Little extension to the house. An extension to the house - how quickly and cheap to make from available materials

A private house with time needs expansion - there is a need to expand the kitchen, an extension of the veranda or in the arrangement of an additional room. Therefore, the owner of the house has a question - how to make an extension to the house with your own hands? Below are the stages of construction in the framework technology.

Benefits of frame technology

The frame extension to the house is characterized by important advantages:

  • low cost and minimum quantity of building materials;
  • work is performed quickly;
  • there is no need to arrate the massive foundation.

The schemes and drawings of the extension project are understandable to any novice builder. The technology is similar to the designer assembly, but ultimately it turns out a comfortable and cozy additional room.

Preparatory work

The construction of an extension to the house begins with the preparatory activities. Carefully inspect the plot for construction, remove all the garbage and vegetation from it, mark the territory and reserve the following materials and tools:

  • metal pipes for supports;
  • components for concrete mix - sand, cement, gravel;
  • screw screws, nails, metal corner for fastening;
  • boards for lag with a thickness of 5 cm and a width of 15 cm;
  • ideally treated floor finish coating boards;
  • natural wooden lining for walls;
  • bar 50 mm;
  • concrete mixer;
  • hammer, screwdriver, construction level, rope and saw-circular;
  • block House under a log for an extension of an extension outside;
  • metal tile for the roof.

Be sure to pride under the extension of the drainage system. To do this, the land should be tamped under the veranda and make a bias to drain on this place. Below is a step-by-step instruction for the construction of an extension.

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of an extension to the house

1. Installation of supports. Speak to the wall of the house wooden board with a width of at least 5 cm, which will be support. At the edges of the placed area under construction, install wooden structures - "hoops". They must be installed a little on the placement of the territory. Tension on them a solid rope. Check the correctness of the size of the markup so that everything is at right angles.

2. Dig out the trench in the width of the foundation in a depth of one meter. Prepare a cement mixture of sand, gravel and cement with water adding. Make a wooden formwork. Start setting the support pillars, the distance between the columns do not more than 1.5 m. At the bottom of the trench, pour the cushion from the gravel with a thickness of about 10 cm. Pipes are cut in advance, and install them vertically, fixing them with boards. Next, the gaps between the supporting columns and the walls of the trench are filled with a cooked solution. To the vertical position of the pipe in the pit did not break - fix the supports with struts and wait three days so that the solution is frozen. After its solidification, the formwork can be removed.

3. Creating floor. At the next stage of creating an extension to a wooden house, take the boards for the lag. Two boards are mounted to the supports of metal fasteners in the end of an extension - the rest are placed between them. When installing the lag, do not forget to check their horizontal location. Lags are mounted using nails 120 mm and grooves to the longitudinal part of the foundation of an extension.

4. Installation of the base for walls and roofs. Work begins with screwing the bars to the base of the floor with the help of a dowel and perforator. Side baits are nailed to the walls. With the video and photos of this work, you can get acquainted in our article. The stability of the design provides diagonal bars laid on outer corners. Do not forget to place the door and window opening. The whole design is reinforced by transverse inserted jumpers. Outside the extension base is trimmed by a block house. It is advisable to lay a layer of parchd to the shell of the crate before the trim, it will save the building from moisture.

5. Arrangement of the roof. After installing windows and doors, the roof is covered with metal tile. The place where the roof is adjacent to the construction, cross the apron of galvanized iron.

6. Internal work. An extension to the house with their own hands will be built, internal works remained. Walls and ceiling are trimmed with natural wooden lining. Before this, they can be insulated with foam. To create a floor, you must first make the floor draft. On the sides of the floor lag stacked the draft bar, cutting boards are being added. They put insulation in the form of mineral wool, and then proceed to the installation of the first floor.

We hope that our instruction helped you learn how to build an extension to the house. If you carefully study the sequence of work and properly prepare building materials and tools, as well as stock patience - you can easily make a beautiful veranda yourself.

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An excellent way to increase the area is an extension to a wooden house. Projects of such structures are affected by their diversity and scaligence. After selecting a suitable project, you need to prepare special materials. Additional extension is useful when creating a kitchen area, or a luxurious terrace. Any room can be erected independently, but it is necessary to choose the right to choose the type of construction.

Option extension

An extension to the wooden house: projects of structures from various materials

After some time after construction, it may be necessary to increase the useful area. A wonderful way out can be the creation of an extension to a wooden house. Projects of various structures can be viewed in the photo.

