Selection criteria almost any shower. How to choose the right shower cabin for the bathroom

Do not think that a shower cabin is only a means for saving water, a place in the bathroom and - allegedly - money during the selection of the interior in it. If you know how to choose the right shower, you can make the process of taking the shower even more pleasant, and the situation around is harmonious.

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The standard components of the shower cabin are pallet, walls and doors that are cut into the person inside and do not give moisture spread throughout the room, plus - sometimes - the roof. The view of the cabin, its dimensions, and the price.

Types of shower cabins

There are several basic soul cabin types:

no roof - open, which are prefabricated;

with roof - closed models, monolithic;



Spacious cabin

Prefabricated models are the most common, as their design is simple, the price is relatively low. But lovers of more interesting things - with the presence of a variety of additional joys (for example, hydromassage), it is better to pay attention to monolithic species. Built-in cabins are great for small premises, and in most cases are angular.

Features of the open type of shower cabins

The main thing when choosing open shower cabins is to determine the size and placement. The most functional option is "angle" when one of the corners of the doors are separated in the bathroom, inside the pallet, and the rest of the space is drawn up at the discretion of the owner of the room (as a rule, tiles). Plus - a mixing device with a shower wage, possibly an additional panel.

But the form of an open version is not limited to an angle ("radial"). It may be an oval, and a square, and even "snail" - anything. Special attention should be paid to such details:

1) own dimensions and dimensions of other family members;

2) size of the bathroom;

3) the ability to replace parts when they are out of order.

Open: Dimensions and Pallets

What are the sizes of shower cabins? For an open type, the most optimal option is 80-90 x80-90 cm. This is the standard that is installed in almost any room, and with the selection of components even other firms there will be no problems.

As a rule, the best shape of the pallet is a pentagon or semicircle. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to move inside free. If the area is not limited, it will be optimal to order a rectangular pallet in the entire wall and extinguish this space with shower doors and walls.

The main quality of the pallet is waterproofing, durability and reliability. Best, but expensive materials - cast marble and kvaril, cheaper - acrylic and ceramics, cast iron or steel.

Open cabin

Open: Choosing Fencing

Fencing - in the form of walls and doors - can be two types:

1) frame type - there is a frame of aluminum or plastic;

2) Frameless type - fully made of glass.

In the first case, the walls and doors can be made of glass or plastic. The best views are created from tempered glass. Any patterns can be applied on the surface of the door and walls, transparency also varies.

The second type is more expensive, but fails much less often due to the presence of a minimum of prefabricated elements. Strength is excellent, it turns out due to a special modern quenching.

And what door?

Any species of shower cabins are possible various ways of doors:

- the most functional - sliding method, in the presence of retractable devices or hinges, in some embodiments allowing the door to the "accordion";

swinging method - It is convenient for more or less spacious bathrooms if the doors open out (an option with spilling inside saves space, but not too convenient);

swadding - According to the design of the door, they will be more complex, but very convenient (the panel "swallows" from the cabin at an angle, occupying less space).

What a shower cabin is better, it is necessary to decide on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the aesthetic preferences of the future owner.

Collected Cabin

Advantages and disadvantages of shower cabins

If you compare the model model and closed type, it can be said that each of them is suitable for certain purposes. So, the prefabricated (open) option will be convenient for those who:

- wishes the device to accurate measurements;

- It has the ability to choose different elements;

- wants to play himself choosing additional equipment;

- Ready to be responsible for the quality of choice.

The main advantage of closed options is complete staffing and quick installation "just immediately". The price of each species may be different, it all depends on the materials used and the number of additional functions.


The main function is uninterrupted water supply of the desired pressure, so it is better to choose a metal design (shower, hose, rod). The mixer may be any, but single-art wall species will not only perform the main function, but also save water.

For those who visit any forum associated with repairs, and has children no longer a secret: it is logical to acquire a thermostatic mixer. For a child, change the temperature here is quite difficult.

From additional functions for an open model, installation of the ceiling canal (rain effect or waterfall), as well as panels for hydromassage.

Large closed cabin

About measurements

And once again about the installation of the booth for shower procedures. You need to know the exact planned dimensions. It is worth making a bathroom plan with the designation of its dimensions, as well as the exact dimensions of the place where the purchase is planned. Well, if you can immediately decide on the bottom of the pallet.

It is important to take into account: even made to order a cabin cannot be located accurately as part of the place allotted on it. You need to leave the stock at least a few centimeters.

The height of any option to buy should be sufficient - based on the growth of the highest family members. But for the normal operation of the wall for open models and the roof for closed types should not reach the ceiling at least 20 cm.

Closed Shower Cabin Model: Features

It is convenient to buy a closed option: everything will be on the ground, it will only remain to wait for a one-time edge. Preparatory work here will be minimal, the main thing is to connect to sewage and to the riser.

