Paint for painting under painting: types of compositions, how to choose and under what wallpaper, the best manufacturers and tips. What paint for wallpaper is better: the color palette and a variety of options color scheme wallpaper

Wallpapers Painting - quite frequent and convenient solution for those who independently make repairs, or for those who like to change the surrounding space. The most difficult thing in this event is not the choice of a particular brand of wallpaper and their sticking, but a choice of paint, which can be of any color, matte or glossy, for different types of basics and so on.


There are many different types of coloring substances that are suitable for use on topics under painting. They will differ in several parameters such as price, conditions of use, consumption, as well as other characteristics.

One of the very common options is the water-level varieties of paints. This type of coloring substances is safe for the environment and is suitable for use in residential areas. From other advantages - the surface painted by such paint, easily washing: it can be wiped with a damp cloth and washed, while it does not have absolutely smell. It dries very quickly: just just one day so that the painted surface dried.

Minus water-level paint is the need to carefully prepare the surface to staining. If it is pre-good not primed, the fluid is simply absorbed into the porous surface, and you will not get a beautifully painted wall, and ugly divorces or the absence of any traces of painting.

Acrylic paint for wallpaper Painting is also a frequent choice for repair. As a rule, it is bought for phlizelin wallpaper, but sometimes it is rational use on paper wallpaper or wallpaper from fiberglass. Acrylic water-based paint is an excellent solution for those who want to get a rich and bright color of the walls. It is very nice that over time he will not fade and will serve for many years. Waterproof paint, with a weakly expressed smell and very quick-drying.

Another waterproof paint is a latex, forming a thin, but very durable layer on the surface of the surface. It is produced on the basis of water-dispersion paint, to which separate polymers and acrylic are added. The layer of such a product will be so strong that if you want to remove it, it will be extremely difficult to do: so if you are looking for a resistant to cover wallpaper, this option is for you. Such paint has a very low flow, a democratic price, and it is very easy to apply to the surface in any way.

Paint-plaster or decorative plaster combines the pluses of two materials at the same time. It will make it possible to simultaneously paint the necessary plot, align it and give a beautiful view due to the resulting pattern.

How are different foundations paint?

The final choice of paint depends on the type of base. Depending on what the walls are seeded under painting, the required material will be distinguished. The right choice is the key to the fact that the repair does not have to redo, and the result will delight the eye.

For paper wallpapers, the water-emulsion paint is best. She is easy to apply, she has a thin layer, which will be enough: Paper wallpaper should not be very soaked in paint, since the risk of their break is great. This type of wallpaper is usually the cheapest, as a result of which their quality is often not very high, however, such walls are most often used for internal works.

To paint the phlizelin wallpaper, it is necessary to purchase water-dispersion or latex paint. Such wallpaper are dense, as a rule, relief, and with ease tolerate up to 15 repartments.

If you have vinyl wallpaper, then do not rush to throw their packaging: it shows the type of paint required. It should be painted in two layers: first the primer is covered on top of the wall, and then applied directly to the paint. The second layer should not be strong - it is impossible to make a liquid into the material into the material.

Liquid wallpapers are also popular. The technology "crying wallpapers" is simple: the dry mixture is bred by water, and then immediately applied to the surface. After they were used and put on the wall, they no longer have to repaint: they are originally colored. For a more even color, you can paint the wall before applying them. Pearl decorative paint is suitable for liquid wallpapers, which have already been dried: so they will emphasize their relief.

So far, one of the frequent ways to make a pretty view of the ceiling in rooms is the use of ceiling wallpaper. Wallpapers for painting on the ceiling - the same as for the walls, and to choose the type of the necessary coloring agent, it is necessary to repel from the same principles that when painting walls.

Color spectrum

Modern stores present the entire accessible to the human eye of the palette of colors and shades. Paints can be sold both ready-made, with a certain tint and those that need to be kneaded. That is, you are offered a white base and a set of colors - liquids that need to be mixed with the basis for obtaining the desired color, for example, a beige color, loved by many in the interior, comes out when mixed white, yellow and orange. Without experience, it is difficult to make the necessary shade immediately, and it is also desirable to interfere with the paint one-time and in one container for uniform color throughout the surface.

This option will be very interesting to look at the children's room, however, adults such a choice will also have to do.

The resulting effect varies: the surface after applying the solution can be as a result of both glossy and matte, or with a pearl effect or even with sparkles. You can choose a white background, and color paint will be a bright accent on your wall. An interesting solution will be silver or gold shades, the main thing is not to overdo it.

If you want something unusual, select graphite color. As a rule, it is applied in order to appear on the surface the opportunity to write and draw with chalk.

