How are LEP supports arranged? Types and types of supports of electric power lines as correctly called electrical pillars.

What associations arise about the mention of electric power lines? Of course, the wires stretched through the air from the support to the support or from the pillar to the post. Moreover, visually, the more the span between the supports, the higher the wires are stretched, therefore, the support itself should be higher. In fact, there is no direct dependence of the height of the support, from the length of the span.

The basis of the design of the LEP is the voltage of the air line, and its power. It calculates the section and type of wire (cable), the weight of the cable is determined by section, the length of the anchor and intermediate spans is calculated by weight, as well as types and sizes of supports. Also, the type of support depends on the number of "threads" of the wires that are scheduled on the LPP site, which taps will have to do, etc.

Types of power lines supports

In the process of the development of power lines, four types of supports were approved by the material from which they are manufactured:

  • Wood supports;
  • Reinforced concrete supports;
  • Metal supports;
  • Support teams-composite.

About everything in order.

Wooden LAP supports

Wooden support is historically the most eldest of all types of supports. According to the design, the wooden support is a pillar made of timber coniferous rocks, the method of iriling, long 8.5 - 13 meters. Also, parts are made of wooden supports: traverses (wooden horizontal beam on the support), a sawp (fastening of the traverse to the support), the riglels (crossbar on the edge of the support and pier, covered in the ground).

Advantages of wooden supports

Wooden supports, like any building material, has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of wooden supports can be attributed to their cheapness, low weight and flexibility in the earthquake. We must not forget about the publicly available wooden supports. Low weight support allows you to simplify their installation, and also simplifies delivery, unloading / loading supports at the preparatory stage of work. But the disadvantages of wooden supports, even eliminate.

Disadvantages of wooden supports

  1. First, wooden supports are perfectly burning;
  2. Being a biological material, they rot, mold, are erupted by bugs;
  3. Under the rain, they moane, swell, crack.

But in defense of wooden supports, it is worth noting that the modern technologies impregnation of pillars, and this is impregnated 100% of the sampling of the pillar, manufacturers guarantee 50 years of use of wooden supports, even buried to the ground.

Note: Sochalo is a weak layer of wood, which is between the bark and the core log.

Details about the designs of wooden supports, read the article: Wooden LPP support.

  • Standards: GOST 9463-88, GOST 20022.0-93.

To reduce the contact of the wood with the Earth, prefabricated supports were located.

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e


The prefabricated support consists of two parts. The lower part is called stepsin and is made from reinforced concrete, the upper part, it is a wooden pillar. Two parts of steel wire in two places will be connected. It is worth noting that instead of reinforced concrete step, steying can be used from a tree. To team supports, also include supports collected from reinforced concrete step and metal upper part.

Read details about the designs of the prefab groups, read a separate article: Prefabricated PPPs.

Reinforced concrete supports, zb poles

Reinforced concrete supports, long ago came to replace wooden supports. They firmly won the love and recognition of both electrical atoms and customers. And this is several reasons.

  • Reinforced concrete support is not subject to damage characteristic of wooden supports;
  • The service life of the ZBB support is almost unlimited;
  • Inside the support of concrete, fittings are laid, which is used to re-ground the air lines. Moreover, the ends of the ground reinforcement are derived from above and from the bottom of the post. The output of the reinforcement simplifies the installation, and the protection of the grounding descent concrete increases the electrical safety.

Reinforced concrete supports are labeled as SV 95/105/110/164 and are intended for air lines of different power. We watch photos.

  • Regulatory documents: TU 5863-007-00113557-94

Metal supports LPP

For high power power lines and over high currents, metal supports are used. Despite the fact that this type of supports are made of special steel, they are "afraid of" corrosion and to protect against it, the support from metal is coated with an anti-corrosion composition. Depending on the size of the support, the metal support can be a national team or welded. The team support is delivered to the place separately.

At the place are collected and installed on a pre-prepared foundation. Installation of a metal support, a complex technological process, using traction mechanisms, usually tractors. Bolts are fastened to the foundation of the support, pre-aligning the strict vertical. Metal supports are practically no use in private house-building and in country partnerships of various types, with the exception of round metal columns.

The designs of metal supports are so many that I had to write a separate article: metal supports and their designs.

Supports of air lines power lines

Airline voltage 0.4-35 kV

Air lines with voltage up to 1 kV are called low voltage lines (NN), 1 kV and more - high voltage (HV).

Low-voltage lines are the simplest structures in the form of single pillars, beaten directly to the ground, with metal pins and insulators, which are attached to the wires.

Wooden, reinforced concrete and less often apply metal supports. The latter, as a rule, are used in responsible intersections (iron electrified roads, motorways, etc.). Wooden supports can be composed on wooden or reinforced concrete consoles or from solid logs of the corresponding length and diameter. Three wires hang on the lines of 6-35 kV, and on the lines of 0.4 kV, the supports allow a joint suspension to eight wires of the brand A (UP) with a cross section of 16-50 mm2.

The lines of 3-10 kV are not fundamentally different from the LINDS OF NN, however, due to the large distances between the phases and between the wires and the land, the size of elements - pillars, pins, insulators are increased.

Reinforced concrete supports of the LEP are designed and operated in areas with an estimated air temperature to -55 ° C. The main element of such supports are centrifuged reinforced concrete racks. In addition to centrifuged racks, the reinforced concrete support of the LAP can include the support and anchor plates, riglels, anchors for detentious, the lower concrete cover (sank) and the metal strursion in the form of traverse, extensions, strippers, head-clocks, clamps, delay, internal connections, fastening nodes. Fastening of metal structures to the support of the support is carried out using clamps or through bolts. Fixing in the ground reinforced concrete supports is made by setting them into cylindrical pita, followed by filling the sinuses with a sandy-gravel mixture. To ensure the necessary sealing strength in weak soils on the underground part of the supports of the VL with the help of half-woofs, riglels are fixed. The main disadvantage of reinforced concrete supports is low strength characteristics, and as a result, high costs during transportation due to large dimensions and mass products. Dignity - high corrosion resistance to aggressive medium.

Classification of reinforced concrete supports

By destination

    Intermediate supportsinstalled on direct sections of the VL route are designed only to maintain wires and cables and are not designed for loads directed along the power line. As a rule, the total number of intermediate supports make up 80 - 90% of all LPP supports.

    Anchor supportsapply on direct sections of the route of the VL in the places of transition through engineering facilities or natural barriers to limit the anchor span, as well as in places of changes in the number, stamps and sections of the wires of the power line. Anchor support perceives the load from the difference in the drainage of wires and cables, directed along the LAM. The design of the anchor reinforced concrete supports of the VL is distinguished by increased strength. This is ensured, among other things, in the support of reinforced concrete racks of increased strength.

    Corner supportschanges are designed to be operated in places to change the direction of the VL route, they perceive the resulting load from the removal of wires and cables of adjacent inter-resistant spans. For small angles of rotation (15 - 30 °), where the loads are small, the angular intermediate supports are used. At the angles of rotation of more than 30 ° use angular anchor supports that have a stronger design and anchor mounting of the wires.

    End supportsthey are a type of anchor and are installed at the end and beginning of the power line, are designed for the load from one-sided population of all wires and cables.

    Special supportsused to perform special tasks: transpositive - to change the order of the location of the wires on the supports; transitional - to transition a power line through engineering facilities or natural barriers; assistant - for the device of branches from the main power line; anti-estate - to enhance the mechanical strength of the LPP section; cross - When crossing the air power transmission lines of two directions.

By construction

    Portal reinforced concrete supports WL with treasures

    Portal Free-standing Supports with Internal Relations

    One-, two-, three- and multi-minded freestanding supports

    One-, two-, three- and extruding supports with trap

By the number of chains




Supports of air lines.

Supports of air lines Depending on the purpose and location of the installation on the track can be intermediate, anchor, angular, end and special.

Intermediate supports (See the drawing below) serve to maintain wires on direct areas of lines. On intermediate supports, the wires are fixed with pin with insulators. The spans between the supports for lines with voltage up to 1000V are 35 to 45 meters, and for lines to 10kV - 60 meters.

Supports of air lines:

and 6 - intermediate, in - angular with a troop,

g - corner with wire delay

Anchor supports (See the figure below) also set on direct portions of the track and on the crossed with various structures. They have a rigid and durable design, since in normal conditions perceive efforts from the difference of tension on wires, directed along the air line, and when the wires are cut, they must withstand the tension of all remaining wires in the anchor span. The wires on the anchor supports are fixed tightly to suspended or pyated insulators. Anchor supports for air lines with a voltage of 10kv put about 250 meters at a distance.

Anchor support of the airline

6 - 10KV voltage

End supportswhich are a kind of anchor, set at the beginning and end of the line. End supports must withstand the permanent one-sided tension of the wires, and the angular (see the top figure in and g) - in places where the direction of the airline route changes.

Special include transitional supports placed in places intersection with power lines of various structures or obstacles (for example, rivers, railways, etc.). These supports differ from the other lines of height or design.

The supports are made of wood, metal, reinforced concrete, and are also performed by composite, mating wooden support support with wooden or reinforced concrete console.

