The best household gas boilers. All about gas heating boilers for a private house

Comfort and comfort depend on the optimal temperature and humidity level. Create the necessary atmosphere will help the best gas boiler, which has a dominant value for the heating of a private house. To date, there are several basic classifications of devices of this kind, each of which is intended for certain use conditions. But first of all, gas boilers must be reliable, safe and effective, as to understand and buy the right gas boiler rating from the editorial office of the portal Mark. It took into account the reviews of buyers of popular models, as well as the opinion of specialists in the installation and repair of heating systems. Now a little more about how to choose the best boiler and what criteria should pay attention to.

The risk of acquiring a not quite suitable model is always there, but to minimize this possibility, you need to calculate the purchase criteria.

  1. Power - Basis base when purchasing a boiler, it will depend on the effectiveness of the heating of the room. As a rule, 1 kW is enough to heating 10 square meters of the area, if the ceilings in the house above 3 meters, you will need a minor power supply. Also additional calculation will require two-circuit boilers, because the constant heating of water will require additional energy consumption and increased performance.
  2. Layout - no less important for houses with limited area. A double-circuit boiler is designed for water disposal and heating of several systems - heating and hot water supply. Used single-mounted gas boilers are installed together with a cumulative boiler, in which water will warm for household needs. It will take an extra place, and this is not always possible.
  3. Location. A modern wall-mounted gas boiler can have a compact size and a presentable appearance, which will perfectly fit into the interior, such as the kitchen. As a rule, it is small power models that are suitable for home heating at 150 kV. meter or less.
  4. Security and reliability. The best gas boilers today can boast automatics in work and self-diagnosis. Computerized systems are able to pick up perfect programs to dampens the room in the necessary temperature mode. When leakage of fuel, the boiler will turn off and signals about the owner's failures. And this is not the limit of the opportunity.

Wall household boilers

These are modern heating systems, which are an extremely compact version of the boiler room. They can fit perfectly in the interior or be an addition to the kitchen headset. The best wall gas boilers are designed for the heating of private houses and cottages, and practically do not need maintenance and reconfiguration.

This is a reliable option for individual heating. It combines gas leakage control, automatic diagnostics, overheating, freezing and blocking pump.

Power 20 kW, this is enough for heating at home less than 200 square meters and water heating. At a temperature of 30 degrees, the performance will be a little more than 8 liters per minute. The cost of such an acquisition of about 35,000 rubles.

  • does not require special settings;
  • incredibly safe;
  • executed from high-quality materials;
  • intuitively simple management.

Cons: It is far from all stores.

Prices :


Another reliable representative of wall gas boilers with a capacity of up to 23 kW. Suitable for those who often use hot water, the productivity of this particular boiler is quite high and at temperatures up to 35 degrees are given by almost 10 liters per minute. As for security, everything is provided: protection against overheating, leakage, freezing and blocking the pump.

This model will be the best option for those who do not plan to constantly monitor the work of heating systems, and wants to be absolutely confident in the reliability of the equipment.

The cost of such a boiler is 41500.

  • practically does not make noise;
  • economical fuel consumption and energy;
  • reliable and safe;
  • high-quality case materials.

Cons: Does not in the design of the exhaust fan.

Prices for Mora-Top Meteor PK24KT:

3. BOSCH GAZ 6000 W WBN 6000-24 C

Modern and reliable, excellent boiler with a capacity of up to 24 kW for a private house or cottage.

Something for those who love jogging, as water heating for household needs can be carried out up to 50 degrees, and it is not necessary to worry about a good pressure, feeding up to 7 liters per minute.

Externally extremely presentable and compact, equipped with a display and electronic control type. It has a car supplement, a built-in thermometer, as well as a system of autodiagnosis and protection against overheating, freezing, leakage of fuel and blocking pump. You can buy the best gas boilers brand at a price of about 29,000 rubles.

  • modern management and protection systems;
  • affordable price;
  • absolutely silent;
  • quickly heats water to the desired temperature.

Cons: The slightest change in conditions stops work.

Prices Bosch Gaz 6000 W WBN 6000-24 with:

Stylish, compact with electronic control Two-round gas boiler for the heating of a private house. It has an average size and ideal for heating and providing hot water supply a small house. The limit area is up to 160 square meters, since its power is 16 kW. The device can be programmed on automatic start and shutdown, a large display will help navigate in the settings.

In addition, this original apparatus is the most progressive among most budget wallpaper, it is connected with the possibility of connecting warm floors, autodiagnostics and several degrees of protection.

Acquisition will cost 26,000 rubles.

  • incredibly quiet;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • programming work;
  • safe.

Cons: Pretty Gabariten.

Prices :

5. Ariston Clas B 24 FF

Universal double-circuit boiler with a built-in boiler for 40 liters. Pretty powerful - 24 kW, as well as progressive in terms of head of hot water, it can produce up to 16 liters per minute at 35 degrees. The large display will easily configure the necessary parameters of the work. Functions, thermoregulation and indications will help to navigate in the modes.

Protection against leaks, overheating and freezing is also present, but there is still an important aspect - water filtering.

The cost of one of the best gas boilers for reliability and versatility is about 80,000 rubles.

  • wide functionality;
  • several degrees of protection;
  • built-in boiler;
  • high-quality execution.

Cons: size and cost.

Prices for Ariston Clas B 24 FF:

6. Bosch Gaz 4000 W ZWA 24-2 A

The best gas boilers of this brand perfectly cope with the heating of large houses and cottages, as the capacity is 24 kW. Fast water heating allows to have up to 11 liters of water to 30 degrees and up to 7 at 50 degrees.

The boiler has a built-in filter, as well as the possibility of connecting a warm floor.

Excellent indication, programming and protection system will help make work as safe as possible and simple. Cost of about 33,000.

  • built-in filter;
  • system of autodiagnostics and protection against overheating and freezing;
  • heating of a large area;
  • fast water heating.

Cons: expensive components that are difficult to purchase.

Prices for Bosch Gaz 4000 W ZWA 24-2 A:

If you have to choose a boiler for heating without additional functions, a simple single-circuit device, you should pay your attention to this compact and attractive model.

It is suitable for large houses, as it has a capacity of 24 kW, as well as the most easy to use: has a thermostat, autojig, indication, as well as overheating, freezing, pump locking.

The device controls the level of supply and leakage of gas, and also produces autodiagnostic equipment. Excellent budget acquisition at a price of 32,000 rubles.

  • availability;
  • simplicity settings and controls;
  • easy installation;
  • construction safety.

Cons: If the network and temperature drops may stop working.

Prices :

The best compact two-door boiler for your home can be this unit.

It strikes its simplicity and power - it is a classic 24 kW, which is enough for an impressive size of a house or cottage.

The weight of the device is 28 kg, the advantages can also be attributed to the thermostat, auto-sin, incredibly simple handling and remote control in the kit. The boiler has all the necessary diagnostic protection functions and perfectly copes with the issuance of 13 liters of warm water per minute. The cost of a compact device is about 23,000 rubles.

