DomoFon codes "Metak. How to open an intercom without key (all models)? Intercom made without display

Intercom Metaka is one of the most frequently used intercoms in apartment buildings. The name of the device for rumors in many people, as such control and throughput aggregates provide wide protection against unauthorized visits. They are very durable, they are difficult to hack. You can open the door intercom door not only from the programmed subscriber key, but also using a specific code that is fixed behind a certain apartment.

As you know, all model intercoms have their own universal code, which is programmed in the manufacture of the device. It is determined by the model of the intercom and its firmware. If you suddenly have lost your key from the intercom, then in some cases you can use such a code to open the door.

Some nuances

Metak produces two main discharge of devices, if not going into details. One of them is equipped with a screen or display and hacking it varies with alternative and accurately determined by the firmware. The second type is without a screen. The models of this discharge require to enter information "to the touch", relying only on sound signals. Almost all companies of the company Metak are designed for harsh conditions of use. They can operate at temperatures in the range from - 40 to + 75ºС. Models work with glaciation and suggest the installation of a completely any electromagnetic lock with varying degrees. The number of available number of subscribers may vary from one to nine hundred and ninety-nine, with all possible personified codes from an entrance with a metal system. Firms that are engaged in installing intercom systems must necessarily register it in a special contract for work.

How to open an intercom with a keyless key?

The manufacturer foreseen the door unlock method is to apply the password code that is specified for a specific subscriber. Below we will look at all sorts of intercom opening commands without using key access.

Important! Do not forget that such ways that we will consider in no way will work if the installers setting your intercom have changed the factory standard for metal.

Codes on the screen

The way to open this intercom has the largest number of variations and sets of numbers, if we talk about the model that is equipped with a screen. Such locking units should be attributed to the actual discharge, extend in a variety of options and firmware. In order to carry out a detachment of a detachment, it is necessary to produce certain clear actions:

  • Press the button to and select the number of the subscriber, with what is the address in the entrance begins
  • Then it is necessary to press the button again in the screen after a small pause will be released COD

Then a few digits 5702 are recruited and after a few seconds, namely, two, the intercom is opened with a metal without a real contact key.

Video: Opening a Metakom MK-2003 Metakom screen with code.

For the remaining firmware, a subsequent set of combination is allowed:

  • Make 65535-B-1234-B-8
  • Apply 1234-B-6-B-4568

There is one, two, three, four are the factory firmware code with a metal, used in a large number of models. If a certain intercom is programmed, which establishes a specialist - the sets will never work. For types of MK-20 m / t there are side, individual sets for unlocking. In order to open a similar actual intercom from a keyless key - you can test such combinations:

  • Press in 27-B-5702
  • Apply in-1-in-4526

The final set is needed not only for unlocking the electromagnetic lock, but also for enhancing the record of the new contact key in the database. If suddenly it exists in stock (fits the multifunctional standard key for the Metakom intercom) - after you have entered the tablet, you must press to the desired site on the unit. Two sets of steps, which are shown in the large number of intercoms without a screen.

On video: How to write the key to the intercom Metakom MK2003.1

On video: Key programming on MK-20.2 intercom

Software change

Almost completely all the categories of access to settings are made using one single code or password, it is also called a master code. This well-known standard set one, two, three, four. This team needs to try to introduce, but suddenly the installation of a professional specialist was made - this password will definitely be changed. It is necessary to find out another master code from the company that equipped the door to the locking unit and gave out the keys to the apartments for the delivered intercom from Metak. But sometimes it happens that the encoding easily changed. Intercom has three categories discharge. This is a custom, systemic and of course service. In the first and second - it is made a change in the only current and multifunctional code with a metal, joining apartment and different other special processes. The most interesting is definitely the final of all three listed services. With it, it is possible to change in fact everything is assigned to a specific subscriber.

