Magina for Emissar Full version read.

Nadezhda Kuzmina

Magina for Emissar

Dedicated to my friends and loved ones:

Margarita, Viktor, Yuri, Oksana, Sofa

Part one


Ship Day

In one question, men and women certainly agree among themselves: and those and others do not trust women.

Five minutes ago, I, pregnant on the sixth month, left my husband.

Let's say right - another twenty minutes ago I did not plan anything extreme. I went from the market up our street, turning out as a duck, carried a basket with fresh greens and eggs and - in the other hand, in a separate package - the smelly fish of the mire, which Andreas adored in the fried form. I decided - please my husband. The gluturousness of Mires was focused on the tenderness of her whites, with pinkish meat residences. True, it was pleasure to clean this "delicacy". Highly below average - small scales were bristingly bristingly with spiny needles, smeared in a greenish mucus.

We did not have the servants: with monthly payments for the house, we are two novice magicians, one of which is currently not able to conjure, - to afford the servant could not. So cooking myself was to upset myself. How to cut onions, manage with a stove, cast-iron frying pan and all that other ...

I did not imagine how much I had to mess around in the kitchen in married to a marriage. After all, young girls, as you know, feed on sandwiches, apples and sweets, drinking them with chocolate. As the most birds, with whom girls often compare - broke and flew ... The most remarkable in this lifestyle is that after at all there are no dirty dishes: one cup - and that's it!

Looking at the sky began to frown - thunderstorm, what is going? - climbed three gray stone steps to the doors, put on the porch basket. Pulled the bronze wrench fastened on the long chain. The house was old, the doors - dark wood, high, double, and the castle - with a norov. It was necessary to come shoulder or at least press the knee sash, then the key was easily rotated.

The hallway was under the door to the doors - a bullshit, with a high ceiling. Overbabbing Dusk in it could not even two lamps that I lit in the evenings. And now - when the light of scarp fell through a round glazed window above the entrance doors - and had to move to the touch at all. Going into the kitchen, put the bag with fish on the table. Put the basket on the stool nearby. Rinsed hands in a basin with cool water - well as! Now it is up to the top, he moved into home, half an hour will rest and take care of cooking.

Slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor where there were three bedrooms and a husband's office. Usually, day, if Andreas did not go to customers, he worked there. We have invested the remaining money from the first contribution to the house of the Cabinet. The husband wisely believed that if you want you to pay well, - to make a good impression. So we have a huge one - three on five elbows - a written table with a handful bronze lamp and a press papier, an expensive burgundy carpet on the floor, velvet curtains to him in tone, leather chairs and dark cabinets forced by books with embossed saffian roots and Any incomplete non-crystal non-crystal balls, quartz friends, retort with colored liquids and unidentified bones. At the uninitiated atmosphere really impressed. But my former scientific leader who, being in the Salerano passage, looked to visit, wrinkled his nose from laughter. Andreas then offended.

There was no husband in the office. Sorry - I missed ...

Having passed towards our bedroom, turned the door handle, opened, stepped - and froze with the foot brought above the threshold, not believing the eyes.

In bed lay two. More precisely, they did not just lie. Naked Andreas, with a trapped head and scattered on his shoulders with blond hair, once again pressed to bed my former Sogrupnitsa in the magic seminary Orsette. Black hair Orsette was stapled by pillows, a white hand flopped down her husband, stroking her lower back ...

I guess I am ash. Because they froze. And then turned the heads to me. The first opened Orsette's mouth:

And, so the cow came!

What about? Well, yes, my ankle has become recently enemy. And I myself scored a couple of extra stones [ Stone - Weight measure, equal to about one and a half kilograms.] But it is natural during pregnancy, isn't it?

The insult was so unexpected and underseded that I felt the tears get on my eyes. With despair stared at her husband. Let her go! Let say that this is a mistake that loves me ... Asks for forgiveness, finally!

But he did not do anything. Not even tears from her, staying on it and - in her. Just silently looked at me ... and that's it.

And I looked at them. While I did not remember everything - every detail: the blanket thrown on the floor, her pink stocking, dropped by snake skurt hung on the back of bed, droplets of sweat and sticky hair curls on her husband's forehead ...

And then retreated into the corridor, pulling the door behind the handle. And leaned against the wall, trying to come to themselves, to catch his breath and realize what happened. And even - even though I did not want - unwittingly listened.

Because of the door, there was a laughter of mine - now there is already former - girlfriends ...

