Light green curtains for nursery. Green curtains: combinations of green curtains with the rest of the interior elements (70 photo ideas)

Green color created nature, and naturally he has a huge strength of giving peace and peace. Green curtains in the interior of the living room, kitchen or children will create a favorable atmosphere and fill the room with natural freshness and ease, in this you will be sure to read the article and viewing the photo.

Shades of green

The green color is formed when mixing blue and yellow, with a greater addition of blue, it turns out a dark shade, and with the abundance of yellow paint green becomes lighter and bright. With such an ambiguous mixing of the tones, various shades are obtained, we have collected the most popular of them for the description and presented in the photo.

Menthol and mint. Easy refreshing shades capable of giving coolness even the hottest room. Such a color is always in fashion and perfectly suitable for small bedrooms or children's. Mint curtains are harmoniously fit into the interior of light tones.

Noble emerald. It is very heavy for perception color and when designing such curtains you need to be very careful. Emerald curtains from heavy velvet are well darkened by a sunny bedroom and help complete relaxation.

Grassy. The color of the spring foliage will remind the cold winter about the approaching summer. The curtains for a juicy apple kitchen improve appetite and fill the room with a positive and festive mood.

Olive. The most neutral shade out of the entire palette. Combined with many other colors and is great for the design of the curtain in the office or conference room.

Juicy lime. With lime, there are unchanged associations with the taste of refreshing drinks, in the same way this color works in the interior.

What material to choose

When choosing green curtains should not be repelled only from color shades, the material density plays an important role to create a good window composition.

Dense invoices are able to emphasize the entire sophistication of the color palette. Curtains from such a fabric look heavy and balanced, as well as capable of diminishing the sun room. Here will come to the rescue such materials: brocade, tight cotton or flax, taffeta and jacquard.

Light velautical curtains of a salad color pass the sun's rays, and the room is filled with yellow-green flowing light. Such curtains do not overload the space, and on the contrary facilitate the situation and look like a gentle and easy frame framed. In addition to the veil for transparent green curtains, you can choose an organza, tulle, transparent silk and sitherium.

Harmonious combination of green curtains with other flowers

A huge variety of textiles for the house allows everyone to individually equip its home according to taste preferences. And if you choose olive curtains, then you need to carefully consider the choice of the color gamut of the rest of the decor. We tried in detail a wide variety of combinations of green tones with other palettes.

Green curtains in combination with white walls and furniture is a great game of contrasting paints. Green Roman curtains among light walls will be brought to the fore, the main thing is not to remove with this removable color in other decorating elements.

Against the background of light walls, green curtains with soft pickups occupy the main place in the interior

Green curtains with the same interior. A very risky solution, but with the right selection of color in the interior of the living room or bedroom you can create a real oasis. The most successful option will be a combination of a maximum of three green shades.

Salad with blue or purple. Green and blue two cold colors and their combination in the interior design is possible under any conditions. Create color duets from purple and green curtains, combine colors with other home textiles, fantasize and do not be afraid of experiments.

The color of ground coffee and caramel combined with the color of spring foliage. Such a combination is dictated by nature itself, so it is very natural and does not contradict the laws of design. But the designers still give some tips: the dark color of green moss is better to combine with the same dark brown, but the light shade of a green apple is harmonized with shades of light wood.

Gray palette in harmony with green curtains. Gray, it is probably the most universal color that can be combined with absolutely any color palette. And the salad here is no exception. With such a combination of colors, a strict despicable composition is obtained, such variations are suitable for designing a cabinet, living room, and perhaps even for a teenager room. To the gray interior it is better to choose dense curtains of dark green tones.

Green curtains in the interior of different rooms

Green curtains are suitable for any room and house design styles. The photo clearly displays the beauty of the selected color scheme.

Living room. The room for receiving guests and family holidays should create a positive mood and place to mentally communicate, and it largely depends on the color range of the interior. Green curtains are suitable in the living room interior decorated in white and beige tones. The choice of shade depends on your taste preferences, on the degree of room lighting, and from the area of \u200b\u200bthe living room.