Choosing the architectural form of the structure, do not forget about creating a single ensemble in style. For such a building requires special documentation and permission. Before construction work, it is necessary to study the technological features and design options.

It is worth considering the following options for attachments:

  • Simple designs include or dining area. It is used to protect against weather and sunny light. Under the canopy you can arrange picnics and receive guests. It does not require a powerful foundation for its construction. As supporting supports, pillars are installed to which the frame and the planned wall surfaces are attached.

Such structures are often elevated from logs, timber, foam block, and bricks. Framework technologies are often used.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Chokyok

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"The option under the common roof is considered more convenient and profitable. When using add-ons it is worth calculating the fortress of the base. "

Article on the topic:

An extension to the house of the frame: features of design and installation

When performing an extension to home from the frame, it will not be required considerable costs. This is a budget option. The construction is made on a frame basis, which consists of bars or slats made of metal. After mounting the frame design, the walls are facing on both sides. At the same time, OSB or chipboard plates are used. The heat insulating material is placed between the plates. It can be polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

According to thermal insulation properties, the design of the frame is not inferior to more solid stone or brick buildings.

Construction work is performed in several stages:

Expert point of view

Dmitry Chokyok

Technical Director of the Repair and Construction Company "Ilasstroy"

Ask a Question

"For framework facilities, the foundation is required. You can use a ribbon design with waterproofing. "

An extension to the house of foam blocks: photo of interesting projects

You can build an extension to the house of foam blocks.

Such a design is in demand, thanks to the following features:

  • The material is distinguished by the available price.
  • For the installation of the design, it is not necessary to mount a complex and expensive foundation.
  • Elements are well held warm. This is possible due to the porous structure and not high density.
  • Foam blocks are made of overall dimensions, which affects the speed of construction.

For facilities from foam blocks require a special foundation. It may be a ribbon or monolithic base. High-quality waterproofing is necessarily used. Construction work begins with one selected angle. After installing two rows. It is necessary to ensure a better clutch of the elements.

An extension to a wooden house from a bar: Nuances of mounting and stylistic features

Brous can be performed beautiful and good-quality extension to a wooden house. Projects and photos of individual can be found on the Internet.

Material has the following features:

  • Bruus production is performed by factory technologies.
  • The surface is treated with a special composition that protects against fungi and rotting processes.
  • Important advantages of material is naturalness and high environmental friendliness.

An extension must be connected to an existing structure. Usually under the structure, the same foundation is made as under the main building.

For residential premises, it is necessary to create a separate foundation and a special wall. The emptiness and gaps between the two walls are blending by mounting foam. This will prevent damage to the wall of the structure when shrinking a new extension.

A more economical option for foundation is pile. The walls are erected from the profiled timber. After installing the first row, the surface of the tree is processed by antiseptic compositions. Then lagows are mounted on it. Empties and cracks are filled with a special thermal insulating material.

Each row is attached with wooden brazing. Special attention requires installation of angular zones. To do this, logs are used with a protrusion and a groove for a stronger clutch.

For your information!To combine two foundations, reinforcement applies.

Before proceeding with the construction, some nuances of installation of additional facilities should be taken into account to the main structure. The length of the new design should be harmonized with the length of the wall of the main construction object. The width of the additional structure can be any.

An extension does not have to fit to the wall where the entrance to the house is located. Exit to the spacious veranda or kitchen area can be from the living room. If a bathroom is planned in the additional design, the output can be performed from or. A suitable arrangement of the structure is the facade or end part of the house. The choice and the amount of material depends on the type of future structure.


The country house for rustic life lovers is not a time, not just a place to sleep. Many dackets live in it months, and sometimes he becomes a permanent place of residence. But what to do if the house is small and in it catastrophically lacks the place? Continue to use in flavored or build a new home - more? For those who are both proposed options are not suitable, there is a great way out of the situation - attach an extra room to an existing house.

So, most often the owner of the cottage is solved for the construction of an extension if:

  • Needed new premises
  • Initially, there was not enough money to build a maximum full-fledged structure.

The main advantage of any extension to the country house is the acquisition of an additional useful area. An important nuance is the possibility of hitting an attached room without leaving the main building. This is especially true in winter or in rainy weather, when the owner does not have to dress on the season to get into the right room.

By the way, the costs of construction can be significantly reduced if we use the delometric practical advice set out in this article :.

Types of attack

  • Lightweight (summer) options
  • Capital build
The name of the first type speaks by itself. That is, it is a room that can fully function at a certain time of the year. Typically, such premises are built from lightweight options for building materials, without heating.

