How to make a septic tank for giving with your own hands: Building technology and recommendations. Septic with your own hands without pumping and smell: simple solutions for your cottage How to make a simple septic tank in the country of available materials

In order for life in the country to be comfortable, it is necessary to hold basic communications - water supply and sewage. There is often a centralized sewage network in country areas, so each owner of the house solves the problem independently. Periodic use of housing does not require the installation of expensive and complex equipment, it is enough to arrange a septic tank.

Often in the cottages, the function of collecting waste is performed by a cesspool. If the house is not equipped with a plumbing system, this option is quite justified, but with a device of sanitary devices and a large volume of water drained, it is not enough. In this article we will talk about how to make the sewer in the country with their own hands in various ways (from concrete rings, barrels, without pumping), as well as demonstrate schemes, drawings, photos and video instructions.

Sewerage should be built according to a developed project comprising an external and internal layout of pipelines.

Two-chamber septic

The most convenient is to install a collector of two chambers connected by the overflow tube. Find out how to arrange it yourself.

  1. Work starts from digging a pit in a place selected with all sanitary requirements. The volume of facilities depends on the number of people living in the country. You can pull out the pitual manually or using an excavator.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, a sand pillow is formed up to 15 cm high. The depth of the pit is 3 meters.
  3. It is necessary to establish a formwork from boards or chipboard. The design should be reliable. Next, a reinforcing belt of metal rods tied with steel wire is formed.
  4. In the formwork, you need to make two holes and insert pipe trimming. These will be places for the inlet of the sewage line and the overflow tube between the sections.
  5. The formwork is poured with concrete, which with the help of the vibration tool is distributed throughout the volume. The septic design should be monolithic, so it is desirable to pour all the formwork at a time.
  6. In the first compartment, the bottom is poured with concrete, a hermetic section is formed, it will serve as a sump. Here, wastewater will be divided into solid large fractions that are overlooked to the bottom, and the clarified water transfers into the adjacent section. For better decomposition of solid residues, aerobic bacteria can be purchased.
  7. The second compartment is manufactured without the bottom, it can be made not only from the monolithic walls, but also applying concrete rings with a diameter of 1-1.5 meters, laid on each other. The bottom of the well falls asleep with a thick layer of sedimentary rock (rubble, pebbles, gravel) for filtering of wastewater.
  8. Between the two sections, the overflow tube is stacked. It is installed under the inclination of 30 mm on the traffic point meter. In height, the pipe is located in the upper third of the wells. The number of sections is optionally limited to two, you can make a four-piece septic tank that provides better cleaning.
  9. The septic overlap is made independently, using formwork and concrete or finished reinforced concrete plates are used. It is necessarily a hatch, which allows you to control the filling of sections and extract. Kotlovan falling asleep with sand and selected soil. Cleansing the sump of such a system will occur every 2-3 years.

Thanks to the simplicity of installation, many dacms prefer to make a septic tank from concrete rings.

If the ground on the clayey or groundwater plot is very close to the surface, it will not be possible to arrange a septic tank. It is possible to stop at the sealed capacity of sufficient volume, reliably installed and fixed to the concrete slab in the pit.

Another option is a biological cleaning station. Local stations are convenient and effective, they are indispensable for the country of large areas. Experts are engaged in installation and starting device, the cost of such a station is acceptable for a narrow circle of dachens.

Gasket outdoor highway

From the site of the exit of the sewer pipe from the house to the septica, the pipeline must be laid. The highway must lie under a slope that ensures the flow of polluted water. The larger pipe diameter you use, the smaller angle of inclination is required for their operation, on average it is 2 degrees. The depth of the trench for laying pipes should be greater than the magnitude of the soil winter freezing. If the depth of the trench is small, ensure the thermal insulation of the highway.

The average value of the depth of sewage laying is 1 meter, in the warm regions it is enough to fall at 70 cm, and in the cold it will be necessary to dig a pit for up to 1, 5 meters. The bottom of the pitted pit is covered with a dense pillow of the rammed sand. This procedure will protect the pipes from the soil shift.

The optimal option will lay the direct pipe to the collector. If necessary, perform a turn, this place is equipped with an observation well. For the highway, you can use plastic and cast iron pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, their compound must be sealed. After mounting, the pipeline is covered with sand, and then soil.

The design that does not require regular wastewater pumping consists of several tanks operating simultaneously. It can be two / three-chamber septic tanks. The first tank is used as a sump. It is the largest in volume. In two-chamber septhes, the sump occupies ¾ structures, and in three-chamber ½. There is a pre-purification of the drain: severe fractions are settled, and the lungs are shimmer into the next compartment as the first fill. In the last part of the septicism passes the final appearance of the drain. Then water is sent to the filtering field / drainage well.

The first 2 compartments must be hermetic. In the last chamber there are holes in the walls / day. Thus, purified water seeps into the ground, which helps to avoid systematic pumping of waste, without causing irreparable harm to the soil.

It is worth considering that in wastewater except organic, there are insoluble impurities. In view of this, this design will also have to periodically pump out to get rid of the sediment accumulating in the sump. This can be done with a fecal / drainage pump. The frequency of maintenance of the septicity is completely dependent on the size / volumes / composition of wastewater.

For an independent structure of such a septic, it is necessary to competently calculate its volume. It depends on the water consumption of your households. The cost of water consumption per person is 200 liters per day. So, multiplying this amount on the number of households, you will get a daily rate of water consumption in the house. Add the resulting indicator to add another 20%.

18 m 3. In this case, you need a septic tank, having a depth and length of 3 m, and width - 2 m. Multiplying all sides you will get 18 m 3. The minimum distance from the bottom of the septica to the drain pipe is 0.8 m.

The advantage of the sewage system is that the precipitate is processed by anaerobic bacteria, as a result of which it settles on the bottom in a much smaller volume. Gradually, this precipitate is compacted and rises up. When IL reaches the level of overflow - septic tank must be cleaned immediately. Sports to clean the septic should be quite rare. This is due to the fact that the volume of less than 6 months will be from 60 to 90 liters.

