Latvia was part of the USSR. Attaching the Baltic States to the USSR (1939-1940)

The independent Lithuanian state was proclaimed under the sovereignty of Germany on February 16, 1918, and on November 11, 1918, the country received complete independence. From December 1918 to August 1919, the Soviet government existed in Lithuania and parts of the Red Army were in the country.

In the course of the Soviet-Polish war in July 1920, the Red Army occupied Vilnius (transferred to Lithuania in August 1920). In October 1920, Poland occupied the Vilnius region, which in March 1923, by decision of the Conference, Entente ambassadors entered the staff of Poland.

(Military encyclopedia. Militizdat. Moscow. In 8 volumes of 2004)

On August 23, 1939, an aggression agreement was signed between the USSR and Germany and secret agreements on the division of spheres of influence (Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant), which were then supplemented with new agreements of August 28; According to the latest Lithuania, he entered the sphere of influence of the USSR.

On October 10, 1939, the Soviet-Lithuanian treaty on mutual assistance was concluded. By agreement, in September 1939, the Red Army, Vilnius Krai was transferred to Lithuania, and the number of 20 thousand people were posted on its territory.

On June 14, 1940, the USSR, accusing the Government of Lithuania in violation of the contract, demanded the creation of a new government. On June 15, an additional contingent of the troops of the Red Army was introduced into the country. The People's Seimas, the elections in which took place on July 14 and 15, proclaimed the establishment in the Lithuania of Soviet power and appealed to the USSR Supreme Council with a request to take the Republic to the Soviet Union.

The independence of Lithuania was recognized as a decree of the USSR State Council of September 6, 1991. Diplomatic relations with Lithuania are established on October 9, 1991.

On July 29, 1991, an agreement was signed on the foundations of interstate relations between the RSFSR and the Republic of Lithuania (entered into force in May 1992). On October 24, 1997, an agreement on the Russian-Lithuanian state border was signed in Moscow and the agreement on the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf in the Baltic Sea (entered into force in August 2003). To date, 8 interstate, 29 intergovernmental and about 15 interdepartmental treaties and agreements are concluded and operate.

Political contacts in recent years are limited. The official visit of President Lithuania to Moscow took place in 2001. The last meeting at the level of the heads of governments was held in 2004.

In February 2010, President Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite met with the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On the Fields" of the Helsinki Summit of Action in the Baltic Sea.

The basis of the trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Lithuania is the agreement on trade and economic relations from 1993 (it was adapted to the EU standards in 2004 in connection with the entry into force of the EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement for Lithuania).

Material is prepared based on open sources.

On July 21-22, the next 72nd anniversary of the formation of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian SSR is performed. And the fact of this kind of education, as is known, causes a huge number of disputes. From the moment Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn found themselves in the early 1990s, the capitals of independent states, disputes on the territory of these states, there are actually in the Baltic States in 1939-40: peaceful and voluntary entry The USSR, or yet it was the Soviet aggression, which resulted in a 50-year occupation.

Riga. Soviet army enters Latvia

Words that the Soviet authorities in 1939 agreed with the authorities of fascist Germany (Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant) that the Baltic States should become a Soviet territory, no one year is mutated in the Baltic states and often allow certain forces to celebrate the victory in the elections. The Soviet "occupation" topic seems to be lured to holes, however, referring to historical documents, it can be understood that the topic of occupation is a large soap bubble that is certainly brought to huge sizes. But, as you know, any, even the most beautiful soap bubble, sooner or later burst, sprinkling the most inflating person with small cold drops.

So, the Baltic political scientists who adhere to the views, according to which the accession of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the USSR in 1940 is considered an occupation, say that Soviet troops not included in the Baltic states, these states would be not just independent, but also declared about their neutrality. Such an opinion is different as deeply misconception. Nor Lithuania, nor Latvia, nor Estonia simply could afford to declare neutrality during World War II, as it did, for example, Switzerland, because the Baltic states clearly did not have such financial instruments as Swiss banks possessed. Moreover, the economic indicators of the Baltic States in 1938-1939 show that their authorities had no opportunity to dispose of their sovereignty as they do. We give a few examples.