Capital extension is actually a continuation of the main house, so its construction will require the fulfillment of the following construction processes:

  • Walling
  • Installation of roof
Not the most difficult job, it is quite possible to cope with it. The main thing is to know how to do it right. Many dackets, without raving with the theory, immediately go to practice and, as a rule, make a number of serious mistakes, which can later lead to serious troubles.

So that this does not happen, let's analyze the right technology for the construction of a capital extension, which means the presence of a full foundation, walls of stone and a single-pate roof.

The foundation for capital extension should be poured taking into account the construction of the present, albeit a small, building. To do this, we need to perform the following actions:

  1. Marking on the site of the alleged construction of an extension.
  2. There are trenches under the foundation, or formwork (frame, usually from a tree, in which the solution is poured). For one-storey structure, a tape type of concrete pillow with a width of 30-40 cm and a depth of half a meter is quite suitable.

The next step is to lay a frame of fittings.
The design can be ordered or done yourself. For the second option, you can use the appropriate metal, which is traditionally fully completely in the projects in the country areas. Creare all the elements into a single integer with welding or strong wire.

The last stage of the preparatory work is to attach a laid metallic frame to the main foundation of the house. This will require:

  • Drill several holes in the concrete base of the structure.
  • Drive in them the durable reinforcement and bore it with welding with a previously laid frame.

What should be concrete for filling the foundation

Concrete for the foundation can also be ordered, but can be made and on its own. To prepare a good concrete mix, you will need to mix ingredients in a certain proportion, for example:
  • 1 share of cement (let's say 10 kg)
  • 3 Sand shares
  • 4 or 5 shares of rubble or gravel
Water is added at the calculation that the weight of the liquid in the prepared mixture is approximately half the mass of all other ingredients. That is, if we take our approximate proportions, then the water should be added about 40 liters.

The ready-made concrete should be enough teaching to fill any emptiness, but should not be done too liquid, as this will lead to the care of the liquid down during the drying of the mixture, which will significantly worsen the performance of the basis of the extension.

The flooded foundation is required to give time to settle. It is recommended to periodically water water if small cracks on the surface begins to appear.

Read more about the types of foundation, the subtleties of the choice and the device is described in the article:

Construction of the walls of the extension

Before proceeding with the masonry of the walls, it is necessary to take care of their isolation. To do this, it is enough to roll out the frontier on the foundation plane. The purpose of this step is to prevent moisture spread up - from the ground to the roof.

The process of erection of walls of an extension from a different type of stone is quite simple technologically:

  • The solution is mixed (in proportion - 1 share of cement on 3 stakes of sand, plus water is added in the amount required to achieve consistency of thick sour cream)
  • The first stone puts on a layer of solution and sticks down slightly with the help of Kelma (workshop), hammer or ax
  • The second stone is installed in the same way next to the first, only the solution is added between them. Breasting happens from top to bottom and from the end, towards the first laid brick (stone)
This carries out the first row. To make it easier to easily work out, it is recommended to initially put stones in the corners of the future extension, stretch between them a durable thread (twine, thick fishing line), which will control the overall surface plane.
Important: Constantly check the smooth masonry with a building level - both in the horizontal and vertical plane.

When building an extension, it is important not to miss one mandatory Step is an additional fastening of the eared walls to the main building. Some ignore this stage, believing that the attached room can only hold the solution in place. This is not true. The absence of additional fastening can subsequently lead to the appearance of cracks, which will be very difficult to eliminate.

Avoid the appearance of this trouble will allow the process of masonry reinforcement (just to do through one laid row). For this, it will be necessary to drill holes in the walls of the main building and put the reinforcement in such a way that one of its end is in the resulting hole, and the other lay on the surface of the row laid out.

Further, the work continues in the same vein: the following and the following rows of bricks (stone) are laid out. It should be noted that they need to be installed on each other so that the docking (vertical) seams of the previous one and the subsequent rows did not coincide. That is, laying bricks in a checker order: the upper is located on two (sometimes even three, depending on the type of dressing) of the lower. This is done to achieve maximum strength and monolithic structure.

Installation of seismic belt

  1. Install formwork
  2. Lay the reinforcing design
  3. Pour concrete
Seismopoyasa, as well as the foundation, it is necessary to give time to froze.

