Materials for the manufacture of steel doors. Metal doors classes

Today a variety of metal doors and manufacturers, gives the buyer the opportunity to choose the necessary door for any operating conditions. The metal doors market has a fairly wide range of products, the pricing policy of which fluctuates in different limits - from a cheap to the most expensive, which directly depends on the quality of the product. So, for example, the doors of the elite class will have respectively significantly overestimated cost. Such a question, as the selection of the door in an apartment or a country house, is solved quite quickly and does not take much time. Everyone knows that the production of metal doors in Yoshkar-Ola, has long been the legislator of new technologies and the quality of metal structures. It should be noted that all designs have all the necessary certificates and warranty obligations. It should be noted that not all metal doors are guaranteed your protection. Unfair manufacturers, including China, make doors from poor-quality or fine steel, thereby turning the entrance door in the like "wooden".
On our production only high quality steel thickness is 1.4 mm., As well as all stages of production iron Doors in Yoshkar-Ola are carried out under careful quality control.

The main stages of the production of metal doors:

  • the cutting of metal sheets with a thickness of 1.4 mm.;
  • marking of the main technological holes in the steel sheet;
  • preparation of component elements of the future door leaf and box;
  • manufacture of door frame;
  • welding of composite elements of the door block;
  • painting metal design with special paint in several stages;
  • production of an inner panel of a metal door;
  • insulation and noise insulation design;
  • assembly doors, with installation of locks and fittings;
  • check quality, packaging.

Our production is focused on the manufacture of metal doors of standard sizes. In this case, the standard are considered metal doors height in 2000 mm and width from 800 to 1000 mm. Of course, it is possible to establish narrow and lower doors, of course, but this approach is not thoughtful - after all, through the entrance door you will have to not only go through, but also to make all the furniture and household equipment into the house, and this will be extremely difficult at a more modest door sizes .

Today, we offer you a large line of entrance doors with a wide price range. It is possible to manufacture doors on individual projects, as well as non-standard sizes and paintings.

The selection of the entrance door is a fairly responsible moment, since the preservation of the entire property of the house or apartment will depend on its design, and sometimes the life of the owners will depend on its design. Today, the range of specialized stores forms many manufacturers representing their products, which has a wide range of prices - from the most modest to very high. Therefore, you can always choose such a door that will fully comply with the possibilities of housing owners.

The purpose of the entrance door is not only the protection of housing from intruders, as it should prevent the penetration of external noise and cold air. In addition, there are models capable of creating a reliable barrier even intense flame during a fire. How to choose an inlet metal door advice professionals - they are defined depending on where it will be installed: at the entrance to the apartment or in a private house, as well as taking into account the many criteria that directly affect operational qualities and this design.

Criteria for selecting the entrance door

To clarify all the nuances, we turned to the Moscow manufacturer of the entrance doors "Profmaster", where more than 80% of orders are individual production "to order", Since it is possible to choose the door without compromise in quality.

There is a list of the main points that you need to pay special attention to, purchasing the entrance door:

  • Place installation. The door can be installed on the street in a private house or at the entrance to the apartment, that is, in the indoor entrance, protected from the immediate external influence. From this will depend on the selection of insulation material and external sheaving.
  • Protection level. To this criterion, several aspects can be attributed at once:

- metal thickness used for the manufacture of the door;

- frame design;

- the amount of metal layers in the door canvas;

- the number of rigid rigidity inside the frame frame;

- the number and design of locks and loops;

- The presence of an overview element.

  • Insulation material. In order for the door to do not let the cold masses and extraneous noise, it is insulated with mineral wool, foam, polyurethane foam or cardboard. In some cheap models, insulation may be absent at all.
  • Number of seals. They can be installed on the door leaf or box, in one, two or even three rows. For fire structures, sealing contours from special materials are used.
  • Weight weight. The quality product should be severe, as it has reliable stiffeners and made of high-quality, fairly thick metal sheet.
  • The designer solution that harmoniously drives the door to the overall design of the facade, if the door is installed in a private house.
  • Fire quality materials, if you plan to purchase a door having protection against flame proliferation.
  • The anti-trimmed coating is especially necessary if there are animals in the house, which can scratch the door facing, or in the apartment, where there is no code lock at the entrance to the entrance.
  • The door must have a quality certificate or a passport on the product where all its characteristics will be indicated.

