Wallpaper on uneven angles. How to glue phlizelin wallpaper in the corners - phased instructions

Modern wallpaper Language does not turn to call a cheap finishing material - vinyl, phliselinine, vinyl on a fliesline basis, textured and painting ... The result of pasting walls you will admire the next 5-10 years. Most often, the problems arise with how to glue the wallpaper in the corners. Let's figure it out together.

Wallpaper varieties - choose current materials

Paper wallpaper - perpetual classic repair. Their unfavorable popularity is due to two factors - a small value and a wide range. However, it should be understood that the rolls of paper, no matter how beautiful the pattern they are decorated, remain very short-lived material, and it makes no sense in the hope of long life.

Already in a year-second, they will lose their former attractiveness, and if there are small children or animals in the house, this process can accelerate at times. However, this minus can be used for good when you need to make a lightweight redecoration in a removable apartment, or when you like to experiment with the interior.

Vinyl wallpapers on a paper basis - a more durable finish. The front side on which the bulk of all operational loads falls, in this case, performs a layer of polyvinyl chloride. And he has a lot of positive qualities:

  • it can be repeatedly washed, even with the use of detergents;
  • foamed vinyl up to 10 times;
  • vinyl does not fade, does not miss moisture;
  • the decorative effect in the case of silk screen and dense wallpaper (vinyl varieties) are comparable to the most expensive finishing materials.

Vinyl wallpapers on a paper basis are an order of magnitude longer. From disadvantages should be remembered about vinyl airtight, however, if you wish, you can find more modern varieties of finishes on the market, which are deprived of this problem. The vinyl rolls are glued on a paper basis as well as ordinary paper wallpapers, so for the majority will not be difficult to shove the canvas without special training.

Just keep in mind that the vinyl layer significantly weights the weight of the canvas, therefore, the usual wallpaper glue is not suitable here, glue is needed for heavy wallpaper.

The fact is that glue is applied only on the wall. There is no need to apply it on the canvas and wait until they absorb it and swell. So that the joints were perfect, very thorough markup is required. Fliselinic wallpaper is another type of finishing material performed only from Flizelin. Wallpapers may have a flat figure, but, as a rule, it is even canvas with interesting drawings. Glue them in the same way as the previous option.

Where to start sticking - act on the old man?

Traditionally, the most difficult places in the process of sticking are corners. In most cases, they are far from ideal, therefore, if you start glued with the angle of the canvas of the joint in the joint, you can get a substantial skewer vertically. Many mistakenly believe that it is possible to avoid the distillations, if the windows or doors, they say, they say, probably perpendicular to the floor as the starting point for the walls of the walls.

However, this is not always like this - check the window and door frames on errors using the most ordinary plumb. It is possible that you will be surprised how you used to get along with such a curvature. The tradition of glue from the window was primarily due to the need to glue paper wallpaper Vanoslest. If you glue them from the window clockwise, the joints of the junction will not be so noticeable. However, in the case of vinyl or phlizelin wallpaper, it is not necessary to do this.

Ideally, if at least one corner turned out to be smooth, you can start from it. But it is best to make a thorough markup around the perimeter of the walls, focusing on the plumb. In this case, you will see the overall picture in advance, and the curvature of the corners will not be so noticeable against the background of perfectly vertical canvases. If you do markup and glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis, then there is absolutely no matter where you start - from the window or from the middle of the wall.

How to glue the wallpaper in the corners - we are patient!

The first rule of the perfect blowing in the corners is not a glue into an angle whole cloth.In most cases, this is fraught with inconsistency with the following canvas and forming folds. If you have chosen a dear finish type, for example, vinyl wallpaper type silk screen with a complex pattern, then it is best to align the angles with the help of plaster or putty, depending on what kind of irregularity is about.

