Roofs of houses with attic and garage: photos of original ideas. Projects of houses and cottages with attic and garage Drawings of houses with an attic and garage

Projects of houses with attic and garageProposed by our architects are now in high demand. The popularity of mansard structures is due to a variety of factors:

    economicity of construction

    aesthetics of the exterior of the building

    the originality of the inside interior

    the ability to get more useful area

    the ability to conveniently divide the inner space into two zones.

If you wish, you can acquire the development of a cottage with spectacular loggias, erker inserts, wide glazing, a double living room. Carefully thought out beautiful projects of houses with attic and garage are an excellent basis for respectable housing in elite cottage settlements. We also have projects of simple concise buildings that do not require high construction costs.

Order or buy a turnkey project with us

The presence of a devounted garage provides an even higher level of comfort. A qualitatively designed extension harmoniously fits into a holistic architectural composition. Usually, the arrival in the garage is located near the main entrance to the house. Often in the garages are provided for the output of the back of the house. In many projects, you will see an internal message of the garage extension with a residential part of the house. However, some developers do not want to have a garage connected to the house internal entrance. For them we have projects with attached, but completely isolated garages.

On the new real estate market, the leading position in the field of private design is occupied by projects of houses with an attic and garage. Such popularity is explained by the aesthetics and multifunctionality of the structure combined with the savings factor. However, such a construction has the peculiarities with which it should be founded before the start of construction.

House with an attic - photo clearly displays various options - is the most rational solution for a small area, allowing to increase the living area without reducing land. The presence of personal transport becomes the cause of another popular reception - building a house with a garage.

With attic and garage for one car

Cottage projects with garage and attic have a number of benefits:

  • due to the combination of two functional zones, it is possible to reduce the costs associated with the development of the project and the implementation of construction work;
  • the adjacent location of the residential zone and the garage creates a comfortable environment in the latter, which leads to a decrease in the costs associated with the heating of the garage;
  • creating an internal passage allows you to freely move from the room to the garage, without going outside, which is especially convenient during the hailment period;
  • the creation of an attic room provides an increase in the living area, which is especially relevant for one-story buildings;
  • a compact multifunctional structure allows you to significantly save the free area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot;
  • mansard construction will cost much cheaper than the construction of the second floor;
  • the attic floor allows you to additionally insulate the living room, having saved it from drafts;
  • the attached garage will cost much less than a separate element;
  • the buildings have a stylish and presentable appearance noticeably allocating them against other buildings.

Highlights of the design of the house with a garage and an attic

Before staying on a typical project or place an order for an individual building option, you should define key points. Along with an attractive exterior of the structure, such positions deserve attention:

  • the choice of the main material for building the building;
  • combination of buildings with the surrounding landscape design;
  • compliance with the outlining of the structure of the land plot;
  • choosing a building roof design;
  • the necessary insulation of the roof of the attic floor;
  • planning indoor rooms.

The development of a plan for the house with an attic and garage is recommended to trust the specialists, including architects, engineers, builders and designers should be present. Due to this, it will be possible to exclude inaccuracies in the calculations and technical errors in the project.

Special attention requires the roof, the design of which should be thought out carefully. Wet warm air, rising from the house, forms condensate, and natural external effects in the form of atmospheric precipitation and the sun may worsen the state of the internal finishing of the upper room. So that this does not happen, it should be competently organized heat, hydro and vaporizolation.

Selection of material for building a house with an attic and garage: Photo Examples

For the construction of the cottage with the attic floor and garage, you can use brick, foam blocks, alende concrete, wooden bar, sandwich panels. Each option has undeniable advantages and disadvantages. The choice of material depends on the climatic zone of the area and the characteristics of the soil.

Helpful advice! Less costly and time-consuming during the construction is with an attic.

A classic material for the construction of houses is a brick that has low cost, it is a good heat and noise insulator. The brick wall is one of the most stable structures that can withstand the weight of the attic. Bearing walls do not need to be strengthened, which allows you to save on the construction of the house. This material creates a good reliable appearance of the design.