Energy-dependent septic tanks have built-in shocking units. Non-volatile their analogues should be cleaned manually or with the help of assessing equipment.

However, there were no biological preparations with special enzymes, processing IL to acid, and then in methane and carbon dioxide. To remove these gases you just need to install ventilation in septic. Thus, your septicch will become an absolutely waste-free, safe and non-volatile cleaning facility.

Bacteria need to "feed" oxygen for greater efficiency of their work. Capacities for septica can be bought or done on their own.

Before installing the finished design of the septic, it is necessary to determine the suitable place for this. The minimum distance between the septic and the house is 5 m. Seating pipes of the sewage should be directed directly to the septic. The turns of the pipeline are better to avoid, because it is precisely in such places that blocks are formed.

Septic typing can not be installed near the trees, since their roots can damage the integrity of the case. The depth of the septicine and sewer pipes directly depends on the level of primerization of the soil.

If the groundwater is close to the surface, then the reinforcing bottom of the concrete slab / tie. The dimensions of the recovery will depend on the size of the septic. If you have to install a compact design, it is easier to dig a manually in order to save money.

The pit should be slightly wider than the septic casing. The gaps between the walls and the soil should be at least 20 cm, and better more. If it is not necessary to strengthen the bottom, it will still be a sand pillow with a thickness of 15 cm (meaning the thickness of the rammed sand).

The upper part of the septic should rise above the ground. Otherwise, melting water in spring flood the device equipment.

After the device is the base of the pit, lower the septic tank in it. This can be done with the help of cables placed in the ribs of the septic rigidity. In this case, you can not do without assistant. Next, connect the device to communications, previously processed the trenches for pipes, setting the sand pillow and installing the pipe. They should be laid under a slight bias - 1-2 cm for each running meter. The pipe laying is carried out at a depth of approximately 70-80 cm.

Septic tank should be installed strictly by level. In the horizontal position it will work better.

To connect the sewage pipe to the septic, it should be done in it a hole of the corresponding diameter. This is done according to the instructions for the cleaning system. After that, you need to weld the pipe to the hole. To solve this problem you will need a polypropylene cord and a construction hairdryer. When the nozzle cools into it, it will be possible to insert the pipe of the sewage.

If you connect an energy-dependent septicch, then after these actions you need to connect an electrical cable. It is carried out from the shield to a separate machine. It must be put in a special corrugated pipe and put in the same trench as the sewer tube. On the septic, there are special holes with stamps. Cable connected to them.

If the level of primer of the soil in your region is large enough, then warm the septic. The insulation can serve as any thermal insulation material that can be used for styling in the ground.

Upon completion of the connection of electricity and pipes, septic tank should be filled with soil. This is done by layers of 15-20 cm. To align the pressure in the process of sweeping of the soil, the water must be pouring into the septic tank. At the same time, the water level should be slightly higher than the hiding level of the pit. So, gradually the whole septicch will be underground.

If you do not suit the finished plastic autonomous system for wastewater treatment, due to its size or cost, then you can make a septic tank from multiple compartments yourself. Excellent inexpensive material for the implementation of conceived - concrete rings. All work you can do yourself.

Among the advantages of the septicity of the bribe rings, we note the following:

  • Affordable price.
  • Unpretentious in the process of operation.
  • The possibility of performing work without the help of specialists.

The following are the following:

  1. The presence of an unpleasant smell. It is impossible to make the design absolutely sealed, and therefore the formation of an unpleasant smell near the septica cannot be avoided.
  2. The need to purify the chambers from solid waste with the help of an arbitrary equipment.

Decrease the frequency of the need to pump the septicity can be used by bioactivators. They reduce the number of solid fractions due to the fact that they accelerate the process of their decomposition.

If the rings are illiterately carry out the montage, then the septic tank will be lessed due to which the risk of penetration of untreated wastewater into the ground will increase. But, with competent installation, the septic will be sealed, so this lack of system is rightly called conditional.

The concoction scheme of Septic, as a rule, includes 1-2 chambers intended for settling and cleaning wastewater and filtering fields / filter well.

If there are few people living in your home and a minimum of sanitary devices is connected to sewage, then you can easily do with a septic, consisting of one sump and filtering well. And vice versa, if you have a lot of household and connected to sewage a lot of devices, then septic is better made of two chambers and a filtration well.

How to carry out the calculations of the required volume for the septica has already been described above. According to the construction standards, the septic septic chamber must accommodate a three-day stock volume. The volume of the jubie rings is 0.62 m3, which means that for the construction of septica for 5 people you will need a sump of five rings. Where did this amount come from? For 5 people, a septic tank has a volume of 3 m 3. This figure should be divided into a rings equal to 0.62 m 3. You will get a value - 4.83. It needs to be rounded to greater, and it means that it will take 5 rings to arrange the septica in this particular case.

Drive must have such a size so that the septic and filter well can be placed in it. These works, of course, can be performed manually, but it is long and very hard, so it is more cost-effective to order a digging of a company with an excavation technique.

The bottom of the pit in the place of installation of sump cameras needs to be concreted in order to avoid the possibility of penetrating the crude drains into the ground. Before starting concrete work, drainage should be drapered part of the bottom of the pit for the installation of sumps, putting a sandy pillow on it, a layer of 30-50 cm.

If you do not want to concrete the bottom, then you can purchase reinforced concrete rings with a deaf bottom. They will need to be set first in the vertical row.

A place for the filter well also requires the preparation of the base. Under it you need to make a pillow from sand, rubble and gravel with a thickness of at least 50 cm.

To install the rings you will have to order services of lifting equipment. Perform these tasks manually very difficult. You can, of course, install rings by subpoint under the bottom ring. But this method is laborious. Yes, and the fill of the bottom will have to be carried out after installing the last ring, which will entail a number of inconvenience. In view of this, it is better not to save on the order of lifting equipment.

Typically, the rings are bonded with each other, but for greater reliability of the design, they can be made of metal plates or brackets. In this case, your septicch will not suffer due to the movement of the soil.