That's what I should do now? Looking from the kitchen in the pan and roll the scandal with screams, tears and manual attracting? I can not ... disgusting it. And she understood suddenly, as Zaverilo, "I can't and I don't want to stay in this house anymore.

Looking at the wall, wandered into the room where he moved since four months ago began to torment morning toxicosis in the morning. In order not to wake Andreas, often satisfied with the book for midnight, Yeah. Entering, I wanted to sit on the bed - you need to think what to do next? And I understood - I sit and get stuck. I will begin to cry, sorry yourself ... Shoes will want to reset. And then swollen legs back will not wipe. Yes, and the hysteria to fix what happened will not help. And anger is an excellent incentive for great accomplishments! Turned to the bed with his back, looking around the room: what should I take? Hmmm. Not what should, and what can be missed. Yes, and you need to do everything quickly until the pair of doves is still in the bedroom.

As if, in confirmation of my thoughts outside the window, warningly rocked. Here is the attack, only shower and slippery bridges I lacked!

The first reaction is spontaneous - the most honest. Andreas did not push Orsette, did not defend me. Although it is clear, it's something to the Babskie jacks, yes, because because of it, they cannot be afraid, - used to it. Before our wedding, the tail of the maiden was dragged. Such a cavalier is a high, prominent, proud, with a slightly barred thoroughbred profile, with a piercing squirrel of blue eyes. He leo himself as the duke of blood - looked at everything a bit down ... and, it seemed as if he had the right to this. And it doesn't matter what the magician he was not particularly strong. But put the Andreas and my mentor near Andreas, and everyone will say: "This one is yes, a real magician. And the uncle is rather a poor nobleman or teacher lyceum. "

I have looked pale with a handsome husband. And at first, I could not believe that he was the sun of our seminary - I had favorably decided to pay attention to the most ordinary ordinary maiden girl, the blue stocking of the fourth year of study - Alessitis Len Orienssi. But Andreas was persistent, sweets, sweet ... And in just three months I - I did not understand how - was Alessitis Len Tintari, the wife of the Divine. Before the stars in the eyes of loved in the freshly baked husband.

Six months later, we received diplomas of practitioners Mages and - Andreas decided that we had nothing to do in the wilderness, and in the capital, no one expects us - they went to the Salerano - standing on the shore of the blue bay of the second largest city targets. It was great to help a little inheritance, which took me from the mother, - we were immediately able to make the first one third of the cost of the house, from which I was going to go away.

Now, thinking about his irreversible stupidity and naivety, I wanted to knock on the wall head. But what is the sense?

I loved him, it was so proud that he chose me, so tried to be a good wife that did not notice the obvious, I tried not to argue about any reason, I agreed with everything that Andreas offered. The mentor advised me to stay in the seminary - learn from him next, but Andreas did nothing in a small venture - and we left. When it took to pay for the house, I went to the local branch of the bank, took off my mother's inheritance, to which I did not touch all the studies, and in the velvet blue wallet - from hand to hand - I gave my husband. After all, he was mentioned that if I was paying, it would be humiliating for him, he would raise him, would say that he could not contain a family, sits on his wife. So under the bugs turned out to be him - and only him - signature. And the remnants of money went on burgundy curtains in the office.

Then they convinced me that walking on potential customers together - nonsense. For, firstly, men pay more. Secondly, you need a decent, dear, solid wardrobe - then you can request more expensive services. And put on a woman - with the width of our skirts - costly than two men. Third, in a purchased home with arrangement and repair, it is full - and who will be engaged in this if he is at work? And finally, what makes me sense to overdue the road to my own husband, creating a reputation of strong magic, if, premensenev, I can not conjure? He who should do exactly, Andreas, a man, owner, the breadwinner. It will also be better for the family, right?

I agreed with everything ...

And so led. There is no money, there are no work, almost no, no rights for anything. Everything that is, is a sudden insight that love is not only the blind, but also evil. Or is it evil to the blind?

Very funny, yeah.

Extinguished from under the bed a carbon carpet sacrifice, opened the cabinet. And chuck. Another impression: a year with an excess married - and not a single new dress! All since the seminary times. Well, how can you be such a fool!

It makes no sense to drag all this with yourself. I will take that better and what will fit, your casket with mother beads and earrings, letters, a couple of notebooks with abstracts. My books, alas, I will not be watched - too heavy. And that is very bad - there is almost no money. Andreas himself led family accounting. I paid from earned for the house, I gave me a farm - exactly a week, and for each salty I had to give a report, writing spending in a thick notebook, and the residue put on my name to the bank, saying that I had a kid to the dowry.

