch is pulled, and the interroom door is fixed. Thus, the installation of the pressure handle of the pressure type is possible only if the door is equipped with a latch with a panel latch.

Press-type handles, in turn, are separated into two types: models with separate lining and with a solid lining. Purpose knobs that have a solid lining are customary to use with locks with a latch and casing, which is provided with the key. When selecting a similar handle, the mid-scene distance between the axis of the keyhole and the handle, the width of the lining, the shape of the keyhole turn the key and the cross section of the door handle profile pins.

Handles with separate linings are also used with locks that have a faleval latch and actuated the keys. However, during the selection of these handles, the mid-scene distance is not taken into account, take into account the size of the lining. If the interior door uses the lock without grazing only with the table latch, it is customary to install a push handle with one socket. In this case, the keyword is no longer needed.

Push-button knobs

Nobies are a kind of pressure handles, they are often called handles balls. There is no lever to be pressed, but for the exposure to the latch it is necessary to turn the ball. In the center of such a ball usually there is a key well. The handle opens the door with an ordinary turn. It is customary to install the door handles of the Nobody on the door to the bathroom or bathroom, they can be closed from the outside using the key, and with the inner - button or latch.

Stationary handles

Stationary handles, unlike pressure models, are in no way connected to the door lock. They cannot be turned or pressed, but you can only push from ourselves or pull yourself. Install a stationary handle simply on the door leaf: fix such accessories on the entrance doors on tightening screws, and on the interior - on screws. Stationary handles can have a different form, but the most common one is the P-shaped (bracket).

Since such a handle with the lock is completely unnecessarily connected, then in this case there is no lock with a faual latch, it is preferred with a castle with a roller latch and a casing or only with the casing. A similar roller latch will fix the door, easily releasing it when opening the door.

Pens for sliding doors

The door-compartment is a non-standard solution in the interior design. Doors of this design require for themselves the installation of a special handle. Handles for sliding doors are built, "drowning" inside the door canvases. It is necessary that they correspond to the size of the inner door in order to avoid the poor quality of the design.

Door handle material

Materials from which handles are made can be different, but most often on sale can be found handles made of metal and wood. Wooden handles look very beautiful, especially harmoniously they are suitable for veneered and wooden doors. However, they are most often fear of high humidity, and are not suitable for use in the bathroom. The abrasion of the rack only handles made of solid wood varieties.

Metal handles can be manufactured from different alloys, therefore their operational characteristics differ. The most functional and reliable handles are made of brass. They are racks for moisture and temperatures, lightweight, durable and warm to the touch. Aluminum handles are not so durable as brass, but they can be placed in rooms with high humidity.

For the manufacture of door handles, the usual and stainless steel is used. This is a durable material that is intended for the most difficult designs. On the model from alloys or metals, it is customary to apply a nickel-plated or chrome coating that protects products from abrasion and corrosion. Also for the manufacture of accessories for the door is used Bohemian or Murano glass, natural stone and plastic.

Installing the door handle with your own hands

Despite the large variety of door handles, their installation is reduced to the work of the same actions. Let's look at how to choose and how to correctly install the door handle on the door.

Door handle selection

The door handle must necessarily match the overall style of the interior. Let's say if your home is furnished in the style of high-tech, then preference is better to give laconic chrome-plated handles, and luxurious gold-plated products with coupling elements leave for rooms in the rococo style or baroque. For interiors in the classic style it is better to choose bronze door handles.

In addition, the handle must fit the color scheme under the door. The visible parts of any doors are loops and locks, so the handle should be combined with them in color. On massive doors do not choose a weak knob, because it will quickly break from the loads. Handles from wood should not be installed in wet rooms.

The handle should not have a bad effect on the functioning of the door locking mechanism. Incorrectly chosen handle delivers a lot of hassle: the door opens poorly or closes. Therefore, before going to the store, it is worth measuring the thickness of the door canvase to find out if you like the model.

Make sure that all the handle mechanisms are working properly, and the lock tongue inside the housing is completely hiding. And finally, when buying it is recommended to touch the handle to find out how convenient it will go to the palm.

Height of installing knob

Before installing the door handle, you need to decide, at what height you will be installed. If you replace the accessories, it will be a little easier here, because you will have to put the handle on the old place. The situation is somewhat more complicated with the new door cloth. Remember that door handles in any case should be located at a human belt level.

