How to make the cutting ceiling correctly. Rack ceiling: calculation, markup, assembly, nuances Ceiling Ceiling bent mounting

When making the interior of residential premises, many preferre to rush ceilings. The popularity of such structures is explained by high quality, practical, operational characteristics, a large variety of textures and textures. Conduct installation will not be difficult even novice masters. The main thing is to adhere to technology and sequence of work. As a visual example, thematic videos are presented, where the assembly of the rush ceiling is shown.

How to collect a rack ceiling?

The advantages of rush ceilings

Rack ceiling is suitable for interior design of bathrooms, kitchens, hallways, office centers, pools, garages. The high degree of moisture resistance of the material allows it to apply it to arrange the veranda, gas stations, summer sites. How beautiful it looks the cutting ceiling in design, you can see in the videos to arrange the interior.

The advantages of the rush structures:

  • resistance to temperature differences;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long operational resource;
  • simple installation, fast installation;
  • ease of care;
  • universality.

The cam ceiling is not afraid of leaks due to the complete tightness of the design. Each rail fits tightly to another. Before starting the installation, the rough ceiling surface does not need to be plastering and putty. It is enough to dismantle the previous coating.

The main advantage is a simple installation of the cutting ceiling structures, which you make sure, after studying the video.

Important! If you plan to install the ceiling in rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to pre-process the draft ceiling by antifungal composition.

Installation / installation of rush ceilings is carried out after the completion of the finishing of wall surfaces.

Aluminum are most in demand. Aluminum fits well into any concept of the interior, it has dust-repellent properties, moisture resistant, simply clean it from pollution. Aluminum panel in case of fitting the rivers it is easy to cut into the desired size. Installation of the ceiling is shown on video.

Suspended Rack Ceiling when mounting takes 10-15 cm height. Compensate the loss of useful space in small-sized premises will help the correct selection of color, textures, textures. Present preference is light tones and a mirror surface.

Features of the rush ceiling

The cam ceiling consists of ceiling panels (rails), which are made of 0.4-0.7 mm thick sheets (steel, aluminum, plastic) 5--30 cm wide, 3-6 m long. You can place an order for the manufacture of the ceiling construction According to individual measurements. Cut panels to the desired size and on their own using metal scissors.

Composition of the suspension system: bearing tires (stringer, traverse), angular profiles, adjustable suspensions. Stringer is a galvanized steel profile with "teeth" for which the ceiling planks are fixed. Each type of panels - with your Stringer.

Important! To avoid gaps when installing the ceiling design, it is recommended to acquire traverses and rails of one company.

The suspension has brackets fixed to the traverse, and the rod that will be fixed to the base surface. The most convenient for work is an adjustable suspension that allows you to perfectly align the surface of the ceiling design. By performing installation, determine the distance to the suspended system and the main surface of the base base is quite independently.

The base ceiling overlap of the rail is recorded at the expense of the suspension system and tires with special fasteners for profiles.

All the main elements of the cutting ceiling design are produced from aluminum using cold stamping technology. Rake is painted with powder painting compositions that protect the design from negative factors.

Types of river ceilings

The ceiling panel (rail) happens with perforation, rounded, rectangular, matte, glossy, can have a different texture, color, which will make it possible to pick up the cam for any interior style. Panels, decorative inserts of one color scheme create a harmonious space.

The design of the suspended ceilings is determined by the type of panels (open, closed type). With an open version between the rails there are gaps of a width of approximately 0.15 mm. Installation of the ceiling structure is completed by fixing the decorative inserts in places of formation of gaps. The installation of the rush ceiling can be performed without gaps. With closed joints of the panel enter each other and fixed with the tongues. Inserts are not required.

Choosing the rails, pay attention to their size:

  1. Panels produce three or four meters long. If there is a need to purchase the desired size, check before purchase, if the cutting machine.
  2. The panel may have a width of 10-20 cm. The optimal option for small-sized premises is 10-centimeter rails.
  3. For the ceiling to have sufficient strength and kept the shape well, the rail must have a thickness of at least 0.5 mm.

