How to assemble a clock mechanism. Silent mechanism for wall clocks

Our community has a wonderful material about painting and decoupage hours.

But we missed one point - setting the clock mechanism.

Useful information about hourly mechanisms:

The clockwork housing has the following dimensions: width: 56 mm, height: 56 mm, Thickness: 16 mm, rod diameter: 8 mm (hole diameter under the rod in the dial).

The rod is a part of the mechanism that is done through the hole in the center of the dial. It consists of a threaded part, a clockwork of a clockwise direction, a seat for a minute arrow and holes for installing the second arrow.

The threaded part of the rod must be at least 2 mm more than the thickness of the dial. It is necessary in order to secure the mechanism (install the washer and tighten the nut).

For example: 16/9 rod means that the height of the threaded part \u003d 9 mm. It means that the thickness of the dial must be no more than 7 mm so that the mechanism with such a rod can be fixed.

In the title of the hourly mechanism, the first stock is indicated, and the second is the size of the threaded part (12/6, 16/9, 18/12, etc.)

The hourly mechanisms differ in the course of the second arrow:

For a metal loop, the clock can be switched:

The size of the arrows is indicated from the center of the hole to the tip of the arrow:

On arrows there is a protective film that when installing should be removed:

Installing the clockwork and arrows on the workpiece:

1. Install the mounting loop on the mechanism

2. Grind the mechanism of the mechanism into the hole on the product. Squeeze the puck, tighten the nut.

3. Put on the rod arrow: first the time arrow, then a minute and second one (it must be stuck in the hole). In order not to damage the arrows while putting on the rod, it is recommended to use the tube of the desired diameter. If there is no special tool at hand, you can use a simple ballpoint handle.

I recently told. Now I would like to talk about wall mounted.

Now probably it is impossible to find a house in which there would be no watches of Chinese or Indian production. Wall Clock - This is an element of home comfort, which practically does not change its appearance. The only thing is that they wear it - the mechanism.

And it often happens that, after several years of operation, an appearance in perfect condition, and the watch or stop working, or in a hurry, lagging behind, or that is characteristic of mechanisms with smooth running, they start literally to "eat" batteries.

Throw such a clock is a pity, especially if they had a high purchase price or they are roads as a memory. The most reasonable solution is to repair wall clock with your own hands and replace the mechanism.

In the example above, we will replace the mechanism by permuting from other (new, but barbaric broken) hours.

By the way, at any time point you can buy such a watch literally for a penny. At the same time, the advantage is that if the arrow diameter from the "native" clock is not suitable, you calmly set the arrows from the broken.

We unscrew the fastener bolts holding the glass.

So, the first part we passed. The tool was slightly typed. Places where the instrument has been growing. The workplace itself was prepared. And in general - while they were doing this to all - they walked around the air well and better learned golden places and surroundings. The first part suggested quite a lot of movement and attentiveness at the campaigns - it was necessary to search. What to look for - FSE! All interesting and our not yet trained look - can use it and unusual. Something resembles a plush. What is the result:

Tool. What? First, screwdrivers, then tweezers. To them - a binocular magnifying glass, tassels, cups of Petri and needles. Mined a little oil. Yes, even for sewing machines. Well, no other. We believe that we no longer have anything. NOT. Everything. We carry out this primitive set. But without it - you should not start.

They scored carcass hours.

Different. Old. Wrist. They scored simply mechanisms - on spare parts.

We took without disaster, all that is cheaper than the cost of sticking cheap cigarettes. This is their price. Collecting house for white or prim. The fare in trolleybus. More they should not cost. Regardless of the state - integer-broken. Criteria are only two. The first is mandatory - not rusty. The second is desirable - so that they are assembled (all the details on the spot) - regardless of the objectivity. Trash. Sort. What do we have?

Wrist female.

- Star. Old. The mechanism of the barrel shape caliber 18 mm. Allegedly in prehistoric times brought the French to us and collected Lip factory. So all this is the French.

