The best views from Moscow windows (photo). Wall mural: View from the window of the view from the window

It is enough just to change the interior of the room, sticking on the wall photo wallpaper: a view from the window, arranged in a false window or just a photo of your favorite landscape with a drawing frame may truly transfer you to the world in the picture, or finally spoil the interior. How to achieve the first and avoid the second - on.

So what to pay attention to:

When buying an image for the "view from the window", think: is it worth picking a photo already placed in a frame or better for your interior will organize this frame yourself? We are talking about open sash windows, the imitation of which is so desired. Some manufacturers stamp such images without binding on lightning and style, i.e. The window frame in the photo can be wooden, white, and the view outside the window is a noisy megalopolis. Stylistically incorrect decision.

Photo 2 - View from the window "City"

Photo 4 - Wall mural in the living room

Photo 8 - Wallpaper "Forest"

Photo 9 - Wall mural "Skyscrapers"

In addition, not every manufacturer to take care that the picture on the photo wallpaper was perceived by a person as valid: the angle of view is not taken into account, therefore, according to some photo wallpapers, it is noticeable at first sight - this is just an imitation.

Photo 10 - Wall mural "New York"

Photo 11 - Wall mural "Sea View"

Photo 12 - Wall mural "Paris"

Photo 13 - Fliseline Wallpaper "Paris"

And some unimaginable Mediterranean landscapes are inscribed in the interior with love and knowledge. And let guests know that, living in Sverdlovsk or Akimovka, it is impossible to see the uninhabited island from the window, but in the interior photo looks naturalistic.

Another classical error - the placement of the picture is not in the place. Let's say the first two points you have overcome the "perfectly" and on joys hung a picture ... not in that place. "Not in that place" means that, looking at the picture, you do not feel what look to the window - the image is located in another plane than you are at the moment. For the photo it is difficult to determine the optimal place so that the angle of view is correct, but it is possible.

Photo 19 - Gym with photo wallpapers "View from the window"

Photo 20 - Wallpaper "Beach"

Below is an example of an alogichic location of photo walls with a view from the window: water can not approach so high, to the window is unnatural. This image, according to the logic of things, was to be located on the floor from the floor to the half-leaven (at best). Otherwise, there is no point in its use in the interior. This is not a picture, after all, and photo wallpaper.

Photo 22 - Wall mural "Italy"

Photo 23 - Wall mural "Veranda"

Photo 24 - photo wallpaper "View from the balcony"

Incorrect location of photo wallpapers also implies an error with the calculation of the fall of light. For example, the photo shows the dawn, but at the same time the angle of falling the rays does not coincide with the fall of the solar coming from the real window. Leaves cognitive dissonance. Photo 26 - Living room with photo wallpapers

Another example is the illogical location of the drawing on the wall. Often it is a photo in the future, expanding space, however, not horizontally removed, but vertically, i.e. overlooking the bottom up or vice versa. According to the logic of things, the images of the same trees or flowing into the infinity of the screw staircase must be located otherwise - on the floor or on the ceiling. And so you get no distortion of space, but distortion of consciousness.

If you choose accommodation in a new building, get ready for the fact that you will definitely offer apartments higher and more expensive, explaining the increased value with excellent species characteristics. The manager will explain that the apartment on the upper floors is much more liquid, prestigious, it is better that drinking tea on the balcony, you can admire excellent landscapes. But let's try to figure out whether it is worth overpaying for the view from the window.

What are good species characteristics? Simple words, when the window offers a beautiful view. But this concept is very individual: what you like will not necessarily suit someone else.

For "good species characteristics" have to pay from 100 thousand to several million rubles. Therefore, the most expensive apartments are located in the center of Moscow with views of the Kremlin and Naberezhnye. However, apartments with interesting species can be located in other areas of the city and the region.

Above floor - better view

In new buildings, every floor adds in price, that is, the apartment on the 15th floor will always cost more than similar, located on the 7th floor. What is the difference? Views from the windows of different apartments even in one entrance differ - from above wider review.

And in the yard - quieter

The concepts of the "window into the yard" and "windows to the street" can also affect the cost of the apartment. Usually, the view of the yard is more expensive - calmer and no noise of cars is not heard.However, if you choose an apartment on a high floor, the noise from a small road will disturb you even less than joyful children's laughter at the children's playground with early Saturday morning.

Overlooking the forest and water

Rises the cost of the apartments view of the forest, reservoir, park, or even a small grove or an alley of five trees. However, when buying such an apartment, it is necessary to clearly inspect the object on the spot - is there a trick? For example, a lively track can be held between the house and the forest, and even though the windows look at the forest, the environmental and noise atmosphere in the apartment will not smooth this positive. In this case, it is better to choose an apartment with access to the courtyard. If there is a beautiful alley nearby, before overpaying several hundred thousand rubles, Ask urban planning plans in the area you choose - Is it planned to build houses or schools on site? Or maybe there is enough space between your home and reservoir for the construction of the coastal line of new buildings? And do not rely on these questions about the words of the realtor or the seller, carry out an independent analysis.

