How to make tracks from broken slate. Where and how can you use old slate? Dear guest, stay

Surely many at the cottages, in the sheds or after the buildings there was a slate, which simply lies unnecessary to anyone. What can be made from the old slate? We suggest to consider some ideas:

You can make a fence in the country area. And any length and height. Turn the trench with a depth of thirty centimeters. The interval of up to 1.2 meters is spinning the bars for support. Install one sheet and instill. Carefully approach the legs, and then we will be tamped by the Earth with a special working hard stage. Krepim to the post. Such an accessible option is building a fence.

Important! It is advisable to drill in slate small holes for connecting in advance.

We share the sheets at half the size of the fence. Drop around the perimeter is about 20 cm in depth. To impart beauty, we recommend to make painting. You can use different color paints. Be sure to strengthen the strong wind.

You can use any kind. Flat simple or wavy slate leaf. Anyway, it will not be seen. Formwork makes this way to save money.

Important! Flat can stick to concrete, following the construction experience.

Construct the square building. We make a canopy. Four sheets are enough to work. Side set the barrel, the capacity above its growth. We drag the hose or metal shower for the cottage. The sun's rays per day heat the water. You can regularly take shower baths after the work done.

Homemade toilet to build easily. Connect the material according to the required perimeter. Fasten with each other. Prepare supports. Make the roof: put on top of the sheet and strengthen.

Drop the pit for long-term storage of vegetables, preferably volumetric with removable walls. Walls so that the land does not crumble strengthen slate. You can use different sizes and types. Such a facility will not miss moisture to vegetables. Top covering tightly.

Making a long box. Inside divide partitions from the same material. In the process of dacha work for the season, fill. Closer to deep autumn cover with tarpaulin. We leave for two years. After, open and use both fertilizer.

It is best to use fragments from pieces. We put and go. As a result, it turns out a beautiful unusual path.

Attention! Pieces can be sharp, barefoot do not go.

Want to make beds from slate with your own hands? Of course, many want to arrange a similar one in their plot, because to give the site well-kept species, you need to draw the borders of the beds. You can create borders for beds from slate, which in excess remains after changing the undercaming roof.

Example of installation of a curb curbra

Creation of neat fences

Do in order to create a comfort in the country to easier to care for the site. If you cut the beds, you do not have to pull the entire site annually. The original, created personally, will look neatly, please the owner of the site.

Created bed streaks have the following advantages:

Original flower bed from slate

  • earth does not appear in such a garden;
  • an obstacle to the penetration of unwanted weeds;
  • reduction of heavy work area;
  • the beds from a flat slate is easier to stream for the period of winter cold;
  • grokes can be given a variety of form, it all depends on the imagination of the landowner.

In the enhanced fight against annoying weeds, the fences are helped for beds from slate. At the time of releasing the fence into fertile soil weeds will not be able to get to the treated soil. In areas with loose, crumbly soil fence can strengthen it. Creating a bar for beds is not relevant in areas with tight soil, here you can do without creating the same side.

How to make borders from wave slate

Wave slate is an affordable material for creating neat beds. You can use the old slate for the beds, which as unnecessary was going to send to the landfill. But you should not make hasty decisions.

You can give it a second life, creating the same borders from the wavy slate. He will acquire a presentable species if you paint with water-repellent paint.

To create the same bed streaks, you need to use the following available materials:

  • wooden stakes with a length of 60 cm, slightly sharpened from one edge and treated with special mastic;
  • conventional lime for slate processing;
  • primary tools: hammer, level, shovel;
  • old waste paper to extradite the bottom of the future bed;
  • small wood sawdust, dry leaves, water and fertile soil for filling the contents of the beds.