Evaluation of the main characteristics of the doors

The price of such products is high enough, but it is possible to be confident in the safety that they will fully provide. Therefore, recently, more and more residents of apartments and house owners give preference to this particular door variant.

So, the design of the entrance doors must fully respond to all the criteria for safety and comfort when it opening and closing, as well as satisfy the owners of housing in terms of its design. Therefore, making a choice, you need to make a list of requirements for yourself in advance, and if the model responds to them, then this option is ideal for a particular entry into the building or apartment.

Technical doors are distinguished by the available cost, which is important when the premises in the enterprises, in basements, workshops or rooms with inventory. They are often mounted on the outputs that use only during evacuation or in shield and lifter. The small cost of the design does not mean low quality, because the manufacture of technical doors is carried out on modern equipment and technologies to create reliable products from cold-rolled steel and budgetary insulation materials.

Making metalwork of technical doors

For a large-scale release of high quality doors at the factories, modern equipment is used with accurate sharp and flexible sheets of steel, which is radically different from garage handicrafts. The process begins with metal cutting, where the laser installation with a moving head moves along the specified template and cuts the exact elements. So the blanks are created under the box and the band profile. On the machine immediately cut holes under the loop. This technology allows you to produce parts with smooth edges and compliance with the desired size without errors.

Further, the blanks are placed on the press, where there is a matrix with a straight angle, into which the steel is pressed into the incoming response part. With this technology, the box racks are manufactured and the sideboard is bent. On each product, you can perform several flexures, which gives a stepped profile form and subsequently the possibility of placing several seal circuits on it.

To decorate the appearance of the web sheets, the sheets of steel are subjected to stamping with the squeezing pattern in the form of rectangular tiles or arches. Further, the production of technical metal doors is carried out with the help of contact welding or semi-automatic, where two prepared sheets with curved sidelights are attached to each other and are connected by short seams with a gap of 200-300 mm. This forms a rigid design capable of maintaining the correct geometry and withstand loads during operation.

Pre-in the cavity is laid insulation. If this is the design of the usual purpose, then corrugated cardboard is used, and at the fire doors, a mineral wool is used, which is not completely combustible and does not allocate harmful evaporation. A hidden or open loop is placed on the box. They can be from three to four. It is possible to manufacture doors with two equivalent flaps for wide openings or with the main and auxiliary, which opens as needed.

The canvas is supplied with anti-blank pins, welded on the end of the hinge side of the loop and taking into the box. In the closed position, when cutting off open-type loops, the doors will not fall out. In order to enhance the area around the locks, armored layers or complex protection can be applied.

So that the technical doors have long retained an acceptable appearance of them cover with a special composition:

  1. The canvas is disconnected from the box and hang onto the rope conveyor.
  2. Products are driving inside the paint chamber and heat up to 180 degrees.
  3. A powder with a color pigment is supplied from the nozzles, which sticks to the heated gland.
  4. When melting, the granular means forms a solid thick layer on the surface of the door.
  5. The design cools down and leaves out.

The powder coating used in the production of technically doors contributes to their long-term corrosion protection even with a street installation or indoors with high humidity. Such painting is well tolerates the effect of ultraviolet, and also has a dense structure that protects the doors from scratches and chips.

After staining, the contours of the seal are glued on the product. The hollow elastic band with sticky base is placed around the perimeter on the protrusions of the box and sash. It seals the opening not only from dust and garbage, but also from cold air or unpleasant odors. On fire-fighting models, a graphic material is used, which foams from heating and protects the inner side from the penetration of smoke.

Box locks on technical doors

At the final stage of production, the locking of locks is performed. Due to the technical purposes, valuable materials are rarely stored for such webs, therefore sufficiently locking devices of the 2nd class of burglar resistance. Most often, the products are equipped with cylindrical locks with four bolts with a diameter of 13-16 mm. On the sash drill holes under the handle, well and eye.

It is used in the manufacture of technical metal doors and a five-channel locking system, where the guides with bolts are pre-inserted inside. At the end of inserting rods there are hinges for entering hooks from the castle to combine the entire mechanism. It gives a stronger fixation of the door in the opening when trying to power hacking.

Online store "Reliable doors" contains a large range of technical doors. There are models for one, a half and two sash, as well as firebreaks with a graphic seal and fire resistance certificate.