Helpful advice! An attic room can be created after the construction of a brick house is completed, which was not previously provided in the project.

Another traditional material for erection of low buildings is wood. It, like a brick, has high heat and noise insulating characteristics. In addition, this is an environmentally friendly product. The house from a wooden bar will have a presentable appearance. In addition, a wooden building will be able to stand over 50 years.

However, wood is prone to rapid inflammation, which increases the risk of fire. This may cause the destruction of not only residential space, but also the car located in the garage. In addition, the material has a rather high cost, which is more acceptable for people not limited in finance.

Modern building material for the construction of houses with an attic

Today, aerated concrete or gas-silicate blocks are very popular. They have the same performance as a brick, but the building of the building is greatly simplified. Elements are characterized by a slight weight, thanks to which construction work can be performed alone. It also helps to reduce the burden on the foundation of the structure. However, the material has the worst bearing capacity, which should be taken into account yet at the design stage. The visual use of the material can be seen in the photo of projects of houses from foam blocks with an attic and garage.

Sandwich panels are supplied in the form of a finished kit. Composite structural elements are manufactured by a pre-developed project of an attic house with a garage, given the location of the rooms. Sip panels are collected according to the drawing plan. Planned additionally a garage or attic after the construction of the panels is not possible.

The construction of a skeleton house with a garage and an attic is easily carried out, but it is important to correctly calculate the load on the frame correctly. If this is not done, the structure will not stand and fold as a card house. The use of this material will make it easier to facilitate the process of performing interior decoration.

Compliance of the outline of the structure of the land plot

If you have the need to create a large living area with modest dimensions of the land plot, many choose two-storey buildings, various variations of which can be seen in the photo of projects of houses 8 to 10 with an attic and garage. However, daily movements on the stairs will fall to taste a little. This is especially true of people of old age and persons limited in movement. In this case, it is worth paying attention to projects of single-storey houses with a garage and an attic.

If the site is narrow, it is better to give preference to a builder with a deaf wall, on which there are no windows and doors. Such a decision will make it possible to build a house with an attic in the immediate vicinity of the partition section. Along the longitudinal walls you can place the construction for household needs.

When choosing a place planning option, you must arrange a living room and a bedroom to the ends of the building, thereby ensuring the maximum penetration of natural light into the room, including at the attic. The entrance should be placed in the frontal or end part. The placement of the garage with the attic - photos clearly it is displayed - the front-distance is also selected.

What kind of roof is to provide in the project at home with an attic and garage: photo examples

Usually in typical projects of houses with a garage and an attic, a roof is provided, at the same time covering the main building and an extension in the form of a garage. There are options that one of the attic rooms is equipped with a garage. You can immediately assume that any type of roof is suitable for such buildings, it is clearly displayed in the photo of projects of houses with a garage for 2 cars. As practice shows, some options are economically unfounded because they require significant financial costs. In addition, some types of design can not be arranged in a certain climatic belt due to the high height of the structure.

In the projects of a small house with an attic and a garage, the most suitable types of roof are divert, hip and semi-haul, which clearly displays the photo. The simplest version is a double design. However, due to such a roof, the attic room will be small, narrow and uncomfortable.

Walm and semi-raid roofs belong to a four-page. Thanks to such broken designs, it is possible to use 90% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room, having received comfortable living rooms. However, the design of such complex structures will require the help of specialists. Such mansard roofs look very aesthetically and original, emphasizing the uniqueness of the structure.

Helpful advice! For convenient and comfortable operation of the attic floor, its height must be at least 2.5 m.

The projects of attic houses are very popular, in which the roofing of the structure and the garage is one of the whole. However, from a practical point of view, the most successful will be the option where the upper part of the garage will serve as the basis for creating a horsard terrace.

