How to use construction foam without a pistol. How to work with mounting foam - video demonstration of the process

Mounting foam is a very practical and convenient material, whose advantages are appreciated not only by professionals, but also a homemade masters. However, there are small tricks that will help you expand its scope of use or apply foam more competently.

Remember that foam assembly, like any other products, has a limited shelf life. When buying, be sure to check it on the rod of the canister.

Before starting work, shocked the balloon, and while working with it, keep it upside down. This is necessary so that the gas, squeezing the contents outside, was over the foam.

How to apply a mounting foam

Since the polyurethane foam comes from the can for its effective expansion needs moisture, which it basically gets from the air, the place being processed is pre-accurately moisturize. However, remember that excessive moisturizing can prevent her sticking.

When the mounting foam froze, its excess is cleaned with a knife.

How to make hard-to-reach places

If you need to fit some hard-to-reach place, with a tube usually attached to the balloon, it is very difficult to work. To fulfill such an operation, you can wear a thin flexible hose on the regular tube.

When the processed foam place is too high, the end of the flexible hose can be fixed on some holder or ordinary stick. And do not forget, the can always be kept upside down!

Foaring a very narrow slit, you can heat the extension hose match, pull and break it.

At the breakpoint, the diameter of the hose will be very small, which will be a guarantee of high quality close up of a small space.

How to be if the tube attached to the can

If this such required tube is lost, then you can use a heat shrink tube on a sprinkler dispenser, and use a sufficiently wide puck as a handout.

In this case, you can work with foam, as with a conventional native tube.

What can be cleared a drop of mounting foam

If you accidentally the foam drunk, it is better not to smear it and wait for the foaming mass. Then just drip the hardened material. If a drop of foam still smeared, take advantage of a conventional acetone, which can easily solve the polyurethane composition.

And further. Do not forget that mounting foam is a great and reliable glue!

Mechanism of action

Foam Fire Extinguishing Scheme:

  1. Estimated fire, limit increase in temperature, smashes are determined by a special sensor.
  2. The signal from the sensor is automatically transmitted to the control panel.
  3. The control panel includes a fire grievance system
  4. The compression mixture under pressure is transmitted by pressure fonting to the distribution network.

There are two ways to form a fire extinguishing mixture in a stationary system:

  1. The dispenser pump allocates a certain amount of foaming substance into aqueous stream. The resulting mass appears during the elimination of the fireplace. The most effectively shows itself when used on large areas of premises.
  2. Neutralization of a fire with a ready-made compression solution. This increases the effectiveness of oppression of fire hazardous activity by reducing the system response time. The fire extinguishing mass is fed to the hearth ignition faster. It is recommended to use for small areas of premises, observing a number of conditions:
  • monitor the shelf life of the finished fire extinguishing solution (while its shelf life is less than directly by the foaming agent);
  • the reservoir where the fire extinguishing mass is stored must be covered with special substances (for example, epoxy mastic) to eliminate the contact of the stored substance with concrete.

Terms of application

The main external factors that have a big impact on the so-called foaming, this is the quality of the product, humidity, temperature and the applied tool.

For example, when there is little moisture in the air, the polymerization will pass quite prolonged in time.

The result of this will be the appearance of too large. To avoid this, it is recommended to artificially add moisture to the installation seam. The lowest moisture is usually in the heat or in the frost.

With a temperature factor, everything is more complicated, but deciding. There are materials of summer and winter type, they are classified as one-component and two-component.

One-component mounting foam is a polyurethane sealant.

Two-component assembly foam for professional-level builders is packaged in large containers, and it is imperative in clearly extinted parts mixed before applying, using a gun-mixer.

The nozzle is put on it, as a result, a fine material of high quality is obtained.

Two-component foam is distinguished by the ability to quickly stick and very high-quality polymerization. Surplus from outside removed with a knife just ten minutes after its spraying.

The main plus of a two-component foam is its increased volume at the output. But if you consider the complexity of its preparation and application, as well as high cost, we can conclude that it is advisable to apply this foam only for professional work.

The polymerization reaction is more important when it is interacted with air, we get polyurethane at the output.

The foaming agent is mixed in certain fractions liquefied butane, isobutane or propane (this substance is called propellant). Forming the prepolymer and creates a foam, it increases in its volume by twenty times.

Mounting foam can expand and fill out places having very difficult access. Quite quickly, the material hardened due to the moisture contained in the atmosphere. During the day, everything is frozen, turning into a stable composition.

The great advantage of this material is strength and stability, as well as the absence of harmful components. The porous structure makes foam one of the best insulators.

Installation foam is used for work with any material. It is a stone, and concrete, iron, and wood, and plastic.

Let's summarize: what installation foam is best to choose - household or, nevertheless, better professional.

Household and professional foam are almost the same in the components, and for most works are perfectly suitable and the first, and the second. Remember: Never use a simple mounting foam to install windows and doors. Do not forget to watch GOST density, tension and its linear deformation (Answers and explanations ask for specialists).

On how to use the installation foam, you can learn from the video.

What is necessary to install door diet

When installing interior doors, the depth of the doorway is quite often somewhat wider than the thickness of the door box, because of which the box is flush with one of the wall planes. While the reverse side of the opening remains open and requires aesthetic conversion.

And in order to solve such a task today, several options can be used, whether the construction of slopes (from plastic, MDF or a building solution), or the hide of non-locking sections with the help of door sketches - special decorative panels, which are part of the box.

So, if we talk about the benefits of the design of door sluts with the help of plastic panels or plaster mixtures, it is possible to highlight a relatively low cost of these materials. But at the same time, the doorway is an object of increased level of operation due to which the use for the design of the doorway is not always acceptable for the design of the doorway, not always affordable.