Metal doors are manufactured according to various technologies, albeit according to a single principle. And you need to figure it out. Only in this case can you choose the optimal model, without focusing only on advice advice in stores. Before you basic information about the production of doors. Information and samples for the article were provided by the company for the production of steel doors "T-Steel".

Equipment and materials

As materials use sheet steel, profiles or corners of different sizes and thickness, set of components (door fittings: loops, handles, locks, eyes, etc.). The quality of the door depends on both the strength and thickness of steel and the quality of the accessories (primarily, shut-off mechanisms).

Materials are processed on the equipment of different types:

  • Automated. Such equipment is used by enterprises that produce more than 200 doors for a working shift.
  • Semi-automatic. These are cutting machines, welding machines, sheet bending presses, painting chambers. With semi-automatic production below, the percentage of marriage, but also the performance is less - up to 17-20 products on the same line.
  • Mechanical. This is a set of hand tools: Bulgarian, turning and milling machines, special guillotine, etc. This equipment is used extremely rare. At enterprises more often prefer semi-automatic machines.

Automated lines allow producing more products per day, thereby reducing its cost. However, the percentage of marriage at such enterprises is high, and in improper quality control, the buyer can identify defects.

Process of production

Conditionally, the production of metal doors can be divided into four stages.

  1. At the first stage, a box and canvas are made. The box is the outer part of the product, which will be subsequently inserted in the doorway, and on which the canvas itself will hang. Make it from the corner. Corners weld or bend. The cloth is the part of the door in which the lock is installed, and which performs protective functions. It is made in this way: create a frame from a corner (ribs can be used), then the steel sheet from one or two sides is welded to the frame.
  2. In the second stage, a loop is installed on the box and the canvas, carefully unwinding the place of installation. In the canvas and corners make holes under the accessories and castle.
  3. At the third stage, the product goes to the paint chamber, where it is processed. Processing is needed by any metal doors, regardless of what finish will be used in the future.
  4. At the fourth stage, fittings are installed and placed the canvas from the inside and outside. In the process of finishing, the door can be insulated and install seals.

The finished product is packaged and sent to the warehouse, and then on sale.

Approximately making doors and under the order, however, the size and sketch of the customer are used here.

How to choose a door

Appearance, brand doors and fittings, the number of locks is not all that you need to pay attention to. Be sure to take a look or specify:

  1. How thick steel was used for the door canvase. Too thin canvas tries even with a knife, and too thick will make the door in trouble.
  2. What is the thickness of the steel in the corners that were used for the frame and the box. The strength of the structure depends on this.
  3. Whether seals were used, and whether insulation was. The door without these elements will freeze in winter and skip sounds. She will not put it in the apartment or in a private house.

As you can see, it is enough to know the foundations of the doors production technology to choose the right model.

Among other types of metal doors are highlighted with durability and reliability. They are installed at the entrance to the house or staircase, where there is an increased protection. With the help of simple tools and equipment, each person will collect a metal door in one day. This requires also certain materials and knowledge.

Is it possible to make metal doors do it yourself

Reliable metal doors have long won consumer sympathy. They are used everywhere where additional protection is needed: in houses, garages, apartments, warehouses. Accordingly, the demand market and the market of proposals, a great diversity of finished steel doors can be found on the pages of newspapers and Internet resources.

The market presents a variety of types of metal doors.

However, many masters prefer the doors of their own manufacturing. Their advantages are to smaller financial costs and independent choice of design and materials. These factors allow you to assemble the door of any form, including non-standard options, and also give confidence as a finished product.

Thin steel frontal surface of ready metal doors cuts out without much effort

An independent assembly of a metal door requires not only special equipment, but also certain skills. This is especially true of welding connections. To impose a seam of necessary quality, you need skill and definite skill. The cost compared to the factory door will be 30-35% lower, but the quality may be higher.

Metal doors manufacturing technology

In the manufacture of metal doors, the main focus is on reliability. This factor depends on:

  • design of door leaf and frame;
  • materials used;
  • installation quality.

Reliability also implies the strength and durability of doors. Additional devices - closers and electronic eyes - make the construction of a construct more comfortable.

The varieties of door loops and locking devices allow you to choose the necessary components depending on the specific situation.

All these innovations are used for independently manufactured doors. First of all, when drawing up a project, it is important to think in detail all the elements included in the future design, and find the necessary materials. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the technological sequence, the order of assembly, installation and finishing of the door block.

