How to make a warm floor on the balcony with your own hands. Warm floor on the balcony - comfort in a big city how to make a warm floor on the loggia

To cover the floor of insulated balconies or loggias, various materials are used - laminate, linoleum, carpeting, tiles. All finishing materials, in addition to ceramics, are mounted on wooden lags and chipboard sheets, which, when water, or long-term exposure to high humidity in them, may be damaged (this can be attributed to carpet and laminate).

Fig. 1 Condensation of moisture on balcony glazing

Moisture and water may appear on any balcony even with its complete waterproofing due to the condensation of water vapors on glazing and finishing in winter, with a large temperature drop from the outside and indoors.

Therefore, laying the tile flooring on the floor of balconies and loggias, not exposed to water and high humidity, is the most popular option when repairing residential premises.

The floor of ceramics even in the warm room is quite cold, so when laying tiles in the apartment produces its heating from below, and in a glazed balcony, the warm floors perform an additional feature of the heating of the room.

Currently, several gender heating methods are widely used:


Under the floor, the system of pipes from central heating, for which hot water flows. Water heating technique is widely used in country houses and cottages, in apartments Warm water floors on the balcony with unauthorized installation ineffective, roads and prohibited by law.

Fig. 2 Water warm floor on loggia


Heating floors with electric films emitting infrared radiation, a rather popular way of heating of premises lately, film warm floor on the balcony with their own hands is easy to install under linoleum, laminate, carpet.

When installing infrared film emitters under the tile, technical difficulties arise in connection with the poor clutch of the surface of the film with adhesive cement mixtures.

If not immediately, then during operation with frequent temperatures during the turn-on-shut-off cycles, the cement mortar will dig away from the film and the voids will appear, leading to floors of the floor - it limits the use of an infrared film for mounting into the tile floor. Also, infrared gender is recommended to be laid together with a foil substrate reflecting infrared radiation - it creates even more problems when placing it under ceramic tiles.


The heating system of floors by electric wire of a standard thickness of 5 mm. It is distinguished by the cheap and simplicity of installation, due to the placement of the wires on the grid and its small area, the mats are perfectly connected with cement solutions. This makes them the most suitable for heating the tula floor mounted on the cement-sand tie.

Device of a warm floor from tile on the balcony

The warm-alone device on the balcony is irrationally without its thermal insulation from the concrete slab, so the use of insulation under the tie is the most important condition for its effective work with minimal electricity consumption. In addition to this screed, electric mat and tile will further raise the balcony floor. Before making a warm floor, its height can be calculated in advance.

Fig. 3 Floor structure on the balcony

Calculation of the height of the balcony floor

The standard height of the balcony threshold is 150 mm. - rationally raise the height of the floor on the balcony to this mark and above to avoid interfering with the outstretch step. The floor on the balcony can be lifted to almost the door leaf, and this is another 50 mm., As a result, the floor on the balcony can be raised to the distance in the range of 150 - 200 mm. More accurately calculate his height will help knowledge of the installation and size of building materials:

The chat layer thickness is directly related to the material manufacturing material (density) and the thickness of the insulation - than it is denser and thinner, the smaller the thickness of the screed can be done on the balcony.

Half floor mounting order on a tiled balcony

To make a qualitatively given work with your own hands is almost impossible, laying the tiles on the electric warm floor, even for experienced tilers, a rather difficult task. Work performed can be broken into several stages.

Fig. 5 Installation of insulation and grid

Installation of insulation

For use as a heater on the balcony, it is better to use the material with the highest density - Pleesoplex 45 (density 35 - 47 kg. / M.Kub.) With a maximum thickness of 100 mm., Its fastening to the floor is made on a dowel - umbrellas.

When using hydrophobic extruded polystyrene foam, the penplex is not required (if fixed on dowel-umbrellas) and waterproofing of the concrete slab. Installation of plates of the fastener is made in the joint by connecting M-shaped edges, and cold bridges are not formed. To seal the insulation, the edges use the mounting foam.