This option has such advantages:

- minimum sound permeability;

- the ability to install anywhere (for example, in the middle of the room);

- the presence of a huge number of additional features;

- Good moisture insulation, which contributes to the preservation of various surfaces (including furniture) in the room unchanged.

Electronic "filling" here is very rich - for the implementation of the proposed functions.

Small elongated cabin

About additional functions

In addition to the actual isolation and classical hydromassage, closed cabins may have devices to perform such functions as:

1) aromatherapy;

2) sound therapy;

3) Flowerpies;

4) the possibility of organizing a bath (usually a Turkish or sauna).

The variety of hydromassage functions depends on the manufacturer, its fantasy in the amount and placement of nozzles (can be massaged not only back, but also neck, shoulders), as well as seats.

Therapy with color, smells, sounds will be fully implemented. But the classical is impossible: it assumes too high in the classical sense. In this case, a combination of humidity is 100% and the heating of steam to 40 0 \u200b\u200bC.

"Closed" shower cabins: about materials and parameters

If the various materials are used to finish the open type, then for closed models of shower cabins, the set is not so wide. For example, it is impossible to use any tree inside: it will quickly come into disrepair due to high humidity in the implementation of additional functions.

You should pay attention to more thermostatic materials - plastic, tempered glass and others. They will not heat so much.

Unfortunately, such a convenient multifunctional design in the installation plan has not only advantages - and consists are also present. It cannot be installed in homes where there is no sufficient water pressure in the riser (no less than 2 bar).

Angle cabin

Features of the built-in shower models

Often the built-in shower cabin is called the best solution - according to compactness, convenience, aesthetic properties. The design of the room is not at all will suffer after installation - the door can be separated by anything, in any style. Walls or roofs simply not.

The whole "filling" is located inside special panels. Unlike the monoblocks, here you can mount (embed) large - that is, the function of the formation of the steam is carried out in almost full, as in the real bath.

Lighting (for color therapy) is very rich and interesting. The seat is featured convenience, there is enough space for the feet even a sitting person.

The capabilities of the built-in cabin and the rules of choice

Built-in shower booths are distinguished from other safety models. It should be borne in mind how to choose the right shower cabin of this type. The main criterion should be the thickness of the glass walls - at least 0.6 cm. The material is better to choose the glass - its hardened variety. The second point is silent and ease of opening doors.

Special attention in the models of this type is given hygienicness: there are no protruding, sharp parts, all lines are correct and clear, all surfaces are easy to clean.

Additionally, it may be interesting to connect radio and even stereo systems, as well as massage devices and other conducive relaxation of small things.

Cab with bathroom

Novelty: IR Cabins

Relatively recently to the global market came sowing cabins with the possibility of infrared sauna. They may include all the functions listed above (hydromassage, aromatic, color therapy, etc.), and plus everything is heating the human body itself due to IR radiation. This allows not to use steam generators, that is, the probability of burning from this device is excluded (it is in monoblocks).

For many people attending the Forum on the discussion of various technical innovations in Russia, such booths have become a pleasant surprise. After all, this body warming is useful practically to everyone - even those people that poorly transfer the usual bath, suffering from heart disease and vessels.

About manufacturers of shower cabins: expensive and efficiently

If we talk about global brands that are widely known in Russia, then, first of all, Italian Albatros, Devit, Cezares should be called. Of course, they are pretty expensive, the quality is good, but do not think: it is the best. In Europe with Italian companies, Finnish (IDO, TIMO), German (Hansegrohe, Wesserfale), Swedish (IFO) and others are successfully competing.

The price of the owners of companies determine the use of modern materials of excellent quality, the presence of a set of additional functions. They give a large warranty period, are responsible for reliability, as well as maintainability. But everything relative.

Simple angular cabin

Cheap and good

If it is required to find something is apparent, you should pay attention to domestic and Chinese firms. Russian aquatek, aquatic, Aqua Joy produce pretty high-quality cabins and offer a good range. In the course of the quality tests of Apollo products, Avito from China also did not identify large drawbacks, even more so: the quality is quite comparable to the products of the best European firms.

Another good brand is the Slovenian manufacturer Braus: a wide selection of products with different functions, interesting color solutions and an attractive price.

All listed firms offer shower cabins in such a price range: from 10-15 to 52-100 thousand rubles.


You can conclude: The best shower cabin is the one that meets all the requests of the future owner. That is, it fits both in size, and the design in the bathroom, is hygienic and comfortable, quite spacious, has the desired additional functions. All these qualities can also be found from the Russian, and in Chinese, and in European firms, so the buyer is primarily to study the product itself, and not trust brand reputation.

How to choose a shower board video:

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In this article, we will tell you about how to choose a shower cabin for giving, a country house or an urban apartment, from which such equipment is done, how to equip the interior, not to break the balance and eventually stay satisfied with its choice.