So, what else, besides dresses, do I need? Footwear. Um, the same song is not a single pair. What is the point of buying - I do not go anywhere? More precisely, I go only to the market. And who is there on the plated capes and encouraged heels will watch? And they will see - so good - it will not be forced to choose.

Weighted the sac bath on the hand. It is heavy ... And also the umbrella need to grab. And raincoat.

Released in the corridor. Neither sound came from the bedroom. Masted and fell asleep or what? Although what's the difference? In the door of the office, I was illuminated: going, quickly shed along the shelves, collecting small and valuable. Finally, tried to a press papier in the form of a cleaning sphinx with breasts-domes. Heavy, infection! Nothing, I will do anything to the pawnshop!

I already got to the hallway when another thought arose in my head. Terribly bad and hooligan. Previously, I would not have done so for anything. But twenty minutes ago, all the rules were canceled for me for which I lived before, because the world collapsed.

Put the sacrifice at the entrance door and glowed into the kitchen. Grabbed the package with raw miley, pulled a carcass in a semide pelvis with water. Got a wooden rolling pin with a blunt end. And he began to push the fish - as it was - in the scales, with heads, uncompressed. After three minutes I had a full two-thirds of Burda Taz. Gray Zhij with black oxes and flakes floating on the surface of the scales stinking where Privita is more than a fish. Excellent! She grabbed a broom from the corner and, carefully lifting the pelvis, went to the farewell revenge.

Started but With a wardrobe of her husband, where he kept his embroidered bronze thread - we had no money for the Golden Danitel - parade camoles. Favorite - cherry satin - I watered from above. The rest of the generously sprinkled by a broom, watching not to get to the skirt. The mood has improved with every minute. Presented the face of Andreas, pushing his nose, and almost looked around. Yes, and with household magic he is not very in Lada. And the spell is not easy, and forces to bring such a fragrance, you need a lot ... nothing, let Orsett ask. That either will not pull, but together, maybe they will cope.

Having finished with the toilets of the ex-spouse, visited the office. It was not delayed - and then suddenly come out of the bedroom not on time? I splashed on the front carpet, on the table - I hope that the skin of the middle of the countertop is spoiled, it is spoiled - and went down - Kropdia living room and dining room. The remains of the vile clay neatly - a thin ridge - distributed three pairs of shining new leather men's boots.

Now I understood why cats are written in the corners!

Behind the door loose thunder again. I, tied under the chin of the capor and fastening the raincoat, picked up my sacrifice and stepped over the threshold.

If something does not work - shove it well, if it broke - nothing, you still needed to throw away.

Inhales of full breasts smelling ozone air. Raised the eyes - Yeah, in the West, over the harbor, hung the gray-blue cloud with an oblique shower haze under it. And then, on the hill, it seems, it will cost - the sky is gray, but there is no rain yet. To the smell of thunderstorms mixed the sharp spirit of the young poplar foliage and something flower. It's good that now spring ...

I wanted to throw the key behind my back, in the hallway, and slam the door. But, having grazing himself, Sunny him in his pocket - enough already gusts. If it comes out, then I will take the books - the newest me itself in the coming months not to buy.

Giggled. But in the next couple of weeks it is not worth returning here. Already, it is clear that the cheeks drive and their eyes will disappear. Whether it will still be, if the Andreas is not inclined to domineering, instead of a total cleaning, it will be decided to simply give to weathelate the smell, and in pockets and in the folds. After all, it's warm now, and flies have already begun to fly!

Assessing the scale of the fragmented disgrace, he added a step. Now I will not come back home. Otherwise, everything is done to me and I will have to correct. Yes, and apologize ...

Just where am I so cheering so cheering?

The answer came - as fell from heaven: in the abode of the sister of the temple. And I needed two things there. The first - to go to the temple located next to the inhabitant, so that, putting a hand on the casket of St. Janir, when you witnessed, I saw my husband's betrayal with my own eyes, and apply for the dissolution of marriage. And the second - the sisters were given for three days she would have anyone who needed. Simple cashel, bread with water twice a day - but now I do not need more and. Just to walk ... the stomach began to pull it unpleasantly, and the lower back launched.

And before that, you need to look into the pawnshop - get rid of the busty sphinx stretching almost on the stone.

Are you sure that these items are not stolen? "A man corrected his finger on a long nose, staring at me on top of him in the emphasis.

I tried to answer with a gestinous look. It will be harvested - nothing but the sphinx, on whose chest he burned through the magnifier for five minutes, will not receive. The remaining things are easier - I will take anything else.