Drawings for the manufacture of metal doors with their own hands

To create a working drawing, you need to do the measurements of the doorway. Sketch is applied on paper in the selected scale. With the help of roulette, the width, height and depth of the day are measured.

Parameters of the doorway: sh-width, in-height, T-depth

There is a specific standard for metal doors. It is undesirable to do the dimensions of the door canvase more than 200x90 cm. This is due to the fact that the weight of the structure increases and, accordingly, the requirements for the quality (or quantity) of the loops increase. If the doorway is greater, it is more expedient to install an additional upper or side unit. The upper unit is often equipped with glass inserts for additional lighting. Side can be swollen or deaf.

Drawing must reflect the design features in detail

All these nuances are reflected in the drawing. Dimensions of the box are taken to lay taking into account the assembly gap, which allows you to set the design in a horizontal axis. It is subsequently filled with foam. To adjust the position of the door and eliminate the distortion, enough clearance is 2.5-3 cm.

For a uniform distribution of the mass of the door leaf on the box, from 2 to 4 loops is used. Canopies can be an inner or exterior design. More often use outdoor loops. The distance from the edge of the canvas to the loops from above and below is 15-20 cm. If the door is heavy and there is a need for an additional suspension, one or two auxiliary are mounted between the main loops. The drawing mark the exact location of the canopies taking into account their own sizes.

Support ball inside the sleeve softens the work move

Any door is equipped with ribs of rigidity. They are metal corners or pipes of a four-headed section, located along, along or diagonally a canvas. With their placement, two factors are taken into account:

  • the location of the castle and the door handle (for the convenience of mounting the rib ribs do not intersect with the place of installation of locks);
  • the method of warming the door (since the thermal insulation material is attached in the recesses between the ribs).

The insulation is located between the ribs of the rigidity of the door

In the drawing, you need to display outdoor door trim and the design units necessary for this. For example, if one of the parties is planned to be clapped, wooden bars are laying inside the canvas, which subsequently fasten the cladding. If the sash is covered with paint or laminated film, there is no need to install bars, but more attention is paid to the plane of the canvas. The surface is thoroughly polished, removed metal flutters, resulting during welding.

Equipment and materials for making metal doors with their own hands

After the working sketches are completed, you need to prepare tools and materials. Here is the main list of equipment:

  1. Electric drill with set rolled metal. The sharpening angle of drill must be 110-130 o, steel tool, increased strength, calene. For the manufacture of the opening, it is convenient to use the core.

    With the help of a core and a hammer prepare a metal drilling point

  2. Turning or screwdriver with a set of necessary nozzles, including with cruciform and flat slots.
  3. Welding machine, preferably an inventory type. Electrodes with a rod thickness of at least 2 mm.

    The power of the welding machine must correspond to the metal thickness of the door

  4. Corner grinding machine (Bulgarian) and cutting discs. Also need one riding disk to remove metal influx.
  5. Vice and clamps for fixing structural elements in the assembly process. The solution of the working planes of the tool is selected based on the size of the blanks.

    Clamp reliably keeps the workpiece while working with it

  6. Metal files with fine structure.
  7. Work workshop or goat.

    Merchant workbench simplifies and speeds up the assembly of the metal door

  8. Roulette, square, marker (or chalk) and other measuring instruments.

    The presence of a variety of tools accelerates the assembly process.

  9. Hydraulic or laser level.

As for the materials, the set will differ depending on the design of the door. Here is a list for the standard product:

  1. Steel (frontal) leaf size 1x2 m. Thickness from 1.5 to 3 mm. It is preferable to rolling steel, as its strength is higher.
  2. Metal corner, 35x35 mm in the amount of 6 row meters. Other options are possible depending on the dimensions and the device of the door frame.

    Corner takes on the main load and does not allow to deform the door canvase

  3. The profile pipe with a rectangular cross section of 50x25 mm is 9 m. If the door is designed for the utility room, the reinforcement is used, which is welded to the canvas from the inside. At the same time, the step of the rigidness is reduced, the crossbars are placed more often.

    Pipe size must match the thickness of the door leaf and insulation

  4. Metal plates (2-3 mm thickness and cross-section 400x40 mm) - 4 pcs. (For mounting the door frame to the walls of the day).
  5. Loops - from 2 to 4 pcs. In the "advanced" models insert ball bearing supports.