If we talk about the advantages of door-minded, then you need to highlight the following of them:

  • Easy installation due to the fact that dobors are a specialized product for hiding the door opening traces.
  • A wide range of door sobers, both in color and according to the material from which they are made allows you to choose these products for almost any tasks. By the way, it is very convenient to acquire dobors Complete: Door Blind + Door Box + DOPPI + Cashbits (all products will be performed in a single style).
  • The doorway decorated with the help of sobers looks stylish and elegant and is the logical conclusion of the entire design.

Installations of foam fire extinguishing automatic. Views

By the way of exposure to the focus of ignition, automatic devices distinguish:

  • Surface devices. Provide protection from the ignition of the entire surface available. Such installations are effectively used, for example, to protect storage facilities with combustible liquids.
  • Locally surface installations. Designed for fire extinguishing on certain sites of controlled areas, objects, devices, etc.
  • General-volume designs. The principle of operation is based on the filling of the filling facilities by a fire-ray mixture.
  • Locally volumetric devices. Fill a certain part of the volume of technological structures, premises.
  • Combined installations. The impact scheme is to combine the principles of locally-volume and locally surface extinguishing fire. In this case, double exposure occurs: the fire extinguishing compression mixture is simultaneously fed to the volume of the object, as well as on its surface.

Installations of foam fire extinguishing automatic on the basis of the multiplicity of the applied compression mixture are:

  • Film definitions low multiplicity (generators, foams, foam rods, trunks). Heavy low multiplicity foam is generated from 4 to 20;
  • Installations of liquidation of the average multiplicity (stationary systems). It is performed by a medium heavy foam with multiplicity from 20 to 200;
  • Installations neutralization of high multiplicity ignition (light foam generators). It uses lighter high multiplicity foam from 200 to 1500.

Firefire foam devices for eliminating fire-based focus based on the dispenser type are divided into:

  • Devices using Venturi tubes;
  • Dispensers;
  • Systems with metering hydraulic motor.

The main criteria for choosing a mounting foam

An ordinary household foam is produced in one-time execution, a tube is attached to the cylinder. Usually such a product does not differ in high density, it has a noticeable secondary expansion. Most often, such a composition is purchased to fill the slots and voids where special accuracy and accuracy in work is not required.
For professionals, mounting foam in cylinders under a special pistol. The material has a high density, after drying, it retains the original volume, the foam yield is significantly higher. Thanks to the gun, you can adjust the flow of the insulator, which allows economically to spend the product

One cylinder can be used several times, washing the gun after each application.
The temperature range of application becomes an important characteristic of the mounting foam. Having bought the summer composition, you can work at a positive temperature from +5 to + 40 ° C

All-season product has a wider working range -10. + 30 ° С. And to seal the seams and filling the voids in the cold, it is better to use a winter option that withstands the temperature to -20 ° C.
On the balloon with the mounting foam you can find fire marking. If the product is labeled B1, then the composition is distinguished by refractory qualities. The designation B3 speaks of the flammability of the material. This factor is important to take into account when sealing chimneys or heating boilers.

Experts selected 7 best mounting foals in our review. When drawing up the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

  1. safety and operation safety;
  2. technical specifications;
  3. price;
  4. opinion of professionals;
  5. reviews of domestic users.


Choose among manufacturers who have already been in this market segment for quite a long time, and are reliable.

Good reviews have the All-season assembly foam "Imperial", manufactured by Technonol Corporation, or a professional assembly foam "Tehtonikol" 65 constant. The Bostik Pro Standart 65 for many years) has also been well (for many years). And the Mounting Mounting Moment Mounting Pro 65 All-season is 850 ml.

Manufacture of mounting foam is a very multitasking process based on high technologies. This process is unsubstantiated, because manufacturers need to be adapted to the changes in the market, and to the changing material of production, and to the organization of rather dangerous production (combustible materials are used). Note that the production of production is largely affected by the production of production in any particular factory. After all, applying the same recipes, it is impossible to get absolutely similar foam at various factories.

Each of the manufacturers, of course, has its advantages, possibly disadvantages.

It should be noted that large companies simultaneously with their advantages have cons: they very slowly respond to the requirements of a constantly changing market, they have very poor control over the produced goods, and constant competition and conflicts within firms are expressed in constant price increases, therefore, There is a permanent cost savings.

There is an indisputable rule (as for most products, materials or services) - high quality is impossible at a low price of goods or services.

Quality can be 100 percent guaranteed only by the use of expensive components in the production of expensive components that are used in preparation and additional spending on the stable adjustment control of the entire production process and quality control process.

Very often, consumers in our country will lay down with very low quality Pen for installation, because from Soviet times the sense of saving money due to the low cost of products.

Cheap materials have a plurality of negative characteristics, and they will largely increase the result of the result. The main rule: if you have more material at the exit from the cylinder, it means that the less money you pay for the entire volume.

The second basis of understanding the quality of a truly good installation foam - inexpensive components in the exit production will never give high-quality foam.

The most "popular" method used by manufacturers for cheaper is an increase among ballast components (usually chloroparaphins).

Most of the chloroparaphins make a foam much harder, as a result: the volume of foam mass at the outlet decreases, it increases its solidification in time, the expansion increases.

Rating of the best mounting foam

Penosil Goldgun 65.

The Penosil Goldgun 65 mounting foam choose the mostly professional builders. They celebrate the perfect combination of price and quality of the Estonian product. Experts also note the absence of shrinkage and a slight re-expansion, which makes the composition predictable. Special praise from foam specialists deserved for the highest possible way out. The material finds a wide scope of use, starting with the installation of window and door boxes and ending with all sorts of voids.

According to experts, the Penosil Goldgun 65 mounting foam deserves the highest line of the rating for high quality, an acceptable price, consistently white color and a record output in volume. You can criticize foam only for the fear of low temperatures.