Shower cabin with sauna

How to choose a shower

To date, the shower cabin is not just a choice of furniture object for hygienic needs, but also the detail of the interior.

Whatever style you do not adhere to, the cabin will have to harmoniously fit into the bathroom and create comfort in it.

How to make the right choice? Everything is simple, because in fact it is an equipment designed to simplify our lives.

Choose a cockpit is easy to choose, the main thing is to correctly calculate your financial capabilities and correctly distribute needs.

Simply put, it is worth considering the size of your bathroom and try to equip it as comfortable as possible.

The most popular and in demand are cabins with sliding doors, which noticeably save space with, which in a typical high-rise building or a small villaged house is most often lacking.

How to choose a shower cabin under your bathroom? Most often, the most important factor is the compactness and the material used in the creation of the cabin.

How and which one should choose a shower cabin? It is necessary to take into account compactness when installing. This is a certain plus that will definitely need to take into account when choosing a booth

But do not forget about what the acquired equipment has been made. There are no doubtful design, and the price, and convenience, but without taking into account some technical details can not do.

For example, it is worthwhile as far as the shower cabin will be resistant to moisture, as will tolerate temperature change.

Standard shower consists of doors, walls and pallet.

Most often, the walls and the door are made of polystyrene, but over time, this material is nervous and divorces appear on it. Such problems can be avoided by choosing another material - glass.

It will be more expensive to cost, but also the choice in this case will be more.

You can choose the glass to your taste:

  • patterned;
  • toned;
  • matte.

Deciding with the doors and walls, you can go to the pallet.

They are made from various materials:

  • cast iron;
  • become;
  • acrylic;
  • ceramics;
  • artificial marble.

How to choose a shower cabin considering each of the above materials?

Both advantages and cons will be found in any of these options.

  1. Cast iron, for example, is a durable and reliable material, however, the thick walls of such a material are warmed up long enough, respectively, before swimming, it will be necessary to maintain hot water included for some time.
    The conclusion is one - economy in terms of water flow there is no.
  2. Steel pallets are also reliable and durable, however, as a minus, it is possible to mention noise, which is inevitable during operation, and the enamel on steel will deteriorate over time and shares.
  3. Acrylic acquires greater popularity, however, he has its own pitfalls. For example, with a large weight of a person, it can be fed.
    As the advantages, it is possible to mark fast heating and relatively easy cleaning, and small injuries in the form of scratches are quite easily stuffed.
  4. Ceramic pallets are very stable, but, like any other ceramic product, it has a high fragility.
    If you drop something heavy on the ceramic pallet, he can simply crack. You will need to handle such a shower cabin.
  5. Artificial marble is distinguished by its strength and wear resistance. It is stable to an aggressive environment, and care for such material is quite simple.

An important factor, in addition to the above, the size of the purchased shower room is also. How to choose a shower room of the desired size?

Otherwise, it all depends on your needs and desires.

Types of shower cabins

There is a rich assortment on the market and how exactly choose a cabin, no one can say. It all depends only on personal preferences and opportunities.

There are several basic types of cabins:

  • shower corner;
  • cabin "Boxing";
  • cabin "Boxing" with hydromassage;
  • cabin "Boxing" with a bath.

Shower corner is essentially a simple cabin, but with two, and not with four walls, as usual. In this case, the two sides are the walls in the bathroom, and the two-walls of the cabin.

It is worth noting that in this case, the walls and the floor in the installation site will have to prepare and align under the foundation.

If you do not want to do this, you can choose the box "Boxing". It will consist of four partitions and a special pallet.

how choose shower cabins?

Here everything is also quite simple. Before buying equipment, carefully inspect it, check the cabin doors - they should always be easily open and closed, well and tightly lay down to the walls and each other.

There should be no gaps in any case. But the most important thing - the water should not undergo water, in a working shower in a working shower, it is impossible.

The assembly of such equipment should be carried out by professional assemblers, it is not necessary to do this in order to avoid the breakdown of the cabin.

However, if you have the right tools, knowledge and desire to do it yourself - feel free to work for work, there are a lot of tips and articles on the Internet that will help you.

Manufacturers of shower cabins

How to choose a cabin shower, which manufacturer to trust? These questions often ask people who have collided with the problem of choice.

As already mentioned, the market presents a wide range of goods and a person who does not know is easy to "get lost."

How to choose a shower room and not mistaken?In our country, you can buy booths as domestic and foreign manufacturers.

It is worth noting immediately that depending on the brand will vary and the price will vary. So, for example, Jacussi or Albatros shower cabins will cost significantly higher than little-known brands.

However, in this case, it does not mean much cheaper. Aquapol and Atlantis shower cabins are popular and can be said with confidence that in fact they are not much different from their expensive fellow.