Now it's time to organize overflow, and for this purpose you need to bring pipes to the rings. It is better that they work on the principle of the hydraulic assembly, that is, they need to be installed with a bend.

To conduct sealing joints you need to use a solution with an aquabarer. From the outside of the reservoirs, it is necessary to handle the coating or waterproofing.

Another option is to purchase plastic cylinders installed inside the well. In this case, the probability of the penetration of dirty water will be minimized.

Float installation / back

The finished wells need to be covered with special plates from concrete, which provide holes for the installation of sewer hatches. Ideally, the recovery of the pit should be carried out with a large percentage ratio in its composition. But if it is impossible to implement it, the pit can be filled out of it before the soil.

Now the septic tank can be commissioned.

The wastewater treatment system from barrels, as well as a similar design of the concrete, can be two- and three-chamber. Sewage waters will flow in it, so it needs to be installed below the sewer pipes. The principle of operation of this device is similar to the construction of reinforced concrete rings.

To improve the autonomous sewage to the principle of the cleaning system, you can use any capacity. It can be old metal / plastic barrels. The main thing is that they were hermetic.

If you decide to make a septic tank from metal barrels, they should be previously treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

Plastic containers have a number of advantages over their metal analogues:

  1. A wide range of plastic containers that can be used to arrange septic.
  2. Barrels are highly resistant to aggressive effects. Therefore, they serve longer than their metal fellow.
  3. The small weight of the tanks simplifies their installation to the location of the permanent dislocation.
  4. Plastic does not need to additionally handle in contrast to metal.
  5. High tightness of the barrels excludes the possibility of the penetration of dirty water into the ground.

Plastic barrels need to be securely fixed when installed in the ground, because due to the spring flood or winter frosts they can squeeze them out of the soil. In view of this, plastic barrels are fixed with cables to a concrete base (it must be pre-pouring or installing the concrete plate). In order not to crush plastic barrels, the soil snowing should be carried out extremely neat.

For seasonal use, sewage from metal barrels will be used, but for stationary use is not an option.

The popularity of metal containers for sewage arrangement is associated with their compactness and simplicity of installation. As a cover, you can use the appropriate wooden billet or the one that was provided by the manufacturer. To mount a metal septic, you need to dig up the corresponding boiler, which also needs to be concreted - walls and bottom.

Metal containers are not distinguished by a long operational period even after their processing with anti-corrosion compositions. Therefore, their installation can be unprofitable as a septic. Purchase of stainless steel tanks is not an option, since these products are very expensive.

Maybe you decide that in this case you can buy barrels with thin walls. However, this is also not the best solution, since during operation such a septicch can push out. Yes, and such barrels have limited capacity - up to 250 l, which is not suitable for a large family.

For the installation of a reliable system for cleaning the drain better use factory polymer barrels.

To make a septic tank from a barrel of 220 liters, you will need the following materials:

  • geotextile - 80 m 2;
  • sewer tube Ø110 m, 5 m long;
  • crushed stone fraction 1.8-3.5 cm, approximately 9 m 3;
  • corner for sewage at an angle of 45 and 90º - 4 pcs.;
  • plastic barrel of 220 l - 2 pcs.;
  • coupling, flange - 2 pcs.;
  • wooden peg - 10 pcs.;
  • Y-shaped sewage tee - 4 pcs.;
  • building level;
  • drainage perforated tube in a filter 5 m - 2 pcs.;
  • epoxy two-component sealant - 1 pc.;
  • glue for PVC - 1 pc.;
  • plumbing Scotch - 1 pc.

You need from the tools:

  • Shovel.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Rake.

For the cottage / small country house with economical use, standard plastic barrels are suitable. Install such a cleaning system is easy. If you do not drain black stocks into the sewer, then the septic will be unpretentious in maintenance. If there is a toilet in the house, then the sewer will have to be regularly cleaned, causing an associate technique.

For private houses with permanent barrels, it will not be enough. For sewage, it is better to purchase plastic cubes / tanks / tanks. The process of their installation into the ground is no different from the installation of the barrels.

The remoteness of the septicity from the house should not exceed 15 m. Too much distance complicates the process of connecting the sewage to the house:

  • there is a need for a large pipeline airborne;
  • on the way to septic, you will need to establish an audit well.

The system of sewage from metal barrels does not require large financial investments and complex installation work. For a start, as in previous cases, you need to prepare a pit, and then set 2 barrels, each of which has a volume of at least 200 liters. Then it is installed pipes for overflow of liquid from one barrel to another and the transition to the filtering field / drainage well.

Each subsequent container must be below the previous level.

The joints need to be sealed, and the barrels insulate with the help of foam. After that, the hooks fall asleep with a septic. Since, as mentioned above, the metal barrels are short-lived, you need to be ready for the fact that after 3-4 years they will need to be replaced.

Laying pipe


The cesspool is the easiest, but not too successful an autonomous sewage option at a private house. Modern technologies offer more convenient solutions, such as local industrial purification stations.

A skilled builder is quite able to make septicch with their own hands without pumping. What options of septic sobs are popular among owners of private houses and what will be required for their facilities - all this we will consider in our article.

And also give an example of the assembly of the septica of concrete rings and compare the ready-made solutions offered by the market, with homemade.

Septures are called sewage facilities that are almost completely recycled wastewaters, decomposing them into safe components.

All work on the transformation of waste human life is assigned to microorganisms. Multiple sewer masses aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are gradually processed into water and active il.

Gallery of images

If the device is insulated and correctly canned, it is not terrible or winter frosts or spring floods. It will not pop up and does not crack, even if part of its content will freeze.

It is important, of course, to correctly install the device. In the process of recycling, the Bacteria Effectively eliminate the smell characteristic of the sewage.

The resulting water, of course, is not suitable for drinking, cooking, washing or other household needs. With a high degree of cleaning, it can be used for watering plants on the site.

Often water is removed through a filtration well or a filtration field. Water gradually enters the ground, passing through the cleaning system, the sand layer and rubble.