Proper insulation of a small house with an attic and garage

Houses with the attic need to organize the right insulation. Garage insulation is optional. It is important to organize good ventilation. The most difficult stage is the insulation of the attic floor. It is important to eliminate the occurrence of drafts and the penetration of cold gusts of the wind. It should also be properly organized waterproofing. The selection of the insulation depends on the type of premises, which is under the attic, and from the duration of pastime on the floor.

The most popular material is foam. It comes in the stoves, thereby ensuring its convenient transportation and installation. The material is characterized by light weight, good thermal insulation properties, low cost. Among the disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish the ease of ignition and the greater probability of fragmentation of the product during installation.

Another budget material that is often used for mansard insulation, is a glasswater having a high degree of thermal insulation and ignition resistance. However, it is difficult to work with the material because it highlights the glass dust dangerous to the health of a person, which can damage the respiratory tract. Installation of the product should be made in special means of protection that protect the respiratory organs and skin from damage.

Important! If the attic room will be used as a living area, it is not worth applying glass groove.

Equivalent glass gaming, which has the same characteristics, but devoid of flaws, is mineral wool. In addition, the material is characterized by resistance to high humidity, good steam resistance, immunity to the origin of microorganisms, reduced thermal conducting properties and ecological. Such distinctive advantages are reflected at the cost of the material.

Internal planning options at home with an attic

The internal location of the premises is performed taking into account the requirements of the customer at the stage of development of a garage project with an attic - planning photos clearly demonstrate various options. It all depends on the desired number of rooms, their purpose, which is determined by the family makeup and the requirements of the owners. However, these buildings require special attention to the definition of the course of the course of the house in the garage and the design of the staircase.

A comfortable and convenient rise to the floor provides a ladder with a large tilt angle. It should be noted that such a design requires a large number of free territory. A reasonable way out of this situation is the arrangement under the ladder of practical storeroom, book racks or a spacious cabinet for clothing or household items.

Compact design has a spiral staircase. However, it is no convenience. But in case of choosing such a design, we need to consider the spiral steepness, the optimal width of the steps and the height of coming.

Especially popular projects of houses with attic and garage, photo visualization and planning such projects are presented in this section. Agree, because the truth is convenient to have everything under one roof: and the garage and the house? In addition, such a solution allows you to more rationally use the useful area area. This is especially true for regions where a lot of snow falls and long frosts are. However, in addition to comfort, you should not forget about the rationality of planning. If you choose a similar project of the house, note that the exit from the garage into residential premises was thoughtful, for example, through the hallway of the main entrance. An important role is played by a vestibule that cuts off exhaust gases and other unpleasant smells from the garage. Choose the project that is most suitable for you, and do not forget that you can always make changes if something does not suit. Run reproach, replace the material of the walls, etc.

Development is the initial and most important stage of construction. A properly compiled project allows you to see how the building will look like after it is erected. At this stage, you can also identify the existing shortcomings and inaccuracies of the design of the facade or layout of the house. Projects houses Be sure to trust professionals with experience in this type of activity.

What advantages have attic and garage

In order to use the area of \u200b\u200bthe private house as much as possible, experienced designers are developing houses of houses with an attic. Replacing the attic on the attic, you get the ability to equip one more functional room. Most often, there is a nursery, a room for guests or a bedroom for a married couple.

In addition to the above, private homes with attic have the following advantages:

1. Aesthetic appeal.

2. The ability to use a wide range of building materials.

3. Small insulation costs.

4. A significant increase in the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe building.

5. Diversity of architectural solutions.

6. Ease of construction and insignificant load on the foundation.

Another useful addition to the house will be garage. Most often on this extension, much more tasks are imposed than just ensuring reliable shelter for the car.

How are houses projects with garage and attic?

Compilation houses of houses with garage and atticit is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the environment. Specialists "StroyExpress" are suitable for this important stage with the whole degree of responsibility and professionalism. The buildings designed by experienced employees are reliable, durable and durable.

When developing Project house with attic and garageexperts take into account:

· Floors and layout of the main building;

· Type of materials used for the construction of a house and attachments;

· Designer solutions and other issues.