Prices of shower cabins

The prices for shower cabins vary, ranging from a thousand dollars and ending with tens of thousands of euros. For example, the aforementioned Jacuzzi can reach fifteen thousand dollars in the price of fifteen thousand, but there are also the cabins of the "middle" class, the acquisition of which can noticeably save a family budget.

The same aquapol can be purchased a little less than a thousand dollars.

The cost will depend on the size of the cab, and from the materials used in its assembly, and on the functionality.

For shower and soul

Today they are very popular. High hygiene and economical water consumption in the end will justify the choice made in their favor.

And the small size of the cabin and the combination of various possibilities, including recreation, hygiene, relaxation will allow you to enjoy the decision.

Shower cabins are purchased for various purposes. To date, manufacturers offer a wide range of additional services.

How to choose: Shower Cab - This is not only an object for compliance with hygiene, but also a place where you can relax and relax.

For example, you can purchase a shower room with the functions of vertical hydromassage, foot massage or body massage.

Some showers allow you to exercise a whole fitness program that strengthens the body, warns the cold and gives cheerfulness for the whole day.

Such multifunctional booths undoubtedly have a high cost and moreover, if you live in the apartment, you will need to clarify whether the water pressure is enough on the floor, because most of the procedures in such a multifunctional shower will be possible only at water pressure from 1, 5-2 bar.

If there is no water pressure in your house, it will work only a shower, and invested money and the possible functions of the cabin can go to the fly.


An excellent feature in the shower cabins is hydromassage. It is not only pleasure, but also a great way to improve your body.

The hydromassage has a relaxing effect on the whole organism and helps get rid of stress and fatigue. It also improves blood supply, expands blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

In fact, the hydromassage can not be intercepted, it has a lot of favorable advantages and effects, so the acquired cabin with hydromassage, you definitely do not regret the choice made.

Bathroom interior in the country

Undoubtedly, you need to wonder: showers - how to choose and what suitable exactly to your interior?

If we talk about a country house or dacha, then this is the place where you need to relax and the body, and the soul, and therefore everything around should be in harmony and please the eye.

If you have a small bathroom or there is no place for the bath at all, then for the shower cabin will be salvation.


In this case, it is not worth buying a very big shower.

To save a place, you can purchase a booth with sliding doors or doors opening inward.

A place that will remain free, you can fill with a washing machine or an additional cabinet.

Beauty and functionality

Beautiful and spectacularly looking transparent shower cabins. In most modern interiors, they will perfectly fit, but do not forget about the minuses of such an acquisition.

A similar model will look very good in the picture, however, in everyday life will bring many troubles. Drops of water, divorces - all this will have to contemplate daily, if you do not clean such a booth with special means after each visit to its visit.

This problems can be avoided by choosing a glass or textured cabin, which will also be beautiful and harmoniously look almost in any bathroom.

Cabing for shower

How to choose shower cabins - you already know, now it remains to be mentioned only about how to properly care for her.

In order for an expensive cabin to serve you for a long time, you will need to follow her.

Numerous studies suggest that the bathroom is one of the most exploited premises both in the apartment and in the country, therefore, the gentle handling of equipment is necessary.

Bad water and intended for our realities Foreign mixers can be a reason for the problems, and therefore need to do everything to reduce the aggressive effect of water into the cab.

Tip! It is best to install special filters in the number of several pieces. Once in a few months they will need to be cleaned, or change.

After taking the soul, the pallet of the booth should be washed with a special cleansing agent and wipe the sponge dry. On the doors should not leave soap divorces and water drops, they also need to wipe dry.

It will be extremely difficult to wash them, so it's better to get rid of them right away.

The outer metal surface, as well as the cranes and mixers periodically need to be processed from the plaque using special means.

Built-in backlights also worth protecting. Turning off them after taking the soul, it will be possible to significantly increase the life of their operation.

At the end, I would like to mention that much depends on the manufacturers from the materials used in the assembly of shower cabins, but do not forget that the careful appeal and the observance of small rules will allow you to enjoy the purchase made by a single year.

Successful selection of shower!

Even among all the diversity, choose and buy a suitable price and quality model is much easier than it seems, but, as in everything, there are nuances here. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with some features and properties before choosing a shower cabin. Professional advice here will not be superfluous here.

For many reasons, the shower are increasingly preferred by a bath or install both types of equipment at the same time. By purchasing a shower cabin, it is important to consider not only the allowable price range and the type of cab. We also take into account the features of the room in which it will be installed, determine the water pressure in the system, because the correct operation of the selected model will depend on it.

Any shower cabin must well fit into the bathroom interior and have all the required features. And this is not all the nuances that you should pay attention to the purchase.

Shower cabin takes up little space and suitable even for a small bathroom

Types of shower cabins

The range of plumbing presented on the market simply affects imagination. And it is very not surprising that a person may have some difficulties when choosing a good model. Therefore, for convenience they need to be classified. Showers can be prefabricated or monoblock. The first are going immediately before installation, and the second go on sale already in the assembled form. According to the design of the shower cabins are open and closed.