Tight olive curtains of floor length will hide undesirable sun rays and will look very elegant in the living room in English style. For a spacious living room, you can try an experiment with severe emerald curtains. Such an assembly and pickup composition will complement, and decorating golden decorations will give even greater grace.

Bright green curtains on the background of light walls are highlighted by an accent, which will not remain unnoticed. With such curtains, you can combine purple pillows, plaid, and wooden shades will give the living room even more home comfort and heat.

It is not necessary to be limited to monophonic products, make a variety of curtains in the interior with a white background and a floral ornament. Geometric patterns are suitable for the modern living room.

Bedroom. For the bedroom, the curtains are playing important, because it is here that I want to fully relax and relax. Green curtains will remind of nature and fill the room with forest freshness. Often, in the morning watches I want to hide from the annoying sunlight, and there are dense curtains of dark shades of greenery come to the rescue. If there is no such need, then calmly choose the shades of herbaceous, olive or menthol. Green curtains in the bedroom made of light veil will be good in combination with darkening rolled or Roman curtains.

Children's Green curtains in the nursery is a great choice. Psychologists argue that this natural color soothes and relaxes, in addition, it also helps to relax their eyes during long-term load. In general, for the children's curtain of this color is not only a beautiful window decoration, but also the therapeutic subject.

Short green apple color curtains will delight children's eyes and beautifully dispel the root sun rays around the room. For children, choose curtains with thematic pattern, geometric figures will appreciate the grown schoolchildren. Green rolled curtains in combination with fabric curtains suitable for windows next to which stands table or bed.

When there is a bed next to the window, the Roman curtains will be one of the best design option.

Kitchen. Green curtains in the kitchen are welcome for the room in any style. Here the place for experiments with various curtain models. Top curtains are popular in the kitchen. They can be collected by pickup and adjust the desired length.

For modern cuisines with glossy surfaces, matte roman and rolled emerald color curtains are suitable. And the blinds of various species will never lose their popularity. For a green curtain, it is not necessary for the presence of the same tone in the interior, in black and white, brown or bright yellow cuisine, greens will always find its place.

Green for curtains is very good. With a properly selected style and interior you can create an incredible atmosphere in your home.

Registration of home interior is not a simple task for any owner of the dwelling. After all, it is necessary to take into account many details and their combination in a common style. And the creation of a children's room is also a very responsible process. Since for any child, his room is his own world, his second "I," where he plays, resting, learns, communicates with friends, that is, spends a lot of time.

And here one of the most important elements that create comfort and safety in the children's room is the selection of curtains:

  • The curtains in the interior of the children's room become not only her decoration, but also perform a number of functions:
  • Protect from bright sunlight during the day and create comfort and calm at night.
  • Protect passersby from strangers.
  • Create a harmonious atmosphere, combined with the interior.

Each adult, drawing up the interior in the children's space, it is necessary to take into account the gender and age of the child, his character and individuality. And also his wishes regarding the color and style of the curtains.

Today, the market and online stores present a huge variety of curtains and tulles. For clarity, we present some photos of the curtains for the children's room to provide the ability to navigate when choosing models.

Girl room decor

According to psychologists, girls are more elegant and sophisticated nature than boys. They are peculiar to the thrust to the sublime and beautiful. As a rule, girls prefer bright and gentle colors. And the room decorated with bright pink, turquoise, yellow curtains will certainly please her.

The curtains decorated with the heroes of favorite fairy tales or cartoons will be interesting. For example, magic fairies, multicolored butterflies, various animals will bring their highlight to the interior. Curtains in a nursery for a girl can also be decorated with a pattern into a large or small peas, as well as supplement all sorts of bows, rushes.

Gracefully look a lush curtains from Tulle. They can be made brighter in color than the curtains themselves, or vice versa, in a calmer theme. Girls often love to participate in creating decorations for their room.

What material is better to choose for curtains? The best materials for children are definitely natural - cotton, flax, sitheria, satin. They do not electrify, are not allergic, easy to care, but quickly imagine. It is best to combine materials when decorating the room window.