  1. To change the registering of electronic keys - a set of 65535-B-1234-in-in-in-number of apartments is introduced. After all this, a new tablet is attached to the contact site and pumped in-7. What does it allow? This allows you to register a new tablet in the "brain" of the unit, for example, in order to apply one key for many entrances.
  2. The disappearance of information about all the electronic keys attached to the subscriber is to press 655-B-1234-B-in-digit Apartment-B-7-0-111. It can be necessary because for all subscribers the oppressed number of memory is assigned and sometimes you need cleaning from old accounts.
  3. Installation of a new separate unlock password predicts that the owner of the home agrees with this process. To mount a set, you need to press 65535-B-1234-B-in-digit apartment-in-0 code or password-in

With the help of a system list of maintenance, it is possible to feel yourself on the site of the programming unit of a professional specialist and change the master code or password of the intercom. For this process, it will be necessary to know its previous value. In order to put a new code, you need to dial 65535-B-1234-B-9-3 on the service panel. After all, you need to dial a new set of numbers and press the Enter button to assign.

There are also some ways to drop a certain code from memory, addressing changes and other similar, which are very rarely used. It is necessary to notice again: in the written sets of one, two, three, four is a standard master code that a claiming professional specialist is advised to change urgently.

On the video: all sorts of ways to open the door of the Metak


In order not to spend nerves and do not look for convulsively information on how to open an intercom to Metak on your entrance - it is necessary to simply have accuracy. Including it is necessary to read with particular attention a contract in which an emergency access set is registered. An excellent act will be if ordering a multifunctional key If you suddenly lost contact. Later it is possible to attach it to a certain apartment by changing the settings of the locking unit.

Nowadays, each house is equipped with intercom. If you forget the keys, we will help you get home without any problems.

Consider the following intercoms and codes to them:

1. Open D.omophone vizit. (Visit).

2. Open intercomEltis (ELTIS).

3. Open intercomCyfral (digital), model SSD-2094.1M. .

4. Open intercom Metak.

5. Open intercom Barrier 2, 2m, 4 m.

6. Open intercom Rainmann.(Raiman).

7. Open intercom Domoguard(Domogard).

8. Open intercom T - Guart.

9. Open intercom Factorial.

10. Open intercom Blink.

How to open the rest of the model intercoms without a key: Laskomex AO-3000, Stroy master, Technology, Berkut LS2001, Polis, Keyman, NFCread in the article - .

Like O.pitch intercomV.izit. keyless.

Intercom VIZIT - is used very often in our time. To open the intercom Vizit. The old series, you can try the following code: 12#345 or*# 4230 . For,to open the intercom Vizit. New version, use the code: 67 # 890, * # 3423, 12 # 345. These codes are all standard, and always work if the specialist has not changed during installation. You can still try "#"+" 196 ".

If you failed to open the intercom "Visit" in a simple way, go to a more complex process. We will try to enter the service menu using the # 999 combination. There must be two short beeps, then enter, master code of the intercom visits, by default, the manufacturer uses 1234. If the master code is correct, there will be one short sound, if not correct, the signal will be two-tonal. If the default code is not suitable, try, the other master Code Intercom Visit: 3535, 9999, 0000, 6767, 12345, 11639 or try to come up with a combination yourself. After a successful entry in the menu, click "2" - "pause" - "#» - "Pause" - "3535", combination of opening the door without a key. When you press the "3" button, we can program a clean key and attach it to the device, so we will enter it into the database. The button "4" erases all the keys from the intercom memory. Button« * » - Exit from the mode used, "#" - the confirmation.

Like pitch intercom eltis keyless.

To open the intercom Eltispress the call, score 100, then the call button and set 2323 (7273 or 7272). If the combination 100 does not fit, try: 200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900. It will work if the manufacturer has not changed the ELTIS intercom code in case of repair or maintenance. Special code can be found in the following way: Press the "Call" button, and we are waiting for 20 seconds, it should be on the display, it will appear for a while 5 digits and quickly disappear (do not forget to remember them).

If the above information is not crowned with success, we can find out the engineering code. We choose any digit and hold, waiting for the display "Code», we enter a standard system password 1234. In the case of the correct code, the firmware version and the "FUNC" menu will be lit on the screen. Press "1" and set a new access code to intercom Eltis, after pressing "2", confirm the password. At the end, reset all the settings using the "6" key, then exit the "0" menu. We enter the Domofoma code Eldis, which you installed. At the same time try: (letter - "B") 1234-2-1-3-3-123

Like O.cyfral intercom pitch keyless.