Il, which settles at the bottom of hermetic capacitance, of course, does not go anywhere. It accumulates, as a result of which the total amount of septicism decreases slightly. When the amount of deposits becomes critical, the device should be cleaned using a special pump.

The septic cleaning is performed significantly less frequently than pumping a cesspool, and this process is usually not accompanied by a maliciousness, because IL has a completely neutral smell.

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Gallery of images

Outside, septic tip the layer of waterproofing. Some masters recommend missing not only joints, but completely all the capacity of the device

The trench for the sewer pipe, leading from the house to the septic, without pumping and smell, is placed with a slight bias. At the junction of the septica and pipes in the thickness of the concrete, a hole of suitable sizes are done.

In the same way, plugs are installed and pipes that combine individual parts of the septic. All connectivity septic places with pipes need to be seen and coated with a layer of waterproofing.

At the bottom of the last septic septic department, instead of a cement mortar, a gravel-sand filter is placed. First fall asleep and smash the sand, and then the layer of gravel.

The use of a suitable fraction for these purposes is also allowed. The thickness of the filtration layer should be approximately 30-40 cm.

As the upper overlap of the septic, made of concrete rings, use a special round plate of a suitable size with a hermetic lid

After all septic branches are ready, you need to cover them with round concrete slabs that can be purchased from concrete rings with concrete rings.

In such lids there are holes with hermetic concrete lids. It remains to perform the backstage of the kittlers, and the septic tank can be considered ready for operation.

Other options for homemade septic

In addition to concrete rings, other materials can be used to create a septica. We will consider the most popular materials and options for the manufacture of septics.

Option # 1 - Septic tank from the Eurocuba

Earlier, Eurocube has already been mentioned - hermetic plastic container.

Establish such a septicity is relatively not difficult, but the low physical weight of the plastic should be taken into account. During the spring flood, groundwater can simply push the lightweight container to the surface.

For weighting of such a septic, the bottom of the pit should be laid with a concrete slab with metal loops. To these loops, the container is fixed with a metal cable. Sometimes such a septic toss is pulled by a heavy object that is fixed in the upper part of the device.

Option # 2 - Monolithic Concrete Design

Concrete septic tank can be done with the help of fill. In this case, it is not necessary to make several pita, you can do one building a large size and a rectangular configuration.

First concrete the bottom, then the formwork is installed and the walls are poured. For the separation of a large container into several sections, concrete walls are made inside.

To pour a concrete septicity with a solution, you will need to build a wooden formwork, in which openings immediately make holes for overflow tubes

Septic typical can be made with their own hands from concrete blocks or bricks, but the laying should be as sealed as possible.

Another option is to make. However, such a material cannot provide sufficient tightness to protect the soil from non-recycled drain.

With the help of tires, you can only make an option permeable cesspool. The term of such a device is substantially limited, unlike capital septicism, which, with proper maintenance, can serve as decades.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video contains a detailed option for creating a two-chamber septica:

Of course, the homemade septicch does not always provide the same high degree of purification as modern Los. But still these structures are functioning very successfully with relatively low costs of their installation and maintenance.

When erecting septica, it is important to adhere to the technical norms to prevent groundwater pollution.

Do you use homemade septic without pumping? Tell us what type of building you preferred and whether your family has enough of its volume? How often do you do clean and what measures do you take to prepare your septica by winter?

Leave your comments under our article - your experience of the homemade septica will be useful to many owners of private houses and cottages.

In private households, in the absence of centralized sewage, it is better to equip a non-conventional cesspool, and make it yourself septic tank for home with soil cooking. However, when it is construction, it should be extremely attentive. Any violation of sanitary standards and rules may result in a serious problem.

Principle of operation

See also:

Septic call sump for wastewater consisting of 2-3 tanks. In the first of them, large particles accumulate and besieged - the remains of food, feces, land, sand, etc. There are also fats in the form of a film and non-sensitive particles.

Partly distorted liquid with impurities of small particles through the reporting pipe enters the second tank, where the cleansing occurs with the participation of anaerobic bacteria.

They are able to decompose any organic matter: Waste from the vital activity of the human body, residues of food, detergents, etc. In the process of sour and methane fermentation, they disintegrate to hydrogen, carbon and methane.

Drain of purified waters in ditches or stricter reservoirs is prohibited. They are allocated only in the ground.

In private households for these purposes, are most often used:

  • filtration Wells: Capacities similar in design with sumps, but covered with gravel, with holes at the bottom;
  • filter fields: Several horizontally walking trenches floating sand and gravel.


By filtration methods, all sewage containers for private houses can be divided into:

1 Cumulatives: Ordinary cesspools requiring regular cleaning

2 With soil cooking: provide several overflow tanks interconnected by pipes; Waste entering them, under the action of gravity, defend with the fallout of the sediment to the bottom, which over time is processed by bacteria; The gas formed in the decomposition process is discharged through special venetuotium; Passed water through the pipe shut into filtration wells or fields

3 Deep cleaning stations: Such installations are fairly road and volatile; economically appropriate only in cases where the height of the groundwater is less than 0.4 m; Cleaning in these cases is performed using biofilters; In principle, it is possible to use such stations for full 100% sewer waste

In order to avoid deformation of septics, it should be made from high-strength concrete or concrete rings. Capacity for collecting and cleaning waste can be both bricks, subject to ensuring their reliable waterproofing.

When using plastic tanks, they are installed in reinforced concrete boxes. You can also purchase special containers equipped with rigidity ribs.

If the usual cesspool is a waste drive, which have to be taken periodically, then pumping septicities with soil milking will have to be less likely. Ideally, this can occur every 10-20 years.

In practice, during the construction of sufficient septicism, it is purified once every 3-5 years. Deep cleaning stations do not require this - all waste in them completely decompose.

Before lowering the plastic septic, the capacitance is filled with a small amount of water to equalize the pressure. Otherwise, during the backfill, the container can be deformed.