Fastening of the fastener can be performed on glue after the primer of the balcony floor, and the materials based on cement with the additives of minerals - STEPTER K-20, STF, Ceresit CT85, UNS, or Polyurethane - TYTAN STYRO, EMFICOL 225, ZENIT-36, KLEIBERIT Pur Leim.


Fig. 6 screed

After mounting, the Penoplex is putting a metal grid, make the light-air strips along the edges using a level of a solution for screeds or metal guides (pipes, rectangular profile, plaster beacons). The screed solution is pulled by the guide rule or construction level, along the edges, be sure to lay the damper ribbon from the foam polystyrene strips (substrate for laminate, foam) or other synthetic materials.

Laying of electric Mata.

After pouring the screed on its surface, there is a zigzag electrical cable and fix it with tiled glue, the electric cable and the thermal sensor is placed in the corrugated tube. To accommodate the corrugations in the floor and wall with the help of the perforator, make a stroke of the required depth (20 mm.)

Fig. 7 Warm floor mounting: on tile loggia

Laying tiles

Works on laying tiles on an electric mat should be trusted only to experienced specialists, it is carried out by a tool providing the height of the adhesive layer 8 - 10 mm. (Tile grade tiled step). The slots in the corners after installing the floor are closed with plastic plinth.

It is important when working to use building materials only for warm floors that have special additives in their composition, costing more expensive.

The warm-tiled device for the balcony is the best solution in the event of high humidity. It is possible to fully laid warm floors on the loggias for only experienced specialists - if the preparatory work on the installation of the insulation and the screed can be performed independently, then work on laying tiles should be trusted only by masters.

Warm floor on the balcony (loggia) under the tile or laminate

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Now we will look at what it is better to choose a warm floor on the balcony under the tile or laminate. We also understand how to make installation with your own hands (consider the course of work). Do you know where to buy at a low price?

The key to comfort and comfort, of course, is warm. Create a balcony or loggia heating using a warm floor heating system is a good solution. However, before the arrangement, you need to think about all the stages. In this article, we will tell about what type of warm floor is most suitable for the balcony, how to carry out insulation with your own hands and much more.

Check the price and buy heating equipment and related products you can have. Write, call and come to one of the shops in your city. Delivery throughout the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Infrared film warm floor on the balcony

Types of warm floors

There are several types of warm floors with which you can warm the balcony:

  • Water warm floor. This method is based on the use of a special water circuit. In such a system, the coolant will circulate through the pipes that are in the screed. The Water Warm Paul system is tempting that hot water can be obtained from the central heating system. But here there are disadvantages:
    • lack of autonomy, i.e. The floor will not be heated until the heating season starts;
    • the temperature of the coolant in batteries is 90 ° C, and in water warm floors should not exceed 27 ° C. This means that you will have to equip a complex system for mixing warm water;
    • without permission, you will not be able to connect the water heated floor.
  • Electric warm floor (s). In cable floors, the heating element is a special cable that is filled with a screed. This type of heating is suitable for tile. Under this way, it means the use of a cable heating system, which can be used both the main and as an auxiliary contour. Base parts: Heating cable and thermoregulation system.

Advantages of the heating cable system:

  • heat evenly comes throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • adjust the temperature simply;
  • low price;
  • in case of problems, they can be easily eliminated.


  • large electricity costs;
  • there is electromagnetic radiation.

By installing the electrical cable heating system, do not forget that it is filling even a thin concrete screed, you will increase the load on the bearing balconies, and this can be fraught with negative consequences.

The film warm floor is much more efficient without a tie, it is well suited for laminate, linoleum, carpet.

Consider the insulation of the balcony / loggia with the help of electric heating floor.

Hearth balcony (loggia)

The effective operation of the warm floor on the balcony will be achieved only with high-quality insulation. It is necessary to warm up not only the floor, but also the walls and the ceiling. Also an important component is to maintain heat, and for this it is necessary to equip high-quality heat insulation.

