How to separate the walls with clinker tiles with your own hands. Application of clinker tiles for interior wall decoration clinker in the apartment

With the next finishing of the interior, each owner wants to give his housing an interesting and attractive appearance. Today, many are inclined to various stylistic destinations that are considered a fashion trend. With a wide range of finishing materials, it is possible to embody any designer ideas into reality. And the interior of the original will help the clinker tile under the brick for interior decoration.

Clinker began to produce at the beginning of the XIX century in Holland. The Dutch set itself the goal to develop high-strength stone manufacturing technology. For this, clay varieties carefully selectedwhich passed high-temperature firing. As a result, bricks were obtained, distinguished by high strength, durability and moisture resistance. For the first time, the material was used for the production of road surface, which connected Amsterdam with Harlem. Since clinker There was no analogues, he was quickly found wide application. The tices and walls often were erected with the new product, which to this day do not lose their qualities and attractive species.

Later, the technology of product performance was adopted by Western and American manufacturers. In Russia, the practice of making clinker stones was carried out in the pre-revolutionary period, but after the revolution, the expensive clinker was crowded out of the market for cheaper materials.

To today, the technology of making clinker has not changed almost unchanged, but new types of finishing material appeared. Blocks and bricks are expensive for many, so clinker tiles are released for facing facades. The mixture of clay and water is poured into special forms, which are then sent to the furnace. To increase product strength and adjust certain parameters, manufacturers include different additives in the form of calcium oxide, magnesium iron, quartz sand, ash or chalk. To give the tile of decorativeness in the raw materials add dyes.

Today, clinker products are used not only to design facades of houses, but also for interior decoration. The material that imitates the brick perfectly fits into many trendy directions. Tile is used both for the facing of all wall surfaces and for the design of the accent wall. Although the products are more expensive than many finishing materials, but they will cost cheaper bricks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Clinker tiles for walls have many advantages. Brick, imitating brick, often impossible to distinguish from the present material. Samples from the clinker look good in the interior of residential premises. With decorative products, it turns out to issue brickwork so that it will ideally look even in the neighborhood with a smooth wall painted in bright shades.

The main advantages of clinker material:

Finishing material has only a few flaws. Since clinker products are characterized by high strength, wear resistance and other qualities, the cost of them is significantly high. Not every buyer can afford a solid wall decoration with such material. Also cost to note the fragility of tiles made from ceramics. This nuance must be considered when installing.

Tile varieties under brick

Clinker tile for interior decoration Walls are produced in different color solutions. Restrained, soft and warm shades help to adjust the imitation of brick masonry under any stylistic interior.

Tile from clinker is also distinguished depending on the application area:

The surface of the finishing material may have a different texture. The smooth tile is considered the most common option. With rough surfaces, the interior looks stylish and original, but such a clinker is not advised to use in the kitchen, where fat often accumulates, and dirt. Glossy samples covered with icing, less like a brick laying, but they will be an excellent solution to create a modern interior appearance. The texture for a rough stone is suitable for rustic direction or loft.

Tile from clinker Significantly reduce the cost of buying a real brick. With a variety of products, it turns out to create an individual view of the interior that will not be visually overloaded. With a thin tile, you can save an excess space of space, which you can not say about the finish with a real material.

Clinker tiles are mounted on completely cleaned and aligned walls. Pre-surfaces are laundered, dried and treated with a special protective composition. Sometimes the product is used as a decorative tile, which is facing the basic building materials used for the manufacture of walls. Clinker samples look natural and practically do not have species differences from real brickwork.

Brick imitating tilemay fit in several options:

The necessary tile from the clinker can be purchased at any construction store or order via the Internet. Be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer, because materials made by different firms are distinguished not only by design and structure. Rock-quality samples can have low strength and moisture permeability, which does not allow them to use them in such facilities, like a kitchen, bathroom or corridor. Many positive feedbacks can be found about German manufacturers that produce clinker products of excellent quality in a wide range.