The hand during the door opening with the help of the door handle should be mandatory to be bent at right angles in the elbow joint. Depending on the growth of the owners, the height of the installation of the door handle is 80 - 120 centimeters from the floor surface. Take into account that the handle on the door that leads to the children's room should be located slightly lower than on the door to the living room or the bedroom of the parents.

Marking of the door canvase

The markup of the door leaf is recommended to do with the help of the square. On the one hand, the door of the line is a well-sharpened pencil, attach the carbon and mark the height of the door handle setting on the door at a time at a distance of 60 millimeters. Then attach the carbon and forth the door end, after which you can start a markup on the other side.

Continue the hell on the other side of the door on the finished line and make a selection mark at a distance of 60 millimeters. It is also necessary to make a shill to make a puncture on the end line, sharing in half the thickness of the door. After that, attach the fittings to the installation site so that the tongue comes beyond the door canvases completely. In this position, we will drive the place where you need to drill a hole for the handle mechanism.

Drilling holes in the door

To drill a larger hole to install the handle, it is recommended to use a special drill that has a crown. To do this, take the drill, hold down the crown on the tree and drill the door cloth on one side. Drilling are not throughout, but to the depth, which is equal to half the thickness of the door, looking at first, how to install a door handle on video. To be seen, you can make a marker mark on the crown.

Then drill the hole on the markup on the other side of the door to full drill. With this technique, you can be sure that the crown at the outlet of the reverse side of the door will not spoil and will not leave. Regarding the door, hold the drill at an angle of 90 degrees. It is impossible to deviate drills horizontally and vertical.

After you drilled a hole under the mechanism, it's time to make a hole for the handle tongue. You can drill it using a feathery drill or using chisel. The most importantly controlled so that the drill drill exactly, because the edges will remain only about 6 millimeters. If you can remove the door, you can skip it between the legs for a more convenient drilling.

Mounting door knob

When all the necessary holes are cooked, you can start installing the door handle with your own hands. To begin, it is necessary to take a handle for the door, attach it to the installation site and note using the sewing point to install the bolts to which the handle itself will be attached from two sides. To perform this operation, install the mechanism of this design in the drilled hole and both halves are screwed using bolts that are included.

Screw bolts need evenly. Remember that the tightening should be such that the door handle worked well, and the latch easily returned at the same time. The knobs in which the bolts are located under the cap, and therefore are not visible, should be disassembled, pressing the key on the knob, which comes with a door handle.

Mounting metal frame

After you have installed a round door handle or a handle of another species, you need to start the installation of the metal plate. To do this, it should be marked again. There are two ways of marking. The first one lies in the fact that the end of the tongue should be smeared, for example, chalk, oil, paint or even toothpaste. Then hide the tongue to the door, close it tightly and make a movement several times. Open - close so that the tongue makes the mark on the box.

The second way is as follows: Close the door, move the line in the gap over the tongue and make a mark at the place of its touch with the tongue, also put the tongue from below. To attach a metal frame to the box, you should schedule a hole to the tongue and the plate itself. First of all, you need to make a sample to a tongue with the help of a chisel or a feather drill.

Having done a hole for the tongue, it is necessary to check whether the tongue comes out of the latch completely and whether the door is closed. If everything is fine, you can start creating a sample under the frame, which is also done using the chisel. The metal frame inserted into the sample should be located with the surface of the box at the same level.

The metal frame to the box is screwed by screws. To do this, drill holes using a thin drill, then the screws will be skilled without distortion. After performing such manipulations, you can close the door to make an assessment of the result of your work. If the knobs open and close easily, the latch is freely walks, the door can be closed by easy pressing without effort, then such an installation of the door handle can be called successful.

