How to use a soldering iron: Learn to solder right. How to learn how to solder electric soldering iron: the rules of work that you need for the soldering iron

Any novice radio amateur, one way or another connected with electronics, has to solve the task how to learn how to solder a soldering iron from scratch. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in this, but this is a common delusion of all novice electrical workers, because without practical skills it is impossible to ensure a reliable and high-quality connection by the soldering method.

What is soldering and what the essence of the process

The final result of the soldering is the compound between two metal elements. The spawning process itself is provided by an independent metal with a much lower melting point. It is this metal that performs the solder function.

Each method of soldering is based on the principle of warming up metal elements at the connection point. The warm-up temperature should exceed the temperature at which the metal is mounted for solder. In a similar mode, the metal of the solder, being molten, freely checks into the gaps and the slots between the details, penetrating partially even in the metal structure itself. After the frozen in this place, there is a mechanical connection and electrical contact.

There are two main conditions, without complying with the solution of the task, how to solve it will be simply impossible:

  • At the dawn point, elements must be as clean as possible. The connection to the surface is carried out at the molecular level, and even a small dirt or oxide film will significantly reduce the reliability of the contact. It is possible that the details will not connect at all.
  • Compliance with the temperature regime reported earlier. In the event of an insufficient temperature difference, the crystal grille of the solder will not be able to form normally due to thermal shrinkage during frost.

Copper and its alloys are well connected by traditional solders. They are suitable for steel, aluminum and other metals. The only serious limitation is the soldering of large metal parts due to the impossibility of their warming up to the desired temperatures.

Most often, the solder consists of a tin alloy, which may contain a different amount of tin. The percentage of the content is displayed in the marking, for example, POS-40 or PR-60. The melting point constituting for the first solder is 235 degrees, and for the second - 183 degrees for the second - 183 degrees. Even below the melting point of the solder of Environment, consisting of tin, lead and bismuth. To connect aluminum parts, special solders with high melting point are required.

Another important component is fluxes, with which metal surfaces are cleaned of oxides in the form of films. The greatest distribution received rosin, protecting the heated metal from contact with air.

Selection of fluxes and soldiers

Since the quality of the compounds when soldering largely depends on the correct choice of fluxes and solders, these materials should be considered in more detail. Currently, there are a large number of these components that are suitable for almost all types of soldering.

The main function is the etching of metal parts, removing the oxide film and the subsequent protection of the surface from corrosion. Flice coating ensures its purity, good wetting and tree spreading.

Flusters are selected according to metals and alloys that need to be connected. The composition of any flux includes metal salts, alkalis and acids that are actively reacting to an increase in temperature. In this regard, there is a conditional division of these materials into two types.

The first one is active, saint, chlorine and other inorganic acids are served by its basis. Their aggressive impact on the metal requires fast washing at the end of work. This is the only drawback of such fluxes, but with their help you can connect almost any metals. They are produced in liquid form and are considered more convenient for applying. They add alcohol or glycerin, which are completely evaporated when heated.

The second type of fluxes consists of rosin and is used for the compound of non-ferrous metals. For steel parts, they are considered less effective. Upon completion of the work, the rosin must be flushed, because over time it causes corrosion and become electrotro conductors with long-term deposit in a humid environment.

Solder for work is selected easier. Maintains are mainly used with lead and tin marking. The percentage of tin content is indicated by numbers going after the letters. A greater tin content in the solder provides higher mechanical strength and electrical conductivity of the connections. At the same time, the melting point of the solder with a high fraction of tin is reduced. Adding lead normalizes frozen and does not give the tin spread.

Some modern solders are produced without lead (BP), instead of which zinc or indium is added. They are characterized by a higher melting point, but the compounds are obtained more durable and resistant to corrosion. And, on the contrary, there are solders from light alloys, capable of spread, ranging from 90-110 degrees. With their help, the connection of components with increased sensitivity to overheating is performed.

Selection of soldering iron

There are several types of soldering supplies used at home. They are designed for different stress and can work from 12, 220 and 380 volts.

The power of one or another soldering iron is chosen on the basis of the work performed:

  • Soldering of electronic parts and components - 40-60 W.
  • Details up to 1 mm thick - 80-100 W.
  • Elements, a thickness of 2 mm, a power is 100 W and more.

As a rule, home masters have two soldering iron - small and medium power, capable of solving almost all tasks. Training can be held on any of them. Tolstone details are recommended to solder on professional equipment.

