Apple tree leaves rust and fall. Fighting stains on the leaves of apple trees: pasta, rust, gallovaya notch, lack of batteries

On one of the two growing pears in our garden, yellow spots appeared on the leaves. Apparently this is a rust of pears. Previously, I did not come across this disease, I would like to know how to get rust on pears and apple trees and how to deal with this infection?

Vladimir P. Saratov region

So the rust of pears looks like, photos of leaves affected by this disease:

This is how the lower part of the pear leaf of the affected rust looks.

And this is an apple tree leaves with characteristic yellow - orange spots:

Rust on the apple tree looks the same as on pears.

Many gardens remained the past summer without pears and apples due to rust. The manifestation of this disease cannot be noticed. On the leaves of pears, rounded greenish appear first, and then yellow-red spots with raspberry bounding or crimson spots without barking. Similar notes leaves rust on apple leaves. On Hywe from the upper side of the leaves, pillow-shaped orange-red spots with black dots are formed. Cherry, cherry, cherry, raspberry, plum are also affected. Already in mid-July, the leaves hang out, sometimes completely.

Juniper - bad neighbor for apple trees and pears

Methods of treating rust on an apple tree and a pear are the same, as well as the reason for the appearance of this disease - close (and not very close) Neighborhood with juniper.

The first processing against rust in a pear is carried out at the beginning of the flowering of the chorus, the second - two weeks after flowering. An intermediate ring of rust development is juniper. With close landings of juniper and fruit trees, Rust will stand in your garden for a long time.

Juniper which grows 50 meters from the pear.

In early spring, spend stripping of the affected shoots and disinfected their 5 percent copper vigor. And the affected foliage must be removed and burning or composed. In the summer, when the first signs of the disease appear, you can still process the drugs of ABIG peak or rake to be treated.

At the end of the summer, a well-visible downtown, located with groups and one, is formed from the bottomside of the leaves. During ripening, the increased (Ezida) is disclosed. The disputes contained in them are thrown and spread by the wind.

These disputes cannot infect neither a pear or apple tree. They germinate and form a fungouncing on the skeletal branches of the Juniper Cossack. It is winter there. It can be noticed: on the affected branches of juniper, thickening are formed. Soothes and skeletal branches die away. In the trunks of the juniper, wounds, bloating, influx, especially the root cervy, are formed.

And this is the result of the neighboring pear and juniper.

In the spring in the cracks of the cortex, brown growing (teleproduks) appear, which, after the first rain, swell and be covered with mucus. Then the Baziospions are formed, which are spread by the wind within a radius of 40-50 km and infect the pear, apple trees, plums, cherries.

By the end of July, the leaves of fruit crops are affected, their mass appeal begins. It is very weakening the trees. On the fruits appear spots near the cup. Patients fruits are underdeveloped, deformed. High defeated shoots die away.

Treatment of rust on pear and apple

Gardeners sometimes begin to beat the alarm at the end of the summer, when the duration of the struggle against rust has already passed. If last season you noticed signs of rust on your trees, do not miss the timing of treatments!

The first spraying of the 1-percent burglar liquid or its substitutes (ABIGA peak, Xome) or 0.5 percent polycarbocyne (50 g per 10 liters of water) is carried out in the "green cone" phase, the second - in the "White Bud" phase, the third - Immediately after flowering with a repeat after 10-15 days.

Early in spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys, it is necessary to clean the wounds on the affected rust shoots and skeletal branches before healthy wood. Then the wound should be disinfected with copper vitrios (500 g per 10 liters of water) and after dried to the gardens of the garden.

Highly affected shoots cut off, capturing 5 cm of a healthy part, and skeletal branches - 10 cm - in late February - early March.

So that the treatment benefits

For the treatment of rust on pears and apple trees, copper-containing drugs are most often used. However, such drugs need to be able to properly use, otherwise, instead of use, the tree can also be harmful.

Bordeaux liquid should not use:

In hot weather Due to severe evaporation, the concentration of the pesticide on the leaves increases, and this can lead to burns. And for the gardener, it is harmful - poisonous vapors can be tightened. Therefore, it is necessary to spray only in the morning or in the evening.

Early in the spring If the temperature is below minus 5 degrees, you can not spray - get a zero result from processing and burning leaves, fruits, young shoots.

At high temperature and high humidity even on old trees burglar mixture can cause burns. Under these conditions, an excess amount of copper sulfate is distinguished from the bordeaux.

On the leaves of burns from the bordeaux, the mixture appears in the form of brown spots, dieting the edges of the leaf plate or a thick brown mesh on it: such burns arise from copper sulfate, copper chloroksi.

In order for the treatment of rust to prevent the burns of the leaves on the pear, the copper sulphate, the bordeaux mixture and the composure of copper is applied more correctly and safely in the early level period, and their substitutes (Abiga peak, docks, etc.) - in a later date. Yes, and the earth should be care from excess copper, which has accumulated in garden sites in large quantities.

If the spraying is incorrectly (treated in the morning, when it fell out rain or abundant dews), the drops of the solution will be drained from foliage to the ground. Therefore, the processing is carried out in the morning after drying the dew or in the evening. And to the rain should go at least 6 hours.

With improper treatment with a solution (large sputtering), the sprayer tip supplies a solution for a short distance (50-60 cm). Not only the burns of the leaves, but also the premature leaves of the leaves and even the death of young shoots occur. In the first 2-3 days there are visible burns, and the leaves appear appears during the week.

Rust-resistant varieties of pears

If all the same, the desire to decorate the portion of juniper bushes and at the same time grow pears, then you can try to plant a rust-resistant variety:

  • Summer Williams
  • Radineel
  • Ilyinka
  • Ligel faith
  • Vera Machine
  • Decanka Autumna

But the favorite Clapp is very susceptible to this disease.

As for the apple tree, they are much more resistant to rust than pears. We have several varieties of juniper on our site and despite this, no apple tree has a rust hurt. Which unfortunately can not be said about the pear, from which one pennies remained, and pleasant memories.

That was such a pear ...

In addition to rust, trees in the garden can be affected by another very common and dangerous disease - a pair.

