Clamps at Kury. Feather tick in chickens: treatment

Feather or red ticks live in unlocked raw poultry houses having bad ventilation. First, they occupy sockets and litters, then move to the bird body. Their bites are very painful and dangerous. Bowing a bird, tick injects a poison that prevents blood coagulation. This creates a painful hearth red.

Methods of struggle

There are various chemical preparations and solutions made to combat ticks, but many of them are not tested on currens, so they are not recommended to apply for this purpose. It is best to try to fight with tick-like facilities.

To prepare a tool, you will need:

  • 30 ml of garlic juice;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • a teaspoon of any combination of mint essential oils, cumin, lavender, coriander, carnations, cinnamon, laurel sheet.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and sprayed chickens in a day for 2-3 weeks. For prevention, this agent is used once a week. Special attention should be paid to the zone under the wings and around the rear pass. After spraying chickens, it is recommended to treat diatomitic earth, rubbing powder in feathers and skin. At the same time, care must be taken to dust in the eyes and light birds.

In the treatment of patients with birds, in order to prevent anemia, they should increase the consumption of iron. To products containing a large amount of iron include:

  • eggs, seafood, poultry meat, fish, meat;
  • green dandelion, beet trees, spinach;
  • sheet cabbage, broccoli, sweet potatoes;
  • raisin, watermelon, strawberries, kabbraj kudryavaya;
  • patok, corn, oatmeal, wheat products.

The introduction of these products into the diet of birds contributes to their early recovery, as the infection decreases the level of iron in the blood and imminent immunity.

Adding a fresh garlic clove into drinking water or in the feed of garlic powder is a good prevention of infection, because ticks do not tolerate the taste of blood of those birds that eat garlic.

Ixodic tick is larger than red and can meet both on the paws and under the pen. It transfers a number of dangerous diseases.

How to reveal the tick

The sick bird is nervous, constantly itching. The reason for checking on the ticks is the decrease in egg production, the appearance of wheezing and cough. The lice can be seen if you run through a white sheet of paper on holes and slots in your smokeshief. After such an inspection on the sheet, small dotches of dark or gray can remain - this is blood circulation. In this case, it is necessary to start fighting the ticks to prevent strong infection of your birds.

Signs and treatment of the disease

Symptoms of the presence of a bird tick:

  • nervousness of birds, constant shaking head;
  • long bathing in the sand;
  • bird pluck feathers, constantly itching;
  • the presence of a wound in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail, under the wing, on the legs and face;
  • reducing appetite and egg production, mass growth stop;
  • the presence of the tick itself in the feathers or litter of the chicken coop.

If you find ticks at home chickens, you need to understand how to deal with them. First of all, it is necessary to treat wounds already applied by the lice. Lubricate the bite places with ordinary oil. After that, we apply any antiseptic - iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. On top of the wound herald with a special ointment with a wound healing effect.

The treatment of chickens from ticks should be complex. The processing of already applied injections is not solved.

To answer the question: "How to completely get rid of chicken ticks" you need to understand their physiology and life cycle. It is not recommended to conduct bird treatment with insecticidal drugs. They only work against insects. In the fight against lies, use special anti-accaricidal agents. A week after processing, it is recommended to apply drugs.

List of means that is used in the treatment of chicken ticks is small. This is usually a "Sevin" or "Poderium" powder - its safe analogue based on chamomile colors. In severe cases, it is recommended to use "ecooflis". Some enjoy the "EU Movement" produced in the form of a spray. The treatment of feathered is performed by spraying dissolved powders or directly rubbing them into feathers.

The people with bloodsuckers are struggling with sand and ash. If you use such a mixture, it is not necessary to treat chickens - a bird with a bathing in the ash itself processes itself. The ash and sand in the pelvits are located throughout the courtyard and change in two weeks. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not go out, otherwise it will not be any effect.

Some, encountered with the problem of chicken tick, are looking for how to get rid of it cheaply and quickly. Inexpensive can seem anticheries based on chlorinated hydrocarbon. However, these drugs accumulate in the eggs and meat of the processed feathers and in use cause serious diseases in humans.

From ticks in the chicken, it helps processing it with boiling water or flame.


