Where to go after the army.

Not all school graduates enter universities after completing secondary education. Often, young people choose to serve in the army because of their convictions and a desire to fulfill their civic duty or because of the unsuccessful results of the exam, and after serving, they enter a university. A number of schoolchildren make the decision to serve in the army before entering the university, and not after. studying at a university implies only a respite from the army, not release. How to enter a university after the army?



For applicants who have served in the army, a number of universities provide benefits in the form of the possibility of admission to the preparatory department or even enrollment in 1 course. The provision of such benefits is determined by the administration of the university, the information is specified on the website of the educational institution or at the bottom open doors... You can also enroll in a university after the army at general grounds, according to the results of the exam, if the issue of enrolling one of the applicants with equal points is being decided, those who have served in the army have an advantage.

It is not only school graduates who have not received enough points on the exam plan to serve in the army. The USE results are valid for two years, so it is possible to enter a university after the army on the basis of exams passed in grade 11. In case of unsatisfactory results of the exam, in order to enter the university after the army, you will need to retake the exams. To enter a university after the army, it is worth repeating the material in detail, preparing according to the collections of assignments that are relevant for the current year, since changes are made to the structure of the exam every year. In case of retaking the exam, you must submit an application to the school before March 1.

Most of you probably faced this and asked yourself the question, what should I do after the army... It is difficult for a young man who has served in the army to find his place in life. And it is especially difficult for those who could not receive before the call higher education.

Not everyone could have the opportunity to study in the full-time department, these were different reasons, they did not study well at school, a lack of family budget or just your laziness. But now there is a problem, you must decide on your future destiny. At the initial stage, the main thing is to determine for yourself whether to go to study, or to work. Although many combine these two options. To do this, consider each option in detail.

Where to go to work after the army?

To begin with, we define our own potential and skills. By the way, I already wrote in the previous article “ Preparing for the army »That even before being drafted, you can already get the profession of a driver. This could come in handy in the army, and after it with the choice of a profession. At least at the initial stage.

If you already have knowledge in a certain area, then first of all you need to look for a job related to these skills.

In our life, it is easier for men to find work than women. For example, if you were a driver, then of course you were faced with car repair, so the chance of getting a job will increase. You can get a job as a driver or a mechanic in a car service. Why not get a job in an auto parts store - a salesman.

Better yet, after the army, try to get a job in power structures (police, FSB, armed forces, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). By the way, today it is the most the best option and even because there is one of the highest salaries.

Where to go to study?

If you did not succeed in enrolling in a university before the army, you should not despair ... After all, the most main question- what to do after the army? Here you should know that after military service you have advantages when entering a university, i.e. you can be enrolled out of competition. If you have a secondary education diploma and passed the exam, then after the army, you can use this for a year. But I want to say right away: do not put it on the back burner. Like I’ll rest now, and then…. Then it will be even more difficult.

For those who were in the army and did not receive a higher education, there is a chance to enter any university without competition. Graduates of Suvorov and cadet schools, but that's up to the army.

But unequivocally, having come from the army, you immediately have to clearly decide what to do and choose your own and only your life path. If this is a military career, immediately go to study. Better yet, before leaving the army, you will receive recommendations and referrals to a military school. If you decide to forget about the army, then decide on a job based on your skills and abilities.

The day before yesterday you were a schoolboy, yesterday you were a soldier, and tomorrow you were a student? Alas, in reality, not everything is so simple. Chances of getting student ID on a par with others for a 19-20-year-old who has served in the army or navy young man not too much.

The state, which managed to convince him to go to serve, closed its eyes to the fact that in a year, apart from home and textbooks, the young man simply forgets much of what he was taught. And in entrance exams, he often becomes uncompetitive to "freshly baked" high school graduates.

And no one has long been a "bitter" joke, wandering around the forums and addressed to those seeking to learn: "Dear former military personnel, welcome to our fence-building institute!" As well as nods towards other states that provide their servicemen with benefits guaranteed by the country.

For example, in Israel, when entering a university, and it does not matter if it is a young man or a girl, he will immediately ask: did they serve? And the advantage in enrollment, and in fact, is used by the "demobilization".