Balcony insulation scheme

Observe the following rules:

  1. Choosing from polymer thermal insulators - prefer the EPPS (extruded polystyrene foam). In terms of its characteristics, he is the best.
  2. As a heater, mineral and glass gamble can be used. It is worth only to take care of their reliable vapor barrier.
  3. Window frames on the balcony must have double glasses.
  4. Mounting the frame on the walls of the balcony / loggia, use the bar, because It does not heat warm and protects from the appearance of cold bridges.

For thermal insulation of the walls of the balcony, you will need:

  • epps sheet, the thickness of which is 5 cm;
  • foil polyethylene;
  • plasterboard;
  • bar 50 * 50 mm.

Wall insulation:

  1. On the walls you need to install a lamp from a bar 50 * 50 mm at a distance between them 60 cm.
  2. In the middle of the BRUSEV, it is necessary to fix the sheets of EPPS.
  3. Top to lay foil polyethylene foam, all joints creek scotch.
  4. Then the entire design is wearing GLC.
  5. The last barcode is all the seams.

Walls are insulated only after floor insulation.

Regardless of which heating element will be used, the insulation of the heated floor is carried out according to one principle.

You will need:

  • sheet extruded polystyrene foam, whose thickness is 5 cm;
  • special scotch;
  • bricks;
  • the mixture for the preparation of a masonry solution.

Multifolga - Rolled insulation, whose thickness is 2-3 mm, the foil is pasted on top, which in turn is covered with a lavasan film.

Stroke work

At the first stage, you need to fit the floors and make a masonry solution, the instruction on the packaging will help you with it. After that, we apply the resulting mixture into the bricks and lay in the hole under the front tile, the remaining solution you need to deceive the masonry. The solution will fix in a couple of hours, before that bricks are better not to touch.

At the next stage, the EPPS plate is stacked on the floor. Multifolga is stacked over the plates. Those areas where the bands are connected, we glue with a scotch.

At this stage, it is already possible to start installing a warm floor on the loggia.

Installation of electric heating floor

To install cable warm floor on the balcony, you must get the following details:


  1. The mats are laid out along the insulated floor, starting from the place where the power is connected. It is necessary to put them in length or width, it all depends on the balcony area. The interval from the wall to the heating cable should be at least 5 cm.
  2. After the cable is laid, you need to put a thermal sensor in the floors. To carry out this action, in the wall you need to label the groove from mats to the thermostat and hide in it the corrugation. The distance from the wall to the end of the corrugation should be 50 cm, the thermal sensor is placed in it.
  3. The end of the pipe must be chopping. Power wires are connected to the cable, and the touch point seal with scotch. In the groove on the wall you can also place the wiring to the thermostat.
  4. Connect the power and wires from the thermal sensor to the terminals must be in accordance with the instructions. After that, you must specify temperature indicators at level 25 - 26 ° C and turn on the power. For a few minutes you need to check how the system is functioning, insulation quality and turn off the heating.
  5. Final stage - screed.

To produce a high-aluminum screed, use the mixture that the cable manufacturer advises. Usually present in such a mixture propylene FiberThrough which you can not use reinforcement. In addition, such mixtures dried quickly and align themselves.

By correctly done all the stages, on your balcony or loggia will be comfortable at any time of the year thanks to the warm floor.

The warm floor on the balcony is an up-to-date problem, since they are increasingly reworked for additional rooms. If there will be cold floors in such premises, then the benefits of them are practically reduced to zero.

In most cases, when installing a warm floor without a draft floor, it is simply not to do. Video below.

Why it is a wooden draft floor for a balcony:

  • the wooden floor is quite simple in the mounting;
  • it has a low weight, which is very important for the balcony;
  • very convenient when aligning floor levels on the balcony and in the room;
  • perfectly insulates the balcony slab under the legs, especially if the balcony is not insulated below;
  • you can install any heating - infrared film and rod, electric cable and even water.