Installation, Ceiling Design Scheme

To properly carry out the installation of the rush ceiling on your own, we recommend watching the video before starting work. Installation does not represent a special difficulty even for beginner masters. A detailed instruction and a diagram will be given, which will help carry out the installation of the cutting ceiling in all the rules.

Before starting installation, you need to prepare:

  • hydroelectory;
  • passatia;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for cutting metal.

Installing a suspension ceiling can be produced at any distance from the base. Apply adjustable suspensions. Rush suspended ceiling systems can be mounted even in bulk. The gap will be 0.4 cm, which will be equal to the thickness of the tire.

Installation begins with an inspection of the base base, applying markup to install the tire guide. Using the hydroelector, throughout the perimeter denote the place of the future ceiling, retreating 10-15 cm from the base. Conduct a horizontal line, as shown on video, which is a guide for fastening the guide profiles. The initial and endpoints of the line must match.

The standard length of profiles is 3 m. Scissors for cutting metal can be achieved by the desired length. How to cut the panel is shown on the video. After marking, the profile is installed. Measure the length of the wall, cut off the profile of the desired size. If there are no holes in the profile, they are drilled by a drill. The first hole is drilled at a distance of 45-50 mm from the wall surface, follow-up - by 40-55 cm each.

A profile is applied to the outlined line and drill holes for dowels in all the walls. The profile "Single" on the self-tapping screw, fixing it in bulk on the inner corners, on the outer - under the tilt of 45 degrees.

Installation of suspensions

A marker with roulette is noted where traverses will be recorded. The first label is applied at a distance of 35 cm from the wall surface, the following - with a step of 80-95 cm. The suspension is fixed with methms. Check the position of the hydrorem.

The next step is fixation, fastening the carrier tires. So that the design is perfectly smooth, you can not allow errors. Stringer with a small distance from the base is permissible to secure directly on the rough surface.

Stringer is installed perpendicular to panels, at one level with a profile that is fixed around the perimeter. The mounting of the bearing tire to the suspensions is performed by a screwdriver. Between the stringer and the angular profile, leave the gap of 1 cm. If the stringer is short, the suspension is fixed at the beginning of the traverse. The next Stringer is fixed with the previous one.

After installing the carrier tire, especially if adjustable suspension was used, check the roulette, how exactly the Stringer is installed. All elements should be arranged horizontally, parallel to the axes of the line X, Y, Z.

Mounting process

Before installing the cutting ceiling construction, prepare the rails of the desired length, after performing measurements. Measure the distance between the wall surfaces of the transverse axis, where the traverses are located. The marker is carried out on the inner surface of the bar, which will be carried out cutting the rail. Cut corners are cut off with scissors. Upda, bending and flexing the panel, remove an extra piece.

The panel is released from the protective film, cut to the desired size. The rail is inserted into the guides and snaps into the traverse locks to the characteristic click. Each subsequent plank must be installed next to the previous one.

The height of the traverse can be adjusted by changing the depth of screwing the hardware, but only if the Stringer is fixed to the base base. Adjustable suspension will help change the height.

If the last panel is not placed in the remaining space, it is cut to the desired size. At the entire length, the knife is applied deep marks of the cut. Perpendicular cuts are made on the removable segment. You must cut the panel extremely carefully, trying not to damage it. The rack enters the profile of the cutting part, the other end of the plank is attached to the tongues of traverse.

Important! The penultimate panel (rack) must be 13 mm shorter than the rest.

The installation of racks suspended structures involves installing inserts if they are included. The completed type of design will give the plinth. They will hide the joints between the wall surfaces and the ceiling. When uneven walls use wide plinths, as shown in the video.

You can see the cam ceiling today not only in the interior of shopping and entertainment centers, but also in many urban apartments and country cottages. The reason for such popularity lies in the fact that the technology of the device of such structures is not so complex. Run the installation of the river ceiling with your own hands is quite the forces of the novice builder. Before you begin to consider the installation technology, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the existing species of this ceiling.