Rating brands

The choice of paints and their producers present in our market is quite wide. It is difficult to unequivocally assert that some of them are better than everyone else: as a rule, each brand specializes in its type of paints.

Many options occurring on the market are manufactured in Europe: so, Dufa, Superweiss or WandFarbe are famous German brands, Polish paint with a gentle name Sniezka or English Johnstone "S can also be seen on the shelves and online stores.

One of the most famous European brands familiar to the majority is the brand from Finland Tikkurila. Tikkurila opened its production in Russia in 1995. The company's products are presented in all price categories, and their silicate water-level paint becomes a sales leader.

In the neighboring Sweden, Beckers paint is made, which is universal and suitable for staining any types of surfaces and is long operated even in the harshest conditions. Like most European paints, it is certified and is suitable for recognized environmental standards.

Another English trademark Dulux, owned by the "Akzonobel" concern, supplies paint in 26 countries of the world. Waterproof brand products, so it is often purchased to repair in kitchens and in bathrooms. Another plus is resistance to the formation of spots, so it is recommended to use in rooms with high humidity.

Russian brands in construction stores are also very recognizable. Buyers often recommend paint such brands like "Nevskiy Paints", "Yaroslavl Paints" or "Admiral". Products called "Eurolux" or Empils, oddly enough, also produced in Russia and has good qualities.

The Turkish brand Marshall produces products with a very low flow rate per square meter, which is able to withstand not only wiping with a damp cloth, but also cleaning with chemicals. If you are doing the repair where there are children who love to draw on the walls - buy paint of this brand and do not be afraid that paint and paint will come from the wall with children's drawings.

Paint from another continent PARKERPAINT offers an extensive range of colors. The American firm guarantees simplicity of application, the high quality of the resulting coverage and long operation.

Another American brand Shwerin-Williams produces painting compositions, for the quality of which, when buying, you can not worry. They are released in hermetic packaging, so you can expect a long service life from them, especially after long-term transportation from production to the store.

We consider the flow

The consumption of paint used may differ very much in each case.

It depends on several indicators:

  • type of wallpaper used for repair;
  • paint manufacturer;
  • the number of layers.

In order not to buy too much paint, you must first prepare and measure the area under painting. After that, all the processes are measured: door, window and other, provided by your project or fantasy. Opels are subtracted from the total area: this will be the parameters you need.

As a rule, each manufacturer indicates the packaging of its product. Approximate consumption of paint per 1 m2. However, you can calculate it yourself: if you are going to paint the wall in one layer, then the flow will be approximately 150-180 g / m2 of paint, if in two then 250 g / m2 or more. Please note that when staining in two layers, each individual layer should be thinner than when staining in one layer.

Also, consumption depends on the type of surface, since each type of wallpaper is painted with its type of absorption. For example, vinyl wallpaper will save you, as they differ in the smallest absorption: no more than one liter of paint by 10 m2. If you purchased a wallpaper with a rough surface, such as glassy, \u200b\u200bpaint consumption will also drop - pay attention to it.

In any case, not to be mistaken, buy paint with a margin, then you will be sure that you will not have to run to the store and hope that the color you need is still on sale.

Required tools

In order to paint the walls to high quality, you may need a surprisely large number of tools. Of course, you can do basic - it is a roller and brushes. You will apply the paint directly to the surface.

Rollers can be both foam and fur. The first option is most often occurring, as it is used to dye smooth surfaces. A fur roller will suit if you want to make a texture finish.

Brushes are also different, they differ in the material from which the pile or bristle is made in size (width), destination. So that the brush was guaranteed good and did not spoil you the process, you need to spend your hand on the pile and check that the hairs, of which it is done will not get out.

Among other useful tools, you can select the following:

  • painting tape to avoid those situations where paint gets out for the necessary borders, porting furniture, door shocks and other things. The painting tape will simply need if you paint the surface into several colors, and also it can replace your stencils;
  • stencil roller will allow you to apply a picture on monophonic walls. If you try, it can be done by himself, thereby having a unique drawing on the walls of your room;
  • the paint cell is a tank with a corrugated bottom for pressing excess paint on the roller. In addition, the use of such a tool will allow you to impregnate the roller evenly;
  • construction mixer for paint stirring. We are necessary when using old paint or paint with the addition of a koller to obtain homogeneous color throughout the capacity. If it is not, you can use a long wand, but the process in this case will slow down at times;
  • to accelerate the painting process, you can use the paintopult - a tool that allows you to put paint to a large surface with a very thin layer in a short period of time.