If you havecode from the Cyfral intercom, you will easily go into the entrance, but you don't have the key, and you need to try to open a Cyfral intercom without key (only in if the apartments in the entrance are multiple: STR, 200, etc.). Click "Call" and try from 100 to 900, "Call" 7272, or at the end of 7273.

For models with the letter "M", click "Call" - "41" or "Challenge" - "1410". It happens, the opening of the door is triggered, if you simply enter "07054"

DomoFon codesCyfral.SSD-2094.1.M.(You can define a model by burning or flashing dash).We type "call" - "0000", the door can open immediately or go to the service menu (on the screen will be displayed "ON "), click the button "2" and the door is open.If the button is lit.OFF » This means the quick input mode is turned off by the installer.

DomoFon codesCyfral.SSD-2094.In order to enter the service menu, click "0000", it should be displayed on the display.cOD. " We use the combination "123400", "123456", "456999" and "challenge". If the code approached the display will be written "F0", we enter "601" and the door is open.

Like pitch the intercom Metak keyless.

Consider the easiest way to open the intercom with a metal. We look at the start of the apartments in the stairwell, click the challenge, enter the number of the first apartment in this entrance, and again "Call". The display will appear COD, enter the combination "5702" and the door should open (if the factory settings have not changed). In cases where the door has not opened, go to other options:

- "1234" - "Call" - "6" - "Challenge" - "4568";

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "Challenge" - "8";

- "Call" - "1" - "Challenge" - "5702";

- "Challenge" - "5" - "Challenge" - "4253";

- "Call" - "6" - "Challenge" - "4568";

- "Challenge" - "1234567";

- "Challenge" - "1803";

- "65535" - "Challenge" - "7418378";

- "Challenge" - "First Apartment number" - "Call" - "5702";

- "Call" - in order, we recruit "1,2,3,4,5,6,7".

ANDsign up system j. Code for DomoFonov Metak:

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "Challenge" - "9" - "3" - "New Code" - "Call" - Wizard Password (default 1234);

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "in the only - "0" - "New Code" - "Call" \u003d Sharing Password (1234567 by default).

Codes for DomoFon Metako Series MK-20TM, we are not needed at all. To open Metakwe take any "tablet" key, without a special firmware (just a clean key). Apply, the intercom includes programming mode, and opens the door. If you do not have a magnetic key, the intercom code is methak MK-20MT, maybe: "Call" - "27" - "Call" - "5702" or "Challenge" - "1" - "Challenge" - "4526".

Like O.pitch intercom Barrier 2, 2m, 4M. keyless.

Nowadaysintercom Barrier,it is rare and stands in old houses. A mechanical lock and a flat magnetic key are used. For models Barrier 2.and 2m,the default code is 1013 (it is constant). The intercom is quite simple, you can use a couple of magnets and simply spend over the key hole. To open Barrier 4,you need to use three magnets and cheat with them until you open. Standard code will not work, Barrier 4.used in the entrances where concierges are sitting.

Like O.pitch intercom Rainmann. keyless.

Ranimn 2000 is a common model. Press the "key" - the code "987654", the double signal should be sounded, after entering "123456", the letter will appear on the screen.P », Log in intercom. After entering the following buttons: "8" - open the door, "6" - turn off the intercom, "4" - block the door.

howaboutpitch intercom Domoguardkeyless.

Press the "C" key and wait for the signal, after the signal quickly type "669900» - « call "+" Apartment number one more than in the entrance. " On the DomoFon screen will appear "F - ", What does it mean we are in the menu. For the opening of the clamp "080". If you want to enter a new key "333" to disable the "071" door lock.

Like O.pitch intercomT.- Guart. keyless.

Click "Call" + "00000" + "Quickly twice the call button. The main thing is the last two pages of the call to make the most quickly as possible.

Like O.pitch intercomFactorial without a key.

Click "000000" or "123456". The second option is pressing "5", we are waiting for (3-5 seconds), type "180180" + "Call" + "4" + "Call".

Like O.pitch intercom Blink. keyless.

There is no keyboard and screen in the intercom, used in private houses or concierge entrances. Service combinations do not work here. We take the usual Crohn battery or another company (suitable for size), number D9-0.1. European Type - 6F.22. We take the battery, we find bolts of an unusual form (the size corresponds to the size of the battery) and apply the battery, the door is open.