Tulle for the children's room from organza or veil will give a feeling of airiness, as these materials are easy and transparent. Tulle is easy to decorate with embroidery or pattern. It is perfectly combined with the porters.

Over the crib, where a small princess will sleep, you can hang the canopy. It will look gorgeous and create more comfort during sleep. Here you can use all sorts of materials and their combinations. It is not desirable to use heavy tissues, such as velvet or velveteen.

Choosing a drawing and color of the curtains in the child's room, you need to take into account the interior of the room itself. If there are many bright colors in the bedroom, for example, color wallpaper, it will be better if the curtains you buy one-picture, calm pastel colors, as the abundance of bright colors in the room testers eyesight and causes excessive excitement of the nervous system. But, if the color gamut rooms are calm enough, then just just hang bright colored curtains that will bring in the overall atmosphere.

Boy room design

Boys tend to prefer colder colors and shades. For example, blue, blue, purple, brightly salad, orange, green is the very thing that most boys likes. Choosing curtains for a boy - color, shape, drawing, you also need to take into account the kid's hobby, his desire to see in the interior of your room or other heroes of his games or cartoons he loves.

If your baby loves books and games about pirates, sea travel, then the room can be arranged in the marine style using blue, blue, white and turquoise colors, including curtains can be performed in the form of clouds, sea waves with a different pattern of this topic. A classic option that will delight any boy - photocurtains with cars, airplanes and beloved beasts.

Interesting space themes where stars, planets are depicted on the curtains. Curtain room decoration options are different, most importantly, to like.

If two children of different sex live in the room, the space is better to distinguish between two zones. One part of the room is to decorate in gentle colors, and the other in colors with a cold tint, while the window is also worth decorated with curtains of different colors.

Important moments when choosing a curtain in the children's

A very important point is the concern for child safety. Children are very mobile and inventive creatures, any object of conscious can become a toy for them, or the subject participating in the game. Often, children use curtains in their games, hiding behind them or crawling between them. Therefore, it is necessary for a very durable attachment of the eaves and curtains.

It is also necessary to take care to the curtains that you have been tissue from tissues that do not cause allergies, while wear-resistant and easily erased. The convenient ability to transform is also important so that the child can open and close the curtains.

Types of curtains in the nursery

Currently, as you notice, there is a large selection of materials and species of the porter and Gardin. Many novelties of children's curtains 2017 are presented on our website. Let's start with the fact that most often the classic style of the porter and Tulle is used in the houses - these are long curtains, vertical fold, sometimes decorated with lambrequins or without them.

To give a special form, the curtains can be picked up with magnets in the form of flowers or cars, lift with a sleeve or pickup in the form of funny animals, fabulous heroes, etc. Here your fantasy is limitless.

Short curtains in a nursery is a great option for small rooms, as they save space, in addition, they do not allow kids who love everything at hand, pull and wind at themselves, do it, ensure the safety of children's space. They are easy to manage, they are easy to open and close not even a big child. They are easy to care for them.

Many parents believe that Roman curtains are a convenient practical option to decorate the window in the nursery. They are made of dense tissue, often from flax, cotton, polyester, with or without pattern, fully closing window openings. Their design of something resembles blinds. The child can manage them alone, folding up or dropping.

Also in a small children's room it will be interesting to look at the windows of rolled curtains. Their design is transformed up by screwing on the roller. Bottom curtains have a weight loss, warning deformation of the material. Being good light filters, they protect the room from sunlight in hot weather, because Made of dense tissues. Mixed on the frame of the window, as well as above or inside the opening.

Austrian curtains are also well applicable on the windows of children's. They are lush and elegant. Consist of not large sections, and at the bottom edge they are decorated with flounces or magnificent assemblies, they are also decorated with lace, ruffles, laces. Made of fabric, which is well draped. Adjustable with cords. And attach to the cornice.

