Frame veranda on wooden and metal structures. Veranda with their own hands: step-by-step construction plan Open veranda in a skeleton house

The veranda is an extension option, a logical continuation of the country house. The veranda carcass technology can be a comfortable place of recreation, to be used as a tambour or an additional storage place. The decorated or glazed veranda is the decoration of a low-rise house, which gives him a unique style.

Benefits of frame veranda

The frame veranda is erected in the shortest possible time and has the following advantages:

  • creating an additional multifunctional space;
  • strengthening walls;
  • improving sound insulation of the main premises;
  • preservation of heat in the house;
  • ergonomic appearance.

The veranda can be used as an entrance hall, living room, summer kitchen, greenhouse. It can be divided into several zones, for example, for leisure and storage of garden inventory, etc.

What are skewed verandas?

The appearance and purpose of the frame veranda make it possible to realize the most innovative design solutions. In shape they can be both classic rectangular, square, and radial, g- and p-shaped, polygonal, etc., like verandas from other materials, frame structures can be:

  1. open on which the roof is kept on the support beams, and there are no one or more walls;
  2. closed, which are completely closed with walls or glazed space.

Also, the verandas are distinguished by the material from which they are built. The most optimal option is a frame veranda of timber. Such a structure is perfectly suitable not only for a brusade house, but also a cottage from bricks, foam blocks, silicata. In terms of environmental friendliness and ease of construction, the wooden frame veranda has no equal. The only condition is a tree used for construction should be processed by effective fire and bioprotection.

Design of frame veranda

Ideally, the skeletal veranda should be included in the project at the stage of its development. This will allow you to immediately make the foundation of the desired area, maintain the improvement of the territory and reduce the cost of an extension. But nothing terrible if you decide to build a veranda a few years after the production of the house.

Working out the project of the future frame veranda, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the place of its placement. In most cases, the design is located on the front side of the house, replacing the porch. You can also make a veranda from the end or rewind a M-shaped extension along two walls of the house.

During design, it is determined:

  • Sizes of veranda. Standard width 2.5-3 m, but you can make a mini-veranda or vice versa - a large room where you can accommodate a summer kitchen and a seating area.
  • Type of foundation. Unfounded or finely brewed belt bases are used to erect an extension, as well as columnar foundations. The choice of the base type depends on the hydrogeological characteristics of the site and the type of the existing foundation under the cottage.
  • Filling walls. If we are not talking about an open veranda, then light eco-friendly material is selected for filling the walls, such as lining or OSP shields. Speecually look at glass or mirror walls that can be combined with other materials.
  • Roofing. The optimal option is the performance of the roof from the same material as the roof of the house. In this case, the veranda will be ergonomically fit into the architecture of the structure. However, to cover an extension can be used any other material: inexpensive slate or ondulin, soft tile, etc.

The veranda must withstand all the loads planned on it. When developing a project envisaged:

  • joint work of frame racks and overlaps;
  • hardware wall device;
  • installation of special spacers;
  • reliable fastening of all nodes.

Special attention is paid to creating a reliable connection of the veranda with the house.

Foundation for frame veranda

Framework structures are installed on the lower strapping vertically and are combined with the upper strapping. Additionally, a number of horizontal beams are installed at an altitude of 1-1.5 m from the lower point, which bind the frame, giving it strength and stability. The height of the veranda depends on the height of the ceilings in the house. When mounting the frame, it is important to arrange it so that the roof is located under the slope. The correct installation of framework supports should be checked by the construction level.

Wide supports, as a rule, performed by the "Straight Castle in 1/2 Tree" method. Qualitatively make compounds of horizontal and vertical elements so that a durable and safe design is obtained is a responsible task that is only a qualified specialist. The locations of the compounds are enhanced by bolts, corners, screws and other fasteners elements provided by the project. To prevent the deformation and shift of the frame, it is attached to the foundation elements using anchors or clamps.

For a bundle of a frame veranda with a house, exhaust beams of overlappings or parts of the rafter system are used. After assembling the frame, the walls are filling, hydro and thermal insulation, the finish finish is applied.