Have you noticed orange-yellow stains on apple leaves? A healthy tree leaves do not change color and shape. Defeats are a symptom of disease or attacks of plants by pests. Rusty spots may indicate fungal lesions of the fruit tree, especially since the apple tree and pear are the most vulnerable types of garden plants. How dangerous is the disease, what consequences can lead? Why is it striking an apple tree and is there a risk of defeating other garden crops? Let's deal with.

Rust on apple leaves

The rust of the apple tree is an infectious defeat, the causative agent of which is a gumnosporandium tremelloides fungus. Usually the first symptoms of the disease appear in the middle of the summer: small protrusions appear on the leaves and quickly grow over the entire surface. Soon on the outer part of the leaves, stripes or round spots of brown color appear.

Black spots are visible on the stains - they appear in places under which the dispute is located.

Periodically, this hotbed is revealed and throws a new portion of pests to the plant. Multiple yellow-brown spots occupy 2/3 of the sheet surface, the affected leaves tree quickly drops and already in August - September his branches are taken off.

What is the danger of rust?

Rust more often affects the leaves, but the fungus can spread to the branches, the bark and the fruits of the plant. In the risk group there are young shoots - some of them are dying, and those that are developing will not be given in the future of healthy growth and fruits. The development of shoots can continue up to 3 years, but then the bark in the place of defeat and on the trunk begins to crack. Apples do not mature - at some stage (each plant individually) they slow down and fall.

The patient of the apple tree does not get the nutrition necessary for normal growth, as a result of which photosynthesis and metabolic processes slow down, there is not enough moisture plant. As a result, gardeners receive a poor-quality crop - the fruits are small, there is no usual juiciness in them, the core is often rotten.

Causes of the disease

The most vulnerable apple tree, which grows on one plot with juniper, because this plant acts as the rust pathogen. In the cold season, fungal disputes accumulate and winter in the needle juniper - in a canned state they can stay for several years. With the onset of heat in disputes begins the phase of active development - they are settled on the leaves of apple trees and infect plants.

Rust - distributed disease in the southern and seaside regions. In the humid climate, the disputes are developing faster, and a strong wind transfers them to a distance of 40-50 km, hitting the fruit trees in this perimeter.

How to deal with rust?

Yellow-brown stains need to be treated so as not to harm the tree:

  1. If the reason for the lesion is juniper, it is desirable to remove it from the garden and deeply move the soil in the place where he grew up.
  2. The branches and the leaves on which the stains fifth will have to be removed. Cut them need 10 centimeters below the affected place.
  3. After removing patients, the plant is processed by burgundy liquid (1%) or other Meld-containing solutions. Apple tree sprinkles three times, every two weeks.
  4. A widespread gardener error is that they begin to treat a tree at the end of summer, when the apple tree has already dropped the leaves. Effect Such measures will not be given.

The best time for treatment is the early spring, while the kidneys did not break. First you need to clean the wounds on the shoots (cut, as described above) and disinfected the cuts with a solution of copper mood. After that, you can spray a tree:

  • spraying - in the "green cone" phase;
  • spraying - in the "Bud" phase;
  • spraying - after tree flowering.

How not to harm?

Processing stains and other lesions on the leaves burglar liquid can not be in the heat. At high air temperature, the Yadohimikat begins to actively evaporate, its concentration on the leaves of the fruit tree increases several times. The apple tree can get burns, and the gardener is poisoning poisonous pairs. Breeders recommend spraying plants in the morning or in the evening when cool on the street.

Processing of plants in crude weather will not give a positive result, because the solution stalks from the foliage together with drops of dew.

Spraying is carried out when the apple tree is dry. After the rain must pass at least 6 hours. There will be no positive effect on the processing of fruit tree at temperatures below +5 degrees, and the apple tree can get burns.

The same happens if you spray the plant in the heat or immediately after the rain. In such climatic conditions, the copper canopy, which is part of the bordeaux mixture and similar preparations, is distinguished with excess. He causes burns of leaves, shoots, trunk.

Do not want extra problems? Then do not plan the coniferous trees on one site with fruit trees. And if you risk, choose the varieties of apple trees with a strong immunity to the paschers and fungal infections, surround the plants with other varieties of fruit trees and correctly take care of the garden.

The rust of the apple tree is a dangerous disease caused by fungus. Sly and sophisticated causative agent guminosporandium tremelloides, genus Phragmidium. The leaves under its action become incapable of photosynthesis. Draised aqueous and mineral exchangers lead to a sharp reduction in crop. The plant progressively cares. Suffer young promising shoots. They will no longer bring harvest, and the most infected will die. If you do not take action and do not treat a tree, then the forecast will be unfavorable. Apple tree will die in the coming years. During which the disease will persistently progress. There can be no speech about any crop.

What to do in the midst of the disease?

Usually the first symptoms are manifested in summer during the period of active and turbulent vegetation. On leaves arise rounded spots - brown or rusty. Once you noticed them, you need to urgently work for business. All infected parts are completely removed:

  • leaves;
  • shoots;
  • branches;
  • wound up;
  • no hard apples.

Crimping should be made by 10 cm below the location of damage. The secator is definitely disinfected several times with a strong antiseptic solution.

All that you cut off and climb should be quickly burning or removed from the garden.

Now is the time to treat the apple tree with fungicidal solutions. The choice of chemicals is quite wide. Antifungal tools are considered the most popular:

  • "Topaz";
  • "Knoksat";
  • "Vectra";
  • 0.4% "CINEBA";
  • 1% burglar liquid.

Spraying spend three times. The first time on the day of trimming, the second and third - every 10 days.

What are the drugs from rust?

A huge selection of means for combating fungus, presented in agrotechnical stores, is divided into the following main groups. These are such groups of drugs:

  1. copper-containing;
  2. having, based on sulfur;
  3. systemic fungicides;
  4. biopreparations.

Systemic fungicides

For the treatment of rust - fungicides is a number one tool. It is from them to begin treatment of the disease in full swing. Especially if you want to get into the apple. The best results in this struggle bring contact and system-contact preparations. To them, first of all, include:

  • "Staters";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Vectra";
  • "ZINEBA";
  • "Polym".