External features

Ceilings may differ in different signs. We list them.

Material of manufacture

This ceiling is some kind of suspended structures. It can be said that it consists of rails manufactured from different materials (plastic, steel, aluminum) and a special system for fastening them.


Existing standards for ceiling plates:

  • the width of the rails should be from 50 mm to 30 cm;
  • thickness - from 0.4 mm to 0.7 mm;
  • length - up to 6 m.

The ceiling from the regques can be:

  • matte;
  • smooth;
  • glossy;
  • perforated;
  • or special decorative texture.


The existing diversity of colors and shades of ceiling plates allows designers to use them when decorating any interiors.

The form

Most often, the forms of ceiling panels are rectangular, but sometimes they have a rounded shape.


By type of joints, flows are:

  • Open. A small gap appears between the rails (about 15 mm), which is closed in decorative purposes with a special profile.
  • Closed. Rakes are attached to the mustache. Installation is made without the use of decorative profiles.
  • Bigless. For this type of ceiling, the layout also does not need. The installation of the rail is made closely.

The main advantages of rush ceilings are considered:

  • Universality. They have greatly proven indoors with significant moisture resistance requirements: their installation is produced in pools and baths, on verandas, terraces and in front of the verandas.
  • Ecology. The use of safe materials in the manufacture and coating of panels.
  • Durability. Reiki do not rust, the color of their coating does not fade and does not fade over time. These ceilings serve more than 25 years.
  • Diversity. There is a huge range of panels (style and design).
  • Fire resistance. Rakes are made, as a rule, from non-combustible materials, besides, when heated does not distinguish any harmful substances.
  • Hygienicity. On the panels, dust does not accumulate and they easily wash warm water.
  • Simplicity and convenience of mounting. Rush ceilings are mounted quite simple, quickly, and besides without dirt and dust. They are endowed with an excellent suspension system, which gives the excellent possibility of a convenient device of communications (air ducts, electrical displacement wiring, etc.). Also at any time, any rake can quickly dismantle and replace it with a new one or install it.

War Ceiling Installation Instructions

The suspended ceiling system consists of elements:

  • Corner profile. We are needed to close the gap, which is formed between the wall and the rush ceiling.
  • Suspension (adjustable). It consists of a rod attached to the base and a special bracket, which is needed for fastening the stringer (carrier tire).

  • Carrier tire (Stringer, traverse, comb). Galvanized steel strap, on which there are dumplings in the presence of grooves, designed to install the rails.

So, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our installation instructions:

  • Initially, it should be declared for which height will presumably fall the ceiling.
  • With the help of a lace and level, it is necessary to repel the horizontal at the perimeter.
  • Next, measure the length of the horizontal and cut out the angular profile fragments of the desired length (for the first wall).
  • If there are no holes in the profile for fasteners, then you should take a drill with a metal drill and drill holes yourself. The first hole is thrilled at a distance of five centimeters from the beginning of the corner, and all subsequent - about fifty centimeters.
  • For the intended line, attach a profile with holes to the wall, and then through the drilled holes with a marker, sall on the wall of the point.
  • Drill in the wall of the hole and insert the cooked dowels in them.

  • With the help of self-samples, install the corner profile (screwing the screws in the dowel) - the basis of the rush design.
  • Repeat the above profile installation process for other walls.
  • A wiping corner is attached in the outer corners at an angle of 45 °, and in the internal - jack.
  • Attach the carrier tire to the ceiling, and then apply two labels with a marker to drill holes at a distance from the ends of the bus approximately 30 cm. The remaining holes are 1.2 m or a little less.
  • The same actions are repeated with the rest of the stringers (carriage of tires).
  • Drill the holes in the pre-marked points of the base ceiling and install the dowels.
  • At the ceiling overlap with the help of suspensions with special brackets, attach the bearing tires. Lock the tires parallel to each other in 1.2 m.
  • If the distance is small, carrying tires can be secured by self-drawing directly on the base. To withstand the distance between the carrier and the installed angular profile 1 cm.