Welcoming Soviet ships in Riga

The volume of industrial production of Latvia in 1938 was no more than 56.5% of the production volume of 1913, when Latvia was part of the Russian Empire. Shockings the percentage of the illiterate population of the Baltic states by 1940. This percentage was about 31% of the population. More than 30% of children aged 6-11 years old did not attend school, and instead it was forced to work on agricultural work to participate, let's say in the economic support of the family. From 1930 to 1940, over 4,700 peasant farms were closed in Latvia alone in connection with the colossal debts, which were driven by their "independent" owners. Another eloquent digital "development" of the Baltic States during the period of independence (1918-1940) is the number of employed workers on the construction of factories and, as it were, a residential fund now. This number by 1930 in Latvia amounted to 815 people ... Dozens of multi-storey buildings and farming of factories and factories, which built these tireless builders, stand up before the eyes of ...

And this, with such economic indicators of the Baltic states by 1940, someone sincerely believes that these countries could dictate their conditions for Hitler's Germany, declaring them to leave them alone because of the neutrality announced by them.
If we consider the aspect that Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were going to remain independent and after July 1940, then the data of the disorders of the document of the "Soviet occupation" idea of \u200b\u200bthe document can be given. On July 16, 1941, Adolf Hitler holds a meeting regarding the future of the three Baltic republics. As a result, a decision was made: instead of 3 independent states (which the Baltic nationalists are trying to continue today) to create a territorial education that is part of fascist Germany, which is the name is island. The administrative center of this education was chosen by Riga. At the same time, a document on the official language of the island - German was approved (this is the question that the German "liberators" would allow three republics to develop along the path of independence and authenticity). On the territory of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia should have closed higher educational institutions, and only craft schools were allowed to leave. The German policy regarding the population is described by an eloquent memorandum of the Minister of Eastern Territories of the Third Reich. This Memorandum, which is noteworthy, was adopted by April 2, 1941 - before the creation of the island itself. The memorandum has words that most of the population of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is not suitable for numbers, therefore is subject to relocation to Eastern Siberia. In June 1943, when Hitler also had an illusion about the successful end of the war against the Soviet Union, a directive was adopted about the fact that the lands of the island would have to become the patrimonies of those servicemen who were especially distinguished on the Eastern Front. At the same time, the owners of these lands from the number of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians followed either to move to other areas, or to use as cheap labor for their new gentlemen. The principle that was used in the Middle Ages, when the knights received land in the conquered territories along with the former owners of these lands.

After familiarization with such documents, you can only guess where the current Baltic ultra-right has taken that Hitler Germany would give their countries independence.

The next argument of supporters of the idea about the "Soviet occupation" of the Baltic states is that, they say, the entry of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the Soviet Union crowded these countries for several decades in their socio-economic development. And these words are different how to call it difficult. From 1940 to 1960, over two dozen large industrial enterprises were built in Latvia alone in Latvia, which was not here for all her. By 1965, industrial production on average in the Baltic republics increased more than 15 times in comparison with the level of 1939. According to Western economic research, the level of Soviet investments in Latvia to the beginning of the 80s amounted to about 35 billion US dollars. If we translate all this in the language of interest, it turns out that direct investments by Moscow accounted for almost 900% of the amount of goods produced by Latvia itself for the needs of both its internal economy and the needs of the Allied economy. This is how the occupation when the "occupiers" themselves distribute huge money to those whom "occupy". Perhaps this occupation, many countries even today could only dream. Greece Won would love to love Mrs. Merkel with her billion investments "occupied" her, as they say, to the second coming of the Savior to Earth.

Sejm Latvia welcomes demonstrators

Another "occupation" argument: referendums about the accession of the Baltic states to the USSR was held illegitimately. Like, the Communists specifically put forward only their lists, which is the people of the Baltic for them and voted almost unanimously under pressure. However, if so, then it becomes completely unclear why, on the streets of the Baltic cities, tens of thousands of people gladly met the news that their republics are part of the Soviet Union. The stormy joy of Estonian parliamentarians is completely incomprehensible when they learned that Estonia became a new Soviet Republic in July 1940. Yes, and if the Balts did not want to enter the Protectorate of Moscow, it is not clear that why the authorities of the three countries did not receive at the Finnish example and did not show Moscow the real Baltic Kukush.

In general, the epic with the "Soviet occupation" of the Baltic States, which interested persons continue to write, is very like one of the sections of the book called "the untruth fairy tales of the peoples of the world."