Yes, the view from the window, unfortunately, has a property to change. Therefore, buying an apartment in a house on the outskirts of a residential complex, followed by a large lawn, a field, playground for games, an abandoned object of construction, and even quiet small residential five-story buildings, be vigilant, at any moment in their place can grow a high-rise building, office building or shopping center. And your expenses will be in vain, to prove in court that you were misled, it would not work.

When buying an apartment with a beautiful view, do not forget about the features of the Russian climate, which also affect the situation outside the window. It will be possible to fully admire the natural environment only 4 months a year.

Can I earn on a beautiful form?

Any realtor will try to convince you that the apartment with a good view will always cost more than similar, and constant demand is guaranteed to such housing. This is not always the case, if the apartment, of course, is not located in the historic center of the city.

If you buy an apartment for rent, then keep in mind that at the rental fee does not affect the window, and you cannot earn money on species characteristics. The tenant is important how many rooms in the apartment, what is the cost of rent and far from the subway. The view from the basic value window does not have, perhaps a person will not even pay attention to it. However, a pleasant environment can play a positive role when making a decision about renting exactly your apartment. The main thing is just not to forget to show this kind when examining the apartment.

If you are planning an apartment in the future to sell, then in this case an excellent look may not play your role. For example, if in the new building the price of an apartment may vary depending on the floor, then the secondary sales from the owners will begin, the difference in the cost will disappear. Prices are exhibiting ordinary people, and in order to sell an apartment, you will need to focus on them. If you exhibit an apartment for 300 thousand more expensive neighbor, then the buyer will make the choice not in your favor. In addition, if you plan to sell real estate in the distant future, then as mentioned above, the view from the window can change at all.

Pay more for beauty or not - to solve you. But do not allow yourself when buying an apartment, appreciate whether the view from the window is worthwhile or just an experienced realtor knows how to competently emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings.

Olga Denisova

Many of us tend to underestimate the view from the window, and this is perhaps the only thing that is not able to replace or fix a single designer or decorator. The beautiful view is comparable to the work of art, for the sake of it you can accept the lack of planning and cramped. Types of nature or majestic architecture will not be bought, unlike photographs and paintings, and will constantly change depending on the time of day and weather.

We have prepared for you a photo crying, including at home in it, which are inseparable from their landscapes around them.

A luxurious view from the window is available not only by the inhabitants of the villas and palaces, on the contrary, sometimes a simple setting only emphasizes the beauty of nature. For example, the architect Takaaki Kawabata and the designer of Christina Kawabata reded the old barn, turning it into a modern home of everything with one spacious room and an impressive view of the forest trap.

You can admire the delightful landscapes not only from the windows of the private house, but also of the species penthouse, similar to the artist and architect HEINZ JULEN, located in the Swiss Alps.

For people who are more likely to dynamic lights of modern megacities, the best solution is penthouses on the roofs of high-rise buildings.

Magnificent views of London open from panoramic windows of an apartment designed by Amos and Amos designers.

In pursuit of impressive angles and landscapes, lovers of mountain landscapes sometimes take their homes directly on rocky ledges. An excellent example of this is a modern house created by the studio Fougeron Architecture.

Sometimes large windows combine the inner space of the house with its surrounding scenery, making nature with an organic part of the interior. This happened, for example, in the house created by Carney Logan Burke Architects.

Fantasy and accurate engineering calculation allow not only to "hang" the house on the slope, like a swallow nest, but also attach to it a separate bridge and parking. From the windows of a concise house, designed by Anonymous Architects, a great view of Los Angelat bay opens.

Not less than mountain landscapes, nature lovers attract sea views. Even the harsh, the north coast has a special charm, harmoniously complementing a minimalistic modern design. This is the house designed by the Manser Practice on the island of White.

Lovers of the warm climate, rather, will like the residence created by Blankpage Architects in Lebanon: it resembles a lighthouse on the edge of the cape, outstanding far away into the sea. With this layout, nothing can spoil the luxurious view of the endless sea expanses.


Beautiful panoramas - the main "chip" of high-rise buildings. In Moscow, many high buildings, from the windows of which there is something to see. Moreover, not only Stalin-City skyscrapers "Moscow-City" can boast of good species characteristics. Beautiful views are opening from residential buildings - both in the center of Moscow and in the bedrooms.

Such a "postcard" view of the Kremlin opens from the windows of the legendary house on the embankment built in 1931 for representatives of the Soviet elite: party workers, prominent military, scientists and cultural figures.

And it looks like the "area of \u200b\u200bthree stations" from the windows of the Hilton Hotel (formerly Hotel "Leningradskaya", one of the famous Stalinist heights).

And from the nearest book at the new Arbat at the new Arbat, a piece of the center of Moscow is visible along with the height of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Residents at home on Mosfilmovskaya see the famous round house and a large green zone from their windows.

But what can be seen from the high-rise buildings, located behind the Moscow Ring Road. It seems to us, this species is also beautiful. Watch the video.

And from the windows of the office of Group we see many of the highlights and skyscrapers, but the best views - Leningradsky Leningrad and ...

residential complex Triumph Palace in sunset rays.

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Take a couple of minutes from boring and everyday reality - Welcome to apartment with luxurious views on earth. Happy viewing!


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