Universal ways of opening intercoms:

Apply about 10-15 centimeters below the installed intercom. There is an intercom electronics there, when you hit there is a chance to close the diagram and open the intercom;

The opening of the intercom is electric shock. To dothe electric shock can be used or buy. Just attach it to the reading device and give a discharge;

The use of physical strength to open the intercom. As the door is known to hold a magnet, and to open you need to sharply pull the doors. In fact, enough efforts of one person. For 100% of the option you need 2-3 people, make a good emphasis and at the same time sharply pull the doors and it will open without any problems;

Buying a universal key for opening a intercom. Such a key without any problems can be bought on the Internet or on the company that are engaged in intercoms.

A warning:

1 . All combinations in the work article, if the installer did not change the default access (90% of the installers are communicating them).
2 . Combinations depend on the series and manufacturer.
3. The discovery of the intercom is the case is permissible, and the hacking of the intercom with mercenary objectives is punishable already under the Criminal Code.

Video. How to open vizit without a key?

Video. How to open an ELTIS intercom without key?

Video. How to open a Cyfral intercom without key?

Video. How to open an intercom with a keyless key?

Video. How to open the intercom factorial without a key?

Most apartment buildings are equipped with systems for monitoring and providing or, on the contrary, restrictions on room access. In a situation where uncomfortable to disturb the neighbors, or when they are missing and cannot help, it will be useful for how to open the intercom without key. This is about this and go further.

If a citizen needs to quickly get into his home, and the unlocking element stayed in an apartment or lost, what to do? Is it possible to open an intercom without a key? There are various ways to solve the problem.

Why it became possible

As a rule, standard factory passwords are provided for any similar equipment. Installation specialists enjoy the service menu. Device manufacturers fix the generally accepted digital set, which when installing the intercom should be changed. But not every wizard complies with the prescriptions. Therefore, to open the door, it is enough to know the code of the manufacturer's specific device and type it on the panel. But if the equipment breakdown and repaired it, then the set of numbers will already become different, and this method for opening the door will not work.

To whom access is open

The universal key of the intercom is available to a number of officials, including:

  • emergency medical care workers;
  • police officers, other power structures;
  • specialists of the organization serving a high-rise building;
  • postmen.

Some citizens do not want to install tubes in their apartments, but fear that then access to ambulance will be closed. These experiences are groundless, since the doctors have a password for the entrance, and in an emergency they will freely fall into the right entrance.

Algorithm of action

But in addition to the universal code, there are also other methods, how to open the door with a self-key intercom. Here is some of them:

  1. Having an incomplete force man can stick to the door panel and sharply rush her over. This uncomplicated way can work.
  2. If you turn on the electrocompressive device and send a discharge to the chip, mounted in the panel, the lock will open.
  3. You can bring a burning lighter to the chip and hold it for a few seconds, the lock can open. This method is not one hundred percent, but sometimes it works.
  4. Punch along the zone below the panel is 15 cm, reduce the power of the magnet, which will allow you to open the door.

Listed methods are not legal. Therefore, deciding to take advantage of one of them, you need to be ready to be responsible. In order not to create a problem, it is better to disturb the tenants of other apartments or wait for anyone from the incoming / out of the entrance.

Another option that is increasingly used to protect housing -. The decision to hire duty at the entrance is the owners of the premises. The obligations of concierge finds not only for those who come, but also for the order, prevent damage and theft of generalicity.

Universal key

It is this device that helps to overcome reliable, it would seem, the barrier on the way into the entrance. It allows you to open most of the castles of electronic negotiation devices. Universal code for the intercom is among those who perform job duties on specific sites requiring access to the entrance.

The knee is performed not only in the form of a key, but also as a tablet, keychain. In the chip, the information is stitched, considering that the intercom will open the castle. The difference from the use of the "native" key is longer, for 6-7 seconds, the procedure. You can use the "digital laundry" only in order to fulfill official duties.

How to open an entrance door with a special code

By installing the intercom, the company's employees must reprogram it, that is, rewrite / change the service digital set. If they did it, then open the door will not work. In the case when installation experts reacted unfairly, the intercom codes can be easily opened. It is enough to dial a certain combination of numbers. Since the answer to the question, how to find out the code from the intercom depends on the device model, consider some of them.