In recent years, tile under brick enjoy great popularity. Many styles arising in the past century or a distant Middle Ages are not silent without brick facing. With clinker material, you can perform many interesting architectural solutions. With a wide range of colors and different sizes, designers create spectacular interiors that lead to the amazement of any part of the room.

Brickwork with clinker Ideal for the following directions:

Clinker tile maybe become an excellent decision For interior wall decoration. In the spacious surfaces of the surface can be fully decorated with imitation of brickwork, and in small rooms it is recommended to make an emphasis wall using clinker to visually not overload the interior.

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We often think about how to update the interior with minimal expenses. A very interesting direction can be presented with a clinker. Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration perfectly can change the style solution. The focus on the vertical surface, the framing of the angles in the form of uneven sections or the replacement of the wall panel finishing can be made independently not even having experience for 1 evening, and the result will remain for many years. Yes, and in the price of the clinker is available for most buyers. We will tell you about the advantages, options for laying clinker tiles, we will help to fulfill the finishing and show the designer methods in the execution of various rooms.

Simple solution - a new direction

Finishing element - clinker tiles: what it is and how can I change the interior

The word clinker came to us from Holland. If you knock on the material, the typical sound "clink" is published. Hence the name. In the early 19th century, the Dutch was developed a high strength stone. Then the road clinker coating was created, connecting Amsterdam with Harlem. There was practically no similar materials in Holland in Holland, so high-strength material quickly found widespread use. Then the manufacturing technologies came to Western countries and to America.

Russia in the pre-revolutionary time also began to practice the manufacture of clinker products, even individual production manufactories were built. However, after the revolution, priority was given to cheap materials. Therefore, the execution of clinker products has been suspended for a long time.

Clinker tile is a high-strength stone that is born by firing special compositions of plastic clay and water. The clay mixture is poured into the forms, which are then sent to the oven.

Thanks to the physical properties of clay, the tile has durability and durability. Clay main, but not the only component of clinker products. To increase strength, reduce fat and adjust other parameters, depending on the further use, calcium oxide, magnesium, iron, quartz sand, shaft, ash, chalk, perlite, glass are injected into the composition. Formulations are calculated experimentally. In addition, various dyes may be present as additives that give the finished product decorative elegance.

Many are used to strive clinker interior. What such a solution can actually seem inexpensive and at the same time easily and quickly performed, for an inexperienced master - opening.

The main sizes of clinker tiles used for inner cladding

The clinker model range is so great that sometimes makes the choice quite difficult. You can pick up a glossy surface or aged samples. You can beat the interior with the help of a clinker of different sizes and color execution.

The table shows the main sizes of tiles.

ModelLength, mm.Width, mm.European international formatClinker tile thickness, mm
210 50 WF formatFrom 5 to 15
215 65 Format WDF.
240 52 Format df.
65 Format RF
71 NF format
113 2DF format
295 71 NF format (LNF)

What qualities allocate clinker tiles for interior decorations before similar products?

Excellent clinker quality for interior decorations make it possible to use it not only for lining of wall panels. Decorative elements, multicolored, various external surface structure with excellent emphasis fit into the interior of the premises. A few decades ago, tiles were improving only the fireplace zone. Currently, designers boldly fit it into any inner space.

Positive quality clinker tiles for internal works:

  • has an increased level of fire hazard;
  • has antistatic properties, in simple language - does not conduct an electric current;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • does not require special care;
  • the use in the production of natural materials indicates a positive environmental background;
  • increased strength;
  • does not accumulate dust, waterproof;
  • not susceptible to sunny effect;
  • resistant to chemical exposure.

Excellent qualities make tiles perfect material. There were no disadvantages characteristic of other types of finishes in the clinker. This is the perfect solution for any mistress. The time she spends on cleaning is possible with a greater benefit to spend a family or friends.

The use of the product can be found in designer ideas for, gender or background enclosures. With it, you can finish any destination.

Despite all the advantages of clinker tiles, for use in sanitary premises it is necessary to choose a tile designed specifically for such operating conditions.