Another option curtains in the nursery is French curtains. Elegantly and luxuriously look in the room with high windows and ceilings. Multi-level lush drapery with a cascade are located all over the cloth of the fabric, forming semicircular folds - Festos. Promote the creation of a festive atmosphere in the child's room. They also belong to the lifting curtains that are not spread over the sides of the window.

Successfully created interior design, where all its elements are well combined with each other help to raise a sense of style and harmony. And also create an atmosphere of the holiday and comfort in his favorite room.

Stock Foto Curtains in nursery

Green causes a persistent association with nature. Sharing on the river, in the forest, mountain or even a banal exit to the courtyard, accompanies us with the magnificence of green paints. Finding into the room painted in any shades of green, a man feels comfortable. The imagination transfers it to a widely spreading field with blooming daisies or by the lakeside with lowered flexible branches in the water of the waters. Someone this color resembles sparkling in the sun emeralds.

The main thing:

Green curtains in the children's room - a combination of colors

It may therefore it is believed that green color soothes, gives people a sense of harmony, serenity and peace. Experts found an interesting relationship between human consciousness and green: a long stay in a room decorated in green tones, contributes to the development of memory and amplification, relieves stress.

Walls of poisonous green color do not cause harmony feelings, but rather shock. Therefore, it is necessary to use this color very carefully, and even better choose its light shades or dilute with other details of the interior of green.

The main emphasis, giving room comfort and unique, is curtains. Beautifully decorated window transforms the room, becomes her decoration. Pick the color of the curtains so that they are harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior.

Curtains should not only protect the room from bright sunlight and strangers, but also complement the overall style of the room, create a special mood.

If you make up a children's room, you should add green curtains to the interior.

We select curtains in the nursery

A variety of shades allows you to choose the curtain version you need. Green color is harmoniously combined with almost all variety of existing colors.

If you do not want to contact professionals, then simply pick up the natural combinations of colors as in nature.

Romantic style

Greens and trees. Brown furniture and floor will perfectly complement the curtains of a dark green color. The spectacular emerald fabric will give the interior aristocracy, the boy will feel the king in such a room, a girl - a real lady. Romance of such interiors will postpone your baby in the era of knights and princesses. In this case, the curtains are better picking heavy and dense.

Transparent curtains will be beautifully refracted by sun rays, add light green lambrequins to them, bizarkened them along the cornice and the room will be transformed. If you want to make a room for a child unique, dilute the interior with wooden decorative elements. For boys, put a chairs in the form of a snag or a closet for toys let the chest become. For girls, walk the walls with wallpaper with large daisies and holders for curtains. Make a daisy. Create a calm and harmonious atmosphere in the room, in the silence of which the child will be pleased to spend time. Green curtains in the nursery look in the photo.

Avant-garde style

Salad, malachite, emerald and other rich shades of green are perfectly suitable for design windows in the nursery, which is made in the style of minimalism. Such types of design include High Tech, Art Deco and Modern. Curtains are better picking rolled or roman. They will emphasize the modern interior and become a beautiful addition to the common style of children.

This style of children with a volitional character and live imagination is suitable. You can revive the room with the help of rolled or Roman curtains. A variety of bright and colorful drawings on rolled curtains will make an individual room. The window of the room for a modern girl can be decorated with a printer of lawn with wild chamomy.

Curtains with heroes of favorite cartoons or fairy tales are suitable for the boy. You can settle on the window of the dwarfs in hats or winking the ironing machine. It will wake up the imagination of the baby and in a relaxed atmosphere he will be more interesting to dream.

Rolled and Roman curtains are suitable for a nursery, designed in this style perfect. They take quite a bit of the place, miss the scattered light, do not absorb moisture, do not collect dust, they are easily clean and look very stylish on the window. The difference is that on rolled curtains it is impossible to impose a print so beautifully. But the drawing on rolled curtains can be a real decoration of the children's room.

Classic style

If you have too moving baby, make it a room in the style of a sandy beach with azure stroke and green palm trees.

To embody the idea of \u200b\u200bcoloring the walls in a beige, blue or olive color, put the sand-shade carpet on the floor, with disperse brown strips. Furniture is better to find blonde tones, but the bed or sofa should be blue. If your baby feels comfortable in blue, you can put furniture in such a color solution. The window in this case is better to arrange in yellow-green.