All drugs act approximately equally. They destroy the colonies of fungi. At the same time, disputes are striking, of which, after their impact, fungi will never appear. They can be perfectly alternating, which makes it possible to avoid addiction. Since rust fungi can be unresporbed to adapt to chemicals. For this, they will lose their adverse effects in the form of a dispute. And then attack with even greater activity. Systemic fungicides are universal drugs that allow us to cure trees from rusty contagious if possible.

What dosages need to be breeding on 1 water bucket:

  • Strobe -2g;
  • Topaz-2 ml;
  • Vectra -2g;
  • Polym -2g.

For all of the above funds, the deuce rule is valid. So you will never be mistaken, preparing a solution against pathogens. Only cinos need 40g.

If at the time of the fight against rust, you managed to sprinkle an apple tree, for example, from the paste, then no additional spraying do not need to spend more. This will be enough to act on two types of pathogen at the same time.


The drug has a powerful antifungal effect. It is released in liquid and powder form. Consumption on the apple tree is 2 liters per 10m2. Processing can be carried out several times, waiting for 2 weeks.


An excellent drug that has advantageous advantages. It can be used even during flowering. It is safe for bees. It is possible to spray in the moistureproof and at low temperatures. Highly efficient in the fight with many fungi, especially with rust.


Good powerful preparation for treatment. Active substance Bromuconazole. To the young apple tree takes up to 2 liters. An adult fruit-growing tree needs 10-15 liters. Maximum spraying multiplicity is no more than 3 times. It is impossible to mix with other means.

Copper-containing drugs

Spraying with burgundy liquid is one of the most famous ways to combat rust fungus. Used 1% working solution. The first processing is beginning when the temperature in the garden approaches positive values. It is forbidden to spray in the heat when the temperature is high. If you neglect by this rule, you will greatly burn the trees. What else are offered to use to treat fungus?


Alternative for the replacement of the Bordeaux fluid. Produced in the form of convenient granules. Quickly and completely dissolve in water. You can even apply in bad weather. The drug copes not only with the colonies of pathogens, but also destroys disputes. Refers to contact facilities.

Abiga Peak

The preparation contains copper as the main substance. From the group of contact antifungal agents. It has a special adhesive. Apply superficially. Does not penetrate the bark inside, acting in the upper layers. Important - use only in dry weather. On the bucket of water is divorced 50 g.


The composition has nitrogen and copper acetate. At a concentration of 0.25%, all disputes of rust fungus neutralizes. It can be used for roasting irrigation. At the same time combines the features of a powerful antifungal agent and a useful mineral.


Effective, both for prevention and in the treatment of rust. On the leaves forms a protective layer, preventing infection and spreading the fungus throughout the wood. Fights with fungus, creates a negative environment for existence. But does not fully kill. In the bucket is bred 60 g. In the heat not use.

Serious preparations

Sere Colloid

A solution of colloidal sulfur gardeners are recommended as one of the best funds against rust. To prepare it take 5 liters of liquid and 40g sulfur powder. Effectively affects direct contact. When an apple tree is in color to spend a spraying.


Decent chimsiculture, having a sulfur basis. Produced in a comfortable form. It has rapid and good solubility in the liquid. Not dust.

Proven schemes, combinations of drugs

Experienced gardeners are recommended to take advantage of ready-made rust treatment. Their use requires accurate and correct execution. The first thing is important to remember, all trees are carried out before and after flowering. So do not destroy useful insects, pollinating apple tree when flowering. Take care of your assistants, do not harm them. These are bees, ladybugs, bumblebees, bugs.

  1. The first processing to the dissolution of the kidneys is carried out with 1% copper vigor. The second - chlorokis of copper, as an option - an Order or Oxychom. The third - back burgundy liquid or "mason". Many recommend repeating the blue spraying again in 10 days.
  2. "Topaz" spend spraying only 3 times. But this is enough enough to no longer have problems with rust.
  3. The first and second spraying is "champion", "knocked" or burglar liquid. For the third tiovit or colloidal sulfur. For the fourth universal fungicide or "Propy Plus".

Protection of apple trees from rust by biopreparations, why is it profitable to apply them?

For the cultivation of environmentally friendly apples, you can try to defeat the enemy by biographies. They are absolutely non-toxic and will not accumulate anywhere. Action after spraying lasts 3 weeks. Processing can be carried out as much as you like to collect apples. The only conditions that must be observed:

  1. Conduct treatment only at a certain temperature mode (12-18 degrees).
  2. Completely follow the proportions indicated on the packages.

Basic biopreparations, methods of their use

Biopreparations increase the immunity of trees, making them more resistant to fungal pathogens. Their use does not cause any harmful consequences. They are absolutely safe for:

  • man;
  • plants;
  • insects;
  • animals.

Using bias, you get 100% natural organic apples that boldly can eat themselves and give to children.


Effective remedy for fungus causing a brown rust. Method of preparation -50 ml per 10 liter of liquid. In addition to the antifungal effect, it causes a strong growth of young shoots.


One of the most widespread fungicides. It has a large spectrum of action. Rust is one of the readings for use. It is prepared as follows: 100 ml of the working solution is bred in 10 liters of water. The first processing is started immediately after the renal disclosure. Continue the whole season. Capacity -2 times a month. During the flowering period, the processing does not produce.


Effective drug having a huge number of positive feedback. Apple trees handle the entire growing season. 15 ml is bred in 10 liters of fluid. It is treated not only trees, but also fruits laid for storage.


Successfully fights pathogenic fungi. According to the effect, it is not inferior to the plannel. Method of preparation: 30g phytodoculator on 10 liters of water. Apple tree processing is carried out every 2 weeks throughout the growing season. Beginning take time to dissolve the kidneys. Finish before harvesting.

Wash mixes

Having understood in the action of biodessions, you can combine them at your own discretion. The tank mixes are an effective way to deal with rust. For their preparation in 10 liters of water mix:

  • Planries- 50ml;
  • Ekoberin -50ml;
  • Triphodermin -100 ml;
  • Hauksin -100ml;
  • Fitodoculator -30g.

With rust damage, processing produce 2-3 times a month. Since the dissolution of the kidneys and up to the crop.

Caution Juniper, what is dangerous shrub for an apple tree?