  • Closed cabins are a full-fledged construction that must
    Provides a pallet, walls, with built-in on one side
    Doors, and ceiling. They are sealed, which allows you to implement in them
    additional functions. The closed cabin is installed on special legs, which allows you to move it if necessary and update the interior.

Types of shower cabins

  • Open cabins or shower corners are a primitive version of the shower, which has only two components: pallet and walls with doors. They are installed motionless and, as a rule, in the corner, rarely at the wall. Do not equip accessories. Occupy a minimum of space, so suitable for close rooms. It is much cheaper than a closed cabin, but their functionality is limited.

Shower cabins with bathroom are structures that, instead of a pallet, the basis of the shower cabin serves a small bath, as a rule, such models are multifunctional. The height of the bowl should be at least 40 cm. Shower cabins with bathroom are presented in several variations, and differ depending on the installation of the cabin above the bowl. It can be installed with the edge, in the center or fencing the entire perimeter of the bath. That is, they are open and closed. This type of shower will perfectly fit into any interior.

Pallet shower

The pallet is an important structural component of the shower. From its shape, the sizes depends on the appearance and method of installing the shower, and the material from which it is made is determined by the durability of comfort and safety during the operation of plumbing. And of course important himself.

Pallets of shower cabins in height

High or low pallet.

  • Pallets are high, whose height of the walls ranges from 10 to 30 cm. But it is worth saying that there are also deeper models, partially replacing the bath. And in the event of a pipe zero, water will not immediately follow the floor. Shower cabins with a deep pallet have one important disadvantage - a high board that needs to be over. A practical way out of the situation and an excellent solution that decides the interior will be an extension of a small step.
  • Low pallets are more popular due to their compactness, simplicity and convenience.
    They can be installed as on the floor, as on a small pedestal. Their height, usually, does not exceed 20 cm. Purchase flat pallets are not recommended at frequent sewage stamps or poor drain. But if there are no such problems, the correctly installed flat pallet will become an ornament for any bathroom.

Shape pallet

The pallet form determines not only the appearance of the cabin, and the method of its installation. Most of the presented models are universal, and can be installed both in the corner of the bathroom and along the walls, shower corners are installed only in the corner. Also when choosing it is worth considering the size of the room and the interior. In small bathrooms, it will correctly install an angular compact cabin, but in the overall bathroom they will be lost, the shower of the asymmetric shape or semicircular cabin looks better here.

The shape of the shower of the shower cabin is chosen including the design of the bathroom

Pallets for shower cabins are usually made in several basic forms.

  • Square;
  • Semicircular;
  • Rectangular;
  • Trapezium;
  • Angular;
  • Asymmetric.

Material for pallet

Pallets are made from different materials. The most popular, is acrylic, there are also models, the pallet of which is made of steel, cast iron, natural or artificial stone. Each of the options has both certain advantages and disadvantages.

Pallets for shower cabins can be made from various materials

  • Acrylic pallets have high hygienic indicators, they do not absorb
    Dirt, differ in slight weight and sufficient strength. But the main advantage of this is an affordable price. In addition, small scratches are practically not noticeable on the glossy surface, and large can be restored.
  • Steel pallets entering the sale, as a rule, have enamelled
    surface. They are strong enough and quickly heated, but differ in high noise, which creates falling drops.
  • Ceramic pallets are performed from Sanafayans or Safarfora. They are strong, reliable and practical, but quite easily damaged from the blow, as a result of which their surface is covered with chips and scratches. A ceramic surface is much slower than acrylic or steel, so before taking the soul, it is recommended to enable the stream of hot water in advance. Ceramic pallets rarely equip the shower corners.
  • Cast iron pallets are the most reliable and durable, but their cost and high weight
    contribute to popularity.

  • Pallets made of natural stone are rarity. They are manufactured, usually under
    order. Only in some stores of elite plumbing they enter free sale. The stone is characterized by high strength, durability and natural beauty, any interior will become special. But the price for the pleasure of swimming in such a soul will be appropriate. Artificial stone is not inferior to natural quality characteristics, its cost is significantly lower, and any scratches on the surface can be stabbed.
  • And of course from the girlfriend: tile, cement, blocks.

Important! Regardless of the material used, the pallet must have an anti-slip coating. On the pallets from acrylic, this role performs corrugated elements on the surface.

Sizes of shower cabins

No less important criterion when choosing a cabin is its size. And here it is correct to take into account not only the magnitude of the site provided for plumbing, but how comfort will be the person in it depending on his complex.