Scope of stationary automatic foaming devices

  • Cargo-liquid devices for transportation of petroleum products, fuel and lubricants, easily flammable liquids.
  • Premises with placed refinery, oil refineries.
  • Storage warehouses are easily flammable materials (paintwork, solvents, alcohol, primer, etc.).
  • Machine compartments with installed technological equipment (generators, compressors, internal combustion engines, etc.).
  • Premises with installed main / emergency energy sources, fire pumps, auxiliary equipment.
  • Places of accumulation of equipment equipped with fuel tank (vehicles, technique for moving dry cargoes, auxiliary equipment).
  • Pethydral, river, sea ships of different classes, destination.

Installations of automatic foamy not apply with substances / equipment:

  • Liquefied gases with low boiling point (propane, butadiene, etc.).
  • Gaza in natural state.
  • Oxygen release substances, oxidizing agents.
  • Substances that react with water.
  • High voltage electrical equipment.

6 Moment installation

At the very most favorable price, you can purchase in different regions of the country mounting foam moment installation. You can buy a canister of this insulating agent in any provincial store. It is produced both for use with a gun, and without it. Most often, all-season foam is found on sale, which is suitable for such works as installation of windows and doors, filling the voids and sealing seams. A distinctive feature of the material is density and homogeneity. Foam has good adhesion to various building materials. After complete drying, an insulation is formed that does not have toxicity or harmfulness for the human body.

The advantages of the domestic foam, the installation can be attributed to the affordable price, good quality. Sometimes there are fakes that have an unpleasant odor and yellow. Such a foam is capable of squeezing door boxes or windowsill when solidifying.

Disadvantages of using professional materials without a pistol

If you use a mounting foam without a gun, the balloon is designed for this type of application, the disadvantages of such work should be known. A gun, naturally, significantly simplifies the sealing work performed, but not only this is explained by the recommendations of specialists to buy all the necessary tools for repair.

Sealing through the tube has the following flaws:

  1. 1.
    Large consumption. During repair, it is necessary to very carefully control the intensity of the material outlet when the valve is pressed. Too much pressure inside the package contributes to the output of an excessive volume of material. Most often, the overrun is 200%, and sometimes 300%.
  2. 2.
    Far from all valves of professional cylinders can be attached to the tube. If the product is intended exclusively for working with a gun, the sealant is simply not possible to remove from the package.
  3. 3.
    Temporary costs. To work with professional products without special tools, a lot of time can leave. Using a gun, even a large seam can be sealed for 20-30 seconds, whereas it will have to spend 15-20 minutes on the manual seal.

To repair quickly, efficiently and without unnecessary financial costs, it is recommended to pre-calculate the required amount of seal. In most cases, for simple homework, there is a sufficiently household cylinder, which is intended for use with a tube, which will speed up and reduces repair. If the seal includes large-scale sealing, it is better to acquire a professional sealant with a special pistol.

It often happens that you need to fill a small hole or slit during cosmetic repair apartment or house
. The optimal option is the solution to pour into the cavity of the mounting foam, which, expanding, tightly burst with any hole. Easy use is the main advantage that caused the popularity of this sealant based on foamed polyurethane.

Differences between a professional and amateur balloon

Mounting foam is produced in two packing options: for household use and professional. Amateur foam is equipped with a tube adapter, which is screwed to the valve and is activated by pressing the fingers to the special stops of the tube. To work with professional foam requires a special tool - a gun.

It is obvious that buying a gun, the cheapest model of which costs as much as the foam cylinder, for one-time procedure, is wasteful. The advantage of using professional variation is that the opened cylinder can be stored for several months, if you do not remove it from the gun adapter.

Amateur bottles builders are called "disposable", implying that the open container must be used immediately. But it is possible with the help of a simple way to achieve use a consumer mounting foam cylinder repeatedly
. Professionals do not do this, as they save time and do not bind to similar trifles, but for a home master this Council
will be useful

How to Make Household Foam Call

So, you melted holes and spent no more than a third of polyurethane sealant. What's next? Throw out the remaining foam? Do not hurry to throw out your money, there is a way to make a cylinder. More precisely, even two ways.

If assumed use the started balloon of amateur mounting foam re-
During the month, it is enough to get a plastic tube through which the sealant is served, and fix the place of folding scotch. Now let's give the valve so that the pipe is created in the tube. Capacity can be at that time up to two months. It is enough to remove the tape, break the tube, and the bottle is ready to work.

If the foam is needed only after four or five months, another method is applied. In this case, acetone should be used. The tube is gently removed and rinsed with acetone. Also drip acetone into the cylinder exhaust valve hole. For loyalty, we repeat the flushing of the valve two to three times. Now the balloon can stand up to six months.

Sometimes the sealant still dries in the graduate valve of the cylinder. How to solve this problem, see the article "How to open a cylinder with a mounting foam frozen in the exhaust valve."

4 Makroflex Standart.

The most popular mounting foam in homeowners and professional builders is Makroflex Standart. This brand is so promoted in our country, which can be found in the most remote points of Russia. The foam is designed to close the cracks and voids, although it is often used as thermal insulation material. Often, the cannon flashes when installing windows and doors, eliminate the slots in old houses, garages, sheds, etc. To the strong sides of the foam should include a good adherence to the most different building materials. At the same time, it has a homogeneous structure and does not suffer from secondary expansion.

Due to the promotion of the trademark, Makroflex Standart Mounting Foam is in demand in our country. Affordable price is perfectly combined with technical properties. But the reverse side of popularity has become a large number of fakes. In addition, there is no shrinkage of the material after drying.

Foam fire extinguishing station

As an addition to stationary fire extinguishing systems, a foam fire extinguishing station can be used. It is an autonomous block box with all the necessary fire-fighting equipment and equipment capable of functioning a certain time without connecting additional communications without reducing its effectiveness.

Distinctive features of the fire station:

  • fast, effective elimination of the focus of fire;
  • offline functioning without additional communication (in advance of a certain time);
  • constant readiness for operational fire extinguishing;
  • storage of all components of the extinguishing mass;
  • storage of a pre-agreed set of fire equipment, equipment.