Crossing the roof

The roof is recommended to overlap the same material that was used on the roof of the main structure. The ideal is considered to be such an option when the sheets of both parts of the building are fully combined with each other. For example, consider the construction of a slate roof, which is most often found on ordinary dachas. The whole process of work can be divided into three main stages:
  1. Installation of wooden frame
  2. Hydro and vaporizolation flooring
  3. Mounting slate
Installation of carcass
Wooden frame consists of bars, which are desirable to further drive into the wall of the main country house. The distance between the elements is not more than one meter.

The next step is a doom, which is attached perpendicular to the main bars. The boards are installed in such a way that one sheet of slate can go to four of them. If the roofing material has a length of two meters, the doom is mounted at a distance of 50 cm between the elements of the structure.

Hydro and vaporizolation flooring
Modern slate, unfortunately, does not differ in high quality, so it is desirable to lay a layer of hydro and vaporizolation. The film is bought in the store and is attached to the crate with the help of a construction stapler. The insulation is fixed from the bottom up with horizontal rows, so that the upper layer go a little to the lower (with the overst). This is done so that the water can not get on the wooden structural elements or damage the extension ceiling - if it finds a way to penetrate slate or other roofing material.

Mounting slate
The slate installation makes up the bottom up. The first sheets initially fasten only two lower roofing nails (in the second bottom, the scribbling bar). The second sheet of slate in the first row is stacked by the brass (one wave of the previous one). The laying in the same sequence is continued to the end of the roof, where the material can be required. This procedure can be performed using a grinder and a disk for stone work. Installation of the second and subsequent rows completely repeats the laying of the first.

  • The first series of slate must be pulled out for 10-15 centimeters wall to minimize the destructive effect of water on the walls.
  • Nails are clogged into the upper point of the wave: so the probability is accidentally damaged by a leaf by a blow hammer decreases to a minimum; Atmospheric precipitates will be collected in slate gutters, and not on the waves, therefore, the possibility of moisture from the holes for nails is almost reduced to zero.

The main work is made. Finishing an extension to the country house is desirable to postpone at enough long time (half a year). The thing is that the additional structure will be satisfied, and this can lead to the appearance of microcracks, which simply spoil the finishing work. Worried about shrinkage not worth it - this is a natural process through which all buildings pass. If you did everything correctly - an extension to the country house will serve as faithful for many years.

If the owner of the household has decided that he needs an extension to a brick house, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the appointment of this design. If it is used for rest, it is possible to build it in a gazebo format or terrace. If necessary, the veranda can be inspired and turn into a closed terrace, which will serve a vestibule between the land plot and the entrance to the house. This will avoid the penetration of cold air into a residential premises. For those who live in a house in the autumn-winter period, a warmed extension will become the perfect option.

An extension can serve as a porch, terrace, as well as a kind of tambour to a brick house.

Before constructing, an extension to the house must be designed and approved in the relevant organization. Most often, the veranda is built on the part of the entrance door. If it is not combined with the entrance to the house, then enter it will have to be from the street. The dimensions of the design are selected depending on the number of people living in the house. For a small family enough square 12 sq.m. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the shared style of the house and the plot. Before making an extension to a brick house, you need to perform some formalities. After the design is thought out, you should contact the building design department. Here you can order a finished project with which you will go to the urban architectural bureaus to receive a resolution of redevelopment at home. Consider in detail how to make an extension to the house with your own hands.

First of all, the territory should be placed and start building the foundation.

It is quite possible to make an extension to the brick house correctly. Start need from marking areas. To do this, remove a fertile layer of soil, which will be used to form flows and flower beds. The territory is spilled and placed.

The limits of an extension are indicated according to the project. In the corners of the veranda under construction, pegs with a caprochy cord stretched between them are driven. Any building requires a reliable foundation for which you can choose a columnar or tape base. The foundation for an extension is not recommended to combine with the base of the house, since these structures have different degrees of shrinkage.

Between the base of the house and an extension, it is necessary to leave a distance of 4-5 cm. During the construction of the base, the planned mass of the design and the characteristics of the soil should be taken into account. During the construction on bubbly soils it is possible to shift the foundation, which leads to the branch of the veranda from the walls of the house. Lightweight bases do not withstand the weight of brick walls, so the brick is not recommended on their basis. It is best to choose a ribbon foundation for an extension.

Before starting the fill of concrete for the foundation, the trench is riveted, the dimensions of which depend on the parameters of the veranda under construction. A wooden formwork is laid in the pit, which is made from the rigneled spaces. Concrete is prepared from 3 parts of sand, 1 parts of cement, 6 pieces of rubble. The foundation for the extension is poured in layers, the first of the layers are strengthened with large stones. The top layer is smoothed by a trowel and leave until complete solidification.