- Zarya - Penza watch factory

- Gull - Standard small mechanisms, old enough, but Living

- Glory - newer mechanisms

Many other names. All Soviet. THE USSR. Seeing the state cared about the working class - the clock released. To do not be late for work. Probably.

Men's wrist watch.

- Victory. Moscow. Lighthouse. Under this names produced many hours. We are not talking about hours. About mechanisms.

Fundamentally 2 types of mechanisms.

- "High" mechanism - for example, 1Mcz - "Moscow". Central Second Arrow. At its base, most watches were going to well-known "Sports". They stopped while pulling the crown. Erzats stopwatch. Older type of mechanism. Technical caliber We do not call - no sense. Order parts for caliber is still impossible.

- "Low" mechanism is more modern. Side Second Arrow.

And in the first and in the second case, various plants produced a bunch of modifications of mechanisms - with improvements, simplifications, RCC. Offers. There was also a bunch of external finishing species. Satisfied the demanding consumer.

In addition, a complete rainbow of other hourly mechanisms:

Glory - 2 types of mechanisms, with automatic winding and without an auto-seller. On the Internet somewhere indicated - the preimage of LIP-T-15. Again the French.

Complete hours

With alarm clock


For blind

Our task is to learn to disassemble and collect. Further everyone will go their way. One will only disassemble. The other will collect by 50% and then - as the annoyance or peacefully throw away in the garbage (the usual habits - dance dance), others - with anger that it does not work - to beat the harm. Third - calmly spread again, postponed for a couple of days and try again. This is a normal form of behavior for such an unusual hobby - accurate mechanics.

Let's start with a simpler direction - men's wrist watch. They are more female better than you can consider without a microscope. Example - "Low" victory. It is for us - the simplest. "High" harder for the first time. The clock scheme is basically identical for all single-skate hours. Therefore, it is simply necessary to understand and remember some sufficiently simple schemes. For the first workouts - just sketch what we disassemble.


Back cover.

The back covers have several types. All differences - by closing manner.

Slamming. A distinctive feature - usually, with attentive consideration, you can find a lylish in which the knife robs in order to open it with a strong pressed. In modern electronic consumer goods, a similar cover is very often practiced, but with ducts as it were for unscrewing - a good joke. If you do not know - then at least shoot - you can't unscrew.

Lysk in the glass ring. This is not a lid.

A more modern solution is a protrusion in the lid.

And here just robs a knife

Screw, with screw ring or threaded on the lid itself.

Or so - along the edge of the cover can be seen.

The first option is unscrewed by either the largest tailoring scissors (they are tougher) or tired sponges of the old caliper. On the flea markets, they can often lie in the collaps of the keys of this kind.

The corporate key (purchased in the most common store for modelors - model of steam locomotives, cars, etc. in Germany) looks like this.

A rather rare option in Soviet clock - Bayonet. Turns to a small angle and open.

Bayoneta Castle on Lid

So, the clock was discovered. What is visible - dirt.

A lot of dirt. We immediately talk about the fact that we will not have business with rusty clocks. There is no chance. It is impossible to do anything - everything must be changed. Put a new or sharpening new. It is too early for us.

Main parts of the mechanism

I - Balance.

II - Wheel System

III - a crown spring (maybe two - in glory)

IV - ratchet - they can also be several types.

What we do first - while Mekhnism is in the building - we descend the crown spring. If the head in the carp has been preserved and you can be checked (it is erased to the base) - we try to slightly turn it towards the plant and look at the ratchet. He must be slightly tested and slip into a pair of teeth. It is necessary for us - I must support it in the reserved condition and we give a clockwork to check and dissolve the spring slightly leaking the head between your fingers.

Immediately put at least 2 cups of Petri. Or white plates or dishes with a flat flat bottom. Diameter 15-20 cm. I use Petri Cups. It is easier to cover for break times.

Pull out the crown head. To do this, you need to press the needle of the retainer.