  • low price;
  • convenient thoughtful control;
  • compact size;
  • attractive design.

Cons: quite noisy.

Prices :

Outdoor boilers

If you have to make a choice which boiler to buy, outdoor or wall, everyone who is ready to take a small room under the boiler room, will surely say that the floor gas boilers have a greater power, it is easier to connect them to the warm floor, as well as to the boiler. Most floor boilers have an upgrade system that increases efficiency, which in turn increases the noise level, which requires the equipment of the closed boiler room.

1. Mora-TOP SA 30 E

Incidentally spending fuel at the same time quickly heats the room.

It has several modes depending on the time of year, supports the specified temperature. Democratic cost - 57,000 rubles.

  • easy to operate;
  • it has a small size;
  • excellent assembly quality;
  • beshum.

Cons: It is difficult to call modern.

Prices on Mora-Top SA 30 E:

2. Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D871

The boiler has a presentable appearance, cast-iron execution and incredible power of 35 kW.

It is complemented by an excellent level of protection against overheating, freezing and leakage of gas, which is without it economically consuming, saving the family budget.

It is provided for connecting external control, has auto-siggig, thermoregulation and indication. But for quality and progressiveness will have to be seriously paid, and this is about 115,000 rubles.

  • economical fuel consumption;
  • low noise;
  • high-quality equipment performance;
  • safety of work.

Cons: High price.

Prices Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D871:

The ultra-modern best gas boilers of this brand fit perfectly into any interior.

High power and performance allow you to damop buildings with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 400 square meters.

Gas consumption is minimal and is only 3.6 cubic meters per hour. It has a maximum of functions for comfortable use, as well as a large number of degrees of protection against leaks, overheating and freezing. The cost is a little more than 80,000 rubles.

  • economical fuel consumption;
  • attractive design;
  • high power;
  • safety.

Cons: high noise.

Prices :

4. BAXI SLIM 1.300 I

A modern and compact unit that will surprise with its simplicity and efficiency. It copes perfectly with 300 square meters heating.

The owners will enjoy the cost-effective gas consumption and a rapid increase in the room temperature.

The big display will help to quickly navigate in the control, and the possibility of connecting the warm floor will like all lovers to walk barefoot. The excellent version of the private house will cost 67,000 rubles.

  • safety;
  • simple control;
  • low noise;
  • quickly increases the temperature.

Cons: Sensitive to change and voltage drops.

Prices for Baxi Slim 1.300 I:


A reliable heating system is one of the most important components of a residential building, not counting the roofs and walls. And if we choose a decent device, it must certainly be safe, easy to manage and, if possible, economical. Help finding the perfect boiler for a private house will help Rating from the portal Mark.Guru, we hope he oriented buyers in a huge assortment of boilers presented in the market.

The choice of a gas heating boiler depends on many indicators. Floor areas of the house, the area of \u200b\u200bheating, mass exchange processes in the room affect the efficiency of the equipment. Technical data of the boiler, the level of security determine the operation of the unit. Therefore, when choosing a boiler, it is necessary to proceed from the total indicators, both the boiler and the premises.

Gas boilers are divided By several parameters:

  1. According to the attachment method (wall, outdoor);
  2. According to the method of work (single-mounted, double-circuit);
  3. On ventilation;
  4. On the use of condensate.


Wall aggregates

The most modern models that are installed on the wall. Such boilers are compact, convenient for heating of small rooms.

The power of the device 12-42 kW allows you to heat the area in the range of 50 - 400 m². Such models provide not only heating, but also heating hot water.

Wall gas boilers have a system of control over the operation of the device, the built-in burner. Razjig burner is carried out in 2 types - piezorozhig or electric. In the first case is carried out manual control the ignition process, in the second - automatic.

Burners in wall gas boilers set ordinary or modulation. Modulation independently regulate the gas supply for the installation.

Outdoor boilers

Traditional heating plants that have won popularity among the population. To install an outdoor boiler needed certain square. Such mini boilers are distinguished by reliability and high power. They are installed for heating large rooms.

The heat exchanger of the boiler is performed from 2 metals - cast iron or steel. Cast iron more durable, since they are not subject to corrosion, but at the same time more fragile. Gray cast ironUsed for burners in new models makes them more durable and not so fragile as predecessors. Steel Easier cast iron, but for successful operation it is necessary to comply with corrosion prevention measures.

Distinguish boilers S. superior and atmospheric burner. In the first version, the burner is sold separately, such installations have high efficiency and high cost, the power of about several thousand kW. The second option is cheaper, the burner is included in the package of the boiler, the power is 10-80 kW.

Single-mounted installations

These are exclusively heating units. To obtain hot water intended for household needs, a boiler should be prepared separately. Calculation of the volume of the latter depends on the number of tenants.

Double-circuit vehicles

The most sought-after model. These boilers work not only on heating, but also to heated water. The cost of one such device is higher than the value of a single-mounted boiler, but if you consider that a boiler is needed in addition to a single-circuit boiler, the price of the two-kilt gas installation is significantly lower than the total price that you need to lay out for the boiler and one-connecting boiler.

Boilers with forced ventilation

In such models built-in fanswhich remove burnt gases from the boiler. To operate this type of apparatus, it is necessary to make a special hole in the wall to which the exhaust pipe is supplied. Through the pipe with the help of a fan, it is conclusion to the atmosphere of exhaust gases from the boiler.

Such devices are used in rooms where no chimney is missing.

Aggregates with natural exhaust air

These boilers remove gases using natural traction. The hood passes through the chimneys that are in the house. When installing the boiler, a pipe is connected to the house chimney. Additional arrangement, (as in the case of a boiler forced ventilation) of the traction opening in this case is not required.

Condensate processing boilers

The devices of the new generation are boilers with condensate processing. When combustion of fuel, water vapor is formed and carbon dioxide. In the process of removal of combustion products through chimney, water steam is condensed in chimney. Condensate has a high temperature, Therefore, it is discharged from the chimney in the receiving device and pumped out the pump with a certain periodicity in the contour the heating system. The use of condensate for the operation of the aggregate allows increase efficiency of such models by 6%. from a similar boiler, without this function. Such boilers are most in demand in Europe, and in some countries the installation of such models at the state level is encouraged. Unfortunately, in Russia such boilers are still little known. Condensation boilers are economical, since due to the use of additional condensate energy reduces gas consumption up to 30%

Features of the choice of gas boiler

The selection of the heating gas boiler takes into account the individual characteristics of the operating conditions. It depends on many components:

  • The total area of \u200b\u200bheated premises;
  • The need to heal hot water (and its volume depends on the number of consumers of hot water);
  • The presence of chimney;
  • Pressure in the gas pipeline;
  • The presence of insulation on the walls;

A wall gas boiler is quite suitable for heating a small room. It is conveniently installed on the wall, does not take up much space. Work on heating water for 3 people is quite forces such a device.

To calculate the required power of the heating boiler, the formula is used - for heating 10 m² area requires 10 kW of power.