Prevention is the best method forget about bloodsuckers on your birds. It is necessary to regularly change the litter in birds, maintain dryness and warmth in the chicken coop. The quartzing of the room after cleaning will not only not be asked to "how to withdraw pests", but also save your pets from a number of other bacterial and viral diseases.

From this video you will learn how to deal with the tick of the chickens.

The optimal habitat of the tick is the litter of raw poultry houses, poorly ventilated rooms. When examining the chicken coop, it is not so difficult to detect it, since there are symptoms pointing to unhealthy birds.

Before searching, find out how chicken mites look (see photo). Adult individuals in length reach about 0.7 mm, have a flat dark red taurus, drunk blood, become violet. The female is able to postpone up to 20 eggs. They breed from May to October (especially active in warm months and after protracted rains), are able to do without food up to 6 months, while in a hibernation.

Mounts on the paws of chickens, in feathers follicles and bags, lives in the subcutaneous folds of the epidermis. In addition to living on the body of birds, the chicken tick is able to settle on any surface in the poultry house.

  • insects are noticeable on the walls under the petrolers and in the cracks between the gender boards;
  • the infected bird falls the appetite, the activity decreases, itching appears, which manifests itself in plucking the pen;
  • increases the amount of time, conducting chickens and chickens in the sandy baths;
  • chicken do not seek to enter the poultry house and begin to equip new nests;
  • the livestock begins to carry eggs in a reduced quantity;
  • chickens invasired by feather tick begin to lag in development, young people significantly reduce the intensity of the massset;
  • on the skin cover of birds appear devoid of propellant, the pen itself becomes noticeably worse, becomes noticeable ulcers and comb.
  • frequent kola attacks;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased feeling thirst.

You can recognize on bird ticks with visual inspection - small red or black dots are noticeable on feathers and skin. Wherein:

It is important to remember that even in an empty room they are capable of living without food. If there are no chickens or other home or wild birds in the field of view of the red chicken tick, it will attack homemade, wild mammals, including for a person. Clamps at chickens are carriers of very dangerous diseases - plague, spirochette, cholera, Newcastle disease, birdculosis, tick-borne paralysis, ku-fever and many viruses.

In addition to the fact that the red chicken pliers interfere with the night rest of the birds and suck their blood, they can climb in the cavity of the nose, the auditory passage, the lads and the trachea. As a result, the bird is weakening, non-paste eggs decreases to 40%, sometimes more.

When cutting a carcass of dead chicken, it can be seen that the subcutaneous fat layer of the bird is almost absent, and small hemorrhages are observed in the neck, wings and spins.

Previously, the fight against chicken mites was carried out mainly due to chlororganic drugs, and in old manuals you can also meet such advice. But now they are prohibited, so the treatment of ticks in chicken is desirable to be carried out by several drugs.

Ideally, the chicken coop need to be treated with irmeectine (vetamektin, brovarmectin) in combination with pyreteroids (neostomasan, ectosan, butoxy, sebatil, Baoflai Pur-it, neocidal, flotic, etc.). The processing of chicken chicken tick should be carried out by an insecto-acaracidal powder or powder (ectosan powder, insectin, stomasim, parasolute, etc.

Also there are drug-aerosol preparations for the processing of a chicken coop of a tick, but this processing is usually more expensive than solutions.

Tatiana Kuzmenko, a member of the editorial board of the companion of the Internet edition "Atmagro. Agro-industrial Bulletin "

Red chicken mite

For the treatment of bites on the body of chickens, they use antiseptic solutions and wound-healing ointments of plant origin. Among the veterinary funds:

  • sevin powder is used externally for the processing of the pen during the treatment of the feather tick, the norm is 15 gr per head, with a mass lesion to be treated in several stages, repeating the processing in 5-10 days;
  • olter solution of ecooflix for spraying, apply courses (2 times with intervals of 10 days);
  • pyrethrum - an insecticidal action preparation for outdoor treatment of feathery cover, safe for birds and people;
  • extrazole-M aerosol for spraying, allows you to remove insects for 2 courses carried out with an interval of 10 days;
  • emulsion solution Extortin, it is bred with water for swimming a bird, effective against a red chicken tick on a bird. It is necessary to spend 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks;
  • liquid cyager with a concentration of 5% is used for spraying on the body and feet of the bird and in the chicken coop, the working solution is prepared with water in proportion 1: 3, in the recommended concentration is safe for people.