Preparation for soldering

With the first to connect the soldering iron to the network, it will definitely smoke. At this point, the factory lubricant is burning apart. After the selection of smoke stops, the soldering iron must be turned off and give it to cool. Then before soldering, you need to perform the sharpening of the sting.

The sting of the soldering iron is made in the form of a cylindrical shape. The material is copper alloy. Fixation is carried out by the clamping screw. In most cases, the sting is without sharpening, and therefore it should be prepared. You can change the shape with a hammer, a file or sandpaper.

for each type of work, you need your tip configuration:

  • The form is flat or in the form of a blade attached by flattening. Flat angular sharpening may be required to connect massive parts.
  • Sharpening in the form of an acute cone or pyramid is required to solder small details.
  • Less sharp cone is needed to solder thick conductors and large parts.

In the absence of protective coverage, the sting of the tool must be subjected to a suspension. A thin layer of tin is applied to the surface of the working part. This procedure is performed during the first inclusion, when there is no emissions. After the tool is ready - learn to solder.

Methods soldering parts and components

Wire soldering is considered the easiest procedure. The ends of each wire are plunged into the dissolved flux, after which it is necessary to walk the soldering iron, the sting of which is also well moistened with flux.

During the meadow itself, all the extra solder is recommended to shake. In the process of compound, a twist is gradually formed. It warms up, and all free space is filled with tin.

In another case, the ends are soaked in flux, and the solder is made immediately, without a mezzani. This method is often used in thin conductor connections or a lot of wire veins. With good flux and a powerful soldering iron, a high-quality and reliable connection is provided.

Work with electronics is much more complicated. There are already certain knowledge and practical skills. However, a novice master can be performed simple wizard to repair the scheme:

  • Elements of outlets with legs before soldering, you need to fix with wax or plasticine in your holes. On the other side of the board, the soldering iron must be tightly pressing to the conclusion to warm it up. Next, this place is inserted thin solder in the form of a wire with a flux. Tin is required quite a bit, the main thing is that it is evenly illuminated in the hole on all sides.
  • If the hole is too large and the legs are hanging in it, this place must be mixed with a small amount of flux. Next, the tin is made to the leg and flows through it, after which the hole is uniformly filled.

The ability to solder in modern life, made of electrical appliances and electronics, is also necessary as the ability to use a screwdriver. Metal soldering methods There are many, but first of all you need to know how to solder a soldering iron. This seemingly simple action has a lot of subtleties and nuances - starting with the choice of the tool and ending with the safety measures when working with it.

General issues

Metals are used, they have the property spread over the surface if they are in molten form. This contributes to the forces of gravity and moderate tension. This property allows you to connect several parts. They are covered with a layer of solder, fixing elements in a certain position.

It would seem that all elementary: melted metal and covered the place of attachment of parts. In practice, there is a more complex situation, because it is important that the item is and durable and conducted by electric shock. Ideally, the layer should be thin, but with maximum shelterness.

To better SPRcontact with this operation, you need to consider the following points:

The ability to make it right - the key to success. Everything is not so difficult, because there are many universal options, with which you can easily solve most of the urgent tasks for soldering. All the necessary information is contained on labels, so before buying some brand carefully read what is written there.

Typically, fluxes are needed for routing and removing an oxide film. In addition, their use is an excellent way to protect against corrosion. Without them, it is difficult to imagine full preparation for the soldering, because if the details are not afraid, then the high-quality articulation is not achieved. As a rule, these substances are mixtures of salts, alkalis and acids.

You can select two types of fluxes:

The selection is carried out on the basis of specific goals that need to be achieved. It is better that both varieties attended the arsenal.

Fixation is carried out using solder. As a rule, lead-tin stamps are in progress. After labeling, there is a digit, which indicates tin concentration. The more impressive this indicator, the higher the resistance to mechanical impacts and electrical conductivity. The melting point is below. Lead in connection is needed for pouring. Without it, Tin will not be able to preserve homogeneity.

There are special types of soldes, in which there is no lead (BP). It is replaced by India or Zinc. A large plus of such compounds is the absence of toxicity. The melting point is higher, but also the strength is much more serious.

You can find low-melting brands. These are solders of Wood and Rose. They spread at a temperature of 90-110 degrees. Such connections are used when creating and repairing equipment.

A variety of types of work and conditions in which they are produced, caused the appearance of several types soldered equipment.