Choosing between the models of the two-circuit boilers you need to know that there are devices with built-in water tank and flowing. The first option is suitable for a small family, in which water consumption does not exceed 14 liters at a time. The flow unit is suitable for a large amount of heated water.

Before consumers are a difficult choice between manufacturers of heating installations. Imports are characterized by a more beautiful design, but it should be borne in mind that domestic firmsproducing gas boilers Given the features of the work of the domestic gas supply, interruptions electricityWhat you can not say about foreign manufacturers.

In addition, gas boilers of Russian production can work from liquefied gasthat significantly expands the scope of use of such systems.

Safety of the heating system

In modern gas heating boilers mounted sensors that control the operation at all stages - Starting from supplying gas and water, ending with exhaust gases.

Wall-mounted boilers are equipped with sensors blocking the heating system in case of power outage. When the temperature is raised, the boiler is blocked above the installed norm. For the normal operation of such a system, the constant availability of electricity is necessary, since these systems are connected to the network.

Floor gas installations are equipped with sensors that work in mechanical mode regardless of the availability of electricity. Control over the process of work occurs at all levels, starting with the supply of gas, ending with the output of the exhaust system of gases.

In the two-circuit boilers there is a threat to the formation of scale. To eliminate such a problem, water filters are installed, which soften the water supplied to the heater and significantly reduce the risk of scale.

Installation of the system

Installation of the heating system produces specially trained specialists, after the project harmonization in the prescribed manner. Independent installation of a gas heating boiler can lead to deposits.

For the normal operation of the floor gas boiler, it is necessary to pre-prepare the room in which its installation is planned. The aggregate itself is installed on small elevation (15-20 cm). The place is chosen in such a way that the free access to the device from 3 sides. Since all boilers work with electricity, it is necessary make a groundTo ensure the safety of electrical appliances.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of wall gas boilers include:

  • low cost
  • ease of installation (this reduces the cost of installation work),
  • small sizes
  • full control over the process of operation of the aggregate.

By minus:

  • small power
  • dependence on the presence of electricity.

Advantages of floor boilers:

  • autonomous
  • do not depend on power supply,
  • have a high power
  • durable.

The disadvantages of outdoor installations include:

  • high cost of the boiler itself,
  • high installation costs
  • the need for a special room for the heating boiler or the equipment already existing under the heating installation. This requires additional financial and resource costs.

If you have a gas pipeline next to your house, the gas boiler will be the best and most budget decision. And that your equipment worked without failure and properly, you need to know how to choose gas boilers for heating a private house, which criteria and parameters need to be considered. Our review will help you to figure out the existing variety of models and correctly decide on the choice of functional and comfortable design.

Modern gas unit can be installed both in a private house and in the apartment

For such equipment in some cases, a special boiler room is equipped

1 spheres of gas boilers for heating and hot water supply of a private house: varieties, pros and cons of designs

2 Gas boilers for heating a private house: how to choose the best option

2.1 Where to Install Equipment: Wall and Outdoor Gas Boilers

2.2 Equipment and number of contours

2.3 varieties of combustion chambers

2.4 How to calculate the power of the gas boiler

3 How to change the old equipment to the new: Nuances of installation

3.1 How to install a gas boiler in a private house: Installation requirements

3.2 How to connect the boiler and features of installation work

3.3 How to choose a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers

4.1 PROTHERM Bear 40 TLO 4.2

4.3 AOGV-23.2-3 Comfort H 4.4 AOGV-11,6-3 Economy

4.5 Buderus Logano G234 WS-38 4.6 BAXI SLIM 2300 FI 4.7 Vaillant EcoVit VKK INT 366 5 Overview of wall gas boilers: rating of the best models

5.1 Wolf CGG-1K-24 5.2 Baxi Luna 3 Comfort 240 Fi 5.3 Navien Deluxe 24K 5.4 Rotherm Cheetah 23 MOV 5.5 Bosch Gaz 4000 W ZWA 24-2 A Specifications of Gas boilers for heating and hot water supply of a private house: varieties, pros and cons Designs

If you can choose a good gas boiler for a private house, it can be a beneficial solution compared with alternative options - solid fuel are not particularly convenient when used, and the electric is too expensive.

Gas equipment manufacturers offer different options for functional and high-tech equipment

That's why it is worth choosing a gas unit:

automated work that does not require your constant attention and control;

fuel is not so expensive, such as electricity;

you can run the unit at any time, and it will not be necessary to preliminarily prepare;

with proper care, operation will be safe;

high level of efficiency;

it is possible to maintain gas equipment only once a year;

to work, you do not need to provide access to electrical networks.

Important components of the equipment are presented in the scheme

The correct selection of the unit will allow even at home with a large area. If there is no gas highway, then you should not leave the use of gas cylinders without attention. But this method requires special caution. For example, cylinders can be installed outside the house, and to carry out a special pipe. Outside, they must be covered. Most often for this use metal fences.

Wall aggregate for giving. Between the wooden surface and equipment placed sheet steel

It is worth studying and some drawbacks of such aggregates:

to connect to the gas line - special permission is required;

need to consider the possibility of regular maintenance;

gas leakage cannot be allowed, as it will lead to an explosion;

there are separate types of boilers for which a separate room will be required.

Double-circuit design has high functionality

When choosing a suitable device, pay attention to the heat exchanger. It can be steel, copper, cast iron or bimetallic. Copper options are known for use. In case of breakdowns, they can be easily fixed. If you appreciate the practicality, the best solution will be bimetallic or steel heat exchangers.

The most reliable options include cast iron models that quickly warm and differ in corrosion resistance. Such heat exchangers are more often used in outdoor structures.

Wall-mounted model for home

Boilers can be double-circuit, single-mounted, convection, wall, outdoor and condensation. But this is not all that such equipment may differ. There are some constructive features:

the automation system may have a type of mechanical control or based on electronic modules;

the necessary strapping of aggregates should include circulation pumps, expansion tanks and all sorts of security systems;

thermostats, remote control modules and special control panels can be used as control mechanisms;

some models provide boilers with different volume of tank. These tanks allow you to store stocks of warm water for a certain period of time.

Double-circuit equipment has many applications

Consider the basic classification of gas devices. Here are the main categories:

by the installation method, the equipment is divided into wall and outdoor models;

on the heating of the fluid on single-circuit and dual circuit;

according to the options for draining the products of the combustion of the design are turbocharged and chimney.

Install the unit can be installed in the basement

Wall variations appeared not so long ago. Inside the case there are all necessary elements: an expansion tank, pumping equipment, pressure gauge, heat exchanger and thermometer.

For installation of the device, a special room can be used, for example, intended for different economic needs.

For your information! It is the gas equipment that is the most fiscal option for organizing high-quality heating.

Gas boilers for the heating of a private house: how to choose the optimal option

The choice of a gas boiler for the heating of a private house has an influence of such a parameter as power. Wall-mounted products have the most maximum indicator - 60 kW, and in the floor it can be more than 100 kW. Also, defined with the model, it is worth considering factors such as the cost and manufacturer. If there is no highway, the liquefied gas is suitable. In this case, you can pick up the boiler with a burner.