Planning a fruit garden at the landing stage, it is important to take into account the useful advice. Never put a juniper bushes next to the apple trees. If the garden has already been laid out for a long time, and you have found such a combination, urgently get over the shovel. Bushes transplant somewhere away, better in a park or a small forest. You can just get rid of them if your plot is not more than 10 acres.

Juniper Apple is not comrade, not a friend, but a very dangerous cohabitant. It is in it that the causative agents of the disease are multiplied and preserved. Disputes with wind are transferred to the apple tree, causing a dangerous infectious process. Insects are helping and insects are actively flying in the garden. In the courtying disputes, the disputes are cozy, and in the spring begin new attacks on the trees. If this process is not interrupted, in a short time you can stay not only without apples, but without all trees. Since, having fun and playing in the leaves, the pathogen moves to the barrel, branches, fruits. Especially sensitive to it are first-year shoots.

Decoration of summer conifers is fraught with the spread of the disease in the form of an epidemic. If you did not dare to get rid of your favorite spruce or pine, inspect it for infection. The colonies of the pathogen give the twigs of coniferous plants a characteristic brown-rusty color.

There is a way out in this case. Armed with a file and a secateur, make coniferous conifers. Earth is deeply reharged or span boiling water. A good effect brings the processing of fungicides. Therefore, spend a spraying of coniferous pets every spring. And at the same time, do not forget to carefully treat the soil layer under them.

Remember that if you regularly care for juniper, chips, it is possible to stop the spread of the pathogen. Do perseverance and perseverance you will save not only an apple tree, but also evergreen fluffy.

In addition, there is evidence that even the complete extermination of juniper bushes will not save you from rust. Disputes can overcome huge distances - 50 km or more. With strong wind, even more. Therefore, the best way out is to be a caring owner and allocate time to care for Christmas trees.

Rust fungi is terribly afraid of wormwood. Therefore, bitter plants, what can be used is absolutely safe. But with high efficiency. Broth wormwood is used to combat pathogenic fungi. At the same time, do not forget each autumn to burn sick leaves.

To defeat rust times and forever, use only proven effective fungicides. One-time processing may not be enough. Therefore, taking patience, treat a few approaches. Do not delay spraying in a long box. The sooner you begin to act, the less fungi will have time to multiply and capture healthy areas on the tree. If nothing applied can perish.

The rust of the fruit trees is a common disease that affects the apple tree, significantly reduces the indices of yields, leads to the death of landing. In this article, we will tell you why rust arises how to deal with this disease and how to carry out prophylactic spraying of apple trees, which will fully solve problems with this trees disease.

General definition of the disease

The rust of the apple tree cause fungal infections, which without proper treatment are able to quickly destroy the landings, hitting various fruit trees on the stretch. The fungal causative agent of this disease is subject to both young trees and adults fruiting apple trees.

The definition of this disease on an apple tree and the struggle with fungus does not represent any complexity. Well-distinguishable stains with a characteristic color of rust can appear on the leaves, which must be treated immediately after their detection. Spots may have small black splashes, in which the spores of the fungus are located.

It should be said that the fungal causative agent of this disease is wintering in the ground and in the tree bark, and with the onset of the first warm days, the apple trees are activated and striking.

The leaves during the defeat of their rust quickly dry out, and the spores fungus are spread throughout the garden with wind and rain. In most cases, there is a damage to rust exclusively to the leaves of the tree.

However, mutated fungus can also be celebrated on branches and fruits. Young shoots are most vulnerable, which, when defeated, their rust quickly dry and die. The fruits of apple trees, on which such spots of rust are noted, cease to grow and quickly fall.

The spots and foci of such fungal infections that appeared on the leaves of the apple tree and the foci of the trees are invariably disturbed, and it is noted difficulties in metabolism. All this adversely affects the growth of trees.

Rust spores are embedded in foliage and shoots, pulling out part of the moisture. As a result, all the tree suffers from the lack of lifeful water, which can also quickly lead to the death of landings. Treat the landing in this case is necessary for the corresponding agrochemicals, which can be purchased in gardens stores.

As distributed

How this disease is distributed and what to do to prevent it. The smallest rust rust rust spores can be transferred by 50 kilometers. Therefore, it is often difficult to fully protect your garden from this disease.

At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate all the foci of possible infection, which will minimize the danger, as well as when the first signs of such a disease, you can quickly take action and cure all your trees.

It has been established that the main carrier of fungal spores of rust is juniper. Therefore, if this shrub grows on your site or nearby, it is necessary to fully correct, and the Earth should be deeply stroke.

Efficiency shows the fencing of apple trees with various other plantations that delay painful disputes. Do not forget that the fungal causative agent of this disease winters in the crust of trees, therefore the corresponding therapeutic fungicidal processing will allow you to destroy the infection even before it starts to activate in trees.

That is why it is extremely important to carry out the proper processing of trees in early spring, which will become excellent prevention against various diseases.

Prevention of rust on apple trees

Competent prophylaxis of rust fruit trees will protect your apple orchard from this dangerous disease. It is only necessary to determine why the landings have arisen, and ensure the right departure landings.

As such measures, prevention can recommend to refuse to plant practices on the indoor sector of decorative coniferous plants. Therefore, if decorative pines are growing in the garden, christmas trees, thui or other similar trees need to emerge, and the Earth is to throw and disinfected accordingly.

Each spring after the flow of snow should be, even before the advent of the kidneys, do trimming trees, as well as to treat the planting with a solution of copper sulphate. In Garden Stores, you can find various antifungal fungicides that are characterized by efficiency; they can be used both in preventive purposes and for the treatment of this unpleasant disease.

Rust or any other diseases of fruit plants do not arise from scratch. The biology is suitable for causative agent, as well as a significant weakening of landings.

The optimal medium for rust development, like any other fungal diseases, is a high temperature, increased humidity. In order to prevent this one should correctly perform watering, and each spring make the appropriate crown trimming, which will avoid its thickening.

Treatment of rust on apple trees

Upon timely, the treatment of this disease, the gardener will be able to quickly cope with this disease, restoring growth and indicators of the yield of their apple garden. Currently, there are various effective fungicides that quickly destroy the fungal causative agent of rust fruit trees.