The attachment of the Baltic States (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) to the USSR occurred in early August 1940 after appeal to the Supreme Council of the USSR of National Seimas. The Baltic Question is always acute in Russian historiography, and in recent years there are a lot of myths and condoms in recent years around the events of 1939-1940. Therefore, it is important to deal with the events of those years using the facts and documents.

Brief background question

For more than a century, the Baltic States were part of the Russian Empire, with the preservation of its national identity. The October Revolution led to a split country, and as a result - several small states appeared on the political map of Europe, among them Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Their legal status was enshrined by international agreements and the two agreements with the USSR, which at the time of 1939 continued to be legally binding:

  • About the world (August 1920).
  • About the peaceful solution to any questions (February 1932).

The events of those years have become possible due to the agreement between Germany and the USSR on non-fire (August 23, 1939). This document had a secret agreement, distinguishing the spheres of influence. The Soviet side got Finland, Baltic. These territories were needed by Moscow, since they were even recently partly part of a single country, but much more importantly, they allowed to push the country's border, providing an additional border of defense and defense of Leningrad.

The attachment of the Baltic States can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Signing Covenants on Mutual Assistance (September-October 1939).
  2. Establishment in the Baltic States of Socialist Governments (July 1940).
  3. The appeal of national seamas with a request to take them among the Union republics (August 1940).

Caps of mutual assistance

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and war began. The main events took place in Poland, which is not far from the Baltic States. Concerned about the possible attack of the Third Reich, the Baltic countries were in a hurry to enlist the support of the USSR in case of the invasion of Germany. These documents were approved in 1939:

  • Estonia - September 29.
  • Latvia - October 5th.
  • Lithuania - October 10.

It should be especially noted that the Republic of Lithuania did not just receive guarantees of military assistance, according to which the USSR undertakes to defend its borders of his army, but also received the city of Vilna and Vilna region. These were territories with a predominantly Lithuanian population. This gesture, the Soviet Union demonstrated the desire to achieve agreements on mutually beneficial conditions. As a result, the pacts were signed, which were called "On mutual aid". Their main points:

  1. The parties guarantee mutual military, economic and other assistance, subject to the invasion of the territory of one of the "Great European Power" countries.
  2. The USSR guaranteed each country to supply weapons and techniques on preferential grounds.
  3. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia allowed the USSR to form military bases on the Western borders.
  4. Countries undertake not to sign diplomatic documents and not enter into coalitions against the second country of agreements.

The last item played end up with a decisive role in the events of 1940, but about everything in order. The main thing is that you need to know about the packages - the Baltic countries voluntarily and consciously allowed naval bases and airfields on their territory on their territory.

The USSR paid the rental of territories under military bases, and the governments of the Baltic countries were obliged to refer to the Soviet Army as an ally.

Baltic Anntha

The aggravation of relations began in April-May 1940. Reason 2:

  • The active work of the Baltic Entente (Military Union between Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) against the USSR.
  • The frequent cases of the abduction of Soviet soldiers in Lithuania.

Initially, there was a defensive alliance between Latvia and Estonia, but after November 1939, Lithuania was intensified in the negotiations. Pergolas were in secret, although none of the countries had the right to negotiate such negotiations without notice of the USSR. Soon the Baltic Entente was formed. The active actions of the Union began in January-February 1940, when the headquarters of the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian army strengthened the relationship. At the same time, the publication of the newspaper "Review Baltic" began. It is noteworthy in what languages \u200b\u200bit has been published: German, English and French.

Since April 1940, the Soviet soldiers of the Lithuanian military base periodically began to disappear. On May 25, Molotov sent the Ambassador of Lithuania Natkevichius a statement, which stressed the fact of the recent disappearance of two soldiers (nosov and shmavagonets) and announced the existing facts pointing to the involvement of some individuals who enjoy the patronage of the Lithuanian government. This was followed by "unsubsions" on 26 and 28, in which the Lithuanian side interpreted the abduction of soldiers as "unauthorized leaving of the part." The most flagrant case occurred in early June. The junior commander of the Red Army Boutaev was abducted in Lithuania. The Soviet side again at the diplomatic level demanded the return of the officer. After 2 days, Butayev was killed. The official version of the Lithuanian side - the officer fled from the part, the Lithuanian police tried to detain him and transfer the Soviet side, but Butayev committed suicide, shot in his head. Later, when the officer's body was transferred to the Soviet side, it turned out that Butayev was killed by a shot in the heart, and on the entrance bullet hole there are no traces of a burn, which speaks about a shot from the middle or long-distance distance. Thus, the Soviet side interpreted the death of Butayev as killings to which the Lithuanian police involved. Lithuania itself refused to investigate this incident, referring to the fact that it is suicide.