The station block-box consists of a foam generator, water storage tanks, a foaming agent, compressed air / nitrogen cylinders, a compressor, a block of electronics, a pumping station, accompanying communications and pipelines.

The autonomous station may be included (inertia - about 3 s) automatically, remote control or manually.

The compression fire extinguishing agent is supplied to the location of the fire on the installed pipeline, or on the rapid rush of fire-sized equipment. In this case, the source of water can be self container inside the block box, as well as the local fireproof water supply.

The autonomous fire extinguishing station is characterized by low capital costs (compared to the room facilities in a stationary system), light operation (does not need special technical personnel for maintenance and appointment), pre-design is not required.

Autonomous stations and stationary automatic installations of penotums have been widespread due to good characteristics, high efficiency, a wide range of applications. The ability to eliminate the focus of ignition in a short time, a relatively low-cost price, a large selection of types, models of fire extinguishing plants contribute to their popularity as a qualitative way to extinguish fires of various complexity.

How to install door leaf

Door manufacturers offer a large selection of products. The door is immediately completed with the door frame. All you need is to make measurements of the doorway and go to the store. Remember that there should be a gap for a foam between the wall and the box, which guarantees the reliability and strength of the design being installed.

Interior doors

Install the interior door is easy if you follow the instructions. Working with the doorstone requires preparation, so the first thing you need to do is buy a set of tools in which:

Elements of fittings for doors:

To establish a interior canvas, perform several steps:

  • remove the old door. To do this, remove the door cloth and disassemble the door frame;
  • collect a new door frame. For its assembly, free the racks from the packaging and secure them with each other by self-drawing. Build the box is carried out - with rectangular corners of racks or beveled;

Mounting boxes

install door loops per box. To secure the loops, you will use such tools such as a cutter, screwdriver, seer, thin drill and drill. Sometimes to fasten the loops using a circulation saw and a pencil;

Planting gaps

Foam with a tube - the threat of expansion

The main minus of household foam with a tube is a significant secondary expansion.

Hardening, it can increase several times, so it is extremely important to comply with all terms of use

Instructions for the use of household foam can be seen on the back of the balloon, however, consider it in more detail and stages:

Cleaning and surface preparation. Before applying the foam, it is necessary to carefully check all the slots and holes for the presence of small garbage and, if necessary, degrease the surface with acetone.
Moisturizing the surface. Mounting foam for solidification requires contact with wet air, so before using the surface can, you need to moisten - for this purpose it is quite suitable for an ordinary sprayer.
Preparation of foam cylinder. Small trick - before using foam you need to hold a few hours in water with a temperature of about 20 ° C - after such a procedure it will be better to go to bed. Before the start of operation, the cylinder is shaken for a minute so that all components are evenly mixed - this will provide the maximum foam yield.
Fastening the tube or gun to the cylinder. The tube is simply screwed to the valve, but with a gun it is somewhat more complicated - the question of its choice and use we will look below.
Work with foam. By proper technology, mounting foam is applied in small segments (about 10 cm) in the bottom-up direction - it helps to avoid unnecessary spreading of the material. It is necessary to ensure that the gap is not filled by more than 50% - during clarification, the volume will increase greatly, which can lead to damage to the design being processed

It is extremely important not to touch the unworthy foam - any physical impact and violation of the structure worsens the frozen and negatively affects the volume and density.
It is necessary to ensure that the balloon is always in the "upside down" position - this will ensure the most complete consumption of foam.

Complex moments:

Problem when usingHow to decide
Over 3 cm width holeInstallation foam must be applied in several techniques, waiting for solidification of each of the layers. Before re-applying the foam, moisturizing the hardened base.
Through slotsIn no case cannot be pouring such foam holes on both sides - this can lead to a strong deformation of the design. Foam is used only on the one hand, the reverse side is usually filled with silicone sealant.
Installation of door and window boxesTo reduce pressure on the design, the use of dowels and additional struts are recommended (they are cleaned after hardening). Otherwise, foam, expanding, can thoroughly skew the door frame and windows.

Household foam cylinder must be used completely, otherwise, during storage, the composition hardens and will be unsuitable for use. With professional foam such problems does not arise, but there are nuances.

Working with selected mounting foam without a gun instruction

The principle of sealing of openings without a pistol is exactly the same as when using special tools. When the surface being processed is ready, the balloon should be thickened. Manufacturers recommend to intensively shake it for 30-40 seconds, which will ensure the uniformity of the sealing of the packaging.

Now it should be removed from the sealant a protective cap and secure the PVC tube on the valve, which is complete with a domestic product. For professional products, the tube will have to be purchased separately. The free end of the tube is made to the close-up to the way. The slot must be filled with foam by 30-40% (sometimes 50%) from its size, this is due to the fact that the seal is significantly increased in volumes during solidification. Partial filling makes it possible to reduce the flow rate and the total size of repairs. If, after drying the seal, its explicit drawback is revealed, you can always add another layer, although most often it is not required.

The foam begins to leave the cylinder under pressure when the valve is pressed. The triggering valve leads to the admission of the sealant inside the tube, and then on the surface being processed. Full drying sealant is almost always completed within 8 hours after work. If, after drying the foam, it swelled and its individual parts protrude too much from the sealed seam, the surplus is very easy to cut off the stationery knife.