For the treatment of acarymorrheal feathers and red chicken ticks on the legs of the currency, they often use birch tar, which is heated to a temperature of at least 40 ° C and placed chicken paws to the level of the jumping joint. Birch tar also the processing of affected surfaces on the paws of chickens is allowed by applying a soft brush with an interval of 7 days. An effective means of treating chicken paws is a mixture of birch tar and kerosene taken in equal proportions.

For disinfection of the poultry house, use:

  • cyodine at a concentration of 0.5%;
  • dykrezol at a concentration of 0.25%;
  • neoqidol at a concentration of 0.25-0.5%;
  • carbofos;
  • chlorofos.

When the poultry is infected with a poultry tower, the poultry processing is repeated 2-3 times at the interval periods of 3-6 days.

But this treatment will help get rid of ticks only for a while, and the main work must be carried out in the room. First of all, if you need to get rid of ticks quickly, then the birds must be moved as quickly as possible to another place. The most optimal option will be the thermal processing of the chicken coop.

Dial several buckets of water and boil them. So that the treatment of chickens were most effective and ticks no longer left their bits on the legs, neck and under the wings, boiling water it is necessary to process the entire room - both the walls and the floor. All old things together with bedding and straw are ejected, it will also need to build new pesals.

In order to drive out the ticks, it is quite possible to use ecooflis. This drug is also no less effective, but they need to handle the room at least twice a month. In addition, the ecooflis can be handled and chicken. In addition, chickens can be treated with such means as Pyrethrums and Sevin.

Another popular method of combating ticks is ash. It should be noted that this method is one of the simplest, since the chickens themselves will be able to be treated. Where you walk them, you need to put a trough (as in the photo), in which there will be a mixture of ash and sand in proportions 1: 1. Chickens will take so-called baths and this will help them protect against ticks. The only thing for what to follow is to be a pelvis with a mixture to rain.

There are several chemical solutions and drugs to combat ticks, but most of them were not tested on currencies, so experienced owners do not advise immediately resort to their use. It is better to first try comprehensive treatment with natural means.

Spray the chicken coop and petitions for several days in a row with a mixture of the following composition: 2 glasses of water, 1 cup of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid. This mixture will help destroy ticks. Before use, the remedy should be swab well, it is stratified. The processing of the chicken coop should be carried out at least 1-2 times a week for several weeks in parallel with the treatment of chickens. This 100% natural homemade spray will help get rid of ticks in the chicken coop

  • Birds are treated with any allowed insecticides. The procedure is carried out twice, observing the weekly interval. Powders "Sevin" (one bird is no more than 15 g) and Pyrethrum (made on the basis of chamomile colors), also insecticide of the new generation "EcoFleis". Powders need to wake up feathers, and spray birds and a chicken coop.
  • Good feedback from a spray with a permeter EU: birds and the room spray 0.005% solution, protection is valid for 9 weeks.
  • A proven method of combating chicken tick is a mixture of sand and ash. Her pouring into Thai, leave on the bird courtyard so that the birds flounder in them. Our ancestors Wood ash served an analogue of a washing powder. The contents of the pelvis should be changed. The procedure is repeated after 14 days. The mixture should not get wet.
  • The effective method of treating the chicken mold is the treatment of floors and walls, also recommended a soldering lamp or flame.
  • If possible, get rid of old things. Replace wooden petrolers, ticks are clogged into microsholes, to bring them extremely problematic from there.
  • Quartz lamps consider the advanced prevention method. They are used on the poultry farms.
  • Preparations containing chlorinated hydrocarbon are prohibited by means of chicken ticks, since the active ingredient accumulates in eggs and meat.

How to get rid of chicken ticks in the chicken coop and on a chicken?

Primary measures to combat ticks are a regular inspection of birds in the period from late spring before the start of autumn. We need a timely cleaning of the litter, replacing the old litter, do not forget to fit the web and dress the drinking coolers and feeders, cleaning them. Place for walking sprinkled with sand and keep dry. Recommended to have it in a well-lit place.