Calculation of the volume of septic

According to SNiP, if there is in the house of water supply, sewage, bath or soul per person per day requires about 200 liters of water. Accordingly, for a family of 4 people a day, 800 liters or 0.8 cube will be merged. m.

With a maximum of 150 liters, a maximum of 150 liters is consumed at a daily reception of the soul, installed dishwasher and washing machines. For four people, respectively, this figure will be 0.6 cubic meters. m.

The volume of receiving containers should be 3 times higher than the daily volume of the stock. But it is better to use tanks with a small margin. That is, for a family of 4 people to build a septic tank with a volume of 3.0-4.0 cubic meters. m.

Choosing a place to install

To build a septic tank for home and summer cottages near the housing and the reservoir stricter is prohibited. According to SNiP, you have the right to establish it in 1 m from the housekeeping and in 5-7 m from residential buildings.

Do not forget that, although less often than the usual pit, the septic tank will still have to periodically pump off. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a place as possible for the entrance of the assessing machine.

Installing stages

We describe in detail the process of manufacturing septicism for the house of concrete rings. The number of particle sections of a large value is not - only the amount of septicism and the correct location of the effluent is important.

Preparation of catlovana

For each of the capacity it will take a separate pit.

They can be placed on one line or arrange as a triangle:

1 Concrete tanks establish necessarily above the level of groundwater passage. At the same time, drain pipes should be located deeper than the waterproof point (this indicator for different regions of Russia is varied). In the Moscow region, this indicator is 1.4 m. When they are arranged horizontally above the specified level, additional insulation is required.

2 Starting work follows in the hot period of the year so that the soil waters fall to the lowest mark. Otherwise, the installed containers can simply pop up.

3 For the convenience of installing the width of the kittle, make a little more size of the container. For a concrete ring width of 1 m, it is required to leave the reserve 20-30 cm.

4 In order to avoid the pressure of the soil onto the bottom of the pits, the gravel layer is falling asleep. In the absence of such a cushion, the tank may be deformed or shifted.

Laying pipelines

1 For the sewer pipeline, corrugated polyethylene products are used, which have sufficient resistance to deformities and capable of withstanding significant temperature differences. Please note that such pipes have orange and SN 8 labeling. They are tougher and consist of several layers. The gray or white SN 4 pipes for the internal installation are not suitable - they can simply crush them under the severity of the soil.

2 pipes must be laid in concrete trays with a filling of trench sand.

3 For the free flow of waste in the pipe container, they are placed under the tilt. With their diameter of 110 mm, it should be 2 cm for each meter. With a diameter of 160 mm for each meter, the slope will be 1.5 cm. The larger angle of inclination is not required, otherwise the pipes will be clogged.

4 pipes overlooking the tanks should have at the end of the fittings-tees, open from above and below. In this case, the fluid flow will be redirected correctly, and floating on top of the garbage and fatty film will not be blocked. The lower discharge is designed to select the lower layers of fluid, and the upper - for cleaning.

5 For the proper functioning of the system, overflow pipes should be located below the fat film layer, but not higher than the precipitated layer, which is assembled at the bottom in the form of the alley and is subject to periodic pumping.

6 When laying, try to avoid turns. If it doesn't work out without them, in such places, be sure to install audit wells for cleaning.

Installation of concrete rings

1 The most common septhes for private houses mounted with their own hands are the tanks of concrete rings. You can use designs from monolithic concrete, but the time for their construction, the installation of the formwork and the fill of the concrete will go much more, and the cost will be not much cheaper.

2 Concrete rings are lowered into the prepared pit with the help of equipment or manually.

3 The bottom ring of the first tank-sump must be reinforced bottom. If you have to purchase such a design, it is possible to concrete the bottom of the most damned, and when installing the ring, it is thoroughly grinding the joint.

4 For a filtering well (more about it below) you will need to purchase rings with a perforation of 30-50 mm. With a good soil filtration capacity, you can use the usual unperfated ring without the bottom.

5 In the upper part of the septic, rings are installed, equipped with holes for revision hatch.

6 To protect the rings from the displacement, they are fastened with each other with metal plates.

7 To ensure that the wastewater does not get into the ground, when laying the concrete rings, their connections are carefully sealed with bitumen or modern sealants, for example, bastion.

8 To ensure the deficiency of oxygen (the anaerobic bacteria can only work in such conditions) at the input and output of the second chamber are installed hydrotherapists and blocks. For the operation of such bacteria, the presence of a temperature of 10-35s is required, so septics installed above the level of soil freezing are additionally insulated


9 After connecting the pipeline, the container is covered with clay or sand. This will better adjust the temperature inside the cleaning system.

10 To remove the explosive methane gas generated in the process of waste recycling by bacteria, reliable ventilation should be ensured. For this, risers are used, which are 70 cm from the soil surface. To the smells do not apply throughout the area, it is better to raise them over the roof of the building at a height of up to 0.3 m. It's not worth the hard tube, otherwise it will freeze.

Septica manufacturing scheme for a private house with mandatory ventilation arrangement

On clay sectors, the installation of septic and soil their doochetic is impossible. Most often in such places, groundwater rises high. In these cases, it is necessary to use completely sealed plastic or steel products or set expensive aerogene installations for deep cleaning.

Calculation of the volume of the filtration well

Such structures are allowed to be used at a volume of wastewater to 1 cubic meter. m per day. The depth of the filtration well is calculated in such a way that its bottom was above groundwater per 1 m.

The size of a similar container is calculated on the basis of the average daily amount of effluent. For sandy soil per 1 square. M should have 80 l / day. For suspension, this number decreases to 40 l / day.

The bottom of the filtration wells is 1.2 m falling asleep with rubble or gravel. At the same time, the stones of the largest fractions are laid below, and small stones are stacked on top of a small layer. In this case, when driving, this layer can be easily removed, and the bottom of the well is simply rinsed with water.

A hole for a pipe connecting septic with a filtration wells should be located not lower than 15 cm from the level of backfill. To ensure access in the lid, the well is equipped with a hatch with a diameter of 70 cm. To protect against freezing, it should have two covers that are kept with thermal insulating material.