If deviations are not so noticeable, then it is possible to hide small irregularities with the help of an allen. To begin with one of the walls, which rests into an angle, glue the canvas so that it goes to the adjacent plane with a maximum of 4 cm. Consider, the angle should be very thoroughly wedged with glue so that the canvas had a maximum clutch with the surface. With a spatula or stupid side, a knife is prettier to press the leaf in the corner - act neatly so as not to break the canvas. Then, using a rubber roller or sponge, get rid of air bubbles.

The next responsible stage is the sticking of the canvas on the adjacent wall. To begin, again, measure the measurements - it is necessary to ensure that the edge of the new canvase closest to the corner jumped into the already glued 2-3 cm, while the far from the corner the edge went back with the new one.

Then, using a plumb, we determine the vertical line, which passes in the place of the allen on top of the bottom. Gently celebrate it with a pencil and with the help of a ruler and a sharp knife cut through two layers of wallpaper at the same time. Excess the upper cloves themselves will disappear, but remove the remains of the lower web, slightly bent the top layer. Re-wake the bent edge with the glue and it should be pressed against the wall. If you are all done correctly, the result will please you.

How to glue wallpaper on an external angle - subtlety and nuances

With the help of the adoption, the problem with pasting external corners is solved. Only the process looks somewhat different. The first cloth is pasted in such a way that one edge wrapped around the corner for several centimeters. In the level of alignment it is likely that there will have to make several cuts, in order to avoid the occurrence of folds. As you followed, the material is made to the base with a sponge or spatula and allow the glue to the glue slightly. Then cut the strip, bent over the corner in such a way that only the thin edge remains, not more than 1 cm.

Before starting to stick the second web, make measurements with a plumb to determine the far from the corner of the edge. Focusing on it, we stick the second cloth in such a way that there is no more than 5 mm in the near corner of the corner. Thus, you will get an inconspicuous junction of cloths.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Wallpapers - universal finishing material, whose main advantage is the relative simplicity of working with it. With their sticking can be successfully cope with independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. But if it is decided to transform the appearance of the room with its own forces, it is important to understand how to glue the wallpaper correctly in the corners. It is this part of the work that represents the greatest complexity.

Preparatory activities

Wallpaper selection criteria for uneven walls and corners

If there is no desire or ability to engage in leveling the base, you need to carefully approach.

  • Material for curved surfaces should be loosely so that the joints on which the flashes will have to glue are not thrown into the eyes. Floser can fit well.
  • The drawing should be small and frequent or completely absent.
  • The irregularity of the walls will help hide the material with the embossed structure.
  • For strongly damaged surfaces, wallpaper is suitable for painting from fiberglass.

Materials for work

Regardless of the type of the selected canvas before sticking, you must prepare the following tools and materials:

  • rolls in the right amount;
  • wallpaper glue suitable for the selected type of wallpaper;
  • roulette;
  • a long line of metal or a piece of profile;
  • plumb;
  • pencil;
  • construction knife or acute paper blade;
  • rubber roller, brush or clean fabric.

Tip: Do not begin to glue the wallpaper from the corner, to get started, choose a smooth part of the wall.

Specialists have their own secrets on pasting angular elements.

  • Glue messenger. When sticking wallpapers in the angle of jack there is a risk of discrepancies of cloths after drying and the appearance of a lumen that cannot be imperceptibly eliminated.
  • Do not glue the whole web, even if the angle is perfectly smooth. Otherwise, after drying, folds and swings are almost inevitably formed.
  • We wash the wall with glue. It is in the corners that the probability of the lagging material is especially high, so this rule acts for all types of cloths: paper, flieslinic, vinyl.

Fixing Wallpaper in Inner Corners

For pasting inner corner, we observe the following procedure.