Disinfection is optimally carried out in 30 days. Preventive measures include the use of a mixture of sand and ash described above.

You need to check the entire packaging container delivered from another farm. In metal cells to collect eggs there is a vulnerable place - these are plastic gaskets. They need to be washed with a cleaning agent and hot water. Veterinarians converge in the opinion that it is easier to carry out regular prevention than to fight chicken ticks.

The chicken tick discovered on the body in humans will resemble a small lump of dirt that sticks to the skin most often on the leg. If you wrap a "lump", traces of bites will remain. Frequent tick bites can cause allergies or dermatitis, so precautions are needed not only to birds, but also to people who work in the chicken coop.

Similar to

A good prophylactic remedy for chicken mites is a regular disinfection, which is repeated every month, exposing the placement itself and cells where birds live. As disinfectants, often enjoy machine oils and diesel fuel. Monthly cleaning or replacement is the bird bedding.

  • bundles of wormwood hang in the chicken coop and add to herbal litter;
  • the garlic makes a spray, for which 30 grams of crushed garlic are bred in 1.5 glasses, laurels, carnation, melissa and lavender are mixed, they should be treated with bird cover and internal designs of the premises;
  • the plant tops are laid on the floor.

What are these measures:

  • constant maintenance of cleanliness indoors;
  • periodic replacement of litters;
  • removal of the formed web;
  • disinfection of the room, as well as inventory within it or its processing boiling water;
  • as a processing agent, a diesel fuel can also be used, and to prevent the appearance of insects, the floor and walls can be treated with white lime;
  • regular processing of dolls and feeders;
  • periodic inspection of birds and insulation of infected individuals from the rest of the brood.

Where to look for decent fleas. The adhesive fleas are attached to the skin and rub on the birds head. Unlike northern ticks or scaly ticks, these fleas can flourish on other animals, including dogs, cats, horses and people. Women's broocles forcibly spew eggs into the environment. The larvae develop in the soil around the poultry farm.

According to the behavior of poultry, you can also determine the problem. Kura cease to bear either do it not as often as it should be. In addition, the bird becomes very nervous. It can be noted that the chickens are constantly itching, because the bite of red ticks causes the strongest itching and discomfort.

An additional feature is worth noting a kind of cough. Such sounds, like frequent breasts, are characteristic of infection with feathery ticks.

In order to clean the room where poultry live, one of the effective folk methods can be applied. Fight with ticks can be high temperatures. Thermal processing is carried out using boiling water. To do this, you need to boil several buckets of water and scratch everything in the chicken coop of boiling water.

One of the effective prophylactic folk methods is the usual ash. From it you can cook the birds bath. That is, the tank is poured into the container, which you need to mix with sand. The bath is put on the clearing, where the chickens usually walk. When such a problem appears like pliers and fleas, poultry will come and swim in ash, which can be cleaned their feathers and skin. It is important to put the container in such a place where rainwater will not fall into it.

Effective treatment requires the treatment of the entire poultry house, paying special attention to those areas where these ticks love to hide. Birds should also be processed by insecticide, which is approved for poultry. Be sure to read and follow all the instructions on the labels, including detailed information about protective equipment that the manufacturer must be worn, and on the possible retention of meat and egg consumption in infected birds.

Any blood circuits, and especially the red featheled tick, are very dangerous for poultry. There are certain prophylactic methods that are not complicated performed, but are very effective.

Primary measures to combat ticks are a regular inspection of birds in the period from late spring before the start of autumn. We need a timely cleaning of the litter, replacing the old litter, do not forget to fit the web and dress the drinking coolers and feeders, cleaning them. Place for walking sprinkled with sand and keep dry. Recommended to have it in a well-lit place.

The material from the site is used.

Ash and sand against chicken tick

An effective measure against the chicken tick is the accommodation on the bird's pelvic with an evil-sandy mixture in equal proportions. The mixture layer should be approximately 20 cm or more. The chickens are happy with pleasure in such a healing bath. It is important only to control that the contents of the pelvis, which should be regularly updated, did not wet under the action of precipitation. It is also worth remembering that birds can be carriers of ticks, so it is not necessary to allow placing under the roof of the chicken coop of pigeons, sparrows.