In the overlap of the well, an exhaust pipe is displayed, which should rise above the soil by 30 cm. Its diameter - from 10 cm. After installing the concrete rings, the space between them and the soil is necessarily covered with rubble and gravel.

The main disadvantages of such structures include the presence of a free space for laying drainage pipes and a long-term cleaning level - for full filtration, such a field should have a significant extent.

Therefore, to build drainage fields. It makes sense in cases where with a high rise of groundwater (up to 2.5 m), the arrangement of deep-brewed filtration wells becomes impossible.

The size of the drainage field and the number of tranches paved depends on the amount of septic. For 1 meter of paved pipes per day should have up to 30 liters of purified waters. For sampling soils that can absorb less fluid, this parameter decreases to 15 liters. For Suglinkov, it will be even smaller - the length of the pipes will have to increase.

The diameter of perforated pipes is 11 cm. In order for the liquid evenly distributed over the site, the distance between the pipes should be 1.5 m. Their length is maintained not more than 20 m. Each of them is equipped with a ventilation rummer, which should rise above the ground for 0, 5 m.

In order for the fluid freely to flow into the ground, the pipes are stacked with a slope of 2 cm for each running meter. The average trench depth is 2 m. It must be borne in mind that its bottom should be at a distance of 1 m from the level of groundwater. When laying pipes at a small depth, they will need additional insulation.

At the bottom of the prepared pit at first, a layer of soil with a height of 10 cm with a good filtering ability is falling asleep. On clay soils, its height should be increased to 70 cm.

Septic with monolithic concrete

When building septic sites for the house of reinforced concrete there is no need to attract special equipment - all work can be performed manually. Such capacities can have a different volume - to navigate the size of the concrete rings no longer have to.

However, work on the construction of such septicity will be more laborious:

1 For arrangement 2-3 chamber septica is preparing a rectangular kitty. Since it will result in a form for a future design, it is better to dig it manually so that the walls will be as smooth. You can remove the earth or scatter with a flat layer on the site.

2 On both sides of the pita, the trenches are preparing a depth lower than the level of soil freezing for laying pipes. The first trench is paired to the house, the second - in the direction of the filtration well or drainage field.

3 To protect the concrete from moisture to the bottom of the cutlery layer 20-30 cm, a sand-gravel pillow is covered.

4 first poured pits. For this, a standard cement solution is used from a high-quality cement M300-400. When using the M400 cement in terms of weight in kg (cement, sand, crushed stone) will be equal to 1.0: 1.2: 2.7. The amount of water depends on the humidity of the materials used.

5 In order for moisture from the solution to the ground, waterproofing from a sufficient thick polyethylene film is stacked before pouring to the bottom. It is placed in the mustache.

6 For reinforcement of the bottom and walls of the container, a metal grid or a rod is used. To protect against rust and ensuring the strength of the design, the grid is necessarily located in the center of the formwork at a distance of 7 cm from the edges. To withstand the same distance is necessary and from the bottom of the kittle.

7 After the arrangement of the formwork at the top of the tank is installed overflows for pipes. Otherwise, the already frozen concrete will have to dwell.

8 To protect the solution from leakage in the formwork, plastic film is placed.

9 To reduce the risk of formation of voids, the fill is made in stages with a height of each layer of 0.5 m with a break in 2-3 days. The solution is necessarily compacted with a bayonet shovel or vibrator.

3-chamber system

With the right installation, the service septic is minimized:

  • for the uninterrupted functioning of the system, it should be ensured that oil products, solvents, household poices, alkali, alcohol and other aggressive chemicals, capable of destroying the anaerobic bacteria; Septic clogging contributes to the sewage trash and inorganic residues that are not decomposed
  • with proper operation, the thickness of the precipitate will have to be infrequent - every 2-3 years; Calling the assessing agents in the event that it rises closer to the surface by 20 cm
  • pulling off the septic tank is not fully, leaving 10-20% so that anaerobic bacteria are preserved at its bottom, that is, "Zakvaska"
  • to maintain the life of the bacteria, the constant presence of organic substances is required, so it is better not to equip the septic tank in the garden sites that are not used for permanent residence;

Video: Drainage field septica. Secrets of durability

Septic for home - Sewage pit without pumping: Device, Phased manufacture with your own hands from concrete rings and other options (15 photos & video)

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ABOUT destinations from the conditions of a comfortable pastime outside the city is the construction of the sewer system. At the same time, wastewater is removed, collecting and high-quality disposal. Similar structures require regular cleaning. To avoid a frequent call, special equipment for pumping waste can be mounted septic with their own hands without pumping 10 years for home and cottage. To properly perform the installation work, it is necessary to learn more about the structural features of such structures.

A high-quality treatment system for suburban territory can have several cameras

Septicchka with their own hands without pumping 10 years for home and cottage as a replacement of a cesspool

The need for installation of the sewer system occurs during accommodation in a country house throughout the year. At the same time, the need for the sewage pit arises. This is a special hermetic container where waste is collected. In such an installation, no waste disposal is not made naturally, and it is often necessary to pump with the help of an assessing machine. Creating septicism with your own hands without pumping 10 years for home and cottage is considered the best option.

Nuances of septic girls for a private house do it yourself

For any design of septicism from time to time, pumping is required. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the organization of service.

Before mounting the system, you need to calculate the appropriate volume, as well as determine the draining ability of the soil.

Septic is a solid and monolithic design. The slower the water moves, the better it is cleared.

It is important to choose the size of the septic. It will contribute to the best design work. When using the system throughout the year it needs to be buried half a meter below the freezing point. After 12-15 years of operation, the soil begins to stick.

Helpful information!So that the septic tanks for giving without pumping began to work, it is necessary that bacteria settled in the container. This introduced or a mixture. Instead, you can use kefir.

Device and design principle

Separator applies to wastewater collection. It is divided into solid and liquid components. Heavy substances are settled at the bottom, and the crust is formed on the surface.