Choosing a soldering iron

This part of the design is different in shape and material from which it is made. The most primitive option is a tidy sting. Variations There are many: a blade, cone, beep, etc. Choosing a form, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work that will be performed by this sting. It is important to acquire what will provide the maximum area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the surface.

As a rule, as a material used copperin which various impurities are added (for example, chrome or nickel). This allows you to improve performance properties. In particular, the durability increases significantly.

The sting without a coating quickly comes in disrepair. It has to periodically clean and lyut. To level this flaw, it is recommended to turn this element and sharpen in order to give one or another form.

In different situations, this tool can be applied with a number of features that you should pay attention to. Not only the final quality, but also the degree of feasibility of the operation as a whole depends on this.

Soldering wiring

The ends dipped into flux and after that they carry out a stale dipped with the same solution. It is important to shake the surplus with wiring. Do not neglect this if you want to achieve a high-quality connection and impeccable functioning.

When the preliminary stage is finished, twist the wires and warm them with a small amount of solder. All free space must be filled with molten mixture.

If multi-proper veins are meant, you can do without a mezzani. Ends are simply wetted and fixed without prior processing sting. Inside the distribution panels, this operation is not performed, since it is high risk of corrosive. In addition, such structures do not refer to the category of detachable.

Repair of electronics

Correct The approach is achieved only by experienced. If you never performed such a job, take advantage of the help of a specialist who will tell how to work a soldering iron In this case, it is important that someone controlled and entered on time edit in the process. But if we are talking about typical printed microcircuit, even one who first took the tool first in hand.

The easiest to fly small Output elements. Pre-fix them with a viscous substance in the holes. Tightly press the sting from the reverse side to warm up. Then we enter solder the spikes (it should not be too much).

If the output element dangles, first wet your flux. With this technique, a small drop of tin from the soldering iron is transferred to the leg. The substance flows, filling the hole.

Large details

Cable couplings, tanks and dishes are distinguished by high heat capacity, so the process service And the connections looks somewhat different.

First we achieve complete motionlessness. This is done using clamps or plasticine (wax). Then the point spike is performed.

Next stage - tinning. It is performed at fixation places. It is important to approach this process with all thoroughness.

Then - free space is filled with the solder. Special compositions are used, characterized by refractory and ability to maintain tightness over a long period of time.

If a large seam has to be made, the role of the soldering iron can perform a copper ax, heated on fire. It's all, what you need for soldering In such cases.

Important moments

Working with a soldering iron is not as simple as it may seem. The development of this skill will significantly expand the range of operations and technicianthat you can use.

The soldering procedure refers to very simple operations in the observance of the technological process and the availability of skills. This article will tell how to solder right at home and will explain the basics of soldering works. Starting from the simplest spike lived wires and gradually mastering more complex actions, the skill and quality of the connection of parts will increase. How to solder a soldering iron with rosin, acid, described in the technological process of conducting soldering works, radically different from welding. In addition to conventional electricians, experienced masters have professional soldering stations for repairing printed circuit boards of complex devices.

Soldering technology

The devices used for soldering are four species: electrical, induction, gas, thermal-friendly. In the electric devices there is a heater of a spiral or ceramic type, gas work with the help of a burner, and the thermo-highs use the air flow. The most used attributes are electrobyavniki, which are very convenient for use and available. They are divided by power, which determines the separation of heat flux to contact details.

The soldering of the electronic elements is carried out by electric power plants with a capacity of up to 40 W, and for thin-walled parts, the instruments of about 80-100 watts are applied. More massive devices are used to work with a metal having a wall thickness from 2 mm. Such instruments include hammer-type solders with a capacity of over 250 W. The choice of the electric conductor affects the thermal conductivity of the product being processed.

The soldering process uses the ability of molten metal well spread. This connection method makes part details in detail, combined a layer of solder after soaring the hot mass. The amount of electrical conductivity depends on the quality of the spike of contacts. To find out how to work a soldering iron, it is recommended to view the appropriate video, as well as having examined the instructions for working with this electrical appliance.

The combination of parts by the soldering method is possible under the observance of two conditions:

  • cleanliness of spike places;
  • compliance with temperature conditions.

Purity spike places

The presence of an oxide film on the legs of radio components places attachment to the surface of the solder. This process occurs at the atomic level, so the presence of contamination will not provide its reliable adhesion to the elements. Fluses are used to prevent the oxide film to prevent the oxide film. In order to understand how to solder with rosin or acid, check out the technology of their application.