Door handle replacement procedure

It often happens that it is necessary to reinstall the handle on the old door. The formation of accessories is somewhat different from the door handle installation scheme to a new door, since the hole for the product mechanism already exists, and its dimensions should be taken into account. We recommend that you take advantage of some of our advice:

  1. When buying a new door handle, it is worth considering that it should be no less than the old. Otherwise, the old hole under the mechanism will remain not closed, which will spoil the entire type of door. If it still happened, it is necessary to fill the holes on both sides to fill the holes with a putty for the tree and polish this place using sandpaper.
  2. If you purchased a handle of large sizes than the previous one, then you need to expand the hole for the mechanism. This is done using tools that are used to create a hole for the handle mechanism.
  3. If the new door for the door is shorter than the old, and the former spindle is not suitable for it, then you need to replace it with a new door handle kit. And if the spindle is suitable, you should use it to get rid of extra hassle that can affect the quality of the handle mount.
  4. If the locking of the lock is painted, but you want to return her former metal radiance, then in this situation it is recommended to remove this item before installing the handle for doors and remove the paint using a special tool, then return the item to its place.
  5. If you have decided to paint the door, then you should pre-remove door handles and paint the site, which is located under them, and only after that you can start painting the door of the door, it allows you to gently apply the painting composition on the door, and also keeps the accessories from entering it paints.

Now you know how to install a door handle. The whole procedure takes into your minutes, if you make the markup of the door cloth and the door box, as well as drill holes for the mechanism and the door handle tongue. By analogy, it is possible to replace the old handle, if it broke, but at the same time you need to carefully treat the selection of new fittings.

This article will help you figure out how to embed a handle-latch in the door canvas. Adhering to the work algorithm described in the article, you can easily do this operation yourself, with a minimum set of tools and very quickly.

No door can do without a handle. The most popular type of handles for interior doors today is a handle-latch.

The design of the handles of this type is such that, regardless of the appearance, all of them are installed in the door canvas equally. About how to do it with your own hands, will be told in this article.

Stage knob design

Handle itself, that is, the visible part of it may look completely different. So:

or like this:

All these handles are latches consist, in fact, from two parts - the handle itself:

and latch mechanism:

Both parts of the handle-latch require a separate junction in the door leaf.

Handles-sets are without a retainer - the door with such handles is not locked from the inside, with the retainer - an additional swivel mechanism installed on the handle and allowing you to lock the door from the inside, and the key - on one side of the handle of the subject turning turnkey, allowing you to lock the door outside, with another lock . All pens have constructive differences, in no way affecting the routing process. The inner part (latch) is as the same, that is, it is embarrassed equally for all types of handles-latches.

So, proceed.

Required tool

To make it easier to facilitate the process of installing a snatch handle, you will need:

  1. Manual drill or screwdriver.
  2. Crown on a tree with a diameter of 50 mm.
  3. Tree drill with a diameter of 23-24 mm.
  4. Chisel.
  5. A hammer.
  6. Pencil.

The crown and drill can be purchased separately, and it is possible in the form of a set, which is called "Kit for the cut-batch knobs".

Install the handle-latch

1. The installation process is starting with applying on the door canvase under drilling. Markup scheme, as a rule, comes with a handle.

If there are no schemes, you can post manually. To do this, put a mark at a distance of 60 mm from the edge of the door.

2. On the side edge of the door on the axial laying line, place the center under drilling.

3. With the help of the chisels, we squeeze the three-millimeter recess under the front plate of the latch. The center makes sense to pre-mark the sewer so that it does not have to post it again.

4. Drive up with a crown with a diameter of 50 mm through a hole. It is better to do it from two sides of the door to avoid damage to the door cover at the outlet of the crown when drilling.

5. As a result, we get such a hole:

6. Go to the side edge. Tree drill with a diameter of 23-24 mm in the marked center drills the hole under the latch. It is not necessary to make it too deep, otherwise you risk drill the door to Fillycast.

7. We already get two holes.

8. In the side opening, we set the latch and brought it by self-drawing.

9. Remove the top of the handle. For this we are looking for a hole on the side.

With the help of the key or any other thin flat item:

press inside the hole tongue:

and remove the handle itself:

10. Remove the decorative lining and, thereby opening the fasteners.

11. Insert the outer half of the handle.

12. Insert internal halves. We are tightened by both screws that are coming in the kit.

13. Wear a decorative lining and handle housing. Do not forget to press the inner tongue by the key.

14. With a closed door, we mark the place of touching the tongue of the door jamatic latch, after which they hollow out in the resulting place to deepen under the tongue of the latch.

