Cutting a solid fuel boiler: the correct scheme with a boiler and with a heat accumulator. Cutting a solid fuel boiler heating Connecting a solid fuel boiler with plastic pipes

Unlike other heaters, the cutting of a solid fuel boiler usually never contains circulation pumps, adjustment devices and controls. These problems have to be solved during the operation of the owners themselves. They will have to choose the appropriate scheme and additional equipment. If everything is done correctly, the productivity, reliability and efficiency of the heater will increase.

You can make the strapping of a solid fuel boiler yourself, you only need to follow the scheme exactly

Typical installation of the system

Management of combustion process in firewood heaters is some difficulty, which leads to a large inertia of the heating system. This delivers some inconvenience during operation. In addition, service security is violated.

The standard cutting of the boiler on solid fuel makes its productivity dependent on the temperature of the coolant. In order for the operation of heating was more efficient, the temperature of the circulating fluid should be in the range of 60-65 ° C.

How to make a strapping of a solid fuel boiler:

In this case, the air indoors is heated, which will create some discomfort. In addition, additional factors affect the efficiency of the heater:

  • type of heating system;
  • number of contours;
  • the number of consumers of thermal energy, etc.

Therefore, in order to correctly tie a solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to consider and calculate all possible options that exist. Perhaps you have to create your own equipment connection scheme, and in this case it is necessary to consult the specialists.

Open heating scheme

The scheme of heating a private house with a solid fuel boiler and an open expansion tank is considered to be the most suitable for such heaters. The fact is that even with a sharp leap of temperature and pressure, such a system will remain operational.

If you do the right job, the heating system will work for a long time and reliably

The lack of electrical equipment allows you to use such a scheme away from civilized areas. In addition, if compared with the gas, then the solid fuel heating system is much cheaper. The scheme of natural circulation has a number of flaws:

  1. The appearance of corrosion in pipelines, as the system is open for free access of oxygen.
  2. Fast evaporation of the coolant from the expansion tank.
  3. The big difference between the temperature of the coolant in different parts of the contour.

In order for oxygen to do not flow into the system, and the water is not so quickly evaporated, the owners add oil into the expansion tank, which forms a protective film. When installing a wood boiler room, a series of conditions should be performed.

How to connect the heating boiler:

For normal natural circulation, the boiler must be below the level of batteries at least 50 cm, and the expansion tank is higher than the rest of the equipment. Pipelines should be placed with a small bias and with the smallest number of shut-off valves.

Closed boiler strapping with pump

Installation in the strapping scheme of solid fuel boilers of buffer containers makes such a system closed. It protects from the effects of oxygen and evaporation of the coolant. In addition, the buffer tank plays the role of a thermal battery, and the boilers begin to work more effectively.

In the strapping, the tank is mounted in which is placed at least 1/10 from the total amount of fluid in the system. In addition, a safety valve is installed on the supply pipeline, and at the highest point of the system - reset air. The safety valve is triggered by increasing the pressure in the system above the working per 1 atm.

To equalize the temperature balance in all circuits, they are installed in the scheme of the strapping of a solid fuel boiler Circulation pump. Next to it, bypass is usually installed so that when the pumping device is damaged to switch to the natural circulation of the coolant.

Read more about the strapping of a solid fuel boiler:

The pump itself is installed on the return pipeline, between the buffer capacity and the inlet fitting. This installation scheme allows you to extend the service life of the pump, since in the reverse pipeline the temperature is slightly lower. In addition, if the water in the boiler boils, the pump will still be able to continue working, reducing the temperature of the fluid in the pipeline system.

Application of the collector and the three-way valve

When connecting to a solid fuel boiler, several consumers use a collector (comb). Through this device and there is a parallel connection of heating branches. This element provides balance balancing and distributes heat carrier to all consumers.