This is the most common type of negotiation device in our country, equipped with an electronic lock. How to open the intercom "Visit" depends on the equipment model. We offer to use the following options.

  1. Dial such a sequence: 12 # 345.
  2. If the door has not opened, enter the code: * # 4230.
  3. In the case of when neither the first nor the second version worked, it means that the door is equipped with a more modern model of devices. In this case, the code from the Vizit intercom will be either 67 # 890, or * # 423.

You can try to open the door and using the preset menu. Algorithm of actions Next.

  1. Press the # key. Wait for a beep indicating that input is in the menu.
  2. Enter a set of numbers that are often used by installers. Usually it is 1234, 1111, 0000. The beep will be a confirmation that the code approached.
  3. Dial a combination of 2 # 3535 for emergency opening.

If it was not possible to get into the entrance to the methods described, it is advisable to wait for someone from the tenants or disturb the neighbors.


The popular model of devices often used in the Russian Federation due to the fact that they work even with glaciation. There are models with display and without. Consider several methods, how to open the intercom "Metak" without a key.

Method number 1. Call, apartment number with which the numbering of the entrance begins, again the call. Seeing on the COD monitor, dial 5702.

Method number 2. Start with numbers 65535, click the call button. Enter the 1234 code and call again, and then 8.

Method number 3. Start with a standard set of 1234, call, 6. Then click the challenge and 4568.

The code from the MK-20M / T METAKOM intercom is somewhat different. The instruments of the specified model are responding to such actions: Call, 27, Call, 5702. Another way to open the door is the following combination: Call, 1, call, 4526.


This type of devices is also quite popular, as it allows you to connect a large number of apartments. When in the entrance there is no, multiple 100, the code from the Cyfral intercom becomes available using simple manipulations.

  1. Press the call.
  2. Dial one of these numbers: 100, 200, etc., call.
  3. Enter: 7272, 7273 or 2323 (one of the listed).

Cyfral CCD 2094 M holders are wondering how to open without a key this device. Enter 0000 and call. Wait when COD appears on the screen. One of the combined combinations will help unlock the door:

  • from 1 to 6;
  • 456999;
  • 123400, challenge;
  • if after 8-10 seconds, F0 appears on the display, set the combination 601.

When the model is marked as 1M, then after entering 0000 and the call device will either open the lock, or go into the menu mode, which will indicate on the screen. Then you need to dial 2, and the input will be open. Seeing fromF in the window, you need to keep in mind that the basic encoding has been changed.


Intercoms of domestic production. Electronic negotiation-lock devices of this type are easy to operate. The easiest code from the ELTIS intercom is 07054. If it is not suitable, then dial: call, 100, call, 2323 or 7273. How to open an ELTIS intercom if the specified manipulations did not work? Then it is recommended to use the Action Algorithm described above provided for the Cyfral device.


Methods, how to choose the Forward Intercom code, as a whole, similar to the process for devices for other modifications. To do this, make one of the standard factory combinations: 2427101 or 123 * 2427101. There are models whose keys contain letters. In this case, such codes can help: K557798K or K1234.

There is another option how to open the Intervard intercom without a key. Some modifications have small holes in the chip location zone. It is enough to put a rigid wire, a stilette or clip, slightly pressing, and the lock will open.


The device opens after uncomplicated manipulations. First, press the button on which the key is drawn, then 987654 are entered. After the sound signal, dial numbers from 1 to 6. The appearance of the letter P letter P is a signal for entering the number 8. This is the code from the Rainmann CD 2000 intercom.


This model can also be opened, without having a key, but it is necessary to act quickly. After pressing the C key and the sounding signal, dial: 669900, a challenge, and the figure equal to the last apartment number in this entrance plus 1. The letter F and two dashes mean that you need to enter 080.


Factorial is an intercom that opens by introducing simple codes, such as six zeros or a set of numbers from 1 to 6. If nothing came out, press with a delay of 5, 180180, call, 4, call.


If you have to open the intercom "Marshal" without a key, to begin with, you should clarify the number of the last apartment in this entrance, add 1 to it, and get the result to dial on the panel. Next, enter either K1957 or K5555.