  • We measure the distance from the edge of the strip, which was the latter pasted on the wall, to the angle. In addition to the resulting value, we add 2 cm. Cut the cloth, bend according to the added allowance and transfer it to a gloven wall. Surplus must go to the adjacent side. The glued sheet needs to be smoothed with a roller or cloth so that all air leaves it from under it.
  • The second sheet is also bent 2 cm and glued on the other side of the angle so that the allowance of the lamp is a previously glued sheet. The correctness of the blending of this web must be checked using a plumb. During the smoothing of the sheet, we try not to press those of the very few centimeters of the allowance.
  • We don't need two wallpaper layers, they will be released, so we apply a long ruler to the corner and we cut the layers with a construction knife along it. Then remove the surplus of the upper coating.
  • By lifting the top layer, we remove the lower segments, its edge once again with glue and slide tightly to the wall, squeezing the air. This method allows to obtain a very smooth docking seam.

Wallpaper sticking in external corners

To wake up the outer angle, you need to calculate the width of the canvas so that the sheet, rich protrusion, moves to the adjacent wall by 2-5 cm. Having measured the necessary width of the canvas, cut off the excess part. We remember that when using too broad bands, we inevitably get folds and wrinkles.

  • We apply glue both on wallpaper and on the wall. We apply a sheet to the performance so that the canvas turn around it, as the next photo. If the material is dense, you need to make small cuts for good contact with an angle.
  • The sheet is pressed in the upper part of it. Down on an excess canvas make an incision. If the material for sticking is smooth, smoothed it with a roller, relief pressed the cloth. Part of the strip that has entered the turn can be cut off, leaving a small edge.
  • We take the next leaf or residue from the previous one and glue it in a similar way on the adjacent wall. The canvas should lie on the first layer. Using a plumb, check the verticality of this strip, if necessary, we combine the drawing. Carefully smoothed the cloth.

Decorating walls in such material as wallpaper is the most familiar way when the question is about updating the interior. Inviting specialists for pasting rooms with wallpaper, but not necessarily. It is enough to have a readiness to independently carry out such a repair.

Features of the process

If there is no extra money to pay to professional finishing, you can cope with the pasting walls yourself. But there are problems with how to gently glue the wallpaper in the corners. Before you take the case, it is better to know some building rules.

It does not matter, from which place to start the room pasting with wallpaper, if all the angles are smooth. If it is not so, it is better to choose that angle, after the wallpaper stickers on which the skews can be avoided on a flat surface. In any case, it is better to start working from that corner that is not striking or at least in the future will be fallen in the furniture. To choose for pasting the first web protruding angle is definitely not necessary.

It should not be used at the junction of two walls a whole wobbly canvas, especially considering that some are very wide. Even on the most even and neat with the appearance of the turn, the wallpaper is frozen and slightly pulled, after drying, giving shrinkage.

If there are switches or sockets near the corners, before the start of work it is better to interrupt the supply of electricity, remove the covers of these devices. The protruding parts of the electrical system can be simply sealed, and after completing the work, it is gently cut off the places of sockets and switches. So you simplify your work and the result will be better.

Surface preparation

In order for the walls of the walls by wallpaper on the first turn to the torture, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the walls to decorate in advance.

Corners at closer examination may be curves, rounded, sometimes there are noticeable depressions and bugs. Therefore, experts advise not to regret the strength and time to make an uneven surface, and can stack. A good helper in this case will be plastering corners.

They are aligned in terms of level and glued with the same plaster or putty. There are corners for internal and outer angles. When fresh putty dry dries, it must be rubbed out the sandpaper to make the surface smooth. Then the angles should be carefully harbing and waited until the extra moisture leaves from the primer.

All these measures will be allowed to make the process of blowing angles easier, and you will be satisfied with the result.

If it does not manage to achieve absolute evenness or do not have time to do this, you need to approach the choice of wallpaper themselves. Lovely finishing materials are suitable for pasting curves, as they will have to glue them, and from the side of the imposition of the canvas on the canvas should not be noticeable.

A successful choice in this case will be flieslinic wallpaper with a small pattern or monophonic. Also, the curvature of the angle can hide the non-smooth ornamental materials, and even fiberglass under painting.

Stowing step by step:

  • Before starting the pasting, you need to prepare all the tools and materials.
  • Make the calculation of the area you want to go and buy the required number of wallpaper rolls.
  • Select the appropriate wallpaper glue and dilute it according to the instructions.
  • Stock roulette, plumb, pencil, long metal ruler.