After serving in the Israeli army, its "graduate" necessarily receives a check from the state for 17 thousand shekels (about 4250 dollars). They are allowed to be used either for the purchase of housing, or to pay for a year's tuition at the university.

The law was given, but what does it give?

The Federation Council even adopted a special law, by which the deputies tried to solve the problem of the admission of recent paratroopers and tankers to universities and academies. In particular, it says, albeit rather evasively, that given the equality of the points scored in the entrance exams, a person who has served in the army has an advantage over an ordinary applicant. But this provision is not mandatory, it is not subject to control and verification.

As, by the way, there is another provision, which seems to be also spelled out in the law. According to him, a recommendation from a military commissar can become the basis for benefits. However, not only he himself did not usually hear that the military commissar has the right to give it. The privates and sergeants who have been transferred to the reserve, and even the admissions commissions, do not know about this either. Or - they pretend not to know.

A certain privilege for applicants who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be considered permission to use the results of their own year-before-last USE on admission. But only once.

To the university - through courses

Admission to university, psychologists say, is always a huge stress. Although, perhaps, and a little less than for a recent student is itself. Preparatory courses for three or six months can help to adapt a little before the entrance exams. A good option, albeit not very realistic, is to start preparing for admission while still in the army. But here a lot depends on the place of service of the soldier and the loyalty of his commanders.

Without taking off the shoulder straps

The only category of Russian universities where yesterday's and today's army men are always welcome is the military. In order to become a cadet of a military school or institute, it is enough to receive a referral and a description from the command of a unit, go through a 25-day training camp and pass exams at least for the "top three".

Another thing is that during the training camp, future officers will also have a very serious examination of their health, physical fitness and psychological state. And numerous tests are added to the exams.

Quite often, young people prefer to enter higher educational institutions after finishing their military service. In this case, they should find out what are the conditions for admission, as well as what indulgences they can count on?

Special offer for those who have served

Today, special benefits are provided for admission to a university after the army in 2019, which are quite interesting for young people. First of all, conscripts can enter the preparatory department of the chosen university, moreover, to the specialty they have chosen. However, there is a certain requirement that the choice must be made within the quota that was allocated by the state.

Special preferential conditions for people who have served in the army are necessary in order to improve the prestige and reputation of the army, as well as to attract young people to volunteer service. However, benefits are provided by each educational institution separately, so it is impossible to say exactly what exactly they provide. Each potential student should independently apply to the selected university to obtain information on this issue.

What are the benefits for admission to a university after the army in 2019

The main benefits include:

    • preferential right for young people who have served the necessary time in the army, which implies the opportunity to enter a university within the framework of the state quota, which assumes that if a conscript soldier has the same number of USE points along with an ordinary applicant, then he will be credited;
    • an application for admission to a specific educational institution can be written by a soldier while serving in the army;
    • every young person after leaving school takes the exam, and the results of this exam will be valid for two years, so after the army you can use them for admission;
  • quotas are allocated in each university in the country, but in a limited number, and most of the places are allocated precisely in special military educational institutions.

Today, almost every university is happy to enroll people who have already completed military service for training. However, there is also a certain problem here, which is that after a year of the army, young people lose basic knowledge. school curriculum, therefore, they do not have enough knowledge to fully and well study in higher education educational institution.

Each conscript soldier has the opportunity to apply for admission to various educational institutions, but they can take advantage of the privilege only in one university. In other institutions, admission will take place in the same way as for ordinary applicants.

It should be noted that in addition to the benefits for admission, conscripts have the opportunity to take advantage of benefits for the period of preparation, so that they return all the knowledge they lost during their service.

To enter a university on a budgetary basis using benefits, a conscript soldier must send to the selected educational institution special recommendations that must be received in the unit in which the applicant served. You can get it during the service or after, for which you can contact the military registration and enlistment office. If not of this document, then it will be simply impossible to take advantage of the benefits for admission. Although this document does not have any legal force however, it is mandatory to receive it. At the same time, it is impossible to single out any restrictions on the time of receipt and the procedure for its issuance. That is why many educational institutions are skeptical and distrustful of the papers that conscripts bring to receive benefits.