  • Measure the desired length of the panel. The length of the rails is usually equal to the distance between the walls per minus 0.5 cm.
  • Squeeze the panel on the corner profile and snap the bus locks. Similarly, the remaining rails are installed. Periodically check the ceiling plane level.
  • At the end, set a special layout profile to close the slot formed between the panels.

The technology of installation of rush ceilings involves the location of the rails at different angles to the walls and in various directions. When carrying out work in a narrow long room, it is recommended to have a rack to place across - thus the room is visually expanding.

How to mount the ceiling to solve you, the main thing is that it harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.


To make it easier for you to understand the course of work, we suggest you to watch the video instruction on the installation of a roll ceiling.

Here is another instruction that will definitely help you in your work.

- A rather complicated procedure, but if you follow the instructions and go to the case with all seriousness, then everything will certainly succeed. Much depends on the geometric form of the room - if the room is rectangular, then there should be no problems when installing at all.

For the first time, the roll ceilings from aluminum appeared in Russia at the end of the last century, that is, approximately when the Russians found out about the "Eurorespe". The first ceilings were German production and cost, of course, quite expensive.

Despite this demand for them, many masters, who estimated all the advantages of the design, began to use it widely when repairing a kitchen or bathroom.

Note! Modern (mainly white) models are equipped with decorative inserts, allowing not only to reflect the room, but not to break the interior design.

Design features

Rakes are attached to the steel traverse - gear profile. There are several varieties of regions and for all there are their traverses. It is important that those and others be from one manufacturer - so after installation there will be no gaps and cracks.

The ceiling is installed after placing the room and mounting windows. If the ceiling was carried out electrocabylis, then they need to be fixed so that they do not interfere in work.

Stage 1. Measurements

Start you need from measurements. If you for any reason you doubt yourself, it is better to trust it with a professional at the measurer. His work will cost approximately 500 rubles.

Stage 2. Purchase all necessary

The following tools will be required in the paper:

  • scissors for metal;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • laser level.

In addition, it will take a number of materials for installation:

  • panels;
  • screws;
  • guides;
  • dowel;
  • traverse;
  • suspension.

Key points when choosing panels (RECES) are dimensions.

  1. Width Products range between 10 cm and 20 cm, but it is better to buy 10-centimeter rails - they are the most popular.
  2. Length It can be 3 m or 4 m. If none of the options approached, it is worth finding a firm that provides a machine to cut the panels.
  3. From thickness Reliques directly depends the reliability of the entire design. The optimal option is ½ mm, in which the strength of the ceiling will be high, and the cost is acceptable.

  1. Closed rails remotely resemble a wooden lining.
  2. Open rails can only be installed in rooms with a height of more than 5 m, so such products are hardly suitable for the bathroom or kitchen. Installed with a small gap - no more than 1 cm.
  3. Products with inserts are the same open, but the gaps in this case are disguised with decorative aluminum stripes.

The color of the cutting ceiling depends on the taste of the owner and the design of the room.

Note! To repaint the ceiling to another color, enamel paint is used - there will be one layer enough. To make a ceiling mirror, you need to buy chrome aluminum rails.

It is characteristic that the rails should be sold in a special protective film. Do not buy products on which this film is missing.

Stage 3. Calculation of the cost

The cost of the cutting ceiling includes the following components:

  • traverts (or tires, as they are also called) - gear strips, to which, as mentioned earlier, panels are attached;
  • plinth is used purely in decorative purposes - they are closed by the resulting clearance between the ceiling and the wall;
  • suspension - the usual steel wire fixed on the ceiling; Traverts are attached to the suspensions, so the cutting ceiling is called suspended;
  • lamps - about them you should take care in advance, because after installing the ceiling it will be difficult to install.