Installation and maintenance Equipment can only perform a specialist

View also prices of gas boilers for the heating of a private house to 100m2. This parameter depends on the manufacturer, material design and additional functional.

Wall models may have a burner of two types: turbocharged and atmospheric. Gas boilers can be condensing. They can be used at low-temperature modes. At the same time, the gas is spent as fast due to the condensation of vapors.

Some units can be sufficiently massive

For your information! To choose the appropriate option to pre-read the reviews and learn the opinion of the specialists and the characteristics of different models.

Where to install equipment: wall-mounted and floor gas boilers

The choice of equipment begins with the selection of the accommodation option. You can purchase models of gas boilers for home and wall-mounted home heating. Two varieties have certain differences and features:

wall-mounted devices do not depend on electricity. So that the unit does not create a larger load on the wall, it is trying to reduce its weight at the expense of different alloys. Such models will like those who want to save more places, for example, it is possible to embed into the wardrobe in the kitchen. In addition, many people like a simple installation of wall gas boilers;

Wall-mounted version over the washing machine

floor devices may not have limited performance. There are two-door and single-circuit models that have heat exchangers from cast iron and steel. Such an apparatus will take a lot of space, so it is worth considering it in advance. Depending on the configuration in the device there may be an atmospheric or turbocharged burner.

Outdoor unit for boiler room

Outdoor models are often equipped with cast iron heat exchangers. Wall variants are compact. The price of a wall double-circuit gas boiler for the heating of a private house depends on the material of the manufacture.

For your information! When choosing the appropriate option, consider the construction area. If the house is more than 200 square meters. m., it is better to choose an outdoor unit. At the same time, the price of an outdoor double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house will be less than wall analogs, but they require a lot of free space.

Equipment and number of contours

Gas aggregates can be double-circuit and single-circuit. Each option has any advantages and shortcomings:

the principle of operation of the two-circuit gas boiler is based on a flow heater mode. This option is used for heating and warming water. Most often equipped with two heat exchangers. To reduce the weight, the equipment is equipped with a bietermic heat exchanger operating in replaceable warm-up mode;

The diagram shows an option for connecting a two-circuit design.

the unit with one contour is equipped with heat carrier heating. In the future, you can convert a single-mounted gas boiler design with an indirect heating boiler.

Option of single construct

The devices of gas double-circuit boilers for the heating of the private house are much more compact, which allows them to be used in a room with a limited area. In dual-circuit structures there is a boiler and a gas water heater. If the DHW circuit works, the heating function is turned off.

Single-mounted models are more oven and differ in complex installation. If the boiler is additionally used, the design can be equipped with circulation pumps. Instruments with one circuit are equipped with a heat exchanger and burner.

The scheme shows the use of boiler

Varieties of chambers of combustion

In the gas boilers, an open and closed combustion chamber is established depending on the equipment option. There are three configurations:

atmospheric units have high reliability and have a simple device. Inside there is an open combustion chamber. In order for the gas to be burned - the air is closed from the room. Regulation is performed using thermomechanical regulators. When choosing them, remember that the disadvantage of such devices is a significant consumption of gas, special requirements for installation. But at the same time, the efficiency of the device is not so high;

Features of the device of the atmospheric device can be seen in the picture.

the turbated model of the floor gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber is equipped with two fans, on the removal of gases and the air supply. In this case, these processes are carried out forcibly, as they are called with the help of turbines or fans. Such aggregates are preferred because of their economy. Gas consumption can decrease by 20-30%. At the same time, the efficiency reaches 95-98%, but noise can be felt during operation;

The device of the turbocharged model

the most economical options should include condensation wall-mounted two-circuit gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber. Their efficiency can reach 109%. The device is equipped with a modulation burner. These models are non-volatile. In the heat exchanger there is a condenser or a node responsible for collecting condensate. The aggregates work on liquefied or natural gas. They are used to connect to low-temperature structures.

Device of condensation equipment

At home, the equipment often works on convection scheme:

the burner produces thermal energy;

the heat exchanger takes heat;

heat moves to the heating system, and the residues come into the atmosphere.

Convection principle of work

How to calculate the power of the gas boiler

calculations using an online calculator. It is necessary to introduce the area, the number of window and doorways and the level of thermal insulation;

approximate power can be found in the approximate formula - 1 kW \u003d 10 square meters. m.

The table shows the calculation of the boiler power

In this case, this indicator may vary depending on climatic conditions. For the northern regions, it is 1,3-1.5 kW, and for southern about 0.8 kW. It is important to take into account the thermal losses to have influence such factors:

window structures;

insulation attic or heated second floor;

the presence of insulation in the walls;

the presence of external walls;

the ratio of floors of floors and walls.

How to change the old equipment to the new: nuances of installation

Over time, it may be necessary to replace the old equipment, as it is obsolete, and the characteristics of the efficiency decrease. If the efficiency of the equipment decreased, the aggregate of the noise and smoke, then this is the sign of its necessary substitution.

Since such equipment is a responsible and dangerous part of housing, special state authorities are engaged in its installation and service. It cannot be replaced independently and without notifying the relevant structures. Incorrect installation can jeopardize the lives of many people.

Equipment replacement should conduct a specialist

If you have a need to replace the equipment, then what stages should pass:

writing an application to a special responsible authority. If the boiler changes to a similar one, then the scheme of its installation remains unchanged. When replacing the pipe supply scheme, the placement location and varieties of the main unit, the project will need to be reinstalized;

after permission is received, you must receive a passport that is transmitted to the gas service.

The replacement of the gas boiler is performed by a company with a special certificate for such work.

Repair and installation is carried out using the necessary rules and norms

Before installing a new device, the old dismantling is carried out:

first you need to rinse the entire system. At the same time, all old contaminants are deleted, which may interfere with the work of new devices;

all water merges from the heating system;

the boiler is disconnected from the gas source, and then from the supply of hot and cold water. Also disconnecting from the ventilation system.

Gas equipment details

How to install a gas boiler in a private house: Installation requirements

There are special rules for installing a gas boiler. You can not install for less than 7.5 sq m in an area of \u200b\u200bmore than two devices. Here are the requirements for the installation of an outdoor design:

to install the boiler, it is better to equip a separate room. It is important to provide a natural air flow through the grille or a hole in the wall;

for supply and exhaust ventilation, a separate hole is provided;

chimney should be sealed so that carbon dioxide and smoke do not penetrate the inside of the room. For this, the main pipe is installed inside the main pipe;

the room where you will install the device should be spacious enough to provide convenient maintenance and free access to the device;

flooring should be made of non-combustible materials;

the exterior door width should be about 80 cm;

the upper part of the chimney must be installed above the roof;

for each device, a separate valve should be supplied;

walls boiler only plaster. It is impossible to finish using such materials such as plastic, fiberboard or MDF.