Compliance with temperature conditions

Before starting a soldering, you need to decide on the selection of the alloy under the elements used. The temperature at which the solder goes into the molten state should be lower than the allowable sold parts. This is especially true of aluminum compounds, as well as elements with a large shrinkage when frozen, which interferes with the normal crystalline formation of the solder mass.

Basic errors when working with soldering iron

The process of soldering only the uninitiated seems to be very simple. However, it requires some knowledge and certain skills depending on experience. To learn how to solder with the rosin, the solder and acid is completely simple. To do this, you need to get acquainted with technology, the basic principles of work, try to avoid the main mistakes. Before learning to solder a soldering iron, you should carefully examine the basic techniques of work, as well as some nuances. Snack comes gradually as the quality of the compounds performed. Typical mistakes made by newcomers when using a soldering iron include:

  • unpains;
  • overheat;
  • solder rolling;
  • chemical destruction.


Poor suspension threatens the failure of electrical parts and is obtained for several reasons. This is due to the poorly heated soldering iron, the use of a refractory alloy, moving contacts during the mass of mass, as well as the too cold spike surface.


This process occurs when the electric power plane is used, which is necessary, as well as high temperatures of it for a certain type of soldering work. In addition, overheating occurs with a debt of the exposure to the heated soldering iron on the workspace, the use of refractory solder for connecting elements with low-temperature stability. This leads to thermal destruction of connecting wires, parts, change their characteristics.

Rolling solder

The rolling process is obtained due to poor cleaning of the connected elements. The oxidative layer on them does not allow the alloy to grow well and get into small gaps. In addition, this happens when the compounds of compounds flux, as well as the inconsistency of its brand soldered metal. Rocking leads to poor contact, possible mechanical damage at the slightest external effect.

Chemical destruction

Chemical destruction occurs with the wrong choice of flux, which does not correspond to the type of elements connected by the electrical soldering. In addition, it may occur if you wash the connections at the end of the workflow. It threatens corrosion, as well as the destruction of the metal conductor.

This information will make it clear how to learn how to solve electrical connections to ensure reliable contact.

Preparatory process

At this stage, the electronair and combined products are prepared. To determine what is needed for soldering parts by a soldering iron, you need to have a minimum set of components. It consists of an electrician, fluxes for various materials, solder, auxiliary tools. A new electrical harder can smoke at the initial inclusion in the power grid. It is quite normal - canning oils on his stare.

Tips can have a different form suitable for a variety of types of soldering. A new sting is subjected to a mezzanine to protect against wear, as well as oxidation. For this, the heated tip is immersed in rosin, metal is melted on it, after which it is rubbed about the wooden bar. As a result of this procedure, the sting must be fully covered with alloy. In the process of soldering, the flux gradually disrupts the copper tip, which requires its periodic sharpening and repetition of the mezzani procedure.

Before soldering iron to solder with rosin and tin, the site preparation is performed. Details used for electric soldering are cleaned of contamination, their degreasing is carried out. For this purpose, various solvents based on acetone, gasoline and other liquids are used, is removed by the mechanical method of rust. This is necessary for rapidly removing the oxidative film from the surfaces connected.

Flice mud or processing

The execution of the mezzani implies the coating of the combined surface of the products with the finest layer of solder. This procedure is used on the preparatory process, as well as intermediate and final. Using the preparatory procedure greatly facilitates the final connection of the elements, since already irradiated parts are easily soldered.

The end of the wires of the various diameter belongs to the most common soldering operations. A flux is applied to purified from insulation, after which it is sting with the solder. Melted metal easily goes to the core and the mezzani procedure is completed. To improve the procedure, it is recommended to carry out a mechanical stripper of the surface of the veins and cables. Radio components do not require this preliminary procedure and easily solder on boards.

For various metal connected, their fluxes are used. They are designed to work with certain materials. Flusics for electrical soldering aluminum are suitable for stainless steel steel products. At the same time, it is necessary to clean the surface of the products from their residues at the end of the soldering to avoid corrosion.

Technique soldering

Performing work using a soldering iron is performed by a solder plum from the tip to the part and its direct feed on the platform of the supplied element. Regardless of the soldering method, the part is prepared, installing and fixing it in the working position. After that, it is wetted by the flux of the processing place and heating the power plane. How to solder a soldering iron with rosinel will tell you a video with a detailed demonstration of the process.

When the solder plums with sting, it is pressed with the supplied element. Flux boils and gradually evaporates, allowing the molten metal to smoothly move from the tip to the connection site. Conducting progressive movements along the location connected, the metal distribution is carried out along the connection area and the processed area is ruled.