    Bearings make it easier and prolong the work of the loop

  6. Anchor bolts, diameter from 10 to 12 mm.
  7. Mounting foam with a low expansion coefficient, quick-conchive.

    For the directional feed of foam to the gaps, a special pistol is used

  8. Primer, anti-corrosion coating. Well established a car primer.
  9. Door furniture. Castle with overlays, pen, eye, closer (the last two elements are used as desired). The locks are selected in accordance with the doors' functions. Sometimes to increase reliability, battle structures with three-sided fixation of the canvase are installed. Installation is more complicated, but also hacking such a door is much more difficult.

    Rigal lock fixes the door leaf from three sides

Step-by-step instructions for assembling metal doors

It is advisable to adhere to the following sequence of work:

  1. Metal corners are cut on the specified dimensions. The blanks are laid out on the workbench rectangle on the form of the door frame. Control is carried out by a fitter coal and tape measure. All parts of the design must be perpendicular to each other. Diagonal lengths can be varied no more than 1.5-2 mm. The permissible error in the height of the frame is 2 mm. Connect the corners between each other at an angle of 45 oh.

    The plates are immediately welded to the frame that will be attached to the wall.

  2. The composite design is welded. At first, "tacks" are set up at all corners. Recent measurements are held. If all sizes correspond to the working drawing, the box is finally welded. For convenience, clamps are used. Corner seams are processed by a grinder.

    Welding work need to be carried out in a well-ventilated room or on the street

  3. When the door frame is ready, the exact dimensions of the door canvase are measured (repulsted not from the drawing, but from the specific size of the frame). From all sides, it takes 10 mm. For the manufacture of the sash, a corner is cut into, a longitudinal opening is made at the lock location. The grinding disk on the grinder is replaced on the cutting needed thickness.
  4. Wooden rails are placed inside the metal profile. With their help, future finishing doors are simplified.
  5. In order to weld the loops, the door leaf frame is embedded in the corners of the frame. The location of the canopies must be accurately measured and secured by clamps.

    Before fixing the loops, you need to mount the door web frame

  6. The installation of the rest of the sash profiles is performed if the doorway frame is a congruent box (minus the technological gaps) and the loops operate in the right mode.
  7. A prepared metal sheet is brewed on the frame frame. It is cut in size with such a calculation so that 1 cm should be 1 cm on each side, from the lock side - 1.5 cm. Before welding, carry out the fitting to the frame on the frame. If the calculated dimensions are sustained, the design is turned over and start to steer compounds.

    Metal sheet is welded to the frame on the inside

  8. First of all, part of the leaf of the loop (from the inside) is attached. Then boil the canvas around the perimeter.
  9. Mounted Plot. To do this, a feigned plank is mounted on the inside of the sash two seams.

    Pretake provides reliability doors

  10. On the inner plane of the canvas are installed and ribbon ribs consisting of profile pipes are installed.
  11. The forging is carried out and stripping seams from slag. The reliability of welded joints is checked. All irregularities need to be smoothed. After that, the design is covered with anti-corrosion primer. Drying time is 24 hours.

    Seams are cleaned with an angular grinding machine and a file

  12. Installed lock, retast plan, then the door handle and the rest of the auxiliary fittings. When installing components, it is recommended to adhere to the instructions in the accompanying documents of products.
  13. Insulation, sound insulation, decor of the outer and inner plane of the door canvas are performed.

Metal door - means to secure accommodation, so it is reasonable to observe precautions. Bulgarian, perforator, welding - these useful tools with negligent treatment becomes dangerous to human health and life. The use of individual means of protection - respirator, welder masks, mittens, etc. - Natural labor life, forget this is unreasonable. In addition, a fire extinguisher and a bucket with sand is needed in the welding area.

Video: how to cook loops

Heat insulation of metal door

In the cold period on metal doors sometimes appears icing, water drops or frost. This suggests that the design freezes. Warm air indoors enters the metal surface and cooled sharply. As a result, condensate is formed, which either flows or freezes and turns into a lot. So that this does not happen, the door canvas insulate. Previously, a synthetone or dermatantine was used, but it did not bring effective results. Today in the arsenal insulation includes:

  • styrofoam;
  • mineral and basalt wool;
  • polyurethane.


It is considered a very good insulation, since in its composition contains 98% of air, "sealed" in plastic bubbles. The dignity refers to the convenience of installation, low price and absolute corrosion resistance. Most industrial manufacture doors are equipped with a foam or its modification - penplex. In addition to thermal insulation properties, the material is characterized by good sound absorption. The disadvantages include the slightweight and isolating a large amount of toxic gases during burning and heating. Therefore, it is not recommended for installation directly in residential premises. The perfect location is the entrance doors of garages, warehouses, multi-storey buildings.