Pull the mechanism from the housing. Sometimes it is done towards the back cover. In our case, on the contrary. The ring with glass and the mechanism is removed into the dial stallor.

Remove arrows

A minute generally just - yes even a screwdriver

Close and second - this is already a little adventure. The tool - a piece of a relay is revealed (there was some electric dear - there the material on the contact groups exactly what we need is hard and thin. Went - and there is a tool you need)

Remove the balance. The size (caliber) screwdriver must match the size of the screw.

Screw unscrewed and how to raise it all this node? - And it usually has special grooves in which you can stick a screwdriver and dismiss the platinum of the balance from the base.

Balance take this way.

Everyone gradually lay out Petri dishes.

We spin the screws of the clockwork block. In the clock there is one trick - if the screw with many ducts means he is with the left thread.

Under the dial - node of the wheels of the arrows (I) and the plant assembly and the head of the head from the plant's position to the transfer position of the arrows (II) (called scientific repairs). We disassemble.

Remove the minute tribe. This is the only knot in the clock where the application effort is required. Drechi enough strongly. If jumped up - repeat. It is always removed with effort. The main thing is not to be afraid.

When disassembling the node of the protrusion of the arrows (repair) - a special obmism on the spring.

She has a nasty property - click and fly away in an indefinite direction. Against this simple reception - cover (press) all its slightly, just with your finger and carefully needle from under the finger "learn"

We put in a cup of Petri

Now the longest and neat. Washing.

We take a shallow fence. We leave there gasoline. And mine. Tassel and toothpicks. To shine. So that no dirt remains.

For small mechanisms - Belichye brush. More For large mechanisms - alarm clocks, pocket watch - you can try soft artistic brushes for oil paints.

Such: First, post after gasoline on a paper napkin. Usually I take the taable cardboard and on it a piece of a paper towel. In order not to jump and did not jump. Napkins and towels pick up the criteria - the less Verce - the better.

Let gasoline absorbed. Just put. Then we take a piece of tweezers and weigh the air from the rubber pear (enema) to blow gasoline out of the holes. And so consistently all the elements of the clocks that lie in the Petri Cup or on the improvised "dryer". Knot behind the node. This is meant that's what: if you unscrew the platinum and with it - 3 screws - they put them together. We believe - "This is our node." In order not to confuse the screws and details. They put them on the same places in Petri dish. Or better in a clean cup. Old - then wash and the protrusion. This is if we do not assume to collect quickly. Or we collect "from the sheet" - from the napkin. But this is with a certain experience, skill and speed. Balance. While there is no big experience - do not disassemble. So the Platinka-Spiral Balance block is picham in a bath with gasoline and for a long time just wrinkle in gasoline. It is clear that it is wrong. We must disassemble everything, etc. - We have no experience yet. Let us pay 5-10 hours, and then we will look at the balance. What he disassembled. Read books. And do on wise books (if it is described in detail).

Some remark about the crown spring. Do nothing. Just overlook the napkin outside. Brush clean the teeth. While nothing more. With disassembly, lubricant, assembly and replacement of the springs we will enjoy the listening time. There is no experience yet. It is difficult.

And now more intellectual work - collect the resulting puzzle

Everything is performed in the following order:

Clockwork spring

Wheel system. Also a little smallest. Gears in the bottom stones we painted. The platinum was covered, and then we need a tweezers to move the upper platinum in all directions until the top axis of gears will not fall into the stones. A little mutually, but feasible. Sometimes you can try to help the process of thin needle to move gears to which you can get. The main rule is no violence. Everything must be performed without any effort. Everything in itself over time "sticks out" to its places and platinum noticeably "falls" down. The clockwork is the thing is quite thin, the efforts are very small, the loss of effort during work is also very small, respectively - it cannot be assembled on tight landings - they can not be in definition. If the upper platinum does not sit down in place - the shisming has not sat in the stones. Or while we all moved all this - jumped out of the bottom stone. Once again we repeat - there can be no effort! The criterion for the correctness of the assembly may be the following: slightly check the drum of the clockwork spring. Tolcr slightly - all gears should start turning. It's all - almost almost effort on the clock drum.

Put an anchor fork

We put the balance.

Lubricate the stones from above - from the side of the back cover. To do this, use homemade oils.

We turn the mechanism, lubricate all the stones from the dial. We collect the mechanism of the clockwork.

Spring. Another adventure. Click it all wide screwdriver. A needle refuel into place. Springs - Probably the most Pasky What is in all this work. Jump. And we will suffer with them a) So far we do not simultaneize your hands and b) until you gain carcasses of the clocks from which we will drag spare parts without a revelation.

Put in place. Do not breathe. And suddenly pops up.

Collect the wheel of the shooter. A minute tribe is strongly planted on the gear axis. Than? Yes, that on hand will fall about suitable. How they were filmed and put. Rejoice. It will be very strongly pressing the tribe before clicking.

Lubricate. What to lubricate there - if you collected this puzzle - realized - then the lubricant will also come to think and lubricate yourself. The main rule is to lubricate only by oil and at a minimum. Lubricated all rubbing parts. Platinum should be dry. It is not a meal in the stones, it is not raised by oil from it. The stones of an anchor fork do not lubricate. Early while. Microscope is needed.

Put the dial.

We put the mechanism in the case.

By pressing the clockwork lock, put it in place. We start. Enjoy. MADE!!! Ourselves !!!

Bogdan Yasinetsky

We start to understand!

Most mechanisms (almost all) presented in various hobby stores are quartz hourly mechanisms. They lead their history since 1957, have high accuracy (plus / minus one second per day) and are well suited for use in everyday life. Such a mechanism can be called an electromechanical type.

Once a second, the quartz crystal transmits the pulse to the electronic unit. From there, it is transmitted to the engine, which is pushing the arrows. As a power of the electronic unit, a conventional finger battery is used (AA battery).

From the disadvantages of such a mechanism, it is possible to allocate that in a few years the use of the crystal loses its properties, and the clocks begin to rush. However, this problem is easily solved by the purchase of a new mechanism (as the main advantage of quartz time mechanisms is their inexpensive price) or replacement of the crystal in the clockwork.

Stem height and thread

To correctly pick up the clockwork, you need to repel first of all from the thickness of the workpiece.

The main parameters that are indicated in the hourly mechanism are the overall sprock height and thread height.

After you put the base for the watches on the stock, the thread should rise above the basis of a few more turns (somewhere 2-3 mm) so that its height is enough to put a metal washer and tighten the nut.

In the title of the hourly mechanism, the first figure is the height of the rod, and the second is the height of the thread (16/9, 18/12, 20/14, etc.).

When buying a clock mechanism, it is better to know the thickness of the workpiece that you will decorated to pick up a clock mechanism with a suitable rod height. By the way, do not forget to take into account the decor itself! The number of ground layers, paints, varnishes and especially embossed elements can greatly increase the total thickness of the workpiece.

Example. We have a clock mechanism 15 / 6.7. This means that we need to deduct from a height of 6.7 two millimeters (for fixing the nut). It turns out that for such a mechanism we can use the workpiece is not thicker than 4.7 mm.

Simple and strengthened hourly mechanisms and arrows

Hourly mechanisms are simple and reinforced.

In enhanced hourly mechanisms, an increased torque was implemented, details were used from higher quality materials. Such mechanisms have greater reliability and are designed to interact well with large arrows (up to 35 cm, up to 50 cm, and some manufacturers even up to 1 meter) and the bases of large diameter. Choosing arrows to the hourly mechanism, it is important that they fit each other! Arrows for ordinary and enhanced mechanisms differ, and are not interchangeable.

If you are going to decorate the workpiece of a rather large diameter, you will be more logical to look at the enhanced hourly mechanisms and arrows.

Noiselessness: discrete and smooth move

The hourly mechanisms differ in the type of progress of the second arrow:

Hourly mechanisms with a discrete course - the second arrow makes 60 movements per minute, making a characteristic sound when changing each division, the clock is ticking. However, there are so-called "silent" models whose sound is almost impaired.

It is best to check the hourly mechanism when buying to assess its degree of silent. In our showroom, you can always ask the battery and check the clockwork :)

Hourly mechanisms with smooth running - the second arrow makes 360 movements per minute and visually seems to be smoothly "floats." Such models are called silent, but some sound they still publish and it should also be considered. In addition, the mechanisms of this type are at least twice as expensive than discrete, and due to the fact that the number of pulses per minute is more than six times, the batteries in them are sitting much faster.

Select arrows for watch mechanisms

Like mechanisms, arrows for watches are simple and reinforced. Simple arrows are suitable for simple type mechanisms, and the enhanced arrows are specifically designed for enhanced mechanisms.

Arrows can be bought separately, and you can - in sets.

The arrows traditionally happen hourly, minute and seconds.

However, the second arrow can be neglected, and instead, put the carnation cap instead.

Arrows are a wide variety of forms, colors and sizes. The length of the arrows is indicated from the center of the hole to the tip of the arrow.

Sometimes a protective transparent film is pasted on the arrows - do not forget to remove it before using the arrows.

After the film is removed, the arrows also can be subjected to decor, for example, to be bitumen or painted in another color.

The procedure for assembling a clock mechanism

So, we chose the mechanism, arrows too. It remains quite a bit: collect all the details together and run the clock.

Step-by-step with photos Consider the process of assembling the hourly mechanism.

1. Take the clockwork.

2. Wear a metal loop. If you use the clock somehow differently, not hang on the carnations in the wall, then this step can be skipped.

3. Wear a rubber layer-gasket.

4. Wear the foundation for the clock! Pretty scroll through all the threads. Sometimes due to the layers of soil, varnish and paints, the hole in the workpiece is clogged and the rod with carvings does not break into it.

In this case, clean the hole with something sharp, or the sump is excessive sandpaper, carved into the tube.

5. Wear a metal puck.

6. And fix the mechanism by spinning the metal nut.

7. Wear a watch arrow.

8. Now we put on the minute arrow.

9. Wear a second arrow or carnation-plug.

10. Moving our clock and insert the battery in the clock mechanism. Ready!

Now you know how to choose and collect hourly mechanisms and arrows. It's time to do the decor of the clock!

It is always nice when the thing you decorate can benefit and find use in the farm. That is why the masters and craftswomen of all the masters love to choose blanks for watches as the basis for creativity. After the decor process is completed, it remains only to choose a clock mechanism, collect it and voila! - Arrows went to move and began to count down seconds, minutes, clocks ...

However, this point can create difficulties for a novice creator. The range of clockwork is great and for the first time it is quite difficult to figure out what stock is how to choose the right diameter and height of the thread, how are simple mechanisms from enhanced, and most importantly, - in what order to collect all these nuts and arrows? .. ..

We start to understand!

Most mechanisms (almost all) presented in various hobby stores are quartz watch mechanisms. They lead their history since 1957, have high accuracy (plus / minus one second per day) and are well suited for use in everyday life. Such a mechanism can be called an electromechanical type. Once a second, the quartz crystal transmits the pulse to the electronic unit. From there, it is transmitted to the engine, which is pushing the arrows. As a power of the electronic unit, a conventional finger battery is used (AA battery).

From the disadvantages of such a mechanism, it is possible to allocate that in a few years the use of the crystal loses its properties, and the clocks begin to rush. However, this problem is easily solved by the purchase of a new mechanism (as the main advantage of quartz time mechanisms is their inexpensive price) or replacement of the crystal in the clockwork.

Stem height and thread

To correctly pick up the clockwork, you need to repel first of all from the thickness of the workpiece.

The main parameters that are indicated in the hourly mechanism are the overall sprock height and thread height. After you put the base for the watches on the stock, the thread should rise above the basis of a few more turns (somewhere 2-3 mm) so that its height is enough to put a metal washer and tighten the nut.

In the title of the hourly mechanism, the first figure is the height of the rod, and the second is the height of the thread (16/9, 18/12, 20/14, etc.).

When buying a clock mechanism, it is better to know the thickness of the workpiece that you will decorated to pick up a clock mechanism with a suitable rod height. By the way, do not forget to take into account the decor itself! The number of ground layers, paints, varnishes and especially embossed elements can greatly increase the total thickness of the workpiece.

Example. We have a clock mechanism 15 / 6.7. This means that we need to deduct from a height of 6.7 two millimeters (for fixing the nut). It turns out that for such a mechanism we can use the workpiece is not thicker than 4.7 mm.

Simple and strengthened hourly mechanisms and arrows

Hourly mechanisms are simple and reinforced.

In enhanced hourly mechanisms, an increased torque was implemented, details were used from higher quality materials. Such mechanisms have greater reliability and are designed to interact well with large arrows (up to 35 cm, up to 50 cm, and some manufacturers even up to 1 meter) and the bases of large diameter. Choosing arrows to the hourly mechanism, it is important that they fit each other! Arrows for ordinary and enhanced mechanisms differ, and are not interchangeable.

If you are going to decorate the workpiece of a rather large diameter, you will be more logical to look at the enhanced hourly mechanisms and arrows.

Noiselessness: discrete and smooth move

The hourly mechanisms differ in the type of progress of the second arrow:

Hourly mechanisms with a discrete move - The second arrow makes 60 movements per minute, making a characteristic sound when changing each division, the clock is ticking. However, there are so-called "silent" models whose sound is almost impaired. It is best to check the hourly mechanism when buying to assess its degree of silent. In our showroom, you can always ask the battery and check the clockwork :)

Hourly mechanisms with smooth stroke - The second arrow makes 360 movements per minute and visually seems to be smoothly "sails." Such models are called silent, but some sound they still publish and it should also be considered. In addition, the mechanisms of this type are at least twice as expensive than discrete, and due to the fact that the number of pulses per minute is more than six times, the batteries in them are sitting much faster.

Select arrows for watch mechanisms

Like mechanisms, arrows for watches are simple and reinforced. Simple arrows are suitable for simple type mechanisms, and the enhanced arrows are specifically designed for enhanced mechanisms. Arrows can be bought separately, and you can - in sets.

The arrows traditionally happen hourly, minute and seconds. However, the second arrow can be neglected, and instead, put the carnation cap instead.

Arrows are a wide variety of forms, colors and sizes. The length of the arrows is indicated from the center of the hole to the tip of the arrow.

Sometimes a protective transparent film is pasted on the arrows - do not forget to remove it before using the arrows.

After the film is removed, the arrows also can be subjected to decor, for example, to be bitumen or painted in another color.

The procedure for assembling a clock mechanism

So, we chose the mechanism, arrows too. It remains quite a bit: collect all the details together and run the clock.

Step-by-step with photos Consider the process of assembling the hourly mechanism.

1. Take the clockwork.

2. Wear a metal loop. If you use the clock somehow differently, not hang on the carnations in the wall, then this step can be skipped.

3. Wear a rubber layer-gasket.

4. Wear the foundation for the clock! Pretty scroll through all the threads. Sometimes due to the layers of soil, varnish and paints, the hole in the workpiece is clogged and the rod with carvings does not break into it. In this case, clean the hole with something sharp, or the sump is excessive sandpaper, carved into the tube.

5. Wear a metal puck.

6. And fix the mechanism by spinning the metal nut.

7. Wear a watch arrow.

8. Now we put on the minute arrow.

9. Wear a second arrow or carnation-plug.

10. Moving our clock and insert the battery in the clock mechanism. Ready!