The supply of alloy to the place of the spike provides pre-heating of the elements to the desired compound temperature. After that, the soldering iron is served molten metal jack between the tip and part. This work method is more suitable for large parts.

After using a variety of acidic fluxes, it is required to be molded to ensure the protection of the compound from corrosion.

Types of soldiers

For soldering, electric devices are used by solders low-temperature stamps. These tin-lead materials have the form of metal rods. According to GOST, these solid alloys have different tin content in its composition. Depending on this, their marking is performed (Pos-61, Pos-40, Pos-30). In addition to them, lead-free and other formulations are produced for soldering non-toxic type. They have a higher melting point and provide high compound hardness.

Some alloys have a low spreading temperature and are used for radio elements and microcircuits of numerous boards, especially sensitive overheating. The tin-silver formulations of the PSR type, as well as tin in its pure form, are actively used. For numerous sold parts, there are tables with components used to connect them.

Pike temperature

The quality of the soldered elements directly depends on the heating temperature of the tip of the electric pavement. Insufficient warming will not allow the metal to spread over the surface even when using flux. Such a connection will have a loose structure and low strength.

The temperature of the sting should be 40 ° with the temperature range of the soldering, and for soldered parts, this indicator is obliged to be in the range of 40-80 ° C. In this case, the solder tip is heated by 60-120 ° C above the melting value of the solder. At soldering stations, the required temperature is set by a special regulator.

To the visual determination of the desired heating, the indicator is the rosin. It must allocate steam and boil, staying on the stare in the form of small boiling drops.

Security measures

In the process of electric soldering, caustic gases are distinguished, hazardous health, so work should be carried out in a well-ventilated room. In addition, the technological process is accompanied by periodic splashes of molten metal, flux. Use special glasses to protect your eyes. Note that the network electric equipment requires compliance with special precautions, as they have open metal parts. Special attention is paid to the insulation state of the power supply. Make sure that it does not fall on the hot parts of the electric device, which can lead to an electrical circuit and fire.

Step-by-step development skills

Before those who recently began their acquaintance with electronics, at first glance, a simple task is to learn how to solder.

It would seem that everything was simple - I took a soldering iron, solder, rosin, and you can start collecting some interesting device. But to collect an electronic homemade, you need to possess the skills of high-quality and reliable soldering.

The performance of any electronic device primarily depends on the reliability of electrical connections and the soldiers, including. High-quality soldering skills come with experience. Therefore, training is necessary . Why start?

To learn to solder, first of all it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the theory. It will require some time now and will save him in the future. That's what you need to know in order to embark on the skills of soldering.

    Minimum soldering kit: soldering iron, solder, rosin, paller stand.

    Solders. Properties and characteristics of tin-lead soldiers.

Recently, lead-free solder appeared on the shelves of radio markets (LEAD Free). It is actively used when assembling household radio equipment. Solder without lead is distinguished by its properties from widespread tin-lead. Read about the lead-free solder.

    Also in the process of soldering and assembly, a mounting tool will be required.

After easy reading the theory, you can safely begin to solder. For training skills, you can solder a cube. At first it may seem that this is a simple thing, but in fact it is not.

Cube Sewing Copper Wire

We take a copper wire with a cross section of about 1 millimeter. If the wire is lacquered, you must first remove the insulation. It is better to do it with a peer knife and shallow sandpaper. The surface of the wire must be carefully cleaned so that the remnants of the lacquer cover do not interfere with the conductor's suspension. Even small areas of varnish insulation, randomly remaining after stripping, will prevent further a mezzani. Next, we rail the copper wire. You can read about the logging of the wire.

In the process of the suspension, a liquid flux can be used, for example, LTI-120. Sold in the store of radiobes in tubes. It can be equipped with a brush or dispenser (type, like a pipette for flux droplet).

LTI - 120.

Liquid flux dries quickly. Therefore, some slightly dry it to give a more thick consistency.

To facilitate the spike process of two conductors, under the required angle, you can use the "third hand". The third hand is a very useful device. It will help to save the fingers from random burns that can be obtained holding parts or conductors with your fingers.

If you cannot buy such a device, then something like this can be collected using the "crocodile" clamps and several metal parts.

Drop out radio components.

It is possible to stretch in the supply of radio components on printed circuit boards from faulty hardware. For these purposes, the old unnecessary TV is suitable, for example, type 3UST. Such TVs were found a huge amount in Soviet times. All radio components are mounted on the printed circuit boards of such television.