There are many approaches when creating warm floors for balconies, and any owner of the housing can choose the most optimal option.

In order not to painfully hurt, it is worth familiar with which floor and with what components to choose. Video below.

Infrared floor on the balcony

A popular solution to make a warm floor on the balcony, infrared systems. This type of flooring is an extremely thin and flexible film whose thickness is 0.3 mm. The infrared type heater consists of two strips conducted and made using Carbon Nanotube technology. The flow of electricity is carried out by silver-copper wire, the film is completely sealed and is divided with the help of a fire-fighting polymer.

In addition, it has sustainable resistance to the influence of the atmosphere and moisture. Attaching such a film to the network of electricity is performed through a temperature controller, mounted in a convenient location. In case of damage to the infrared film, only the location of damage stops its work, and the rest of the system will function unchanged.

Infrared warm floor on the balcony there are two species - rod and film.

The first option is made of airborne wires and carbon rods. Film models are manufactured as rolls of fine material with stripes that perform heating.

Film left and rod.

Installation of film variety of floors, which is considered less troublesome, begins with the design of their location and measurement. After that, the reflective screen is assembled so that the thermal type of radiation is sent to the center of the room. Then stacked the infrared film with copper tires down, while it is necessary to remember that it is cut strictly by sections. All elements of the film are connected using clips and wires, and on the other hand, special isolation.

Then the temperature regulator setup occurs, for this put a separate outlet and connect the electrical wires. After that, the thermal sensor is connected and the entire system is completely, and the flooring is stacked.

With detailed instructions on the example of the room you can find below.

Advantages of infrared floors:

  1. They are quickly installed. It does not matter at all, what outdoor view of the coating will later lie on the balcony.
  2. Thanks to the use of the thermostat, it is possible to correctly adjust the room temperature, and since the film is quickly heated, then heat will instantly feel warm.
  3. When heated floors do not change the humidity of the surrounding air.
  4. They work silently, do not distinguish harmful evaporation and dust.

The use of such a gender will make a warm and cozy room from the balcony.

Flooring electric species

Another type of flooring, which can be used on the balconies - electric floor. Usually it is hired by specialists for its installation, as it has its own specifics.

Thanks to the drops between the rooms and the balconies of 10-12 cm, it is possible to make a large heat insulating layer. The main source of heat of the electrical flooring is a wire transforming electricity to heat.

The cable for heating is reinforced with fiberglass, sometimes consists of two veins, which conduct a current, copper conductor, polyester film, aluminum screen and PVC layer.

Installation of electric floor is performed in several steps. First, the space is insulated to enhance the heating effect. Then select the appropriate thermal insulating section and strengthen the mounting ribbon each layer of the cable laying. The thermal sensor in the corrugation is placed between the wires of the wire. The cold end of the heating section along with the wire from the thermotalkuchik is summarized to the thermostat. Mounting such a device must be an experienced specialist. Then over the cable is poured with a screed (3-5 cm) and connect it, waiting when the surface solidifies naturally.

Typical laying of warm - cable floor.

You can safely get along and without a screed, having arranged a warm floor on top of a wooden - well insulated draft. Video below.

Such a heating system is considered quite complicated and somewhat laborious installation, but if you make these floors on the balcony, you can get a large and uniform level of heating throughout the perimeter of the room. In addition, such a flooring can save from drafts on the balcony, since warm air will create a temperature barrier.

Water flooring

Water warm floor - the name of the heating system, which consists of a pipeline and the mixing node of the coolant. The heat source is water that circulates on a specially designed flexible tube.

Such a floor will only suit those houses and apartments that have an individual type of heating. Installing water flooring on the balcony from central heating is prohibited.

This is explained by the fact that this heating construction causes an increased heat selection and hydraulic resistance of the general system, and this may lead to serious consequences.

In order to not bite the elbows before you independently proceed to creating water floors or not stay in fools, ordering the installation of craftsmen, you need to familiarize yourself with the general principles of the system. Video below.