The reaction of the USSR on the abduction and murder of their soldiers, as well as to create a military unit against the Union, did not have to wait long. The USSR sent the relevant statements by the Government of each country:

  • Lithuania - June 14, 1940.
  • Latvia - June 16, 1940.
  • Estonia - June 16, 1940.

Each country received a document with accusations, first of all, in creating a military coalition against the USSR. Separately emphasized that all this happened in secret and with violation of allied arrangements. A more detailed statement was the statement to the Lithuanian government, which is accused of aiding and direct involvement in the abduction and murder of conscience soldiers and officers. The main requirement of Moscow is the current management of countries that admitted such tensions in relations must be resigned. In their place there should be a new government, which will work, taking into account the packages between the Baltic countries and the USSR, as well as in the spirit of strengthening good-neighborly relations. In connection with the provocations and a complex global situation, the USSR demanded that the possibility of additional introduction of troops into large cities to ensure order. In many ways, the last requirement was associated with the frequent reports that more people speaking in the Baltic countries appear in the Baltic countries. The Soviet leadership feared that countries could fall on the side of the Third Reich, or Germany could further use these territories to move to the East.

The requirements of the USSR were checally completed. New elections were appointed for mid-July 1940. Socialist parties defeated and formed socialist governments in the Baltic States. The first steps of these governments are mass nationalization.

It is important to note that speculation on the topic of planting socialism in the Baltic States from the USSR is deprived of historical facts. Yes, the USSR demanded to change the composition of the government to ensure friendly relations between the countries, but after that the free elections recognized internationally followed.

The inclusion of the Baltic States in the Union

Events developed rapidly. Already at 7 Congress of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, representatives of the Baltic countries appealed to accept them to the Soviet Union. Similar statements made:

  • On the part of Lithuania - Palekis (Chairman of the Delegation of the People's Seimas) - August 3.
  • From Latvia - Kirchienstein (head of the People's Seimas Commission) - August 5th.
  • From Estonia - Lauristin (head of the delegation of the State Duma) - August 6

Of particular benefits of these events removed Lithuania. It has already been noted that the Soviet side voluntarily passed the city in wine with surrounding territories, and after the inclusion, Lithuania further received the territory of Belarus, where the Lithuanians predominantly lived.

Thus, Lithuania entered the USSR on August 3, 1940, Latvia - August 5, 1940, and Estonia - August 6, 1940. That is how the attachment of the Baltic States to the USSR took place.

Was the occupation

Today, the topic is often rising that the USSR occupied the territory of the Baltic States during World War II, demonstrating its hostility and imperial ambitions against the "small" peoples. Was there an occupation? Of course not. There are several facts that they say about it:

  1. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia voluntarily entered the USSR in 1940. The decision was taken by legitimate governments of these countries. For several months, all residents of these regions received Soviet citizenship. Everything that happened was in the spirit of international law.
  2. The issue of the issue of occupation is devoid of logic. After all, could the USSR could occupy and invade the Baltic States in 1941, if the land for which they allegedly invaded, were already part of the Unified Union? The assumption itself is absurd. Well, it is interesting that such a statement of the issue pursues to another question - if the USSR occupied the Baltic States in 1941, during the Great Patriotic War, then all 3 Baltic countries were either fought for Germany or supported it?

This question should be completed by the fact that in the middle of the last century there was a big game for the fate of Europe and the world. The expansion of the USSR, including at the expense of Baltic countries, Finland and Bessarabia, was an element of the game, but the unwillingness of the Soviet society. This is evidenced by the decision of the SND from 24.12, 1989 No. 979-1, which states that the non-aggression pact with Germany was personally initiated by Stalin and did not correspond to the interests of the USSR.

On April 15, 1795, Ekaterina II signed a manifesto on accession to Russia Lithuania and Kurlenia

The Grand District Lithuanian, Russian and Zhama - so officially called the state existed from the XIII century to 1795. Nowadays, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine are located on its territory.