With a violation of the boiler strapping scheme, the heating system can stop working at all

In addition, the presence of camshaft allows you to establish several centrifugal pumps, simultaneously provide all consumers with the same temperature with the coolant with the same temperature. The only disadvantage of such a system is the complication of the design and its rise in prices.

Another way to use a collector strapping is a hydraulic arrow. It is a vertical container installed between a solid fuel boiler and consumers who are connected to nozzles at different heights.

Read more about solid fuel boiler:

This allows each branch of the system to be optimal temperatures. An important role in the strapping of the boiler is played by a three-way valve that helps protect the heater from getting too cold coolant into it.

This leads to the appearance of condensate on the walls of the boiler and the occurrence of corrosion. The valve is a valve with two inputs and one output. Its action is performed by means of signals from the temperature sensor, which is triggered when the temperature is critical in the return pipe.

In this case, the valve opens a small circle that goes to the boiler, and it begins to supply hot heat carrier. As soon as the heater temperature recovers, the valve will block the arrival of hot water to the boiler.

The cutting of a solid fuel boiler is very responsible and complex work, therefore, before choosing a specific scheme, it is necessary to weigh everything well and calculate. Otherwise, the heating system may lose efficiency or stop working.

Come on, I'll start, the course of your reasoning
1. The cast iron is more durable (with properly CO serves longer), it is critical to temperature drops, a seposyone, that is, interchangeable (but expensive, however), for some reason, the furnaces are more convenient (large doors, and therefore facilitates the heat exchanger and stacking of firewood, these are my observations and conclusions ). The price is higher than the steel.
2. Steel - shelf life about 10-15 years, the cast iron is about 40 years old, not maintainable (if only brew quality), it is not so critical to temperature drops than relaxed, not very convenient furnace (small doors, not very convenient enough space ).Affordable price.
3. In my understanding, the smaller the difference, the better both for the boiler and for CO. After all, a uniformly warm system is convenient, and does not harm anything. Mach difference for my draft is somewhere 20 degrees.
4. Copper is beautiful, qualitatively (if straight hands), durable, can react with aluminum radiators (if there are no transitions, i.e. is connected directly, the gases are formed, the system will earlier fail, there will be a problem with it), expensive.
Steel more or less by beauty, requires welding work (as it is easier to spin than twist), durable.
Corrugation stainless steel is comfortable, durable, beautiful.
PPR-convenient, beautifully, requires protection on temperature, does not give a certain heat supply.
Metaloplastic-beautiful, convenient, if the press is practical, expensive, does not give a heat unit.
5. Ta-good thing if on permanent residence, it does not require frequent fuel laying, keeps heat, you can make it yourself (even in a compartment with a DHW). Devils the difference in temperature. For me, the perfect option.
Hydroatruta -Heer option for several boilers, or high power, or as an option equalizing temperatures (cheaper than three-way with all the increments). Can be made by yourself.
Three-way with an incremental alternative hydraulic system, in my opinion more expensive, dependence on electricity, suddenly to fill with water, in short, not so practical as an arrow)
Or maybe not to put it, but simply when the pump is on the pump on the full, and slowly connect the circuit (radiators) to avoid the temperature drop?
6. Firewood - it is necessary to prick, if you do not buy it is big +, if the glove size of the firebox must be cut, quickly burn (but they give a lot of heat)
briquettes - a fine version with firewood (a house was drunk, and support briquettes), just buy
Coal-gives a lot of heat, longer twelves than firewood, dirty strongly, a lot of ash.
7. The first meter or if it is in the house, in my opinion can be done by stainless steel (galvanized it seems to be harmful to health) as it will give a certain heat removal, the main overlap to go correctly (through the sleeve)
Sandwich is good for the street, less condensate in it, rather than in a brick tube
Brick-if the old chimney remains
8. Teng-good thing, if the network allows.
The controller is not replaced if there is no automation (or abandoned closed CO), convenient and simple, and not expensive.
Automation and fan - as you can accurately set up your needs.
All this is my reasoning, studied on the materials of the Internet something wrong, make adjustments. I considered in my vision, I would like to know more who can and want to share. Who does not want, he is silent (captain obvious)