Formation of fences

Make a bed from slate is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Before installing the slate, it is necessary to cut it with a grinder. Slate should be gently breaking on the plates in such a way that the same width is. Next, you need to dug shallow trenches, after that you can start installing the fence.
Creating the same neat beds is as follows:

In this case, the values \u200b\u200bdo not have, whether these are borders from a flat or wavy slate, with the exception of the appearance. The flat slate looks more accurately, the beds get the right geometric shape with it, it is easier to cut it, it does not break the integrity of the design. Therefore, you can use any of the proposed options. Create such high beds from slate in the country to all those who seek to simplify physical work on Earth and give the site well-kept species.

Mounted high beds from slate

In this way, it is possible to disappoint raspberry from other cultures so that it does not grow up with a rapid pace. Creating fence for raspberries is relevant on any site where it is available. The device of such fences is quite simple. There is no need to dig a trench throughout the area, you can cut the channels throughout the perimeter of the fence, this is sufficient.

The thin slate has one significant disadvantage: at the time of the distortion and abundant rains you need to correct this device.

When working with this material, the slate harm must be taken into account: its composition includes asbestos-cement, which has adverse effects on the soil composition. Another minus from the use of slate is its heating from direct sunlight, which is why the evaporation of the lively moisture from the soil is enhanced. It is easy to eliminate with frequent irrigation.

Example of a border device from slate in the country

It should be noted that it is slate that protects the fresh harvest from the invasion of the bear because of deep swing in the ground.

Original sides for flower

You can decorate ordinary flower beds using. This is also a kind of strip for the beds, where the cultivation of colors is planned. From the wavy slate will look very cute. This material can be used in this case. The device of the flower beds is similar to the creation of vegetable beds, that's just a form here somewhat different.

It can be a round or wrong shape, everything depends on the fantasy of the dacket itself. The wavy slate is more suitable here, rather than flat. It is very convenient to grow beautiful flowers in such flower beds, because they become inaccessible to the pests and the inhabitants of the yard, local cats.

Original three-core flower bed

In addition to traditional materials, it is possible that in huge quantities are thrown into a landfill. Their benefit cannot be underestimated by both the country. With their help, you can create original beds for beds.

Each dachnik sooner or later wonders how to make a bed with beautiful and well-groomed, attaching to this minimum effort. Everyone wants to work less, bent, smaller weeds, get a wonderful harvest. There is a way out - you need to make fences for the beds. They will help to properly arrange visual accents and turn the usual garden to the place of incredible beauty.

Ready options for fences

In addition to affordable programs, you can apply ready-made options for creating borders. Fencing from, and border ribbons are considered in demand. They are based on exclusively environmentally friendly materials. Such structures are not able to harm human health nor pet pets and cultures. High-strength plastic fence is durable, because the corrosive processes do not affect it.

It will last for many years, keeping aesthetic appearance. They have a different form, some may look like wrought from iron, others possess openwork outlines. There are options for fences that are going into one as one large puzzle or continuous framed of the beds. Here you can experiment with forms, creating vegetable beds and flower beds of various sizes.

Also, some prefer either of the material imitating valuable rocks. He has a lot of advantages over other synthetic framing - naturalness, environmental friendliness, but here is the creation of a bed framing with a natural stone - the pleasure is not cheap.

A more affordable alternative natural stone is the usual paving slabs or a brick, and the author's label will give the flower beds unique flavor.

You can make a unique edging of the brick, inserting it at a certain angle or put into several rows to a conventional cement solution. Some make a fraction of a brick in the form of a barrier, in the way of a row of bricks on the edge, and the second install the plastics. Alternative to traditional brick is a paving slave, but this design will have certain disadvantages - the high cost of the material and the stationarity of the frame.

Variant of the device of garden flower beds

It will not be mobile, as in the case of wood. You can make a rustic bed bedding using cute or reeds. They are absolutely natural, only their durability is lame. 2-3 years after the primary installation of such a fence, it may be necessary to change it, since the material is very quickly subjected to rotting. Essay such a fence for beds can be easily either purchased ready-made copies.