Adjusting the gas aggregate

In apartments, such equipment is often installed in the kitchen. There are some requirements and wall structures:

the wall should be overhaul to withstand the equipment load;

if the walls are separated by flammable materials, there is a layer from some stable material between the unit and the wall;

the minimum distances from the device to the walls and the ceiling should be at least half a meter, and to the floor - 0.8 meters.

Special equipment applies to install the device

Before mounting work and running equipment, you need to obtain permits.

How to connect the boiler and singing work

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house is performed using different connection schemes. Two pipes for the coolant can be connected to a single-circuit device. At the same time, the coolant will pass through the system and return for Diagurev.

When using an additional boiler, a connection through a three-way valve is used. While the water will heat up in a boiler, the coolant ceases to circulate. How much time boiler will warm up - depends on the dimensions of its container.

The gas boiler device must be studied before starting installation work.

The diagram of connecting two-circuit gas boilers is due to the presence of two heat exchangers. At the same time, the main heat heating water, and the second heats the water for water supply. 5 pipes are connected to such a design. Pipe with coolant, highway with cold water, gas, with hot water and with hot heat carrier.

Installation of equipment requires a professional approach

Gas source connection is performed. At the same time, the shut-off valve for overlapping the gas is mounted. Also, a special filter is also installed. Through it is conducted a pipe from the boiler, which should be stainless steel. The highway is mounted to the nozzle using a precipitant nut. All joints should be hermetically processed.

Special attention should be paid to equipment equipment, as this will allow not only to ensure safety, but also save on fuel.

Important information! To check the tightness of the equipment, all joints are processed by soap solution.

How to choose a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers

What voltage stabilizer is better for a gas boiler depends on such parameters:

the response time affects the quality of equipment automation. This indicator means how quickly the stabilizer will be able to adjust the voltage;

the voltage range indicating the rectifier functions in what limits. When a certain value is reached, the mechanism disabling the equipment;

the degree of correction affects the stability of the outlet voltage;

the range of operating temperatures is +5 - + 40 degrees.

Voltage stabilizer scheme

For the gas unit, relay, inverter or electronic type of stabilizer is chosen.

You have a review of some outdoor models from well-known manufacturers. At the same time, price categories may vary greatly. You can find cheap Chinese devices and expensive models with turbocharged combustion chambers. From manufacturers worth noting companies such as Bosh, Baxi, Ferolli and Valliant. From domestic manufacturers worth noting the company IRBIS.


Prices, Rub Protherm Bear 40 TLO 69600

Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D870

ZHMZ AOGV-23,2-3 Comfort H 29700

Buderus Logano G234 WS-38 140500

BAXI SLIM 2.300 FI 116300

Protherm Bear 40 Tlo Plant Prothern is located in Prague. Boilers of this manufacturer are characterized by durability and reliability. The unit of the bear 40 TLO has resistance to complex hydraulic conditions, and it does not depend on the electrical network. Equipment is used for hot water and heating. The design provides a heat exchanger from cast iron, and stainless steel burner. Using the control panel, controls and adjustment of the parameters of the unit. To control to prevent coolant overheating, a cooling circuit is used. Electric closure is designed for convenient start of the aggregate.

Equipment is available in different variations, while power varies from 18 to 45 kW. It is used for heating all sorts of buildings with a natural type of circulation, and in some cases with forced. The boiler can work on liquefied gas.

Protherm Bear TLO 40 is provided for control for chimney. There is also a resistance to complex hydraulic modes. Additionally, you can purchase a cumulative broiler for water heating.

To the advantages should be attributed:

high efficiency;

economical fuel consumption;

significant security class.

Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D870

Outdoor units are designed for heating of household facilities. Installation of indirect heating boilers is provided. Such a model can serve over 15 years, thanks to a solid heat exchanger from cast iron. The device works on the main gas, but can also work on liquefied. Manufacturers recommend supplementing the device with a special voltage stabilizer.

The device involves an open combustion chamber. It can function normally, both on natural gas and on liquefied. The design is installed on the floor and has an efficiency of 92%. The device does not provide a circulation pump.

Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D870

Here are some features of the model Vitogas 100 F:

high operational possibilities for pressure fluctuations;

long service life;

use of silent ignition;

built-in pressure control relays;

compact dimensions and low weight.

AOGV-23.2-3 Comfort N at the Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant The AOGV single-circuit models and dual-circuit AKGV are produced. The assortment of this company presents more than 30 varieties of boilers. All devices have high efficiency. The price of the heating boiler for a private house depends on the configuration and materials. The equipment is equipped with both domestic and imported automatics. It is used to work systems with forced and natural circulation.

AOGV-23.2-3 Comfort H AOGV Comfort is suitable for the heating of residential and office premises. Installing the instrument and its launch and adjustment is performed by the gas service specialists. The unit can work on liquefied and natural gas.

The automatic block allows you to provide smooth gas flow control. At the same time, it is impossible to leave a working mechanism without supervision for a long time. The equipment is connected to a separate chimney, but in this capacity you cannot use ventilation channels.

AOGV-11,6-3 Economy

Economy model refers to the best gas units. It is suitable for a closed and open heating system. The design is electrically dependent. Management and starting is performed using the automatic unit. The boiler has a reliable security system that protects against overheating.

The key element of the heating system of the private house is the boiler. Frequently on how high-quality the device itself, the air temperature in the room, the total costs associated with the heating fee depends on the efficiency of its operation. Wall-mounted boilers have the main advantage compared to other similar heating equipment: they occupy the minimum amount of free space. The market presents a large number of different models of wall units, which differ from each other by a number of parameters:

  • Number of contours: single-circuit are designed exclusively for heating, two-kinnuts will also provide house and hot water;
  • The type of combustion chamber is open (in need of a natural chimney system) and closed (from it, combustion products are forcibly sent to the coaxial chimney, is the most secure);
  • The presence of electrical devices;
  • The type of burner: atmospheric or modulated, the power of which the boiler regulates independently.

When developing this rating of the best wall-mounted boilers of the year, we took into account all these features, we also took into account the opinion of buyers, the country where the equipment was created and released. We tried to draw up the most intelligible and informative rating, so that the reader after his study was easy and simply choose the most suitable heating boiler for his home.

10. Oasis BM-16

This boiler is allowed to use indoors where the air temperature is not lower than +5 degrees, it is installed in strict accordance with the gasification project. It is perfect for homes or apartments, it has a high performance and a good efficiency - about 92%. The design has a reliable circulation pump that allows you to easily lift the coolant to the level of the second floor.

The average service life is about 12 years since the first launch. The heat exchanger is made of copper, the combustion chamber is closed, equipped with a fan for removing combustion products. The safety system of the device has several levels, the boiler can independently diagnose. If errors are detected, their codes are displayed on the device display, there is a built-in condensate melting. The device is economical, consumes the minimum amount of fuel. The mass of the aggregate is small - it is quite possible to raise one person.