Mounting pistol price or quality

A professional pistol provides accurate and dosed applying the mounting foam, reusable use of the cylinder and accuracy during operation. There are many modifications of such a tool, however, the scheme of the device and the principle of operation is about the same:

  1. The pistol tip is usually its diameter several times less than the diameter of the tube itself. Such a feature allows multiple times to increase the pressure when the foam exits, which, in turn, guarantees a good volume.
  2. The barrel (tube) is a channel for which foam comes out. It can be solid or collapsible (of two parts), which simplifies the care of the tool.
  3. Adapter - adapter for connecting to the foam cylinder. In high-quality models is covered by Teflon.
  4. Adjusting node - allows you to dose the yield of foam and its pressure.
  5. The fastening nut - with its help, the trunk is attached to the handle. This design allows you to remove a cleaning or replacement tube.
  6. The trigger - serves to adjust the supply of mounting foam.
  7. The handle is manufactured from various types of plastic and metals. Aluminum handles are considered the most reliable and convenient.

In the principle of the installation pistol, a simple mechanic is laid: after attachment to the cylinder, the foam passes through the feed valve in the barrel, where the juro is pressed. Pressing the juro opens the valve on the tip, released foam. The regulating mechanism allows you to control the volume of foam feed.

Since there is nothing superfluous in the pistol design, choose such a tool is quite simple. Only a few factors should be taken into account:

  1. The quality of the materials from which the gun is made. It is better if it is fully made of solid metals. There are high-quality plastic models, but it is a rarity.
  2. Collapsible design: Monolithic pistols are cheaper, but the price of the collapsible tool will repeatedly pay off when cleaning and replacing parts.
  3. Working pressure in pistol. This characteristic will not be possible to check in the store, but there is a small trick. Buying a gun, immediately acquire a cleaner with a cleaner (in its composition there is acetone). At home you need to screw the gun on the cylinder with a cleansing liquid, pressing the jug to put it inside, then remove and leave for a couple of days. If after this time acetone shoots when pressed on the trigger - the pressure is normal. If not - you can return the poor-quality goods to the store, acetone does not leave any traces on the surface of the barrel.

Tools and materials

1. Mounting foam

Foam can be both famous construction brands and noname, in principle it does not matter, the main thing is that it was a polyurethane foam foam. I have for many years I use foams of various brands and the only difference I discovered is the price. If you do not have a professional pistol (and when installing 3-5 doors, there is no need for such a gun), then it is necessary to buy foam with disposable nozzles, put in the lid. The required amount of foam depends on the gap between the door frame and the wall or partition and the width of the door frame. As a rule, one cylinder with a capacity of 750 ml is sufficient to install one door.

3. Wedges

Typically, the wedges are made of a girlfriend: cropping of a wooden bar, old door boxes, plinths, platbands, etc. But in some cases, if the doorway is quite vertical and the gaps between the door frame (the louting, joy) do not exceed 1.5-2 cm, then you can Use and ready-made clins:

Such wedges are sold in sets of 20-100 pcs. In the departments and supermarkets dedicated to laminate flooring for floors. To install 1 doors, you must have (or do) from 8 to 32 wedges.

4. Speakers

Typically, the struts are made of old plinths or platbands. For this purpose, you can also buy a timing segment 2.5-3x4-5 cm. Finished struts for installing doors I have never seen on sale, but this possibility does not exclude. The number of strut depends on the design and thickness of the door frame, as well as from the thickness of the foam layer. If the door frame with the threshold and the thickness of the box 3 cm and more, then there is enough spacer in the middle. For boxes with a thickness of about 2 cm, it is advisable to put 3 struts. For boxes with a thickness of 1.5 cm and less (and there are) it is better to use fastenings into the wall or partition.

Foam fire extinguishing system

Stationary Fire Fighter Installation Includes:

  • Air-mechanical fire extinguishing generator
  • Compression foam mixer
  • Dispenser foaming substance
  • Water supply trunk
  • Water supply pipeline
  • Belt for placing a fire extinguishing mixture
  • Ripens:
  1. drenchele (air-mechanical mixture comes out of the hole without a thermal castle)
  2. sprinkler (equipped with a thermal lock, which melts while increasing the temperature):
  3. water-filled (used in rooms with air temperature not less than 5 ° C);
  4. air (installed in premises without heating).

After receipt of the signal from the automatic control panel, the mixing container is filled with water. In this case, the compressor adds a strictly dosed amount of the foaming agent to water. The air-compression mixture passes under pressure through grid cassettes. It extends already from the body of the foam generator already in the increased volume, and then fed into the irrigances. The pump-dispenser pumps the compression mass in the red pipeline.


In order for the process of installation and operation of the door-free, do not cause any difficulties, it is advisable to comply with the following recommendations when conducting work.

First, as an adhesive substance, it is necessary to apply a mounting foam with a low linear extension coefficient (for example, titanium, macroflex, etc.), and only under the gun.

Secondly, performing the cutting of good, always consider the size of the gap formed during the cutting material (1 - 2mm).

Thirdly, never allow the use of sealants to hide non-relieved slots. With the correct measurement and string of the material, the goodholds should clearly join each other (without gaps).

Fourth, fulfilling the exhibition of goodness (even before the fudge), it is necessary to provide in advance to provide options for the progress of the goodness in order to produce this operation could be as quickly as possible. Also for the convenience of the exhibitions of good, to the cavity between the invalid side of the dough and wall opening, it is desirable to install spacer wedges, which subsequently (after frozen foam) are dismantled.

Introductionful video about how to install door dots do it yourself

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The problem is how to competently use the mounting foam without a gun over time it can become relevant for everyone. This question arises very acute when the time of repair of the old or the construction of a new room comes. During this period, the sharp need to remove clearances and cracks occurs very often. If there is a need or door. Mounting foam is the best tool that copes with this problem.

Mounting foam speaks to the slits - no!

Among the diverse types of sealant, the mounting foam is the most sought-after. This material will help very well in the wall, slots and joints that have more than three centimeters wide.

Packaging in which the foam is sold is an aerosol spray cylinder made of metal. Despite the low weight, the concentration of content inside is very high. From the container of one package, you can get more than 40 liters of foam to close the various slots. With the help of video instructions, you can get skills for competent working with this sealing agent.