Absolutely. Sam bought this old bronze for eighty soles from Martinez. And so cheap was just because, with her a table lamp was going.

Where is the lamp?

On the table. And where should she be? Often you meet the N'D, who with lamps in their hands go through the streets? - I did not restrain.

The appraiser jerked, without assessing the joke.

So here. You can sell it for a hundred - see the stigma themselves. Less than sixty - I will not give. Or not going to attribute to Martinez. I think he will not refuse to take a press papier back.

Wow! It turns out that one useful skill during marriage I still received - after the walking, I traded three times a week to the market, as I breathed, with a calm face of a card cheeler.

The fingers of the merchant slightly squeezed. Yeah, a good sign - I do not want to give.

I give forty!


Forty five.

Let's here. I want to catch Martinez to the rain.


Fifty five and take away!

Well, Nieer, you ...

Like you, kind nier, - I smiled.

Not bad, ten coins are more than I expected. That's just if you offer this leech in Pensna, the rest - he will play it ... you have to go somewhere else.

I did not have time to go out, a big drop fell on the nose. Looks like a shower not to avoid.

I was not going to mourn the collapsed marriage - let the sky make it instead of me.

In general, if not for pregnancy, I would not worry - the magician of myself and protects, and procets. But due to the situation, the situation was complicated - because I could not be koving. No one knew why this happens, but the magical abilities in children of magicians appeared only when the mother, having nourishing the fetus, did not kill himself at all. Scientists of men scratched the napes and created the theory that the unaffected magic accumulates in the female body, when overflowing it is flowing into the fruit and impregnating it. Sounded with a tricky nonsense, but worked. The larger mother, the future mother from spending magic abstained, the stronger the magic vein in the child turned out.

Andreas tried three times to persuade me to help out him with orders, putting the ban. Two times I agreed - to conceive the brooch from the loss - the only belligence. The complexity is here only in the length of the spell itself and setting it to the owner. Make non-discovery silver is also not difficult. But when the husband brought home the Golden Cup, which a certain merchant decided to present the GradErter, - for the first time in all the time the marriage burded. The cup was needed to smoke so that every nanish poison was harmless. And this - I will tell you - you don't click my fingers. You need to put it up to the limit, and then you can't make two days. I refused, saying that I am afraid of the child. Andreas accused me of not thinking about the family, and he would lose an important client because of me, who could open the doors to many noble houses. The scandal lasted three days. In the evenings, I ruined a pillow for a long time. It was two months ago.

I was not going to violate the ban now. So we will look for ways how to live for four months, without breaking it. That's who needs magic without magic, but with the stomach?

An hour and a half later, I stood in the big hall of the temple, putting a hand on the black stone casket of Saint Yanir. This artifact neutralized any protective magic and did not tolerate a lie: Sovie - and palm will immediately cover blisters from the burn.

So, the dashing, you claim that I saw her husband's eyes. Tell me how and when it happened, and could you make a mistake?

Elderly Temple eyes watched harsh. I already understood that he considered unacceptable and immoral that a woman who, by definition, should obey and obey, complains about the spouse and the lord. But I had no choice. And the right to law was.

Today, day, returning from the market, I found my husband in a married bed with another woman. More precisely, on another woman. That is, it could not be mistakes, "I said deliberately with a calm voice.

In one question, men and women are definitely

agree with each other: both those and others

do not trust women

G. L. Menken

Five minutes ago, I, pregnant in the sixth month, left my husband.

Let's say straight - another ten minutes ago I did not plan anything extreme. I walked up our street, overturned as a duck, I carried the basket with a fresh greens and eggs from the market, and in the other hand, in a separate package, the smelly fish of the Mirenius, which Andreas adored in the fried form. I decided - please my husband. The rebeliness of the Mireni was focused on the tenderness of her white, with pinkish meat residences. True, it was pleasure to clean this "delicacy". Highly below average - small scales bristingly bristled with spiny needles, smeared in a greenish mucus.

We did not have the servants: with monthly payments for the house we are two novice magicians, one of which is currently not able to conjure - to afford the servant could not. So cooking myself was to upset myself. How to cut onions, controlled with a stove, cast-iron frying pan and all that other ...

I did not imagine how much I had to mess around in the kitchen of a married woman. After all, young girls, as you know, feed on sandwiches, apples and sweets, drinking them with chocolate. As the most birds, with whom girls often compare - broke and flew ... The most remarkable in this lifestyle is that after at all there is no dirty dishes - one cup - and that's it!