With high air temperature, the foundation for an extension is periodically wetted with water, it will help to avoid the appearance of cracks.

A frame extension to the brick house can be installed on a bar base. In order to avoid deformation of the construction under the influence of the soil, supports for the foundation lay on the plot below the freezing line.

When building a brick extension, the support poles are bought not only on the corners, but also around the perimeter of the structure in 50 cm increments.

We build the walls of the extension

In construction, you will use materials and tools:

  • brick;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • armature;
  • shovel;
  • capacity for the preparation of the solution;
  • master OK;
  • wooden bars;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • roofing material.

If you want to quickly build a veranda, you can stop your choice on a frame design. It is going on the principle of the designer and consists of a wooden frame and finished panels with windows and doorways. Finishing works can be performed immediately after construction. If necessary, you can redo it. Now consider how to properly make an extension to a brick building.

The brick extension to the house is more complicated, but it is still possible to build it with your own hands. Before starting the construction of the walls, you need to check the flattening surface of the foundation. If it is uneven, the brickwork can collapse when shrinking. The binding of an extension to the brick wall of the building is carried out with the help of holes that are done every 3 brick rows. Armature is laid in them. When building a brick attachment to the house, the armature will remain in the seams of masonry. In order for the distance between bricks to be too large, the reinforcement bars should not have too large diameter.

Before the formation of brick masonry along the wall stretch the rope, with which the horizontal of the rows will be checked. The wall thickness depends on the destination of the brick attachment. If the veranda is a residential, the wall is laying out 2 bricks thick. For economic premises, the brickwork can be made in 1 row. After the walls are built, their upper parts are strengthened with a concrete belt. To do this, make a formwork, which put the reinforcement frame and pour concrete. After solidification of the concrete, the construction of overlaps are proceeded. The garage to the house is attached by the same technology, its dimensions depend on the dimensions of vehicles. Wooden extension is a more economical option of the veranda.


How to make the roof of the extension

At the final stages, the ceiling overlap is being built, for this we use wooden beams. They are installed on the top parts of the walls with a step of 70 cm. Fix the structural elements with construction corners.

LCIs can be combined with a concrete belt, having done the waterproofing of each element in advance. Through the beams there is a thick plywood or wooden boards, which then insulate. An extension to the house can have any shape of the roof. Most often, single-sided versions consisting of rafters are made. A marker is made in the form of a flat line, on which the bars supporting the rafters will be fixed. Opporting for the rafter is the beams of overlapping or upper parts of the walls. The rafters should be 30 cm. From the walls to protect them from rain and melting water. Roof elements are fixed with metal corners.

As a conclusion

The quality of the extension depends on the chosen project and materials. A busy to a wooden house or a brick cottage can be made of prefabricated panels, wood or bricks. Anyone who has minimal knowledge in the field of construction can be erected with his own hands. The foundation for an extension can be a ribbon or bar.


Any of these foundations needs quality waterproofing.

Sooner or later, every homeowner begins to think about expanding the living space. And here there are many questions, the main of which is how to do it? Nowadays, the assortment of materials in the construction markets is rather impressive, which means that both options, how to increase housing, abound. Today we will look at some of them. We find out what an extension can be (projects and photo examples will help), as well as try to understand how difficult such construction can be. It will not hurt to learn and independently perform a similar work.

On the Internet you can find various projects for attachments to the house. And before the start of such construction, it is worth familiar with them. This will allow any decisions, and after adding your own. Only then may be a unique structure that will not only be, but also increase your living area.

Many may say that such construction is too laborious and practically impossible with their own hands, but this is a delusion. With the right approach and studying all the nuances, this is not so difficult, although they will have to face some difficulties. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, and their hands do. But as a reward, you can get not only with your own hands an extension to a wooden house, but also satisfaction from the work done. In addition, the funds saved for the remuneration of experts will not be superfluous.

Consider various options for attachments in general terms, as well as examples of such work performed by our hands with ordinary domestic masters without any experience.

Solutions for an extension of the veranda to the wooden house in photo examples

Such a building is quite relevant for summer residents who love to sit in the evenings over a cup of tea in a circle of family or friends. After all, in the fresh air, much more pleasant to communicate than in a closed room. In addition, the option is possible that the veranda will be thought out in such a way as to be able to install. This will save it from snow, as well as add warmth in the house itself.