  • Prepare a building knife, roller, brush, sponge or clean rag.
  • Bring a stool or a swirling to get to the top edge of the wall in the process.

He retreating four to five centimeters junction, carry out a pencil on the wall of the line, perpendicular to the floor, focusing on the plumb. Most modern wallpapers are mixed into the joint. Therefore, on how correctly you will spend this feature and take the first web, it depends whether the subsequent strips are strictly vertically or with distortion.

For loyalty, it is better to make pencil guidelines for each of them.

Walking strips are cut with a reserve of 2 centimeters, since after drying they become shorter. Since the wallpaper is sold in round rolls, which are also quite wide and heavy, to apply each time they are uncomfortable. So cutting the decorative canvas better on the floor on the surface prepared for rolling.

The wall must be carefully skled with glue. Special attention should be paid to the corners, because it is in these places that the lag behind the decorative layer is the greatest. The treatment of the wall glue is distributed to all cases: when you finish the walls and paper, and fliseline, and vinyl wallpaper. And in the case of the use of heavy vinyl wallpapers, it is necessary to miss glue and them. In the process of work, if you laugh and the glue in the corners managed to dry, be sure to repeat the sizing again.

The technique of work at the occampling of the corners has long been worked out. There are techniques both for the salary of external corners and internal.


When finishing the walls, the convex surfaces are especially rushed into the eyes, so the quality of pasting of outer angles will largely determine the perception of the room as a whole. If the angles are smooth, it is enough to wrap the wallpaper blades for the corner of the centimeter by three or four from the protrusions and glue. If the wallpaper starts wrinkling, they will have to neatly trim in the folds of the folds. The next strip can be laid on the wall as they do on the plane.

If the outer angles are curves, it will not be possible to solve the problem. When you decorate the wall with materials that practically do not give shrinkage after drying and combining the joint in the junction, the cloth on the corner must be pasted in such a way that it comes over the rotation of centimeters for five. Another cloth when gluing should be a little run to the previous one. In the middle of the ruler, a neat cut is made.

Excess material from above and below remains removed. The canvas should be smoothed and press the surface as much as possible.

If you are dealing with paper wallpaper, it is not necessary to hurry to trim the backstage. Check the correctness of the sticker with a plumb. If the deviations are very large, explicitly unnecessary wallpapers can be carefully cut on the intended line.

To accomplish the completion in the design of an external angle and so that with time the wallpaper is not hoisted over time, it is better to use plastic plastic parts for wallpaper, selected for them in color. You need to calculate in advance how much they need to work. Put corners on liquid nails or using silicone sealant.

The approach in the appendix of the outer corner is used on the protrusions around the door and windows. Beams and other similar elements with external angle are covered separately in the same way using wallpaper trimming, which remained after sticking canned cloths on the walls.


In order to competently dispose of the next web in the corner, you need to measure the distance from the extreme glittered strip to the joint and add two centimeters to the resulting digger. The wallpaper must be cut into account and apply to the wall, pre-lubricated with glue. With proper trimming, a narrow strip of wallpaper should be on the adjacent strip behind the joint line. Linen to smooth the roller and cloth to release all the air between the wall and the future decorative coating.

If such a bubble does not want to disappear, experienced people recommend piercing it to release air, and with the help of a syringe to pour a little glue under the wallpaper, and then smooth the roller.

If the angle is uneven and in the process of sticking on the strip appear wrinkles, scissors, as in the case of an outer angle, you need to make neat cuts towards the fold and glue the canvas.

The neighbor's band must be glued on the second wall with an overlap in a couple of centimeters to the previous one. Check the quality of your work with a plumb. When smoothing the second sheet, you need not press the edge of the necessary allowance to the wall.

Then the line needs to cut the layers through the construction knife, remove the excess top layer, and then the lower segments. Wallpaper in the corner once again slipped with glue and press the wall so that there are no air bubbles.