Some craftsmen for creating frameds take old clay plates, outdated DVDs, CD discs, old discs from car wheels can turn into beautiful well-kept flower beds with lush flowers. It all depends on the efforts of the efforts of the dacket itself, any unnecessary thing in the country can come in handy and find the second life. The most affordable and environmentally friendly view of the framing of the flower and the beds are considered structures from a tree. The process of creating wooden frames is pretty simple, it does not take away a lot of time.

Original logs from logs

Only here in terms of durability loses the rest of the materials, but this deficiency can be eliminated by covering a special antiseptic. New material should always be placed and saw according to the scheme. Conventional metal nails are used as fixtures. It is also necessary to take care of creating legs that strengthen the joints of the joints. Wood was and will be the most popular raw material for creating such structures, because it has always been used in everyday life and in the country.

Do not throw old chocks and logs, of which you will get a wonderful feet for colors. For it, chocks are suitable for a small diameter, you need to select them from other more massive. Of the existing material, the chocks are pilant equal to length, bury up vertically around the perimeter of the future flower beds. To extend the shelf life of such a design, chocks can be wrapped with rubberoid or dip in special bitumen mastic.

  • Practical fences
  • Shelves in the cellar
  • Countries from slate
  • Disputes about the dangers of slate

Practical fences

Until recently, Slate was the most common roofing material with a large number of operational advantages. Today, its popularity has fallen a little, more modern materials appeared on the market: bituminous tile and metal tile. It's a pity to throw out the old coating, that's why many of the old slate sheets appeared at the cottage. Throw sorry, and you do not need to do that.

You can easily collect and make a temporary toilet, a summer shower of slate sheets, you can build fencing from it, covering them the fence made from the chain grid, for example. Such a decision will protect the household plot from the strangers of passersby and penetration of neighboring dogs.

The standard slate sheet has a length of 175 cm, the sheet is cut in half and simply with a pier on the chapter, it is cut into the ground to the ground, to a depth of 40 cm. If the soil is not needed to be carefully tumped, no additional attachments for the stability of the fence do not need to do. If you want to slate, it is easy to paint, pick up the right color, it is easy to integrate into the style of your site.

Note! A similar partition is able to protect the household site from the spread of weeds, which are trying to fix the edge of the neighborhood.

Shelves in the cellar

Another way to use the old slate was suggested by the experienced daches and gardeners-gardeners. For storing the supplies, they offer to build with the use of slate comfortable and durable shelves, allowing you to organize a convenient storage system for existing supplies. Shelves are constructed as follows:

  1. In the corners of the pantry are stacked from the brick rack, the length of which should coincide with the width of the slate sheet. The height of the racks is 90 cm.
  2. The slate sheet is stacked on the rack.
  3. The formwork is built around it.
  4. In the slate ribs stacked reinforcement pipes.
  5. A solution is mixed as for a cement screed.
  6. They poured slate sheet, the solution layer should be 10 cm.
  7. As a result, a monolithic concrete should be turned out - a rather durable spacious shelf, which can easily accommodate any container for storing vegetables and fruits.

If the cellar is large, such shelves can be placed around the perimeter, make them short or long. Many think that the use of boards in this case is easier than slate, but the use of the described material, as practice shows, helps to significantly save. In addition, slate does not need to be removed from the formwork. It can be painted or bold lime. Then the shelves will look quite carefully.

Countries from slate

If there is a vegetable garden at the cottage, with the help of slate it is easy to collect neat beds. Make them with your own hands is easy. Look at the photo, as a decorative look like a similar garden. The use of slate has enough practical goals. Such structures help keep the soil within one bed.

Such partition is a reliable barrier for rodents and spreading weeds. The slate styling process itself consists of several stages:

  1. First, the slate must be cut. This can be done along the plates or across the waves, as it is shown in the photo.
  2. Then the borders of the beds are scheduled.
  3. Trenches are digging around the perimeter. Their depth should be half the prepared fender.
  4. In the cooked trenches are stacked blanks from slate.
  5. It remains to bury the trenches and the rampage of the ground around the installed sheet details.
  6. In order to give a large stability walls, metal pegs are burned to the ground.