Another plus of such a building is that during the winter period you can spend there. In this case, it can be used at all as an extra room. But this is no longer suited by dacnis, but owners in a private residential sector who live in the room for a whole year.

Material for such buildings is most often a tree. Sometimes, if there is such an opportunity, it is done on those parties that do not adjoin the house. We offer to see several photos of a veranda of wood attached to the house:

Looking at these photos of wooden veranda, attached to the house, it seems that they are built by professionals, but it is not. Today we will definitely consider how you can make a similar one with your own hands.

Options for terraces attached to the house - what they differ from the veranda

Start follows from the fact that many are confused. But the differences here are principled. The fact is that the veranda is always attached to the house, but the terrace is opposed, and does not adjoin the house. In addition, terraces are often without roofs and walls. In essence, they represent the open. Hence the consequence - they are built more often from a more durable material that transfers atmospheric precipitation.

Of course, there are options for an extension of the terraces to wooden, but it is rather an exception. At the same time, if you return just a few decades ago, at this time the terrace was considered exactly an open (without roof) the playground of natural or artificial origin.

Now many confuse these two concepts, calling the terraces on piles adjacent to the house of the veranda, but still historically it is not true. Although the time does not stand still, a person is trying to make his life more comfortable. Probably, therefore, they called the terrace platform with a roof adjacent to the house. After all, it stands on piles, while the veranda must necessarily have a foundation.

Here are some examples of the terraces in photo fiction:

How to attach a garage to the house and why it is necessary

An extension to the house is a very successful solution. Indeed, in this case, in the cold season, there will be no need to go to the frost to walk to it. However, there are our pitfalls here. In the garage, you need an ideal, which will not allow carbon monoxide to penetrate the dwelling. And the fact that the car will start in the garage probably, no one has any doubt. Here are some photos of garages attached to the house:

An extension to the house of the garage is not easy, but quite feasible. It is only necessary to understand how capital will be. Whether the foundation is needed, which will be the floor and walls. Most often, material for such buildings serves foam block. But many as a garage attached to the house, use several racks from the bar, which is based on. Thus, the car is although not protected from snow and rain during wind, but the roof will save him from the sun.

Examples of residential attachments to a wooden house

A trolley to a wooden house as a residential premises or is perhaps the most common view of all listed. It is not surprising, because not everyone has the opportunity to buy land, build a new big and spacious. And the construction of an additional room is possible even on a relatively small area. But here the situation is a bit more complicated than the construction of the veranda or carport for the car. Do not forget that the construction not only should be overhaul, but it is enough for it to live with comfort.

Important! When erecting such an attachment, it is necessary to carefully examine the soil, calculate the foundation that will be able to keep the weight of the structure, as well as make a detailed project. Do not forget that such a capital structure needs to be registered in the cadastral ward. Otherwise, you can not only lose money on fines, but also get a notice of demolition of the illegal construction.

Nevertheless, the extensions to the country house are a good solution. After all, no one bothers in time to collect all the necessary papers. And the additional residential premises never interfered with anyone. In addition, too large means it will not require.

An extension to the wooden house: projects, materials and photos of possible planning

Make an extension to the house with your own hands although it is difficult, but it is quite possible. But for this you will need some knowledge. The main thing is to decide, before taking the execution of such a work - this is what material will be the structure. The material can be the following:

  • Boards on a frame of timber. Such a construction requires a minimum foundation;
  • Rounded Bar or Breed - Such a building will also not require too durable foundation. The fact is that the bottom of his crown will already play the role of support. In addition, such a structure will be warmer and durable, but at the same time more expensive;
  • . Here you will need a very durable foundation that will be able to keep the weight of the building. Otherwise, the an extension will begin to collapse in a year or two, and may not sleep and 3 months. It all depends on the soil;
  • - It also requires a solid foundation, perhaps even stronger than for foam block. As a result, such an extension is very expensive.

Important! Regardless of which material, it is decided to build a living extension in the country, a solid fixation is needed to the house itself. Otherwise, the desired strength of the construction will not be. In this case, the risk of collapse arises, and this is already dangerous for life.

Let's try to deal with each of these materials.

An extension to the house of the frame: nuances of construction, design and photo examples

It is convenient to the house that requires the smallest costs and is easily done with their own hands. And there is no need to work with a large number of people - enough two people. But it is still necessary a foundation device.