15. Insert decorative plastic pockets.

16. We screw the metal lining.

17. The handle is installed.

If there is no drill, then all the holes can be done with the help of a suitable chisel, however, in this case, the installation of the handle will require more serious repair and construction skills and may be an unbearable task for an unprepared person.

The door handle market offers the consumer of the model for any premises and for every taste. Installation of the door handle - the task is not easy, many prefer to entrust it to those skilled in the art. But if there is a necessary tool and accurately comply with the instructions, you can cope with this work with your own hands.

Types of door handles

By the installation method, the following groups of the handles can be distinguished:

  • Stationary handles. Their installation is completely simple and only takes a few minutes. There are overhead and through.
  • Handles latch. Depending on the type of handle there are pressure and swivel. There are models equipped with a keyboard or retainer.
  • Pens with lock.
  • Cutting handles for sliding doors.
  • Pens with magnetic lock.

Required tools

The following tools will be required to work:

  • pencil, roulette, square;
  • screwdriver and screwdriver;
  • drill, set of feathers drills and drill-crop 50 mm (you can buy a set, which is called "Kit for patch-latches");
  • a hammer;
  • bit;
  • awl;
  • chisels.

Calculation of the montage height

Before starting to install, you need to determine at what highness is the most convenient handle. According to the requirements of the GROW, the handles must be mounted at a distance of 1 m from the floor. But the average growth of members of each family is different, and sometimes it is more expedient to install higher or below the specified height, usually it is 80-120 cm.

The most comfortable opening will provide a handle located at the human belt level.

Installation of door handles of different modifications

Below are step-by-step instructions, how to put a door handle of a type or another.

Installation of stationary handles

In order to establish a stationary handle, only a screwdriver and drill will be required of the tools. Overhead handles are simply attached to the door in the intended place by self-draws. To install through models, you must drill a hole in the door web, insert the threaded pin into it. After that, the handles will be screwed onto it on both sides.

Installation handle-latch

Before installing a swivel or pressure handle with a falevo tongue, you need to familiarize yourself with the device of its mechanism. As you can look at the photo, the main details are the following:

The installation process itself looks like this:

For those models that have in a set of 3 additional screws for fastening the base to the door leaf, you do not need to drill a large hole with a crown. It is enough to make a hole under the "square" with a featuring drill with a diameter of about 12 mm and holes for tightening bolts. This design will serve longer.

Mounting knobs with lock

A more difficult question - how to put a handle with a lock on the door? In order for the work to be neat, the door is better to remove from the loops.

Stages of work:

  1. We supply the contours of the castle on the door of the door.
  2. Drill with a feather drill inside the contour drill several holes close to each other, after which we remove the remnants of the chisel, periodically applying the lock. He must fit completely there.
  3. We make a recess for the facial plate.
  4. Drills holes for the handles, the diameter needs to be chosen so that the square be sprayed inside it freely. Place for drilling should be noted for sure.
  5. We are preparing a hole for a key well and make a deepening under the base that can be either a bar or two circles.
  6. Insert the lock, we put a square pin.
  7. We screw and fix the base and handles. We make a deepening under the retaliatory bar, we blend her flush with a box and crepim.

Installation of handles for sliding doors

Installing the handle on the door of the sliding structure will require only a drill with feathers and simple drills and a mill with a milling cylinder from the tools. Consider the order of work when installing the handle of the oblong form. He looks like this:

For a round knob, the installation process is much simpler. It is only necessary to make a circular recess with the help of a feather drill of the desired diameter, and then everything is the same as in the case of oblong. If you wish, you can additionally install, as well as the end grip, if the knob is equipped.

Mounting knobs with magnetic lock

As for the question of how to insert a handle on the door, if it is equipped with a magnetic latch, here is all similar to the pens with a lock. Difficulties arise only when installing the response plank, because it is necessary that the castle snapped smoothly.

Need to do the following:

  1. Close the door and mark the top and bottom of the magnetic latch on the box.
  2. Attach the retail bar and place the contour of the recess under the magnet.
  3. In the center with a feathery drill or milling mill to make a deepening.
  4. We screw the bar with self-draws and check the operation of the lock. If you need to shift a bar, the old holes close on wooden chips and new drills.

Such a process as installation of door handle with your own hands requires patience, accuracy and accurate compliance with instructions. In more detail, the installation process can be found in the video.