Looking at the sky that began frowning fruit - thunderstorm, what is going? - rose on three gray stone steps to the door, put on the porch basket. Pulled the bronze wrench fastened on the long chain. The house was old, the doors - dark wood, high, double, and the castle - with a norov. It was necessary to come shoulder or at least press the knee sash, then the key was easily rotated.

The hallway was under the door to the doors - a bullshit, with a high ceiling. Overbabbing Dusk in it could not even two lamps that I lit in the evenings. And now - when the light of Skapor fell through the glazed round window above the entrance doors, and they had to move to the touch at all. Going into the kitchen, put the bag with fish on the table. Put the basket on the stool nearby. Rinsed hands in a basin with cool water - well as! Now I will climb upstairs, change your home, half an hour will rest and take care of cooking.

Slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor where there were three bedrooms and a husband's office. Usually in the afternoon, if Andreas did not go to customers, he worked there. We have invested the remaining money from the first contribution to the house of the Cabinet. The husband wisely believed that if you want you to pay well - make a good impression. So we have a huge one - three are five elbows - a written table with a handful bronze lamp and a press papier on it, a dear burgundy carpet on the floor, velvet tailors to him in tone, leather chairs and dark cabinets forced by books with leather roots and any Angocale non-crystal balls, quartz friends, retort with colored liquids and unidentified bones. At the uninitiated, the situation really impressed. But my former scientific leader who, being in the Salerano passage, looked to visit, wrinkled his nose from laughter. Andreas then offended.

There was no husband in the office. Sorry - I missed ...

Having passed towards our bedroom, turned the door handle, opened, stepped - and froze with the foot brought above the threshold, not believing the eyes.

In bed lay two. More precisely, they did not just lie. Naked Andreas, with a trapped head, scattered on his shoulders, with light hair, cuddled to bed with my former Sogroups in the magic seminary of Orsette. Black hair Orsette was stapled by pillows, a white hand flopped down her husband, stroking the lower back ...

I guess I am ash. Because they froze. And then turned the heads to me. The first opened Orsette's mouth:

And, so the cow came!

What about? Well, yes, my ankle has become recently enemy. And I myself scored a couple of extra stones. But it is natural during pregnancy, isn't it?

The insult was so unexpected and underseded that I felt the eyes of tears. With despair stared at her husband. Let her go! Let say that this is a mistake that loves me ... Asks for forgiveness, finally!

But he did not do anything. Not even tears from her, staying on it and - in it. Just silently looked at me ... and that's it.

And I looked at them. So far I have not remembered everything - every detail: the blanket fluttered on the floor, her pink stocking, dropped by snake skin hung on the back of the bed, droplets of sweat and sticky hair curls on his forehead ... And then retreated into the corridor, pulling the door behind the handle. And leaned against the wall, trying to come to themselves, to catch his breath and realize what happened. And also - even though I did not want - unwittingly listened.

Because of the door, there was a laughter of mine - now there is already former - girlfriends ...

That's what should I do now? Looking from the kitchen in the pan and roll the scandal with screams, tears and manual attracting? I can not ... disgusting it. And she understood suddenly, as Zaverilo - I can not and I don't want to stay in this house anymore.

Looking at the wall, wandered into the room where he moved since four months ago began to torment morning toxicosis in the morning. In order not to wake Andreas, often starring with a book of the post, Yeah. Entering, I wanted to sit on the bed - you need to think what to do next? And I understood - I sit and get stuck. I will begin to cry, sorry yourself ... Shoes will want to reset. And then swollen legs back will not wipe. Yes, and the hysteria to fix what happened will not help. And anger is an excellent incentive for great accomplishments! Turned to the bed with his back, looking around the room: what should I take? Hmmm. Not what should, and what can be missed. Yes, and you need to do everything quickly until the pair of doves is still in the bedroom.

As it were, in confirmation of my thoughts, the window wagoned warningly. Here is the attack, still shower and slippery bridges I lacked!

The first reaction is spontaneous - the most honest. Andreas did not push Orsette, did not defend me. Although it is clear, it's something to the Bab's squabbles, yes, because because of him, they almost do not fight - used. Before our wedding, the tail of the maiden was dragged. Such a cavalier is a high, prominent, proud, with a slightly barred thoroughbred profile, with a piercing squirrel of blue eyes. He behaved like the Duke of the Blood - looked at everything a bit down ... And, it seemed as if he had right. And it doesn't matter what the magician he was not particularly strong. But put a number of Andreas and my mentor and everyone will say: "Here, this one is yes, a real magician. And that uncle is rather a poor nobleman or a lyceum teacher."