The chimney is allowed to use coaxial or separate. The boiler works on a natural or liquefied gas, the temperature of the coolant is adjusted from 30 to 80 degrees, hot water - from 36 to 60 degrees. When equipped with a hot water system, it is necessary to take into account that the minimum volume of passing water should be at least 3 liters per minute. The ignition is carried out due to the built-in piezoelectric element.


  • High reliability;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Independent diagnostics with an output on the display of all errors;
  • Built-in protection against freezing;
  • In the design there is an expansion tank with a volume of 6 liters;
  • Several programmable timers.


  • Large overall dimensions;
  • Some sensors quickly fail.

9. Haier Falco L1P20-F21 (T)

A double-circuit design equipped with a bietermic heat exchanger, the unit is allowed to install both in homes and apartments. The device is characterized by the presence of multiple degrees of protection: it has a flame break system, the circulation pump is equipped with a stir protection. The heat exchanger has a sensor that does not allow overheating, the occurrence of overpressure, lack of traction.

The heat exchanger is made of copper, the burner of the modulated type, is made of stainless steel, the hydraulic block is brass. The total capacity of the boiler is 20 kW, the temperature of the coolant is adjusted from 30 to 85 degrees, heated area can reach 190 square meters, the volume of the expansion tank is 6 liters. The design has small dimensions - 700 * 400 * 320 mm. The combustion products from the closed chamber are removed using a metal fan through a coaxial chimney. The pressure range in the heating system is from 0.3 to 6 bar.


  • High-quality bitermic heat exchanger;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Great heated area;
  • A whole set of protective systems;
  • Powerful circulation pump, easily raising coolant to the level of the second floor.


  • Not too convenient arrangement of supply and discharge nozzles;
  • Lack of Russian language on the control display.

8. Mora-Top Meteor

This boiler is characterized by a fairly simple control system equipped with a monochrome liquid crystal screen and two handles - one adjusts the temperature of the coolant, the second is responsible for heating water. In production, all current security requirements were taken into account: the device is equipped with a closed combustion chamber. The boiler can be installed on its own - it has a slight mass. The control unit is directly related to all connected elements: signals come from pressure sensors, temperature, volume of passing water, conventional and emergency thermostats and many others.

Depending on the information received, the control unit increases or reduces the supplied amount of gas. The device is characterized by excellent efficiency, as it consumes exactly as much fuel as required at the moment. The efficiency coefficient of the boiler is about 91%. Water heating is performed fast enough - just a few seconds. The design provides a protective system that does not allow too frequent on and off the burner.


  • Easy to manage;
  • During operation, minimal noise issues;
  • Included there is a room thermostat;
  • Protection against heat exchanger overheating;
  • Well withstands voltage drops;
  • It is convenient for service;
  • The environment throws at least harmful substances.


  • When connected to the power grid, it will be necessary to equip grounding;
  • The power of the circulation pump may not be enough for the second floor.

7. Buderus Logamax U072-12K

This boiler is distinguished by a closed combustion chamber, is perfect for any private home heating system, it is distinguished very convenient control. It looks very attractive. The housing is made of thin-sheet stainless steel, the assembly is reliable, the backlash is completely absent. Initially, the device was developed exclusively for complex climatic conditions.

The control system is based on the Open Therm protocol: It is very reliable, exactly performs all the requirements of the user, the tuning is thin, up to the degree, which cannot but affect the device's economy. Home needs covers with more than such a boiler is quite enough to create a heating system in a house of about 120 square meters. A double-circuit boiler, flow-up, per minute gives about 12 liters of water - this is quite enough for a family of three or four people or three points of water distribution.


  • Small overall dimensions;
  • Low weight;
  • Perfectly withstands significant voltage drops: up to 30% in a large or smaller side;
  • Does not fade when the gas supply is reduced;
  • Has freezing protection systems;
  • Practically does not make noise during operation;
  • Piezorozhig;
  • The magnitude of the flame is adjusted by the ionization electrode;
  • Good fits to the Russian climate.


  • The exhaust fan quickly fails;
  • Pump power is often not enough if there is a second floor;
  • Shipky fuel tap.


This design is chimney and turbocharged. The first one is allowed to connect to the central chimney, which creates a natural traction for the removal of combustion products. The turbocharged device is intended for installation indoors where there are no special exhaust systems. All waste here is outlined outside the structure due to a special fan.

The housing of the boiler is made of reliable stainless steel, the assembly is reliable, no backlash. The capacity of the equipment is in the range from 10.7 to 23 kW. In the heating system, you can get a pressure of 3 bar. Inside the boiler is the expansion tank of 6 liters. The coolant warms up to the temperature of 85 degrees, hot water - up to 57 degrees. DHW performance is no more than 11 liters per minute depending on temperature.

On the front panel there is a liquid crystal display, a power button, a pressure gauge and two levers that are responsible for the temperature of the coolant and water. Additionally, you can purchase a room thermostat that facilitates the operation of the unit.


  • It is manufactured exclusively from high-quality materials;
  • During operation does not make noise;
  • Small overall dimensions;
  • In production, only modern technologies are used.


  • Big value;
  • High price for components and spare parts;
  • Hydraulic tubes are made of composite materials, which is why they can quickly fail.


This is a fairly good wall-mounted boiler, which is characterized by a high-quality assembly and a long period of operation. A double-circuit-type device, well withstands low temperatures in many respects due to the presence of a freezing system. The circulating type pump automatically turns on when the room temperature decreases to 10 degrees and begins to distinguish the coolant, not allowing its freezing. When the temperature of the water temperature in the system decreases to 6 degrees, the burner is turned on, which increases this indicator to 21 degrees.

The gas is consumed rather economical, which has a positive effect on the operation of the heat exchanger and the boiler itself. The device is able to work even with minimal gas pressure - 4 mbar. The unit maintains serious voltage drops on the network, steadily works when the water pressure drops in the system. The set is the remote control, there is also a voice helper. Under the front panel there is a control unit equipped with a digital monochrome display.


  • Well withstands the drops of water, gas and voltage;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Convenient control using the remote control or by block on the panel.


  • In some cases, automation gives a failure;
  • A weak head of hot water;
  • During work, there is a lot of noise;
  • The automatic diagnostic system is not provided.

4. Bosch Gaz 6000 W WBN 6000-24 C

Designed for heating room with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 240 square meters, the boiler is equipped with a closed combustion chamber, a plate-type heat exchanger. It is able to issue about 11.5 liters of hot water per minute, combustion products are discharged beyond the premises with a coaxial chimney with a diameter of 60/100 mm.

In the control unit, there are sensors that control the magnitude of the flame that are responsible for automatic ignition, the speed of rotation of the fan. Also, the boiler is equipped with a three-step pump and an expansion tank of 6.5 liters.

The housing is rectangular, on the front side there is a control panel equipped with a liquid crystal display, a pressure gauge showing the pressure in the heating system, several adjustment buttons. All connections for connecting communications are located below, which ensures the convenience of mounting.


  • Air premises quickly warms;
  • Installation light;
  • High efficiency, low gas consumption;
  • A large number of individual settings;
  • There is a Piezorozhig.