Roof frame veranda

The role of Mauerlat in the frame veranda performs the upper strapping, which is established by urban or hanging rafters. The roof of the veranda may be single or twin. When a single-table roof is needed to make such a slope, which will allow precipitates not to accumulate on the surface of the roof.

As roofing, the same material is used as for the roof of the house. Also, the roof of the veranda can be covered with light and durable polycarbonate. The roof is attached to a pre-installed cladder. On the roof of the veranda, the elements of the drainage system should be installed. They must be combined with the drainage of the house for efficient water removal.

Decorative trim veranda

The optimal version of the design of the walls of the frame veranda: from the bottom of the sheath of the OSP-plates or other materials made of wood, from above - glazing.

When installing high panoramic windows, a lot of sunlight will fall on the veranda. This option will allow you to equip a greenhouse or a winter garden.

The frame veranda must harmonize with the appearance of the house. Decorating the veranda depends only from the imagination of the owner! Wooden carved racks and railing covered with varnish or paint will become an excellent exclusive decoration. You can order carved bales or make them yourself. There are a lot of veranda decor options, so it is recommended to consider different styles and directions and choose what you like most.

To finish the floor frame veranda, you can also use different materials. The most ergonomic solution is a terraced board. From low-cost materials, high-class laminate can be used.

Heated skeleton veranda

To turn the veranda into a full room, which can be used all year round with the right organization of heating. As a rule, the home heating system does not allow to place additional radiators on the veranda. In this case, you can install a small wood or solid fuel furnace, if the area allows the room.

Also, for heated veranda, high-quality warming of walls, roofs and gender is necessary. As a heater uses mineral wool that meets all environmental and fire safety requirements. Double glazing for such a veranda is better to use triple, preventing heat loss.

The cost of arrangement of heated veranda is much higher than the usual, but you will get a full-fledged room that can be used as a lounge, dining room or recreation room.

The veranda in a private house is the covered terrace, which is often attached to the house with their own hands. It is located along the main wall and is a room without heating, for a pleasant pastime in the summer season. You can often find modern terraces with glazing, you can be in any weather. By doing her own hands, it is necessary to observe the overall ensemble of a country or country house, to observe a single style and apply the same materials in construction.

In the country house from the logs it is better to make summer ferryLocated next to the main structure. The construction of the veranda in wooden logs is often performed in conjunction with the construction of the main house and its roof smoothly move into the roof of the extension, which has an adjacent wall with the house, the single material for the roof is applied. In this article, we will pass step by step the main points of construction of the terrace of two types: an open or closed look, do it yourself.

General provisions for building a veranda

Modern construction of country houses, cottages, in the design stage, provide for the construction of a veranda for the house. In order to save money, the construction process of the attachment, customers take off, for further completion of it with their own hands. Consider the highlights to which it is necessary to pay attention from the generalized experience of the construction of the terraces independently.

Parameters for which veranda differ:

  1. As it is located in relation to the house: Corner construction, from the end or along the facade of the house.
  2. Degree of security: open or closed (glazed) extension. You can apply modern materials from the closed veranda open, it is achieved by sliding doors.
  3. In which design it is made: the built-in is a common foundation or a bounted foundation.
  4. Construction form: Rectangle, semicircle, polygon.

Project veranda

We must not forget, making the project an extension in the house that its purpose is to improve the indicators of the main structure: make it spacious, add beauty, comfort. The closed view terrace also carries the function of improving thermal performance at home. For the proper construction of the structure of the summer extension, the rules that are specified in the developed project must be followed.

What is the project from:

  • We define, in which location of the main house we will add a veranda. The main aspect is observing the aesthetic perception of the entire architecture of his own home together with the veranda. Important! Experts recommend to equip the veranda in regions with high summer temperatures on the western or east side of the main house. It will be less in direct sunlight.
  • You must specify the place of entry on the terrace (veranda). Specifies the entrance from the outside and input from the house. You can make a pass-through pass through the veranda when the door to the house is located opposite the entrance to the veranda, this method is not welcome, since there is a risk of drafts.
  • Select the type of doors and locations of their installation.
  • We are determined with the overall size of the summer room located along the house. Length is often taken equal to the length of the wall, along which the veranda is built. The width is usually accepted from 3 meters to 7 meters, the main thing is to comply with the proportion. Choosing the sizes of the veranda, correlate them to the general size of the house, to comply with the unified ensemble of the exterior of the structure.

A good example of building a veranda with their own hands when the project is done still at the design stage of the whole house.

We will pass step by step construction of the veranda in a wooden house with their own hands. It should be noted that the extension to the house can be started only after its full shrinkage. Log houses, or made of timber, are attacked actively for three years, during this period it is better not to build an extension, and it is possible to skew walls. Experienced builders are recommended for those who do not want to wait to build a veranda construct with a house that allows the frame to play.

How to start construction?

Perestroika at home Must be reflected in permits. To obtain these permits, you need to contact regional architecture management and submit documents:

  1. For the right to own land, the land on which the house is worth).
  2. Project documentation of the main structure.
  3. The written consent of all in the house of prescribed tenants for reconstruction, the extension of the veranda.
  4. Declaration of developer on the design of an extension.

It is advisable to start making documents for building resolution 3-4 months before the start of work. From the generalized experience of private developers, this is a long procedure.

You can maintain the construction of an extension without permits, but in this case there may be problems when the house goes into the inheritance or you wish to sell it. The reason is to change the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, since the veranda is part of it, and the total area of \u200b\u200ba residential building is considered to be. The BTI department can consider this as a unauthorized solution to enlarge the area for housing. This is especially regarded when the terrace of a closed type with heating.

Do not get carried away and make deviations in the sizes of the terrace, which are listed in the project. A simple check is easy to find out and follows a fine with the adjustment of the documentation. To expect unauthorized developers of accession to the house veranda indicated in the Law of the Russian Federation.

Preparing for construction, choose the material

After determining the construction site, the veranda must be prepared. A construction site begins along the selected wall, so before all the work it is necessary:

What tool and the material will we need?

When the wooden extension is done with their own hands, you will need a tool:

  • Having construction skills need: hacksaw, ax.
  • Power instrument: sledgehammer, hammer.
  • Marking: Roulette, plumb, level, marking cord, corner.
  • For foundation: shovel

If a metal frame is made, the welding unit and a booster with a disk for cutting metal is additionally prepared. The frame of this type is considered to be the most economical for the construction of an extension.

It will be better to look brick veranda or wooden. Important! Observe the compliance of the tuning materials and the main house.

Wooden summer extension requires the following material:

  • Lumber: timber, log, board, rake.
  • Elements of wooden fasteners.
  • Mixes performing protective functions for wood.
  • Building material: crushed stone, concrete.
  • It will takes a olive and ruberoid.
  • We choose the material for the roof of the veranda.
  • Window and door systems.

In the design of the extra room, for summer holidays, using metal corners, instead of wooden materials apply a metal profile, Metal processing formulations.

It is possible to make an extension (walls and roofs) from polycarbonate for a better review, the panorama will be complete and overview. The positive properties of this material applies, and the ability to keep warm perfectly, it is allowed to apply for walls and roofs.

Tip! Materials that will be applied in construction and needing pre-processing must pass this process before construction.

The first thing to be done is to determine the type of foundation for your veranda. A popular view is foundation columnalSince it is not attached to the foundation of capital construction (at home). If the veranda is shut-off for a long time and capital, it needs a tape foundation.

Before making the foundation, it is necessary to refer to the construction documents of the house, where it is indicated, on which soil it costs, you can choose from this type of foundation for an extension. The parameters for which you need to pay attention to:

  1. What is the ability of the soil in the absorption of moisture.
  2. What is the composition of the soil at the construction site of the veranda.
  3. What depth the ground is freezing in the residence region.
  4. How close to the surface are groundwater.
  5. General soil stability provisions.

Choosing the form of the foundation under the veranda, we draw attention to the foundation of the main building, its design, in what condition the bearing walls. After selecting the foundation, done marking on the ground for further work.

Tip! A small wooden veranda will be quite good to stand on a column foundation at the angle of extension. For wide veranda and long, the installation of pillars after 600 millimeters along the length and width of the extension is used.

Column foundation, how to make it?

The base (foundation) for an extension is as important as for the main house, it is necessary to make it from a quality material. Procedure for performing work:

  1. Pop the holes for pillars to a depth of at least 100 centimeters, its depth cannot be less than the depth of the foundation under the main structure. The level of soil freezing, the fossa must be deeper than this level.
  2. At the bottom of the dug holes, we make a pillow, this is a mixture of sand and rubble. The pillow can be made by layers, sand, crushed stone.
  3. Pour the pillow with concrete.
  4. From the brick lay out the support columns when the main house is brick. If the main house is wooden as columns, a wooden timber is used. Metal supports or asbestos pipes are used in bar basements for the frame veranda.

Beautifully looks a veranda when she is at 2 floors at home. In this case, by the level of the main foundation, the ground part of the extension support is displayed under the house. When a house with a high basement is recommended a veranda to output in its level.

Making a ribbon foundation

It is used if a heavy veranda is planned with glazing. A trench is reaping around the perimeter of the future veranda, a formwork is installed. It put a little higher than it is planned to pour the foundation concrete.

After the fill of the foundation concrete, it is periodically wetted with water to complete formation, it is necessary for uniform hardening the foundation.

Make a frame of veranda

For a wooden house, the frame of the veranda begins with laying a bar on supports into the bottom strapping. At the corners we use the "Lastochka Tail" for marks, so better shy a bar on the corners. For reliability, nails are used, you can pinch the mount.

A wooden veranda timber is applied by a cross section: 100x100 or 180x80 millimeters. When logs are used in the strapping, the cross section of them should not be more than 120 millimeters. Supports near the wall are made above the rest for the formation of a pitched roof. When the frame is mounted, horizontally installed bars are the base for the windowsillif glazing is envisaged. The upper strapping ends the installation of the skeleton of the veranda, it is the basis for the rafted, creates the stiffness of the entire system.

Temporary struts must be used to avoid skewing in the frame design.

Roofing veranda

After when it was determined with the material for covering the roof, it is started to install the crate on the rafters, which are attached to the upper strapping.

Constructively for the veranda are offered the following types of roof:

  • Single roof. This is a simple design, easily running. Requires a slope from the main wall of the house towards the street.
  • Gable roof. It is used if the veranda is attached from the face at home with a narrow side.
  • Polygonal roof. Its design is diverse, most importantly, abide by the bias.

The rafter system is set on the basis of the selected material:

  • Metal Roofing, Slate and Ondulina
  • Solid flooring is done for flexible roofing materials.

With your own hands, the floor is made simply:

  1. We establish lags on the bottom strapping of the construction of the veranda. The distance between the lags is not more than 100 centimeters. Installation of them we make perpendicular to the floorboard.
  2. We cover the lags tested by a float level.

If planned to build open verandaMany converge on the floor with a small slope for the water stack. The board is attached by self-drawing, the length of which is two widths of the board. It is necessary to impregnate the genital boards with a solution that opposes the creation of fungal deposits.


Some elements of the finish can be made in a wooden veranda carved. The placement of furniture on the terrace plays great importance, it will create the interior and add comfort. Flowers and plants revive the room, give a feeling of continuing a residential building.

An extension of the veranda to the house is quite feasible. The easiest option is open when the veranda combines the function of the porch. If a warm room is required, it is necessary to correctly tinker the veranda board and lay the insulation.

Choosing foundation

Depending on the weight of the extension, the type of soil and financial capabilities choose the optimal type of foundation. But in any case, the foundations of the building and verandas should not come into contact - between them in 10-15 centimeter gap laid an elastic gasket - minvatu or foam with mandatory waterproofing. So due to the difference in the weight of buildings in the spring bent, the foundations will not be deformed.

A columnar foundation under the veranda to the house is suitable for lightweight attacks and soils that do not require special training.

1. Placed space under the poles. The first is the corner supports, if the distance between them is greater than 1.5 meters, intermediate columns must be installed every half meters. Inside the perimeter, the supports are located squares on the same principle.

2. Pits are digging. Their depth should be below the soil freezing line or equal to the main foundation. A 10 cm of sand is poured onto the bottom and the same gravel, the formwork is installed and everything is poured with concrete. The surface is necessarily aligned.

3. After the complete pouring of the concrete of the brick, the poles are erected. Their height should be below the main foundation for placing the veranda veranda under the roof of the house.

Ribbon foundation

Warm veranda to the house, especially if the walls are planned brick, should be built on a tape or pile foundation. The principle of its fill is the same, only requires more time and materials.

The bottom of the trenches is aligned in terms of level and tightly trambed, a sand-gravel pillow is arranged on top and formwork is organized.

Waterproofing is stacked, everything is poured with concrete and aligned. Given that the terrace is not a capital structure, it is not necessary to reinforce the foundation under it.

For sandy and indesceted soils, it is best for a heavy warmed veranda to use the foundation on piles. Using screw piles, they can be screwed into soil even without the use of special equipment.

To do this, metal piles are screwed in advance marked places, at the top of which you can make holes and insert the rod levers to facilitate twisting. After the shuffle in the desired depth, the top of the piles is cut, and they themselves are poured with concrete.

For a warm terrace with their own hands, it is better to choose simple drawings, otherwise without the right skills a complex design properly not to build. The rectangular veranda with a single-sided roof is the optimal option.

The lower strapping is made double and stacked the foundation and connects "in the corners" in the corners. Vertical racks are attached to the bottom strapping, and their height is selected depending on the location - the wall at the house they are higher to ensure a row of a canopy. After that, the upper strapping is made and are attached to the window frames.

A run is mounted on the wall of the house - a horizontal beam, which will rely on the roof of the veranda. The rafters are stacked by one end to the run, and the other - on the opposite side of the upper strapping. The cutture is attached across the rafter - horizontally.

For soft tiles, plywood is laid on the crate, and metal tile can be attached immediately to the crate. It is important not to forget about hydro and thermal insulation, if the extension is planned warm.

How to make a veranda, correctly mount the frame and attach the mounting board, is very accessible to the video:

The veranda is an excellent solution for increasing space, additional protection against weather phenomena. As competently build a veranda, at what points it is necessary to sharpen special attention in this process.

The veranda is an unheated room, but at the same time brings comfort and comfort, harmoniously complementing the type of main buildings. The decision to build it may arise after the construction of the house as an additional source of inexpensive living space. It will also additionally provide the main structure of noise and heat-blood.

Unauthorized extension of the veranda to the house significantly complicates the sale of the house in the future. Some buildings without permission are considered a violation of legislation.

So that the construction does not contradict the legal requirements, it is necessary to obtain permission to build, presenting the necessary documents and the approved project to the relevant instances. The construction of the veranda must be carried out strictly according to the approved plan. After the construction is completed, the house with change must undergo a mandatory registration.

Stages of construction

It is recommended for a brick house to build a bundle of bricks, for a wooden house - from a tree. The most popular inexpensive businesses are performed from BRUSEV, as well as logs using frame technology.

An important point in the construction is the time factor, that is, it is important to know: if the house is built recently, then the extension of the veranda is better to postpone for a couple of years so that the construction of the house satisfied. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting problems in the form of unreliability and instability of the veranda.

What will required during construction?

For the foundation, a simple and broken brick, concrete, hot bitumen will be required. Do not forget to stock gravel, sand.

To perform the roof you will need boards to form a crate, as well as special rails for the proper placement of the roof on the skate. There are many modern roofing coatings. The choice of roofing should be based on the solution of the facade and characteristics of the material.

The following tools will also need:

  • bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulettes;
  • level;
  • a hammer;
  • sledgehammer.

The basis of the veranda is the foundation

To build a reliable veranda, it is important to correctly lay the foundation. The depth of the foundation of the veranda must coincide with the depth of the foundation of the house.

Pubs for the foundation pillars should be made at least 1 m. Fly with sand by 20 cm. The base of concrete must be even (width about 15 cm).

After cooling the concrete, it is necessary to lay the foundation pillars, which are further important to cover with hot bitumen. After that, the middle space near the pillar must be covered with broken bricks, large stones or similar building materials.

Frame veranda

It is required to put the lower strapping on the foundation poles. Corners are connected by direct lock. The upper strapping is installed on racks with nails and spikes. Next, it is worth lining rafters. The horizontal beam should be attached at the upper ends of the rafted. When screeding racks and runs, it is better to use anchor bolts.

Recently, builders prefer popular sliding walls. They are convenient to use. In the bad weather, they can simply close them, which will protect the comfort and comfort of households from rain and wind.

Roof buildings

It is desirable that the roof material of the veranda is the same as at the main house. The roof is placed on the crate, which is made of boards laid out horizontally.

The boards lay out closely or with the intervals. It will depend on the choice of roofing material.

Window structures

Initially, it is necessary to secure the windows. Sewing inside the veranda is not worth it. Next, you need to fix the window frame. Which will rest on the strapping on top, and below - to the sub-circuit board.

It is important not to forget to use windows with veranda veranda. Window blocks are recommended to nails. Congratulate gaps can be special materials, and wooden platbands will hide these places.

Installation of the floor

The entrance door and the staircase must be under the roof veranda or you can build a small canopy for them. The continuation of the floor will serve as the upper step of the porch.

Placement equipment inside the veranda

You can install the entrance door from either side, the main thing is that the door statement coincides with the drawing data of the approved plan. If the veranda is made of wood, then you should not forget to treat it with antiseptics. If the owners are important warm comfortable conditions in winter periods or construction veranda is performed in order to increase the living space, it is required to make thermal insulation.

After the construction of the veranda, it remains to solve an interesting task for the placement of furniture. The veranda usually has a small area, so it is best to use collapsible furniture. You can use folding tables, chairs. To save space, cabinets, cabinets, to put sofas at a deaf wall.

A beautiful addition to the interior will serve curtains, curtains. Which will also perform the function of protection against light in bright sunny days.

Many owners of their own houses that built verandas celebrate the benefits of summer holidays on the veranda. In hot weather, it is comfortable to rest on the veranda, it is not stuffy in contrast to the house, but cool. Paying attention to the construction of the veranda on the listed nuances, you can get a beautiful extension to the house in which it is pleasant to relax in the summer.

Building a terrace to the house is more handy together with the main building, since both structures are put on a common foundation and bodied under one roof. Nevertheless, it is never too late to extend an extension. Theoretical information about how to make a veranda with their own hands near the cottage or country house, is described in detail in this article.

We compile a project of the terrace

Any construction, including the construction of a veranda begins with the design. This will make it possible to make a plan of work, choose materials available in the farm and buy the necessary fasteners. To squeeze the drawing of the future design, you need to answer the following questions:

  • determine the size and type of construction: an open summer terrace or a warm winter version;
  • what kind of constructive material is supposed to use - a tree, brick or metal (they can be combined);
  • where to place a porch - right in front of the entrance or on the side facade;
  • think out the external design of the structure and draw it on paper either in the computer;
  • how many windows put in auxilored gazebo closed or glazed opening between racks.

Cube and a bounted summer gazebo

Council. When creating a structure of the structure, see the ready-made projects and the photo of the veranda presented on the Internet, and use the appropriate ideas for finishing and outdoor design.

The dimensions of the terrace are dependent only on the functional purpose of the attached room, an external design is played by an important role here. Against the background of a two-storey country mansion on 300 squares, a small veranda of 3 x 4 meters will look like a leaning booth, that is, it is not harmonious. But if it is stretched along the length, move it to the side wall and perform the design under the style of the building itself, then the picture will be quite beautiful, as depicted in the photo:

Combination of rustic-style extension with modern brick cottage

To small country houses and cabins, it is customary to add veranda to the entire width of the facial or lateral facade. The solution allows you to significantly expand the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling, not a lot of space on the site.

A few words about the interior of the new room. Usually terraces at home are designed to relax or conduct family celebrations so that the canopy can protect against sudden rain. To arrange a kitchen with a fireplace or put - inappropriate, and irrational, because you have to organize an extract. For these purposes, it is better to use separate summer facilities - garden barbecue with a brick mangal, covered with a professional flooring.

You are offered to your attention a video where about 100 options for a wide variety of attached to private houses are shown:

Choice of building materials

You can attach a veranda to the house from various materials:

  • wooden timber as a constructive plus sheathing by boards and clapboard;
  • metal profile pipes with transparent polycarbonate or glass trim;
  • silicate or ceramic brick, from which solid walls are laid or only pillars.

For reference. There is another version of the translucent structure - the frame from metalplastic with glazing. His drawback is a high price of double-glazed windows and a window profile.

Wooden terrace made by hand from the bar - the most common budget option. His advantage - in the simplicity and low cost of construction, which is ongoing from 3 to 7 days (without taking into account the time for the pouring of concrete), depending on the qualifications of the Contractor. Building light, and therefore does not need a capital expensive foundation. The lack of the only one - the tree must be painted at least 1 time in 3 years to protect against environmental exposure.

Metal frame will cost more than wooden, but wins in the latter in durability. The rest of the veranda from profiles repeats the advantages of a wooden building: it is lightweight, prevailing (even without welding, on bolts) and quite durable. There is an additional bonus: the foundation device can be strongly simplified, if we highly concrete iron racks in the ground, as is done for fences.

Note. The construction of the terrace on the framework of metal or wood makes it possible to use a variety of materials - lining, siding from plastic and wood (for example, a block house, simulating a log) or a simple Paneur of OSB. A more expensive trim option - cellular polycarbonate and glass panels.

Brick masonry, although it is distinguished by durability, complex and time-consuming. To build a veranda of a brick or foam block, you need to lay a major belt foundation, and on bunching soils - pour the reinforced concrete slab across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. These types of work require appropriate qualifications, so they are recommended to trust in good faith builders. Next, we propose to consider the options for wooden and metal structures that you can implement yourself.

Preparation of the foundation

For a light veranda attached to the house, quite a traditional column foundation. It is single supports of a round or square shape, beaten to a stable soil layer and located at key points. Pillars material - monolithic reinforced concrete, red brick or slag blocks. Supports are placed in the corners of the structure and along the line of the walls in 1.5 m increments, as shown in the diagram.

To lay a column foundation, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Remove the dermity from the construction site and mark it with pegs and tensioned between them with a cord. The goal is to clearly determine the location of the angular and intermediate columns.
  2. Cross or try the pit to a stable layer of soil (usually grabs 1 m depth) and trim bottom. Pour a 10-15 cm sand and compact, shedding with water.
  3. To fill reinforced concrete pillars, it is necessary to set a formwork in the form of a wooden box or a large diameter iron pipe (300-400 mm). Inside lower the frame, bound from the reinforcement of the periodic profile Ø10-16 mm.
  4. Fill the poles concrete M150 (1 M400 portland cement volume mix with 3 parts of sand and add 5 parts of the rubble). Stone supports lay out bricks to the required height.
  5. After the concrete is frozen, remove the formwork and waterproofing the walls of the bitumen column. Put the sinuses around them the earth.

Two councils. To not be mistaken with the foundation, focus on the finished base of a private house. The height of the above-ground part should be provided so that when laying the strapping beam and the draft flooring to reach the level of pure floor in the existing building.

If you decide to make a frame from profile pipes, act on the same technique, only instead of the reinforcement immediately lower the 80 x 80 mm in the pits, expose them vertically and concrete. In order not to arrange the formwork, protect the walls of the Kotlovanov Ruberoid. How it is performed in practice, look at the video:

In wet bubbly soils with monolithic concrete, it is better not to get involved, because it will have to drill and pour too deeply. Apply screw piles with a length of 2.5-3 m, they calmly will withstand the weight of lightweight design.

Pile-screw foundation

Build a wooden veranda

When the base under the terrace is ready, proceed to the strapping of the support of the bar and the installation of the genital lag. Before laying the beams on the supports, cover each of them rubberoid sheets, and all the wooden elements are treated with an antiseptic. Step-by-step work order looks like this:

  1. Make on the ends of the bars cutting to connect them to the poll at the corners. Squeeze the beams, correct them horizontally and attach an anchor bolt to the columns.
  2. Set lags from 5 x 15 cm boards with an interval of 0.6 m and secure them with steel corners and galvanized screws.
  3. Sell \u200b\u200bfloors from 4 cm boards in thickness, navigating nails. Leave 1-2 mm gap between them so that the floors never creaked.

Note. If you have conceived to build a winter veranda, then ordinary cold floors will need to be insulated. To do this, approach the sides of the Lag cranial bars, on them put the second-speed boards of 20 mm, waterproofing film and insulation, and then fine the floor covering.

Device heat insulation floors

Walls can be assembled on framework technology: first led the facades from the boards on Earth, and after setting them to vertically and secure by hide. Do not forget to provide a slope for a single roof, which should lay down to the wall of a residential building. While the installed frames between themselves, tie them with a wall of the building and go to the roof mount:

  1. Anchors or dowels attach a horizontal rear of 10 x 15 cm to the wall at home. It will serve as a support for the rafter.
  2. Over each vertical persistent facade, install rafters from 5 x 15 cm boards, secure them with corners and screws.
  3. Close the entire roof of the poles of the diffusion membrane (waterproofing) with an adhesive of 100 mm, and from above, mount the cutter from 2 cm thick.
  4. Sun suitable roofing - metal tile, slate, professional flooring and so on.

When the basic designs are collected, it remains to put the doors, glazed the windows and lining the walls on both sides. The choice of materials is huge - from plastic panels and siding to figure lining (Block House). Make a porch, as it is described, and you can consider the construction of an open terrace finished. In detail, each stage of work is displayed in the following video:

In order to winter a veranda in the country, it was cozy and missed the street cold, take care of the insulation of the roof and walls. A mineral wool is best "friendly" with a tree, and lay it between the racks, squeeze the vapor insulating film and the inner finishing material.

An extension of metal

The installation order of the veranda on the metallic frame is very similar to the assembly of the wooden structures described above. The difference is that you already have vertical supports concerned in the ground. They must be tied with a profile tube of 40 x 60 or 40 x 40 mm (depending on the load). It is not necessary to use welding, the elements are twisted among themselves on bolts.

Option of metal support node

As in the previous embodiment, the racks are connected by the strapping beam at the floor level and ceiling, after which window and doorways are formed. If the width of the span does not exceed 3 m and the roof is not planned to be insulated, then as a rafter, use a profile of 40 x 60 mm, supplied on the edge. In other cases, it is better to take a section of 60 x 60 mm and more. The procedure for maintaining the work remains, only fasteners are made by welding, bolts or screws for metal.

Council. Docessing the construction of the veranda by combining various building materials. Use as rafted the same wooden boards screwed to steel mauerlat (upper strapping). How to do it properly, demonstrated in the last video:


As you could make sure there are many options for the construction of open and closed veranda. It is clear that it will not work out in detail in detail every article. We outlined the principles of work, since the order is repeated almost everywhere: the foundation is the frame - the walls - the roof. The difference is in the materials used and the methods of fasteners. Exception is a brickwork, requiring a more solid approach.

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