Constructed by individual house projects with attic and garage It is aesthetically attractive, which is confirmed by numerous photo Finished structures.

Every year the demand for single and two-storey small houses increases. Such buildings are especially popular outside the cities, in the villages and at the cottages. Houses with a residential attic (the so-called mansard floor) is the maximum living area for less money. Combining such a room with a garage will make it possible to remarkably save the place on the land plot. Such projects are very popular among people for whom in priority maximum convenience and comfort.

Ergonomic arrangement

Attic is often combined under one roof with a vehicle room. Such houses in the modern construction market are very popular, they deserve special attention.

If we compare with conventional single and two-storey buildings, it can be noted that the house type in question has many advantages:

  • The place on the land is used as efficiently as possible. On the first floor of the house there are garage, various utility rooms. Due to this alignment on the land plot there is more space: for example, for planting trees, shrubs, flowers or placement of the greenhouse and other designs you need.
  • Attic is perfectly coping with the role of the bedroom, it can combine the bedroom area with dining. The view from the window can be very beautiful. Different projects are possible: you can choose a house that matches your preferences.

  • At the planning stage, the cost of building the building is of great importance for any land plot. The price for one useful square meter in the house, which combines the attic and the garage, will be lower than that of the construction with a separate garage. Savings are associated with the rational use of building materials and the characteristics of the work of the builders. In addition, with such an accommodation, the costs of heating and water supply systems are required.
  • A large number of ready-made projects of such houses in the construction market increases the chance that all the wishes of the customer will be taken into account. The possibility of creating an individual project guarantees obtaining an original building with exceptional characteristics. Thanks to professionalism, the experience of architects and builders you can get the favorite house in the shortest possible time.

Of course, nothing can be perfect. And the house with the attic and garage has certain disadvantages.

Such an option involves a complex roof device (to reduce heat loss), so in the future, if necessary, it will be difficult to repair it.

Because of the tilt the ceiling area of \u200b\u200bthe attic decreasesAnd this means that there will be limitations regarding planning. In addition, the house design is complicated by mandatory ventilation, which provides the necessary air circulation and does not allow excessive humidity. Some owners of such houses note that attic heats up in the summer.

Ideas for different area

Appearance, internal capacity, accommodation efficiency on the site and the cost of the house largely depend on the total size and shape of the building. Pretty in demand are projects of houses with a garage and an attic for small or narrow sections. The house, on the first floor of which the vehicle room is located, as it is impossible to suitable for narrow spaces. A small house is enough, if you come to the cottage not regularly, but only from time to time.

Even if at your disposal there is a plot, which is characterized by a rather impressive size, and you are not limited in choosing, then the house with a built-in garage can become a very successful option. A significant building size will allow you to organize a garage for two cars. This is especially true for families with a lot of people or for lovers to meet guests. In this case, cars can be placed in parallel or perpendicular to each other.

Optimal options for country sites are considered to be at home 8 by 10 and 10 x 12.In them, the total space can reach 150 square meters. m, and the useful area can start from 100-120 square meters. M. Most often, it is precisely such options with an internal lift to the attic. There are much more internal design methods for such houses.

Choosing materials

The building with an attic combined room for the vehicle must be made of strong, reliable and environmentally friendly materials - like any other building. Usually, it is used for this tree, foam blocks, aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks or bricks: they comply with all the necessary requirements, although they differ from each other in many characteristics. The cheapest option is the construction of a house from block elements - for example, from foam blocks. It is also worth noting that the construction work themselves will be carried out as quickly and easily and easily, but will need additional finishes (in order to improve thermal insulation properties).

The classic option is a brick house, which is distinguished by durability, high levels of heat and sound insulation.

Unfortunately, the use of such material requires significant cash investments and temporary construction costs. However, this is exactly the situation when more expensive is better: the correctly erected building will serve not one dozen years and will delight very good quality.