Hang the yellow-green curtains in the nursery, and you will see how the room will be transformed, how beautifully will play sun glare on the curtains. You can drape the curtains, you can put two straight lines of yellow, and on top of green. Green curtains in baby boy and girls room: photo of design.

If you want to add guys to the interior, put the windows of the window to the windows. In such an atmosphere, the child will feel happy.

Color solutions

Great and white colors are perfectly combined. You can paint the walls of the room into a green color, and the curtains pick up bright shades or even white. It will be unusual and beautiful. Curtains in green nursery in the photo.

Enjoy the combination of green and gray.

In whatever color you do not make a baby room (yellow-green, salad, emerald or olive), do it with love. Remember that your boy or girl should develop harmoniously. And you only contribute to their formation, creating their little cozy personal world!

In contact with

Green curtains are suitable for any room, be it kitchen, bedroom or living room. This is neutral, calm color, which pleases the eye. The desired mood can be set, just rightly pick up the hint of the curtains.

Green can be both warm and cold tones. Each of these shades will look in the interior in different ways.

  • The emerald shade belongs to the cold palette and is able to have a relaxing and soothing effect. Therefore, it is best to use emerald curtains in the interior of the bedroom.
  • The sea wave color gives calm and comfort in the room.
  • Shades of spring greenery improve the mood, charged by cheerfulness and energy. They are well suited for children.
  • Curtains of olive color contribute to mental activity, help to focus and tune in to work. Ideal for a teenager's office or room.
  • The color of turquoise or aquamarine creates a feeling of lightness and freshness. This shade visually expands the room, because it is perfectly suitable for small rooms.
  • Pistachio curtains will add a positive and originality interior. Perfect for design kitchen or living room.
  • Dark green curtains with a blue tint have a relaxing effect and encourage inaction. Such curtains are suitable for the bedroom, but they should not be used in the kitchen or in the living room.

Material for curtains

When choosing a shade of the curtain an important role also plays fabricfrom which they are made. Tight material will make a saturated color darker, and translucent fabrics are capable even dark shades to make light and air.

Selecting the cloth for the curtains you need to consider the size of the room and windows, the shade of walls, furniture, as well as the use of other textiles in the interior.

The rooms with low ceilings look good curtains from light translucent fabrics such as organza or veil. They will give the room freshness and ease and will not rush into the eyes. For large spacious rooms, you can use dense heavy fabrics that look good with decorative eaves, brushes and cords.

Choosing between natural and synthetic materials, it should be remembered that natural fabrics require special care and strongly absorb odors. Therefore, the curtains from such materials are better not to use when designing windows in the kitchen.

When choosing a fabric, it is also worth considering lighting in the room. In a bright spacious room, you can fully rely on your taste and style of the interior. If in the room there is not enough natural lighting more curtains from light fabrics.

Gallery: Green Curtains (25 photos)

Combination with other shades

Thanks to a huge number of diverse materials, any fantasies can be realized when interior design. This also applies to a combination of green with other shades - experimentants can try the most courageous solutions. And those who want to be sure the result should be familiar with such combinations:

Application of green curtains in the interior

The selection of curtains for the living room will depend on the selected interior style. If the living room is decorated in a classic style, then long olive curtains are suitable for it. Emerald curtains will be perfectly looking in the interior of the living room decorated in the Mediterranean style. For the style of High-tech, bright green or lightweight shades are suitable, creating the right focus in the room. It would be appropriate to look like light green curtains in the Living room in the Provence style. Pistachio is ideal for drapeting windows in Eco-style and some other modern styles.

Green curtains in the kitchen

Green windows in the kitchen will be appropriate to look in any style. This color has a healthy diet, so those who want to comply with the diet can hang salad curtains. Salad contribute to a decrease in appetite and charges energy. Pistachio curtains will give the interior of positive and freshness. The sequence of the kitchen interior will add windows decorated with malachite curtains with white edging.