It is also convenient to make exactly the frame extension to the house due to the lack of need to hire a designer, which would allegedly calculated. This is another budget saving article. Of course, the extension will need to warm very well, but with a huge assortment on the shelves in our days it will be pretty simple.

The most difficult stage with such construction will be the foundation device. Well, to assemble the frame, consolidate it to the wall of the house and see it much easier. To date, there are more simple ways. There is a special material on sale. This is a chipboard oriented. Moreover, with their help, the so-called is still manufactured at the factory, the two sides of which is an OSP, and between them a layer of foam. Such material is rather durable and durable, besides, it has another important advantage - it is a beautiful insulation. Thus, the home master remains only to assemble a durable frame and to strip it with such material.

It is important in such cases and external finish, because the durability of the frame extension to the wooden house depends on it. About such work can be found in other articles. And now we offer a respected reader to look at several photo examples of such attacks made by domestic masters:

An extension to the house from the bar - some nuances of installation

When planning, an attachment should be understood that on how it will be designed depends on its foundation, and the service life. After all, no one will raise the construction with the calculation that in a couple of years the living room will need to be demolished. It is also not necessary to think that with the design of such buildings, you can not "bother". It is not a barn or chungy, which means that everyone should take care in advance.

Let's start with the fact that the best option (of course with a small weight) will be pile-screw. It will be cheaper and not too labor-proof selection. Yes, and drive piles into the ground to the necessary depth can be independently using special equipment or even manually. The main task here is to calculate the load on each pile to choose their quantity and diameter.

Important information! In the device of the pile-screw foundation, it should be understood that the supports should pass under each wall. If the room runs the partition, then they are also required under it.

You should pay attention to the lower crown. It must be performed from the more durable. Ideally, if he is from logs. It is not necessary to think that for mounting an extension from a bar to a log house you need only 3 walls - this is a delusion. 4 walls are built, because the joint here is necessary. Special attention makes sense to turn on the mount between common walls. It depends on this, will not appear with the crack of the gap in this place.

Here are some photos of examples of such solutions:

An extension to the house of foam blocks - advantages and disadvantages

This is probably the most common option. After all, the foam block has a relatively low cost, can provide quite good insulation (in comparison with the brick), and the speed of installation of the uncle. But if you compare with a bar, foam block has a big drawback - it requires a rather strong foundation. And there is no longer a pile-screw.

The foundation for an extension of foam block to a wooden house is necessary. The best option here will be the woodwaste pile base. This means that the cost of the foundation automatically increases at times.

Installation of attachments to houses from gas silicate blocks is also quite common. But some homemade masters do not understand the difference between them and foam blocks. Everything is quite simple. A little harder and more expensive than foam concrete, but the strength of it is significantly higher. In addition, it does not require a concrete solution (a special adhesive is used). As a result, the seams are practically absent, which contributes to greater thermal insulation, and therefore less heating expenses in the future.

Important! Regardless of what is chosen by building material, you should consider the system of communications in the future residential room. After all, in case it is not done, you will have to hammer the holes under heating, stick the walls under the wiring. Without this, no living, the more comfortable, there can be no speech.

We offer a respected reader a few examples of such buildings:

An extension to the brick house - differences from previous options

The main difference here is something that the fourth wall is not required. This means that there are quite three common. The foundation can be both tape and column. Yes, and material for the construction can be chosen any - everything depends on the wishes and capabilities of the home master.

The clutch with the bearing wall of the house occurs with the help. When erecting an extension to a house of brick or concrete, a reinforcement coupling is often used. The carrier wall is deplorable using a perforator, while the bee must be a bit of smaller diameter than the rod, for a more rigid hitch. After that, the segment of the reinforcement (it should not be smooth) clogs into the ride opening to half, and its second part is paired into the junction of foam blocks or bricks.

Important information! Do not register construction if the house is quite old. This is irrational, because the brick is softened with time, which will not affect the coupling with a new structure. In addition, the wall drilling is, as well as the new building create additional load on it.

Perhaps a respected reader will be interesting to look at some homemaster solutions:

Foundation device for an extension to the house and its types

The foundation is the basis that keeps the whole design. So, should be taken to its device with great responsibility. The simplest solution with a small weight building will be a pile-screw base. To do this, at a certain distance from each other, piles are screwed into the ground, which will carry the bulk.