With the help of bacteria, the biological processing of dense fractions occurs. At the same time, gaseous components are formed for which the discharge is required. Septic is a ditch with a ground bottom, in which the walls are additionally strengthened.

The design is the following sign of action: liquids slowly pass into the soil. The volume of the passable substance depends on the dimensional dimensions.

Device options without pumping

Various designs can be septicities for a private house. Instead of the filtering well, you can install a system from pipe or ditch with filtering. With the help of various equipment, you can increase the productivity of the sewage design.

For better operation of the device, you can perform the following modifications:

Article on the topic:

How to choose the right place to accommodate septic

To create a quality septic with your own hands without pumping 10 years for home and cottages, you need to choose the right place. It must be twenty meters from the drinking well and in the meter from the passage of groundwater.

Water from it should be assigned away from the foundation. The volume of the design must exceed the amount of water consumed three times, as the drains should be estimated in the containers of about three days.

If the site for accommodation has a slope, then the system should be placed below the location of the main building.

Helpful information! The minimum distance from the building to the station should be at least five meters.

Calculations of the volume and depth of the future structures

Installation of sewage systems begins with marking of the place of water. This takes into account the depth of freezing the soil layer. In order for the device to work fully, such materials can be used as a foam crumb, claymzite or polystyrene.

Design chambers must have a volume that is calculated based on the daily amount of wastewater. At the same time, the following points should be taken into account:

  • number of tenants;
  • using plumbing equipment;
  • features of household appliances;
  • features of homework in the house and on the plot.

Helpful information!According to the SNIP under the spring of up to 1 cubic meter per day, the design with one camera will be required. If the amount varies from 1 to 10, the two-chamber structure is selected. Three cameras are used for large volumes.

Price for septic colors for a private house

Many sewage treatment plants are offered by domestic manufacturers. Not only expensive devices are presented, but also budget septic colors for a private house. The price depends on the number of cameras and performance.

The table shows the most famous models:

NameFluid resetThe average price, rub.
Topa 8.450 107 000
Eco-Grand 5260
74 000
Yunulos Astra 3.160
66 500
Rostock250 26 900
74 000
Tank 1.600
35 000
48 000

Device septicity from concrete rings with their own hands: the scheme and features of the construction

You can create a septic tank made of concrete rings with your own hands. The scheme displays the features of this design.

Concrete rings belong to the most popular material for the construction of wastewater treatment facilities. The advantages of the design include:

  • speed of installation work;
  • excellent tightness;
  • long operational period;
  • strength.

The diameter of the structure should be selected taking into account the volume. At the same time, for one camera requires four rings. The disadvantages include limited volume and the high cost of construction.

After creating a pit, the basis for cumulative cameras is made. This area is concreted. For the arrangement of the filtering well, a chicted pillow is performed. Installation of rings is made one thing. An important step is to carry out pipes to the well. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly calculate the angle of inclination and diameter.

Camera sealing cameras on both sides. For this purpose, loose materials and cement mortar are used.

Construction of construction from monolithic concrete

Installations from monolithic concrete are considered reliable and durable. They possess the following advantages:

  • long service life;
  • practicality;
  • high properties of waterproofing;
  • availability of materials.

By cons of such structures include the need to install the reinforcing system and low bandwidth. When performing concreting, laying a reinforcing grid is required. From damage to corrosion, it is necessary to create a layer of concrete on the site.

Helpful information!Before mounting this installation, formwork is performed. To create it, shields and OSB plates are used. Such types of materials are characterized by increased moisture resistance and small value.

Application of Eurocubov

In the presence of certain materials, you can create a good septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands without pumping. Eurocuba are special containers made of polymeric raw materials. Under them is necessarily the basis of concrete. This will prevent the system offset under the influence of groundwater.

Plastic installation before installing must be inspired. Then makes concreting design and filling with water. Ventilation pipes are displayed on the surface. At the same time, the filtering fields and filter cassettes are used.

Helpful information!To improve the purification process, biological additives are recommended that increase the particle decomposition rate.

How to apply barrels?

Often, a barrel is used for the manufacture of septicism. This design is performed from several cameras. The process of movement of the fluid is made by gravity. To do this, the installation is performed below the installed pipes.

To increase the design, the second barrel can be installed. When installing, it is necessary to observe tightness. This building has many advantages. This is an extensive range, resistance to the effects of aggressive factors and long service life.

Plastic products

Different simplicity of installation of plastic barrel. It does not require much maintenance. If the construction is used for permanent residence, you can use a tank, a whole tank or a cube of plastic.

Septic tanks with high levels of groundwater: installation features

A special approach requires the use of septic tanks with a high level of groundwater. It is important to consider the wastewater treatment system. This uses hermetic and accumulative design. In this case, the system is protected from the invasion of underground fluid. But such a structure requires regular cleaning with special equipment.

For installation of hermetic capacitance, plastic or concrete is used. This design is divided into cameras that are designed to feed and remove the stock fluids.

Helpful information!If a design is installed without pumping fluid, additional cleaning is performed. This uses special filtering cassettes.


Not so long ago, all "convenience" were limited to the street toilet and sewage in the form of a primitive cesspool. Modern cottages in their comfort practically do not differ from urban apartments. In the villas, as a rule, water pipes are laid, plumbing devices are installed and sewage is mounted. Therefore, to dispose of accumulating uncleans and wastewater, a device must be responsible for modern requirements. Many owners of country country houses are interested in how to make them hands and forget about the frequent cleaning of cesspools and ancient street toilets.

Septic tanks installed on dachas usually consist of two or even three cameras. To accelerate the disposal process, anaerobic or aerobic bacteria are used, which make it possible to achieve a deep degree of cleaning sewer waters and significantly simplify the maintenance of the septic. If you install a similar septic tank in your own hands and properly exploited, then you can do without pumping for many years.

Septic tanks installed on dachas must comply with the following requirements:

Calculation of the volume of septic

To determine which volume should have a homemade septic with your own hands, you need to know the amount of daily drain. For the cottage used all year round, if its arrangement is comparable to the city housing, then one residing accounts for about 200 liters of water. This amount is multiplied by the number of tenants and 3 (the duration of the flow processing cycle in the septic). Thus, the required amount of septic chambers is calculated.