Note! The establishment of the described fence has certain nuances. If the waves on the beds are horizontally, the shoots of plants and their roots can easily germinate along the recesses.

Any Packet of Earth in this case will lead to the death of the plant. Vertically, the waves will not be an obstacle to the completion of work on the beds.

Cut the slate is best grinding. Experienced masters during such work are guided by a grinder in the opposite direction of the wind direction. In this case, the dust will be blown away from the cutting person. Since asbestos dust is dangerous for a person, it is necessary to protect yourself from it while working, put on the eyes protective glasses, and the nose with a groove groove. It is impossible to heat the sifter to use a saw for wood. This is traumatic work, one wrong movement will be able to deprive the hands.

Pros of the use of slate fence

Experienced gardeners today from slate sheets make not only the beds, they collect flower beds, laid slate on greenhouses. Sundly and reliable is a garden track, eliminated from flat sheets. Practicality and decorativeness are not the only advantages of a similar solution.

  • Slate is a material that is quickly heated in the sun, heats up and easily gives an excess of heat soil. This is a benevolently affects the growth of any plants.
  • The fence harvested with asbestos-cement sheets is difficult to destroy.
  • In the future, no other works are needed with such a fence. Put and forgot with them for a long time.
  • Using old slate sheets, there is no need to spend on the purchase of wooden beams.
  • If desired, sheets are easily sharpened in any color, painting increases the decorative properties of the fence.

Wanting to repeat a similar experiment in her garden, it is useful to study the disadvantages of asbestos-cement products in advance. In hot summer days, such a fence will contribute to overheating soil, so the plants will need to water more often. In places where long-term rains are a familiar phenomenon, the ground under the fence is often washed away, so they are constantly leaked. This forces the owner of the garden to constantly change the fence. For many, this procedure will seem tedious.

Foundation and cesspool for toilet

Old slate sheets are often used to arrange formwork for filling the foundation for household buildings. In this case, after finding the concrete, the formwork does not need to be removed.

Since there is often no central sewage, toilet and engineering communications, serving the kitchen and a bathroom, cannot be operated without a cesspool. Slate in this case is used to strengthen its walls. Sheets are cut on the size of the walls of the pit, just descend down. In order for the sheets not falling, they are bonded between themselves corners of the reinforcement. Further in the gap between the pit and slate sheets laid reinforcement rods. The gaps are filled with cement mortar. In order for the walls of the cesspool to withstand the pressure, they are cut by wooden bars, as it is shown in the photo.

After the concrete is dry, a cesspool for the toilet is ready.

Disputes about the dangers of slate

Many, reading the article, put forward a lot of arguments in favor of refusing to use the material described. But experts hurry to calm everyone. The described material is made of a mixture of three ingredients: Portland cement, asbestos fiber and water. The first two components are completely safe for human health. But asbestos fiber can cause suspicion.

There are several varieties of such a material, two: two are used in the slate production:

  • amphibole asbestos (natural basis);
  • chrysotile asbestos (derived group Serpentin).

European scientists have conducted research and found out that a champion of the first variety can be called a dangerous for a person. In Russia, amphibole asbestos for the production of roofing material does not apply. Therefore, those who are afraid of their health, experts recommend purchasing the Slate of domestic marks. It can be used on the household plot easily without fear.

As you can see, the use of an old slate helps to solve purely practical tasks on the household economy. Make a temporary toilet, summer shower, collect greenhouse or any fence can be using waste.

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Many want to organize the paths in the country with their own hands, the economy can be made of different materials, for example, from wood, gravel, and even broken slate. Instructions for the manufacture of lungs and with the task may be able to cope even inexperienced builder.

What is cheap to make tracks in the country?