Water floors are laid in the form of "snail" or "snake". The first option is excellent for spacious balconies, and the second is for small rooms. To make water floors, various types of pipes are used: metal-plastic, copper, polypropylene and polyethylene. Practices are advised to prefer a pipe from metalplastic.

Types of laying pipes.

In addition, it is necessary to choose a collector system - stainless steel beating. These devices are considered a source of water floors, they are mechanical and electronic. Installation of a water collector is carried out in a special end of or in a niche prepared in the wall.

General collector scheme.

Before constructing water warm floor on the balcony with their own hands, you need to hold a number of preliminary work. First are determined with the styling drawing, make up a list of tools and materials. Be sure to check in what condition the balcony plate is located to understand whether it will endure the load. Usually, water warm floor is assembled after the balcony area is preliminary. As soon as the solution hardens, put the thermal insulating layer, and for this use the penplex. Then, along the walls are glued with damper tape, placed a reinforcing grid, which will prevent the displacement of metal-plastic elements.

After that, put pipes starting from the collector, which was previously installed. Then the ends of the elements that are suitable for the collector are dressed in the corrugation and connect to the main instrument. Within 24 hours, it is necessary to check the functioning of the heating system under the water pressure of 5-6 bar. This is done to identify possible leaks. Then everyone is turned off, and the pipes filled with water are poured with a mixture with a height of approximately 3 cm. Such a type of flooring can be covered with laminate or tiles.

How to put a lightweight water floor on the balcony on a wooden roughing - too light, not overloading the balcony, let's get into the video below.

Water floors have a number of advantages:

  • create uniform heating over the entire surface of the balcony;
  • support the necessary humidity on the balcony, interfere with the occurrence of mold;
  • long and safely serve.

If you make warm floors on the balcony, you can get a full-fledged heated room. Such a balcony will become an excellent embodiment of the most courageous design solutions.

Of course, to create a cozy on the balcony, a comfortable atmosphere needs to competently think over its insulation. First, it is necessary to install warm frames with double-glazed windows, secondly, to pave the insulation on the walls, on the parapet, thirdly, the additional heating element is a warm floor. As a result, if everything is done correctly, the balcony will turn into an office or become a place to relax, for sports activities. In this publication, we will pay attention to the third item, considering the question, how and make a warm floor on the balcony from?

First good option - heating mats

First you need to say a few words about the most mats. This is a unique system consisting of single, two-housing heating cables attached to a special grid in the form of a snake.

It is important to know: the step of laying the cable is approximately 5 cm, and the heating veins are performed from materials having a high degree of resistance.

As for the benefits of the system, these properties include these properties:

    • high-quality mats are safe for human health;
    • increased increase in floor thickness - along with tiles, this indicator is not more than 1.7 cm;

if the room has a complicated form, the mat is cut into fragments, but without disrupting the integrity of the cable.

Heating mat is a practically finished design that does not require fastening to the base

As for the installation, the warm floor on the loggia can be made on its own, without resorting to the services of employees. For this, first of all, you need to pay attention to the preliminary processes:

  • as a substrate, a concrete base is used, carefully purified from dust, dirt. For the best coupling, the base is ground;
  • before starting the laying, it is desirable to check the working resistance of the mat using an ohmmeter;
  • determine the place for the rational arrangement of the thermostat, for the supply of wires. Then you need to equip the appropriate grooves in the floor, in the wall;
  • installing the sensor - this item is mounted inside the special channel, that is, in the deepening of the floor. It is strictly forbidden to post it near the heating cable.

When all the above manipulations are carried out, you can start installation. It consists in laying heating mats into adhesive mastic for fixing the tile.

It is important to know: after completing the work, you need to check the functionality of the system. This refers to the inspection of resistance, as well as a visual inspection for the absence of beggars.