I have looked pale with a handsome husband. And at first, I could not believe that he was the sun of our seminary - I favorably decided to pay attention to the most ordinary ordinary maiden girl, the blue stocking of the third year of study - Alessitis Lena Orienssi. But Andreas was persistent, sweets, sweet ... and in just three months later I did not understand how - was Alessitian Len Tintaris, the wife of the Divine. Before the stars in the eyes of a loved one in a freshly baked husband.

Six months later, we received diplomas of practitioners Mages and - Andreas decided that we had nothing to do in the wilderness, and in the capital, no one waits for us - they went to Salerano - standing on the shore of the Blue Bay of the second largest city targets. He was great to help a little inheritance, which took me from the mother - we were immediately able to make the first one third of the cost of the house, from which I was going to leave now.

Now, thinking about his irreversible stupidity and naivety, I wanted to knock on the wall head. But what is the sense?

I loved him, it was so proud that he chose me, so tried to be a good wife that did not notice the obvious, I tried not to argue about any reason, I agreed with everything that Andreas offered. The mentor advised me to stay in the seminary - learn from him next, but I had nothing to do in a small venture, "and we left. When it took to pay for the house, I went to the local branch of the bank, took off my mother's inheritance, to which I did not touch all my studies, and in the velvet blue wallet - from hand to hand - I gave my husband. After all, he was mentioned that if I would pay a lot, for him it would be humiliating, it will be raised to laughter, they will say that he cannot contain a family, sitting on his wife. So under the bugs turned out to be him - and only him - signature. And the remnants of money went on burgundy curtains in the office.

Then they convinced me that walking on potential customers together - nonsense. For - first - men pay more. Secondly, you need a decent, dear, solid wardrobe - then you can request more expensive services. And put on a woman - with the width of our skirts - costly than two men. Thirdly - in a purchased house with arrangement and repair business is full - and who will be engaged in this if at work? And, finally, what makes me sense to run the road my own husband, creating a reputation of a strong magine, if, premensenev, I can't kill? He who should do exactly, Andreas, a man, owner, the breadwinner. It will also be better for the family, right?

Magina for Emissar

Part one.
Salo. Ship day.

In one question, men and women are definitely
agree with each other: both those and others
Do not trust women
G. L. Menken

Five minutes ago, I, pregnant on the sixth month, left my husband.
Let's say right - another twenty minutes ago I did not plan anything extreme. I went from the market up our street, having turned around as a duck, carried a basket with fresh greens and eggs, and in the other hand, in a separate package - the smelly fish of the Mirenius, which Andreas adored in the fried form. I decided - please my husband. The rebeliness of the Mireni was focused on the tenderness of her white, with pinkish meat residences. True, it was pleasure to clean this "delicacy". Highly below average - small scales were bristingly bristingly with spiny needles, smeared in a greenish mucus.
We did not have the servants: with monthly payments for the house we are two novice magicians, one of which is currently not able to conjure - to afford the servant could not. So cooking myself was to upset myself. How to cut onions, manage with a stove, cast-iron frying pan and all that other ...
I did not imagine how much I had to mess around in the kitchen in married to a marriage. After all, young girls, as you know, feed on sandwiches, apples and sweets, drinking them with chocolate. As the most birds, with whom girls often compare - broke and flew ... The most remarkable in this lifestyle is that after at all there is no dirty dishes - one cup - and that's it!
Looking at the sky began to frown - thunderstorm, what is going? - climbed three gray stone steps to the doors, put on the porch basket. Pulled the bronze wrench fastened on the long chain. The house was old, the doors - dark wood, high, double, and the castle - with a norov. It was necessary to come shoulder or at least press the knee sash, then the key was easily rotated.
The hallway was under the door to the doors - a bullshit, with a high ceiling. Overbabbing Dusk in it could not even two lamps that I lit in the evenings. And now - when the light of scarca fell through a round glazed window above the entrance doors, and had to move to the touch at all. Going into the kitchen, put the bag with fish on the table. Put the basket on the stool nearby. Rinsed hands in a basin with cool water - well as! Now it is up to the top, he moved into home, half an hour will rest and take care of cooking.
Slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor where there were three bedrooms and a husband's office. Usually, day, if Andreas did not go to customers, he worked there. We have invested the remaining money from the first contribution to the house of the Cabinet. The husband wisely believed that if you want you to pay well - make a good impression. So we have a huge one - three on five elbows - a written table with a handful bronze lamp and a press papier, an expensive burgundy carpet on the floor, velvet curtains to him in tone, leather chairs and dark cabinets forced by books with embossed saffian roots and Any incomplete non-crystal non-crystal balls, quartz friends, retort with colored liquids and unidentified bones. At the uninitiated, the situation really impressed. But my former scientific leader who, being in the Salerano passage, looked to visit, wrinkled his nose from laughter. Andreas then offended.
There was no husband in the office. Sorry - I missed ...
Having passed towards our bedroom, turned the door handle, opened, stepped - and froze with the foot brought above the threshold, not believing the eyes.