The feature of these devices is that at the time of installation, a separate code is set for each apartment connected to the intercom. Is it possible to get into such an entrance without a key? There is also a way out. Puck: challenge, apartment № and unique password. Another penetration version: Enter 0000, then 6666. The letter P appeared on the screen allows you to complete the opening of the Laskomex intercom by entering the code 8. After some time (up to one minute) the path will be open.

Barrier II, 2M

The device with a mechanical lock is rare, mainly in old high-rise buildings. For opening, a standard password is used 1013. In addition, the lock can be left, having spent on the key for the key with a magnet.


Today, almost every door, blocking the entrance to the entrance of a multi-storey house, is equipped with an electronic negotiation-locking device. In the situation with the lack of a key, every person fell. If there is no one at home, you can call neighbors, try to use the universal code, which corresponds to the device model. When such a reception does not work, you have to expect while someone does not open the door.

Suppose you work as a courier, forgot the keys, want to make a surprise to your beloved person and so on. How to quickly get into the entrance, if you do not have keys?

Of course, you can simply dial the number of any apartment on the intercom and ask you to let. But if it does not help, access codes and universal keys come into business.

About them and tell me today.

First, know what is waiting for you by law

This article is exclusively informational. All the information below you use at your own risk.

Important: If you enter someone else's entrance, it will not be considered illegal penetration into the dwelling. But if you damage the intercom or door, then this is already hacking, damaging property and responsibility for the COAP and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Do not attempt to open the door, applying the electrosker to the keys to the keys of the intercom! Some intercoms are protected from this, but most of the models from the shocker impact fails.

Also there is art. 36 LCD RF. She says that the owners of the apartments belong on the right of common share ownership of the total property of the house, for example, entrances, elevators, basements.

So, the owner of any apartment has the right not to let In the entrance of the strangers. And may ask you documents that make your right to be in the entrance.

If you just went into the entrance, before the court and fines it is unlikely to come, but they can raise the noise. If the tenants prove that you entered the code from the intercom in mercented purposes, this is a reason to apply to the court.

And one moment. If you have an intercom in the entrance, but you do not want to pay for installation, maintenance and keys, you have a complete right. Contact your intercom and check in. They are not required to give you the key, but must report an access code that will allow you to open the door and enter the entrance.

What locks are in intercom doors?

Exterior of the electromechanical castle

In entrances with intercoms, either electromagnetic or electromechanical locks are usually worth it.

The electromagnetic lock is a cable coil with a steel core, which is usually installed in the door frame. When a voltage is supplied to the coil, it attracts a polished metal plate fixed on the door canvase.

Usually, the electromagnetic lock is powered by a DC source. The higher the power of the castle, the more difficult it is to cut the door leaf from the box.

But if the electromagnetic castle is old or cheap, you can try with the power to pull the door on yourself. Part of the models is designed for the retention only 50 kg (But more often than 700 kg and more). It is not so much strength as the sharpness of the jerk.

With the electromechanical lock it will not work. Here the rigle and the latch enter the grooves on the door frame, the jerk of the doors of them from there not to get.

Another option is to take a powerful electromagnet. It is necessary to position it with reverse polarity to the holding plate to compensate the field from the coil.

Where to take and from what the electromagnet, the story is silent ...

Finally, intercom sometimes opening ordinary lighter. You need to remove a piezoelectric element from it and make a spark several times on the key reader. But it is fraught with damage to the intercom.

Secrets of household manufacturers: loopholes and tricks for opening

For intercoms of popular brands, access codes are known. They do not guarantee that you will get into the entrance, but ... increase the likelihood.

A standard firmware is poured at the factory for intercoms. with the same codes. When installing the specialists of the intercom office, about 90% of cases do not change the default settings. So factory codes are triggered often, but not always.

Intercomses vizit.

To begin with, it is worth trying standard combinations:

▪ 12#345
▪ 67#890
▪ *#423
▪ *#4230
▪ *#3423
▪ #196.

If there are no "*" and "#" buttons on the keyboard, press the "C" and "K" respectively.

The service menu of the device can be called up # 999. If the call is successful, the intercom will publish two intermittent signals.

After that, you can enter one of the combinations:

▪ 1234
▪ 12345
▪ 0000
▪ 9999
▪ 3535
▪ 6767
▪ 7056
▪ 11639.

After a successful combination, the intercom will publish one short signal and opens the door. In case of failure - two signals: try the following combination.

To exit the menu, click "*".

By the way, if you have successfully entered the code # 999 menu, you can click 3 and attach a new key to the reader. If the intercom has enough memory, he will remember your key, and you can open the door of the entrance.

Intercom Metakom.

Models with a numeric keypad can be opened like this:

1. Press "B" (call button).
2. Enter the first apartment number in the entrance.
3. Click "B". After that, COD appears on the intercom display.
4. Type a combination of 5702.

METACOM MK-20TM METACOM intercoms can be tried to open a clean tablet key. It starts programming mode, and at the same time opens the door.

Intercoms Cyfral.

Everything is more complicated here: combinations depend on the model. For example, if there is a letter "M" in the model, the combination of "B" - 41 - "B" - 1410. Sometimes instead of "B" there is a call button with a call symbol.

You can open an entrance to the CCD 2094 entrance, if you go to the service menu - enter a combination 0000. For CCD 2094m, a combination of 0000 is "B". After that, the logic is the same:

1. "COD" appears on the screen.
2. Enter a combination of 123400, 123456 or 456999, click "B".
3. When you see "F0" on the screen, enter 601.

Model CCD 2094.1m can open a combination "B" - 0000. Usually, "ON" appears on the display. This means that the installers did not change the standard codes. Press 2, and the door must open. If you saw the inscription "OFF", then when installing the intercom, the quick input mode was turned off.

In addition, if there are apartments No. 100, 200, etc., it is possible to use the code: the number of such an apartment is "B" - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

You can also try combinations "B" - 2751 or 07054.

Intercoms forward

Universal codes for these intercoms:

▪ "K" - 1234
▪ "K" - 557798 - "K"
▪ 2427101
▪ 123*2427101.

If there are no buttons with the letter "to" on the keyboard, press the key with the key instead.

You can add your key to the intercom memory, if you enter a combination of 77395201 * 0 *, then apply the key and click on "#" twice.

Intercoms Eltis.

The logic is the same - input combinations:

▪ "B" - 100 - "B" - 7272
▪ "B" - 100 - "B" - 7273
▪ "B" - 100 - "B" - 2323.
▪ "B" - call button.

If it did not work, instead of 100 you can try to introduce 200, 300, 400, etc.

Sometimes the combination of 9876 - "B" or "B" - 12342133123 is helped.

If installers changed standard codes, you can try to learn a new value. Click "B" and wait 20 seconds. Five digits will appear on the screen on the split seconds. Remember them or remove the video on your smartphone. Figures can be used in combinations above.

Intercoms Factorial

Models from the plant are opened with simple combinations:

▪ 000000
▪ 123456.

But most often the installers are cleaned.

Intercoms Marshal

For these intercoms, you need to know the number of the last apartment in the entrance. Add a unit to it, enter this number. Then type the "K" combination - 5555 or "K" - 1958.

Intercoms Laskomex.

Often, the installers of these intercoms report the inhabitants of the entrance to the four-digit code, which will allow you to open the door without a key. To get into the entrance, you need to click the "B" button, enter the apartment number and this code.

One of the most familiar to the ordinary resident of apartment buildings is Metacom.

These identification locking devices offer a high degree of preventing unauthorized access, are durable, suggest multi-level access (both key and using the personalized opening code of the Domocheak, tied to the apartment).

As with other devices, there is a so-called factory, universal code for a particular detachment of metal.

It depends on the model and firmware of the device and in some cases - can help get into the staircase if the key is lost, and a personalized combination is completely forgotten.

Features of houseophones Metaka

Company METAKA releases two main class devices if you do not delve into details.

One of them is equipped with a display, its hacking is distinguished by multivariance and strongly depends on the firmware.

The second class is a depletive. Intercom Metacho model of this class will require to enter blind data, focusing only on sound signals.

All without exception, the product is designed for harsh operating conditions.

They operate at temperatures from -40 to +75, preserve performance in icing, provide for the installation of any magnetic constipation, ensuring only effective control.

The amount of available addressing (number of subscribers) may vary from 1 to 999, with each can get personalized codes from the entrance to the metal.