Film infrared floor - alternative solution

This type of warm floor is perfectly combined with many floor coatings, starting with tile and ending with woolen carpet. The principle of its work is based on the long-wavelength radiation of heating elements, when the floor is heated, and the surrounding items. They give the secondary heat, thereby creating a comfortable temperature on the balcony. As heating elements in the film heater, stripes from carboxylic paste, beaten between polyester layers.

Infrared film floor is ideal for heating small areas

A few words should be said about the relevant pluses of the film floor. So we are talking about such characteristics:

  • small energy consumption;
  • quick installation and commissioning;
  • the floor is heated in 10-30 minutes;
  • minimum electromagnetic field;
  • minor decrease in the height of the room;
  • reliability, safety.

But how does the film floor fit? Let us give an answer and on this question, examined the traditional scheme of installation:

  • alignment of the base;
  • laying the heat transfer material - for example, it can be isolon;
  • the film is cut along the lines, and then neatly stacked on the equipped heat insulation;
  • mounting the thermostat;
  • installation of electrical contacts;
  • isolation of places of connecting with bitumen insulation.

It is worth paying attention to: the film strips are best attached to the painting scotch reflective material in order to preserve their position when making a fixed floor.

The infrared floor includes an instruction with which you must read. In addition, when choosing an optimally suitable kit, the floor area should be taken into account. And in order for the balcony to reign the perfect microclimate, the film is additionally mounted on the ceiling, on the walls. As a result, comfort is ensured in any weather.

Cable System - Most Common Technology

Everyone knows that the holding of a complex of work on laying a warm floor on the balcony is complicated due to the limited space of the room. For this reason, the use of the cable system is very appropriate.

The cable is mounted under the first floor coating, and only the thermostat remains in sight, with which the heating intensity is adjusted. It is impossible not to mention the significant advantages of the cable system, because it is a fundamental moment. These include:

    • economic benefits - electricity consumption is quite acceptable;
    • reliability and durability - the heating conductor is in the layer of isolation, so it does not oxidize. The cable is protected by a cement-sand tie, as well as floor covering;
    • the warm floor is easily adjusted;

there are comfortable conditions in the room - especially this moment is relevant when the loggia is aligned with the room.

Cable system can be installed in a special metal assembly.

Installation of the heating cable system is a responsible process, so we want to give useful recommendations.

Guided by them, you can do everything with your own hands:

  • the mandatory element when laying the cable is the presence of a layer of waterproofing and a strong insulation. If this moment is ignored, a large amount of heat generated by the system will go down, that is, to the ceiling of the lower floor apartment;
  • the cement-sand tie is placed without air gaps: it should have a thickness of 4.5 cm;
  • the heating cable is stacked zigzag (the interval between parallel lines 2.5 cm, 10 cm);
  • the cable is protected by a thin screed;
  • the thermostat is installed in an affordable place;
  • it is possible to start in the floor of the floor after 3 weeks, after the screed is completely dry.

On the loggia is needed if a person wants to create a good microclimate and fully use this room. Although the options for arranging the warm floor are a bit, but by reflection, you can choose a suitable solution.


On the balcony is cold and not to go to admire how the cold plays in the sun? The output is - warm floors. Let's figure out which warm floor is better for the balcony.

What you need to know in front of a warm floor device

Temperature should be not lower than + 18 ° C. You can, of course, put electrical radiators and convectors, but it will fly into a penny. It is impossible to carry out a water radiator to the balcony, according to the law: "It is forbidden to transfer radiators to glazed loggias and balconies" (PP. 3 of paragraph 1 of "Activities for reorganization" of Annex 1 to Decree No. 73-PP dated 08.02.2005 in Ed. No. 883 -PP dated November 15, 2005). And - very hard.

Therefore, start with the insulation of the loggia. Use penplex, foam, etc. Then think over the balcony heating.

Often the warm floors are chosen as such an option. The most common warm floor on the loggia or the balcony is electric. It is cable, matte and infrared. There is also a water floor. Consider them all in order.