The scheme of the strapping of boiler rooms for a private house with a heat accumulator and a standard solid fuel boiler is one of the most reliable and sought-after combinations. The constructing of the circuit begins with the arrangement of the strapping of a solid fuel boiler, as well as the placement of the buffer tank. This element is set to obtain an additional contour of the natural circulation. Thus, a spare path is created, according to which water will head due to the case of unplanned short-term disconnection of electricity and sudden stopping of the pump.

Consider the contour with natural circulation - gravitational. When drawing up a plan to avoid bends, we try to minimize the amount of knees in order not to create extra resistance. Based on the size of the nozzles of the boiler used, select the diameter of the pipes for the contour. The standard option is not more than 1.5 inches.

The coolant circulates inside the gravitational circuit without the help of the pump due to the temperature difference. In case, due to the disconnection of electricity or for another reason, the circulation of hot water will stop, the solid fuel boiler will boil. To avoid this dangerous situation, an additional gravitational contour is used - in order to warn an accident in the event of a pump stop.

Sometimes the temperature of the solid fuel boiler increases and can exceed the border of 100 degrees. For this reason, the contour is suspended from metal pipes. We add the pump to the outline. To do this, we plan a bypass path where we establish a safety petal reverse valve on a selected section of the gravitational circuit. Select a valve with minimal resistance. The adapter with standard resistance may interfere with the circulation of the coolant.

In normal mode, the circulation pump creates pressure on the valve, supporting it in a closed state. At the same time, the water freely circulates by the usual path. At the time of stopping the pump, the boiler continues to heat the water, but the built-in valve will work and will not miss the water in the main circle.

Hot water and valve additive

In order for the system to earn, it is necessary to provide automatic hot water to the return. Thus, increase the temperature of the water setting in the boiler. If it is too cold coolant to fall into it, the boiler can quickly fail. There are several common strapping schemes with the addition of return. We use a three-way mixing thermostatic valve. Installing this valve allows you to form a small circle of treatment of the coolant, as a result of which the heating of the boiler will accelerate. This approach prevents the formation of condensation, thereby protects the heat exchanger from the breakdown due to a significant difference in temperature.

Imagine a modeled situation. Built-in petal valve exhibit on triggering when the temperature is 55 degrees. When you start the boiler, water in the system is not heated and while it is cold, the valve closes and allow the carrier by a small circle. After the water supplied to the threshold value of 55 degrees, the valve was opened and began to mix the cooled water from the return. At the next stage, the whole barrel is heated, while the temperature of the return will also rise above 55 degrees. At this point, the valve will completely switch and let the water on a large ring.

After connecting the return circuit of the solid fuel boiler, add pressure reset valve. It is necessary in case of exceeding operating performance. In a solid fuel boiler there is a special hole for the installation of the valve. In other models, the valve can be installed through a tee. Turn on the expansion tank. After it, to complete the strapping from the heat generator, it is necessary to connect the electrocotel. It turns on in the diagram parallel to the already installed solid fuel boiler.

We have two feeds formed, in each of them it is necessary to install check valves. This is done so that the pump of one of the boilers does not rock water on the working circuit in opposition to another. Recall, on a solid fuel boiler, we do not use the usual, but the petal valve.

Solid fuel boiler and buffer tank

The easiest of the strapping scheme containing a buffer container with a pre-installed HBS coil. The advantage of this option will be a significant savings in the boiler room due to the absence of a separate boiler. Another additional plus is a modest savings on attachments due to the lack of need to buy and install another node. This option simplifies the process of servicing the system, since there will be no problems of combating bacteria.

In the summer, the heataccumulator with the Cmerevik of the DHW becomes a full-fledged boiler of indirect heating. The pump in the diagram is connected by a standard inch pipe, a pipe ¾ or inches fits on the electric boiler. If the installation of a buffer capacity of at least 1000 liters is planned, then it turns out more economically and it is advisable to raise the reverse and connect the main outline and connect the main outline, but above, in the middle conclusions of the heat accumulator. With this scheme, the boiler will not constantly heat the entire volume, which will reduce the rate of its depreciation. This parameter depends on the case market.

If not solid fuel, and the gas boiler is required, then the same circuit is used as for electric. It should be noted that in the scheme under consideration, the standard electric boiler already contains everything necessary:

  • pump;
  • pressure meter;
  • safety valve.

When choosing a model in which these parts are missing, the boiler will have to be tied up accordingly.

Connection to the heating system

Prepared scheme directly connect to the heating system. From the point of view of security, it is necessary to remember that the solid fuel boiler in certain moments can give an excessively high temperature. The accumulative barrel may contain water with a temperature of 90-100 degrees. For standard home radiators, heating is too much. It can be strongly burning with a random touch. For this reason, you need to add another mixing valve to the schema. It will be mixed in the contour cooled water.

If warm floors are arranged in the house, it is possible to connect them to the contour of the radiators for feeding the return. It will be necessary to install another pump. Connection will go to the mixing node. Due to the high temperature, water from the heated heat exchanger is taken not directly, but through the safety mixing valve. This item is installed so that when working with the system and its testing, it is not covered with hot steam.

At the next stage, connect the coolant recycling line in the system through a special pump. We set in the circuit check valves in accordance with the scheme. This complete set of functional elements is completed, moving to the valve.

Before boilers, it is required to put another filter. Then at the highest points of the system, install the automatic air vent. Next, we ensure the drain and filling system. To do this, we arrange the ball valves so that in the future to perform inspection and repair of equipment, without merging the coolant from the contour. Cranes are needed for:

  • expansion tank;
  • boilers;
  • pump.

In the event that there are no regular thermometers on the boilers, they are installed additionally. Two control thermometers located on buffer capacity will also be required. They will facilitate the control of the system and its adjustment.

Armature insulation

Consider the question of the need for warming fittings. Large length of pipes, many fittings and high operating temperatures in the system lead to heat loss. On ready-made objects, the heating equipment is not insulated properly overheat overheats the surrounding space. In the room where the boiler and the heat accumulator is installed, the temperature can reach plus 27 degrees in a heavy frost. The fuel is consumed irrational, and the efficiency of the system is reduced. After the insulation of pipes, it is possible to win a few degrees and reduce fuel consumption.

Warming fittings must be remembered that when working on the side of boilers, the pipes are strongly heated, since the water can transport hot 100 degrees. Polyeneethylene insulation in this case is not suitable. It can only be put in another part of the contour from the radiators of the heating system. In the boiler room for hot tubes, it is better to wear a more resistant rubber insulation. It is also necessary to insulate the fittings and other fittings.

Safety is not recommended to isolate pumps. This equipment has a limit that is not allowed to exceed the norm of ambient temperature. If you areolate the pumps from the side of the boiler, you can warm them too much, and it is unacceptable.

Connection diagram with boiler

Consider another scheme of the strapping of a solid fuel boiler, in which there is a boiler except the heat accumulator. We will not redo the boiler part, leave it unchanged. Similar to the previous scheme, connect the entire heating system. The new will only be an indirect heating boiler added to the planned contour. Inside the selected model we have been located in the model, through which the heated heat carrier passes. Due to this, water is heated directly and pumped with a special pump. According to the experience of the previously used schemes, I recommend conclusions connected to the boiler, to use away from those that are connected to the boiler itself and heating radiators.

At the output of the prepared hot water from a boiler, another expansion tank must be installed. After that, inserting a petal safety valve in the cold water system. According to such a scheme, it is permissible to bring hot water without additional inserts directly to the bathrooms. Pipes will not be too hot - the boiler automatically controls the temperature of the coolant inside itself.

It may be useful to put an additional exit mixer, since the boiler periodically requires the prophylactic disinfection of the inner cavity of the high temperature. When heating the system, the probability appears to be covered by steam, if at this moment someone opens hot water. In addition, the mixer will allow the increased reserve of hot water in the boiler. For this, the electric boiler must be connected to the boiler, but the contour will be built directly according to another scheme.

The recycling line in the boiler is connected through a special additional output. Connect the armature in the contour according to the scheme discussed above. Note - only the hydraulic part is dismantled in detail in detail, without installing isolation.

Autonomous heating allows not to depend on the established consumption standards, the price policy of heat suppliers and their mood. What makes it possible to independently control the process of heating and maintain the most comfortable temperature in the house, saving resources at the same time.

And if you have a strapping of the boiler of heating with your own hands, then it will be longer, and the financial means "will select" less, is not it? But you never engaged in the strapping Yes, and the word itself at first glance seems to you incomprehensible?

Do not be afraid of the abundance of pipes, devices and technological stages - after reading the article, this work will be on the shoulder. The schemes of the strapping for floor and wall types of heating equipment are considered, visual photos and recommendations of experts on the implementation of strapping at home are selected.

The reciprocating of the heating boiler is a system of pipelines and equipment designed to provide radiators with a coolant. Simply put, it's all but batteries.

The first step is the choice of the heating boiler, with the performance of which you need to decide in advance.

The calculation of the necessary power of the heating unit is influenced by many factors, this is:

  • building volume;
  • the number of windows and the total area of \u200b\u200bglazing;
  • the number and area of \u200b\u200bdoorways;
  • thermal conductivity of materials used in the construction of walls;
  • the degree of insulation of carrier structures;
  • average annual temperature in the construction region;
  • building location, i.e. Which of the sides of the Light comes out the main, the tradition of the most glazed, facade.

However, there is an average indicator that without in-depth computing allows you to determine the required performance.

For the middle band for the starting point (but not a guide to action!) You can take 1 kW of 10 m² heated area. To the calculated power of the boiler heating, it is necessary to add a stock of at least 20%.

Heat for heating buildings is obtained by recycling fuel in boilers heating coolant

Types of heating boilers

Conditionally heating boilers can be divided into autonomous and manual loading.

Autonomous boilers depending on the fuel used are:

  • liquid fuel.

The order in the list determines the cost of heating depending on the type of fuel: gas boilers will be cheapest in operation.

Gallery of images

Unlike electrical and gas heating units, hard fuel boilers are almost never equipped with circulation pumps, security groups, adjustment and control devices. Everyone solves these issues on their own, choosing a circuit of the heating device in accordance with the type and characteristics of the heating system. From how correctly the installation of the heat generator will be performed, not only the efficiency and productivity of heating, but also its reliable, trouble-free operation. That is why it is important to include nodes and devices in the scheme, which will ensure the durability of the heating unit and its protection in case of emergency situations.

In addition, when installing a solid fuel boiler should not refuse equipment that creates additional convenience and comfort. It is possible to solve the temperature of the temperature drop during the reboot of the boiler, and the indirect heating boiler will provide the house with hot water. Thought about connecting a solid fuel heating unit for all rules? We will help you with it!

Typical strapping schemes for solid fuel boilers

The view that a solid fuel boiler is a morally obsolete unit covered with mud and soot, wrong, isn't it?

The complexity of controlling the combustion process in solid fuel boilers leads to a large inertia of the heating system, which negatively affects the convenience and safety during operation. The situation is also complicated by the fact that the efficiency of the aggregates of this type is directly dependent on the temperature of the coolant. For efficient operation of heating, the strapping should ensure the temperature of the heat agent within 60 - 65 ° C. Of course, with incorrect integration of equipment, such heating at the plus temperature "overboard" will be very uncomfortable and uneconomical. In addition, the full operation of the heat generator depends on a number of additional factors - the type of heating system, the number of contours, the presence of additional consumers of energy, etc. presented below take into account the most common cases. If none of them meets your requirements, the knowledge of the principles and features of the structure of heating systems will help in the development of an individual project.

Open-type system with natural circulation in a private house

First of all, it should be noted that open gravitational type systems are considered the most suitable for solid fuel boilers. This is due to the fact that even in emergency cases associated with a sharp increase in temperature and pressure, heating is likely to remain hermetic and operational. It is also important that the functionality of heating equipment does not depend on the presence of power. Given that firewood boilers are not installed in megalization, but in the areas remote from the benefits of civilization, this factor will not seem so insignificant to you. Of course, this scheme is not devoid of shortcomings, the main of which are:

  • free access of oxygen to the system, which causes internal corrosion of pipes;
  • the need to replenish the coolant level due to its evaporation;
  • the uneven temperature of the heat agent at the beginning and at the end of each contour.

A layer of any mineral oil with a thickness of 1 - 2 cm, poured into an expansion tank, will prevent the oxygen to enter the coolant and reduce the rate of evaporation of the fluid.

Despite the disadvantages, the gravitational scheme is very popular due to its simplicity, reliability and low cost.

Mounting scheme of a solid propellant unit in an open-type heating system

By accepting the decision to perform the installation in this way, note that for normal circulation of the coolant, the boiler entry should be below the heating radiators at least as 0.5 m. The feed pipes and returns must have slopes for normal coolant circulation. In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the hydrodynamic resistance of all branches of the system, and in the design process, try to reduce the number of shut-off and regulatory reinforcement. The correct operation of the system with the natural circulation of the coolant depends on the installation site of the expansion tank - it should be connected at the highest point.

Closed system with natural circulation

Installation on the return highway will avoid the harmful effects of oxygen and will relieve the need to control the level of the coolant.

Design membrane expansion tank

By deciding to equip the gravitational system with a hermetic expansion tank, consider the following points:

  • the capacity of the membrane tank must accommodate at least 10% of the total coolant;
  • a safety valve must be installed on the feed pipe;
  • the top point of the system should be equipped with an air vent.

Additional devices that are included in the boiler security group (safety valve and air) will have to purchase separately - the manufacturers are very rarely completed by the aggregates of such devices.

The safety valve allows you to reset the coolant if the pressure in the system exceeds the critical value. The pressure from 1.5 to 2 atm is considered to be a normal operating indicator. The emergency valve is adjusted by the value of 3 atm.

More details about this system will learn from our following article :.

Features of systems with coercive movement of the coolant

In order to align the temperature at all areas, the circulation pump integrate into the closed heating system. Since this unit can provide forced coolant movement, the requirements for the installation of the boiler and compliance with the inclusion becomes insignificant. However, it is not necessary to abandon the autonomy of natural heating. If at the outlet of the boiler to install a bypass branch, then in case of disconnection of the electricity, the circulation of the thermal agent will provide gravity forces.

The use of bypass will allow, if necessary, switch to a natural method of circulation of the coolant

The electrical pump is installed on the return highway, between the expansion tank and the inlet fitting. Due to the reduced temperature of the coolant, the pump operates in a more gentle mode, which increases its durability.

Video: Solid fuel boiler

Proper installation of a solid fuel boiler in the heating system of a closed type

A huge advantage of solid fuel boilers is that there are no permits for their installation. Installation is quite possible to carry out the personnel, especially since it does not require a special tool, no special knowledge. The main thing is to accommodately approach work and observe the oddity of all stages.

Apartment boiler room

The disadvantage of the heating units used for burning firewood and coal is the need for a special, well-ventilated room. Of course, it would be possible to install the boiler in the kitchen or bathroom, however, the periodic emission of smoke and soot, dirt from fuel and combustion products make this idea unsuitable for implementation. In addition, the installation of burning equipment in residential rooms is also unsafe - the release of a chap gas can lead to tragedy.

Solid fuel boiler is best installed outside the residential premises

When installing a heat generator in the boiler room, several rules are followed:

  • the distance from the furnace door to the wall should be at least 1M;
  • at a distance not higher than 50 cm from the floor and no lower than 40 cm from the ceiling must be installed ventilation channels;
  • in the room there should be no fuel and lubricating and flammable substances and items;
  • the base area in front of the ashtel is protected using a metal sheet with dimensions of at least 0.5x0.7 m.

In addition, at the installation site of the boiler, it is planned to open under the smoke tube, which is derived out. The configuration and dimensions of the chimney manufacturers indicate in the technical passport, so invent nothing will be required. Of course, if there is a need, then from the requirements of the documentation can be devaway, but in any case the channel for removing the combustion products should provide excellent traction in any weather.

How to fix the chimney

By installing the smoke tube, all connections and cracks close up with sealing materials, and also provide windows for cleaning the channels from soot and a condensate catcher.

Preparation for installing a heating unit

Before installing the boiler, choose the pattern of the strapping, calculate the length and diameter of the pipelines, the number of radiators, the type and number of additional equipment and the shut-off-regulating reinforcement.

Despite all the variety of design solutions, specialists recommend choosing combined heating, which can also provide natural circulation of the coolant. Therefore, when calculated, it is necessary to think about how the parallel section of the feed pipeline (bypass) with a centrifugal pump will be installed and the slopes needed for the work of the gravitational system. Do not refuse and buffer containers. Of course, its installation will entail additional costs. However, the drive of this type can align the temperature curve, and one of the fuel laying is enough for a longer time.

Connecting a boiler to the heating system with a double-purpose buffer capacity

Special comfort will provide a heat accumulator with an additional contour, which is used for hot water supply. Given the fact that due to the installation of a solid fuel unit in a separate room, the length of the DHW circuit is significantly increased, an additional circulation pump is mounted on it. This will eliminate the need to merge cold water waiting when it goes hot.

Before mounting the boiler, it is necessary to provide a place and not forget about devices designed to reduce the pressure in the system in critical situations. A simple strapping scheme that can be used as a working project is shown in our figure. It combines all the equipment considered above and ensures its correct and trouble-free operation.

Even more information about the arrangement of the room-boiler room and installation of equipment will learn from our article :.

Installation and connection of a solid fuel heat generator

After all the necessary calculations and the preparation of equipment and materials proceed to the installation.

  1. Installing the place, align in the level and fasten the heating unit, after which the chimney is connected to it.
  2. Heating radiators are fixed, installed heat accelerator and expansion tank.
  3. Mounted the feed pipeline and bypass on which the centrifugal pump is installed. Ball valves are installed on both sites (direct and edging) in order for the coolant to be transported by a forced or natural way.

    We remind you that the centrifugal pump can be installed only with the correct orientation of the shaft, which must be in the horizontal plane. Schemes of all possible installation options The manufacturer indicates the instructions on the product.

  4. Pressure highway is connected to the heataccumulator. It must be said that both the input, and the outlet nozzles of the buffer tank must be installed in its upper part. Due to this, the amount of warm water in the container will not affect the readiness of the heating circuit. Be sure to note the fact that the cooling of the boiler during the reboot period will reduce the temperature in the system. This is due to the fact that at this time the heat generator will work as an air heat exchanger, giving heat from the heating system into the chimney. To eliminate it, separate circulation pumps are installed in the boiler and heating circuit. By placing the thermocouple into the burning zone, you can stop the movement of the coolant through the boiler circuit when the fire is attenuation.

    Installation of individual pumps on a boiler and heat exchange circuit will be able to solve the problem of heat leakage through the boiler when cooled it

  5. Safety valve and air vent were installed on the supply highway.
  6. Connect the emergency circuit of the boiler or mounted a lock-controlled fittings, which, when boiling water, will open its reset to the sewer and the cold fluid supply channel from the water supply.
  7. Mount the reverse pipeline from the heat accumulator to the heating unit. A circulation pump, a three-way valve and filter-sump are installed in front of the inlet nozzle of the boiler.
  8. Separately on the pipeline, the expansion tank is mounted.

    Note! On pipelines that are connected to protection devices, the shut-off valve is not installed. These areas should be as few connections as possible.

  9. The upper output of the heat accumulating container is connected to a three-way valve and circulating pump of the heating circuit, after which the radiators are connected and the return pipeline is mounted.
  10. After connecting the main contours, it is processed to arrange a hot water system. If the heat exchanger serpent is built into the buffer container, it will be enough to simply connect to the appropriate nozzles for cold water and access to the "hot" highway. When installing a separate water heater of indirect heating, a circuit with an additional circulation pump or a three-way valve is used. And in that, in another case, a check valve is installed at the cold water supply inlet. It will block the path for heated fluid into the "cold" plumbing.
  11. Some solid fuel boilers are equipped with a thrust regulator, the work of which is to reduce the passage section pissed. This reduces the flow of air into the combustion zone and its intensity, and, accordingly, the temperature of the coolant is reduced. If the heating unit has such a design, then the drive of the air damper mechanism is assembled and adjust.

    Installing an automatic thrust controller allows you to control the fuel combustion process

Places of all threaded compounds should be carefully sealed with plumbing flax and special non-drying paste.

After the installation is completed, the coolant is poured into the system, include centrifugal pumps at full power and carefully examine the places of all connections to the leakage. Making sure the absence of leakage, burn the boiler and check the operation of all contours at maximum modes.

Features of the integration of a solid fuel unit in the open heating system

The main feature of open heating systems is the contact of the coolant with atmospheric air, which occurs with the participation of the expansion tank. This container is designed to compensate for the thermal expansion of the coolant, which occurs when it is heated. The extender is embedded in the highest point of the system, and in order that when the tank is overflow, the hot fluid does not pour out the room, the drain tube is connected to its upper part, the second end of which is taken into the sewer.

Open type expansion tank design

A large volume of the tank forces it to install it in the attic, so you will need an additional insulation of the expander and suitable tubes, otherwise they can climb in winter. In addition, it is necessary to remember that this element is part of the heating system, so its thermal losses will result in a decrease in temperature in radiators.

Since the open system is not hermetic, there is no need to install a safety valve and connecting emergency contours. When boiling the coolant, the pressure will be dropped through the expansion tank.

Special attention should be paid to pipelines. Since the water in them will go in a self-shot, then the circulation will have the effect of pipe diameter and hydraulic resistance in the system. The last factor depends on the turns, narrowings, level drops, etc., therefore their quantity should be minimal. In order to initially give the stream of water the necessary potential energy, the vertical risker is mounted at the outlet of the boiler. The higher the water will be able to climb it, the higher the coolant speed will be and the faster the radiators will warm up. For the same purposes, the input of the return is at the lowest point of the heating system.

Finally, I would like to note that in open systems it is preferable to use non-antifreeze, but water. It is connected with a higher viscosity, reduced by heat capacity and rapid aging of the substance when contacting air. As for the water, it is best to soften and, if possible, never merge. This will increase the service life of pipelines, radiators, heat generator and other heating equipment several times.

Pay attention to the article on the selection of heat carriers for heating systems :.

Video: Connecting a solid fuel boiler with your own hands

As you can see, the choice of a boiler integration scheme depends on many factors, including the features of the heating system and the need to install additional equipment. If you have successfully figured out all the nuances, you can safely start work. Finally, I would like to note that heating is one of the most difficult and responsible engineering systems. If you do not have confidence in your own, do not experiment. Remember that montage errors sooner or later fall into serious problems, so do not hesitate to ask the Council from specialists.