For air lines voltage up to 10kv It was mostly wooden supports that were due to the simplicity of wood processing and its cheaply compared to steel and reinforced concrete. Supports were made of pine, less often from larch, ate or fir. The diameter in the upper cut of pine logs for supports and main parts should be at least 15 cm for lines with voltage up to 1000V and 16 cm - for lines with voltage 1 - 10kv. The main disadvantage of wooden unprofitable supports is their briefness. Thus, the service life of pine supports is on average equal to 4 - 5 years, and fir or fir supports 3 - 4 years.

Currently, reinforced concrete supports due to their durability and in order to save forest resources of the country are widely used in the construction of new air networks.

By construction Wooden supports divide: for single; A-shaped of two racks divergent to the base; three-legged out of three racks convergent to the top; P-shaped from two racks and connective horizontal traverses at the top (transverse timber); Ap-shaped of two A-shaped supports and connecting horizontal traverses.

Application supports consisting of a rack and consoles (step) are also used. In these cases, the pair of pairing rack with the prefix must be at least 1300 mm (see the figure below).

Pairing a wooden support with a prefix:

a - reinforced concrete, b - wooden;

I and 4 - lower part of the support and consoles,

2 and 3 - longitudinal and transverse fittings,

5 - Prefix, 6 -. Wire bandage

Racks are connected to consoles with steel wire bandages. For intermediate supports, bandages are performed from ten turns of the wire with a diameter of 4 mm, for anchor, angular and end supports - from eight turns of wire with a diameter of 5 mm. Wire bandages are fixed with bolts, putting under the head of the bolts and under the nuts rectangular washers from strip steel.

Steel supports Made of pipes or profile steel. Reinforced concrete supports are produced by plants in the form of hollow racks of round-section with decreasing over the steps with an outer diameter and rectangular also with a decreasing cross section to the top of the support. The factories also produce reinforced concrete consoles of a round or rectangular profile. When using reinforced concrete consoles and wooden racks impregnated with an antiseptic, the service life of the support is significantly extended.

Supports of air lines power lines Regardless of their type, they can be performed with pins or dents (see the top drawing of the Vig). On all the supports of air lines at a height of 2.5 - 3.0 meters from the ground, their sequence number and year of installation indicate.


Wires of air lines must have sufficient mechanical strength.

According to the design of the wires, there may be single-wire or multi-way. The single-wire wires consist of one copper or steel wire and are used exclusively for voltage lines up to 1000V.

Multi-voltage wires made of copper, aluminum and its alloys, steel and bimetal consist of several twisted wires. These wires were widespread due to greater mechanical strength and flexibility compared to single-wire sections.

Copper wires due to deficiency and high cost of copper on air lines are not used. Widely applied on air lines Aluminum multi-wire wires of brand A. Steel wires for prevention against atmospheric influences are galvanized. Single-core steel wires have a brand of PSO, multi-way - PS or PMS, if the material of the wire is the medium steel.

Style aluminum wires of AC and ACS (reinforced) stamps consist of several twisted steel wires, on top of which aluminum wire are located, and have significantly greater mechanical strength compared to aluminum.

Uninsulated aluminum wires are manufactured by the following sections: 6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120 mm 2. The cross sections of the air lines are determined by the calculation depending on the transmitted power, permissible drops of voltage, mechanical strength, the length of the spans, but they must be not less specified in the following table.

Minimum cross sections of air lines of power lines

For branching from line voltage up to 1000V to inputs to the building uses insulated wires Apr or auto, which have the weather-resistant insulation and carrier steel cable. Both on the support and on the building, the wireless wire with the help of the cable is attached to a separate hook with an insulator.

On intermediate supports, the wires are attached to the pin insulators with clips or knitting wire from the same material as a wire that should not have bends in the fastening site.

Methods of fastening wires depend on the location of their location on the insulator - on the head (head knitting) or on the neck (sideline). The main methods for fastening the wires are shown in the following figure.

Fastening of wires on pin insulators:

a - head viscous, b - side viscous, in - with the help of clips,

g - plug, d - loop, e - double suspension

On anchor, corner and end supports wires of the airline voltage up to 1000Vfasten the tightening of the wires of the so-called plug (see Figure, D), and above 1000V - loop (see Figure, D). On the anchor and angular supports, in the places of transition through railways, driveways, tramways and in intersections with various power lines and communication lines are used by a double suspension of wires (see Figure, E).

Wire connection Machine clamps (see the drawing below, a), with a fascinated oval connector (see the figure below, b), an oval connector, twisted with a special device (in the figure, B), as well as welding with thermite cartridges and a special apparatus. Single-reprehensive steel wires You can weld the pectorist, using small transformers. In the span between the supports there should be no more than one compound, and in the spans of the intersection of the airline with various structures, the wire connection is not allowed. The compound supports are performed so that they are not subject to mechanical effort.

Wire connection:

a - a plated clamp, 6 - a compressed oval connector,

b - twisted oval connector


When fastening the wires of air lines to supports insulators And hooks, and when attaching to the traverse - insulators and pins. For air lines with voltage up to 1000V, pin porcelain insulators TF and SCN are used (figure below, a), for the branches of the sho (drawing below, b) and glass vehicles.

Insulators used for air lines, brands:

a - TF and SHN, B - sho, in - SHF BA and SF-10A, G - SHF-10B, D - P

Hooks and pins for fastening of insulators are shown in the figure below. For air lines with voltage up to 1000V, KN hooks are used (see the figure below, a), manufactured from round steel with a diameter of 12 - 18 mm, or a kV (see the drawing below, b) depending on the type of insulator and the shn or shn (see drawing below , in).

Details for fastening of insulators:

a - KN-16 hook, b - hook kv-22, in - steel pin shn or shu

In the air lines voltage 6kv apply a pin iCT-6 insulators (See the top drawing, b) with hooks kV-22 and shtches shch-21, on the air lines with a voltage 10kV - CHF-22 pin insulators with hooks kV-22 and Shu-22 pins. ICT-10 insulators (see the upper drawing, d) differ from the SCF 6 sizes and are made each in three versions - a, b and in (see the top drawing, B and g). In places of anchor mounts, suspended insulators P (upper drawing, D) are used.

Insulators Thought firmly on hooks or pins using special polyethylene caps or packs, impregnated with sudial or oil.

The location of insulators on the support is different. Thus, for air lines with a voltage up to 1000V, with a four-wire line, the insulators have two on each side of the support of the rotor with the distances between them vertically at least 400 mm, while the zero wire is placed below the phase wires from the side part side facing the houses. With a three-wire line of 6-10kV, two isolators are located on one side of the support, the third one on the other. Insulators should be clean, without cracks, chips and glaze damage.

Supports WL are divided into anchor and intermediate. Supports of these two main groups differ in the method of suspension of wires. On intermediate supports, the wires are suspended with the help of supporting garlands of insulators. Anchor-type supports serve to tension wires, on these supports wires are suspended using suspended garlands. The distance between the intermediate supports is called an intermediate span or simply a span, and the distance between the anchor supports is an anchor span.

1. Anchor supports are designed for hard consolidation of wires in highly responsible points VL: At the intersections of particularly important engineering structures (for example, railways, 330-500 kV truck, roadway width of more than 15 m, etc.), at the ends of the VL and at the ends of its direct sites. Anchor supports in direct areas of the route of the VL when the wires are suspension on both sides of the support with the same mischief in the normal modes of the WL operation, the same functions as intermediate supports. But the anchor supports are also calculated on the perception of significant marks on wires and cables when part of the part of them in the adjacent span. Anchor supports are much more complicated and more precious than intermediate and therefore their number on each line should be minimal.

In the worst conditions there are end anchor supports, installed when the line exit from the power plant or at approaches to the substation. These supports experience unilaterally all wires from the side of the line, as the wiring from the substation portal is slightly.

2. Intermediate straight supports are installed on direct plots of VL to maintain the wires in the anchor span. The intermediate support is cheaper and easier to manufacture than anchor, since, due to the same severity of wires on both sides, it is with non-vocabulary, i.e. in normal mode, it does not have effort along the line. Intermediate supports constitute at least 80-90% of the total pl.

3. Corner supports install at the rotation points.

In addition to loads perceived by intermediate straight supports, loads from transverse components of wires and cables also apply to angular supports. Most often, at angles of rotation of lines up to 20 °, angle supports of anchor type are used (see Fig. 1.). At the angles of rotation of the power line of more than 20 °, the weight of the intermediate corner supports significantly increases.

Fig. 1. The diagram of an anchor span and the span of the intersection with the railway.

4. Wood supports are widely used on VL to 110QV inclusive. Wooden supports are also developed for 220 kV VL, but they did not find widespread. The advantages of these supports are low cost (in areas with forest resources) and simplicity of manufacture. The disadvantage is the susceptibility of wood with rotting, especially in the place of contact with the soil. Effective remedy against rotting - impregnation with special antiseptics.

Supports make in most cases composite. The foot support consists of two parts of the long (rack ) and short (stepsing). Stey cerebrals are connected with a resistant two steel wire bandages. Anchor and intermediate angular supports for VL 6-10 kV are performed as a-shaped design.

Intermediate support is a portal having two wind bond racks and horizontal traverses. Anchor angular supports for in l 35-110 kV are performed as spatial A-P-shaped structures.