Not only the above options, but also wood, timber, use for the construction of such houses. The advantages of a frame brusade building - in a very aesthetic appearance, it is easy to warm the premises in the winter season and the undoubted feeling of comfort (due to the ability to maintain the optimal level of humidity). Such a building is easier to erect than brick, but it is more fire hazardous. On the shrinkage of a wooden house takes a lot of time. Such houses are inferior to brick for durability.

How to make calculations?

Designing houses with attic and garage is a rather complicated process that requires certain knowledge, skills and time. The easiest option will be an appeal to those skilled in the art that will fulfill all the calculations necessary for construction and will cope with other works. A lot of Russian firms can provide services for professional architects and engineers who will not only take into account all your requirements, but also offer a project that meets all the necessary modern standards.

If you want to independently calculate and take care of the planning of the attic home, you need to know the size and shape of the land. Before calculations, it is advisable to determine the amount you can allocate for the construction work. Focusing on the budget, you can start choosing the size of the structure, type and quantity of the material from which the house has to be built. The next step will be a drawing: first schematic, and then more detailed, indicating the optimal sizes.

The attic room is considered an attic and can be used for accommodation in the following cases:

  • the height of the ceilings should be at least 2.5 meters;
  • floor level up to the intersection with a rope slope - 0.8-1.5 meters;
  • the presence of windows and heating systems.

The calculation of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room is to exclude a part that is "cut" the roof. These are places with a height of up to 0.8 meters. With a bartal roof, two bulk triangles are excluded, which are located along the skate. It is possible to calculate their dimensions by the Pythagora theorem: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the cathets (or C2 \u003d A2 + B2).

All the attic room can be broken down on triangles and rectangles.

When calculating the useful and total area, you will need formulas for calculating the rectangle area (length multiplied by width) and a triangle (half of the length multiplied by height).

The next step in the calculation will be the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bwindows.The glazing area in the attic room should be at least 10% of the total floor area. The best option is to install two windows opposite to each other. This is especially important if you plan to protect the inner space by partitions for zoning the room.

It is worth noting that for the correct internal planning and calculating the cost of construction, it is not enough to know the dimensions of the future building and its area. It is required to familiarize themselves with the standards for the construction of residential structures and consider several projects of houses (to determine the optimal option).

Selection of interior solutions

Beautiful visual examples serve ready-made projects of houses with an attic combined with a garage. Thanks to the drawings and photographs of the finished structures, you can navigate in the choice of the interior of the rooms. Ready-made options will help determine the material: it is important because some projects are designed specifically for a specific building material. The most interesting interior solutions are usually intended for small and medium-sized houses, as they are the most sought-after in the modern construction market.

The project of the cottage with a residential attic may include even the arrangement of the site with a terrace.

Such a solution will add your housing comfort and comfort(especially warm summer evenings). If the Customer is desired, experts will be able to offer a project of a building with a garage and basement, and later to embody this practical and convenient option. Since the house with the attic floor and the room for the car will significantly save space on your site, you can get your own bath.

Creating an interior of the house is an important and time-consuming process.After all, he should not only like you, but also be practical. With the first floor, everything is more or less clear, as it is more busy with a car and, possibly, a staircase and storage room. With the attic floor it is a little more difficult, but at the same time more interesting. The limited area on one side "cuts" residential space, and on the other hand, it gives space for new ideas of interior design.

The sites of the attic, which are "cut" the rope of the roof, can be used under storage areas. The most popular option is to install in these places of long dubs for storing clothes, shoes, bed linen and other necessary items. Another option is an open narrow cabinet with one inclined face for books, which can simultaneously serve as a partition for zoning the room. A good solution will be placed along the wall of the writing table, but only if it is really necessary for you.

In some cases, inclined ceilings are able to cause a sense of discomfort, but with suitable furniture and using certain colors this problem can be solved.

You can use more compact furniture set and bright shades of walls. It will also help increase the space around, which is just missing. A large number of windows and good lighting will make it possible to fill the attic room with light, comfort and make the situation more comfortable.