Before starting to use the mounting foam without a pistol, it is necessary to consider that this substance becomes solid under the influence of a wet environment, and also increases significantly in the amount after the cylinder was used. It has a porous structure and has excellent insulating properties. Due to the fact that foam has a possible long service life, its indispensability is explained in repair and construction work. With it, it is possible to close the gaps, fasten the designs, ensure the fixation of the joints, heat and soundly insulated these places.

This solution has several categories - semi-professional using a plastic tube and professional (pistol type, you can get acquainted in detail,), winter, summer and all-season. Such a cylinder device was invented for the purpose of easy displacement of foam from a cylinder with special gas. As a result, the formation of a liquid polymer is the frozen and formation of polyurethane foam.

So, the mounting foam is a universal means that has heat and sound insulation properties, connects, fastens and glues different parts, convenient when carrying out installation works, has practical packaging. With its expansion, it is possible to high-quality junction and seams, after the frozen, you do not need to pay attention to her later.

Previously, a cement mortar was an alternative to this material, but its production is a labor cost process that takes a lot of time. For simplicity, convenience and combination in working with, metal, wood, concrete and stone can be given preference to foam solution.

What should be paid to purchasing a mounting foam:

  1. First of all, attention should be paid to the product to be not fake. The main criterion here is the country manufacturer.
  2. When buying a product in the store, you need to pay attention to the date of production and the specified shelf life.
  3. You need to check the weight of the balloon before buying, as well as the purity of its valve, in order to avoid the purchase of goods of the former in use.
  4. Buying a mounting foam occurs depending on the time of year.
  5. It should be borne in mind that the volume of substance released from the cylinder has the same dimensions, is not a consistency.
  6. The main criterion of a good product - after it was applied to the vertical surface, it should not crawl including from the walls and window surfaces.
  7. Application of sealant on the surface is made uniform extrusion of the substance and at a constant speed.
  8. Foam sale is produced in aerosol cylinders made of metal. They have low weight, are convenient when used and have a high content concentration - from one packaging when used, more than 40 liters of foam is obtained.
  9. This design was invented by foam manufacturers not accidentally - with its help, the material comes out in the presence of inside a special gas. The result is a successful solidification of the polymer on the gaps and joints and a fairly rigid basis is formed.

Working with the mounting foam is a process that does not require much effort. It has simplicity and convenience. But not to worsen the quality of work you need to know certain subtleties.

  • First, the installation work is carried out in the absence of low temperatures. According to the councils of experts, the solidification process occurs more efficiently at temperatures from plus 5 to plus 30 degrees. Such works are conducted from the middle of spring and until the middle of the autumn. Exceptions are winter types of foam.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to produce work only in gloves. They allow you to avoid contamination of hands and as a result of a long process of cleaning against a foam solution. Workers often miss this rule that is quite dangerous. Therefore, questions often arise.
  • Thirdly, do not try to work with foam everywhere, anywhere. If you need to fill the gap width from 1 to 8 cm, then use the mounting foam is permissible and approved. In the case when the size of the gap has a larger size, it is better to take advantage of alternative materials, such as plastic, brick or foam. If less centimeter, you can apply putty. It should be remembered - after completing the work with the sealant, the amount of foam is cut off with a knife (it is not necessary to remove excess with your hands).
  • Fourth, before applying the foam, it is desirable to pour the waterclotable water. The hardening and polymerization of foams occurs much faster and more efficient when the ambient air humidity, which corresponds to the range from 60 to 80 percent.
  • Fifth, the balloon shakes well before the start of the work. This should not continue a couple of seconds, but about a minute. This is enough so that the solution inside the cylinder capacity has become a homogeneous mass.

We take a canister balloon. Before removing the protective cover, pre-shake the contents of the cylinder. After screwed up the tube on the adapter, the balloon turn up the bottom. It is in this position that a cylinder is used during installation work. This subtlety is very important because the gas that displaces the gas foam is very light and the entire mixture is more effectively mixed at the position of the cylinder upside down.

Now we apply a foam, taking into account that it increases in volume. Therefore, to apply foam into hollow space, it is necessary not more than a third. After a while there is an increase in the volume of another 2 -3 times and then you can already cut everything with an excess knife. When applied, the foam is not horizontally, but vertically, the solution should be directed from the bottom-up. This ensures the convenience of applying and the appearance of the foundation for consolidation, not yet hardened sealant.

After applying foam, it is sprayed with water to improve and more efficient process of frosting. When we see a foam deficit at the joints, you need to wait a little time somewhere half an hour, to frozen the bottom layer, and then you can add to the same place. But it is not necessary to try the surplus no longer need.

In one pass, the foam layer when applied, has a permissible value of three, four centimeters. In the case when the clearance is more, then the application of the foam occurs consistently, the layers are applied one by one.

After it goes 8 hours from the moment they put a foam, she finally dries off. Do not try to start exposing furniture, make the wallpaper sticking, install the shelves immediately after applying foam. In the sealed joints, excess foam are removed, covered with means for alignment (the best options are, plaster, paint or cement).

You can also apply as protection and polyurethane sealing tape. This contributes to an increase in the service life and will prevent from the fall of ultraviolet rays. You can apply the spray paint, and then begin to other stages of finishing work.

Quality Check - Saving Time and Money

The foam solution should have elasticity, breathe well to the surface treated. High-quality foam, after it takes and freezes it will not wave into small crumbs. To avoid unnecessary problems before the material finally hardens, it is impossible to touch it and proceed to its processing, in order to avoid changes in the structure of the material and do not interfere with the polymerization process.

You can get a good quality of the work done only if the material satisfies the relevant standards. Then you will not have to make updates on the sealing of the joints. It should be borne in mind that there are cartridges in various price categories and which have a different capacitance of foam exit. In this case, it is more profitable to purchase an aerosol can on a more expensive price so that it is enough for all the cracks than to buy some cheaper.