Cable warm floor for balcony

Cable floor, as a rule, spread to a balcony snake

The heating element here is an electrical cable connected to the power grid. Laid in a concrete tie, he warms first a screed, and then it gives heat into the air.

Concrete screed is a prerequisite for the use of cable warm floors. Flooring can be laminate, tile, linoleum.

Advantages of cable floors on the balcony

  1. Air warms up without drafts, evenly. At the floor level, the temperature reaches + 24 ° C, in the body of the body + 22 ° C, in the head area + 18 ° C.
  2. The screed is able to accumulate heat according to the principle of the Russian stove, which prevents heat loss.
  3. Compared to heating with radiators and convectors, cable floors spend 20-50% less electric current.

Disadvantages of cable floors when used on loggia

  1. Heating occurs slowly (up to +27 in 30 minutes), because the cable must first warm up the screed.
  2. The cable creates an electromagnetic field. True, it is not so significant to seriously fear for health. Radiation from a mobile phone is an order of magnitude higher.
  3. If you need to make a concrete screed.
  4. For electric floors you can not put a bulk furniture. Otherwise, there will be darkens from overheating in these places.

To save electricity, you must additionally buy a thermostat. It supports the specified temperature mode - as a rule, + 27 ° C. And automatically turns off the floor when the temperature reaches it up to this value.

Do you have old aluminum wiring at home? For fire safety, spend a copper cable to the warm floor (cross section of at least 2.5 mm). It is conducted directly to a separate machine gun.

Cable floors are single-core and bile.

Two-housing began to produce relatively recently, and they have a number of advantages. Two conductive conductors balancing electromagnetic radiation, so the electromagnetic background is almost zero. Installation of a two-core cable is slightly simpler. True, a single-core cable is cheaper by 20%.

At single-core cable gender to the thermostat, 2 mounting end in a two-housing cable is only one mounted end.

Heating electric Mat.

Special variety of cable floors, which are successfully used in balconies and loggias. In fact, these are the same single-core or two-housing cables, only fixed with a snake on the grid-based. It simplifies installation, and the screed is not required. Such a mat is easy to put on its own in the glue composition for tiles. When glue freezes, the mat can be immediately used.

The heating mat is a single-core or two-housing cable floor, which "packed" in the mat

Heating mats are suitable for porcelain stoneware, laminate, parquet, linoleum, carpet. They are considered an ideal option for tile.

From ordinary cable floor they differ over simple installation. However, mats are more expensive than cable floors half-thickness above 180 W stand from 2500 rubles. per square. m.

Infrared warm floors

Such a floor when connected to the power grid emits long infrared rays and negatively charged ions. Since any heat is infrared by nature, it can be said that the indication of "infrared" is simply the marketing course of manufacturers. The principle of heating is no different from other types of warm floors - they heat the floor covering, and air is already heated.

Air ionization is indisputly useful. The ions kill the fungus, the air becomes cleaner. Only here is not enough - the whole beneficial effect will be limited to flooring. It just does not let ions further.

Benefits of infrared warm floors

Comparison of three heating systems: cable, infrared floors and radiator

Infrared warm floors are largely better cable:

  • they heat the air more evenly over the entire height of the room. Behind the ceiling will be + 20 ° C, while cable and water floors warm the top of the room to + 15 ° C
  • thermal conductivity of infrared floor is slightly higher than that of water and cable floors. Heat from the first to 90% is transmitted by flooring, and only 10% can go to neighbors from below
  • infrared floor saves 20% of electricity compared to cable floors
  • warming up to a predetermined temperature occurs twice as fast as the remaining floors
  • the heat transfer does not decrease with time. With proper operation, the floor can work as a new one, for many years
  • electrical contacts have a parallel compound scheme. This means that if one plot fails, the rest will work without noticeable heat loss
  • infrared floor is safe to use. It does not burn, does not move, does not hit the current. Electromagnetic radiation less than cable floors - the last emit it throughout the bulk volume, and in infrared current only in the edges
  • to install such gears do not need permission from the authorities. It is convenient to use it in the apartment houses of centralized heating, as the installation of water floor is prohibited there by law
  • installed easily and quickly in a few hours
  • if you need, they can be collected and unzipped in a new place

Disadvantages of infrared warm floors

The diagram of connecting the warm film floor is not simple

Infrared floors also have flaws:

    • it is difficult to connect electricity. If it fails to connect correctly, you have to throw it out. And they are included in a limited number
    • film manufacturers assure that it can be laid even on uneven floors

However, it is not. The floor needs to be pretty aligned to, again, did not damage contacts.