Shower cabins differ significantly in size

Sizes of shower cabins are determined by the pallet parameters. Its width varies within 70 - 120 cm, and length - from 70 to 200 cm. But even for the smallest bathroom, it is recommended to give preference to models with dimensions of at least 90x90 cm.
All the three main types of cabins are distinguished:

  • small-sized - up to 100 × 100 cm;
  • average - up to 130x130 cm;
  • full-size - 170x80 cm.

The height of the cabin, as a rule, it ranges from 170 - 250 cm. The device's technical data sheet can be prescribed vertical size of the shower cabin or the minimum size of the room in which it can be installed.

Doors of the shower cabin

Any booths or shower corners are equipped with the doors. The number of sash varies from 1 to 3. By opening, they are:

  • sliding;
  • swing.

Swing (left) and sliding (right) door shower

Sliding flaps are installed on most standard shower cabins. The door leaf moves on the rollers along the walls of the cabin, such a solution allows you to most economically use the bathroom space, as well as provide convenient and secure maintenance of the cab.
Swing doors are more common in the cabin cabins, and are installed in the spacious bathroom, in which there is a place for the free move of the sash.

Regardless of the type of opening, the doors must open and close smoothly.

It is also important to pay attention to the availability and quality of seals, they must ensure hermetic fit of the sash.

The tight closure of the flaps will warn the flow and reduce the level of all noise arising from a splash of water or during vocal experiments.

Material for shower cabin

Walls and doors for shower or corner performed from plastic or tempered glass. Glass structures are distinguished by durability and durability. Break or scratch the tempered glass of good quality is hard enough. But it is worth the glass cabin is not cheap. Installation of a cab with glass transparent walls and a flat pallet from a natural or artificial stone will become an excellent solution for the room of any size, which will bring a special charm to the interior and will emphasize modern design.

Shower cabin with plastic (left) and glass (right) doors

Plastic is not so stable and durable, but such a fence is more accessible from economic considerations. In addition, plastic can be made in almost any color and is presented in different textures, and this allows you to make the cabin harmoniously in the bathroom interior.

Glass and plastic elements can be completely transparent or matte. It is not difficult to care for the materials. But the plastic is distinguished by one negative quality, it darkens with time, glass, it remains transparent regardless of the amount of scuffs, the life or hardness of water. When buying it is worth paying attention to the wall thickness, it must be at least 3 mm, is optimal to be 5-7 millimeters.

Tip! The wall thickness affects not only the strength and durability of the cab, and the safety of heat inside it. It is especially important to consider if the showers are implemented by the sauna functions.

Modes, Functions and Management

Shower cabins are simple and multifunctional. In simple designs, only the shower mixer is installed. They are not intended for any special delights. The remainder list of features varies in a large enough and range, it can include:

  • Hydromassage in the cabins is possible due to the presence of special nozzles through which
    Water comes under great pressure. For the correct operation of the hydromassage, water pressure must be at least 2-3 atmospheres. And if you need a foot massage, then a pressure of 3-5 atmospheres will be required.
  • The contrast and tropical souls are possible thanks to the function of the alternate water supply of contrast temperatures.
  • Shower cabins with a sauna can recreate the conditions of the Turkish bath, since they are equipped with a built-in steam generator. As a rule, the maximum temperature in such a soul does not exceed 45 ° C.

Functions of chromotherapy (left) and saunas (right) in shower cabins

  • Ozonation allows after the adoption of hygienic procedures enjoy fresh
    air, which, besides, has disinfection properties and eliminates
    Unpleasant odors.
  • Chromotherapy. The rome of ordinary light in the soul is a special lamp, which through
    A certain period of time lights up different colors, which
    The opinion of scientists has a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Radio and MP-3 Players have long become satellites of shower cabins.

Naturally, each of the functions needs to be managed. As a rule, it is carried out by means of one e-console, which means that the power supply system should be thought out for such a shower cabin. The console can be equipped with a display that significantly simplifies the task settings. Some manufacturers can offer their customers remote controls.


Shower cabin in bathroom interior

Included with simple cabins, a watering can and the mixer is attached, and the shower corners can go on sale and at all without them. The shower multifunction cabin is presented in a more complex configuration, which naturally affects its price. Manufacturers can add model shelves, a mirror and dispensers. Shower cabins with sauna or hydromassage can be equipped with a special seat and headrest.

  • If you need to equip a place to take a conventional soul, install showers or simple and inexpensive shower cabins with a low acrylic pallet and a plastic cabin.
  • Sliding type doors make a shower model more practical and compact.
  • For a room of very modest sizes, it is better to purchase angular models with a pull-wide range from 80 to 100 cm and sliding doors. And the happy owners of the luxury apartments can be updated the interior using a large rectangular or non-standard shape of the shower cabin.
  • An excellent solution for families in which there are small children will become shower cabins with a bath or high pallet and accurate temperature adjustment.
  • Most multifunctional shower cabins make special requirements for water intake in the water supply system, while showers can work smoothly and at 1-1,5 bars. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles, it should be determined before choosing a shower cabin, and not after it is purchased.
  • Before you make a final decision in favor of buying a model or another, it is worth performing a number of simple actions. Go out inside the cabin and determine how much the pallet begins and is it convenient to be inside. The surface of the bowl should not be slippery. The design of the selected model should approach the interior.