It should be noted that the opportunity for soldiers to take advantage of those USE results, which were received before the service, is the same benefit. You can use these results for admission only once.

Documents for obtaining benefits for admission to a university

A conscript soldier must prepare and submit the following documents to the chosen university, in which the benefits will be applied:

    1. recommendations received at the military registration and enlistment office or directly in the part where the applicant served;
  1. military ID.

The right to use the above benefits by conscripts is enshrined in legislation. However, it is best if, before direct admission, special preparation for the university is passed so that the applicant updates his knowledge, as a result of which he will be able to fully and successfully study at the chosen educational institution. The most optimal courses are considered, the duration of which can be 3 months or six months.

Thus, if a student immediately after leaving school went to the army, then after graduation he can take advantage of special preferential offers from the state for admission to a university.

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After completing military service, every 20th conscript will be able to enter the budget department at a university within the framework of special quotas. Relevant amendments to the laws "On education in Russian Federation"And" On the status of military personnel "prepared by the Ministry of Defense. The size of quotas should be established by the Ministry of Education and Science. In this case, an entrant - a former soldier will need a recommendation from the unit commander. Experts believe that the need for such a document is the weak point of the initiative of the military department, leaving room for corruption and arbitrariness.

Today, the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" gives special rights to certain categories of disabled people when entering a university on undergraduate and specialty programs. For these categories of applicants, special quotas are established for studying at the expense of the budget.

The Ministry of Defense proposes to include conscripts who have also served in this list of beneficiaries. The explanatory note to the amendments notes that up to 15 thousand former military personnel will be able to use the quota annually. The last two conscriptions - about 150 thousand recruits each. That is, quotas are calculated for about 5% of conscripts.

Now the soldiers who decide to go to a university after the army have the right only to enroll in free preparatory departments of state universities. To do this, they must provide a recommendation from the commander of a unit or formation. The military department wants to introduce a similar practice for admission to study at a university.

The Defense Ministry explained to Izvestia that now such recommendations have no legal force. If the proposed amendments are adopted, the ministry will prepare an order regulating the procedure for issuing this document.

The representative of the military department explained that most often the recommendations from their commanders are requested by soldiers who are going to continue serving in the security forces. If we are talking about enrollment in budget-funded departments of universities, control over the issuance of recommendations will be strengthened.

It cannot be ruled out that everything will go through the main personnel department. This is a serious matter, so there will be strict internal control and the passage of an internal competition if there are too many applicants, ”the Defense Ministry noted.

In the explanatory note to the bill, it is noted that a soldier will be refused a recommendation if disciplinary sanctions have not been lifted or if they are prosecuted during the service.

The commander of a motorized rifle battalion in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Lieutenant Colonel Gennady Zaborov, noted that the new benefit for conscripts should contribute to the growth of military discipline and motivation of soldiers, as well as increase the prestige of the service. At the same time, he noted that it is not easy to get a positive recommendation.

The soldier will know he has a right free training at a civil university. But to deserve it, one must become an exemplary soldier - have high results in the subjects of combat training, not violate discipline, and show reasonable initiative. Only in this way will he be able to earn a positive response from the commander for admission to the university, - said Gennady Zaborov.

According to Valentina Melnikova, Executive Secretary of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, the need for recommendations creates preconditions for extortion and corruption.

The recommendation in part may not be issued free of charge - this is, first of all, the weak point of the initiative, - noted Melnikova. - We often encountered the arbitrariness of commanders in late Soviet times, when characteristics were necessary. This resulted in corruption and voluntarism. The captain, if he wants, can always spoil the recommendation.

According to the expert, the conditions for admission under the quota should be clearly spelled out in the legislation in order to exclude subjectivity.

Rear Admiral Vladimir Zakharov, retired, recalled that in the USSR, the characteristic for a university, issued to a soldier at the end of his service, was confirmation that a person had gone through the army.

Without it, a person could enter, but on the usual grounds. With a testimonial, he went out of competition. It was a very good incentive, and we used it effectively, ”Zakharov said.