In bed lay two. More precisely, they did not just lie. Naked Andreas, with a trapped head and scattered on his shoulders with blond hair, once again pressed to bed my former Sogrupnitsa in the magic seminary Orsette. Black hair Orsette was stapled by pillows, a white hand flopped down her husband, stroking the lower back ...
I guess I am ash. Because they froze. And then turned the heads to me. The first opened Orsette's mouth:
- And, so the cow came!
What about? Well, yes, my ankle has become recently enemy. And I myself scored a couple of extra stones. But it is natural during pregnancy, isn't it?
The insult was so unexpected and underseded that I felt the eyes of tears. With despair stared at her husband. Let her go! Let say that this is a mistake that loves me ... Asks for forgiveness, finally!
But he did not do anything. Not even tears from her, staying on it and - in her. Just silently looked at me ... and that's it.
And I looked at them. So far I have not remembered everything - every detail: the blanket thrown on the floor, her pink stocking, dropped by the snake skurt hung on the back of the bed, droplets of sweat and sticking hair curls on her husband's forehead ... and then retreated into the corridor, pulling the door. And leaned against the wall, trying to come to themselves, to catch his breath and realize what happened. And even - even though I did not want - unwittingly listened.
Because of the door, there was a laughter of mine - now there is already former - girlfriends ...