In all other premises, you can use any products. The main point is the designer approach.For interior decoration, a tile is used mainly with a thickness of about 8 millimeters. No additional features, except for finishing, it does not bear. Its strength is also not important, bending resistance. On the contrary, the thinner the walls of the tile, the more elegant it will look in the final version.

Scope of clinker tiles

Clinker tiles can be divided depending on the area of \u200b\u200buse and external design:

  • technical - Natural color, in the production of samples, dyes do not apply. Technical models are performed by the finish of industrial premises and laboratories. For such a tile, increased strength and resistance to chemical effects are important, so the tile is manufactured with an increased wall thickness.
  • internal trim tile - The usual product that can be entered into any interior without additional requirements. The model range is diverse in structure and color execution;
  • tile with waterproof properties. Implies use in sanitary facilities, decoration of pools and saunas with high humidity and large temperature differences;
  • tile with thermal insulation properties. In the manufacture to achieve an increased density, the samples after molding are dried and only then put on the roast. Such products are used for internal facing, if necessary, additional;
  • special or custom orders. Tile is used for unique solutions. The main focus is performed on the decor of the face and shades of samples.

How to beat clinker tiles in the interior with the help of designer techniques

The front side of the elements can be performed in various ways:

  • smooth - Samples were widespread for cladding. For such a clinker it is easier to care for. The similarity with brick masonry remains;

  • rough - Scope of scope, except for the kitchen. Behind the rough surface after cooking is more difficult to care for;

  • icing surfaces - glossy sides look very unusual in the interior. When finishes, the similarity with brick masonry disappears, only suture markup remains. But it does not interfere with its widespread use in bold design fantasies.

For example, a collection of Pleso - a tile in the interior of the bathroom with clear strokes in the main samples and decors in the form of a Japanese stone and a suitful tape will emphasize the love of the owners to the culture of Japan;

  • Rustic texture Like a rude stone. Can be manufactured with the effect of aging. Use clinker in the interior for Loft design, industrial style.

White surfaces - widespread applications

White clinker tile emphasizes the selected interior design. It creates a romantic mood, with its help the interior acquires homemade comfort. Even in the most modern design, it contributes the traditional direction.

Most often white is used for which bright cold shades of the interior are characterized. In addition, the interesting dilution with the white color of the style of country, minimalism or industrial. You can add the finish with vintage objects or modern elements.

Use of clinker tiles under brick for interior decoration

Clinker with a selection of bricks will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing a real material. In addition, he gives the room an individual style, does not overload the interior in no weight on the walls or perception. The tile for interior decoration is made quite thin, so its use does not plunder the area.

Natural way of registration in the form of brickwork

This option can be used when the walls are fully cleaned to the base from all types of finishes to brick. To perform such a reception, the surface is necessary to launder as much as possible, dry and treat with a special protective composition. This is applicable in the case of the initial construction of brick partitions.

Decorative design option

However, if different building materials used for the construction of the walls, decorative decoration comes to the rescue, applying a sample clinker. Tile under the brick will facilitate the decoration of the interior. In addition, it is easy to care for it. Imitation looks very natural.

Samples of facing surfaces

Methods of layout of samples are not much. The size of the clinker tile under the brick allows you to imitate the masonry, so the lining methods are similar. You can play with paints or perform a chaotic layout.

Here are some facing techniques:

  • spoonful - Made with non-smooth edges to give a decorative effect. Clinker facing is performed by a rotary. This option is used most often with interior decoration. Clinker rows can be performed on horizontal and vertical lines. Vertical are less common due to large tile waste, however, it looks much more interesting;

  • chain - The clinker stacked in pairwise in the form of blocks, which can then be installed horizontally or vertical. This non-standard solution concisely completes finishing work;

  • in the form of fish - Each subsequent clinker is glued perpendicular to the previous one. The edges are carried out uneven, which gives the surface a special originality;

  • complete clinker - Used in household finish not often, as it is necessary to choose a tile of different sizes. With perpendicular laying between the elements, the gap is formed in which minor samples must be laid. These spaces can be filled with gravel with small fraction. As an option - not to fill in emptiness with any samples, but leave hollow splashes. The intertwing method is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Clinker brick for interior decoration in various style directions

Clinker has recently been greatly popular. Its unique properties allow you to fit into any stylistic direction of the interior, while creating interesting architectural solutions. A varied model range, wide color gamut, various surfaces allow to implement unique projects.