Standards and rules for the installation of country septic

During the construction of Septic, it is necessary to follow and follow the sanitary standards. Therefore, it is important to know how to install septic tank with your own hands in the country, according to the rules. You can not install septic closer than 5 meters from the house, but too much the sewage treatment plant is undesirable, as there is a risk of blockage. Standards and rules indicate how to properly install a septic tank in the country relative to roads, fences, etc.

The rules and requirements for the placement of sewage treatment facilities are the same for private houses and cottages. Therefore, to know how to install it is very important, it is very important, because the SES can check and impose a fine. It is best to coordinate this question before the start of installation work. In the SES, it is necessary to provide a septic selection scheme on the site.

Basic installation rules Septica:

  1. the recommended distance from the road is at least 5 meters;
  2. from the fence of neighbors to the septicity distance of at least 2 meters;
  3. it is necessary to provide a convenient entrance of the assessing machine;
  4. if possible, planning septicism on soft ground.

Drainage Well for Septic

Effective work Septica assumes the removal of peeled wastewater in the ground. To perform this task, Drainage is made with your own hands: you can make a drainage well made of bricks or from reinforced concrete rings. When performing a masonry of a brick well, it stacked in a checker order to make a perforation for the unimpeded water purification through the walls. In addition, you can make a septic tank in the country with a drainage well from without the bottom.

Simple septic tanks for cottages

If the country cottage is used periodically, then it can be equipped with a workable and simple septic from the undergraduate materials to utilize it unclean.

For example, make a septic tank from the barrels in the country with your own hands or adjust the worn car tires for a simple workable design. Such primitive designs are not recommended to be used for storage and cleaning fecal effluents, but for a pair bath or soul septic tank from the wheels with their own hands mounted quite suitable.

For dacha septic, craftsmen use a wide variety of materials:

  • having spent its time car tires and plastic or metal barrels;
  • burned brick;
  • concrete;
  • eurocube of various shapes and volume;
  • reinforced concrete rings of different diameters.

Simple cottage septic tires

The simplest and primitive septic tank for home with their own hands mounted from automotive tires is used only in the case of periodic accommodation. Such a system is designed for a slight amount of effluent. Specialists recommend creating such a simple design only for the summer cottage or for a steam bath.

To start making a similar homemade septicch with your own hands only if the following conditions are presented, otherwise the efficiency of the device will be very low:

  1. underground waters must lay deeper than 5 meters;
  2. soil for normal operation Septic tires should be well passed water;
  3. the depth of the primer of the soil should be small;
  4. septic tires are recommended for cleaning polluted water only.

Consequently, this type of septic science is applicable only for cottages with a minimum set of sanitary devices that are not used for permanent residence. Founds on the network Reviews of septic girls for giving confirm the popularity of septic images of the simplest design. If the bath is not equipped with a toilet, then septic tires for it perfectly suitable.

Real construction septica with their own hands from automotive tires consists of several stages:

  • Tire blank. If tires are used with trucks, then it is enough 3 - 4 pieces, and tires from passenger cars will need at least 5 - 7 pieces.
  • Performing the markup of the pit in accordance with the size of the tires.
  • If you are supposed to install a two-chamber septic, then the second boiler is placed at a distance of 0.5 m from the first chamber.
  • Drove pitted.

Septica device

Kotlovan is ready, and you can continue to work on the arrangement of the septica. At the bottom of the kittles, a layer of rubble or sand is added, and tires are stacked on this drainage pillow. The top chamber is supplied with a drainage pipe of the sewage of the cottage, and the overflow tube is paved between the chambers. It is located on 50 centimeters above the bottom of the pit. A well bundled in the second chamber, which should go below the clay layer. Drainage is inserted into this well. The owner should know how to make a septic tank himself in the country, his positive qualities and disadvantages.

A simple septic tank of old car tires has undoubted advantages:

  1. affordable material, because the tires can be obtained absolutely free;
  2. relatively small financial costs for;
  3. septic typical of this type, which is suitable for the bath and cottages, it is not difficult to make with your own hands, not attracting assistants;
  4. a simple and cheap septic tank for home with their own hands, neatly mounted and properly calculated, will work not worse than expensive purchased products.

But this type of septica does not withstand large loads, and in addition, the septic tanks from automotive tires have fairly significant drawbacks. It is considered a practically ideal option for a bath or for rarely visited cottages.

The main disadvantages of septicity of automotive tires:

  • at the occurrence of floods, the septicch can be flooded with melt water;
  • there is a risk of groundwater and soil contamination due to not hermetic design;
  • service life does not exceed 20 years;
  • the design of Septica is difficult to coordinate with sanitary standards, so it is very difficult to choose an optimal place for it on the site.

Septic from Eurocubov

For giving with permanent accommodation, simple primitive septicifs are not suitable. Many owners of such cottages are interested in how to make a septicch from Eurocubets with their own hands to save financial resources and provide comfort and comfort in the house. From Eurocubes, sufficiently reliable septicifs are obtained. When using biological additives, filtering fields that will produce a doctor, the system works almost as a deep wastewater station. If you connect the aerator for the septicity with your own hands, then the cleaning process will significantly speed up, and the quality will improve.

Biofilter for Septica from Eurocubes

To accelerate the process of cleaning the drain, a biofilter must be installed for the septica with their own hands mounted from eurocubes.

The filter is the last stage of cleaning uncleanness after settling in the first chamber.

The full cycle of cleaning occurs in three stages:

Thus, created by their own hands turns into a LOP (local treatment system), in which the deep biological cleaning of sewage sewage occurs. Septic cameras should be sealed. A suitable septic cap can be made of various primary materials: from concrete or plastic. The lid should be hard for children to make it shift. The ideal option is the cast iron cover. Some owners for decorating the site close the lids of the hatches with decorative lids masked under the stone or under the other elements of the landscape.