As disinfection of leaves with characteristic stains of rust, we can recommend you to use a 5 percent solution of copper sulfate. The processing can be performed in early spring and summer after detecting the affected rust leaves.

Also, high performance is shown based on sulfur. One of the most common such fungicides is a colloid sulfur, which is characterized by ease of use.

You can also use 1 percent burglar liquid, such as strips, polys, cumulus and abiga peak. We will describe in more detail about the use of these effective fungicides from rust.

The strobe is an effective drug of a new generation of fungicides, which destroys various diseases caused by fungal disputes. This drug is fully safe to use and can be used both for prevention and for the treatment of trees and leaves with spots affected by fungus.

One of the advantages of using this fungicide is its full safety, since after two or three weeks it is completely excreted from the trees, without worsening the quality of the crop grown. Sold stations in the form of a dry powder, which is bred in water immediately before spraying.

For spraying it will be necessary in 10 liters of water to dissolve one teaspoon of powder and use the prepared solution for processing one fruit tree. It is recommended for 10 days to carry out two processing of affected apple trees, which will allow to completely destroy the pathogen of this disease.

Abiga peak is the contact copper-containing fungicide of a wide range. It is implemented in the form of a suspension, which must be divorced in 10 liters of water before use. Active copper contained in this agent quickly destroys various fungal diseases, while it is completely safe for planting and ripening harvest.

The cumulus agent is actually a colloidal sulfur, which is made in an easy-to-fit form. This agent is produced in the form of granules, which are dissolved in water before use.

It should be remembered that planting processing can be performed in a strictly defined temperature range from +18 to +28. It is best to adhere to the upper temperature range, since at 20 degrees of air and below the processing efficiency is somewhat decreased.

Granules must be divorced in a bucket of water and use to spray one tree. A similar means has certain limitations to use, but it is extremely effective.


Rust on an apple tree is a common bacterial disease that affects fruit landings and is localized mainly on the leaves of trees. You can identify rust you can see the stains on the foliage of an apple tree with a characteristic yellow or brown color.

If you notice such signs of the disease, it is necessary to fight it using the appropriate fungicides, which will allow you to quickly cope with the problem that has appeared, and your garden will grow quickly and perfectly fruit.

Representatives of childbirth are distributed among lichens Cladonia, Hypogymnia, Parmelia , and among the moss - Dicranum, Mnium and others. Lichenicial diseases are found everywhere on all berry shrubs and trees.

The description of these diseases of the apple tree is worth starting with the fact that they are developing with thickened landings, poor ventilability, weak lights of the bushes are created by the conditions of high humidity. Such conditions are very favorable for the development of lichen and moss, pathogenic microorganisms that cause crust necrosis, stem and root rot. Any plant covered with lichens has a rarefied crown and a weak shoot of shoots, lichens from one tree or shrub quickly apply to neighboring.

Lichen layers delay moisture on the surface of the cortex, which can cause the formation of frostsobor in the harsh winter, and under the layers are constantly overwhelming many insect pests. The spread of lichens and MShs indicates primarily about plants weaken.

Seeing the description of the sickness of an apple tree with photos, you can arm yourself with knowledge of the potential danger and start fighting with it as it is recommended further.

Fight measures.Constant stripping and removal of layers from trunks and skeletal branches and spraying plants in autumn solution of iron vitriol (300 g / 10 l of water).

See lichen diseases apple trees in photos, where the most typical symptoms are presented:

The main diseases of the cortex and the stem of the apple tree are caused by mushrooms and are combined into a group called Cancer. Further, in the material, these diseases of the apple tree cortex and their treatment are considered with the description of the characteristic features.

Ordinary, or European Cancer Apple.

Pathogen - mushroom Neonectria Galligena (Bres.) Rossman & Samuels (Syn. Nectria Galligena Bres.). The crust appears elongated brown spots that dried and cracking. Ulzes are exposed under them with raised edges of a callous fabric. Oral over the years increase and deepen, wood gradually dies. With the defeat of young plants, death occurs in 2-3 years.

On the trunks, the open form of cancer in the form of deep ulcers is revealed, on the branches - more often the closed form, in which the influx is growl, and the gap remains. With a mass manifestation of the disease, deep ulcers are formed in skeletal branches. In the affected wood, the edges of the ulcers develop a spioning in the form of white-cream, dried and with the time of darkening pads. Disputes recharge the adjacent branches and leaves.

The affected leaves become chlorobic, they appear non-frozen brown spots without barking, the leaves are gradually drying and prematurely fall. On the fruits of the frozen, brown spots appear, which lead to rapid winding. The infection is maintained in the affected wood and plant residues.

The disease is widespread by almost all fruit and berry cultures, ornamental and hardwood rocks. With thickened landings, constant reparation of plants is possible. The disease is more often manifested in a weakened landing material and in places of frostoboin and mechanical damage to the bark of trunks and branches.

Fight measures. The use of a healthy planting material without any necrosis of the crust and ulcers on shoots. Compliance with all agrotechnical requirements of cultivation of this culture. Timely trimming of affected branches with ulcers and their burning. Separate ulcers in the development of skeletal branches are disinfected with a 1% copper sulfate solution and smeared with oil paint on a natural olife. Annual prophylactic spraying of plant cortions to the dissolution of the leaves by the bordeaux with a mixture or its substitutes (XOM, ABIG peak).

Black apple tree cancer.

Pathogen - mushroom SPHAEROPSIS Malorum Berck. . Black Cancer often begins to develop in the developments of the skeletal branches of trees. First, the reddish-bubhive spots are formed, then they are darker, numerous black fruit bodies appear on the cortex - picnides. The affected bark is black, becomes a buggy and resembles a goose skin, over time cracks, dry out and peeling from wood with whole plates.

Dark brown spots appear on the leaves and fruits, similar to black rot. Under the defeat of the straps, the disease causes the drying of the trees in 1-2 years since the appearance of the first symptoms. When compacted planting trees, the disease quickly spreads from a tree on a tree, with an apple tree on pears.