Green curtains in the bedroom

Some shades have a soothing and relaxing effect. These include olive, mint, emerald, pistachio and they are perfect for the design of the bedroom windows. To create a solemn environment, you can hang multilayer curtains consisting of lambrequins, heavy curtains and light curtains.

Not everyone is solved to design the premises using bright colors. If you still want to add paints, while not making the interior tasteless, lettuce curtains will become the perfect option.

All bright shades of green are a bit exciting appetite. Selecting the curtains of a curtain color for the kitchen, you can create a "delicious" interior. Hang salad curtains in the nursery - also just an excellent solution. This is a very energetic color that will stimulate the child's imagination.

Salad curtains: What are they like?

Despite the fact that the kitchen and children seem to be completely different rooms, when choosing a curtain, you need to adhere to the same rules. So, the first place will be a practicality. Here everything will be primarily dependent on what type you choose the curtains.


Present a cloth with a lifting mechanism. Lifting, facilities forms folds. They will become a magnificent option for the kitchen and children's, as they look great in any interiors, differ simplicity. They have a laconic appearance, due to which bright color design will not look short.


Present a woven cloth twisting in the roll and spinning. Or to the nursery means getting a functional decor. The canvas will be securely protected from sunlight. The design of the curtain is very concise. In addition, they do not "eat" the space, and therefore it is perfectly suitable even for a small room.

Japanese (panel)

They are sliding panels made of fabric. They move along the guides - like a cabinet door. This option is perfect for the kitchen, where there is a large window or the door to the balcony. The panel curtains look very modern, and they are extremely simple to control them. Fabric folds are missing, so the interior is not overloaded.


Such . They are also called Kiseye. Kyosa looks extremely unusual in the interior, gives it ease. This is the best option if you want to arrange an ar-deco room or ethno-style. True, if a child's children's very small child is issued, such a decision will not fit - the baby will be able to easily break the threads.


Austrian, or fester curtains look amazing! They are a cloth collected in horizontal folds with the help of shoelaces. Due to this, a beautiful decor appears on the lower edge. More often, this option is chosen for the living room, but the interior of the kitchen or children's such curtains can give mischiefs.


The most familiar option is curtains and tulle. Plus, classic curtains is a variety. Curtains on the chokes, with hinges, hooks, rings - options abound! Despite the fact that the decision is classic, it is successfully suitable for modern interiors. Classic tulle looks comfortable, allows you to make a lush window.

Pictures for Salad Curtains

Do not think that if a bright color is bright, the curtains cannot have a drawing. On the contrary, patterned curtains in the interior are a very successful solution. So, for the kitchen it is best to choose curtains with such prints:

  • Strips;
  • Cell;
  • Floristic motifs;
  • Fruits, berries, vegetables, kitchen utensils, etc.

The room can be decorated with such prints:

  • Photo of cartoon characters;
  • Stars, clouds, sun and moon;
  • Abstraction;
  • Vegetable patterns.

When choosing a picture, follow the following rule: for small rooms you need to choose a small print. Large drawings look good in spacious rooms.

How to choose a material for salad curtains?

For sewing curtains, various fabrics can be used. In combination with a bright molded tinge in the interior of the kitchen and children's room, such materials will look good:

  • Len - natural fabric with beautiful texture. Excellent withstands frequent washing and exposure to sunlight. The only lack of flax is that he is quickly taking;
  • Cotton is a beautiful and durable fabric. However, 100% cotton will quickly burn out. It is better to prefer to him polycotton - a fabric made of cotton and polyester;
  • Viscose is a cloth resembling silk, however, which is much cheaper and practical. In the pure form of viscose, it does not inactivate water, and therefore it is better to choose tissue with the inclusion of polyester.

These materials are perfectly suitable for both kitchen and children's. Fully polyester curtains should choose only for the kitchen. Children's is that room where everything should be as natural as possible.

Salad Curtains - Bright Spring Decor! It will become the perfect choice if the main color of the kitchen or baby light, gray or brown. Do not be afraid to experiment - bring freshness to the interior!