According to the most common version, the Lithuanian state was founded about 1240 by Prince Mindovg, who united Lithuanian tribes and began to progress to attach fragmented Russian principalities. This policy continued and the descendants of Mindhmin, especially the great princes Gedimine (1316 - 1341), Olgend (1345 - 1377) and Vitovt (1392 - 1430). With them, Lithuania joined the lands of White, Black and Red Rus, and also assured the Mother of the Russian cities in Tatars.

The official language of the Grand Duchy was Russian (this is how it was called in the documents, Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalists referred to him, respectively, "Starokroinsky" and "Starobelorusky"). Since 1385, several units have been concluded between Lithuania and Poland. The Lithuanian gentry began to adopt polish, the Polish coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian Culture, to move from Orthodoxy to Catholicism. The local population was opposed to religious signs.

For several centuries earlier than in Moscow Rus, in Lithuania (following the example of the possessions of the Livonian Order), serfdom was introduced: the Orthodox Russian peasants became the personal property of a half-ranged gentry that had passed into Catholicism. Religious uprisings were hampered in Lithuania, and the remaining Orthodox gentry appeared to Russia. In 1558, the Livonian War began.

During the Livonian War, carrying tangible defeats from the Russian troops, the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian in 1569 went on signing Lublin Unia: Ukraine was completely separated from the Principality of Poland, and the preserved land of Lithuania and Belarus included in the principality of the land in the Confederate Commonwealth, obeying Foreign Policy of Poland.

The results of the Livonian War 1558 - 1583 fastened the situation of the Baltic states for a half century to the beginning of the Northern War 1700 - 1721.

The joining of the Baltic States to Russia during the Northern War coincided with the holding of Petrovsky reforms. Then Liflandia and Estland have become part of the Russian Empire. Peter I himself tried to establish relations with the local German nobility, the descendants of German knights. Estonia and Vidison were first attached, following the results of the war in 1721. And only after 54, following the results of the third section of the speech, the Great Principality of Lithuanian and Duchy, Kurland and Semigal, became part of the Russian Empire. It happened after signing Catherine II Manifest on April 15, 1795.

After joining Russia, the nobility of the Baltic States without any restrictions received the rights and privileges of the Russian nobility. Moreover, the Ostsee Germans (mostly - the descendants of the German knights from the Liflyand and Kourneda province) were if no more influential, then, in any case, no less influential than Russians, nationality in the Empire: Numerous Ekaterina Holyanovnikov Empire had Ostsey origin. Catherine II conducted a number of administrative reforms regarding the management of the provinces, the rights of cities, where the independence of the governors increased, but the actual power, in the realities of the time, was in the hands of the local, Baltic nobility.

By 1917, the Baltic lands were divided into Estland (center in Rive - now Tallinn), Liflyandskaya (center - Riga), Kurneda (center in Mitava - now Yelgava) and Vilnius Vilnius). The province was characterized by large mixedness of the population: by the beginning of the 20th century, about four million people lived in the provinces, about half of them were Lutherans, about a quarter - Catholics, and about 16% - Orthodox. The province inhabited Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Germans, Russians, Poles, in the Vilna province there was a relatively high proportion of the Jewish population. In the Russian Empire, the population of the Baltic provinces has never been subjected to any discrimination. On the contrary, in the Estland and Lifelard provinces, the serfdom was canceled, for example, much earlier than in the rest of Russia, already in 1819. Subject to the knowledge of the Russian language for the local population there were no restrictions when receiving the public service. The imperial government has actively developed the local industry.

Riga divided with Kiev the right to be the third most important administrative, cultural and industrial center of the empire after St. Petersburg and Moscow. With great respect, the royal government belonged to local customs and legal orders.

But the Russian-Baltic history rich in the traditions of good neighborliness was powerless to modern issues in relations between countries. In 1917 - 1920, the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) have gained independence from Russia.

But already in 1940, after the conclusion of the Molotov Pact - Ribbentrop, the inclusion of the Baltic states into the USSR was followed.

In 1990, the Baltic states proclaimed the restoration of state sovereignty, and after the collapse of the USSR, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania received both actual and legal independence.

The glorious story that Russia got? Fascist marches?