If everything is done neatly, it turns out even seams.

Picture Subtleties

There are certain difficulties in order to be beautifully glued in the protruding and internal corners with a pattern. Using a decorative coating with a clear, pronounced pattern, you will have to try to not distort it at the junction. It is necessary to provide this task in advance when selecting materials in the store.

Especially noticeable distortion on wallpaper with vertical stripes. If the drawing is horizontal, it may look overwhelmed relative to the ceiling and floor.

You can avoid this, only if you take the corners of the mustache. The edge of the canvas should be strictly strictly on a plunder. Neighboring strip must be neatly trimmed along the edge of the angle. Moreover, the wall with paper wallpapers, it is necessary to produce all these manipulations not only carefully, but at the maximum speed. Otherwise, the coating itself will spread and you will turn off one of the wall strip.

So that irregularities are low, the resulting joint is recommended to hide at the top of the corner. It is unlikely to avoid a certain shift of the picture, but with a competent approach, it will be so immeasured that the look will be clinging for the joints of the junctions only in those who performed this repair itself.

The article can find the answer to the question how to glue the wallpaper in the corners. It is worth considering the process of finishing with full responsibility, irregularities can rush into the eyes, thereby spoil the impression from freshly repairs.

Step-by-step instruction of sticking inner angles

When finished, the main problem can be uneven walls and resulting from this fold on the wallpaper. It should also be borne in mind that with curved walls of the jokes of woeful canvases can diverge.

How to glue an outer angle (outdoor)?

The protruding angle must be pasted by analogy with the internal, but there are small differences that you also need to take into account when working.

What if the corners are uneven?

Uneven walls Frequent problem of old houses. Before you begin to glue the finish coating, it is desirable to conduct preparatory work and bring the surface "in order". If visually angles are smooth and do not require major repairs, it will be enough to walk with rigid tissue, removing small irregularities and dust. If irregularity is noticeable with a naked eye, then it is better to carry out a little work before starting glue wallpaper.

Features of adhesive meter wallpaper

Wide canvas are convenient because allowing the finish with a smaller number of seams on the surface. It is more difficult to glue them, but the result is worth it.

How to dock in the corners?

It would seem that such a trifle how to glue the corners in the room can completely spoil all the work during incorrect execution. And if on the wallpaper also the drawing that needs to be customized is worth it to approach the finishing.

How to customize drawing in corners?

It is important that the drawing is continuous and smooth throughout the perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to combine the pattern, and crop excess.

  1. The bands are also glued to the mustache. Leaves allowance on both walls.
  2. Plastic spatula wallpaper pressed against the corner.
  3. After sticking the second web, the wallpaper is trimmed by drawing. This method refers to wallpaper with a small pattern. For a large pattern, under the edges may be required.

Before glued, you must first prepare the material for work, spreading the coating on the floor and having studied the pattern. Segments are cut off after the selection of the drawing in height.

Features of trimming wallpapers in the corners

In order to get the perfectly smooth seam in the corner you need to correctly cut excessive.

  1. After the wallpaper is pasted against the wall, a smooth metal line is applied, it can also be a spatula or rule. In order for the cutting line to be smoothly, you can use the level.
  2. Excess the edge of the line is cut off with a sharp stationery knife, after which the upper wallpaper layer will go away.
  3. Carefully comes up and getting the bottom layer of wallpaper is removed in the same way.
  4. The canvas are labeled with glue and tightly pressed to the corner. As a result, the coating is tightly adjacent to each other.

Glue wallpaper in the corners is not so difficult, but special care and accuracy is required. Today there is a way of finishing, which allows you to perform work at all without jams, namely liquid wallpaper. They are applied with a smooth layer and do not require such difficulties as fitting patterns, widths, accuracy in rounded places and other nuances.