In addition to the above instruments, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment:

  • gloves, like fabric and rubber, which are best put in two layers;
  • respirator;
  • overalls;
  • headband;
  • protective glasses.

How much dries?

Each type of paint is characterized by its drying paced on the surface. It depends on the composition, from the environment - wet indoors or, on the contrary, raw, and other external conditions.

Among other factors affecting the speed of drying, the following can be designated:

  • The thickness of the applied layer. The thicker the paint layer, the longer the surface will dry;
  • Indoor temperature or on the street. On the package, manufacturers typically print the required temperature operation. For example, with too high temperatures, paint can become more liquid, and not dry, respectively, the hardening time will increase;
  • Porosity covered surface. is higher, and the more paint requires for a monophonic painting, the greater the amount of time required for complete drying;
  • Ventilation. It is impossible to allow draft, from this the result will only get worse, and the coating will begin to crack, but the competent built ventilation system and the active air flow will help speed up the drying process.

Among all kinds of coloring materials, oil paints are the dysfast type. Previously, they could dry for several days, but in modern times they began to add pentafthalive or alkyd bases, which made it possible to reduce drying time until one day.

Nitro and enamel paints dry at times faster: the second layer on top of the first can be applied immediately after half an hour after staining, and no complete drying occurs in no more than 12 hours.

Water-level solutions reaches primary polymerization in a couple of hours, and completely dry out approximately for 16-24 hours, but there are also separate species that will be completely dry after 12 hours.

If you are using paint in canvas or paintopult, you can rejoice.

This method of staining allows you to save the drying time, since the resulting layer is much thinner than with manual application, respectively, the drying time is reduced several times.

Which is better?

To choose exactly in your case paint, it is necessary to take into account all the conditions in which you have to work. If you make a mistake with the choice, then the appearance of the room where the repair will be made, it will become non-sustainable. In the worst case, you will have to remove the wallpaper and cross them, and then dye the walls.

What are the advantages of such wallpapers and their staining? First, you can always give the interior required color. Secondly, independent painting allows you to create any design wall. Thirdly, wallpaper for painting serve reliable base for walls, but, due to the embossed texture - create an exquisite atmosphere.

Stylish wallpaper with a textured pattern or a smooth surface, of course, will be able to decorate your interior, but it will become more spectacular when they are subsequent staining.

Since the perception of your design will largely depend on the correctness of the choice of painting means - let's find out how to choose paint for wallpaper to paint, on which tint to stop and how to calculate how much paint is needed to make your room.

Reviews about paint for wallpaper Painting will help you decide on the brand of the manufacturer.

Choose paint type

What kind of paint choose for wallpaper in painting? It would seem that wallpaper with such properties are adapted to any coloring means, and there is no need to carefully choose the manufacturer. Actually find out what kind of paint is needed for wallpaper to paint, it will be more difficult: not only will affect your choice type of wallpaper, but also space size, its lighting, specific conditionsas well as the value characteristics of paint.

Good paint for wallpaper under painting should lie down to a smooth layer on the web of any character and not leave uneven divorces on the surface. Many paints are specially diluted with water, as a result of which the appearance of the wallpaper is spoiled, so make sure that the defective products did not acquire.

In advance, examine the features of the range - and decide which paint for wallpaper to paint it is better to give a hue and will last longer on the canvas.

Distinguish the following types of such dyes:

  • water-dispersion paint based on PVA It has the most attractive cost, but not used for painting walls in wet rooms. Wallpaper, painted paint of this type, can not be cleaned of contamination, so in rooms with a high risk of appearance of spots on the walls it is better to use other options;
  • For wallpaper, painting is distinguished by high resistance to moisture, abrasion, is easily applied to the walls, and may also have a matte and glossy structure that allows experimenting with the design;
  • high popular uses for wallpaper. It is also characterized by a number of useful performance properties and is represented by a large number of shades. The paint of this type is suitable for any wall coverings, so it is much more analogs.

Despite some differences in properties, water-dispersive, acrylic and wallpaper for painting are quite easily applied to the surface of the wallpaper, they will quickly dry and spend economically. In order to paint the wallpaper by any of the proposed paint types, you need to stock up only with a standard set of auxiliary devices: roller, tassel or sprayer.

Let's talk about what paint is better to paint the wallpaper under painting of different types. For water-based paint. For coloring from the inside, you can use acrylic paint.

It is calmly withstands the impact of any type of paints: since such coatings can have a different base and durability indicators, it is better to consult a choice with specialists.

In this regard are universal: any paint is suitable for them too.

Wallpaper with embossed texture, in particular, it is better to paint dispersion paint.