  • style "Minimalism" - emphasized the laconic, restrained room with some shade of extravagance. For this direction, red, dark brown and brown shades of clinker bricks in the interior are best suited;

  • - imitation of former industrial premises, old factories. In this direction, a priori means brickwork in the form of untreated surfaces. It is interesting to watch the implementation of one surface with the help of clinker tiles with a supplement from steel pipes, design switches;

  • high-Tech style. Modern interior with novelties of technology and furniture will emphasize clinker models. Complete the finishing with clinker bricks for interior wall decoration, with designer techniques made of glass or chrome elements. The stylistic solution will harmoniously beat the finish of kitchen premises;

  • country style It implies the device of the fireplace space with the frame from the clinker. The elements can be arranged from the samples in the form of a panel on opposite surfaces. The style is used in most cases in the interiors of cottages or urban apartments;

  • gothic - This is a medieval design of the room. In those days, the clinker and brick for finishing were not applied, so the decor of the stone is the main designer accent. In this style, the main emphasis is performed on the contrast of stylistic solutions.

With the help of the tile, you can select the angular zones, columns, giving them a shade of antiquity.

Article on the topic:

In our review, interesting design decisions are presented. You will find out for which interiors you can use brickwork, and in what rooms it will look perfect.

Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration - Step-by-step installation instructions

Clapping with clinker tiles can be performed on any surface. When using a small clinker with an increased density, you can perform work on the surface from, for example, when finishing the fireplace area.

The main requirement for the surface is an absolutely reasonable basis. The elements are not mobile, when laying on a rough surface, the complete grip of the sample will not occur with an uneven wall. The design will soon be broken. The error of deviations of no more than 2 millimeters per square meter is allowed.

Necessary materials for laying clinker tiles do it yourself:

Note!Adhesive compositions have a limited expiration date. It is not recommended to buy in advance due to storage features that can not always be performed at home.
  • spatula with a smooth and gear surface, a hammer with a rubber tip;
  • glass and slab for fitting tiles in size;
  • bulgarian with nozzles to give a certain shape to the wedge. The tile has sufficient strength, so the nozzles must be diamond;
  • crosses of the required value for compliance with the geometry of the seam;
  • level.

An universal material is considered to be clinker. It is a combination of low porosity, which means it is waterproof, durable, wear-resistant and has an original design. And it is these properties that make it possible to use it not only in apartments, but also in country houses. The original design of the room with brick masonry, makes it possible to give the room the comfort and originality of the interior. To finish this type, you can use decorative clinker tiles.

Terms of use inside the apartment, of course more demanding than fresh air.

However, there are some certain points here, they include the following 3 features:

  • The bathroom requires increased moisture resistance;
  • Resistance to temperature drops and ease of cleaning is important in the kitchen;
  • For the living room you can allow a combination, the main decorative finish.

The main difference of the wall tile is a thickness of 8 mm. For such a material, durability, resistance to wear and to the load, since the tile walls are not subjected to such loads. Remember, the easier the tile, the easier it is to make a cladding.

The colors with which the clinker has an interior wall decoration

Experts allocate several clinker varieties.


  1. In the role of an unpainted material, which is suitable for lining of laboratory rooms and industrial premises - can perform technical tiles. The thickness of such a tile is larger, since these objects require resistance to chemical elements and mechanical strength.
  2. An ordinary finishing tile is: the product that is equally suitable for both the kitchen and the living room. The difference between such a tile lies in high porosity and variety of textures.
  3. Waterproof tile, it minimally absorbs water. Its purpose is not only for bathrooms, but also for a heavier atmosphere, for example: for saunas, bath pools. In these places, the humidity is significantly higher than in the bathroom and temperature differences are also elevated.
  4. Tile heat insulating - clinker, which is manufactured not in the usual way. To achieve maximum strength and density, such a tile is additionally dried before firing. And if you do not perform additional drying, then the tile will turn out more porous, which means that it has a greater heat insulation. Facing such a tile is configured if the outer side of the building is not insulated or weakly insulated.
  5. Special tile. It makes work with complex architectural forms, and its purpose for finishing public premises.