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have gained independence after the 1917 revolution in Russia. But Soviet Russia and later the USSR never left attempts to regain these territories. And under the secret protocol to the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, in which these republics were attributed to the Soviet sphere of influence, the USSR received a chance to achieve this than he did not fail to take advantage. September 28, 1939 was concluded by the Soviet-Estonian pact of mutual assistance. The 25-thousand Soviet Military Contingent was introduced into Estonia. Stalin told Selré at his departure from Moscow: "You could work with you, as with Poland. Poland was a great power. Where is Poland now? "

October 2, 1939, the Soviet-Latvian negotiations began. From Latvia the USSR demanded access to the sea - through Liepay and Ventspils. As a result, on October 5, a mutual assistance agreement was signed for a period of 10 years, which provided for the commissioning of 25-thousand contingent of Soviet troops to Latvia. And on October 10, the "Treaty on the transfer of the Republic of Lithuania and the city of Vilna and Vilensk region and on mutual assistance between the Soviet Union and Lithuania was signed with Lithuania.

On June 14, 1940, the Soviet government presented an ultimatum Lithuania, and on June 16 - Latvia and Estonia. In the main features, the meaning of ultimatumov coincided - the governments of these states were accused of a gross violation of the conditions of mutual assistance previously concluded with the USSR, and the requirement to form governments could ensure the fulfillment of these treaties, and to admit additional contingents of troops to the territory of these countries. Conditions were accepted.

Riga. The Soviet Army is part of Latvia.

On June 15, additional contingents of the Soviet troops were introduced into Lithuania, and on June 17 - to Estonia and Latvia.
Lithuanian President A. SMETON insisted on the organization of resistance to the Soviet troops, however, having received the refusal of most of the government, fled to Germany, and his Latvian and Estonian colleagues - K. Ulmanis and K. Pyatos - went to cooperate with the new government (both soon repressed) Like Lithuanian Premier A. Merkis. In all three countries, friendly USSR were formed, but not communist governments at the chapter, respectively, with Y. Palekis (Lithuania), I. Varezom (Estonia) and A. Kirchinstein (Latvia).
The Commissioner of the USSR, Andrei Zhdanov (in Estonia), Andrei Vyshinsky (in Latvia) and Vladimir Deanozov (in Latvia) followed the process of the association of the Baltic countries.

New governments removed bans on the activities of the Communist Parties and the holding of demonstrations and appointed extraordinary parliamentary elections. In the elections held on July 14 in all three states, the victory was preceded by procrimonistic blocks (alliances) of the labor nation - the only electoral lists admitted to the elections. According to official data, the appearance of 84.1% in Estonia, at the same time 92.8% of the votes were given for the Union of the Ministry of Labor, in Lithuania, it was 95.51% in Lithuania, of which 99.19% voted for the Union of Labor People, in Latvia The turnout was 94.8%, 97.8% of votes were given for the block of the labor nation.

The newly elected parliaments have already proclaimed the creation of the Estonian SSR, the Latvian SSR and the Lithuanian SSR and adopted the declarations about entering the USSR. On August 3-6, 1940, in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, these republics were taken to the Soviet Union.

The delegation of the Estonian State Duma returns from Moscow with joyful news about the admission of the republic in the USSR, August 1940.

Vares accept comrades: in the form - the chief political officer of defense forces, caedro.

August 1940, delegation of the newly elected Estonian State Duma in the Kremlin: Luus, Lauristin, Vares.

On the roof of the hotel Moscow, the Prime Minister of the Government, formed after the Soviet Ultimatum of June 1940, Vares and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Andersen.

Delegation at the Tallinn Station: Tikhonov, Luristin, Keedro, Vares, Sarah and Rui.

Telman, Chet Lauristin and Rui.

Workers of Estonia on demonstration with the requirements for accession to the USSR.

Welcoming Soviet ships in Riga.

Sejm Latvia welcomes demonstrators.

Soldiers on demonstrations dedicated to the Soviet Annexation of Latvia

Rally in Tallinn.

Welcoming delegates Estonian Duma in Tallinn after annexation of Estonia by the Soviet Union.

On June 14, 1941, the internal affairs bodies of the USSR, with the support of the Red Army and Communist activists, deported 15,424 people from Latvia. 10 161 people were resettled, and 5263 were arrested. 46.5% of deported were women, 15% - children under 10 years old. The total number of dead victims of deportation amounted to 4884 people (34% of the total), of which 341 people were shot.

Employees of the NKVD Estonia: in the center - Kimm, on the left - Jacobson, right - Ris.

One of the transport documents of the NKVD on deportation of 1941, for 200 people.

The memorial plaque on the building of the Estonian government is to the highest persons of the Estonian state in the occupation.