Important! It is not enough to decide which paint can be painted in painting: it is important to choose the correct shade that does not change during the operation of the wallpaper. Do not forget that almost any types of paints are darked after complete drying on the wall.

The palette of colors paint for wallpaper under painting is so diverse that it is not always possible to choose the perfect tint from the first time. We will tell you further about the features of the selection of color.

Chonda selection

Colors of paint for wallpaper Painting are not always created by the manufacturer. The finished paint is often different from the shade depicted on the package, so today most consumers prefers to create color painting painting on their own. To do this, it is enough to add special pigments to the finished white paint, which will change the saturation of light depending on the proportions.

Form suitable colors of paints for painting wallpaper can be using two different procedures. In the first case, the dye is added to white paint At home. Despite the convenience of this option, several difficulties may occur: first, the resulting shade may be different after complete drying, and secondly, after using one package, you will have to re-create color paint color for painting, and not the fact that they will be the same.

That is why another option is considered more popular. Special equipment for tinting will create the required shade and will allow you to repeat the selected color at any time.: It will be enough to remember the code of the coloring pigment selected initially.

After choosing paint pigmentation techniques, it is worth finding out how to paint the wallpaper in your interior. Your fantasy should not be limited to standard colors, but do not forget to take into account the features of the room in which you do the repair.

Some shades have a number of practical properties that allow you to transform space:

  • black, dark blue And other colors absorb the light and make the room with gloomy and dim, so you should not use a large amount of such paint for the design of residential premises;
  • white, beige and other pastel shades Spearly expand space. The same effect can be achieved through the use of glossy paint, as well as the choice of pearl paint for wallpaper painting with spectacular overflows;
  • bright shades like red and orange helps to create accents in the interior;
  • varieties of green, blue and brown Tone emphasizes the commitment of natural themes;
  • pink, Yellow and Other Warm Shades On the wallpaper will create a home and cozy atmosphere.

As you can see, the photo paint for wallpapers looks quite harmonious in the interiors of any nature. This suggests that such a way of wall design is becoming increasingly popular among consumers, which is not surprising, since manufacturers prefer to produce collection of wallpapers in standard colors.

Cost, calculation of volume and consumption

In order not to run on shopping several times, find out in advance that in what quantities you should buy. Consumption of paint for wallpaper Painting is determined based on the parameters of the room. Measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which you plan to shove the wallpaper for painting - and do not forget to take into account the presence of windows and doors: their parameters are deducted from the calculations made. Painting consumption is usually indicated on the package and may differ depending on the type and density of the coloring agents.

Remember! The required paint consumption will depend on how many layers do you plan to apply on the wallpaper.

Single-layer painting requires a flow rate of 150-180 g / sq.m. Paints, while for two-layer staining you will need about 250 g / sq. M. Usually, staining Wallpaper with a rough surface (for example, glazes) is obtained more economical Compared to paper.

Depending on the type of coloring materials, you can estimate how much paint is for wallpaper for painting:

  • acrylic dyes for wallpaper will cost you approximately 170-350 rubles per liter;
  • the cost of latex paint will be from 400 to 1000 rubles per liter;
  • the average price of one liter of water-dispersion paint ranges in the range of 315 - 590 rubles.

Do not forget that the price of paint for painting is depends not only on the size of the banks and the qualitative characteristics of the dye, but also from the manufacturer's brand.

Brand paints for wallpapers will cost more, but the quality of such materials is verified in practice by many consumers.

Wallpapers for painting as a way of finishing the room are characterized by decorative and practical properties. And the range of modern materials allows you to choose a new color of the walls at least every year. What types of paint for wallpapers are presented in the modern market, and which option is worth choosing?

Observing painting technology and choosing high-quality materials, you can regularly change the interior. Competently selected paint for painting wallpaper will provide stability of material to humidity and exposure to sunlight. Modern variants of paint and varnishes are considered environmentally friendly and do not contain harmful impurities.

Paint for painting under painting: color gamut

When selecting paint for wallpaper, it is worth considering the type of base to which it will be applied. The surface of the wallpaper can be smooth, textured or patterned.

Initially, the wallpaper is painted with colorless and bright canvases with various textures.

Painting materials on the ability to reflect light are divided into the following types:

  1. Glossy paint provides additional reflection of light and shine. It is used for rooms with a shortage of sunlight.
  2. The semi-general composition is characterized by an optimal reference indicator and is used for many residential premises.
  3. The matte surface is recommended for spacious premises, it absorbs light.
  4. The semiamatic coating is characterized by a small reflections. Suitable for living room or bedroom.
  5. The composition with the satin effect is suitable for the bathroom or kitchen.