If you decide to build tracks, but there are not much money, then you can use different options. When choosing, it is necessary to navigate not only on the price, but also for durability, appearance and installation speed. The most popular are alleys from such materials: stone, brick, gravel or rubble, and also concrete. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages that should be considered. Building an economy of the path in the country of the girlfriend with their own hands, it is recommended to take into account such features:

  1. Remember that the tracks from the tile and natural stone after the rain and the winter will be slippery.
  2. Ideally, if the edges of the track are, at least with a minimal bias so that the water after the rain is not stored.
  3. A more aesthetically looks a walkway with smooth lines. If between the materials there are gaps, then they can land the grass, which will give the alley natural and aesthetic appearance.
  4. Economy Option of tracks should be built a little higher than the level of the earth to avoid shrinkage.
  5. The best time for work is spring-summer, since soil shrinkage is possible at another time.

Wood tracks in the country do it yourself

Wooden tracks are popular because the material is safe, accessible and easy to care for it. There are many options, and the most popular such:

Tracks on the cottage from the spikes of a tree

Beautifully look at the tracks made up of wood spikes. They can be made independently or buy ready. The thickness of the sleeps should be at least 10 cm. In addition, they must be processed to resist weather conditions and load. Economy tracks from sleeps in the country with their own hands are organized according to such a scheme:

  1. Drop the trench to a depth of up to 25 cm. Put the waterproofing layer on the bottom, for example, it can be a polyethylene film.
  2. After the drainage system is installed. The pillow is organized from sand or mixture it with gravel. Its thickness should be 10 ms. The pillow should be tamped by water. At the end, be sure to crush it.
  3. Spiles spread out the places a bit, deepening. Stick on them using rubber hammer. Do not forget to set the level to ensure that the track is smooth.
  4. To complete the economy of the track, it is necessary to fall asleep emptiness between the spikes. It is recommended to pour everything several times with water to determine the place where you should add sand.
  5. For the edge of the edge, it is better to use stones or wooden pads. Caring for the path made by their own hands, indicates that every year you need to process and impregnated wooden sleeps with special means.

Tracks from gravel at the cottage with their own hands

For the organization of economical tracks, an excellent option is a pebble, which is small pebbles. They should be poured with a layer of 5 cm. Gravel for tracks on the cottage should be used according to such a scheme:

  1. First the markup is carried out and the "bed" is prepared. It is necessary to remove the layer of the Earth at 15-20 cm, and then dig a trench.
  2. After the bottom it should be tamped, pour large gravel and clay. A day later, the base is watered with water to increase strength.
  3. After that, a layer of fine gravel is falling asleep, so that its thickness is 3-5 cm. It will only be left to install borders.

If the extra brick remains, it can be used to make a track on the site. So that it serves for a long time, it is recommended to treat stones with a hydrophobizer or moistureproof varnish, so, the procedure should be carried out twice with full immersion. Economy Track from old bricks in the country requires periodic surface updates. Another option is the use of clinker brick, which is moistureproof and practically does not destroy over time. The process of organizing the track is simple and includes a couple of stages:

  • determining the boundaries of the track;
  • removing the top layer of soil;
  • preparation of sand and gravel pillow;
  • lad out bricks;
  • filling seams.

When organizing a track in the country, with their own hands, the option may be in this form:

  • classic laying;
  • alternation of rows having a horizontal and vertical orientation;
  • pattern "Christmas tree" at different angles;
  • single or double "weaving".

Another economy version of the organization of a beautiful walkway on the site implies the use of old tires. The main advantage of rubber is the high quality of the material that is well tolerating the temperature changes and is not afraid of precipitation. Economy tracks on the cottage from tires look original and for them very easy to care. They can be used not only in direct areas, but also on the slopes, since the material is supple. Another advantage - the surface of the tire is not slippery even after the rain.