Preparations containing chlorinated hydrocarbon should not be used, since the accumulation of active substances in meat and eggs occurs.

Signs of advent of ticks from chickens

If your chickens have ticks, you will probably notice that they have become more common to clean the plumage and pinch feathers under the wings and around the rear pass. With a closer examination, you can see tiny red or black specks near the rear pass, and when you examine the chicken coop, you will find red blood strips or black grains, which are felt when carrying out the surface.


It is impossible to see their naked eye.

  • Knemidocoptes (Knemidocoptosis) - pathogens of the knurned scan of chickens;
  • Epidermoptes (Epidermoptosis) - causative agent of hide scabies;
  • Cytoditosis is tracheal, or pulmonary tick.


These are similar to fleas and lice in size.

They drink blood and attack the bird only for food, but live and breed in the poultry house.

The female of the red chicken tick is postponing up to 20 eggs. Active insect reproduction occurs from May to October. In the warm season, the ticks show the greatest activity. In the cold period, insects do not die, because they are able to live to half a year without food, being in a state of anabyosis.

Chicken ticks live on the litter of the chicken coop and in the bird sockets, can hide in the creams of the floor and walls. Best of all, they feel in cheese, dirty, poorly ventilated room.

No treatment will be effective if preventive measures should not take regularly.

To faster get rid of ticks, you should:

  • periodically change the litter;
  • maintain purity in the smokeshief;
  • process feeders and drinkers with boiling water;
  • create a schedule for regular disinfection of the room. You can handle the poultry house with a diesel fuel, and also showed myself a lime that it is necessary to break the walls and the floor;
  • remove web;
  • conduct the inspections of chickens, and when the infected bird is detected, isolate it until complete cure.

If you are going to build a new wooden poultry house, then the material can be soaked with hot solidol, which includes a substance that scare ticks.

The main thing in the fight against ticks is not to miss the moment
And then your livestock will delight high performance. All means are available, and preventive measures do not require special knowledge and skills.

Folk remedies from chicken tick

In the fight against chicken tick, the time of centuries were used plants and wood ash.

For bathing of birds in the aviary and inside the chicken coop, tanks filled with a sand-ash mixture. It is important to ensure that the mixture for swimming was always dry. When contamination, the mixture must be replaced.

The most efficient folk remedy for chicken tick is ash.

  • Sagebrush. Fresh grass bundles are added to the litter of the chicken coop and hang on the walls and pazers. Periodically, the grass is changed so that the smell scares ticks.
  • Garlic. Prepared spray from garlic juice and water. On 300 ml of water take 30 ml of garlic and add a teaspoon of a mixture of laurel sheets, coriander, carnations, lavender, mint to the solution. The remedy is spared on the bird feather. Garlic infusion is able to kill a tick in 24 hours.
  • Potato or tomato tops. It is folded on the floor of the chicken coop to scare insects.
914 09/10/2019 5 min.

Chicken tick delivers a lot of trouble and sick bird, and farmer. As a result of the infection, productivity falls, the state of the feather cover deteriorates, chickens may begin to lag in growth and development, poorly gaining a lot. Although in the warm season, the ticks show maximum activity, theoretically infected in regardless of the season. About how dangerous ticks, what they happen, how to be treated (depending on the type) you will learn later. Independently the disease does not pass, and the sooner you take action, the better.

Determination of the disease

Symptoms of infection:

  • apathy and weakness;
  • yazens, wounds, mass and wounds;
  • shortness of breath, dry frequent cough;
  • pallor of earrings, scallop, mucous membranes;
  • termination of eggs;
  • weight loss;
  • thirst, rejection of food.

When infected with ticks on the bird body, small stains of red and black color are usually noticeable, there are blood droplets on the feathers.



Large ticks can be easily seen, visually and in size they look like fleas. Varieties:

Red tick is considered the most dangerous - it transfers viruses, bacteria, distributes typhoid, cholera, spirochitosis, borreliosis.