The color scheme is much diverse than the natural look of the clay brick. And if you add mineral pigments, it will provide an opportunity to get any and even exotic shades and at the same time with time the material does not lose its color, since the coloring component is mixed with outgoing raw materials.

How to put clinker tiles for walls

If you are tiled with tiles, the clinker tile laying will not cause misunderstanding. And as well as when laying ceramics, the surface must be prepared. For a start, it is necessary to prepare the foundation of the wall, on which the work on the facing will be carried out, lead to the working state.

To prepare the wall, you need to perform such work:

  • First, we apply the construction level to the wall and if the deviation is revealed by 1 centimeter, it is necessary to align;
  • Put off the wall;
  • We proceed with primer;
  • Fake a flat rack, it will serve to align clinker when laying.

Perform the facing of the inside of the room is an excellent solution for each apartment owner or at home. Since this material is excellent quality and has a beautiful view. For conviction in this on the Internet you can view the photos of lined rooms.

Before starting, you need to make such types of work:

  1. Before proceeding with work, you need to prepare a mixture for glue tiles. We smear the dry mixture into a water container, well stirred. The optimal consistency will be when the glue starts slightly from the spatula. To obtain such a mixture, you can use a drill or a perforator with a wedge.
  2. After performing all the work, we begin to stick the clinker tiles. We apply a smooth layer of glue on the wall with a toothed spatula.
  3. We press the elements of the tile to the surface, we climb and check the level of accurate work.
  4. Next, between the tiles, we put special crosses that will not allow the glued tiles to shift on raw glue.

Before starting to the grout, you need to wait for the hotness of the glue, and this is about 2 days in the warm season and in dry weather, and about 5 days in crude weather. We will take the most ordinary grout, that is, cement. Apply the grout is needed by a rubber spatula. After applying for 5 minutes, it is necessary to align seam. And for this you need to wear a rag glove on your hand, wet the hand in the glove and spend your finger along the seam.

To complete the work after two hours, the lined surface must be wiped from glue and dirt.

Clinker tile does not express horizontally and vertical rooms, but brickwork and strict geometric forms of tiles to some extent design the wall, making it more expressive and visually approximate. This feature of the clinker should be taken into account in the performance of the interior.

Fully lined with clinker only the premises of large sizes, and if we bind a small room, it will visually decrease. Also on the visual effect also affects the size of the tile. If the size of the tile does not exceed the size of the brick, then it can be used for small rooms such as bathroom, and the tile of large sizes will better look in large rooms.

Facing one wall is performed much more than the facing of all walls. Such cladding becomes not a background, but allocates a specific zone: a working dining room and others. The combination of the fireplace and the walls made in the brick interior is considered practically obligatory. For adhesive, they use both a monophonic version and natural colors, while tints of tiles will differ significantly.

The use of clinker fragments in decoration is very popular. This method performs the trim of angles, parts of the wall. Vertical and horizontal elements play a role in the visual lift of the ceiling or wall resolution in the room.

The facing of this tile can be performed not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, and it is preferable to choose a natural color, such as a white tile, which will look original in a small room. You can view options in the photo. It is attached very simply, here an anchor mixture is perfect.

What does clinker tile look like for the interior wall decoration (video)

Clinker tile has become quite popular against the background of other finishing materials. Of course, you can move temptation and make all the walls in this design and overdo it. We assure you that this item will be perfectly looked only as a scenery or in accordance with a certain style. The rest, of course, the case of your desire and taste.

The best German clinker tile for the facade, the base, the interior walls of the walls you buy on our website and shops in Moscow, Mytishchi with delivery in the Moscow region. We offer in the range of products of leading companies: Feldhaus Klinker, Roben, Stroher, Westerwalder, Adw. Facing produce collections of various sizes, colors, configurations.