Tracks on the cottage from pallets do it yourself

A simple and economical option for organizing a track on the plot is the use of wooden pallets. They are made of natural wood, affordable, are environmentally friendly, and the boards are already cut and the same in width. Economy tracks in the country can be laid from integer pallets, but it is best to disassemble the boards, clean and polish. They will need to be made in blocks, and then hold the laying in the prepared place.

Tracks from broken slate in the country

Even the construction trash can be used for itself, for example, to make an economical path. To do this, you will need an old broken slate that needs to be reckoned so that in the end it turns out the pieces with the sides are not more than 8-10 cm. The cheapest material for the tracks in the country involves mixing it with cement mortar. The finished mixture of fill the tracks to be prepared, that is, the top layer of the soil is removed and the pillow is made. Another interesting option is to use large pieces of flat slate, which can mimic tile or stone.

The arrangement of the garden on the dacha or the household site almost never costs without planting the beds. We will tell you a great way to arrange sublime beds, suitable for covered with a greenhouse dome and for open cultivation of crops.

General Description Design

Why do you need to take care of the furnace fence device, if the majority of garden crops feel quite comfortable when disembarking in an open soil? On the one hand, it may be a simple wish to improve the aesthetics of landscape design. On the other hand, an excellent and fenced beds are an excellent indicator of the right organization of plant care and an important factor of convenience for gardens: when working on an elevated ridge, the back is less tired, while the passing tracks can be filled with mulch, rubble or paving the pavement tiles, without fear of having them further.

The design itself is very simple in itself. The walls are performed from asbestos-cement sheets, fastened among themselves in the corners and on direct joints. From a third to half the total height of the walls is under the soil, the residue towers above the ground level. Inside the bed can be filled with a specially prepared substrate, thus reducing the cost of manufacturing compost and purchase of fertilizers.

In general, such a formwork turns out quite strong and reliable, but requires some gain. For example, to counteract the pressure of the sawing soil, the opposite walls of the beds are tightened with each other, and also firmly fasten on the corners to eliminate the divergence of the joints. Slate - the material is very durable, even subject to sustaining under the soil layer. However, sheets often additionally color, which improves the aesthetics of the garden and contributes to a decrease in the water absorption of the walls.

Marking and preparation of sections under the garden

Of course, it makes no sense to break the entire sowing area under high beds. Usually, in this way, there are places for the cultivation of flowers and vegetable crops, while the mud and root roots are successfully growing in the open soil.

Slane beds can have a practically unlimited length, but it is advisable to hold them in 120-150 cm, so access on both sides will be the most convenient. The space between the beds, intended for the device of passing tracks, should be at least 50 cm, at the same time the width of the more meter will be redundant. Before preparing the soil under the breaker, it must be placed, driven by the pegs in the corners.

The process of primer development itself is quite simple. It is necessary to remove the top layer of Chernozema and temporarily take it into the ride nearby. The walls of the formed pit need to be required and aligned in accordance with the geometry of the beds. With an indent of 10 cm from the walls of the bottom of the pit deepen another 10-20 cm, which is necessary to improve the barrier against pests moving in the upper layers of the soil. The soil extracted from this layer is folded into a separate dump.

Making walls from slate

The mains of the smallest format 100x150 cm are suitable as the starting material. Such and delivered more convenient to the cottage, and fewer problems will arise with further processing. However, the width of the sheet can be chosen individually with the calculation so that it is a multiple full height of the walls. As a rule, 50 cm has enough for a bed device, but individual summer residents may have their own considerations.

Sheets need to dissolve on the long side stripes. For cutting slate, the Bulgarian with a diamond circle on a stone is best suited, however, when working, certain precautions should be observed. Asbestos associated with the mass of slate sheet is absolutely harmless, but the impressive amount of very harmful dust is formed during cutting. Therefore, it is necessary to use the respirator and protective glasses. It is also desirable to cut the bands at a time, subsequently shedding the dyed areas with plenty of water.