We are all accustomed to the traditional arrangement of the bathroom, in which the main device is in order to wash the bath. This kind of plumbing like showers has recently been unavailable most of the users due to exorbitantly high cost. However, everything changes, and today we are seeing the trend of priority change in the population. After all, the installation of a shower cabin in a small bathroom instead of a bulky old cast-iron bath frees a lot of space, which may well take a washing machine or another useful thing. What are there sowing cabins and from which parts they consist - the topic of this article.

The shower is called a plumbing device, which is an isolated space, which is limited by walls and sliding doors installed on a pan with a drain. In the cabin, at a minimum, there is a mixer with a shower. By type, you can divide all the booths on the open and closed. In some sources, division is found for prefabricated and monoblock designs. In turn, closed monoblock cabins can be multifunctional.

Open-view shower booths

Such plumbing devices are called still prefabricated. Indeed, the design of an open booth is that it does not have a ceiling, as the walls of her angle of a room or one of the walls, the floor can be equipped with a pallet or without it, the frontal part is equipped with doors mounted separately.

For people injecting this version of the shower cabin seems the easiest and cheap, but it is not entirely true, and that is why:

  • In order for the design of the cabin to be perfect, and the doors opened and closed correctly, it is necessary to prepare the floor and walls before installation. The walls must be aligned, covered with tiles and not pass water. The floor is required to arrange waterproofing and build a pallet from concrete, covering it with tiles, or buy ready-made, which happens: cast iron, steel, faience, acrylic, and also from artificial marble.
  • For the proper construction of an open cabin, knowledge of the basics of plumbing and the skills of building and finishing works will be required.

At the same time, the open design allows you to install a shower in a niche or angle of the bathroom, separating everything to your taste. The cabin can be installed directly to the floor while complying with certain conditions.

To make a shower corner without a pallet, you need to raise the entire floor in the bathroom. The height of the lift should provide a plum loan in 2 - 3 degrees. A plum system is mounted in the raised floor, which is designed to divert into ODU into the sewer. On the floor in the soul, the device is installed, which is called a drainband. It is equipped with a siphon to cut off the smells of sewerage. From above, this ladder closes with a grid, which must be installed flush with the surface of the tile. When buying a ladder, you should choose a product from high-quality stainless steel, which will provide its long-term operation. When choosing a shower tile, as well as for the entire bathroom, as a whole, it is necessary to stop on those options that do not slide. This will prevent possible injuries.

Types of finished pallets

If you decide to purchase a finished pallet, but do not know what material to choose from, read the main characteristics:

  • Cast iron pallets are practically not produced today, as they are too heavy and warm up very long, although they keep warm perfectly. They are very reliable and stable. Steel pallets are made of steel with a thickness of 1.2 - 1.5 mm, which is covered with enamel. This option is not very practical, since enamel often bounces in a bad attachment. In addition, thin steel creates too high noise when using the shower. This problem is solved by installing rubber or polyurethane foam pads under the pallet.
  • Faians's pallets for the shower are very beautiful and hygienic. They are stable and comfortable in care. At the same time, the faience plumbing should be installed on the perfectly smooth surface of the floor provided by a special tie, as it does not have a frame. And one more thing - the faience is cold and long warms up.
  • There are practically no deficiencies in acrylic pallets. They are quite beautiful, do not absorb dirt, well wash and do not darken over time. Such pallets are equipped with a metal frame with adjustable legs, which allows you to install the design is quite stable even on a not very smooth floor. However, there is one drawback - this is insufficient strength. The pallet is made by thermoforming acrylic sheets with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm. The outer layer is reinforced with fiberglass. This greatly strengthens the design. It is convenient that small scratches in the pallet can be simply stabbed, and for larger damage there is a special composition in Remkomplekt, which is applied to a damaged place, after which they also grind.
  • Another material from which the soul trays are made are an artificial marble. They produce it on the basis of all the same acrylic, but with the addition of granite or marble crumb, quartz sand, as well as fiberglass. Such pallets are painted in different colors and may have a lot of names, since each company comes up with its own. Artificial marble products are light, beautiful, durable and warm. Pallets are also equipped with adjustable legs.

You should also know the standard sized pallets sizes. Square products make from 70x70 to 100x100 cm in 5 cm increments. Rectangular pallets are: 90x70, 75x90, 85x70, 100x75, 100x80, and even 100x200 cm. Popularity also enjoy rounded angular, semicircular, pentagonal models. An important characteristic is the depth of the pallet. By this criterion, they are divided into:

  • Flat - up to 35 mm.
  • Average - from 35 to 100 mm.
  • Deep - from 100 to 180 mm.
  • Pallets - Baths: Sitting Baths with a step for seating inside and a step outside. They are completely alternative to a full-fledged bath.