What is clinker? This is a durable environmentally friendly product obtained by sintering the shale refractory grades of clays with additives at a temperature of 1250 s and above. It has excellent decorative external data. For these qualities, designers prefer coating during finishing works.

Benefits of material

  • does not emit harmful substances
  • low water absorption - no more than 3%
  • frost resistance - withstands 250 frost cycles / defrosting
  • wear resistance, strength
  • does not conduct electric current
  • not scary rain, snow, chemicals
  • does not fade in the sun, does not burn
  • service life of more than 50 years

Facing just stacked, it is easy to care for it.

6 reasons to buy from us

  • we - Dealer 5 manufacturers
  • price without cheapers, monthly promotions, discounts
  • we will select the desired color, texture
  • always in stock products in stock and assortment
  • 2 stores in Moscow and Mytishchi, deliver the goods in the Moscow region
  • warranty obligations for goods

Finishing savv

  • money - the price of 1 m2 is much lower than the cost of facing brick
  • time - the process of laying fast, technically simple
  • overhead costs - does not require care during operation

Buy clinker tiles

For facade, base

Products for the facade and base - high-strength ceramics. It is used as finishing for walls from concrete, foam concrete, wood. The load on the foundation is insignificant in mind a small weight. Therefore, it is possible to build not only new buildings of any storey, but also restored the dilapidated housing.

Facade masonry under the brick - bright decoration of various design. Products are distinguished by overall dimensions, thickness (9 ÷ 25 mm), gamut of shades, texture. The surface can be selected brilliant, matte, rough, embossed, with different additives or effects effect.

Ideal material for making the structure of a unique decor. Many stops only the cost per m2. But it costs these costs. Finishing will last at least 50 years. You will save money on the restoration that you have to perform in a few years if you finish with another coating.

For interior wall decoration

Used not only for outdoor, but also for interior walls: rooms, bedrooms, corridors, kitchens, fireplace, arches, door, window openings. You can decorate all the walls, one or fragments, making accents on a specific zone.

Brick is combined with any finishing coatings, so designers are often resorted to combined design.

More often use products with a smooth surface - they are easy to wash them. If there is a desire to make the decor more original, pay attention to samples with a rough embossed texture, or on "aged" samples.

Collections are presented in a wide range of colors - from white to coal-black. You can choose cladding on oversized sizes, configuration, surface texture. Completed angular elements.

In which design styles use tiles under brick

  1. Minimalism. Stress restraint with a tint of extravagance. Best of all in this interior looks a laying of brown, dark brown or red with various processes.
  2. High tech. Decorating walls of kitchens, rooms with modern furniture, appliances. The stone shall applies the surface of glass or chrome, which emphasizes the modern style of the interior.
  3. Country. The interior of apartments, country houses, where the fireplace is assumed, in the dining area.
  4. Loft. Imitation of walls of industrial premises of old factories.
  5. Gothic. This is a medieval accommodation design, when natural stones and bricks were the only finishing materials. The emphasis is placed on the contrast of style solutions.

The clinker tile has such a set of characteristics that can satisfy many requirements. Its most important feature is that it serves as a facing material, practically for any surface. Therefore, it begins to force out the rest of the tiles and take the entire highest level in the consumer confidence. However, it is worth identifying several of its advantages and disadvantages.

Perhaps the most important advantage on which all buyers pay is the strength of clinker tiles. After all, it is made of clay and burned under a large temperature in the furnace. Now, with a modern level of industry development and its harm on the environment, the use of environmental and harmless materials and just this material consists of clinker tiles, which contains elements in which the fungus does not appear.

What an additional material for wall decoration clinker will be required

Cement base is the perfect adhesive material for clinker tiles. The method of preparing the solution can be read on the package, but if you want to achieve a stronger composition, then a small amount of liquid glass should be added or a polyurethane-based mixture. Installation of this tile takes a huge number of strength and patience, so we recommend contacting the specialists of our company thermal stillar.