Polyfoam reduces the thermal conductivity of metal doors in garages and utility rooms

Video: Warming of the garage door foam

This category includes basalt and glasswater. They differ in the original raw material - basalt is made from rocks, and glass gamble - from sand and glass stretched into thin long fibers. There is no significant difference in the thermal insulation properties of the noticeable difference, but the wool from the glass is more environmentally friendly. And the one and the other material is characterized by high fire safety and convenience of mounting.

When laying mineral wool inside metal doors, it is necessary to comply with certain rules. For example, it is impossible to flicen mats between rigid ride - it lowers thermal insulation characteristics. Circling the material is needed with an accuracy of 1-2 mm.

Mineral insulation are produced both in the form of mats and in the form of rolls of various thickness

An essential disadvantage of mineral wool for the insulation of a metal door is considered hygroscopicity. The fact is that with a large air temperature drop from two sides of the door, the dew point shifts into the inner space of the canvas. This leads to the fact that the condensed excess moisture is immediately absorbed by the fibers. Over time, water accumulates and heat insulating characteristics decrease to 80%. You can avoid such a scenario using an additional vaporizolation film, which is fixed throughout the sash area. The hydrobrier neutralizes the effect of moisture accumulation, but there is no complete warranty. It is for this reason that the insulation of mineral wool is recommended in the doors that are not in conditions of significant temperature difference. For example, at the entrance to the apartment.

Video: Warming Metal Door Mineral Wool

Polyurethane, or inflatable insulation

Pretty expensive, but effective technology. The inner cavity of the door flap is filled with polyurethane foam. Frozen polyurethane is a synthetic substance that is not subject to corrosion, an excellent heat insulator. The complexity is that special industrial equipment is needed for inflated, combining a diffuser and compressor. But the use of foam from domestic splashes is too expensive.

Polyurethane coating is not afraid of water, is a solid hermetic layer

Regardless of the material selected, the preparation for insulation consists in laying the location of the roiber of rigidity. Specialists recommend placing them in such a way that the insulation is reliably held inside the sash without additional fastening. That is, the crossbars have not only vertically or horizontally, but also combine them so that the insulation does not ask the insulation.

Vata tightly stacked between ribs inside the door leaf

Stages of mounting insulation on the door leaf

Specialists advise to lay insulation in the door in a horizontal position - on the table or goats. The pledge of successful thermal insulation is the care of the entire plane, minimizing the slots. The process is performed before sewing the inside of the web:

  1. The dimensions of the frame cells are measured.
  2. Cut blanks from insulation with an error of a maximum of 2 mm (largely).
  3. The material stacked in the sash:
    • if the insulation is used by foam, several points (4-5) of liquid nails are applied to the surface of the workpiece, the crops arising from the mounting foam;
    • with the insulation of the mineral wool, the waterproofing film is pre-settled on the entire door area, and with the release (reserve), then the insulation is laid out and covers it with another layer of the film, the edges of which are folded into a single "cocoon", only after that it is sewn out the door outside (to enhance impermeability The air edges of the membrane carefully sink scotch).

Video: how to insulate the metal door foam

Warming door box

For good isolation, it is necessary to warm and the door box. The method depends on the frame design, which can consist of a all-metal framework or from a hollow profile. Make it easy. Polyurethane mounting foam from a domestic spray gun poured inside the profile. If necessary, holes over the diameter of the tube are dried on the surface, which blooms polyurethane. It fills out all the free space.

The internal cavity of the frame is filled with mounting foam

The all-metal box will not be able to insulate in such a way, so you need to carefully treat the clearance of the clearance between the frame and the doorway.

Innovative means of insulation of the metal door is the insulating paint of the "Actor" series, produced on the basis of modern nanotechnology. The composition includes microscopic ceramic balls (several microns size). A layer of paint in 1 mm is equivalent in its heat insulating characteristics of 5 cm of foam. The disadvantage is a fairly high price and a difficult application on the metal surface.

Video: Warming up the door of the Minvata doors

Noise insulation of metal door

An important property of the entrance door is the ability to restrain noise from the outside. Metal does not help in this regard. Even, on the contrary, it helps strengthen sounds. Therefore, the door is complemented by special internal and outer coatings, which reduce the level of penetrating noise.