In the overwhelming majority of modern radio equipment, an SMT installation or mixed (SMT + THT) is used. Dismantling of radio elements with printed circuit boards collected by the SMT method is complicated by the fact that SMD elements (capacitors, diodes, resistors) have very small sizes and special equipment is required for their dropping. therefore practice in the feeding of all sorts of radio components With printed circuit boards, it is easier to start with boards made by mounting into holes.

If there are no particular difficulties with the falling out of ordinary radio components, it is possible to start training skills soldering SMD elements. In modern electronics, the installation of radio components on the surface is very popular and this trend will be saved - parts will be smaller and smaller.

For the SMD soldering of the components, it is advisable to get a thermal-wide soldering station.

Read more about the thermo-air soldering station read.

Finding SMD elements from the board with a conventional soldering iron is very difficult, and multi-way parts like chips are generally unreal, so the soldering station is simply necessary. It simplifies the installation process and dismantling multiple planar microcircuits, miniature SMD transistors, resistors and capacitors. If you are engaged in radio electronics and plan to master the repair of electronics and, for example, the repair of cell phones, then do not doubt that the thermo-friendly soldering station you come in handy.

Also do not forget about safety rules. It is desirable that the room in which the soldering is happening is ventured. Try not to breathe a couple of rosin.

Do not overheat the printed circuit board. It exclude its intimidation and bundle. Also worth protecting the eyes and face. There are no rare cases that the findings of parts spring will spring under the action of the forces of elasticity, splashing the droplets of liquid solder in all directions. A similar situation occurs during the overheating of the printed circuit board, when the copper tracks peel out, and the liquid solder splashes around. Try to avoid such cases!

Better oz practice than tons of instruction!

Every novice electronics crushed by the question: "And how to solder chips, because the distance between their conclusions is very small?" About different types of chip cases can be found in this article. Well, in this article I will show how you solder the chips, the conclusions of which are located around the perimeter of the microcircuit.Each electron has its own secretion of such chip such. In this article, I will show my way.

Dismantling of an old chip

Each chip has a so-called "key". I highlighted it in a red circle.

This label from which the numbering of the conclusions begins. In chips, conclusions are considered counterclockwise. Sometimes on the printed circuit board, it is indicated how the microcircuit should be soldered, and the find numbers are shown. In the photo we see that the edge of a white square on the most printed circuit board is cut, it means that the chip should stand in this direction the key. But more often do not show. Therefore, before you disappear chip, be sure to remember how it stood or take a picture of it, the benefit of the mobile phone is always at hand.

For starters, all the tracks are abundantly lubricating the FLUX Plus gel flux.


Expose the temperature of the hair dryer by 330-350 degrees and begin to "fry" our chip calm circular motions around the perimeter.

I want to boast one thing. She was bundled with a soldering station in a set. I call her extractor chip.

Currently, the Chinese have improved this tool, and now it looks like this:

That's how nozzles look for him

Buy can be used of this link .

As soon as we see that the solder begins to melt, we take over the edge of the chip and begin to raise it.

The amplification of the microcircuit extractor have a very large spring effect. If we raise a chip of some piece of iron, for example, tweezers, then we have every chance to snatch together with the microcircuit and contact tracks (figures). Thanks to the springing mustache, the chip is dropped from the board only at the moment when the solder is completely melted.

That came this moment.

Installation of a new microcircuit

With the help of a soldering iron and copper braid, clean the patch from the excessive solder. In my opinion the best copper braid is Goot Wick..

That's what we did:

Should turn out like this

Here the main thing is not to regret flux and solder. It turned out a kind of holly, for which we will put our new chip.

Now we need to clear all this matter from all sorts of nagar and garbage. To do this, use a cotton wand moistened in Flux-OFF, or in alcohol. Read more about chemistry. We must have clean and beautiful contact paths cooked under the chip.

Finally, all this a little lubricate the flux

We put a new chip in the key and begin to please it, while holding a hairdryer as much as possible, and the circular movements drive it around the perimeter.

Finally, a bit even lubricate the flux to the perimeter "smooth" the contacts of the chips to the pyataks using the soldering iron.

I think this is the easiest way to seal SMD chip. If the microcircuit is new, then it will be necessary to post its contacts with flux LTI-120 and the solder. Flux LTI-120 is considered a neutral flux, therefore, it will not harm the chip.

I think now you know how to solder microcircuits correctly.