Only the defeat of the bark looks somewhat different: the cracks on the edge deeper, the dead bark does not black, but is covered with numerous cracks and easily crumble. During the spread of the disease on adult trees, annually has to drink dried skeletal branches, which is why the crown of trees acquire an ugly appearance. The infection is maintained in the affected crust and in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures. Compliance with all the requirements of agricultural products growing fruit crops, the use of a healthy planting material. Preventive annual spraying of trees, especially straps and skeletal branches, 1% burgundy mixture or its substitutes (HOW, ABIG peak). Timely trimming of dried branches, the removal of dried trees, stripping the affected crust, disinfection of the wounds, sections, sleep with 1% copper vitriol and the coating of oil paint on a natural olife.

Cytosporosis, or infectious drying of an apple tree.

The pathogens of this tree of apple tree - mushrooms Cytospora Schulzeri SACC. Et Syd.. (sYN. C. Capitata SACC. Et Schulz..) and C. Carphosperma Fr. - On the apple tree, S. Microspora Roberh. - On the apple tree and pear. The disease is manifested by toutering and dying the bark of branches, skeletal branches and strabs. On the affected fabric, numerous convex stromes are formed in the form of gray-brown tubercles.

First, they are immersed, then breaking through, stupid. The affected bark is drying out, acquiring a small-making view from the spution of the fungus, but does not peel off, but will urinate. The mushroom penetrates the plant through mechanical damage and from the bark spreads to Cambier and wood, causing premature drying of the branches. Fruit trees are greatly affected in nurseries during a thickened landing and with a frequent trimming of the crown in the formation process. The spread of infection contributes to the weakening of plants from exposure to low temperatures, solar burns, mechanical damage to the crust. The infection is preserved in the affected branches and the core of the trunks and applies when using poor-quality planting material.

Protection measures Apple tree disease are the same as methods of treating against black cancer.

See the manifestations of this disease of the apple tree in the photo, where all typical symptoms of bark lesions are clearly visible:

Spring Diseases Apple trees are actually developing during the winter, but their explicit signs begin to appear after the convergence of the snow cover and the establishment of positive temperatures. The following presented diseases of the branches of the apple tree, which are found more often than others: their symptoms are shown and told about the measures of struggle.

Explore these diseases of apple trees and fighting them according to the photo, which richly illustrate every type of lesion:

Tuberculosis, or drying branches, apple tree.

Pathogen - mushroom Tubercularia vulgaris Tode. . Conidial Mushroom Stage - Nectria Cinnabarina (Tode) Fr. The disease occurs on many shrubs and deciduous wooded rocks, it causes necrosis (die away) of the crust. During the vegetation, the leaves and shoots quickly boil and dry out. On the surface of the affected crust, numerous brick-red pillows are formed by a diameter of up to 2 mm, over time they are darker and dried. The development of the fungus causes the fracture of the bark and the Luba of individual branches and shoots. Often infection of plants in the gardens begins with red currant bushes, for which tuberculory necrosis is the main disease. The infection is preserved in the crust of the affected shoots.

Measures of struggle The same as against ordinary cancer.


Pathogen - mushroom SCHYZOPHYLLUM COMMUNE FR. The comb is in the branches and trunks of weakened, often frozen trees and causes the development of stem rot. Amuses many fruit trees and shrubs and deciduous trees. On the affected crust, fruit bodies are formed in the form of a leathery fine hats of a grayish-white color with bright pronounced zone stripes. Hats numerous, side attached to a strain or skeletal branches. As a result of the rapid propagation of stem rot, the affected trees are gradually drying out. Infection is preserved in the fruit bodies of the mushroom and in the affected wood.

Fight measures.Trimming and burning fruit bodies, wood stripping, removal of dried branches and individual trees. Disinfection of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Spice with 1% copper vitriol and oil paint molding on the olife. Annual mandatory prophylactic spraying of trees to the dissolution of the leaves so that the solution of the drug wetted the boring, a 1% burglar mixture or its substitutes (XOM, ABIG peak).

The most common disease of the facepool of the apple tree is the root rot, only the pair rival with it in prevalence. We propose to learn about the diseases of the organ of apple trees and their treatment all the necessary information so that this defeat does not catch the surprise.

Root rot, or opens, apple tree.

Pathogen - mushroom Armillaria Mellea (Vahl.) P. Kumm. (Syn.armillariella Mellea (Vahl.) P. karst.), causes peripheral rotten rot. Opel grows on the roots of alive trees and shrubs, as well as on the stump.

Under the affected root of the roots, Kulley, the bases of the trunks and shoots of the mushroom forms the grid of black flat cords - the risomorph, with which they actively apply. Numerous fruit bodies are formed on the fungnye in the form of yellow-brown hats with a leg and with a sworn ring under a hat. The fungus persists in the wood, in the soil in the affected plant residues, penetrates the root system of trees and shrubs, causes fuses of the roots of the roots and trunks, because of which the lesion is called a peripheral rot. The main signs of this disease apple trees are visible to the naked eye: a variety of ring stains throughout the trunk, covered with brown-ray.

Fight measures.Preventive spraying of trunks and branches with 1% burgundy mixture or its substitutes (HOW, ABIG peak). Removal and burning of affected dried trees together with roots. At the first signs of infection of the soil under the trees shed a solution of copper-containing drug. In industrial cultivation in the roots nursery and the cloth of wood plants are treated with a tank mixture: Fundazole (0.2%) + xome (0.4%).

Parshaw apple tree.

Pathogen - mushroom Venturia inaegualis WINT. . With the Conidial Stage Fusicladium Dendriticura (Wallr.) Fuck. On the leaves from the upper side, dark green, gradually raging velvety spots, the leaves are yellow and prematurely fall. When infected in the spring and at the beginning of the summer, the stains are large, later, during repeated reparesses - small, low-wing. Disputes are transferred to the wound, less often young shoots, fruit are covered with stains and become unsuitable. With the mass distribution of the paste, the product qualities of the fruits, decorativeness and winter hardiness of trees are reduced. The development of the disease is favored by a wet cold spring and an abundance of precipitation in summer. The pathogen is distinguished by a narrow specialization, that is, the mushroom strikes only an apple tree and does not apply to other trees. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Fight measures. Collection and removal (composting) of fallen affected leaves. Spraying trees, starting from the phase of a green cone and, if necessary, in the summer, given the timing of the waiting, one of the drugs: 1% burglar mixture, Hom, Abiga peak, raw. It is easier to navigate the phases: before flowering and immediately after flowering.