If the texture has a specific pattern, the selected shade must be based on. The surface with the imitation of wood is painted into light brown tones.

At home, you can independently achieve the desired shade. For this, the main color is mixed with pigments.

The resulting solution is pre-tried on a piece of wallpaper, as the color of the mixture in the bucket and the shade on the wall can be very different.

Choosing the color of paint for painting under painting, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. In the rooms overlooking the south side, the surface of the walls is painted with cold shades: green, blue, purple.
  2. For premises that are on the northern side, warm and light tones are selected: beige, yellow, pink, sandy.
  3. If there is a lack of daylight in the room, then it is recommended to choose a bright color palette for painting.

The choice of color gamut affects the functional purpose of the room. The living room is considered the main place to relax and collecting the whole family. Here is permissible to use red shades that act exciting to the nervous system. A blue or green color is suitable for a relaxed atmosphere. Soft shades of yellow raise the mood and charge vigor.

If the walls in the spacious room are painted in warm tones, then the room is visually declining and becomes more cozy. Dark and bright shades also contribute to visual decrease in space.

Painting the ceiling depends on the height of the walls. If the height is up to three meters, the ceiling shade is selected for two tones lighter than the surface of the walls. If the height of the walls is more than three meters, then for the ceiling, you can use a dark color gamut.
It should be borne in mind that no paint for painting wallpaper disguises the defects of the invoice.

Paint for wallpaper as painting, what is better?

Choosing paint for wallpaper, it is necessary to consider all the variants of paintwork materials and explore their advantages and disadvantages.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd solutions are not used to dye wallpaper in residential areas. As part of such paints, oils and resins are contained, which negatively affect human health.

At the same time, alkyd paints possess the following features:

  1. Resistance to sunlight and humidity.
  2. Saturation of the color gamut.
  3. There are various additives that protect against fungi.

Alkyd paintwork solutions have a short service life.

Water-dispersion paints

Most often, water-dispersion solutions are used for painting wallpaper. They are harmless to the human body and possess an extensive color palette.

Water-dispersion latex paints on an acrylic basis are intended for painting phlizelin canvases and glasses. This type of material is used for walls of living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. The solution practically does not smell and dries in the shortest possible time.

Latex mix

It is characterized by elasticity and durability. In the store you can get a mixture of white, and the required shade is created using a tinting. This option allows you to create beautiful pastel shades. Recommended for rooms with high humidity. Walls treated with paint can be wet cleaning.

Water-based formulations are made with basic neutral white color. To get the desired shade, you will need to apply painting pigments that are added in certain proportions and allow you to get a rich color palette.

Water-emulsion paint.

PVA-based paints are known good viscosity and adhesion with a variety of surfaces.
Water-emulsion dyes are not recommended for rooms with high humidity. Paint is suitable for liquid and paper types of wallpaper.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are popular, as safe for health, quickly dry and practically do not smell. Such a composition is suitable for any premises, including rooms for children.

A water-based mixture is suitable for painting flieslinic wallpaper, glasses and paper canvases. Such paints have a greater saturation of colors than latex solutions. They practically do not fade in the sun.

Acrylic paint has the following advantages:

  1. The material under the painting freely breathes.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage and humidity.
  3. The composition contains anti-grab additives.
  4. The painted surface dries quickly.

Wallpaper options for painting

In the bedroom, the wallpaper is less polluted and less frequently change, so paper canvases are used indoors. In the living room and hallway the walls are dirty more often, therefore, it is recommended for painting materials on a phliselin basis.

Faster wallpaper is polluted in nursery or in the kitchen. For such premises, textured fliseline canvas or fiberglass wallpaper are used.

The following wallpaper options are used under painting:

  1. Fliselin wallpapers consist of two layers, there are viscose fibers in their composition. The nonwoven layer smoothly falls on the surface of the wall, and the top layer is distinguished by a decorative pattern of foamed vinyl or pressed phlizelin. Such materials are elastic and not afraid of moisture and cracks. Latex and acrylic paints are used for painting.
  2. Paper wallpapers under painting are covered with a special composition, which allows you to repel the extra moisture. Used not only for walls, but also for the ceiling. Latex paint is suitable for staining.
  3. Gymelocoes are performed from mineral fiberglass. The canvas do not lose decorative characteristics and relief even after numerous staining. Suitable for rooms with high humidity. For painting, acrylic and latex species of paints are used.
  4. Acrylic paint is recommended for vinyl wallpapers.