  • Sometimes it gives out atypical errors - it is enough to disable them to disable the boiler from the network for a couple of minutes;
  • The circulation pump vibrates greatly during operation;
  • In the tubes of the differential relay, condensate is sometimes formed.

3. Navien ACE-24A ATMO

This is a wall-mounted boiler for a home or apartment, which is superbly suitable even for the most severe climatic conditions. It has good performance indicators, it is capable of listening for quite a long time, easily withstands the low water pressure, gas, provides stable operation even with significant voltage drops.

Despite all these positive qualities, the device is not too expensive. The assembly of the boiler is reliable, there is a heat exchanger, characterized by good speed, due to which the safety of hot water occurs literally a few minutes after the boiler is turned on.

The nozzles are located on the sides of the case, so the strapping can be made both on the left and on the right side, thanks to which the installation is carried out even in fairly close conditions. The gas burner of the new generation provides a silent operation of the boiler.


  • Good level of security;
  • Small overall dimensions;
  • Easy to use;
  • Acceptable price.


  • The circulation pump is a bit noise, the rest of the boiler is perfect.

2. BAXI MAIN 5 24 F

Italian equipment of high quality, which rightfully ranks third in our ranking of the best wall gas boilers. It is a two-circuit mounted boiler, equipped with a closed combustion chamber, turbocharged. The equipment is designed to connect either to the coaxial chimney, or to a two-pipe system for the branch of combustion products. The device consists of a gas burner, the nozzle of which is made of stainless steel, bitermic heat exchanger.

Grundfos brand circulation pump, equipped with automatic type aircraft, electronic automation focused on a special board. The volume of the expansion tank is 6 liters. In addition, the boiler is equipped with several sensors: heating, hot water, thrust, flame level. The maximum power of the unit with the highest loads is 24 kW, it is designed for a reliable heating of the house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 220 square meters. He has small dimensions - 700 * 400 * 280 mm.

For ease of control of the boiler, it is equipped with a liquid crystal monochrome display and several buttons responsible for adjusting the temperature of the coolant and hot water, the system of automatic diagnostics of the equipment is provided, when the errors are detected, their codes are displayed on the display.


  • All necessary functions are provided;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • A large number of service centers.

When choosing a gas boiler for a home, a number of nuances associated with the technical characteristics of the building installed by the heating system, the actual need for heat and hot water supply, should be considered.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer a wide range of products. So finding a suitable copy is not a problem. You just need to know what to navigate to understand how to choose a gas boiler for heating and not mistaken. And it is also desirable to figure out than the presented options differ from each other, and which boiler is to choose for a private house.

External differences in boilers of various modifications Very little source of MakeMone.Ru

Features of gas heating

Despite the presence of a large number of alternatives (electricity, diesel, diesel engine, fuel oil, firewood, coal), it is gas heating that is still leading in the world. And for this there are serious reasons:

    Efficiency. Compared to other options, the gas is relatively cheap and characterized by high efficiency. At the same time, not only the cost of fuel itself is taken into account, but also additional spending on its storage (for the consumer), maintenance of the entire system and so on. So, the details for rare types of boilers is difficult to get, sometimes you have to overpay. This is also taken into account.

    Minimal human participation. Heating room on firewood or coal requires a mechanical addition of fuel. Here everything is automated, including gas flow and control over the flame.

    Clean, lack of soot, soot and other things. Boilers can safely install in the kitchen.

    The possibility of heating large rooms. One powerful boiler completely copes with a building for several floors.

At the same time, gas heating has its drawbacks. Or rather, specifics.

Installation should only perform specialists Source

In particular, the installation of the boiler requires coordination with Gaztekhnadzor. You can order installation only organizations with a license that gives the right to providing such services.

Do not forget that gas is explosive. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to save on automation: it follows, among other things, and for his leakage (we are talking about modern technique).

In addition, you need to take care of ventilation. Combustion products can be output from the building naturally. But if problems arise with a burden, you need to change the installation site of the boiler (which is not always possible) or provide it forced.

Gas boilers for the heating of a private house: what they happen

There are now many different boilers on the market. And you need to figure out than one species is different from the other for the consumer. It is so easier to understand that choose - a floor gas boiler for heating a private house, or attached, and with what functions to not be mistaken. After all, otherwise you will have to either endure inconvenience, or it is additionally spent.

Same and dual-circuit boilers

One of the main ways to classify is division into single and two-killers. The latter warm water not only for the heating system, but also for household needs. That is, you do not need to install an additional boiler.

The difference between one and two-circuit boilers Source

In a word, two-circuit gas boilers for heating at home are arranged so that cold water from the central water supply system falls. Then the liquid heats up. In addition, the design has a special valve. It regulates where hot water will be served. If you don't wash anything, do not dial the bath, the boiler works for the provision of heating. But as soon as the crane opens, the valve overlaps the device. And water begins to come to people.

Consider another important point: to be able to take a bath, not a contrasting shower, you need a boiler with a capacity of at least 28 kW. Exact figures are already dependent on the size of heated premises and from the number of consumers. Roughly speaking, the more people need to wash, for example, the higher the load. And even more powerful there should be a heater.

Video Description

Vividly about the difference between one and two-circuit boilers in the video:

Is it possible to use single-mounted boilers to warm water for household needs? Yes, many modern models allow. But you have to buy a boiler. It needs to be connected to the boiler, and in any case, to charge the entire process, starting with the selection of a suitable model, it is worth a specialist. Most consumers, however, in such situations, usually simply take a separate boiler operating on electricity.

An example of a bundle of the boiler heating and a boiler of indirect heating Source

What option is better? Basically prefer two-circuit boilers: they are more convenient. But note that such models are always more expensive. The choice, in any case, depends on consumers.

Outdoor and wall boilers

Boilers still may differ in space: there are heating boilers for private house gas floor and wall. The latter take less space, they are generally more compact. In addition, it is possible to establish them almost anywhere in the fulfillment of certain requirements. Also, for wall boilers, it is not necessary to organize a separate chimney: usually everything is solved due to the nozzle through which the combustion products are removed.

What are the outdoor gas boilers for heating at home (they are so officially called)? They are usually more powerful and noticeably harder. For such models, more space is required: first, for the stroke, secondly, for chimney. And this is not to mention the kit, consisting of a single-circuit boiler and a boiler. In addition, these specimens are rather noisy, so they are usually installed in a separate room (boiler room).

Most often, the boiler room is equipped in the basement floor or basement source MakeMone.Ru

The choice of optimal solution depends on what you need in a particular case. That is, for an apartment or a small cottage, the best gas boiler for heating is wall. For the Big House - Outdoor.

But when buying, you need to consider another factor that can be critical: electricity dependence. Outdoor boilers work stably in this regard. Even if there is no electricity in the house, the heat will still remain. True, now models are increasingly produced with automation, which removes this advantage. Nevertheless, options can be found.