Casting walls of the apartment by wallpaper - a familiar procedure for most inhabitants of our country. This is the most affordable and easy way to update the interior, but not many owners understand how to properly glue the wallpaper in the corners of the room. It seemed to be a non-lunged occupation, it stumbles on a lot of difficulties when the angles with an uneven surface should be accumulated. Especially many problems arise with wallpaper that require fittings. The exact coincidence of the image in the corner curve will not be achieved, and the general picture will be hopelessly spoiled. It is impossible to attach individual canvas on the wall infinitely, but without careful leveling of the surface in the corner and preliminary preparation, it will be impossible to achieve an acceptable result.

To avoid difficulties in the process of gluing wallpaper, special attention should be paid to the preliminary preparation of walls and angles. Even minimal protrusions or deepening in the corner are able to give a serious distortion on a meter long, and several such errors make fitting it impossible - there are chains and ruptures, as a result of which it does not turn out the wallpaper with different patterns.

To prepare the surface for sticking wallpaper in the corners, you will need to perform the following work:

  1. The first step is to clean the surface from old coatings, dust and dirt.
  2. When small recesses are detected, they are eliminated by putty.
  3. If the wall is uneven, you need to find the point of maximum protrusion at the inner corner. With the help of a rail guide (metal profile) mounted on a plumb or level to a neighboring wall, a mark is made, according to an angle of special construction mixtures.
  4. If it is impossible to align the inner angle with building solutions, it is recommended to install a special corner from a metal mesh, after which it is necessary to stack a fixed place. In the same way, an external angle can be prepared.
  5. Align and frying surfaces need to be treated with sandpaper until a smooth surface appears.
  6. After receiving the perfect surface, it is required to be treated with primer. This point of preparation of the angle to pasting is mandatory, although many owners that make repair with their own hands, ignore this procedure. The surface treated with the soil allows to achieve a higher degree of adhesion of materials, which is especially important when working with angles.

The preparation will allow to solve the issue of sticking the wallpaper in the corners of the room with high quality. In the same way, it is recommended to prepare complex surfaces in places of placement of doors, heating batteries and windows.

How to bold corners

To successfully overcome the problem of corners of both outdoor and internal, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools that will allow you to perform this work with less effort. The following tools will be needed for gluing paper, flieslinic and vinyl wallpaper:

  • a plumb or level to determine the vertical mark;
  • wide spatula, as the basis for smooth cutting wallpaper;
  • stationery knife;
  • brush width 150 mm;
  • roller, preferably on a long handle;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • rubber roller for rolling wallpaper;
  • capacity for breeding glue and primer;
  • bath with cuvette for working with roller.

The technology of pasting internal and outer angles in the room, which is suited below, is valid only for monochrome products without pattern, which do not require pillars of the image.


Push the inner angles are best using the brass technology. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a sheet, a width that exceeds the width of the wall at the place of conjugation with an angle by 3-4 cm. This piece is designed for the sizing angle and a small approach to the adjacent wall.

After the sheet glue, it is necessary to carry out a strictly vertical line along this strip at a distance of 0.5 cm from the angle. This mark will be a guide for the sticker of the second sheet on the next wall. To get the vertical, use a plumb or laser level.

The second sheet is pasted in such a way that its edge coincides with a vertical mark. If the seam is invisible, you can start following the walls of the walls, if it comes noticeably, you will have to make an aligning cut, for which the stationery knife and a wide metal spatula, like a guide surface for a knife, will have to make an alignment cut.

After trimming, the extra strips are removed, the wallpaper is slightly diluted at the place of the joint and additionally missed glue, after which they are again joined.