That's what I should do now? Looking from the kitchen in the pan and roll the scandal with screams, tears and manual attracting? I can not ... disgusting it. And she understood suddenly, as Zaverilo, "I can't and I don't want to stay in this house anymore.
Looking at the wall, wandered into the room where he moved since four months ago began to torment morning toxicosis in the morning. In order not to wake Andreas, often satisfied with the book for midnight, Yeah. Entering, I wanted to sit on the bed - you need to think what to do next? And I understood - I sit and get stuck. I will begin to cry, sorry yourself ... Shoes will want to reset. And then swollen legs back will not wipe. Yes, and the hysteria to fix what happened will not help. And anger is an excellent incentive for great accomplishments! Turned to the bed with his back, looking around the room: what should I take? Hmmm. Not what should, and what can be missed. Yes, and you need to do everything quickly until the pair of doves is still in the bedroom.
As it were, in confirmation of my thoughts, the window wagoned warningly. Here is the attack, only shower and slippery bridges I lacked!
The first reaction is spontaneous - the most honest. Andreas did not push Orsette, did not defend me. Although it is clear, it's something to the Babskie jacks, yes, because of it, almost fights - used to it. Before our wedding, the tail of the maiden was dragged. Such a cavalier is a high, prominent, proud, with a slightly barred thoroughbred profile, with a piercing squirrel of blue eyes. He leo himself as the duke of blood - looked at everything a bit down ... and, it seemed as if he had the right to this. And it doesn't matter what the magician he was not particularly strong. But put a number of Andreas and my mentor and everyone will say: "This one is yes, a real magician. And the uncle is rather a poor nobleman or teacher lyceum. "
I have looked pale with a handsome husband. And at first, I could not believe that he was the sun of our seminary - I had favorably decided to pay attention to the most ordinary ordinary maiden girl, the blue stocking of the fourth year of study - Alessitis Len Orienssi. But Andreas was persistent, sweets, sweet ... And in just three months I - I did not understand how - was Alessitis Len Tintari, the wife of the Divine. Before the stars in the eyes of a loved one in the freshly baked husband.
Six months later, we received diplomas of practitioners Mages and - Andreas decided that we had nothing to do in the wilderness, and in the capital, no one expects us - they went to the Salerano - standing on the shore of the blue bay of the second largest city targets. It was great to help a little inheritance, which took me from the mother, - we were immediately able to make the first one third of the cost of the house, from which I was going to go away.
Now, thinking about his irreversible stupidity and naivety, I wanted to knock on the wall head. But what is the sense?
I loved him, it was so proud that he chose me, so tried to be a good wife that did not notice the obvious, I tried not to argue about any reason, I agreed with everything that Andreas offered. The mentor advised me to stay in the seminary - learn from him next, but I had nothing to do in a small venture, "and we left. When it took to pay for the house, I went to the local branch of the bank, took off my mother's inheritance, to which I did not touch all the studies, and in the velvet blue wallet - from hand to hand - I gave my husband. After all, he was mentioned that if I would pay a lot, for him it would be humiliating, it will be raised to laughter, they will say that he cannot contain a family, sitting on his wife. So under the bugs turned out to be him - and only him - signature. And the remnants of money went on burgundy curtains in the office.
Then they convinced me that walking on potential customers together - nonsense. For, firstly, men pay more. Secondly, you need a decent, dear, solid wardrobe - then you can request more expensive services. And put on a woman - with the width of our skirts - costly than two men. Third, in a purchased home with arrangement and repair, it is full - and who will be engaged in this if he is at work? And finally, what makes me sense to overdue the road to my own husband, creating a reputation of strong magic, if, premensenev, I can not conjure? He who should do exactly, Andreas, a man, owner, the breadwinner. It will also be better for the family, right?
I agreed with everything ...
And so, leaned. There is no money, there are no work, almost no, no rights for anything. Everything that is, a sudden insight that love is not only the blind, but also evil. Or is it evil to the blind?
Very funny, yeah.
Extinguished from under the bed a carbon carpet sacrifice, opened the cabinet. And chuck. Another impression: a year with an excess married - and not a single new dress! All since the seminary times. Well, how can you be such a fool!
It makes no sense to drag all this with yourself. I will take that better and what will fit, your casket with mother beads and earrings, letters, a couple of notebooks with abstracts. Your books, alas, I will not be watched - too heavy. And that is very bad - there is almost no money. Andreas himself led the family accounting. I paid from earned for the house, I gave me for the farm - exactly a week, and for each salty I had to give a report, writing spending in a thick notebook, and the residue put on my name to the bank, saying that they spend a kid to the dowry.
So, what else, besides dresses, do I need? Footwear. Um, the same song is not a single pair. What is the point of buying - I do not go anywhere? More precisely, I go only to the market. And who is there on the plated capes and encouraged heels will watch? And they will see - so good - it will not be forced to choose.
Weighted the sac bath on the hand. It is heavy ... And also the umbrella need to grab. And raincoat.
Released in the corridor. Neither sound came from the bedroom. Masted and fell asleep or what? Although what's the difference? In the door of the office, I was illuminated: going, quickly shed along the shelves, collecting small and valuable. Finally, tried to a press papier in the form of a cleaning sphinx with breasts-domes. Heavy, infection! Nothing, I will do anything to the pawnshop!
I already got to the hallway when another thought arose in my head. Terribly bad and hooligan. Previously, I would not have done so for anything. But twenty minutes ago, all the rules were canceled for me for which I lived before, because the world collapsed.
Put the sacrifice at the entrance door and glowed into the kitchen. Grabbed the package with raw miley, pulled a carcass in a semide pelvis with water. Got a wooden rolling pin with a blunt end. And he began to push the fish - as it was - in the scales, with heads, uncompressed. After three minutes I had a full two-thirds of Burda Taz. Gray Zhij with black oxes and flakes floating on the surface of the scales stinking where Privita is more than a fish. Excellent! She grabbed a broom from the corner and, carefully lifting the pelvis, went to the farewell revenge.
He began with her husband's wardrobe, where he kept his breathtaking thread - on the Golden Owner, we had no money for the Golden Camisole. Favorite - cherry satin - I watered from above. The rest of the generously sprinkled by a broom, watching not to get to the skirt. The mood has improved with every minute. Presented the face of Andreas, pushing his nose, and almost looked around. Yes, and with household magic he is not very in Lada. And the spell is not easy, and forces to bring such a fragrance, you need a lot ... nothing, let Orsett ask. That either will not pull, but together, maybe they will cope.
Having finished with the toilets of the ex-spouse, visited the office. It was not delayed - and then suddenly come out of the bedroom not on time? I splashed on the front carpet, on the table - I hope that the skin of the middle of the countertop is spoiled, it is spoiled - and went down - kropridge living room and dining room. The remains of the vile clay neatly - a thin weaving - distributed for three pairs of shining new leather man's boots.
Now I understood why cats are written in the corners!
Behind the door loose thunder again. I, tied under the chin of the capor and fastening the raincoat, picked up my sacrifice and stepped over the threshold.