Companies are required to indicate it in a service contract. Another feature of the devices of this company: the apartment code on the intercom should be changed through the personal service menu.

Methods for opening without keys of intercom

The release method provided by the manufacturer is to use the machine access code specified for a specific subscriber.

This is a regular normal operation. If it fails to do it - you can try one of the combinations based on the use of factory settings.

Pressing the "B" button to start operations on the opening of the intercom from a keyless key

However, it is always necessary to remember: all the listed techniques will not work if the engineer establishes the device on the door, has been programmed and changed the universal standard code for metal.

All sets of numbers are entered using the call button - Next, simply.

Codes on display

Methods, how to open the intercom to Metak - has the largest number of options and sets of numbers, if we are talking about a model equipped with a display. These locking devices belong to the most modern class, produced in a variety of modifications and firmware.

To make a breakdown of a detachment with a metal, follows:

  1. press the subscriber's number from which the addressing in the entrance begins;
  2. after another click on the display after a short pause, Cod inscription will be displayed.

The following combinations of action are available for other firmware:

  • dial 65535-B-1234-B-8;
  • use 1234-B-6-B-4568.

Here 1234 is a standard password of the firmware from the Metakom intercom used in the vast number of models. If a specific intercom has been programmed by a metal-set engineer - a combination will not work.

For MK-20 M / T models, there are additional, its own combinations for the release. To open such a unique intercom from the key without a key - you can try the following button combinations:

  1. press in-27-B-5702;
  2. use B-1-B-4526.

The latter combination is designed not only for the release of magnetic constipation, but also for making a new contact key to the database. If it is in stock (the universal standardized key for the intercom is suitable) - after entering the tablet, you need to lean to the appropriate site on the device. Both given sets of action work not only on MK-20 m / t models, but also on a large number of versions of the intercoms without display.

Change program settings

All types of access to adjustment functions are made using a single password, it is also called a master code.

This is already familiar factory combination of 1234. It can be tasned, but if the installation was made by a responsible master - this password will be changed.

You can find out the new master code from the company that equipped the door to the locking device and gave out the keys of the apartments for the installed intercom from the metal.

However, it often happens that the encoding - simply did not change.

The intercom has three types of adjustment services:

  • service;
  • systemic;
  • custom.

In the first and second, there is a change in a single universal code with a metal, binding of apartment and other specific operations. The most interesting is the last of the listed services.

With it, you can change almost everything that belongs to a specific subscriber.

  1. To change the registration of electronic keys - a combination of 65535-B-1234-B-in-room apartment is introduced. After that, the new tablet is applied to the contact site and pressed in-7. This allows you to register a new tablet in the device's memory, for example, to enjoy one key for several entrances.
  2. Erasing data about all electronic keys attached to the subscriber - you need to press 655-B-1234-B-in-room apartment-in-7-0-111. It may be necessary because a limited amount of memory is assigned to each subscriber and sometimes it takes cleaning it from old accounts.
  3. Installing a new individual unlock code provides that the owner of housing agrees with this operation. To install the combination, 65535-B-1234-B-in-to-room apartment-in-0-password-c is pressed.

With the help of the maintenance menu, you can feel at the site of the engineer programming device and change the Master Password of the Intercom.

This will require you to know its old value. To install a new one, the panel recruits 65535-B-1234-B-9-3. After that, you need to dial a new set of numbers and press the Enter key to confirm.

There are discharge techniques, erasing a specific key from memory, addressing changes and other rare operations.

Once again, it is worth noting: in the above symbolic-letter sets of 1234 - this is the factory master password that establishes the engineer is recommended to change necessarily.


In order not to be nervous and not to look for information, how to open on your own entrance of the intercom Metak - you just need to have some accuracy.

A good tone, if your own contact key is lost - it will be ordered. Its later can be born to a specific apartment using the change in the settings of the lock device.

How to open a specific entrance to Metak - knows the company that set the intercom. Therefore, in the critical situation - you can try to find out the password wizard and get specific data on the hacking just by phone.

However, the best tactic is to take carefully to their own keys, do not lose them and know the individual discretion code for the apartment.

Video: How to open with a metal. Intercom Metak. Metakod