Modern projects practically do not provide external angles in the apartment space, but in the previous series such angles exist, so you should consider step-by-step instructions of pasting such walls:

  1. As in the case of an inner angle, it is necessary to prepare a sleeper with a width that exceeds the wall space to an angle by 4-5 cm;
  2. Glue wovel sheet and the surface planned to be saved;
  3. The sleeper is glued to the main place and smoothly align, removing air traffic jams;
  4. After strengthening the sheet on the main wall, begged wallpaper bending. If necessary, you can make small cuts to smooth out the wrinkles formed during an uneven surface;
  5. The next step makes markup on the strip, retreating from the angle of 0.5 cm. The markup should be strictly vertical, for which it is recommended to use a plumb or laser level;
  6. Apply glue to the second sheet and the wall, after which, aligning the edge of the sheet along the line, glued it;
  7. Using a guide (a wide spatula, a long metal line or profile), produce a vertical cut in the middle part of the connected parts;
  8. Sliced \u200b\u200bstrips are removed, and the joints of the junction are additionally laid with glue and rolled the rubber roller.

Every wizard engaged in finishing works, there is a set of optimal solutions to issues arising in the process of pasting. Below are the advice of professionals, helping to understand how to properly glue the wallpaper in the corners and prevent errors:

  • For pasting walls with dense rolled materials, the most durable glue types should be used, and the glue with the transparent structure should be selected;
  • Applying soil to the entire surface of the walls, and especially in joints, be sure;
  • Often fitting pattern in the junction takes a long time, which leads to the drying of the adhesive, respectively, it is necessary to add the adhesive composition in the places where it is reduced;
  • In old panel houses in the corners there may be significant deviations. In this case, it is difficult to conduct effective alignment, so to facilitate the work, the wallpaper should be purchased without a picture to avoid fit;
  • If there is no special primer mixture, for surface treatment before pasting, it is recommended to use wallpaper glue. It is enough to apply it 5 hours before the start of the main work, with the result that the setting of materials will be much reliable;
  • Mix the corners is necessary to brush. The roller will not be able to cope with the full processing of the entire surface of this node, which will adversely affect the assembly of the material;
  • In complex pairings with large deviations, it is recommended before the sticker of the main cloth jack, glue a strip of a small (up to 15 cm) width. Such precaution will protect the connection when docking wallpaper and disguises the flaws with an inaccurate fit. This method is applied only for monophonic wallpaper without drawing;
  • For those who are still with difficulty present, how to break the wallpaper in the corners without marriage, it is recommended to use flieslinic wallpapers. They are best masked the flaws of problem surfaces;
  • If, when smoothing the web, folds are formed, they can be neatly trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees, which will eliminate the irregularity and continue to work;
  • Smoothing the panels is carried out until the air traffic jams are completely eliminated. Otherwise, these places will not stick and over time will led to the peeling of the entire tar;
  • When using the docking method of the blast wallpaper, followed by trimming of unnecessary centimeters in length, it is necessary to neatly remove the place of the joint from the wall with a wide metal spatula, and again wrapped with glue, since the adhesive from the wall is removed when removing unnecessary strips. Crop the surplus is better than a stationery knife using a wide spatula as a guide base.

These practical advice will allow any novice home master to cope with difficulties and understand how to glue the wallpaper in the corners of the room without errors.

Pickling wallpaper with pattern

Of particular difficulty is the work on pasting with wallpaper with a pattern. With the minimum vertical wall errors, docking is usually performed successfully. The displacement of the pattern is possible, but this deficiency does not affect the overall picture.

For a better fitting of two sheets in the drawing, it is necessary on a flat surface to spread both trimters face to the top. Next, measurements should be measured from the last glued sheet to the angle at the top and below. These distances must be postponed on the first sheet, and another 5 cm should be retreat from the marks received.

By connecting the vertical points, we obtain the fold line (first measurement) and the cut line (the second measurement). On the second line of the surplus wallpaper is cut off.

The resulting sheet is superimposed on the second web, intended for docking, and is adjusted by the pattern in such a way that the minimum point by the width of the first sheet overlapped by 3-4 cm, after which the second sheet is cut at the required height.

When both sheets are ready, the adhesive composition is applied onto the walls and the finished parts are applied, gently singing them in the drawing. The process of smoothing the choler is described in previous methods of corners.

The scene is cut off using a stationery knife and guide base (spatula), cut bands are removed, and the joint is additionally laid with glue and rolled the rubber roller.