It should be noted that the pallets inside are equipped with a corrugated floor, which eliminates the slip and makes the use of the shower safe.

Walls and Doors of Open Shower Cabins

Walls for shower cabins are made of polystyrene or tempered glass. Their framework is made of aluminum or from more budget plastic. Buying the structure of polystyrene and plastic needs to be understood that it will last no more than 3 - 5 years. Therefore, it is better to immediately acquire products from glass. They are much more durable, but in addition, they look much more aesthetic than their cheaper analogues. Glass can be matte, transparent, tinted and even patterned. In order for the glass, there are no white spots from using detergents, a special anti-flake coating is applied to it.

As for doors, they are made of glass and polystyrene walls like walls. By their design, the doors are classified on:

  • Swing, which can be single and bivalve. Singlemen require a large area and open only. Bivalves are more saved by space, so they can open inward.
  • Sliding doors are the most common. They can be retarding and folding. Reloades ride on rollers on a special guide. They can consist of 1, 2, 3, 4 sash. The size of the login depends on their quantity. Folding doors are also equipped with rollers, but they are specially folded into the harmonic. The number of sash can reach 6 pieces.
  • Swiveling sliding doors. They appeared recently and are used only with ready-made monoblocks. Such a door resembles a bus door. When opening, it leaves forward, after which there is a shift. This is the most expensive design.

The doors are supplied with various sealing devices that do not allow water to leak outward.

Closed or monoblock shower cabins

Today, closed or monoblock shower cabins are most popular, which are sometimes called shower boxes. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a ceiling. A monoblock shower is a holistic plumbing device, which is closed on all sides. Since such a cabin can be moved from place to place, without disassembling, you can install it anywhere. The main condition is the presence of withdrawal from water supply and sewage. Closed cabins differ in several criteria:

  • By the number of available options - simple and multifunctional. The latter have not only shower, but also several additional features. Let's talk about them a little later.
  • By configuration and sizes. Round, square, rectangular, angular - which only does not happen monoblock cabins.
  • In the height and material of the pallet.
  • By material of doors and walls.

To install such cabins, no special knowledge is required. You only need to collect the entire design according to the instructions and set to the desired place. It can happen that the plums in the bathroom is too high for the booth. In this case, you will have to make a podium or purchase longer legs.

Multifunctional shower cabins

These sanitary devices are capable not only to perform the task of peeling people, but also to create additional amenities.

  • The most common function is hydromassage. On one of the inner walls, a hydromassage panel is installed, which is equipped with several rotating heads with a plurality of jets, which are able to create a stream of thin water jets under pressure. These jets provide massage effect on the human body. Some expensive models use horizontal hydromassage. Like a jacuzzi, nozzles in them are located in the side of the pallet itself, which ensures massage through the water layer.

  • Another useful function is the Turkish bath. Such cabins are equipped with a steam generator, which at a temperature of 50 degrees provides 100% humidity inside. Couples are distributed using a fan evenly throughout the volume.
  • The tropical shower is ensured by using a special nozzle on the cabin ceiling. It splashes the water with small drops, creating a feeling of shower. This is a very useful feature for relaxation before bedtime.
  • Aromatherapy or inhalation. The functions of the tropical rain and the bath can be added to inhale aromatic useful balsams. This is achieved by the fact that steam and water pass through the reservoir into which the aromatic composition is poured.
  • Ventilation allows you to distribute steam uniformly in expensive models, and in a simpler fan built into the ceiling, it allows you not to fall during bathing.
  • The function of the contrasting soul makes it possible to order the body and create vigor in the morning for those who are hard to wake up. The system automatically serves hot and cold water alternately.
  • Chromotherapy is rehabilitation by exposure to light during the reception of water procedures. This procedure is very positively affected by the nervous and hormonal system. The process is carried out with the help of LEDs mounted in the ceiling and high-speed water jets according to the program specified in advance. Control is carried out using the remote.
  • The infrared heating system is capable of raising the temperature to high values \u200b\u200bat which intensive sweating begins with infrared emitters.
  • The most expensive showers have even a feature as voice management. The system is capable of recognizing voice commands that can be given to changing the water temperature or the inclusion of additional functions.

In addition, all shower boxes are equipped with various shelves, handrails, radio, loud link, mirror, and liquid dispensers. Depending on the presence of a particular function, monoblock shower cabins can cost from 250 to 1000 or more. Therefore, everyone can choose a device that satisfies its financial capabilities. Often the purchase of a finished closed shower cabin costs cheaper installation of the national team of the open system.

What type of cabin type to choose to you. The main thing is that it can satisfy all your needs, and not exceed your capabilities.