5. Metal supports (steel) applied on power lines with voltage of 35 kV and above, solid metal and require painting during operation to protect against corrosion. Metal supports are installed on reinforced concrete foundations. The most common design support 500 kV - portal on delay (Fig. 2). For the 750 kV line, both portal supports are used and V-shaped supports of the type "recruit" with split dehs. For use on 1150 kV lines in specific conditions, a series of structures of supports are portal, V-shaped, with a guy traverse. The main type of intermediate supports for lines of 1150 kV is V-shaped supports on the delay with a horizontal location of the wires (Fig. 2). DC line 1500 (± 750) kV Ekibastuz Center design on metal supports (Fig.2) .

Fig.2. Metal supports:

but - intermediate one-chart on 500 kV delay;b. - intermediate V-shaped 1150 kV;in - intermediate support of DC 1500 kV DC;g - elements of spatial lattice structures

6. Reinforced concrete supports are durable wooden, require less metal than metal, easy to maintain and therefore widely apply on VL to 500 kV inclusive. The unification of the structures of metallic and reinforced concrete supports for 35-500 square meters was carried out. As a result, the number of types and structures of supports and their parts are reduced. This made it possible to serially produce supports on the factories, which accelerated and reduced the construction of lines.

Types of support

Air lines power lines. Support structures.

Supports and foundations for air lines power lines voltage 35-110 kV have a significant proportion of both consideration and value attitude. Suffice it to say that the cost of mounted supporting structures on these airlines is usually 60-70% of the total cost of the facilities of the power lines. For lines located at industrial enterprises and areas directly adjacent to them, this percentage may be even higher.

Airline supports are designed to maintain wire wires at a certain distance from the Earth, ensuring the safety of people and the reliable operation of the line.

Supports of air lines power lines They are divided into anchor and intermediate. Supports of these two groups differ in the method of suspension of wires.

Anchor supportsfully perceive the removal of wires and cables in adjacent flaps, i.e. Serve to tension wires. On these supports, the wires are suspended using suspended garlands. Anchor type supports can be a normal and lightweight design. Anchor supports are much more complicated and more precious than intermediate and therefore their number on each line should be minimal.

Intermediate supports do not perceive the wiring or perceive it partially. On intermediate supports, the wires are suspended using supporting insulators garlands, fig. one.

Fig. one. The diagram of an anchor span of the airline and the crossing of the crossing with the railway

Based on anchor supports can be performed end and transpositive Supports. Intermediate and anchor supports can be straight and corner.

End anchor Supports installed at the exit of the line from the power plant or at approaches to the substation are in the worst conditions. These supports experience unilaterally all wires from the side of the line, as the tension from the substation portal is slightly.

Intermediate straight Supports are installed on direct sections of air lines for maintaining wires. The intermediate support is cheaper and easier to manufacture than anchor, as in normal mode does not have an effort along the line. Intermediate supports constitute at least 80-90% of the total number of air lines.

Corner supports Installed at the turning points of the line. At the angles of rotation of the line up to 20 o, angle supports of anchor type are used. With the corners of the power line turn more than 20 o - intermediate corner supports.

Most often we imagine a LAP support in the form of a lattice design. 30 years ago it was the only option, and today they continue to build them. A set of metal corners is brought to the place of construction and step by step twist from these typical elements of the support. Then the crane arrives and puts the design vertically. Such a process takes quite a long time, which affects the timing of the laying of lines, and these supports themselves with dull lattice silhouettes are very short-lived. The reason is a weak corrosion protection. Technological imperfection of such a support complements the simple concrete foundation. If it is made unscrupulled, for example, using a solution of improper quality, then after some time concrete cracks, water will fall into the crack. Several frost cycles, and the foundation must be redoing or seriously repaired.

Tubes instead of corners

The fact that the alternative is to change the traditional supports of ferrous metal, we asked PJSC Rosseti PJSC. "In our company, which is the largest electric grid operator in Russia, says a specialist of this organization," we have long tried to find solutions to the problems associated with lattice supports, and in the late 1990s began to go to face supports. These are cylindrical racks made of bent profile, actually pipes, in cross section having a type of polyhedron. In addition, we began to apply new anti-corrosion protection methods, mostly hot galvanizing method. This is an electrochemical method of applying a protective coating for metal. In the aggressive medium, the layer of zinc is thinned, but the carrier part of the support remains unharmed. "

In addition to greater durability, new supports are also characterized by simplicity. No corners do not need to twist anymore: the tubular elements of the future support are simply inserted into each other, then the connection is fixed. You can mount this design at eight or ten times faster than collecting lattice. The corresponding transformations have also undergone foundations. Instead of ordinary concrete steel, the so-called pile shells apply. The design is lowered into the ground, the response flange is attached to it, and the support itself is already put on it. The estimated service life of such supports is up to 70 years, that is, about two times more than the lattice.

Supports of electrical air lines We usually imagine that way. However, the classic lattice design is gradually inferior to more progressive variants - multifaceted supports and supports from composite materials.

Why guides wires

And wires? They hang high above the ground and published similar to thick monolithic cables. In fact, high-voltage wires are pending wires. The usual and universally used wire has a steel core, which provides structural strength and is surrounded by aluminum wire, so-called external obes, through which the current load is transmitted. Between steel and aluminum grease is laid. It is needed in order to reduce friction between steel and aluminum - materials having different thermal expansion coefficients. But since the aluminum wire has a round cross-section, the coils are adjacent to each other, the surface of the wire has a pronounced relief. This drawback has two consequences. First, the moisture penetrates in the gap between the turns and flushes lubricant. The friction is enhanced, and conditions are created for corrosion. As a result, the service life of such a wire is no more than 12 years. To extend the service life, repair cuffs are sometimes put on the wire, which can also be causes of problems (about it just below). In addition, such a wire design contributes to creating a well-distinguished hum near the airline. It occurs due to the fact that the variable voltage of 50 Hz gives rise to an alternating magnetic field that causes individual veins in the wire to vibrate, which entails their collision with each other, and we hear the characteristic buzz. In the EU countries, such a noise is considered acoustic pollution, and they are struggling with it. Now such a struggle began with us.

"The old wires we now want to replace the wires of the new design, which we are developing," says the representative of PJSC Rosseti. - It is also steel-aluminum wires, but the wire there is not a round cross section, but rather a trapezoidal one. Obel is obtained dense, and the surface of the wire is smooth, without cracks. There is almost no moisture inside, the lubricant is not washed away, the core does not rust, and the service life of such a wire is approaching thirty years. Wire of similar designs are already used in countries such as Finland and Austria. There are lines with new wires in Russia - in the Kaluga region. This is the line "Orbit-satellite" with a length of 37 km. And there the wires do not have a smooth surface, but also another core. It is not made of steel, but from fiberglass. Such a wire is easier, but stronger on the gap than ordinary steel-aluminum. "

However, the most recent design achievement in this area can be considered a wire created by the American concern 3m. In these wires, the bearing capacity is provided only by conductive obscenes. There is no core, but the oblaims themselves are reinforced with aluminum oxide, which achieves high strength. This wire has an excellent carrying capacity, and with standard supports, due to its strength and low weight, it can withstand spans up to 700 m (standard 250-300 m). In addition, the wire is very racks to thermal loads, which causes its use in the southern states of the United States and, for example, in Italy. However, the wire from 3m has one essential minus - too high price.

Original "designer" supports serve as an undoubted decoration of the landscape, but they are unlikely to get widespread. In priority in power grid companies, the reliability of energy transmission, and not expensive "sculptures".

Ice and strings

Air lines have its own natural enemies. One of them is the icing of wires. This disaster is especially characteristic of the southern regions of Russia. At a temperature near zero, droplets are falling onto the wire and freeze on it. The formation of a crystal hat on the top of the wire occurs. But this is just the beginning. The cap under its severity gradually turns the wire, substituting the frozen moisture to the other side. Sooner or later, an ice clutch is formed around the wire, and if the weight of the coupling will exceed 200 kg per meter, the wire will break through and someone will remain without light. The company "Rosseti" has its own know-how to combat ice. The area of \u200b\u200bthe line with the icing wires is disconnected from the line, but connects to the DC source. When using DC, the ohmic resistance of the wire can be practically not taken into account and skip the currents, say, twice as much as the calculated value for AC. The wire heats up, and ice melts. Wires dump unnecessary cargo. But if there are repair clutches on the wires, then there is an additional resistance, and then the wire can overdo it.

Another enemy is high-frequency and low-frequency oscillations. The stuffed wire of the airline is a string that under the influence of the wind begins to vibrate with a high frequency. If this frequency coincides with its own wire frequency and combine amplitudes, the wire can break. To cope with this problem, special devices are installed on the lines - vibration dampers, having a type of cable with two weights. This design that has its own frequency of oscillations upsets amplitudes and extinguishes vibration.

With low-frequency oscillations, such a harmful effect is associated as the "Wiring Dance". When the lines occurs (for example, due to the ice formed), there are vibrations of wires that go wave further, after several spans. As a result, the five or seven supports that constitute an anchor span can be brought or even fall (the distance between two supports with rigid wire fastening). The famous means of fighting the "dance" is the establishment of interfacial struts between adjacent wires. If there is a strut, the wires will mutually extinguish their oscillations. Another option is to use on line supports from composite materials, in particular from fiberglass. Unlike metal supports, composite has the property of elastic deformation and easily "will play" wire fluctuations, bent, and then restoring the vertical position. Such a support can prevent a cascade drop in the whole line of the line.

The photo is clearly visible the difference between the traditional high-voltage wire and the wire of the new design. Instead of the wire of the circular section, a pre-deformed wire was used, and the steel core seat took the core from the composite.


Of course, there are different kinds of unique cases associated with the gasket of air lines. For example, when installing supports into the watershed soil or in the conditions of permafrost, ordinary piles-shells for the foundation will not fit. Then the screw piles are used, which are screwed into the ground as screwdriver to achieve the most durable base. A special case is the passage of LAP wide water obstacles. There are special high-altitude supports, which weigh once in ten more ordinary and have a height of 250-270 m. As the length of the span can be more than two kilometers, a special wire with a reinforced core is used, which is additionally maintained by the loads. So it is arranged, for example, the transition of power transmission through a kama with a length of the span 2250 m.

A separate support group represents constructions designed not only to keep wires, but also carry a certain aesthetic value, such as sculpture supports. In 2006, Rosseti initiated the project to develop supports with original design. There were interesting work, but the authors of them, designers, often could not appreciate the possibility and manufacturability of the engineering embodiment of these structures. In general, it must be said that the supports in which artistic design are invested, as, for example, supports-figures in Sochi are usually not installed on the initiative of network companies, but on the order of some third-party commercial or state organizations. For example, in the United States popular support in the form of the letter M, stylized under the logo of the McDonald's fast food network.

World experience and first steps

The first power lines appeared at the end of the XIX century and structurally had a lot in common with telegraph and telephone. In most cases, it was permissible to use the same insulators, fastener reinforcement and pillars as on the lines of communication. Since the distances between the supports were small, 50-70 meters, the most commonly used wooden poles with iron hooks or horizontal consoles - traverses. The choice between hooks and traverts was made depending on the number and section of the suspended wires, as well as the location of the line. The hooks were screwed into a pillar on both sides in a chess order, and each of them was located one insulator. On traverses, as a rule, was placed from two to eight insulators in a row. In cases where increased mechanical strength was required, closed metal masts were used as a support, as well as envelope with hooks or traverses. With the introduction of three-phase AC networks 2 and 6.6 kV began to appear new types of supports designed for three suspension ( fig.1) or six (for two-chart lines) of wires, however, the conditions of the structure of the lines still allowed the simplest structures and approaches. Often the sizes of the supports and the installation conditions of the wires were set on the eye by an experimental monterer, and not obtained as a result of the calculation. The first domestic supports for 6.6 square lines were almost always wooden, hooks or metal hooks were used for fastening the wires, less often - wooden traverses, each of which was placed one wire.

The use of three-phase alternating current, the rapid development of the electrical industry and an increase in electricity needs contributed to the growth of stresses used in the transmission lines, thereby making it possible to transmit large capacities over long distances. The lines of 30-60 square meters have become widely used. In addition, the concept of economic span is the beginning of the most advantageous distance between the supports in terms of the cost of construction of the line. In this regard, for the first time, a significant interest in the issues of mechanical calculation of the PPP supports and the creation of new specialized structures appeared - their use allowed to increase the length of the flight and achieve significant savings in the conditions of the high cost of insulation and reinforcement.

With the growth of the voltage, more and more preference among materials for the supports were given: to use wooden structures was not always possible and beneficial (the problem was thereto their low reliability and a small service life: the experience of using antiseptics for impregnation of the LEP supports at the beginning of the 20th century was still small ). It is also worth noting that porcelain pin insulators, used at the beginning of the 20th century on the lines of 30-60 kV voltage lines, were bulky, expensive, complex structures in production, transportation and installation ( fig. 3.), so designers tried to reduce the number of insulators on the line. Metal supports gave the opportunity to build lines with longer spans, which, in particular, made it possible to use less insulators. On the fig. four As an example, a porcelain pin insulator is a firm LockeApplied on the line 60 kV Zamana-Guanuato. The height of the insulator was about 30 cm, the diameter of the upper skirt is 35 cm, and the mass is about 7 kg. The insulators were supplied to the line in the form of two halves, the final assembly occurred in the field with the help of portland cement.

In 1904, one of the first lines in the world in the world was built for power supply of mines in the Mexico Guanahuato state, on which only metal supports were used ( fig.5). The length of the three-phase monotonal line was 100 miles, and the voltage was 60 square meters. American engineers took part in the construction line. Line supports were purchased from the American company Aeromotor windmill.who produced windmills. The masts of windmills were well suited for use as a support from the point of view of mechanical strength and savings, as they demanded only the minimum changes in the design associated with installing fittings for fixing the wires. The mast line of the Zamacua-Guanauato had a height of 40 feet (12 m) and consisted of four-thirds of 3 x 3 x 3/16 inch measured, connected by disconse and diaphragms from the corners of smaller sizes. Upstairs, the mast was located metal traverse on two pin insulator and 3 ½-inch pipe for fastening the upper pin isolator. To confirm the reliability of the design at the factory Aeromotor windmill. Experimental supports were carried out. Supported horizontally to the wall of the building and joined the platform with lead cargoes. The pipe of the upper insulator began to deviate from the horizontal position with a load of 900 pounds (405 kg), while the brave of the mast itself did not occur. With a load of 1234 pound (555 kg), the pipe deflection has reached 6 inches, after removal of the load, the residual deflection was 1 inch. With a load of 1560 pounds (702 kg), the pipe continued to bend until the cargo was on the ground. On all over the line, except for a short section of Guanajuato, where 60-foot supports and extended 400-meter spills had to be applied due to the characteristics of the area, the length of the span was 132 meters.

The use of metal supports on the Line-Guanahuato line caused substantial interest in the electrical engineers. In 1904-06, several more lines were built in the USA with supports of a similar design, including purchased from the company Aeromotor Windmill. The beneficial experience of using such designs has had a significant impact on the approach to the design of the supports of more powerful lines.

An important factor contributing to the spread of metal supports was the invention of suspended insulators. By 1907-08, the problem of linear isolation was acutely stood in the electric adventury. At voltage above 50 kV, the pin insulators became too bulky, fragile and uncomfortable in the installation, in addition, they did not differ in high operational reliability. At voltage over 80 kV, the use of pin insulators became impossible at all. Pendant insulators were much more profitable in this regard, however, they needed higher supports. In 1907, Edward Hewlett (Edward Hewlett) and Garold Buck (Harold Buck) invented the first suspended insulator ( fig.6.). In the same year, the first suspension insulator "with a cap and a rod" of John Duncan design (John Duncan, fig.9.). For the first time, Hewlett's pendant insulators were applied in 1907 on a line of 100 square meters of the American company Muskegon & Grand Rapids Power Co. The line was built using metal supports, its length amounted to 35 miles. Dankana's insulators who had a more progressive design were installed on several lines in 1908, in particular, on line 104 kV, owned by the company STANISLAUS ELECTRIC POWER (Fig. 8), However, low reliability were shown due to poor quality of cement connected by fastener reinforcement with a porcelain insulating part. Similar problems associated with the quality of cement ligament, pursued the first insulators "with the cap and the rod" of the company Ohio-Brass.. Nevertheless, the advantages of suspended insulators were obvious. By 1910-11, the suspended insulators continued to be improved, they were already carried out by the US and Germany plants and received more and more use ( fig.7.) both in the USA and in Europe: the first European power line 100 kV Lauchammer (1910) was built using only suspended insulators and only metal supports ( fig.10.).

In the conditions of the rapid development of electrical networks in the 190-20s, two main approaches to the design of metal supports were distinguished: American and German.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the United States has created many different types of supports, but mainly the American approach was to apply spatial structures with a wide base made up of the rods (corners) of relatively small (compared to European constructions) of sections. This approach took place from the experience of building lines on metal supports in 1904-06, which was previously stated. Racks of supports in the plan - square or rectangular, in some cases - triangular. Each foot placed on a separate foundation. The location of the wires could be like triangular ( fig.8.11) or vertical ( fig.12.) and horizontal ( fig.13-14.). In the 1920-30s, American-type supports were used at a length of flight up to 250 m. In the domestic practice of American type supports are also known as "wide".

The German approach assumed the use of narrow square in terms of racks with a base placed on one massive, compact foundation. The belt (vertical corners) was connected to a cross-stop or triangular lattice ("snake"). In the 1920-30s, German type supports, also called "narrow-base", were used at a length of flight up to 200 meters and received significant distribution in Europe, since it was allowed to reduce the costs of the alienated land ( fig.15, Fig. 4.).

In France, there was its own variety of single-chain narrow bonded supports with a horizontal and triangular location of the wires ( fig.16.).

Types of supports depending on the purpose

The working conditions of the supports on high-voltage lines differ significantly depending on the installation site of the support and the location of the line for the assignment of the support are separated into several types.

Intermediate (fig.17-18.) - Support, which in the normal operation of the line perceives only transverse wind loads and weight of wires, but not their tension (the force with which the wire is stretched). Mounting of wires on intermediate supports are made with such a calculation to minimize the damage to the support in the event of a crash (wire break).

Anchor (fig.19-20) - Support, on which the wires are always fixed hard - "Ankrunnu", anchor support perceives longitudinal wiring ( fig.21). Anchor supports are trying to arrange in such a way that in normal operation of the drainage of wires from both sides from the support was the same. Anchor supports are installed when moving through engineering structures, natural obstacles and every 1-1.5 km (according to the standards of the 1920-30s for lines of 30-115 kV) to split the line to the anchor sections. Terminal The support is a kind of anchor, which in normal mode perceives one-sided or substantially uneventy, and is installed at the beginning and end of the line, as well as in front of large transitions through natural obstacles. (large rivers, reservoirs, gorge, etc.).

Angle (fig.22) - Support, which is installed in places where the line changes the direction. In the normal mode of operation, the angular support perceives asymmetrical loads from the wires, which is directed along the bisector of the angle of rotation; Therefore, such supports are always strengthened accordingly and have massive foundations. According to the method of fastening the wires, angular supports are divided into anchor-angular and intermediate angular.

There are also special types of supports: transitional, transposition, branching.

Power Supports

In the Russian Empire, the first 40 square transmission lines began to be built by the "Power" society, which included deploying in the Bogorodsk district of the Moscow province of the local high-voltage distribution network for the supply of nearby private factories. From the very beginning, it was decided to use metal supports for all lines, but the first line of 30 kV power transmission - Zuyevo for a number of reasons had to be built on wooden supports. Approximately, in a year, in 1914, the second line was built - large yards on the village, on which, as well as on all subsequent, only metallic supports were applied. A significant part of the lines of society was held by private ownership, and for renting land under support fee was charged, because of which the designs were decided to dwell on the supports of the German type, which occupied a smaller area than the American . The supports were made by the Gühon plant in Moscow (now the "sickle and hammer"), delivered to the Bogorodsky county in a disassembled form on the platforms along the Nizhny Novgorod railway, and then delivered on the highway on horseback. For lines of 30 kV, two-chain brands of the brand C-15 and D-15 15 meters high ( fig.23-24). The C-15 support was used as an anchor and angular, D-15 was its facilitated version made from smaller profiles, and was used as an intermediate and, sometimes anchor. The barrel of support consisted of two sections with a triangular grid. The belt was performed from the corners with a shelf 70 - 100 mm, separations and aperture - from the angle with a shelf 30 - 60 mm. At the bottom of the support, the discharge was mounted to belts using slaves, and in the top - a mustache. All connections, in addition to the attachments of traverse and sections (which are provided with detachable), are made of ripples, which is due to cheap ripples compared to bolts and low-use welding experience. To strengthen the wires on the supports, three traverses of flat designs are mounted, made of two steel bands each, and equipped with eyelets for suspension of garlands of plate suspended insulators or pins for fastening pin insulators. Initially, plot insulators were used on all intermediate and some anchor supports of 30 kV lines, however, in the late 1920s, they were replaced with garlands of dish-insulators for greater reliability, while the average traverses were lengthened by spacers from the corners ( fig.24).

In 1915, the society "Power" completed the construction of a power line with a voltage of 70 kV to Moscow, which was connected by the "Power" station with a plant of the Huzon and MOGES. For this LP, 18-meter brands of brands A-18 were applied (anchor, fig.25) and B-18 (intermediate). The same supports were used on lines of 30 kV as transitional and anchors where elevated reliability was required. The trunk of each of the supports consisted of two connectors. In B-18, lattice of both sections were triangular, made similarly to the supports C and D.

Support A-18, the lower section had a crossbar, each other sections were connected to enhanced lining. All the indefinted compounds on the supports of A-18 and B-18, as well as on 15-meter, are made using ripples. The traverses of spatial design were made of angular profiles. At the ends, the traverses were strengthened with eyelets for pendant insulators, removable parts for suspension of two-chain garlands are provided. Most of the supports had a vertical location of the wires, but some were performed with the location of the wires "barrel". And 15-meter, and 18 meter supports did not have special stripped, but were equipped with clips for fastening the threat of a boron on the top of the trunk. Such a location was due to the theory of the protective cable existing in those years, according to which the cable should have been fixed as closer to phase wires, which increased the overall capacity of the line and contributed to the decrease in the overvoltage of the waves induced.

The designs of the supports A, B, C, D were successful and continued to be used and after the October revolution almost unchanged. In the 1940-50s, during repairs to already operated supports of this series, a welded co-bearing two meters high ( fig.26). Some lines with supports a, b, c, d are preserved and act to this day.

Horro's supports

Since the plan of GOELRO assumed the construction of powerful regional power plants intended, in particular, to power the important objects of industry, one of the key elements was the construction of a network of trunk and distribution lines of power transmission. At first, 30-35 kV familiar lines were mainly used in distribution networks, for trunk gears, it was assumed to master the new stress class - 115 square meters. By 1918-20, international practice had already had a fairly extensive experience in the construction and operation of such power lines. The leading positions in the construction of power transmission of 100 square meters and above, and the production of fittings for them was occupied by the United States and Germany. It was on the German and American experience that domestic engineers were focused when creating metal LPP supports for Goello lines.

On the lines of 115 kV voltage and above, the preference was given to the supports of the American type. Because of the high weight, metal supports for such voltage lines are usually carried out by converted, that is, the support is fixed on the spikes of a predetermined foundation. The intermediate and anchor supports of the American type could be installed without a device of concrete foundations, which was very significant, since the concreting foundations in the field in the 1920s was considered one of the most difficult aspects of the construction of the line. In addition, unlike Europe, there was no question of the cost of alienation of land under support.

Metal supports for power lines Goello were made by different mechanical plants, the largest of them: the Leningrad Factory "Stalmost", "Sickle and Hammer" and "Paroster" in Moscow, the Kramatorsky Plant in the Donbas.

A significant impact on the choice of supports, especially at first, has a lack of metal: metal supports tried to apply only the most responsible lines for construction, or only as anchor or angular. It is important to note that in the future, despite the increase in steel production, on the lines of all stress classes, considerable attention was paid to the expansion of the use of wooden supports, as more economical in conditions of low prices on the mast forest. An increase in the service life of wooden supports was achieved due to the use of antiseptics, rail or concrete steps. In 1929-30, there was already a typical project, which included not only intermediate, but also anchor, and angular wooden supports for VL 110 sq. In the 1930s, wooden supports began to apply on lines of 220 square meters.

On the first in the USSR, the line of 115 kV Kashirskaya GRES - Moscow due to a metal deficit had to apply only wooden supports. The Kashirskaya line of 1922 was a single chamber, intermediate and anchor supports are shown in the drawings. 17 and 19 respectively. Supports of this line were not processed by antiseptics. The quality of the construction turned out to be low, and the line constantly went into repair due to damage to the supports. In 1931, a new two-chart line Kashira was built in parallel - Moscow on metal supports.

The other power line of 115 kV should have tied the Volkhov hydroelectric station with a pioneering substation in Leningrad. He led the design of the line Professor N. P. Vinogradov. Basically, the installation of supports of this line was performed in 1924, and in 1926 its operation began. Intermediate supports for metal savings were made wooden ( fig.28.), taking into account the experience of the Kashir line. As anchor, angular, transposition and transients, American-type supports were applied with a horizontal location of the wires ( fig.27), the design of which was similar to the supports of the company lines Westinguz and Montana Power. All unbalanced compounds were performed using ripples. The Volkhov-Leningrad line was two-chart, but each chain was located on separate supports. Such a solution, as well as the choice of horizontal location of the wires, is explained by the considerations of reliability and ease of installation and maintenance of maintenance. The supports of the American type of Volkhov line were widely distributed in the electrical networks of the Leningrad region and existed in several modifications.

The approach used in the construction of the Lichov-Leningrad line was used in Mosenergo networks. In the late 1920s - early 1930s, many minor monotonal lines of 115 kV Mosenergo were built using metal supports only as anchor and angular. As an example, the Golutvin-Lakes and Kashira-Ryazan lines can be brought. Mosenergo Design Bureau developed its own American type supports, somewhat different from Volkhovsky ( fig.29-30). The basis of the design also lay solutions applied on the company lines Westinguz. There were three brands of metal supports of the American type Mosenergo PKB for lines with wooden intermediate supports: anchor AM-101, angular mind-101 and transpositive T-101, as well as two modifications: AM-101 + 4 and Um-101 + 4 with four-meter stands Heights for use as transition. As intermediates used P-shaped wooden supports of the design of Mosenergo PKB, similar to the supports of Kashirskaya and Volkhov lines.

Shatura support

An important point in the history of domestic power lines was the construction in 1924-25 the SHGES line - Moscow. It was the first in the USSR of LEP 115 kV, on which two-charted metal supports were used. In the design of the supports, Alexander Vasilyevich Winter took part, as well as engineers A. Gorez, Krasin, A. Chernyshev. The route of the Shatura-Moscow line was held not only in the Moscow region and suburbs, but also by the center of Moscow: the line crossed the district railway at the Ugreshskaya station and went out to the Moscow River on Arbatet Street, from where Kratitskaya, Krasnocholm, Kotelnicheskaya and Moskvoretsk To the charge, where the terminal support was located ( fig.31), with which the line crossed the Moscow river and went to the Rauch HPP substation.

For the urban section of the LAM, special narrow bonded supports with the foundations of a special design were designed ( fig.32), the rest of the line used the supports of the American type ( fig.18.20.33).

To increase the mechanical reliability of the supports, the constructive scheme "Return Christmas Tree" was chosen, at which the traverse was narrowed from the top to the bottom. Such a scheme was not optimal from an electric point of view, but allowed to avoid damage to the supports and their traverse in case of clips and falling wires. To protect against lightning strikes above each chain, there was a grazing. At the anchor supports, fastenings were provided for monolators and two-charts of insulant, on the corner supports at the ends of the traverse, trapezoids were fixed for a more convenient suspension of two-chart garlands when turning the line to large corners. The height to the lower traverse on the anchor and angular supports of the American type was 11 m, on the intermediate - 12 m, the vertical distance between the traverse on all supports is 3.1 m. All supports had a ripple design, individual sections of the supports were collected in the factory stakes and It was connected together on the highway, also through a clap.

Based on the experience of the Shaturship line of 1925, PKB Mosenergo has developed a typical draft of the two-charted supports of the American type for I-II climatic regions. Supports of this project were somewhat different from those installed on the Shatursk LEP, but they retained general technical solutions and a characteristic appearance for which they were called "Shatursky", or "Shatura type supports". In the 1920s, Shatura type supports were installed, mainly on Mosenergo lines: power - Moscow, Kashira - Moscow ( fig.34), the second line Shatura - Moscow, the line of the Moscow Electrocolt 110 kV. And since the late 1920s, Shatura supports began to be widely used in other regions of the USSR.

The typical project included the following main brands of supports ( fig.35): AM-103 - anchor, also allowing the rotation of the line to an angle to 5º, PM-103 - intermediate, mind-102 - angle for rotation to an angle of up to 60º, mind-103 - angular to angle to an angle up to 90º, there-103 - Transpositive. Compared to the supports of the Shatura line of 1925, the base was reduced, the width of the barrel, the angular profiles of smaller sizes were applied for the belts. In addition to the support of the usual height, there were also elevated modifications: AM-103 + 4, AM-103 + 6.8, mind-102 + 6.8.

All supports were closed constructions. On the track, the support was entered in the form of separate sections collected in the factory conditions, which were connected on the spot with a clap, sometimes on bolts.

The foundations of intermediate and anchor supports were performed in the form of four tips from metal profiles, fixed in the ground without using concrete when the line passes through the normal soil, with a light concrete base when installing a support on a fine peat swamp or on piles when installed on a deep swamp. The hints of the anchor supports were distinguished by a large size, as well as the fact that in their designs there was a sheet of boiler gland, improving work on pulling along the line. Foundations of angular and end supports were always concrete.

In 1929-31, the "slope-resistant" supports of the Shatura type of MAROK AM-103G, PM-103G, mind-102g, mind-103g, AM-103G + 4, which were distinguished by the height stained heights ( fig.36). In addition, the projects were included in the project of the following brands: anchor AM-102 and intermediate PM-102 ( fig.37).

Due to the fact that in the 1930s in the USSR, the development of the factory assembly of supports with the use of welding was going on, by 1933 there were welded modifications of Shatura type supports.

The Shatura Supports of the New Series consisted of welded sections made at the factory and connected on the track with rims or bolts. Welded supports had similar to closure technological membership, which made it possible to apply the same snap and templates when building lines and it was convenient from the point of view of transportation. The use of welding has reduced the savory structure at the expense of metal savings and somewhat simplified the factory assembly, since it disappeared the need to drill a set of holes for the rinse. Also, there was a need for a closure in the field, since the finished sections were connected only on bolts. However, as in the case of ripple supports, which requires strict control over the quality of clans, in the production of welded supports, a thorough test of the absence of constructions and welds is required for non-fermentation and cracks.

There were the following brands of welded supports of Shatura type ( fig.38-40.): AM-109G - anchor, mind-113g - angle for rotation to an angle to 90º, PM-109G - intermediate, mind-111g - angular to angle to an angle up to 35º, mind-112g - angular to angle to 60º. Supports mind-111g and mind-112g according to the design of the barrel are similar to AM-109G, but differ in asymmetric traverses. All Shatura type welded supports were performed "grazing". Welded joints on the supports of this series in the upper part of the trunk were performed using the shaped, separation and diaphragms of the lower part of the barrel and the traverse was welded. Traverts and rods were attached to the barrel on the bolts. The upper and middle section is an indefinite design, and the lower section consists of four parts connected by bolts. On the corner supports at the ends of the traverse, trapezoids are strengthened for more convenient mounting of insulators garlands. As in the case of closure supports, there were elevated modifications with stands with a height of 6.8 meters of a similar design ( fig.40). Non-bonded variants of welded supports of Shatursky type were not released. Welded Shatura supports continued to install on the electrical transmission lines under construction until the end of the 1950s.

Actively built during the period of the Goello and the mining voltage distribution networks, 30-35 square meters. On these lines, there was an even greater variety of support structures than on voltage above 100 square meters. Since the supports of the lines of 35 kV are significantly less and easier than the supports of 115 kV lines, the most detailed structures of the German type are most common during transportation and installation. The detailed supports were installed either directly into the ground, or on a concrete pillow. The basement of the foundation could fallinate in the earth or fill with concrete. There were, however, other designs. For example, the supports of the line 35 kV of Ivanovo CHP-1 had a narrow trunk and a wide base, such a layout was further widely used and became known as "mixed", since combined the advantages of wide-compound and narrow-base supports. It is also worth canceling the supports flat ("flexible") design of the Zemchal line of 35 kV 1929 ( fig.41).

In the 1920s, Mosenergo networks continued to be applied until the October Revolution of Support A-18, B-18, C-15 and D-15. On the other hand, during the same years, the PKB Mosenergo designed for the lines of 35 kV new two-charted supports of the German type of the following brands ( fig.42): N - intermediate, on - anchor, well - angular. In addition, there was a special single-chain support of the NB. The letter H literally meant "German Type". Unlike the supports A, B, C, D, on which the wires were located vertically or "barrel", the supports of the German type were performed according to the "Reverse Eye" scheme. There was an ability to install pin insulators. The design of the German type support was flipped, the trunk of the support consisted of two sections, the traverses were attached to the barrel on the bolts. In the first supports of the German type there was a low location of the grossing cable, as on the supports of the "power transmission company", but in the future all the newly installed and already operated supports were supplied with an increased cooked.

Due to the deficit of metal during construction of lines of 35 kV, preference was given to wooden supports. The entire most important lines were built on metal supports, and the rest of the most importantly, metal supports were used as angular and anchor in particularly responsible places. There existed a large number of wooden supports for lines of 35 sq .: one-chart "Candle", "Lastochkin Tail" ( fig.43), A-shaped support "Azik", single-chain P-shaped supports. Supports "Candle" and "Azik" could be used with pin insulators. Two-chain supports "Azik" with PC-38 pin insulators were applied on the power lines of 33 kV AMO - the ruble pump station of 1923 buildings. P-shaped supports were the greatest distribution, which were similar to the structure of 110 sq. M.

Svir and DHES

New powerful hydroelectric power plants, built according to the Helro plan, were intended to supply electricity to large industrial areas: Leningrad plants and industrial giants under construction. To issue power facilities to consumers, it was necessary to build major main lines and branched local electrical networks, while already mastered stress classes 35 and 110-115 kV were no longer provided by the required bandwidth and could not become the basis of the planned power systems. In the second half of the 1920s, Soviet engineers had some abroad experience both design and operating lines with voltage above 150 kV. In the US and European countries, at that time there were lines operating at 220 square meters. Technical solutions developed for the first lines 154, 161 and 220 kV are based on both foreign experience and on their own, fully original solutions.

In 1927, the construction of the Lower Virskaya HPP in the Leningrad Region began. To transfer the energy of the River, the Spear to Leningrad had to build the longest and most powerful LAP in the USSR. He led the creation of the line Professor N. P. Vinogradov, who had previously developed the project of the transmission of Volkhov - Leningrad. When drawing up the estimate in 1927, two options for building a power transmission Swit-Leningrad were considered: the first version was a four-charted line with a voltage of 130 kV, and the second is a two-charted line of 220 kV. The cost of the structure of the line for the first embodiment was less, but the second option allowed to provide greater power. As a result, a second option was selected for execution. The power line was held at extremely wetlands, however, as a result of a thorough study of all possible route options, the most passable and short one was chosen. The length of the track in its final version was 272 km, the line was capable of transmitting power up to 240 MW, which corresponded to the peak the planned power of the two stations of the Swirky Cascade. Two transmission chains were performed in the form of individual lines, which was done to increase the reliability of the transfer and ensuring staff security during repair when one of the chains is turned off. According to the results of economic calculation, the length of the span of 300 m was chosen, the length of the anchor site is 3 km. For considerations of saving and convenience of service, the horizontal location of the wires was selected. In the original embodiment, each chain was defended by one steel aluminum lightning cable.

Line-Leningrad Line was the first of the designed in the USSR LAP voltage above 115 kV, the project work began in 1926. Based on the selected distance between the wires and the height of their suspension, the version of the American type support was considered as the main one ( fig.43). But this option has not satisfy the modern requirements for the design of the enzyme structures. It was required that the ratio of the length of the rods from which the construction consists, to the minimum radius of the inertia should not exceed: 120-140 for the main racks, 160 -180 - for secondary elements and 200 - for auxiliary, non-carrying items. When calculating the support on the basis of this condition in the design, a large number of non-working and weak elements of considerable length were obtained, which would lead to the overflow of the metal. Support designers faced with the case when it is not rational to adapt the old structures to new conditions.

During the consideration of various options, the H-shaped design was chosen with the smallest free length of the elements of the facade grid ( fig.44), which made it possible to significantly reduce the weight of the support compared to the initial option. The weight of the intermediate support was 3.3 tons, anchor - 4.3 tons. Weight reduction was achieved, compared with the initial version, by 17% for intermediate and 12% for anchor support. The total metal savings for the two circuits of the line was 1120 tons. To confirm the calculations, checking the conditions for the manufacture and obtaining actual strength factors, two experimental supports were manufactured and tested ( fig.45), intermediate and anchor. Conducted home tests confirmed compliance with the standards and requirements of the calculation.

Although during the construction of the Svir-Leningrad line already existed to manufacture supports with welding, due to the special importance of the line and due to reliability considerations, all supports were performed using ripples. As mentioned above, initially each chain was protected by one grappleur located on a small triangular rack over one of the legs of the support, but in the following years the entire line was equipped with two lightning cables. To preserve the supports in the case of cliffs of wires throughout the line, except for transitions through engineering structures, release clamps were applied, although the design of the support was designed for a complete one-sided load in the event of a clamping.

Power line Swit-Leningrad survived the Great Patriotic War, most of its initial supports have been preserved and continue to be operated to this day.

Another major object of electrical construction was the construction of DniproNes. The DGES power system was supposed to feed the Donbass region and large industrial enterprises of Zaporizhia, among which the complex of the Dniprokombinat: Ferroalloy plant, the metallurgical plant and the aluminum plant. The main lines of the power system worked on a voltage of 161 and 150 kV, a voltage of 35 square was also used in distribution networks. In addition, in Dnepropetrovsk, there was a ring of 150 kV lines, which ensures more reliable operation of the power system. The most extended line was the LPP of 161 kV DHES - Rykovovo (Donbass), the length of which was 210 km, and the total stretch of lines, counting on one chain, was about 900 km.

The design of power lines for Energy System DGES was led by Professor N. P. Vinogradov.

The conditions of mechanical calculation of the supports were very complex due to the fact that the power lines of the Dneprostroy passed through the holled areas. Due to significant wind loads causing a strong deviation of insulators and wires, the estimated distance between the wires reached 6.4 m, which even taking into account the smaller operating voltage corresponded to the parameters of the Suril-Leningrad line. In this regard, as well as for greater ingrediousness, it was decided to use the modified version of the "Swirky" supports with a horizontal location of the wires for the lines. The lower voltage allowed to reduce the lines of lines in height, and in connection with which the upper part of the support was somewhat simplified, while the lower part remained unchanged.

The supports were calculated for use in the normal length of the span 220 m and stale aluminum wire of the AC cross section of 120 mm 2. In some cases, the same supports were used with the Wire of AC-150, but with reduced flights. Intermediate weight ( fig.47) Supports were 3.28 tons, anchor ( fig.46.) - 4.6 tons. Each line was protected by two grades. To verify the correctness of the selection of the design, a project was made on the American type, the calculation showed that the use of a SWORK type support gives savings of 20% metal savings. Sweet type supports were used on most Dneprostatic lines.

The other design of the support was applied to very extended, but less responsible lines of 161 kV DGES - Donbass and DGES - Dnepropetrovsk-Kamenskoye. When studying various options for two-charts with a horizontal location of the wires for these lines, a three-way support with a common traverse was solved, but all the options of the supports were too hard. However, unexpected and favorable results were obtained by dividing the three-sided two-charts with a single traverse to three separate supports, each of which carried two wires ( fig.48.50). Such an option provided a substantial metal savings compared to the use of two single-coal supports. The placement of mechanically non-related racks on individual concrete blocks made it possible to avoid their characteristic problems with the appearance of stresses caused by a draft of the foundation. Three-handed supports were more transported, provided more favorable conditions for mounting wires and insulators. The disadvantages of the structure were the volume of foundations greater than when using two wide supports, and the possibility of failure at once both chains during the damage to the middle support. Taking into account all the factors, the use of a three-hand construction has reduced the construction of a line by 10% compared with the construction of a two-chart line on single-coal wide supports.

After the three-stroke construction was approved for use on the DGES lines - Donbass and DHES - Kamenskoe, two experienced supports were built: welded and clung ( fig.49). In June 1930, both supports successfully passed the tests, and the welded support showed the large actual stock factors than the flipped. Based on the test, it was decided to use electric welding for the manufacture of intermediate supports. It was the first significant domestic experience in using welded supports on high-voltage lines. Anchor, corner and special supports were performed on flip.

The adopted types of supports were used with the producing clamps when they flew to 235 m throughout the line, except for particularly holling areas. On the DHES line - Donbass was applied wire SA-150, and therefore the designs of the anchor supports were reinforced.

To reduce the initial value of the DGES line - Donbass and DGES - Kamenskoye was built in two queues. As the HPP exits, one chain of each line was built at full capacity, then the second one was completed. At the same time, two two-wire lines were built, in which three wires were workers, and the fourth remained reserve until the end of the third line and the introduction of the second chain into operation.

In addition to the usual supports, unique transitional supports of various structures that deserve a separate mention were created for the Dneprog Energy System.

After Goalro

The first years of the Goello, marked by the intensive construction of the LEP of different stress classes using a wide variety of technical solutions, were very important to accumulate the experience of designing and building high-voltage lines. In a very short time, new stress classes were mastered: 110-115 and 220 kV. Already in 1931-32, the production of 400 and 500 kV power transmission was discussed, various supports were considered, attempts were made to extrapolate the experience of designing lines of Dneprostroy and Sviri. As for existing stress classes, the improvement of the structures of the supports for them continued. On the one hand, much attention was paid to the use of a tree: In the late 1930s, wooden supports began to use not only on lines 35 and 110 kV, but also on LPP 220 kV. On the other hand, the industrial giants of the first five years have come into account, and the deficit of the structural metal passed, which allowed the use of metal supports wider. Defined attention was paid to supports from reinforced concrete, but at that time, the technical difficulties associated with their production and installation still did not allow them to be widely used.

A common trend was the transition in the second half of the 1930s - early 1940s to the factory assembly of the supports with the use of electric welded: welded modifications of Shatura type supports appeared, which was mentioned above, welded supports for lines 35 and 220 kV.

By the end of the 1930s, unified supports of the next brands of the next brands were designed for 35 kV lines. fig.51): A-37g - anchor, P-37g - intermediate and y-37g - angular. Supports were performed according to the "Christmas tree" scheme. Traverts are a challer, flat triangular design. Compared to previous metal supports for LPP 35 kV, the length of the traverse and the vertical distance between them were increased. The trunk consisted of two welded sections connected by bolts. Supports of this type have differed in simple design and relatively low mass and used throughout the end of the 1950s.

For active 220 kV lines under the 1930s, a typical project of monotonial portal supports, significantly different from DGES and Suril-Leningrad, was created. Portal type supports consisted of two narrow racks of rectangular section, on which horizontal traverse was placed ( fig.52.). Each rack strengthened on a separate compact foundation. The selected design made it possible to make supports more technologically, transportable and reduce compared with wide complimentary supports of a swirl-type mechanical stresses arising from the precipitation of standings of racks. Sections of the portal supports were manufactured in factory conditions using electric welding. On the track, the finished sections were combined with rods, and in later years - bolts. There was an intermediate, anchor and angular version of the support. Portal supports of this series were used on 220 kV lines everywhere and quite a long time - until the end of the 1950s. Among them: Vl Stalinogorsk - Moscow, Rybinsk - Moscow and others. There are also typical transitional supports for 220 kV lines with a height of 35 and 70 meters.

The departure from the use of the designs of the Goelro period began in the first postwar years. On the one hand, until the end of the 1950s, the lines continued to be built on the supports of the Shatursky type of welded construction and a 220 kV line on free-standing portals. On the other hand, narrow-base supports and the design of the so-called "mixed" type have been excellent. Mixed type supports were used on LPP 35-220 kV and had the same trunk as narrow-base (German type), and a lower section heavily expanding to the foundation. Thus, the supports of the mixed type combined the advantages of narrow-base and wide-visual. There was a significant variety of supports structures created by various design institutions, the leader among which was the Leningrad Institute "Thermal Electroproekt" (TEP). In addition, a greater number of supports that take into account the features of different climatic zones appeared. In 1948, a new series of supports for lines of 110 kV, replacing Shaturassic: Crimean Type Supports ( fig.53.). According to the design of the trunk, these supports belonged to a mixed type. One of the intermediate support variants was narrowed. In the manufacture of sections at the factory, electric welding was used for connecting sections - bolts. Traverts were flat designs, carrying elements in them were chalkers. There were variants of supports for pendants of two and one ground-proof cable. Crimean-type supports ousted Shatursky and got very widespread in the territory of the USSR, a significant number of such supports continues to be operated. The welded supports of mixed type (Crimean, Leningrad and others) continued to be used until the mid-1960s, as a result, they were ousted by more technological unified supports of the bolk structures.