Outdoor coating

It is carried out with the help of sound-absorbing and vibration insulation materials. These include:

  • polysterol;
  • vibroplast;
  • bitoplast;
  • bimast.

This synthetic coatings are a cloth that actively quenches any sounds and vibrations.

Sound absorbing materials consist of several layers of different density

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Material must be spread over an insulated surface and smooth out. Some species are equipped with a glue layer, they are enough to free from the protective film and press the door plane.
  2. For others you need to clean and degrease the cloth. Then evenly distribute the waterproof glue, cover the surface with the material and withstand the time to completely dry. The pasting is preferably carried out both from external and from the inside.

Installation of the seal

Means is simple but efficient. Previously, felt used as seals, today there is a wide range of finished rubber and rubber products. There are no difficulties with the installation, you just need to remove the protective coating and gently glue the profiled strip along the perimeter of the sash. Its width should not be more than 25% of the size of the reference bar of the door frame. The thickness is chosen in such a way that the seal decreased in a compressed state (with closed doors).

The sealer consists of rubber tubes of a special cross section

Finishing metal doors

Outdoor door decoration performs two important tasks. Hides an unsightly appearance of a bare metal and protects the cloth from the effects of adverse factors. It is especially important to protect the steel surface from excessive moisture, as this may cause corrosion.

The choice of finishing materials is huge. But the most popular are:

  • mDF panels;
  • kervinil;
  • array of wood.

The microfrase fiber (MDF) is a mixture of wooden and carbomid chips compressable under conditions of high temperature and pressure. The material retains the color, texture and tactility of wood, but in strength and elasticity is not inferior to plastic. The big plus of the MDF panels is their low price. Nevertheless, this type of finish belongs to the "premium" class and from the point of view of aesthetics is not inferior to a natural array.

Entrance door, trimmed by MDF, it is difficult to distinguish from the natural massif

Professionals also celebrate a number of other MDF advantages:

  • high heat and sound insulation;
  • increased fire resistance, fire safety;
  • the combination of high strength and ease of processing;
  • resistance to the influence of biological factors: mold, fungus, dampness;
  • environmental purity, the stoves are not toxic and harmful chemicals.

In retail chains, you can find four types of MDF panels:

  • painted by RAL dye;
  • composed on a polymer basis;
  • laminated panels;
  • veneered products.

In addition to products in the form of sheets, there is a wide range of additional decorative elements of the doors - platbands, good, etc.

Kervinyl is the appearance of the outer finish, made of artificial materials imitating genuine leather. The same group belongs to the vinylist and dermantine. When compressing technology and operating technology, cladding retains its properties for a long time. Kervinyl - champion among low-cost ways to protect doors from noise and supercooling. Easily washed with conventional cleaning agents.

The disadvantages include flammability of material and defenselessness before vandalism. Drape the door is similarly accepted in the interior. Contact with outdoor and straight solar rays quickly leads to a loss of color and gloss coating.

One of the solutions of the metal door finish in the middle price range is the anti-vandal film sash tip. This wonderful remedy is not produced in Russia, so the price is high. The most popular is the film from Israel Vinorit. PVC coating has a variety of coloring, texture and thickness. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage and effects of fire.

Natural array - the most expensive type of finish for iron doors. The overhead panel is made by gluing wood sawn timber and their further processing: grinding, milling, polishing, etc. For production, expensive woods are used - oak, beech, red tree, alder, ash. As a rule, the shape of the release of the panel from the array is a lining of 18 mm thick. This allows you to enhance the surface with various "plots". Often, the outer cladding of the metal simulates the Filöncutic texture of the sash. It is possible to apply ornaments, drawings and other decorative elements. In the factory conditions, wood is not only covered with paint or varnish, but also impregnate with special compositions, thanks to which the material becomes resistant to adverse effects of the atmosphere, does not dissipate and almost lit.

The array is beneficial from other finishing materials:

  • elegance of the appearance;
  • absolute naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • increased indicators in terms of thermal insulation and sound absorption;
  • the possibility of restoration.

Oak coating over the years is only beautiful

The entrance metal door, lined with natural wood, is a symbol of respectability. Most often occurs in expensive restaurants, five-star hotels, solid organizations and offices of large companies.

Video: Interior decoration of the metal door