Stage 4. Installation

Step 1. On each wall you need to install guides (stringers). The place of the future ceiling is indicated - it is descended by about 20 cm relative to the old one. The line should be strictly horizontal, so you can apply a laser level when markup. On this line will be attached profiles.

Step 2. Profiles need to be attached to the line, and in the appropriate places to do holes. Dowels are clogged and screwed screws. As a result, the profile is attached to the wall every half meter, the horizontal is checked using a mounting level.

Note! In the corners, the guides are connected as shown in the image.

Step 3. At the end of the montage of the perimeter, the suspensions are installed. The distance between them should not exceed 1 m. The suspensions are fastened with screws with dowels, after which the level is checked.

Step 4. Traverts are attached to the suspensions. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the traverses be on the same level with the guides at an angle in 90ᵒ to the slats. The design should go smooth, because it affects the appearance of the future ceiling.

If the traverses are too short, then you can put them, connecting the jack of two adjacent products. At the end of the installation of the traverse, the assembly of the ceiling itself begins.

Step 5. Reiki is cleaned from the protective film and are trimmed according to the size of the room. Then the rails are inserted into the guides throughout the perimeter, after which the traverses are snapped. As a result, such a surface should go out.

It is worth noting that many are afraid of the installation of the rush ceiling itself, and its repair. For this reason, when assembling, you need to try not to deform the rails (and they, by the way, are fairly easily deformed). If there are still any damage, it is better to replace the entire panel.

Video - Collection of Retail Ceiling

Mirror ceiling of aluminum rails

Such a ceiling consists of the same plates covered with a special reflective substance (often chrome). In addition to aesthetic, mirror ceilings are distinguished by the following advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • the illusion of an increase in space, which is especially important in small-sized apartments;
  • a wide range of textures and shades;
  • lack of difficulties in installing lamps.

After reading the main advantages, you can start work.

Stage 1. Preparation

When buying mirror rails, special attention should be paid to items. Quality products are coated with a special protective layer that prevents the formation of cracks, scratches and other damage. In addition to the RESEK themselves, it will take:

  • plinths;
  • guides;
  • suspensions;
  • tires.

But the list of necessary equipment:

  • mounting level;
  • dowel;
  • electric drill;
  • perforator;
  • hoven for metal;
  • cord;
  • saws.

Stage 2. Marking

Before installing, it is not necessary to specifically prepare the ceiling plane, but if the finishing material is moving, it is better to get rid of it.

A horizontal line is carried out around the perimeter (approximately 20 cm below the existing ceiling). If you plan to install point lamps, the wiring is paved.

Stage 3. Build frame

Step 1. According to the markup, the guides are installed for the ceiling. The mount is made in the same way as when installing a conventional rush ceiling.

Step 2. Stringors are inserted into the guides, and the suspensions are mounted above them.

Note! For suspensions, it is desirable to use clamping mechanisms, since they are easily adjustable if necessary.

Step 3. Stringors are connected on the same level with suspensions. To do this, you can pull the cord diagonally.

Stage 4. Ceiling assembly

When assembling a mirror ceiling, you can not remove the protective film. Segments of the required length (about 3 mm less than the distance between the walls) are cut directly in the film.

Note! Only the edges of the rails are cleaned.

Otherwise, the mirror design technology does not differ in any way from the above.

As a conclusion

Modern racks are distinguished by reliability and aesthetics, and recently are increasingly used exclusively for decor. Aluminum rails are very popular, because they are not subject to corrosion and are not burning, so that they can be installed in rooms with high fireproof requirements.

Finally, one more good advice. Before buying the ceiling, you need to think, whether it is worthwhile to lose 20 cm of free space for it. Perhaps height and so small, and the cuticle ceiling (if it is not mirror) will reduce it not only visually, but also physically.

But still a suspension ceiling has many positive qualities, so such minor flaws in most cases do not pay attention.

Rack ceiling in the bathroom or in another room of your home is easily mounted without the help of specialists. At the same time, the cost of its acquisition and installation are quite acceptable for any family budget.

The ceilings from aluminum and steel rails in the CIS countries began to be sold at the end of the last century. Homeland such designs is Germany. It was from her that new functional ceilings were supplied to Russia, which immediately fell on the shower and installers, and ordinary consumers.

The first structures were objectively expensive. But it did not bother to conquer the domestic market to be conquered with the cattle facilities. What is not surprising. After all, the described coating has a number of advantages:

  • elegant appearance;
  • universality (install the ceiling you can in the residential room, in the kitchen room, in the bathroom)
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to high temperatures and moisture drops;
  • speed and simplicity of assembly and installation of aluminum panels;
  • the possibility of selection of nets for any suitable design style, including truly exquisite;
  • durability

Design of the rush ceiling

It is also worth noting that the rush design is suspended. So, its installation makes it possible to align the existing ceiling surface without the use of plaster and similar compositions. In addition, under such a building it is easy to hide any apartment communications, which is important. Most often you can see the cutting ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen. But it does not prevent you from installing it in the hall or in the bedroom. Believe me, it will look very attractive in any room.

Find the shortcomings in the rush ceilings is very difficult. The disadvantage of the designs considered is that it is not very convenient to perform their repair. If any of the panels are broken during operation, you will have to disassemble all the ceiling coating to replace the defective element. Another point. When installing a rollover coating in a residential room, in the kitchen, a slight decrease in the height of the room is noted in the bathroom. It is not essential, especially when you do not place engineering communications under the ceiling.

Structurally, the roll coatings are made of steel or aluminum traverse (metal profiles with special cloths). They are fixed with panels (RESEK). Installation of the ceiling should be carried out by traverses and rails of one manufacturer. In this case, you can correctly and promptly install the cam ceiling.

The correct installation of the rush ceiling coverage implies the need to prepare a simple drawing of the room and determining the type of lighting that you want to see in it. In situations where you plan to install point lighting in the room (in the kitchen), you should find out the length of the lamps. It is very important. Based on the height of the lighting devices, you can understand how much you have to lower the suspended ceiling.

Usually the ceiling surface is lowered by 2-3 cm below the height of the used. Now you can proceed to the calculation of the amount of material to arrange the ceiling of aluminum (steel) panels. It is important to correctly choose the length of the rivers, with which the coating will be installed. In most cases, consumers are offered products of 4 and 3 m long. If you plan to place a cam ceiling in the bathroom (this room most often has a small width - 1.3-1.5), it is better to buy a three-meter rack. Then the installation of the structure will be performed with a minimum amount of waste.

Arrangement of ceiling construction from aluminum panels

For large rooms, four-meter rails will be suitable. It will be easy for you to decide on their length and total if you made a room drawing in advance. In addition, consultants of construction stores, which sells rush structures, are always ready to calculate for you. Just show them the room plan with accurate geometric sizes. They clearly tell you how much material will need to be purchased.

Important! When you calculate the number of regards, add more than 10 more to the required volume of the material. Installation of suspended ceilings is associated with the need for cutting of rails and profiles. It is better to be restrained so that later the material should not be purchased.

As a tool for installing aluminum panels on the ceiling in the room, the most conventional devices are used. You will need scissors for metal cutting, universal screws for fastening design elements and dowels, level, hammer, marker, pliers, construction knife, drill, perforator. All this is available at each home master, accustomed to repairing in the kitchen or in another room of his dwelling with their own hands.

At the first stage of work, you must apply markup on the ceiling surface. You will need to draw a perimeter to install the profile. In cases where the ceiling is a strictly horizontal surface, everything is simple. Mark at the necessary height with a marker or a conventional pencil line in a horizontal projection. On it, the traverse will be installed.

If it is planned to install a multi-level structure, you have to perform the calculations more complicated. But they will not call any special problems. Just instead of the usual roulette in such a situation, it is better to use a laser level. The probability of applying erroneous marking when it is used is excluded.

  • trimmed with metal scissors on the desired size (note - the profile length is determined by the line applied to the surface);
  • drill the hole drill in the profile product (there are profiles with already ready holes for fastening elements, to drill them, as you understand, no need).

Installation of the ceiling profile

The walls also need to make holes for fixing the profile product. Here you will need a puncher or drill. After that, it is necessary to put a profile on. Note! On the outer corners, it is attached under a 45-degree angle, and on internal - jack. The next step is to determine the placement of tires. From the wall, the most first bearing product is located at a distance of about 4 cm (you can slightly closer - 3.5 cm). All subsequent mounted after one meter. Tires are fixed to the ceiling in two ways:

  1. Through a special bracket for the suspensions of the adjustable type.
  2. Straight to the ceiling surface by self-drawing.

The suspensions are fixed by dowels with screws into the holes that are made by an electric drill. Nuance - on the corner profile carrier tires are prohibited, as they must hold hard rail. Be sure to check the location of the adjustable elements, using the level. Now the installation instruction allows us to engage in panels. Cut the rail to the desired size. Do not hurry to prepare all the panels at once. Perfectly smooth wall surfaces does not happen in one kitchen or other room.

We first mounted under a slight tilt panel on the corner profile, after which I straighten the latter (the operation must be done very carefully) to a given position. Be sure to stroop the locks that are included in the tires, profile. Next to the first rail, we put the second. The third panel must be installed on the opposite side into the second line of the fixators. This is due to the fact that the first row often has a smaller length than the others. So, it may be quite necessary to perform the adjustment of the width of the rail. This task has to solve quite often.

There is always an additional profile between each pair of panels. It is called intermediate. Further installation action is understandable. Difficulties may occur when fixing the most last panel. It must be fixed very tight. There is one trick here. You need between the wall and the last rail to put 2-3 small pegs from the wood. Then the density of the mounting panel will be provided. And the pegs themselves are then hiding under the plinth, no one will see them.

Here, in principle, all the technology, how to make a cam ceiling with your own hands in any room of your home, for example, in the kitchen or in the bedroom. Rejoice in the new design of your dwelling!

  • What will you need a master?
  • Work begins with marking
  • Fixation of carrier elements
  • Final assembly
  • Your house started repair, and you decided that for the bathroom you will make a functional and modern wood ceiling with your own hands. This is a good choice for premises with high humidity and high hygiene requirements. Such ceilings are not affected by fungi and harmful microflora, they are not destroyed from damp and rust, securely fixed and easily processed by detergent and disinfectants. Of course, the cutting ceiling is easy for your budget and can be mounted independently, without attracting extraneous hands. Like any suspension design, such a solution of ceiling design does not require the preliminary surface preparation that it declares.

    It should be noted that such a ceiling can be made not only in the bathrooms. Today, manufacturers create products so decorative that with the help of a roll ceiling you can create a unique interior in the room of any direction of use.

    classic Ceiling Ceiling

    We make calculations and buy materials

    Deciding with the view and color of the future ceiling, you will need to calculate the number of necessary materials.

  • Measure the perimeter of the room is the total length of the P-shaped profile, which will be fixed on the walls and allows you to make a neat adjoining the surface of the ceiling to the walls of the room.
  • Calculate the total length of the carrier comb - stringers. To do this, make the ceiling markup, perpendicular to the estimated direction of the arrangement of decorative panels, with a step of up to 1 meter.
  • Determine the ceiling coating area you need, calculating the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • Now you can purchase a ready-made set of materials for your area or assemble it yourself, relying on the calculations you have.

    What will you need a master?

    In order to independently make the installation of a roll ceiling, you will need a set of tools and materials consisting of:

    • ceiling kit, which includes profiles, stringers and panels;
    • suspension elements;
    • perforator, drill and screwdriver;
    • marker, construction level, line and roulette;
    • knife, scissors for metal, pliers;
    • dowel-nails and self-tapping screws.

    Work begins with marking

    The cutting ceiling in the bathroom or toilet, as in other rooms, is established upon completion of all finishing works and is the final accide in repair.

    The most important point when installing the ceiling is to apply markup. The first is the perimeter, according to which the P-shaped profile will be attached. If the ceiling is strictly horizontal - you simply apply a line at the desired height in the horizontal projection. The multi-level ceiling will require more complex calculations. An indentation from the top edge of the wall will depend on the filling of the interporal space. If you do not plan anything to put on your decorative ceiling, then you can raise it as much as possible, leaving the gap about 5 cm. The placement of lamps or other communications will require a larger space between the real and the false plat.

    The next step is to apply the markup of the Stringers. Control the parallelism of lines between themselves and relative to the side wall, and perpendicularity with respect to the direction of finishing panels and the end wall.

    Video: Collection of rush ceiling, part 1

    Fixation of carrier elements

    First of all, the P-shaped profile is fixed using dowels. From the edges, retreat from 5cm and drill holes, on the interval between the edge places of fastening with a step of about half a meter, make the remaining fasteners. You need to drill outside the profile to avoid the formation of burrs that can place it with a dense fit to the wall.

    After the profile is fixed, prepare according to the markup of the location under the suspensions, which can be performed in various versions - from plates to wire. The most comfortable are adjustable suspensions, they allow you to equalize the surface of the ceiling as accurately as possible. The edge points are located in 30-40cm from the end walls, and the intermediate are made in increments of 1.2-1.5 meters.

    Now you can fix the stringers - the tires with the grooves that the ceiling panels are fixed. Their length should be such that there is a gap between them and a wall profile about 1 cm to compensate for the deformation of the material when the temperature drops.

    Final assembly

    Before installing the cutting ceiling, you must cut the panel of the desired length. To do this, they must be made by 3-5mm in short, which is the distance between the profiles in which the ends of the panels will be inserted. After that, you can start assembling the ceiling surface. The panels are inserted into the stinglers' grooves before clicking, which indicates that the edges of the rivers were tightly fixed in the tires.

    If the last panel is not placed in size in the remaining space, it will have to trim. For this, the entire length is applied with a knife deep markup of the cutting place, perpendicular cuts are made on the removed part, and pieces formed by them are separated by blending by flexion-extension of the metal. After that, the edge panel is refilled by the sliced \u200b\u200bside into the wall profile, and the other edge is fixed in the tongues of stringers. For the convenience of work, the cropped panel is set in the penultimate, and the latter is made on 14mm in short, all the others.

    During the installation of all panels, you started them in the wall profiles diagonally. And the last one will have to first shift in one direction, the first edge of the first edge into the profile, then insert the second edge into the profile and return the panel to the desired position, in which both of its end will be evenly located relative to the walls. After that, fix it on the carrier tire.

    Video: Rank ceiling installation, part 2

    Additional moments in the installation

    When planning a cutting ceiling, consider the direction of lines formed by the joints of the panels. Usually they are located from the window to the opposite wall. The narrow room will visually change the proportion with the transverse location of the panels. In the square room, the diagonal stripes on the ceiling are well perceived.

    If the room is large, you will have to split the panels, for which the intermediate liners must be included in the kit, which allow you to give a neat place to the place of the joint.

    Rack ceiling allows the use of point lamps. To do this, you need to make holes for them. You must draw the circumference of the required diameter in the right place panel, and from its center to the outer line with the metal scissors to make radial cuts, curling the resulting petals inside the ceiling space. What the petals will already be obtained, the better the installation of the lamp will be carried out.

    Rush ceilings can be a variety of complex shape, but to illuminate the room can be built into it with satellum.

    When you are assembling a rush ceiling with your own hands, you need to ensure that the integrity of the ceiling panels is not disturbed when working. Scratches and scratching will significantly worsen the appearance of your ceiling.

    Anodizing the ceiling panels gives a stronger and stable coating than all other types of decorative finishes.

    Using our advice, you can independently install and assemble the rush ceiling. At the same time, you make sure that such work is under the power and home master. And your bathroom will acquire a new stylish design.