Mounting foam - excellent repair quality

When buying a foam, you need to remember that the use of the cylinder is designed only for one-time application. Based on this, you do not need to use the cylinder twice. If you know how to use the mounting foam without a pistol, then it is not difficult to calculate the amount necessary to fulfill this work. Otherwise, it is better to get advice from those who work in this area or consult with the seller in the store.

Repeating containers with foam, takes place only when they carry out an operation with a sealant after a short time. At the same time, at the end of the first stage of operation, the tube (pistol), the valve to process specially intended for this liquid to remove foam. But, as a rule, workers in construction sites this method is not used.

  1. To remove the surplus you need to prepare a water sprayer and a knife for cutting too much.
  2. If the foam was in unnecessary places, it is possible to remove it with a soft sponge of acetone.
  3. Economical consumption of mounting foam will help avoid additional costs for cylinders.
  4. Processing the surface after applying the foam you need after 4 hours. At the end of 7-8 hours, it will become more difficult to cut it, the solidification process will completely end
  5. Perform work should use the respirator, it will protect the human body from unnecessary chemistry. Also does not prevent if the worker has glasses, gloves and overalls. So it's not easy.
  6. It is not necessary to wait until the foam becomes dark, as it indicates that the reaction to the impact of ultraviolet began (initially it has a light yellow shade).
  7. It is forbidden to use the mounting foam near the open fire and store the cylinder under the action of open sun rays (this is a common rule, but often it is not respected. There is a risk of running on the consequences of fire and the arrival of firefighters). The sealant uses various components that can ignite. This can lead to very sad consequences. Foam has classes: fire-fighting, self-fighting or combustible (it is necessary to know in advance).
  8. The emergence of problems is also associated if the foam is applied to a dirty surface. To solve this problem, the treated surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  9. If the temperature outside the window is below plus 5 degrees, the viscosity product may not be applied due to non-compliance with the standards. Also, the normal structure of the foam can disrupt the increase in ambient temperature to 30-35 degrees Celsius (exception is the all-season foam, which is suitable for use at a temperature of minus 10 to plus 40 degrees).
  10. If you risk, applying a summer foam in winter, that is, the risk of getting a foam that crumbs and has glass bubbles. She starts crawling down, which means the money thrown on the wind. To note, all-season solution Temperature frames up to minus 10 degrees The content indicator of the cylinder and minus 5 temperature of the container

Provided that you are taken into account all the advice on how to use the mounting foam without a pistol, which were mentioned here, it is possible to start construction work with complete confidence, which involve the use of mounting foam. With the help of foam, perform work on the isolation of the distribution network, which have seals with different widths of the seams and cracks, also simply fill extra empties in the walls. So you can safely begin to repair!

Video: how to use the mounting foam

Modern construction sites do not cost without the use of mounting foam, the technical characteristics of which played not the last role in its mass application. Professional builders and amateur masters who have decided to cope with repair work on their own, recently not represent the installation of doors, windowsill and windows, as well as construction measures related to waterproofing of the pipeline and large containers, such as water heating tanks and baths, without applying a mounting foam The technique of using which will be considered in the article.

Mounting foam: operational characteristics

The widespread use of the mounting foam, primarily due to its operational characteristics, allowing to consider this material an indispensable in almost all types of construction work. The main properties of the foam of the assembly, at the same time recognized by its advantages that each builder was able to estimate is as follows:

  • The possibility of using as a sound and heat insulator;
  • High resistance to moisture and low electrical current conductivity;
  • The operational features of some types of mounting foam indicate stability of fire;
  • The ability to fill emptiness and various cracks after expanding, providing high quality seams and joints;
  • The possibility of gluing by mounting foam of elements from various materials.

Varieties of mounting foam

To date, manufacturers offer several varieties of foam mounting polyurethane, among which the following varieties are of interest to builders:

  • Professional mounting foam, for use of which a specialized device is used - a gun that allows you to increase the yield of polyurethane sealant and extend its use;
  • Household or semi-professional polyurethane mounting foam intended for disposable. In addition, the main difference between the domestic sealant lies in a significantly lower density of filling the cylinder.

According to temperature conditions under which it is permissible to apply a mounting foam, video with its use is presented in the article, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Montage foam Summer is used if the temperature of the surface treated varies from +5 to +35 degrees;
  • Winter mounting foam can be used in winter, as it can withstand the temperature of the treated surface from -20 to +30 degrees;

  • Mounting all-season foam is characterized by a combination of the properties of winter and summer modifications. The working temperature of the All-season foam is within - 10 to +30 degrees.

Moreover, the builders who prefer the fusion of the assembly, the manufacturer suggests paying attention to a separate type of polyurethane sealant, which is characterized by special functional parameters - the foam mounting firefare. The use of non-combustible sealant, which maintains its performance characteristics when exposed to high temperatures and even open fire, is practiced in the construction of objects, to which the highest requirements are presented to fireproof.

How to choose a polyurethane sealant?

Choosing a mounting foam, the price of which directly depends on the quality, it is important to navigate not only on the manufacturer, but also on the external characteristics of the cylinder in which the sealant is implemented. The capacity with the best mounting foam is much harder, and its contents when shaking rolled from one end of the cylinder to another, and the price will say itself for itself.

Factors affecting the consumption of mounting foam

An important parameter, which is recommended to take into account experts in the process of choosing sealant, is considered to be the consumption of mounting foam. It directly determines the amount of material that needs to be purchased for conducting certain works and is determined by a large number of external and internal factors.


  • The manufacturer of the mounting foam, on which one of the important technical parameters of the material depends - the primary expansion. In accordance with it, highly expanding modifications are distinguished, to which the majority of household sealants include, for example, the titanium mounting foam. In addition, manufacturers offer medium and low expansion mounting foams, suitable for more delicate works, among which can be noted MacroFlex mounting foam, which has all the above properties, as well as the installation foam, which is characterized by minimum toxicity.