Types of infrared warm floors

There are two types of infrared floors - film, which are rolls of thin film, and matte from heating rods.

These are carbon rods that are connected to each other from both ends with black connective wires.

Unlike the film, the rod floor must be poured with a screed. But it was also simply to settle it - she rolled out and ready. In addition, you do not have to align the stove so thoroughly as under the film.

Film floor

It happens with heating stripes and heating completely.

The core floor, like cable, is placed in the screed in such a film floor heated only the black stripes here heats up the whole film entirely

In films with heating stripes Separate strips are heated between polyurethane layers. These films are divided depending on the material of the heating element on bimetallic and carbon (carbon).

Externally, two species differ little from each other. However, bimetallic films are not common now, as less effective. They have aluminum and copper stripes.

Hydrocarbon (carbon) floor heats at the expense of carbon strips. The service life of such floors is 15 years. The cost of 1 square. m. - from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Solid carbon film Released in 2011 South Koreans. Her difference is that it does not consist of separate strips, but is a one-piece carbon layer. The larger the coating area is the higher the efficiency, that is, warming up.

One-piece carbon is flooded between polyethylene terephthalate layers (PET). These layers ensure such strength that the film can be sparkling with a knife, and heat transfer will remain the same. Therefore, the warranty period for it is 50 years. It is sold with rolls with a width of 50 and 100 cm. The cost of 1 square. m. about 1600 rubles.

For balconies, a warm film with a power of 180 W and above will be suitable.
Additionally, you will have to buy: a thermal insulation substrate for a film (for example, a foofenol or isolon), a thermostat.

The source of heat in them is hot water. It is taken from the water supply system at home, passed through the gas boiler, and then hot water flows through pipes laid in a concrete tie or between lags in a wooden floor. Air heats air from the floor. For example, if the boiler is + 37 ° C, then on the floor + 24 ° C, in the air + 22 ° C, near the ceiling + 15 ° C.

For the manufacture of warm water floors, rubber tubes are used

Water warm floors are suitable for laminate, linolyum, tile, wood. Basically, water floors are installed in private homes.

If you live in a centralized heating house, immediately mark the water floors as an option. Their removal to the balcony for the heating of the floor is prohibited by law. After all, because of them, the neighbors will decrease the water pressure and become colder pipes. If this is calculated by controlling services, the penalty will follow and the requirement to eliminate the design.

Benefits of water warm floor

  • such floors are slowly cool, and individual sections do not overheat
  • gas costs cheaper electricity. Therefore, the cost of heating is lower than electric floors
  • most eco-friendly and safe

Warm floor flaws

Water floors are laid under the tie, which gives additional load on the balcony

Unfortunately, the minuses have such a sex if installing it on the balcony, more.

  • slowly warm because you first need to warm up the scial
  • from heating pipes, air becomes more dry compared to cable and infrared floors
  • long and time-consuming installation
  • mounting will cost more electric floors. Installation firms are charged for installation and materials - from 600 to 1500 rubles. per square. m.
  • concrete screed crashing balcony. It is equal to the weight of a large motorcycle
  • concrete screed adds 3 cm to the floor. Together with heat-insulating gaskets and flooring, the floor will increase by 5 - 10 cm.
  • if the installation work was carried out poorly, there is always a possibility of a breakthrough of the pipe and the flooding of neighbors from the bottom. It is difficult to find a leakage, you will need to disassemble the screed