From the edge edges of the slate, it is necessary to remove small chamfers using the emery bar. Also at the edges and in the center, the bands should immediately make holes for the installation of stretch marks and the connection of the structural elements into the overall formwork contour in accordance with the selected fastening type. After machining, the slate sheets will correctly cover with one layer of alkyd enamel of budgetary quality.

Assembling fences

To fasten sheets at the corners and direct joints can be completely different ways. Sealing in places of connection is not required, and the strength of the attachment should be purely nominal - only to ensure the integrity of the structure until its sweeping is soil.

In everyday life, options are most common when the corners be bonded by inserts from the profile pipe or wooden bars to which the slate strips are screwed by self-draws. This method is good for its low cost, besides, it is possible to align the bed geometry in advance and ensure the necessary height of the sheets of sheets. However, the tree and structural steel quickly come into disrepair from rotting and corrosion, especially with the active use of mineral fertilizers.

There is an alternative option - aluminum profiles for the assembly of commercial equipment. In addition to durability, this method provides simplicity and high manufacturability of the assembly process, has a more accurate appearance. It is only important to choose the key to choose the width of the installation groove: in the smallest sizes of profiles, it is 5.5 mm, which is well suited for the assembly of 6 mm slate sheets - again, the smallest thickness for this material. On sale you can find profiles with a groove to 10 mm - these are optimally suitable for high beds of great lengths. After the docking, the box of slate sheets is temporarily recorded through the body of the profile by screws for metal and is exhibited in the prepared pit on the brick layouts.

That before connecting direct joints, for this purpose it is possible to use slate cutters, reinforced rubber from the exhaust conveyor belts and other sheet materials that are not affected by conveyor belts. It is advisable to fasten the slate bands to their final installation, thoroughly combining joints. In order for the fastening to be high-quality, in places of connection, it is necessary to drill holes with an indent of 20 mm from the edge and use galvanized screws with a press washer.

Strengthening and mortgages

To prevent the pressure of the sawing soil, the walls need to be pulled among themselves by the same principle as the formwork when pouring concrete. It is optimally for this purpose to use a galvanized wire with a thickness of at least 1 mm. On opposite walls, you need to drill two relative to the coaxial holes, then turn the wire into the loop and stretch it through the slate sheet, inserting a small metal pin as a stopper.

On the reverse side, the wires are twisted with each other until the slab is completely selected, and the walls will not bend a bit inward, after which the twist is also fixed with the pins and pair of self-tapping. It is not necessary to place the screed in the underground part of the walls, they effectively work when installing with an indent of 10-12 cm from the top edge.

In order to be able to establish a folding dome of greenhouses, it is necessary to drive into the soil several segments of the corner steel, placing them close to the inner wall of the bed. Between themselves, the corners should be connected to the reinforcement 8 or 10 mm, having stretch marks diagonally. After mounting, the mortgages cut off the flush with the upper edge of the walls, after which horizontal metal plates for fastening the loops weld to them. When all work on the installation is completed, the flower leaf is preferably wrapped with a dense polyethylene film, shook it at the bottom of the bottom tier of the pit for about 10 cm and wrapped on the side of the fence. This will help prevent the penetration of bear and other pests into beds, which in the warm season migrate in the upper beds of the soil.

Failure of soil

All the soil seized from the bottom tier of the pit should be pouring back and seal, shedding with water. In this case, it is desirable that the mound covers the walls to the height of at least 5-7 cm. After that, you can pour a fertile layer.

The soil pulled from the surface should be dissolved on the free plot and mix with manure, compost or humus, the concentration of which depends on the natural saturation of the soil with nutrients. After a thorough mixing, the substrate can be filled back, but in no case is not sealing, only breaking large lumps. Flowerbed need to fall asleep on the very edges of the formwork, in the near future the soil will naturally compare. When the garden was filled from the inside, it is necessary to fill the gaps between the walls and the adjacent ground outside, while it is diligently sealing it and shedding with water, after which it is possible to start the arrangement of the tracks.

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