Look at these stem cells of the apple tree in the photo, where typical fungal lesion symptoms are shown:

Apple's disease at which leaves twisted

Puffy dew- This is an apple tree disease at which the leaves twist and dried quickly, and the shoots stop their height.

See this disease apple trees with photos and descriptions, also described about possible measures to combat mushroom infection in the household plot:

Pathogen - mushroom Podosphara Leucotricha Salm. . On young inflorescences and leaves, the stains of a grayish-white plaque can appear in May, whose disputes are repaid growing leaves and shoots. The affected leaves twisted and dry, shoots deform and stop growth. The affected buds do not form fruits, and with a later defeat on the fruits, a rusty mesh of cork tissue appears. Puffy dew manifests itself more often in thickened gardens or due to their weak light and imagination. The disease is distributed on an apple tree, but it is also found in a pear, only in a weak degree. The infection is maintained by fruit bodies in the affected leaves and the korea and mycelium in the kidneys of shoots, from which the primary infection of young leaves begins.

Fight measures. Compliance with all the requirements of agricultural equipment of growing fruit crops, timely removal of highly affected shoots in young trees, collecting fallen leaves and their composting. Preventive spraying of trees with the appearance of the first symptoms of malical dew.

Rust apple tree.

Pathogen - mushroom Gymnosporagium tremelloides Hartig. (Syn. G. juniperinum mart.) , striking mainly leaves, rarely shoots and fruit. On the leaves from the top, orange-red rounded pillows appear with small black dots appear, and on the bottom side, orange cones are formed, which are dried with time. Apple tree is an intermediate owner. Wintering and develops mushroom on juniper Cossack. In the spring, brown grows with brown mucus appear in the cracks in the crack cracks, and the disputes are rewriting apple leaves. With the mass distribution of disease, the leaves are prematurely yellow and fall. The infection is preserved in the landings of juniper.

Fight measures. Spraying trees before flowering or immediately after it is a 1% burglar mixture or its substitutes (HOW, ABIG peak).

Bright spottedness of apple leaves.

Pathogens - mushrooms PHYLLOSTICTA MALI PRILL, ET DEL. and pH. Briadi Sacc. . With the defeat, the first mushroom on the leaves appear large angular dark yellow stains with a lighter middle and a thin brown rim. Under the defeat, the second causative agent of the spots on the leaves is round or angular, light yellow, without bonding, with a diameter of up to 6 mm. In the non-transparent fabric over time, small dotted black fruit bodies of the wintering stage are formed. The leaves are yellow and prematurely fall, which affects the aging of the wood of shoots and their frost resistance. The infection is maintained in the affected fallen leaves.

Fight measures. Spraying trees in spring to flowering and immediately after its ending with a 1% bordrian mixture or its substitutes (HOW, ABIG peak), collecting and removing fallen leaves.

Pathogen - mushroom Ascochyta Piricola Sacc. ., I am striking both apple trees and a pear. Spots on the leaves are rounded, grayish, merging among themselves, do not have bite. Over time, black scattered fruit bodies of the wintering stage are formed in non-shine fabric. The affected leaves are premature yellow and fall. Infection is preserved in the affected plant residues.

Measures of struggle The same as against the brown spot of leaves.

The uniform yellowing of the leaves between the veins is associated with a large shortage of nutrients in the young rustic leaves. The reason for this may be frostobyins and the diefing of the crust or the distribution of root and stem rot, as well as necrosis. With a strong manifestation of chlorosis in the future, there is a permanent and drying of the leaves, dieting branches and stems.

Fight measures. Timely identification of the causes of chlorosis. Preventive spraying of trees in spring, to the dissolution of leaves, 1% burgundy mixture or its substitutes (XOM, ABIG peak). With mechanical damage and frosts, trimming, removing fruit bodies of the rutovikov, all the sleeves and cracks are disinfected with 1% copper vigorous and smear the oil paint.

Look at these diseases on the leaves of the apple tree in the photo, where all the characteristic signs of lesion are visible:

Moniliosis It is called the name of the seedlings of an apple tree, because it strives mostly young trees in the first and second year after their farmland. On adult plants are amazed fresh, not protected by the branch branch.

Pathogens - mushrooms Monilia Cinerea Bon. f. Mali Worm, and M. FructiGena Pers . The first pathogen causes a burn, in which the flowers will be drilled and dry out, stocking, fruit twigs and leaves, but at the same time they do not fall. The second pathogen causes rotting of fruits.

The roting appears in the places of damage to apple-tree frozing. On the rotting fabric, with time, numerous gray pillows of spioning in the form of concentric circles are formed. Spores are spread by wind, rain, insects and rewrite neighboring fruits. Infected fruits are mummified (dry) and black. Staying hanging on branches, they are a source of constant infection.

Look at this disease apple trees in pictures, which illustrate its gradual development with typical symptoms for each stage:

Fight measures. Collection of Padalitsa, removal of mummified fruits, trimming dried branches. Spraying trees in spring, before flowering and immediately after flowering, 1% burglar mixture or its substitutes (HOW, ABIG peak). With the strong distribution of monilial burns and fruit rot, the third spraying with the same drugs in 10-12 days after the second spraying is carried out.

There are diseases of an apple tree with twisted leaves, to recognize which you need as soon as possible, as they are a danger to other garden crops. Familiarize yourself with such apple leaves diseases in descriptions on the page: This will allow you to quickly recognize the signs of their appearance.

Pestalcium spicy apple tree.

Pathogen - mushroom Pestalotia Malorum Elenk. ET Oh. . Stains on the leaves are grayish brown, rounded, merging. Over time, numerous black pads of spioning are formed on non-frictional tissue. The affected leaves will be dried and dried prematurely. The infection is maintained in the affected fallen leaves.

Fight measures. Spraying trees in spring, before flowering and immediately after it, a 1% bordrian mixture or its substitutes (Xom, Abiga peak), a collection, burning of fallen leaves.

Tobacco necrosis virus on an apple tree.