In addition, in the post-war years in the USSR, the first power lines of 400 and 500 kV ( fig.55). They also reflected the experience gained during the production of the electric grid. Some general technical solutions applied in the design of these lines were discussed in the early 1930s ( Fig.54.).

Summing up the article, it is worth noting again that the years of the work of the "Power" society, and the first years of Goello, when the active construction of the LAP was actively building, and various approaches and technical solutions were inspected, were very important for the accumulation of invaluable design experience and the construction of high-voltage lines, and Also to prepare qualified engineering and technical personnel. The experience gained became the foundation for the entire subsequent development of domestic electrical networks and to create the combined energy system.


1. Engineer I.V. Linde, "Background book for electrical engineering" 11th edition, second

state printing house, 1920

2. Koh, "High Voltage Power", Publisher of the Bureau of Foreign Science and

Technology, Berlin, 1921

3. A.A. Smurov, "High Voltage Electrical Equipment and Electrical Transmission",

typography. Bukharina, Leningrad, 1925

4. V.E.K. High-voltage Bureau, Proceedings of the I All-Union Conference on Power Protection of Large Power Between currents of super high voltages, GEI Mr., 1932

5. Technical encyclopedia, chapters. ed. Martens, Volume 20, Ogiz RSFSR, Moscow, 1933

6. Ing. V. V. Guldenbalc, the construction of high-voltage power lines, ONTi NKTP USSR, Gay Mr., 1934

7. Electrotechnical reference book (substation and high voltage network) under total. ed.

engineer M.V. Homyakova, Gay Moscow-Leningrad, 1942

8. Electrotechnical reference book (electrical installations of high voltage, substation, network and power lines) under total. ed. Ing. M.V. Homyakova, Gay Moscow-Leningrad, 1950

9. Power lines and substations 400 kV, ORGENERGOSTROY, Kuibyshev, 1958

E.V. Starostin, "Dreams and Masts of Shatursky Romantics"

Fig.43 - Photo of Dmitry Novoclimova

Description of the presentation of support of the air power transmission lines Classification of PPP supports by slides

The classification of the PSD intermediate supports on which the wires are fixed in supporting clamps. Anchor type that serve to tension wires; On these supports, the wires are fixed in stretch clamps. Intermediate straight lines - on direct LPP sites. Wires are fixed in clamps on garlands or wire viscous. Intermediate angular - at the corners to 20 °. Anchor-angular - at large corners of turn. Special - transposition, branch, transitional.

Material support for LAP reinforced concrete - from concrete reinforced with metal. For lines 35-10 k. B and above usually apply supports from centrifuged concrete. Metal (lattice, multifaceted) - made of steel grades. Connections of elements with welding or bolts. The metal is galvanized or periodically stained with special paints. Wooden - mostly pine supports and less often from larch. They are used in Russia for a voltage to 220 k. In (in the USA-330 to. B).

The designations of the supports for metal and reinforced concrete supports VL 35-330 K. In Russia, the following system of designations was adopted: p, PS - intermediate supports of PVS-intermediate supports with internal bonds, PUS -promething angular PP - intermediate transition y, UC - anchor- Corners to, COP - anchor-terminal system designation is sometimes violated by manufacturers.

Technology production of wooden supports 1. Sort on line with an electronic reader. 2. The size of the line, equipped with rapid machines, quality control of wood processing and chosen. 3. Impregnation with antiseptic. Impregnation and drying in autoclaves by the method of "Vacuum - Pressure - Vacuum". The depth of impregnation is at least 85% of the crook. Fixation of impregnation in wood overheated steam. Length of autoclave-27, 0 m.; diameter-2, 0 m; Volume 84, 78 cubic meters. m.

Ca and Drying Deta with an IPA impregnation with an antiseptic of CSA (copper, chrome, arsenic), TU 5314 -002 -05020332 -2005 Service life in contact with soil up to 40 -45 years, LEP supports can be installed directly into the ground without the use of reinforced concrete Prefixes (stepsings).

The performance of the modern impregnation workshop to 200 supports in shift (2 drying and 2 impregnating autoclave). Annual volume - up to 120,000 supports. The standard support length is 6, 5 - 11 m. Price of about 50 -60 USD (PCS). Shipment of LEP supports to customers is made in the semi-frequencies (loading rate of up to 4 cars per day) or by road (loading rate of up to 20 days).

Advantages of wooden supports Wooden supports are easier and cheaper than reinforced concrete, high insulating properties of wood make it possible to reduce the number of insulators on the lines of 35 -110 to. B. The service life of wooden support reaches 45 years, which is 20% higher than the service life of reinforced concrete supports. Seismic zones. Wooden supports work well on bending and do not break with large wind and ice loads. When falling wooden supports there is no Domino effect, since the damaged support is held on the wires. The chemical composition of impregnating substances makes supports resistant to fire. Wooden supports have exceptionally high dielectric properties.

Multifaceted conical supports (MKO LAP) supports are a multifaceted conical design made of steel sheet. Support may consist of one, two or more sections. Section length - up to 16 meters. Usually, for the convenience of transportation, sections up to 11, 5 m sections are used, the connection of the sections among themselves is possible both flange and non-flaw (telescopic). The height of the supports: up to 40 meters and more. Wall thickness: from 3 to 12 mm. Popor diameter: up to 2 meters.

Installation of supports of multifaceted metal supports in soil supports are installed either directly into the bored well, or are attached on the flanges to the reinforced concrete foundation. A wide variety of sizes of multifaceted metal supports allows them to be used in power industry (VL 6 -35 to. B), on railway transport, etc.

Benefits of MCO LAP reliability. Multifaceted conical supports are much more reliable than w / w and lattice, especially in complex ice-wind conditions. In an emergency mode, the multifaceted steel support withstands the load in 2-3 times greater than the R / B support. Adaptability. Multifaceted supports that constitute a typical series can be easily modified by increasing or decreasing height, wall thickness, diameter, etc. Transportability. Multifaceted supports are several times easier concrete and lattice. The intermediate support of the VL-35 weighs about 1 t., Similar to railway - 4 tons, lattice - 2 tons. Ease of installation. Low weight and high degree of factory readiness allow you to install a support in a few hours. Durability. The service life of multi-faceted supports (50 years) is twice as high than that of the R / B supports. Efficiency. Capital costs for the construction of 1 km of LEP by 25 - 50% lower than when using w / w and lattice supports. At the same time, the effect is higher in the construction of LPP in remote and complex regions.

The service life of reinforced concrete and metal galvanized or periodically painted support reaches 50 years and more. The cost of metal and reinforced concrete supports significantly exceeds the cost of wooden supports. The selection of this or that material for the support is due to economic considerations, as well as the presence of an appropriate material in the area of \u200b\u200bthe line facilities.

The location of the wires on the support is horizontal - in one tier, vertical - one over the other in two or three tiers, with a concrete - vertically spaced wires are displaced one relative to another horizontally, "triangle" - on monotonal supports, "zigzag" - on the intermediate supports of the monolatory Ll; The height of the suspension of the lower wires is increased by an average of half the distance between the lower and the upper traverses, which makes it possible to increase the span between the supports.

Supports of monotoned VL 6 -220 k. In designed for the suspension of three phase wires. Two parallel running chains are suspended on the supports of the two-chained l. On the supports of the WL with split phases (330 k. V and above), several wires on the phase are suspended to eliminate the appearance of a "crown", creating additional active losses and radio interference. If necessary above phase wires, one or more robes cables are suspended.

Vl to 1 k. B - suspend from 2 to 5th wires (single-phase and three-phase LPP), 6 -220 k. V - one wire per phase, 330 k. V - two wires (per phase) Horizontally, VL 500 to. V - three wires on the vertices of the triangle, VL 750 k. V - four or five wires, 1150 k. V - eight wires.

Wire marking Uninsulated wires. M is a wire consisting of one or twisted of several copper wires. A - wire twisted from several aluminum wires. PSOs and PS - wires made of steel, respectively, single-robust and multi-proper. In the wire brand, its nominal cross-section is also indicated. For example, A-50 means an aluminum wire of 50 mm². For steel single-wire wires in the brand indicate the wire diameter. So, pso-5 means one-run steel wire with a diameter of 5 mm

- AC - wire consisting of a steel core and aluminum wires (got the greatest distribution). - ASSKS - Wire of the AC brand, but the inter-resistance space of the steel core, including its outer surface, is filled with neutral lubrication of increased heating resistance. - ASCP - Wire of the AC brand, but the inter-spite space of the entire wire, with the exception of the outer surface, is filled with neutral lubrication of increased heighten resistance. - ACS - Steel aluminum wires with a reinforced steel core. - ASO - steel aluminum wires with a lightweight steel core.

Insulated wires self-supporting insulated wire (SIP) - stranded wire containing isolated veins and carrying element designed for fastening or suspension wires. Copper or aluminum wire conductors. Insulating sheath of rubber or PVV plastic. Protective coverings of wires with rubber insulation in the form of a patch from fibrous materials impregnated with anti-nipple composition. Wires with PVC insulation are usually made without protective covers. Metal protective shells are also used to protect against mechanical damage. The protected wire is a wire with an extruded polymeric protective insulation over conductive conductors (a short circuit is eliminated between the shifting wires and the likelihood of closure on the ground is reduced).

Wooden anchor-angular support VL 10K. In on wooden steps