But all the outdoor models depend on the voltage: jumps in the network are able to withdraw the technique. Of course, no one bothers to put a stabilizer. But, first of all, it is an increase in costs. Secondly, the issue with the disconnection of electricity remains.

In general, both outdoor, and wall products have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is worthwhile to choose a gas boiler for a private house, depending on the particular room, from the quality of the power grid and on financial capabilities.

On our site you can find contacts with companies specializing in Heating and water supply Country houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Boilers with an open or closed combustion chamber

Boilers can be with an open or closed combustion chamber. The first air from the environment. Therefore, the issue of ventilation in this case becomes critical.

Ventilation is needed even more powerful than for gas stove source

There is a risk that oxygen will eventually be missed. These models are considered outdated in the EU, there they are universally refused, which is associated with the increased safety requirements.

At the same time, the boilers with an open combustion chamber differ in a simple design. Therefore, they are less likely to fail (if you compare the models in the low price category), cost cheaper, installation is easier. Yes, and find specialists who will understand with them, will not work much difficulty.

Options with a closed combustion chamber are considered more modern. They are safer, but require chimney installation. However, this is exactly the case when you can spend once to sell an expensive model and on installation, and then not to worry that the oxygen will not be enough in the room. Or that someone will suffer from the poisoning of combustion products, as it happens when problems with the boilers of the first type.

But the models with a closed camera have its drawbacks. For example, you have to install the ventilation system in need of electricity. What, firstly, makes such a design dependent (along with the light and heat), secondly, increases the cost of providing home.

Such boiler needs a supply and exhaust ventilation source

The easiest way to stay on boilers with a closed combustion chamber with pipe output outwards. But for the installation of this model, there is no technical opportunity. So say in this situation, what boiler to choose for home is difficult. Need information about the object, whether it is possible to organize a separate room or remove the pipe to the street.

How to choose a home heating boiler

When choosing a gas boiler, it is necessary to take into account not only what they happen. There are many more important parameters. Let's figure out what to pay attention to.

How to choose a gas boiler for a private house in power

It should be noted that it is very important to calculate the appropriate power, that is, no less and no more. With the first, everything is clear: the building simply will not be sufficiently warm. But why it is undesirable that the boiler is more powerful? In this case, the heating system begins to work unevenly, which leads to excessive wear. The result becomes frequent repairs and premature replacement of the boiler. In addition, gas consumption increases.

Video Description

Vividly about the choice of power in the video:

So how to make the calculation? In general, it is best to turn to experienced specialists. The fact is that when calculations, a huge number of different factors should be taken into account:

    number of floors;

    ceiling height;

    the presence or absence of thermal insulation, as well as its appearance;

    year of construction at home;

    wall material;

    the selected water heating method;

    climatic zone.

And this is not all! It also matters whether the boiler for townhouses is selected or for ordinary homes (the first is usually warmer, although there are enough nuances here). The calculation also affects the presence of other heating sources in the building, for example, warm floors. In addition, an experienced specialist always clarifies what an average of the room temperature should be. After all, between + 15 and + 23 degrees Celsius there is a big difference.

It is possible to make an exemplary calculation: it is necessary to multiply the area of \u200b\u200bthe house on the climatic zone indicator, and the amount obtained is divided by 10. This option is suitable for typical buildings with the ceiling height up to 3 meters.

Suppose the building is located in the northern regions of Russia. There is a climate coefficient equal to 2 kW. Consequently, the boiler should be a capacity of 20 kW. But for a dual-circuit, this figure must be multiplied by ¼. That is, the result is 25 kW. And remember that it is approximate!

For primary power estimation, you can use the source table

What boiler is better for a private house: a chimney question

At boilers with an open combustion chamber, as a rule, there is no chimney. But in this case, it is necessary to ensure the discharge of combustion products. And consider that some part can still get into the air of the room. Therefore, for the safety of people, it is best to install such boilers in a separate room.

If we are talking about a closed chamber, then the forced thrust is created. And since the size and cross-section of the chimney do not affect the passage of air flow (purging depends on the fan), the installation is carried out due to the coaxial pipe. It is easily installed, besides, she has a small diameter.

Turbined boilers are another option that is popular. Here the air flow is ensured by a special fan. Gore products are removed immediately to the street. And the hole is usually small (it can be seen outside).

When choosing this model, you can refuse to organize the chimney. But the turbine structures need to be cleaned from time to time: if the entrance is catched from the street, for example, the leaves then the boiler will stop working.

Ventilation of the turbine boiler Source

Each solution has its advantages and disadvantages. But remember: only models with a natural burden include non-volatile! So if electricity is often disconnected in your locality or area, then the only option will be products with natural burden and without chimney.

What boiler is better to choose for home heating: manufacturers

There are a lot of options on the market. And their every year becomes more and more. What to do? Try to understand assortment.

So, the most reliable usually offers Germany. This is Vaillant, Bosch, Buderus, Volf. Italian manufacturers produce copies with an optimal price ratio, service life and reliability. From the most famous worth name Ferrolli. Of the less promoted - baxi, however, the brand is not particularly known in Russia, but in Europe a long time and deservedly enjoys a good reputation.

The ideal option for heating large spaces will be South Korean Kiturami. If the budget allows you to pay attention to the Japanese company Rinnai. Her boilers are environmentally friendly, safe and supernaded: The warranty is given for 10 years. In addition, automation itself adjusts the operation of the device depending on the gas pressure.

Video Description

Additional information about the reflection about the choice of the gas boiler on the video:

From domestic manufacturers, Borinskoe LLC should be noted. Boilers from the company are universal, most of the heating systems are suitable. Move from high-strength types of steel. Many also well-known Zhukovsky boilers. We are produced in the suburbs, attract an amazingly affordable price and simple design.

To say what option is better, it's hard here. Much depends on what exactly you are counting on.

Which gas boiler is better to choose for the heating of a private house: Price

Prices for boilers, in terms of the American dollar, start in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 250 and reach up to several thousand. Moreover, this amount does not always turn on delivery, and the installation in most cases is paid separately.

In general, the double-circuit boiler is more expensive. But if you compare it not with one-contact, but with a set of boiler and boiler, then calculations are no longer so unambiguous. More money will have to spend on an option with chimney. And the most affordable price is an outdoor one-connecting boiler with a natural product of domestic production.

Single-mounted floor boiler source ETECHZONE.RU

True, pay less for the goods does not mean that the issue of saving is finally resolved, because if in a few years you have a serious repair or a complete replacement, then the benefit is frankly questionable. Therefore, it is undesirable to navigate only on the question of the price when buying a boiler.

Gas boiler is the heart of the heating system. It depends largely, whether your home (or apartment) will normally warm up, how much will have to pay every month for utilities, will there be a problem with dampness, etc. Therefore, when buying a gas boiler you do not need to rush. Especially since the market has many types of gas boilers heating for a private house - for every taste and wallet. So, you have the opportunity to choose a really optimal option. We reviewed the main criteria how to choose a boiler for heating a private house, and we hope that you will not have any problems when choosing this important equipment.