How to make a log house from round. How to assemble and put a log house: nuances of work on the construction of a log house and prompts of specialists projects of houses from the forest round

The construction technology of the classic logger from the rounder was formed by centuries, and the ancient builders did it in the same way as today, but a more primitive tool. Thanks to the application of new devices, the house of the rounder is built much faster, not inferior to the time-tested samples for reliability and ecology. Forest-round timber is suitable for the rapid construction of prefabricated designs of the house, saunas and baths, which are worked with the scandinavians to the smallest detail. In the Russian outback stored centuries-old traditions - how to build a house of rounded yourself.

Features of buildings

As a building material for suburban households, cottages, houses, baths and housekeepings, which are erected by logging, use solid rounded brices - rounded. Natural wood has long been known for its heat-insulating properties, while such walls "breathe", which is not inherent in other materials. The tree even in a searched form retains environmental friendliness - it naturally reacts to changes in temperature and humidity, ozones the air indoors and creates a warm atmosphere.

It is not so difficult to build a small structure from the roundabout, as it seems those who admire the perfectly smooth rows of well-processed logs. But if you read in detail with the technology of construction by the house from the roundabout, with your own hands, it turns out a neat log house. There are several ways to build wooden buildings, and each involves specific technology, and each has its subtleties. Without studying the technology of phased construction of houses from wood, minor errors can be allowed that cannot be fixed at the finish stage.

What is the difference between a frame from a profiled timber

As a building material, the bar-rounding is harvested in place, so wooden houses from rounding do not imply the use of brown and well dried raw materials. It is from here that the word "log house" happened - cut down and was made at the site of growing the main building material. A convenient way of assembly - with a so-called "cold" angle, but the logging of the forest with the laying "warm" angle implies a manual cutting and stacking "Chas". But it is they who give houses a special completed shape and distinctive decorativeness - a house of rounding a photo.

With any type of masonry, minor defects are inevitable - the slots and the curvature of the walls. Some masters advise bowls to make a serial way using a good tool. In order to avoid slots between rounding and other details of the masonry, it is important to firmly firm the insulation, and after some shrinkage to duplicate this stage of work - to identify the gaps and score the seal. The log house is collected from different materials, including from a glued or profiled timber, from a well-processed rounder, but the insulation is required in any case.

Tip: You can purchase a prefabricated design and build a house yourself - according to a scheme from numbered blanks. But usually this work is quickly and efficiently perform professionals from the company supplier.

What wood make a log cab

The prices of wooden houses from the roundwood vary greatly, and it depends on the method of processing logs, the thickness and properties of wood, sheathing, insulation and the overall improvement of the structure. For a good cut, a smooth quality building material is needed, but prefers coniferous wood varieties. Each species has its own distinctive features:

  • pine is the most affordable and widespread material, but during drying it often forms honey and small cracks;
  • larch is a high-quality moisture resistant building material, which becomes stronger from moisture, it is allowed to the lower crowns and outdoor finish;
  • spruce - excellent finishing material, well suited for inner partitions, enriches air with healing resinous substances;
  • fir - excellent wood, but due to the fact that it is not so common and more valuable, rarely goes to the construction of houses from round.

For construction, pine, spruce and larch are used, often combine rounding from different types of wood. For example, larch and pine are laid on the lower rows, and the fir logs go above. It is important to treat the antiseptic pine.

Tip: When there is enough larch in the region, such a type of wood is preferable. It is not susceptible to rotting, and over time, the humidity makes it more durable. Not in vain piles in Venice are made of this tree of wood, and it is simply indispensable on swamp plots.

Rounded, harvested at the construction site - the most economical way of building wooden houses. Although the glued bar is more durable and convenient for laying material, all the same solid wood prefer preference. The glued timber is a guarantee of wood quality, where even the bitch looks quite aesthetic. It is treated with impregnation to protect from:

  • fungus;
  • ignitions;
  • moisture and damage to rot;
  • damage to rodents and bugs.

However, all this inevitably affects the cost of houses from the glued bar, so build a house from the rounder will be much cheaper, but always add to the impregnation yourself.

Benefits of wise houses

Round construction forest Several centuries are in demand for the construction of the house and auxiliary buildings. Such structures have a lot of advantages:

  • natural material is indispensable for environmental characteristics;
  • provides "breathing" at home and full cleaning of habitat from harmful impurities in a kind of microclimate;
  • has a rather low thermal conductivity;
  • the log house is able to independently support sufficient temperature balance - it is not cold in winter and not hot in summer;
  • wood gives an unusually warm home atmosphere;
  • incomparable fragrance of fresh wood beneficial for health;
  • the durability of the design is a house resistant to temperature drops, small seismic shocks and mechanical effects.

Features of working with round

A home-made house is thoughtful to the smallest details of a technological process in which logs are used, prepared on the installation site. That is why the "log house" and "round" remain the most accurate and capacious definitions. Today, this method of building houses and remains the most environmentally friendly and fairly economical.

Almost all works are made manually, but using special tool, since pillars, clean the walls and bitch and energize the walls are otherwise impossible. In addition, finished logs are additionally worked out - make special collections and gutters, and accurate measurements are needed for selection of logs of the same cross section. At the same time, larger logs are put on 5 lower rows, and above are thinner. It is desirable that visually there was no big difference in the diameter of the roundabout. It is for these signs noticeably, whether the log house did a professional or a novice.

Circuit cuts from hand-treated manually, retain a natural protective layer under the crust. The masonry acquires its individual appearance due to a special way of alternating logs. A well-prepared roundabout pretty quickly laid into the finished design of the house or bath, especially when they were brought to readiness on a special woodworking machine. The more accurate processing and fitting the material, the less it is additionally insulated.

Wooden structures are erected from a different type of logs, and they have their differences:

1. Log-rounded logs - round with the simplest type of processing when the top layer is removed, leaving the most dense base. Such wood retains the basic properties of natural material, and smooth and smooth cylindrical log logs are obtained, which are convenient to lay in the walls.

2. Skar logs - slightly treated trunk of a tree, which is removed only by a layer of the crust and suspotted irregularities. With this processing, the protective layer under the crust remains untouched. The strength of such a structure is very high, that is why the vintage huts and the terema stood for 150-200 years. The logs retained a natural form, so the difference in the diameter of the base and the tops was always noticeable. During the installation, it is very important to alternate them.

3. Calibrated logs are ready-made processed trunks sort exactly in diameter or caliber. The most acceptable installation method, especially with mass woodworking and building a whole cottage area. At the same time, smooth walls are obtained from proportionate round.

In any embodiment, the competently laid log cabin is obtained aesthetic and reliable, reminding the illustration for Russian epic - a house of rounding a photo.

Where to take a project for the construction of a log of round

The log house is still popular in Russia, especially since the cost of a new house is relatively small, and the fashion for environmentally friendly building materials revived the ancient technologies proven over the years. Softwood wood spread in many regions. The availability of woodworking machines simplifies the preparation of the material to the installation of the house and the horozpostrook.

The thoughtful project of the house from rounding without experience is quite difficult to do without experience, but you can make your own adjustments to the finished drawings. There are many ready-made architectural projects - in specialized journals, books and on sites. For the individual development of the project it is better to turn to a professional architect.

Construction of a house of rounding is a project plus the appropriate fit construction material. The specialist is able to prepare it taking into account the characteristics of the soil in the region, to summarize all the wishes of the client and even offer several options for the initial sketches.

It is important to decide on the foundation or foundation of a wooden house:

1. In the swampy terrain you will need piles.

2. For the capital two-story building on the usual soil of a sufficient and shallow belt basement.

3. The base base is suitable for light hospostroy.

Before starting the installation of a wooden house, a plot is leveled on which the markup of the foundation is aligned. In size, the corresponding project of the house, stakes are clogged by a rectangle - on this markup:

  • dig a trench for a ribbon foundation;
  • score their own;
  • count the base base (one of the options).

On the perimeter markup, the trench is digging up to 35-40 cm deep and approximately the same width, inside necessarily the base under 2-3 commonness - for greater strength.

When the trench is ready, it is aligned according to the sidewalls, and on the bottom fall asleep the sand base up to 5 cm, sealing water. After 2-3 days, it is possible to make a foundation, and at this time it is better to prepare the elements of laying under formwork. Cutting boards are suitable, of which they make shields, and it is desirable to prepare a formwork for the weight of the foundation immediately. The fill of the concrete mixture under the foundation must be made with the reinforcement of metal rods.

A few weeks later the foundation hardens, at this time they prepare rounder for a cut. From the finished foundation, the formwork is cleaned, and the resulting clearance falls asleep with rubble and clay. For the foundation, reference referenced or bitumen - for waterproofing.

Initial stage of work

Under a small log house, the blocking of the foundation will be minimal, but still it is better to raise a bit over the surface of the earth - in case of natural disasters, so that the excess water does not dilute the wood after shrinkage. The bar under the laying of the foundation and walls is slightly dried, that is, natural humidity.

Installation of walls is extremely simple: fitting and laying of bars by means of brazen on each other. A nape is a wooden pin that allows you to make the build of wooden houses without nails, ensuring the reliability of the design and natural shrinkage. These adaptations are better to prepare in advance - rounded pins section up to 30mm from the most durable wood breeds in this area. A hole is drilled in the bars, where they are scorn. They are preparing a little deeper than the length of the brazening - during the shrinkage, the crowns should not shift, forming a gap. The step between the brackets is about 2 m.

Styling a cut from a round bar. It is important to docile correctly - an example on video.

There are 3 ways to dock timber:

1. Horizontal articulation method. The imposition of part of the bar on each other, the so-called "cold" joint, in which the small gap is obtained from the edge of the external to the internal.

2. The vertical method is the imposition of bars on each other, while it turns out a "warm" joint, but it is more complex technologically.

3. The end method of articulation, when the dock is made under the flat spike on the inside, and it is also considered "warm."

Cold corners are additionally attached to spikes, warm - grooves.

Between the logs are drilled by holes under the brazening, which they are rolled by forming a wall. The first beats are fixed near the corners, equestrian and door openings, not less than 10 cm from the edge, and at a long period of approximately 1.5-2m. Roll insulation or natural material is labeled between the round

  • tow;
  • jute.

When the log house is formed, the openings are finally forming for windows and doors. In order to avoid deformations, a timber inserted in the center of finished openings.

Under the laying of the first crown of the log cabin, the most durable and smooth logs of the largest diameter are chosen, capable of withstanding the overall load of the structure. The bottom base of the roundabout is defined for sustainable styling on the foundation. In a logging, an additional fastening "in the bowl" is formed. For this, semicircular recesses are formed in the bars, bonding the corners, but the bowls must be neat and even.

When laying the subsequent crowns, the roll insulation must be laid in order to reduce the time of time for constant legitimation of the gaps. Excess can always be removed, and from the outside, the insulation between the crowns is practically not visible.

The length and thickness of the rounder are picking under each crown - the higher the wall, the thinner the timber, and the shorter logs will go to the intervals between the window and doorways. The grazing assembly takes about a week, but inexperienced the most time spend on the adjustment of the round. The wood is treated with an antiseptic and give at least six months on the shrinkage, then the internal finishing works are completed.

Mauerlat is the last crown of the wall to which the roofing rafters of the bartal roof should be relying. It is better to make it with a big bias - cool duplex roofs do not delay snow. The ceiling beams are mounted on the last crown.

Features of the production of a log of round forest

Conditions of rounded - a classic solution used in the construction of centuries. Round forests are chosen as a material for houses and baths, with the help of log cabins, country houses and household buildings are erected. Brica has high thermal insulation qualities, while maintaining all the advantages of natural material. Building the right log house from rounding with your own hands, but it is quite possible, but it is important to deal with all the peculiarities of a wooden house.

Features of houses from log

Frams from round forest do not lose their popularity, since this material allows us to provide natural exchange and has very low thermal conductivity. In such houses there will be a comfortable temperature and at the same time a light pleasant atmosphere with a fragrance of a tree, which has liked many. However, due to the round shape, the junctions between them will be necessary to insulate.

The log house from the round can stand for a very long time, the best samples of wooden architecture cost hundreds of years. For construction, several variants are used, and you need to decide on the most profitable one:

  • A sterling log is a wood trunk, from which only the top layer of the crust is removed, the bitch and various irregularities are removed. At the same time, natural protective layers of wood are preserved, so the material will be more durable and durable. However, the skyr's log always has different thickness at the base (comalele) and the top, so when laying them will need to alternate.
  • A rounded log is a type of round forest, which has passed special processing. Several layers of wood is removed, only the most dense middle part remains. In addition, the log acquires a smooth cylindrical shape, so it will be easier to use.
  • Sometimes the calibrated log is released additionally. Skar trunks are selected strictly in diameter (caliber), due to which the construction will be easier, and the walls will be more even.

Whatever option you choose, the log house will become the most beautiful solution: the houses from the login have excellent aesthetic qualities, their appearance resembles Russian fairy tales. The surface of the walls will have to be protecting the surface, but it will save the natural color and texture of the tree, so the building will look great.

Preparatory work before construction

How to make a log house? Construction begins with the choice of suitable material and project preparation. The most popular in Russia remains at home from pine: it is inexpensive, it grows in almost all regions, it is easy to handage.

The soft material will require additional protection, but it can serve long enough. A more expensive solution is a house of larch logs: this type of wood does not rot, and the moisture becomes only stronger.

It is difficult to independently make a project, especially if there is no experience in building the drawings. However, you can find ready-made typical solutions and modify them in accordance with personal preferences. You can contact a specialized company, where professional architect will develop a project that is most suitable for all requests.

Stages of building a log cabin

When all preparatory work is completed, you can begin to assembling a log in the area. The owner must decide on the basis of the base of the house: if the capital two-story building is erected, the best solution will be the ribbon small-breeding foundation, and for a light small building, a bar base is suitable. The site is placed by pegs, between which ropes are stretched, after which it is possible to lay the base strictly according to the resulting lines.

The ribbon foundation is a monolithic concrete band that is poured throughout the perimeter of the building. Concrete is enhanced by the reinforcement frame, so the ribbon base remains one of the most durable and reliable.

After filling the foundation, he needs to dry, it takes several weeks. Only after that you can disassemble the formwork and move to the grazing assembly.

The foundation requires careful waterproofing: the runneroid is placed in several layers, you can also use bitumen mastic. The log house is collected in several stages:

  • The first crown is going out of the thick, durable and reliable logs, which will have to withstand the weight of the house. From the bottom side, they are sublighted so that it can be smoothly put on the foundation.
Typically, the cutting type "in the bowl" is used for log cabins: semicircular deepents are selected in the logs, with the help of which the corners of the loggle are tight. It is important that the bowls are as smooth as possible, then the wall will be reliable.

  • Before laying the next crown, the rolled insulation is placed on the log on the log. Its use will help to avoid constant cacopa: linen or jute fiber, moss or other materials will not produce heat outward, and from the side of the interventic insulation is almost impaired.
  • The crowns of the log lay down one on another, not forgetting about the doors for doors and windows according to the project. Usually professionals work on the assembly takes only a few days, the beginning of the master will have to carefully customize brica to each other, it will take time.
  • The last crown serves as Mauerlat - the roof rafters will be relying. For log cabins, a classic double roof with a large bias is usually used so that snow is not delayed on it. When the last crown is laid, ceiling beams are cut into it, and you can move to the installation of rafted the selected way.
  • When the sack of a bath from a rounder is assembled, he needs to give to stand at least six months, so that the shrinkage processes completed, and the wood dried as much as possible. Before it, it must be treated with an antiseptic so that the rot is not started.

Only when the finished log house dries, you can move to insulation, external and interior decoration. Be sure to warm the draft floor, the roof, the attic, less often use additional wall insulation.

Collect the log house will be easier if you buy a ready-made domocomplekt, in which all the logs are already fitted with each other and numbered. In any case, the house will be warm, reliable and durable.

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For many millennia, wooden houses were used by people, and their popularity in the 21st century and comes to a new level. Before folding a log house, you need to know a lot of things. There are many advantages in this kind of houses: environmental friendliness, design, easily warms and retains heat for a long time, breathes, so that there are always fresh air inside.

Preparatory work

Tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • edged board;
  • rod reinforcing;
  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • hammer with nails;
  • gas-burner;
  • ruberoid.

At the very beginning, the foundation is made under the log house, and its bulleting can be minimal, but it will have to raise over the surface of the earth, so that the seasonal moisture does not destroy the wood. An optimally fits fine-breeding belt foundation, which will not need a lot of time and effort.

For a start, a trench is turned around in a perimeter in a depth of 35 cm and in a width of 40 cm, and at least 2 commoners are formed inside to increase strength. After the required trench is dug, you need to align its walls and the bottom part, so that the fused solution will be highly reliable.

A sandy pillow is 5 cm on the bottom and watering with water. In the meantime, water dries (2-3 days), you need to prepare the remaining items.

Now you should make a formwork. For it, a cutting board of 25x150 mm will be required, and the height of the shields will be 0.7 m. The formwork is desirable to make it immediately to the entire construction, so that later it does not have to fill parts. All the attachments of the boards are carried out on nails, because with screws will have to spend 2-3 times more time so as not to split the boards.

The reinforcing frame goes ribbed rod 10 mm. In this case, the process looks standard way:

Figure 1. Log marking diagram when cabping in paw.

  1. 5 long parallel rods are folded in 10 cm increments.
  2. Perpendicular to the rods 60 cm in a step of 30 cm.
  3. Each joint is fixed by electric arc welding.
  4. It is manufactured by an identical lattice.
  5. With the help of rods at 25 cm, all parallel junctions are combined into one system. It is desirable to spend this step directly at the installation site, because Even 2 people will not always be able to raise the finished design, and not everyone can use the truck crane.

In the manufacture, you need to be attentive so that the metal does not touch the formwork and sand. In order to raise the armature over sand, you need to use broken brick or special plastic sprockets. From above, you need to screw the rods with a step in 1 m in order to provide a high-quality junction between rounded and concrete.

Now you can pour a solution of concrete M300-350, after which we boldly leave for drying on 28 days. After this time, the formwork is dismantled, and all open areas of concrete are laid in front of the rubberoid and are migrated to the gas burner. Steel rods also need to be covered with waterproofing.

Primary activity

Tools and materials:

  • ax;
  • rounded;
  • roulette;
  • tow.

Figure 2. Connection diagram in paw with spike.

Now you can make a log house from a rounder. There are only 2 options for cutting, which are especially popular: Russian and Canadian. Externally, it is identical, but in practice the Canadian bowl (Fig. 1) is universal, because It allows you to harvest wood in any season, and after shrinkage (up to 10 cm) there are no cracks. There are 2 ways of cutting - in the bowl and in the paw (Fig. 2), but because of the reliability it is especially popular.

There is a small nuance that is not all those who are not all, because of what the tree is sometimes judged negative: all elements need to shape with an ax, because In these places, the likelihood of rotting decreases many times. In no case cannot be used by rounded options, because In industrial processing from wood, a protective layer is removed. The only plus of the rounded version is its thermal insulation that is better than any analogues.

The glued bar is an intermediate link, i.e. It has intermediate strength characteristics, and together with this average thermal insulation and mass. It differs in the way of the joint - vertical. This method does not need to cut down the grooves at the edges, because He has a solid groove along the entire length, into which you can install the following similar instance.

After the entire log house is made, you can start cutting out the doors and windows. This step is very unusual in modern realities, but it is he who will provide perfect quality. For strength, it is necessary to pave one log in the center.

The house is ready, windows and doors are installed, the roof is covered, but you need to finally delimit the inner and external space. For this, all the slots of the packles are caught in the Siruba. Such a process is carried out with the help of an ordinary knife. From above, any finish is recorded, but in the first 3 years it is better to use something simple, because Need to follow the seams.

Additional aspects

Ceramzite serves as insulation for the floor, but if you wish to use any other insulation. For clayzit, it is initially a waterproofing, which will go on the walls, then goes the insulation layer, and then the waterproofing again, but already with a bend. From above the screed is formed.

The furnace indoors is placed at a distance of at least 15 cm from the walls, but better in the old traditions in the center of the room. Such precaution will allow not to think about possible fires.

Before folding the log house from the round, you need to know not only the quality of wood, but also the time of cutting.

To be confident in quality, it is better to take the easiest round of an ax, which does not undergo special treatments tool.

It is he who will serve several centuries if it is true.

Circulated log - popular in construction material used to build wooden cottages, country houses, baths, logberies and other structures. Its distinctive feature is the maximum proximity to the natural form of a tree trunk, which makes it possible to build buildings that differ in attractive and authentic appearance. The rounded log has a rounded form and is manufactured in an industrial method. Each element passes mechanical processing - the roundabout, in the process of which the upper layer is removed and the material is attached to a strict rounded form. Then the drying process occurs and only after this workpiece is processed by special compositions and impregnations that improve the aesthetic and operational characteristics. On some billets, special bowls under the grooves, spikes, ridges are additionally prepared, so that the elements are already ready for the construction site.

Advantages of houses from a rounded log

The logs of houses from the rounded logs belong to one of the most popular types of buildings through a number of advantages:

  • high ecology. In the production of a rounded log, glue and other chemistry are not applied, negatively affecting health;
  • accuracy and attractive appearance. The construction of houses from a rounded log is carried out from the billets of one diameter having a smooth, smooth surface, which ensures high aesthetics and originality of the structure;
  • no need for external finishing. Wavely relief is their peculiar business card, which allows you to significantly save a budget when erecting a house;
  • durability. The tree is a durable and wear-resistant material, so provided compliance with the correct construction technology, a house from a rounded log is able to serve not one decade;
  • good heat shield. The tree has excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

In addition, the construction of houses from the rounded log does not take much time. Billets do not require edits, perfectly fit and fold into the log house. Therefore, if you made a decision to order a house of logs, you can be prepared for the fact that a ready-made facility will grow in your site for a few weeks.

The company "Eco-Tech" leads construction of houses from a rounded log, develops beautiful, comfortable, functional and high-quality projects of houses from a rounded log Taking into account the individual wishes of each client. The presence of own production and many years of experience in the construction market allows you to optimize costs and clearly follow the technology of building houses from the rounded log.

Stages of construction:

  1. The first stage is the arrangement of the foundation, which is most often the most expensive articles of the construction budget. The use of a rounded log allows to reduce the load on the base of the house and use simpler and cheap types of foundation. Widespread options are a pile-screw foundation and a ribbon small-breeding foundation.
  2. The next stage is the construction of a church. The manufacture of a kit of the house in its own production shops in parallel with the construction of the foundation makes it possible to significantly reduce the construction time.
  3. Installation of the roof when building a house from a rounded log is one of the most difficult stages that only experienced specialists must be performed. The design of the roof in a wooden house is significantly different from brick or reinforced concrete analogs, and errors in the independent device of the rafter system will turn out to be substantial costs.
  4. After the construction of the power part of the house, he must chase from six months to twelve months for a natural shrinkage and ensuring optimal wood moisture.
  5. The final stage of construction is a finish, which includes the finishing of interventic seams, grinding and painting logs, the device of ceilings, gender, installation of doors and windows.

Design of houses from a rounded log

The design of houses from the rounded log in Eco-Tech is a modern and profitable approach to construction, because we provide our customers with tangible advantages:

  • competent pricing policy and transparent pricing;
  • the presence of an impressive database of finished projects;
  • the possibility of free development of an individual project in a short time;
  • construction of houses from a rounded log log;
  • warranty 50 years on the built house.