Wallpaper Under painting can be repainted more than once, but it should be borne in mind that with a frequent change of color, the paint fills the pores of the picture.
Do not take paint in large volume. First, it is recommended to take a bit on the sample. For applying paint on the surface, a langer roller, a pulverizer or a wide brush is used.

Depending on the designer idea, the painting of wallpaper can not be used for the entire wall of the wall. For this, a separate plot, simpleness, strip or plot in the frame under the picture is painted. Painting is produced by bright shades: golden, acid, black or silver.

Modern materials include liquid wallpaper. They create a paper-cellulose layer on the wall surface. Liquid wallpaper must be painted to protect the surface from damage.

The latest options for wallpapers are provided by the widest opportunities to create original and stylish interiors. For each design, you can choose the necessary shades that will allow implementing projects in a variety of architectural styles.

A couple of decades ago, during the repair of their homes, many of our compatriots used ordinary wallpapers for finishing walls and ceiling. Today the situation has changed somewhat. Now increasingly they stop the choice on wallpaper intended for painting. The main reason for their popularity is that this type of finishing material provides the ability to hold the owner to determine the final version of the design.

First of all, pay attention to this type of wallpaper is faithful to people who are used to changing the situation in the house. After all, they easily withstand several changes in the color of the walls. From other traditional materials, this type of wallpaper is distinguished by the fact that it allows you to create an unique atmosphere indoors. No less important thenthat they are easy to use and do not require special skills and attracting specialists. From the owner you only need to understand how paint for wallpaper is suitable better.

Tools for finishing

The easiest and most affordable tool that can be used for painting wallpaper is a langer roller. Thanks to the large square of contact, it allows you to quickly fulfill this work. In construction stores, several options for rollers are offered: velor, fur and porolon. They differ among themselves manufacturing material and length of the working surfacethat directly affects the scope of their use.

So, the roller with a long pile is perfect for situations when you need to deeply paint the glassy. A short bristle tool will create a surface layer on the texture of the material.

If we talk about the foam version of the roller, then it has the smallest area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the painted surface. Such a tool can be created on the surface small transparent bubbles.

When choosing the most suitable roller for painting works, it is necessary to take into account the type of paint used, as well as the material manufacturing material. The use of a similar approach to staining will allow you to perform work as quickly and efficiently.

Paint brushes are used much less often due to their low efficiency. But still it is not necessary to completely refuse them, because in cases where it is necessary to paint hard-to-reach places, it is they will be able to rescue the masters. Most often, such a need arises when staining the corners and joints.

Varieties of material

In construction stores, you can find many types of paints under the wallpaper, but only three can be considered suitable among them:

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd;
  • water dispersion.

All of these compositions differ from themselves not only worth, but also operating conditions and other features. Therefore, before deciding on a suitable type of painting composition, it is necessary to study the features of each of them.

Alkyd mixes

This type of painting materials is used mainly in non-residential and utility premises of residential buildings. So limited sphere Applications are due to their harm to health. It should be known that alkyd paints include hazardous oils and resins that have a negative impact on the body. If a long time is located in a room with wallpaper painted with such paints, then after a while, a person may feel bad. With permanent accommodation, there may be even the emergence of serious respiratory diseases.

And although alkyd compositions have a negative effect, they can still have a number of indisputable advantages.

They have a more rich shade. The finish performed is great in the utility premises. It is impossible not to mention such important dignity as high resistance. These compositions perfectly carry increased moisture, do not lose its original color even under a long exposure to lighting. Due to the content of Anti-grib additives alkyd paints provide wallpaper resistance to rotting.

They have a number of flaws:

  • serve such wallpapers on average about 5 years;
  • over time, their species begins to deteriorate;
  • alkyd paints have increased flammability, so it is not possible to use them during decoration.

Speaking in general about alkyd paints, it should be noted that in the residential premises it is impossible to paint with paints of this type. The main reason for this is the serious harm that they can cause human health. But for the utility premises, they fit perfectly. Indeed, compared to other similar options for finishing materials, they have a very low cost per liter.

Water distribution formulations

Among the entire variety of paints, water-dispersion varieties are most often used when finished. The absence in their composition of harmful components, oils and resins has been greatly popular. Therefore, they can safely be used for painting wallpapers in residential premises at home. In addition, they are produced in a wide range of shades. This allows any buyer pick exactly the option Wallpaper paints, which will look great in the interior of the bedroom or living room and give him beauty and uniqueness.

Water-dispersive painting formulations are traditionally customary to classify into several subspecies. The most famous among them is the latex paint on an acrylic basis, which is used primarily for painting phliselin wallpaper with relief texture. At the same time, it can also be used for fiberglass.