  1. Knemidocoptes. - cause the appearance of tel and foot scabies.
  2. Epidermoptes. - microorganism-causative agent of the leather maternity pathology.
  3. Citodes - pulmonary or tracheal microclast, which is powered by the highlights of the epidermis and particles of cellular structures.


Treatment of ticks, regardless of the breed of chickens (,), is assigned taking into account the type of pathogen.

Foot scabies

Treatment involves the treatment of feet acaricidal drugs - only 2-3 processing with intervals in one week. Possible options - birch tar (baths with it), nicochloran, soap K, trichlorometaffos 1% solution, emulsion Azunts 0.3%, carbofos emulsion 1%, Degtyar-soap hexahlorane paste. About the description of the breed of quail Manychuhnye read.

In the risk zone of "limestone" - chickens aged 3 to 5 months.

Velive scabies

If the pathological process is clearly expressed, the bird is recommended to bathe in solutions:

  • Odilene;
  • Inhouvelop;
  • Yakutin;
  • Mycotectane;
  • chlorofos;
  • metaphos;
  • non-masted;
  • azunts.

The procedure is carried out once a week a total of 3-4 times. Additionally, it is recommended to use acaricides in the form of ointments. More than a third of the body area at once, the drug is not applied. Acacyridal ointments are prepared with the use of Vaseline and birch tar. If the lesions are not strong, it will be enough to smear only damaged areas.

The leather scabies

Treatment - processing of affected areas with solutions and ointments with acaricides:

  • degtyar ointment;
  • delet with alcohol;
  • creolyn ointment;
  • creilin solution.

If the population is large, you can spray it with solutions of chlorofos and carbofos 2-3 times with intervals in one week.

Clear mite

Cytodes tick has a small rounded yellow body, lives in breathing tracks. Most often it amazes chickens since the 120rd age. Pathology often gives you to know about yourself in summer and autumn, it is able to hit up to 50% of the entire livestock. From the nose begins mucous serous sections, if you press the bird on the trachea, it will begin to cough. Chickens, and other breeds infected with ticks, are quickly becoming sluggish and weak, can be included in a semi-execution state. The diagnosis is made after laboratory research. Treatment is considered not effective. Patients with individuals are recommended to introduce an oil solution of camphores - 0.5 ml from two sides of the peritoneum. It is desirable to replace the herd.


In this video will tell how to deal with a red chicken tick.


  1. The chicken tick delivers a lot of inconvenience and the birds themselves, and farmers. Treatment must be carried out necessarily, although it is not effective with the same cytoids.
  2. Pliers are microscopic and visible to the eye. It is possible to determine the first only according to the symptoms characteristic of ticks and / or using a microscope.
  3. Standard processing of infected birds spend from 2-4 times from a weekly interval. Please note that solutions and ointments must have a certain concentration that is prohibited.
  4. Chickens of any breeds are often infected, including and, aged 3 to 5 months. In order to timely detect the problem, regularly inspect the livestock.
Chicken tick - male and female

Chicken tick is easy to detect the naked eye. If you have seen that the egg production of your nonscakes has sharply decreased, it is worth making an inspection of each bird and the knot.

To do this, take a white sheet of paper and walk with him where there are some slots, irregularities. If the paper will remain small gray points - this is ticks. In warm and dry torn, they can be active, and you will see their movement. In winter, they move, for example, near the heat of the light bulb.

Methods of struggle

So, if you have already found on your nurses and in the chicken coop of ticks, you should immediately take rid of them.

But this is only the beginning, because the main work should be made in the indoor indoor.

So, first, it is important to clean the nursing from all the dirt and for a while, move the birds to another place. The most correct solution to bring ticks is thermal processing.

Also for prevention from time to time, the room can be sprayed with diesel, and the walls and the floor are lubricated with white lime.

You can process the room and the special preparation - ecooflis, but it lacks it for a long time, and it is preferably to repeat the procedure after 15 days. By the way, it is possible to spray the bird itself. Chickens are well handled by Sevin or Pyrethrum powder.

There are still some very effective way to fight - ash. At the same time, the method is very simple, since the chickens themselves will take preventive baths. To do this, on the pad for walking or in the aviary, put a trough with a mixture of ash and sand in equal shares. Just follow the mixture to be dry and did not get under the rain.