If the construction will be more severe, you will have to fill a ribbon foundation. At the same time, piles will also not interfere, they will give extra strength. But the most durable of all types of grounds can be called the pile-painting foundation. For its device, you need to jump trench around the perimeter of future walls. After, already on this trench, screw piles are driven or drilled wells in which the reinforcement frame is lowered and poured concrete. It is done in such a way that their upper edge is slightly higher than the level of the soil. And the last stage is installed formwork and poured concrete. More specia about how to make a foundation for an extension to home or for a bath, tells in one of our articles.

Before pouring the foundation for an extension to the house should be solved whether the finished solution will be ordered and joined in the finished form or to be manufactured independently. In the latter case, accurate calculations of the components are necessary for its required strength.

What to make a roof for an extension

The easiest option will be a single-piece roof device for an extension to the house. This option will be easily performed and requires the least costs. However, such work also has its own nuances. If it is compared with duplex, then the simpler is not so well kept warm.

When the veranda device is quite often used by the three-page option for an extension to the house, but this work is quite complex. If there are some skills and knowledge of joinery, then the home master it will be quite bye.

Important! The roof must be thought out so that snow is easily rolling with it, but it is not necessary to forget about security. After all, the accumulated snowdrift may fall on a person. That is why the skate is trying to make more abruptly. In this case, the snow accumulation will be small, and its gathering is displaced.

If the homemade master is not sure that he knows how to make a roof on an extension to the house, and will be able to fulfill it, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Instructions for mounting an extension to the house do it yourself

Let's try in general terms to explain all the stages of the construction of the veranda on a plot adjacent to the house. More detailed instructions for each type of buildings we will analyze in the following reviews. Here's how to make an extension to the house:

Illustration Actions performed

First of all begin with the foundation. In our case, this is a well. It is lowered with a metal tube that is filled with concrete. Blowing about 1.7 m.

The distance between the pile of need to be calculated. In our case, the weight of the veranda will be small enough, and therefore the distance can be done more.

At piles, we collect a frame of metal beams, which will play the role of the first crown of the main burden.

Shawliers are welded. At the same time, the seam should be very durable.

We also took care of the communications. Drain of water from the sink in the house was at this place. Well, we will cope with it.

The holes in the channel are needed for fasteners of a bar on which the whole design will be built.

Bar put along the perimeter and fasteners. You can proceed to the construction of the main supports and roofs.

Having gathered from the bar the main frame is enhanced by its transverse beams. In their role, with us, a thickness of 50 mm.

Supporting the roof boards put in pairs and tighten each other.

It should look like this. It should be noted that the boards that support the roof also give the strength of the frame. They are fixed to the main beams just with the help of spills.

The roof can be closed by a professional flooring. It is quite resistant to any weather conditions.

A diagonal board plays a rather important role - it does not build the construction of the beams at the expense of the carcass carrier beam. In our case, ordinary railing was made, but it is fashionable to sew or delablightened the construction.

Here are diagonally decorative, and therefore made of thinner boards.

In general, the answer to the question how to attach an extension to the house looks like this.

The cost of services for specialists in such construction

Build an extension to the house inexpensive when contacting specialists is unlikely to succeed. But for general information, it will not hurt to consider prices for similar services on the example of various veranda:

Types of veranda Cost of work, rub. For 1M 2.
Open extensionfrom 8,000
An extension frame with insulation 50mmfrom 9,000
An extension frame with insulation 100mmfrom 10 500
Extension frame with insulation 150mmfrom 11 500
An extension from the profiled bar of 90x140mmfrom 10 500
An extension from the profiled bar 140x140mmfrom 12 500

Photos of a veranda and terraces attached to the house: works of professionals and not only

For those who still doubt that without special knowledge and skills you can make a pretty beautiful extension to the house - the photo examples of the veranda and terraces made by the usual domestic masters. Perhaps the dear reader will find some solutions for its work. If not, you can simply admire. It's really beautiful.

Surely the photo of the veranda, attached to the house with their own hands, had to many of the souls.


It is unlikely that someone can refuse an extra room attached to the house. But one thing, when this work was performed by other people, and completely different if everything was done with their own hands. In addition, as it turned out, this is although it is difficult, but quite feasible. Is it worth paying money to "Alien Uncle" then? And after all, it is not a fact that the building will turn out to be high-quality and beautiful (halshchikov in our time is enough). On the veranda, which was stated in a step-by-step instruction, together with the painting, went about 10 days. This means that the maximum for 15-20 can be made and perfect. Specialists promise to make all the work for 30-60. It is worth thinking ...

We hope that the information submitted by us today was useful to the reader. All questions (if you have left) can be asked in discussions to the article. Write, share your experience, because it can help someone.

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