From the merits of the material it should be noted the minimum drying time, the presence of a bare odor. This allows you to use it for dyeing any premises - not only a bedroom and a living room, but also a kitchen. But for the bathroom such The material will not be the best solution due to increased humidity.

There is also another type of latex paint on a common water-dispersion basis. It is characterized by high durability and contains in its composition acrylic latex and butadiene-styrene. These components provide it with high elasticity. In stores it is only available in a white color version. But if necessary, the master with ease can give it the desired color with the help of a tinting. Most often it allows you to create soft shades, but sharp tones are almost unattainable.

Acrylic and water-emulsion paints

Recently, the acrylic basis compositions have been widely used when carrying out many types of paintwork. They are actively used in residential premises. They can be painted with wallpapers even in children's rooms, as they are completely safe. Acrylic paints do not contain harmful components and chemicals. Due to the presence of a large number of advantages, acrylic paints are one of the most expensive among the markets.

Acrylic water-based paints are used mainly to dye fliseline wallpaper. You can find special varieties on sale.which can be used for paper wallpapers and fiberglass.

When painting on the material, films are not formed. Due to this, the wallpaper retains the ability to "breathe", and this eliminates the accumulation of steam indoors. It is also necessary to mention its drying. This requires no more than 24 hours. After this time, it is possible to calmly touch the wallpaper, without fearing to spoil the paint or stain.

From the peculiarities of water-emulsion mixtures, it should be noted primarily its composition in which the latex, antiseptic, filler and fixing chemical additives are presented. This variety of material It is considered environmentally friendly, so it can be used in residential premises.

Water-emulsion mixtures have excellent moisture resistance. Therefore, after staining with them, wallpaper can be washed with a damp cloth, not afraid to apply damage. Another significant advantage of water-emulsion paints is the absence of smell. This allows them to apply them to finishing the children's room, without fearing that an allergic reaction may occur in a child.

Water-emulsion paints require very little time to dry. Already on the next day after staining, you can safely touch them. When applied on wallpaper, a film occurs that does not deprive the wallpaper to breathe. Paint is distinguished by a high degree of vapor permeability, eliminates accumulation on the surface of condensate.

Exceptional performance Allow the use of water-based paint on silicone base for staining wallpaper in the kitchen and in the bathroom. After all, in contrast to many similar materials, it has increased resistance to humidity.

Choice rules

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of paint for painting for painting, you need to pay attention to the two main characteristics: Wallpaper material and place of their blowing. But there are a number of other, equally important criteria that should be taken into account when choosing a paint material.

To date, there are several materials for wallpaper in construction stores:

Among all available paintwork materials for finishing classic paper wallpapers, the water-emulsion formulations are best used. But for phlizelin wallpaper, water dispersion mixtures are suitable. For fiberglass, the choice can be stopped on acrylic or latex paints.

With special attention you need to approach the choice of paint to finish wallpaper in rooms with high humidity. It must be a material that can easily transfer such extreme operation mode. Such requirements are satisfied with acrylic and latex paints, which are able to withstand a small fluid entering. If necessary, they can be periodically wiped with a damp cloth. Such exceptional properties are due to the presence on the wallpaper of a thin film, formed after dyeing.

The paints discussed above have a certain reflection coefficient of light, which can be matte, semi-wave, satin or glossy. Each of them is suitable only for certain rooms at home.

Matte and half-one paint will look great in overpressure rooms. Therefore, it is best to use them in the living room. Glossy paint is an excellent choice for premises where there is a lack of natural light. Satin painting materials are ideal for kitchen and bedrooms that have medium lighting indicators.

Recently, many new materials for finishing appeared on the market. Wallpapers Painting are deservedly popular with many of our compatriots, because they are very practical material, since they are able to withstand multiple staining cycles. But still there are certain differences between them, which should be considered when choosing them. This is especially true of the conditions of operation of the premises where one or another kind of paint is planned to paint under the painting of wallpaper.

If you do not want to carry out extraordinary repairs for the next year, we advise you to properly approach the choice of this material, having studied the features of each of the options offered in the market so that the purchase does not turn out to be in vain spending time and money.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 6 minutes

Individual decoration of the apartment is no longer considered something unusual and difficult to access. It is possible to achieve exclusivity in design by resorting to a simple and popular way - wallpaper coloring. Paint for wallpaper for painting allows you to choose absolutely any color solution and transform the interior to be unrecognizable.

Wallpaper under painting, what are they?

Many are interested in which wallpaper can be painted. To the material that can be painted:

  • Gymelomes.
  • Fliseline wallpaper.
  • Paper.
  • Vinyl on a flieslinic basis.

This does not mean that any paper or vinyl wallpaper can be painted.