Tobacco necrosis virus TOBACCO NECROSIS VIRUS (TNV) Manifested by a systemic necrotic reaction. On the leaves there is necrotic spottedness of the wrong shape, which concentrates, necrotizes, the veins are darling, the leaves are reconcilate. There may be deformity of leaves, plant dwarfishness, lack of flowering. The virus is striking vegetable, technical, fruit and berry, flower-decorative cultures. The hosts of plants-hosts are representatives of more than 40 families. Transmitted with plants juice and Olphidium Brassicae zoorbra.

Fight measures. Using a healthy planting material, compliance with all the requirements of culture agricultural equipment. Timely trimming of leaves, branches with symptoms of viral infection, removal and burning of strongly affected young trees. Disinfection of gardening inventory (knives, secateurs) in alcohol, cologne, 1% solution of potassium permanganate after working with affected plants.

Look at these diseases of the apple leaves in the photo, where all signs are shown at different stages of defeat:

Diseases of young apple trees most often have a mixed nature. They are called several causative agents at once. The most dangerous disease of the cortex of young apple trees, which can develop after unsuccessful wintering. If the diseases of the apple tree bark in adulthood usually takes place slowly and the gardener has time for its effective treatment. But young seedlings are different. The tree may die in a matter of days.

Bacterial cancer, or bacterial necrosis, apple tree bark.

Pathogen - bacteria Pseudomonas Syringae Van Hall. (SYN PS. CERASI Griffin) . Causes bacterial necrosis, both on the bone and seed cultures. The disease resembles a burn. From spring, there is a carriage of the kidneys and branches, blackening and drying of young shoots and leaves. On the leaves there are black spots that are cracking along the edges of the leafy plates. The affected bark swells, a bloating in the form of soft blisters appear, often the depots with purple-cherry border are often formed.

Wood of branches and straps boosts, a sharp sour smell of the released juice appears, and the trees die. Bacteriosis usually begins with linear bark necrosis and goes into broad stripes. In the chronic form of cancer on the branches and trunks, ulcers are formed, which are gradually increasing. Gone stands out of the ulcers. The affected wood will raw and dies, ulcers dry out. On the cut in the wood there are caverns filled with mucus and guming formations. The infection is preserved in the affected branches, and the bacteria spread with wind, insects, tool when trimming and mainly with infected landing material.

See the manifestations of this disease of the apple tree cortex in the photo showing the characteristic signs of defeat:

Fight measures. The use of a healthy planting material, compliance with all agrotechnical requirements of culture growing, timely removal and burning of affected branches and dried trees.

Disinfection of sleeps, small ulcers and crust necrosis on the stamps with a solution of 1% copper vapor and coating oil paint. Preventive annual spraying of trees in spring, to the dissolution of leaves, burgundy mixture or its substitutes (XOM, ABIGA-peak).

Witches brooms, or proliferation

These are diseases of the fruit of apple trees that damage the wound up in the stage of bootonization.

Pathogen - phytoplasm Apple Proliferation, Apple Witch's Broom . Symptoms of the disease are manifested in July-August. On the affected shoots of the apple tree, sleeping kidneys wake up and thin, stretch the side shoots with short interstices. The leaves on them are small, with short cutters and large hopes, the edges of which have sharp, atypically large cloves.

Fruits on infected branches are developing small, on long fruits, flattened shape and tasteless. Sick trees bloom later the rest, they have a greening and uglyness of flowers, leaf kidneys are revealed at the later dates, and the leaves are yellowing and falling ahead of time. Often about the strain develops abundant root piglers. The affected seedlings have a compact look, due to the decrease in the growth and bushiness of the tree. The disease is distributed by vaccination, eyepling, planting material and, possibly, seeds. In addition to the apple tree is amazed and quince. The infection is preserved in the affected shoots.

How to treat this disease in apple trees will tell the recommended struggle measures, among which the most important use of a healthy planting material, compliance with all the requirements of culture agricultural vehicles. Timely trimming of branches with witch brooms, removal and burning of strongly affected young trees. The disinfection of garden inventory - knives, sektolers in alcohol, cologne, 1% solution of potassium permanganate after working with affected plants.

Teling the skin of the fruit of apple - This is a non-infectious disease of the fruit. On the fruits there are slightly revealed brown stains of the traveled fabric, their easy deformation is often observed. Late spring frosts during the flowering of gardens are negatively reflected on the development of flowers, uncens and young leaves. The frozen flowers and the wounds are raining and trembled, the leaves are deformed and dry out, and the partially damaged fruits grow up, but they have a chapel.

As this disease appears, apple trees - shown on the video where the brightest signs are demonstrated:

Fight measures. With the drop in the flowering of the gardens, it is recommended to breed fires and create a smoke veil. Young trees and shrubs can be covered with spandbond or loans.

Apple tree damage to low temperatures.

In winter with low temperatures, frequent thaws and insufficient snow in fruit trees, bark, cambium, trunk wood, frost cracks appear on a strain and skeletal branches. Sunny-frosty burns are observed with sharp daily fluctuations in temperatures when the sun is heated in the afternoon, and at night again freezes. From the south and south-west side of the trunk appear light spots of the wrong shape. In the spring there is a slow blowing of the kidneys, and in the summer - weak increase and dryness of shoots. At the end of summer, the cortex cracks and falls, the wood of the affected skeletal branches and the strabs die. On weak trees, a mushroom and bacterial infection spreads. Very often, the trees are fully mixed by the root system, and the affected trees breathe already at the very beginning of the summer.

In most cases, branches and shoots are closed under the severity of the first wet snow or a large snow cover. In some years, the branches break under the severity of fruit or strong wind. It also often happens during transportation or when planting trees, especially large-scale. Therefore, from autumn, young plants are better to tie the twine or rope and periodically shake snow from them. First time after planting or transplanting, plants should be tested to the support, it will protect it from the curvature and fractures of the stems. Any mechanical damage and spins of trunks and branches should be disinfected with a 1% copper sulfate solution and shock paint on a natural olife. It was in places in the places of sleep wood cracks and devies, and the trees gradually dry out.

Look at the diseases of the apple trees and their treatment on video, where the basic principles of agricultural and trees are shown at different times of the year: