Fireplace from boards with their own hands. Falsh-fireplace do it yourself

October 27, 2016
Specialization: finishing of facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

Currently, there is a new wave of popularity of such an interior object as a fireplace, which has always been considered a symbol of a family hearth and comfort. Of course, residents of apartments functioning the fireplace is not available for a number of reasons, however, this does not mean that from the idea of \u200b\u200bhousing decoration, the portal will have to refuse. In this article I will tell you how to make a firewall fireplace with your own hands - step-by-step instructions are represented by your attention below.

Decorative fireplace manufacturing technology

The process of manufacturing a fireplace of plasterboard includes several stages.

Project preparation

In the design of the fireplace, it is necessary to determine the following moments:

  • position of the fireplace;
  • portal sizes;
  • design and design of the product.

As for the choice of place, the fireplace is usually installed in the living room. If the room is large, it can be placed in the center of one of the walls. If the hall is a small, excellent solution will be an angular false fireplace.

It must be said that designers, as a rule, the fireplace zone and the TV zone are trying to combine. Those. Both of these interior items are located nearby, for example, the panel can be installed above the fireplace.

The fireplace in the apartment can be not only a decorative element, but also functional. For example, it can be equipped with shelves or boxes for storing all sorts of trifles or use as a television stand.

Of course, strictly adhere to this rule is absolutely not necessary. If you wish, you can arrange the TV and portal even on different walls.

When the fireplace space is defined, it is necessary to determine its size and perform the design drawing. I immediately note that it is not necessary to make a decorative fireplace in size and design identical to the present. The main thing is that the portal turns out beautiful and harmonized with the surrounding interior.

The basis of the design is a frame of a metal profile. Using it as a designer, you can create a frame of any sizes and shapes.

If the project does not work independently or you cannot decide on its appearance, you can use the finished project from our site or other resources on the Internet.

If desired, you can make your adjustments to the finished project, for example, if you need to change its size or appearance. For example, if you make a portal for an electrocamine, you will probably have to correct the dimensions of the niche under the parameters of the device.

It is desirable that the project contains a sketch of the future product, as well as a drawing of a frame with an indication of the size of all its parts. This will allow you to avoid a number of errors in the process of work.

As an example, consider the manufacturing process of the simplest design, which includes a parapet, a firebox compartment box and a worktop. The scheme of such a design is given above.


To make a decorative fireplace We will need the following materials:

  • profiles for drywall PNP;
  • himself plasterboard;
  • self-tapping screws for carcass and dowel-nails;
  • start putty;
  • primer.
  • materials for decorating design - it can be a decorative stone, clinker tiles, polyurethane stucco, etc.

If you do the portal for the fireplace, it is necessary to use heat-resistant refractory drywall, for example, a KNAUF-fireboard.

As for the number of materials, it depends on the size and design of the fireplace. Therefore, you need to calculate them yourself.

Assembly of the carcass

Now you can start assembling the framework, which will serve as the basis of our fireplace. The instruction on its installation looks like this:

  1. before making a fireplace firewall, you should apply marking on the floor and the wall. It represents the contours of the structure. In addition, we mark on the wall of the circuit circuit of the furnace chamber.
    In the process of performing marking, make sure that all lines are strictly horizontal and vertical. On the floor, the line should intersect at an angle of 90 degrees, unless, of course, the design does not imply the presence of other angles.
    This markup will significantly simplify further work, so do not take the time for its implementation;

  1. now the PNP profiles should be attached to the wall of the markup with a dowel-nail. This collects the base of the rear wall. It consists of two vertical racks and two connecting them, as shown in the photo above.
    Keep in mind that the distance from the floor to the lower crossing determines the height of the parapet;
  2. then it is necessary to secure the profiles along the contour of the heat chamber;
  3. now you need to secure the profile on the floor along the contour of the parapet;
  4. next you need to install the front racks. The distance from them to the rear racks determines the depth of the fireplace.

To connect the front racks with the rear, use horizontal crossmen. Also, do not forget to connect the front racks with each other crossbars. The latter should be located strictly at one level with the rear wall crossbars;

  1. now you need to install parapet racks and also perform on top of their strapping by crossbars, which should be placed on the same level with lower portal crossbars;

  1. after that, in the front of the frame, you need to install the chamber racks and connect them with the main racks using several crossbars;
  2. at the end of the work, you need to perform arches of the heat chamber. To bend the profiles of the arch, the cuts should be made in their sideboards in increments of about 1.5-2 cm.

This is completed on this process assembly. If you feel that it is not sufficiently durable and hard, install additional stiffeners.

Keep in mind that in the process of installing all the parts of the design, it is necessary to use the construction level and the plumb, so that the product is smooth.

Saving framework

Now you can proceed to the wall of the fireplace. To do this, first of all it is necessary to cut the sheets of plasterboard according to the project.

To cut drywall along a flat line, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. press the long line or rule to the sheet cut line;
  2. then a sharp mounting knife, cut the plasterboard along the line;
  3. after that, break the sheet with your own hands and fold it;

  1. now it is necessary to cut cardboard on the back of the leaf along the fold line.

To cut the details of a complex shape, for example, a hitch of the cooler, one should first apply marking on the GLC, for example, using a millimeter paper, and then use the electroll bison.

After all the fireplace details are cut, they need to be fixed on the frame using conventional drywall screws in 10-15 cm steps. If you make a portal for the fireplace, the fireplace itself can be installed inside the carriage chamber to make sure that the work is performed correctly.

Further work is carried out like this:

  1. at the joints of sheets located in the same plane, you need to cut the champper with a width of 5 mm;
  2. then on all the joints, it is necessary to stick a grid-sulfyan, which is responsible for their reinforcement;

  1. now cover the design with two layers with a painting brush. Keep in mind that the second layer is applied after grazing the first;
  2. next, the starting putty to cover the locations of the sheets of sheets and hats of self-tapping screws;
  3. then you need to sharpen the entire fireplace portal;

  1. after pouring the putty, slightly treat the surface of a fuguene with a P80-P120 mesh to eliminate the removal of the shovels;
  2. at the end of work, remove the dust from the surface of the structure and open it again with the soil.

This framework is completed on this.


Decoration is the most interesting and creative stage of work, since here you can fully trust your fantasy. Moreover, thanks to the enormous selection of finishing materials, it will not be limited in anything.

The simplest and cheapest finish option is to save the design with wallpaper under a brick or stone. If you are waving a fireplace portal, the best solution will be a clinker tile, which is resistant to high temperature. Externally, this material resembles a brick, and it is of a variety of colors, which allows you to implement any designer ideas.

Another classic finish option is a decorative stone facing. Installation of clinker tiles and stone is carried out on ordinary tile glue.

If the interior of your apartment is performed in, the fireplace imitation will look great, painted white and decorated with stucco.

Special attention should be paid to the countertop, which has a great influence on the design of the entire portal. It can be ordered separately in any company engaged in the production of furniture. Most often, the countertop is performed under marble or tree of valuable breeds.

If you want to make the fireplace as authentic as possible, also order for it a wrought sampling grille.


As we found out, everyone can decorate their housing by the portal, and its production takes quite a bit of time and finance. Even a small area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment will not become this obstacle, as it is possible to make a compact corner fireplace from drywall with their own hands. The only one should competently approach it to decorate, so that this subject of the interior fit into the design of the premises.

I recommend viewing the video in this article dedicated to the manufacture of a decorative fireplace. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments, and I will gladly answer you in the near future.

You can look at the fire endlessly, but such a luxury in an ordinary apartment is not available to anyone - too difficult to get permission, and money will need weight. There is a low-budget output - to imitate the fireplace. Build a portal similar to the present, inside install electrical devices, candles or bio-fireplaces. They call these structures in different ways: artificial, decorative or false fireplace. This idea has become very popular in recent years - it is possible to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands in a few days, it is possible to do with this very small amount.

What do the portal do

You can make the portal of the false fireplace from any material. Indeed from any - at least from the old cabinet or table. But most often use the following materials:

Make portals for a false fireplace and from plastic panels, wood or cardboard. But they use them much less often. You can even use glass and metal, but it is more difficult to work with them.

What to put inside

No matter how beautiful the fireplace portal, without fire, or at least his imitation, it has an incomplete view. There are several options:

Decorative Fireplace Forens: Photo Report

The electro-fireplace was bought with imitation of the flame. Frame is decided to make it from plywood. Used furniture plywood with a thickness of 8 mm. The homemade portal was made in a few hours, his finish took almost two days.

Frame cut frame from plywood fairy panel. At the bottom, the frame is wider than 10 cm, in three other parties - by 7 cm.

Outdoor sizes of the frame cut the side parts. The electrocamine screen should be slightly "dried" deep into the design, and these parts are the front part of the portal.

All three parts collect in a single whole. To do this, you will need a bar 10 * 20 mm and plywood strips, 7 cm wide. Of all this we collect the front wall of the false fireplace.

Under the existing front panel, we make the rest of the frame. To give stiffness, put the jumpers at the top, along the faithful edge of the front panel. Below also set the bar. The platform under the fireplace body is based on it. Side walls we are cutting with plywood slices carved.

Actually, the decorative fireplace is almost ready. Finishing work remained. For decoration, a ceramic tile of two species is selected - gray "under the stone" and white "under the brick". We begin to glue it on liquid nails. The work is moving slowly - it falls into small pieces.

Partly cutting it turns out on the plottle, but often you have to use the grinder, and it is dusty, it requires concentration - it cannot be sprinkled again, and the edge should be smooth. The edges, cropped tiles that remain open, polished. And this is time again. Therefore, the cladding takes a lot of time, the work is tedious.

Almost the middle of the work came insight: so that the angle, the tile laid out neat, the edges of the tiles should be braked under 45 °. Bulgarian cut under 45 ° is very uncomfortable, much easier for the circular (found at the neighbor). Then the joke is obtained if not the perfect (due to chips), then much more attractive.

All the seams between the tiles are embedded with a suitable color, the joints began to look excellent. A table top is installed as the top panel. It turned out a false fireplace and at the same time the stand under the TV. The result pleased.

Artificial fireplace from plasterboard

Plasterboard and profiles allow you to create decorative fireplaces of any size and configuration. First of all, it is necessary to decide on what size portal you want to do, draw it on a sheet of paper or in one of the design programs, put the size, consider the finish type. Only then, on the finished drawing you can start work. So do it right.

Calculation of proportions and preparatory work

To make it easier to estimate the proportion, you can use the finished drawing. You can change the dimensions to your conditions and is necessary - this is not, in which all sizes must be observed for normal operation, but only its imitation. So boldly customize the sizes under your own representations and sizes of the source »fire.

If an electrocamine is inserted into the portal, it is necessary to insert the power supply line to this area in advance. When laying the cable, use the installation rules: to bring wires to the outlet from above, strictly vertically (not under the tilt or arbitrarily). In this case, when attaching profiles for drywall to the wall, you will definitely not fall into the wiring, as it is visually easily determined by its location - from above above the outlet. In this space simply do not install fasteners.


If you are going to make a portal for candles, dimensions can be even less. One of the drawings of the candle fire in the next drawing.

First, we draw the main lines of the portal on the wall. Then, on them we screw the starting profile sliced \u200b\u200binto pieces (it has the appearance of the letter "P" without shelves on the sides).

Then, according to the drawing, create a bulk frame for a false fireplace. Immediately install vertical strips marking the size of the portal. On the floor, the same frame is assembled as on the wall. The dimensions are in the drawing, but it will be worth it to compare them with the actual so that there is no distortion. The finished frame is installed at the desired distance, fixed with short profile segments, creating a bulk box.

Lastly, a frame is collected for a small podium before the "furnace" of the decorative fireplace. If you make it before, it will be inconvenient to work.

Features of working with GLK

Often questions arise when creating arches. To get a rounded line, every 5-6 cm is cut off the sidewalls of the profile, leaving the "back" of the whole. In this form it is easy to sleep. When installing, each "petal" is attached to the crossbar (from two sides).

After the frame is ready, we are trimmed with plasterboard. He cuts out the usual stationery knife. In addition to him, you need a long line. We place on the drywall line on which it must be cut off. We apply a ruler and spending a knife along it. The main task is to cut the upper sheet of cardboard, cutting the plaster is not necessary. Under the cut line, it is put on any bar, knock on the sheet from one or the other side. Gypsum breaks through the cut line, everything that remains is to fold it and cut off the second elephant of cardboard.

Rounded lines on drywall can be cut out by an electrolybiz, if there is, or to break the gypsum with small pieces, and then align the edge to the edge (the gypsum is well cleaned).

Than kpped

Plasterboard sheets are attached to special screws with a screw at the end. Because of the small size they are called "flea". It is necessary to twist them so that the heads are drowning, but it is impossible to break through the cardboard. Installation step - 15-20 cm on direct sections without load and 10-15 cm on sections with bends. Briefly, it's all the wisdom of mounting drywall.

To extend the sheet of the gypsum, the covering arch "furnaces", it is cut from the strips with a width of 5-7 cm on one side. On the cut lines, the plaster breaks, but the second sheet of cardboard does not cut. It turns out that the gypsum strips are hanging on this cardboard, because of this, the band is well bended. It is applied to profiles forming bending, fasten with self-draws. When installing, be careful, put fasteners in the middle of the strip - with the edge of the pieces can be broken.

Finish finish

After the portal for the artificial fireplace is covered with plasterboard, you can start the finish. You can sharpen it and paint and paint, you can bite under the brick or stone, another option is an artificial facing stone.

On plasterboard, the facing is more convenient to glue on liquid nails or special glue for the selected material. It is only important that it can be used with plasterboard.

To the portal for an artificial fireplace seemed more voluminous so that the game "Flame" was more interesting, part that goes closed with a mirror (if electrocamine does not be installed). The mirror can be ordinary, on glass, and maybe flexible - acrylic. It is preferable, since it does not be fading.

Decorative fireplace made with his own hands

Suts between tiles close up grout. Often it is chosen dark gray, similar to a solution. Then from afar, the portal is similar to this.

As you can see, make a decorative fireplace with your own hands is not too difficult. Especially those who have at least a little experience with plasterboard. A more complex option, with a stucco, manufactured "at the place", look in the video.

Photo of the fireplace imitation in the interior

Imitation of the fireplace with candles - the main thing is to choose the clearance

Decorative fireplace fits in

Warm fireplace with a crackling of firewood inside the interior element from films and books, to see which in real life is almost unrealistic. However, modern craftsmen were able to come up with a decent alternative, which does not give up the original by the origin, is a false fireplace. To create it, you can not have special skills, it is enough just to attach a little fiction and effort. About how to make a false fireplace with your own hands, let's talk in this article.

Varieties of decorative fireplaces

Falsh fireplace in the interior is playing a leading role, but it is important that he is beautifully combined with the entire setting of the room, organically fit into the design. Therefore, before making a false fireplace with your own hands, you need to decide on the style of the future designer device.

  • Classic. More others to the classics include a focus of square or rectangular shape. It is decorated with often stucco, bas-reliefs, as well as artificial stones, which look like a jewelry. The finish of this type of fireplaces is best done from the tile, imitating marble or brick.

  • Country style. For him, gross materials are characteristic. The imitation is performed as simpler as possible, and any leafy flowers in this case are not appropriate.

  • Modern. For it, you can use any glossy surfaces with a reflective effect. And for the style of High-tech, the designer product with sharp corners and mirror items will be perfect.

Artificial fireplace from plasterboard

Many believe that the false firewall fireplace is difficult to manufacture. You will make sure that this is not true, having studied the proposed master class with a detailed description of the process.

The process of manufacturing a firewall fireplace

This material can be purchased at any store building materials, and the price is acceptable to it. To make a decorative false fireplace, you need:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screws (for metal) and screwdriver;
  • level;
  • roulette
  • dowels;
  • facing materials (optional).

To your attention a step-by-step instruction on the installation of artificial false fireplace:

  1. On an ordinary sheet of paper A3 or Watman, draw a sketch of the future fireplace in a reduced size. To simplify the drawings can be found on the Internet, and download the favorite option. We advise newbies to start to stop on simple forms, without making it up for complex models. After finding the right wall in the house, and move the markup to it, by observing the scale. Mark the places on the wall where the focus frame will be located. The corner false fireplace will have to be completely assembled first, and then mount on the wall, and in other situations you can start assembling the frame base directly on the wall.
  2. Cut the metal strips based on the labels applied on the wall. You can collect the rear wall, attaching the profiles one to another self-drawing. The resulting frame on the wall of the wall is attached strictly by tags with a dowel (if the wall is twisted).
  3. Gradually assemble the frame completely, be sure to check with the drawing, otherwise you can easily confuse, and the product will be uneven. For greater stability of the hearth on the side and rear wall, attach the transverse jumpers from the same profile every 30 cm. If you decide to equip the artwork, do not forget to make cuts of the profile side, and bend it a little, giving a round shape.
  4. Came a turn of plasterboard. For it, you can use it, a stationery knife, a jigsaw or hacksaw, and a durable sharp knife is suitable for their absence. Measure each area of \u200b\u200bthe framework, where the part will be fixed later, and transfer the dimensions to drywall.
  5. Cut the items, and screw them up with 25-mm screws. At this stage, the base of the decorative focus is ready.

How to bind drywall focus

Finishing Fallery Fallet is quite simple.

  • It can be made by paint or decorative tiles. Depending on the chosen type of cladding, the preparation of the plasterboard frame will be different.
  • Under painting on the frame you need to sharpen the screws, so that their caps do not divert. Also remember that the basis for the start is ground, then put it, and then it is painted.

  • Preparing the basis for the tile, you must definitely pay attention to what is written on the glue packaging. It is impossible to immediately try to rub the seams, start this process only after a day after the end of the work so that the glue managed to grab and dry.
  • In addition, you may need a shelf. You can buy a regular wooden apartment or step from the staircase at any building store. There is also the original stucco from the gypsum, the cost of 2 semi-colonne + 2 semissions is approximately 2000 rubles.

Decoration of plasterboard products

The focus of drywall is quite durable, so it is possible to give him more naturalness with the help of conventional building materials.

For the furnace will suit:

  • tile;
  • artificial brick;
  • mirror panels.

The top can also be decorated, as well as install a decorative shelf, which will easily endure the load from the pair of candle books or figurines.

This element of the interior is perfectly suitable suitable or lattice fence from the metal.

Decorative focus of cardboard

Cardboard - simple and affordable material that is useful for the manufacture of a cozy focus. The most budget is false fireplace from the boxes, but it can be made from cardboard of any origin. It is important that the material density is high. In our case, artificial fireplace, with your own hands, we will make from a large box from household appliances. Then it will turn out more stable.

Remember that such cheap materials will allow you to create an elegant fireplace in the living room for a new year, thereby organizing a beautiful photocona for the whole family. For creativity, you will need:

  • roomy cardboard box;
  • acute knife;
  • line;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • construction Scotch;
  • bilateral construction sticky tape;
  • big stapler;
  • wallpaper with a brick print for decor.

Step-by-step instruction of the process:

  1. Choose your favorite product sketch, and move it to the boxes.
  2. Excess parts from the box should be cut off, fasten the sides of the sweep between themselves the stapler, and glue all the joints of the sidewalls by construction scotch.
  3. With the help of the knife, the shape of the furnace should be cut down, and also to glue her edges with scotch.
  4. The prepared foundation can already be mounted on the wall. Do this using double-sided adhesive tape.
  5. Cut the wallpaper and become a fireplace. If you do not want to fool, buy self-keeper with a brick pattern. However, remember that wallpapers will look more natural.
  6. To decorate the tops, cut the shelf from the same cardboard, or take a beautiful part of the foam.

How to imitate flames

Inexpensive and originally made the fireplace is not so difficult, it is much more difficult to achieve imitation of a warm and cozy flame inside it.

  • The most optimal option is to buy a special electrical device that is inserted inside. The price of a question is about 11,000 - 15,000 rubles. The built-in device gives the image of burning firewood, and the corresponding light cracking sound.

  • You can also repeat Pinocchio trunk with photos. That is, just laughing the beautiful photo of the burning head. It is better to stay in a small picture, placing it on the back of the furnace.

  • As an option, decorating a fake product with light bulbs or New Year's garlands. To enhance the effect, wrap the real firewood with yellow LED bulbs that do not heat.

  • For an option from drywall, a mirrored firebox with ordinary candles exhibited there. Flame tongues will be beautifully reflected from the mirrors, creating the effect of reflection.
  • Another interesting thing is to put in a niche of the furnace of the furnace table lamp in a niche, and glue the opening with a translucent yellow or orange film. However, in this case, consider it where it is better to hide the wire to turn off and turn on the lamp as needed.

Important! Remember the fire safety, do not leave candles unattended, install the limiters if there are small children or animals in the house.

Interesting fireplace decoration solutions

Decorative focus, first of all, is designed to delight the eyes, so it is not necessary to equip it at all and put on the side of the coocher. Modern designers offer many interesting decoration ideas.

  • Classic Genra - clock on the fireplace shelf. Why retreat from traditions? In the case when the room is an imitation of the hearth, the decorators offer to place a clock in a niche or in a firebox. In addition, it will not be superfluous to post the statuette or books on the shelf.

  • The present "domestic fire" usually do not put live flowers, as it will be hot, but the decorative analogue is quite realistic to decorate with indoor flowers and fir branches.

  • For gourmet- Using a niche as a bar for bottles.

As you noticed, the manufacture of original author's fireplaces does not require the mass of time and money. And what options would you prefer? Share your opinions in the comments.

Video: Decorative fireplace from cardboard boxes do it yourself

Install the real fireplace with fire in the urban apartment is not possible. The whole range of factors, ranging from weak floors, ending in the inability to make the right chimney. That is why residents of cities began to look for alternatives for themselves, and found.

An excellent solution was a false fireplace, which allows you to create a suitable atmosphere in the apartment, but does not have an explicit heating functional. You can build such a structure from various materials, such as gypsum, polyurethane, foam, cardboard and finally drywall.

Independently made by the fireplace in the room

One of the easiest solutions is the construction of facilities from sheets of plasterboard. In this article, we will tell about how to make a firewall firewall with their own hands, we will give step-by-step instructions for construction and master class in all stages of production.

Preparatory activities

One of the most universal building materials is calculated plasterboard. He is unpretentious, easy to work and is able to take on almost any finishing finish. In addition, the cost of this finishing material is acceptable to many people. In most cases, it is used to finish apartments.

Using plasterboard sheets and a metal profile can be created almost any shape. That is why the decorative fireplace from drywall will become a simple and relevant decision if you want to make a highlight in the interior of the room, the main accent.

Gypsum is used to create a fake framework, it is attached to a metal profile, and then an outdoor finish of the resulting facility is performed. This type of construction is very convenient, because if you decide that the imitation of the fireplace from the plasterboard should look different, then there will be no special difficulties with the change in the finishing finish, and you can easily change its appearance.

The main decorative element indoors

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a fireplace of plasterboard with their own hands as follows:

  • Preparatory work, purchase of tools and material.
  • Assembling the construction of metal profile and drywall.
  • Finishing work and the creation of a complete species.

It is worth noting that the preparatory work will largely decisive and very strongly affect the result. It should be started from the choice of a suitable type of false fireplace and drawing up its sketch. You can always see the drawings of fireplaces from plasterboard or other materials on the Internet, simple designs and more complex systems are posted on different portals.

Deciding with the appearance of a false fireplace, making sure that he will look harmoniously in the interior, it is necessary to conduct measuring work on the area and adjust the drawing of the false fireplace in size. This is done not only in order to properly build a design, it is important to know how many materials purchases. When you have a worked fireplace drawing of plasterboard with dimensions, you will easily consider the budget to the future building.

The easiest fireplace drawing

Now that there is source data, you can start the choice and purchase of materials. First of all, you will need plasterboard, which can be different. To decide which type the finish finish will help, it is from it that it depends on which plasterboard to buy. For example, if the facing is made by ceramic tiles, then it is necessary to take a moisture-resistant version (G CLEM), if the painting will be made, the usual hypokarton (GLK) will be suitable.

Good to know: How to make an angular false fireplace with your own hands, manufacturing technology

Classic varieties of drywall

Another important material will be a metal profile. To assemble the frame, we will need guides and racks. The fastening of the frame elements is performed by self-assembly for metal, often they are called "clouds", and the drywall to the profile is sewn with screws on a tree. The metal profile is attached to the wall of the dowel-nail, or the same tree screws.

Metal profile varieties

Depending on the chosen style of the fireplace structure, finishing materials should be purchased. To bring the product to mind, putty will be useful, with its help you can align the joints of the sheets, smeared the deepening from the screws. The primer will help stronger fix the finishing material, which can be wallpaper, paint, tile, plastic panels, other options. For each finishing material, you will need your glue:

  • for plastic panels - mounted;
  • for wallpaper - bulk;
  • for ceramic tiles - dry mix, as well as grouting for seams.

The amount of materials is calculated on the basis of the dimensions and design of the plasterboard fireplace. A properly compiled drawing will help you calculate how much what it will be necessary to build a fireplace with your own hands from drywall.

In addition, you should take care of what would have a normal tool for work. What will take:

  • To compile drawing and applying markup - pencil, marker, tape measure, corner, level, plumb.
  • To work with plasterboard and profile - metal scissors, construction knife, electrolovka, screwdriver, perforator, screwdriver.
  • For finishing works - spatulas, tassels, gun for sealant, container, glue.

Think out what work you have to do to make a homemade fireplace, and in accordance with this plan, select the desired tool.

Build framework construction

When you were thoroughly prepared when you have a drawing, tool and materials, it is possible to start the construction of the Falche Firework frame. The phased method attracts the following actions:

  • Transfer the drawing of the future fireplace to nature, on the walls and the floor in the right place. Use tools to make markup in terms of level and size.
  • According to the markup, fasten the guides on the floor and walls. If you need to attach the guide to the concrete wall, then this is done as follows. First, the profile is applied to the intended line, the holes are made in it and the wall, then the dowels are inserted into the wall, the metal guide is applied again and is fixed.

Posting the main supports and guides of the future fireplace

  • When the guides are fixed, the racks are inserted into them and fixed by metal screws. To work with self-drawers, use a screwdriver, a screwdriver to carry out such works very tiring. Collecting the main frame. Please note that it stands in terms of, and the racks were in a strictly vertical position. The wall may be curved or rooted, so you should not focus on it.
  • Collecting the common framework framework can be processed to a more detailed study of the portal, and further to the construction of the furnace. At the same time, do not forget to regularly insert the jumper into the profile, at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from each other. They will give the entire system the required rigidity.
  • If it is necessary to make rounded faces, then in this case the profile is cut into the metal scissors in several places and bends.

Good to know: How to make artificial fire in the fireplace do it yourself, simple methods

When assembling the carcass, you will have to try, but the resulting design must make confidence in you. The frame made by your hands will be the base for the whole building. Now we have to see it with plasterboard.

Fully assembled Fish-fireplace frame from a metal profile

To make the required patterns on a sheet of drywall, you will have to take advantage of the drawing. To cut the gyroxes, you can use a building knife or an electrolovka, who is more convenient. At the same time, the electroller is immediately sawing the sheet, and act a knife differently.

To cut off a piece of drywall from the sheet, you should attach to the fascinated level of the line or level metal profile and make a knife. Thus, it will be possible to cut the cardboard and hook a little plaster. Then the leaf of the drywall sheet should be taken away, bend it, after which cut the second layer of the cardboard shell and separate the piece.

It is possible to smoothly cut off the piece from the first time it will not work, but after some practice work will go at a better level. Now the cut parts should be fixed on the metal profile. For this, the tape and screwdriver are used for this. Try to do not drag the screw of the self-press in plasterboard. Place the fasteners with a step of 10-15 centimeters and try not to fall into those places where jumpers are installed for rigidity of the frame, they will be incredibly difficult to pass.

Properly twisted self-tapping screw in plasterboard

Facing the frame of the Fals-Foreplate Plasterboard The occupation is very laborious, but not involving special skills, they will all appear during operation. Try to handle the plasterboard neatly, do not drop it on the floor, when screwing out the screws, try very hard and dramatically not to put pressure, so that the screwdriver does not fly and damage the gyro.

Hydroken Falke Fire Carton

At the final stage, when the framework frame is built and trimmed, you can put a putty. Putty will allow you to make smooth joints, hide small design defects. After grinding it turns out the portal with smooth edges and walls. Now we can assume that you have built a false-fire firefire from drywall, it remains only to decorate it. Note that for many people it is easier to buy a finished portal, for example, made of polyurethane to immediately go to the decoration stage.

Finishing work

Fireplace from drywall is ready, it's time to proceed to the most interesting part ,. Choose the design style will help an external image of a room, focusing on her design, you will easily pick up suitable materials and reagree your false fireplace.

Decorating a false fireplace with artificial stone

Among the most common options can be allocated:

  • Simple staining of the structure in white, by analogy with the finish. To do this, it is necessary to predict the design, and further paint the water, acrylic or latex paint in several layers.
  • Finishing design with artificial stone. Artificial stone is glued to the frame using tile glue or liquid nails.
  • Fireplace filing fireplace wallpaper. Wallpaper easily glitter on drywall, the main thing is to properly knead the bulk glue. An interesting option can be the use of liquid wallpapers, and a decorative plaster.
  • Plastic panels with brick masonry imitation, stone, tree. The assortment of PVC panels in building stores is simply huge, you will easily choose the appropriate option. We glue the panel to the false fireplace with liquid nails.
  • Facing a filling of the fireplace with ceramic tiles. The tile is perfectly attached to the projected plasterboard. When laying, use plastic crosses so that the links of the joints were smooth.

Appearance of the finished false fireplace made of drywall

At the final stage, you should deal with the furnace that you can do:

  • In the urban apartment, it is quite possible to get a live flame if in the Falsh fireplace firebox from the plasterboard to place the burner from the biocamine. Of course, it is previously necessary to separate the firebox with refractory materials, such as ceramic tiles.
  • Another solution allows you to get in this case we set an electric fireplace in a niche. It will give the room a stunning feeling of the presence of a real fire.
  • You can install a liquid crystal screen with the image of a living fire, also a good option to create the desired atmosphere.
  • The bright hose from the furnace is easy to do by setting the mirror walls and the LED tape.
  • A simpler decision is to decorate the furnace of the furnace materials. It is permissible to place artificial or real firewood in it, the branches of trees, bumps of the candle. Complete entourage decorative accessories located next to the false fireplace.

Good to know: What can be separated by a homemade fireplace from plasterboard, suitable materials

Original ideas for the design of the dealers of fireplaces from hypostertone and other materials can always be searching on the Internet, not the same sites where you watched projects for the drawing. Decoration wizards are happy to share with all people with their developments.

We hope that now you understand how to make a fireplace from drywall at home yourself, now you can imagine all the stages of work and are ready to start executing them right now.

Put the frame on the substrate

Those in whose possessions there are city apartments, for sure somewhere in the depths of the soul lacking crackling of firewood in the home interior. But, this is not at all reason to refuse to yourself in such a pleasure, limiting from the fireplace, near which it is possible to dry the frosty evening.

After all, decorative false fireplaces are made with their own hands capable of bringing at your home no less comfort and heat. In particular, if they are equipped with imitation of the flame, as well as electrical park.

Note. When creating a false fireplace, you may need lumber, on the site The largest range at affordable prices.

Step-by-step instructions how to make a false fireplace

This is a completely simple procedure. It will take a sketch for the manufacture that, by the way, you can draw yourself! Building materials will suit any. You can use drywall on a metal / tree frame frame.

Polyurethane, porcelain stoneware, tile, MDF. You can come up with an absolutely any form of your fireplace, for example, mimic a classic hearth, or create an original design that other decorative elements will complement. Many ideas for homemade are on this site.


The fastest way to manufacture its decorative fireplace is the acquisition of a finished polyurethane portal. The thing is that today the store offers a wide range of various portals, including the desired style, dimensions for your home are not completely problematic.

In such a design, you can build electrocamines, for which you need to know about what its size (dimensions and installation) are. It is also important to know what are the requirements for ensuring ventilation, as well as connecting to electricity.

By making a decision to install a false fireplace from polyurethane, you can use the photo of false fireplaces in our directory, thanks to which you will probably decide on the right choice.

To accomplish this option of the fireplace, you need store polyurethane portal, contact form of glue, putty, finishing materials for firebox like decorative bricks.

Installation process:

  • Choose a place where the false fireplace will be installed. It is advisable to install it on one of the lateral walls in the room, because thus achieve maximum harmony. At the same time, the fireplace should not become an obstacle to move in the room.
  • It is necessary to think over in advance whether the electric fireplace will be in your portal, as well as the backlight. To do this, you will need to hold the wires and make a socket nearby.
  • Using wooden bars should make a frame. Also, a plywood or GKK is suitable for the profile.
  • The portal should be installed. Then secure using the contact glue. Correct cleaner cleaners using the finishing type of putty.
  • Install the electric fireplace, perform the furnace of the furnace in accordance with the preferred style of interior design. If necessary, connect the backlight. If your Fireplace is in the classic style, the ideal will be lightweight with soft and warm tones. In other cases, a LED ribbon can be applied.


If the electrical fireplace is not going to install, re-adjust the back of your design with the help of a mirror. On the bottom to put the rearranged lamps / float it with stones, shells, glass balls.

You can make a completely safe fire inside your fireplace. To do this, set the candle in the furnace with a different shape and height.

Decoration of the rear of the fireplace

The portal can be decorated using paint, patina, gilding, or with decoration elements. The fireplace shelf can be installed from wood / artificial stone.

In the finished form of portals are made of polyurethane, wood. They are much more expensive in price, while at the same time, among them you can find the most incredible masterpieces. For example, a bar can be equipped inside.

Gypsum Carton False Fireplace

If after repair work you have a profile or GKK, use it! This option will not only be excellent, but also at all inexpensive. And the design in the niche / angle of any type will fit. It can also become an element of a real shelf composition.

For such a structure, you will need: bars of wood, galvanized drywall profile, pruning GLC, plywood sheets, screwdriver, jigsaw, metal thread scissors, putty, acrylic-based paint, brick / decorative stone view.

The manufacturing process is as follows. It is always necessary to consider the sketch of the fireplace in advance, on which all sizes will be indicated, including the location of the framework of framework parts. The room is important to measure, decide exactly where the fireplace will stand. Then the desired amount of material is calculated.

The frame is made from the profile, its elements are connected by self-drawing. The profile is cut by hacksaw / scissors. So that all items are most stable, they should be connected by transverse types of jumpers. If your design is too overall, then the frame should be attached to the floor and walls. After all, if it is heavy, or just a narrow, the fireplace will be completely unstable. GLCs should be carved according to the sketch, then make the fitting, imagine, if necessary, and secure with the help of knee black screws directly to the profile. Self-sustaining caps should be bursting a little to sharpen it is not problematic in the future. Glk is easy enough to cut a knife.

The sheets are then screwed to the frame. At the joints and fasteners should be sharpened, align with a putty, intended for internal work, two layers. Corners should be strengthened by painting mesh.

Then they should sharpen the edges with the joints of the GLC. Align the surfaces on the sheets, if you need, use putty. Design need to be painted. Also for decoration you need to use other materials, such as artificial stone, tiles, stucco. It is necessary to glue on a special glue that divorces strictly according to the instructions.

The furnace is drawn up with brick masonry, or a mirror is installed on the back wall of the structure.

Also inward the furnace can be installed candles, or to establish a focus imitation with the presence of backlight.

Falsh fireplace is a completely safe design that can be installed even in children's rooms. At the same time, you can use a fireplace shelf as a stand for photo frames, toys and other things.

Photo of the best options for decoring Falkefa in the interior