Only the wallpaper material is suitable for coloring, which is specifically designed for this, is specially processed and has a special note that it is allowed to paint.


To begin with, consider the classics - paper wallpapers for painting. They differ from the usual presence of several layers of paper impregnated with water-repellent composition. In addition, they do not have an applied pattern, their surface has a relief structure.

Do not try to paint ordinary paper wallpaper! Most likely, they will be splashing and dismiss.

You can apply any kind of water-based paint on a water-based specifically designed for staining, a qualitative result can be achieved by choosing a roller as a tool.

Acrylic or vinyl

Staining vinyl wallpaper under painting strengthens their top layer, so it is recommended to apply paint for a few days after sticking. For vinyl wallpapers are suitable:

  • water-emulsion formulations that will create a pleasant matte surface;
  • acrylic and latex - will allow the gloss effect.


For phliselin wallpaper, various compositions can be used for painting, but acrylic or latex paint is best suited. To work with them, it is better to choose a brush, which has a hard pile, so the working surface will turn more qualitatively.

There is a rather unusual coloring technique for such wallpapers: applying paints on the inner side before sticking. Want to get an interesting color tint and emphasize the structure of the fliesline canvase? Then this way for you. But remember - for these purposes only acrylic composition is suitable.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Note! When painting glasses, there is quite a lot of paint. To reduce the consumption of the material, it is possible to apply a thick layer of PVA glue to the wallpaper and wait until it dries.

Choose paint

Painting paints for painting are divided into the following types:

  • water-emulsion;
  • latex;
  • acrylic;
  • alkyd.

The first three compositions have a water base. Paints based on chemical solvents can disrupt the outer layer of the treated surface, so practically not used in the interior decoration.

Advantages of painting:

  • Exclusivity.
  • Economy ,.
  • Ability to hide small surface defects.

Consider paints for wallpaper in more detail.

Latex formulations

Paint for wallpaper-based painting on the basis of latex allows you to create a high-quality coating, but it has its own characteristics.

  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • resistance to ultravioleti;
  • uniformity of application;
  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • water-repellent properties - it is allowed to remove contaminants with a damp sponge or cloth without the use of chemicals.
  • high price;
  • after opening the package, it is necessary to use for several hours, otherwise the paint will come into disrepair (dried).
  • on the surface dries over for several days.

Some features of latex paint:

  • Latex formulations are classified according to the degree of gloss. This indicator is displayed on the package in the title or digital form. The greater the number, the more glossy there will be a surface.
  • The glossy coating emphasizes all reliefs and irregularities, dirt and imprints are noticeable.
  • The use of glossy paint on the ceiling will make it visually higher thanks to the partial reflection of the space space. The ceiling in this case should be perfectly smooth.
  • Latex composition is diluted with water before use.


Use a "water-emulsion" is best in dry rooms. This is an excellent option for painting paper wallpapers on the ceiling. Feature - the presence of only matte or silky shades.

  • affordable cost;
  • no smell.
  • moisture is afraid;
  • the choice of colors is limited, but you can use the kel.

It is best to apply a water-level paint in 2-3 layers.


Alkyd compositions are durable, waterproof, but are suitable exclusively for fiberglass wallpaper.

Important moment! Alkyd paint creates an airtight film, so to preserve a favorable microclimate in the nursery, in the bedroom and in the kitchen it is better not to use it.

The right approach

When the wallpaper is already crooked, the paint paint is chosen and purchased for painting, you can move directly to the artistic process.

If the wallpapers recently are recently, there are no dust and dirt on them, then they can not be primed.

Tools and materials that we need:

  • - the length of the pile depends on the paint used (the optimal version is the average pile);
  • portion tray;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • coating on the floor (film, oilcloth);
  • directly paint itself.

Stages of work:

  • On the perimeter of the painted surface, where it comes into contact with the ceiling and floor, gluits the greasy tape.
  • For the floor, the underfloor material is raised (if the paint is dripped).
  • Prepared composition for staining - if necessary, diluted, poured into the tray.

When rolling the roller, the paint should be evenly impregnated with its entire surface, but it should not be unnecessary, for this it follows the roller along the ribbed surface of the tray.

  • The roller rolled along the wall several times with the same press and in one direction.
  • Corners and places next to the painting tape are scratched with a tassel.
  • The entire stained surface must be processed to one reception.

Remember: the applying of paint for wallpaper occurs only after the complete drying of the surface being processed, ideally, after the wallpaper passes, two days should pass.


Not always a color shade that I would like to see on the walls or ceiling, you can find on the shelves. In this case, salvation will be.