  • Ambient temperature;
  • The material used for the manufacture of the treated surface is recognized as one of the fundamental parameters to be taken into account when calculating the consumption of sealant.

Instructions for applying a mounting foam. Main subtleties of use

Regardless of which installation foam you preferred, be it professional or household, before use, the cylinder with foam is pre-heated in hot water and thoroughly shake. This is done in order to mix the components of the sealant, and thereby increase the output of the mounting foam, the photo with the use of which is presented in the article.

Further actions depend on the modification of the selected polyurethane sealant.

If this is a semi-professional foam, then a tube is worn to a balloon, which comes with it complete, while a bottle with professional foam requires a gun on it after removing the cap from it.

It is important to remember that a working pistol is capable of ensuring the safety of the unused foam for 3 days.

After preparing the material, it is necessary to take care of the careful preparation of the working plane, which will continue to be used to apply sealant. Experts advise it from dirt and dust particles, as well as moisten with water accelerating the polymerization of the predecessor of polyurethane, which is part of the sealant. In addition, it contributes to the speedy adhesion of the mounting foam to the surface being processed.

The process of applying polyurethane sealant does not represent difficulties, the only one, to which you need to pay close attention is the correct dosing of the foam output from the container.

In this regard, it is easier to work with professional foam, a balloon with which is equipped with a special pistol regulating the yield of the sealant using the valve. In the case of using household cylinders, this process is regulated by pressing the cylinder valve. It is important to take into account that in the process of applying foam to the surface, the cylinder must be kept vertically valve down.

After applying the sealant, it is necessary to wait for its complete drying. According to the manufacturer, the full polymerization of the material occurs within 6-7 hours, but its final frosting is often depends on the volume of the foam used and can delay until 11-12 hours.

After the mounting foam froze, many are wondering: "How to remove the mounting foam?". This event also does not require special skills. Excess the foam remaining after it is frozen, is cut off with a metal saw or sharply sharpened knife.

In the event that the mounting foam was used on the street, after its final drying and subsequent removal of excess, it is shuffled with a cement solution or plaster. Also, its staining, protecting from the effects of ultraviolet, is also not yet rebored. The need for this event is due to the high sensitivity even the best mounting foam to ultraviolet radiation, which promotes color change and premature destruction of the material.

If, when applying a mounting foam, she fell to your hands, you should not panic. It is possible to remove it using a solvent used for flushing a pistol.

If you started repairs in the apartment, then at certain stages you have to think about how to use the mounting foam if you have not come across this before. Despite the fact that this material cannot be called innovation in the construction sector, not everyone knows the rules of its application, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Nuances when using mounting foam

Not only professional builders are used by the mounting foam, but also people repaid their homes, cottage or other rooms with their own hands. It is necessary for fixing products, improve thermal and sound insulation and sealing.

Due to the extensive area of \u200b\u200buse, the mounting foam is rapidly displacing cement, putty, bitumen and the pass from the construction market. It is easy to explain. If you have never used this product during repair and construction work, it's just because they did not know all its merits, which are very many.

So, here is a list of some advantages that you feel when using mounting foam:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • short duration of drying;
  • ease of work;
  • good noise insulation;
  • stable sealing;
  • elasticity of polyurethane;
  • reliable fasteners of products;
  • interaction with almost all kinds of building materials, with the exception of silicone, teflon and polyethylene;
  • increased volume several times;
  • resistance to humidity;
  • resistance to ignition;
  • poor conduction of electric current;
  • filling out all the gaps and cracks that are even in a hard-to-reach place;
  • if necessary, excess material can be cut with a knife;
  • when used as fasteners there is no need to apply additional fixing agents;
  • does not affect chemicals.

However, like any material, foam has some minuses:

  • certain requirements of the temperature and humidity during operation;
  • instability to the effects of ultraviolet;
  • when used, the presence of protective equipment for eyes and hands is required;
  • difficult disassembly.

As you can see, there are quite few minuses, moreover, they can be avoided when using technology.

Technology application of material

Before starting work, take care of protection measures, putting gloves and safety glasses. Next, moisten the surface to be treated and shake the cylinder thoroughly several times.

When using a summer foam, it is necessary to ensure that the air temperature is from +5 to +35 degrees.

If all the conditions are met, remove the cover from the cylinder, screw the special tube, then turn the balloon itself. If you handle the vertical hole, the process must be started from below, moving upstairs. Having finished, sprinkle the surface with water, thereby speeding up the process of frozen.

If after work, the gaps remained in the surface, re-pass on them foam and leave it until complete drying (8 hours). After the required time, the excess material can be carefully cut off by the knife.

When using foam as a clamp of products, window or doorways, you must use the struts to avoid deformation.

  1. To work in the cold time, you need to make a choice in favor of winter or universal foam.
  2. Foam elements remaining on hand or clothing are removed by a solvent or acetone.
  3. Do not buy cheap products, because they have low quality, and in the process of dismantling a high probability of damage to surfaces.
  4. To protect polyurethane from ultraviolet, you can cover it with paint, plastering or sharpening, or use the platbands.
  5. Work can be performed qualitatively only when the work room is well ventilated and ventilated.
  6. In order for the processing of horizontal surfaces and hard-to-reach places is less difficult, it is advisable to use the assembly pistol.
  7. If the processed slit has a width of more than 80 mm, it should be pre-filled with bricks, wood or cement mortar.
  8. If the gap is opposite with less than 10 mm, it is better to use putty.

Using the information above, you will learn to easily use the mounting foam where necessary. You should not be afraid to start using a stranger material, because there is nothing complicated in this, and realizing the advantages, you just do not find analogue when performing repair and construction work.

In addition, now almost all works that have previously trusted professionals, you can perform independently without special skills and knowledge. Already in a short time you will feel all the benefit of the mounting foam.


In addition to the above information - the next video.