Overview of heating furnaces Thermophore for home and bath is the best of Siberia. Furnace "Thermophore" for home and for baths: characteristics, installation

The manufacturing company Thermophore, which emerged in 2003 is one of the leading Russian firms in the heating equipment market. Right from Siberian frosts founders of the brand know a sense in high-quality housing heating with minimal fuel costs and related expense articles. A wide range of furnaces produced, which has many positive feedback from product owners, will be able to please and satisfy the needs of any consumer.

The entire line of goods of the company Thermophore is adapted to Russian climatic conditions, so the devices easily carry seasonal temperature differences and even the most tall frosts. The use of heat-resistant steel and chromic compounds in the composition of the hull alloy provides equipment strength, durability and high level of efficiency. In addition, all furnaces are equipped with a double burning device, which significantly reduces the heating time of the room and thereby allow economically to consume fuel.

The thermoform devices are mostly compact sizes and a small weight, which, in most cases, does not require the enhancement of the foundation. They can be applied both in private and public premises.

The benefits of operation of the oven furnaces can be attributed:

1. Convenience and safety in operation - self-reserved design of the furnace door prevents burns. And if you additionally equip it with a screen of heat-resistant glass, a wonderful opportunity appears to admire the open flame.

2. Reliability and durability of the design of the equipment guaranteed by the manufacturer long service life.

3. Reviews of many owners indicate the price category of devices available to the average consumer.

4. Thanks to ergonomic design, as well as the possibility of execution in various colors, the stove Thermophore will also serve as an excellent designer solution.

From the disadvantages, perhaps, it is possible to note errors in the manufacturer's marketing company, when the desires of illiterate consumers in the field of heating equipment are not converged with the proposed assortment.

The type of food is distinguished by thermoform stoves:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • solid fuel.

Bath stoves

For Russian bath and sauna. Include the following rules:

1. Aurora - an overall furnace for the room at 8-18 m3. Built-in casing-convector blocks from rigid infrared radiation. The model is characterized by an illuminator mounted in the rear wall, allowing you to admire the flame tongues from the steam room. There are examples with a heat exchanger and a panoramic door of a thermal station. The modification of Aurora XXL is highlighted by an extended firebox to 61 liters, and, accordingly, greater power.

2. Angara - furnace with a furnace designed for 51 liters for a pair of 8-18 m3. Equipped with a vortex heat exchanger, an expanding fuel channel is adapted in options with the screen. Thermoforn Angara 2012 in the package of carbon and inox - made of steel or heat-resistant chromium alloy, respectively. They differ from the prototype with an updated heat exchanger, the possibility of connecting to the gas pipeline.

3. Barrel - a wood stove-barrel - the original design solution and design features allow you to be equally successfully used as a furnace for a bath and sauna. It accommodates a 42 liter furnace for the room at 8-18 m3. A weighty stone tab and an enlarged thickness of the elements - characteristics that allocate this model.

4. Biryusa 2013 is the classic version of the Kamenka stove in modern interpretation with the built-in water tank. The updated convection flow scheme ensures the prevention of water overheating, and the closed heater produces maximum heating and ease of the vapor. Thanks to small dimensions, it is suitable in any space.

5. Vitruvia - combines all the qualities of the oven thermophore bath in itself, as well as a full fireplace, having a panoramic thermopront screen with a diagonal of 58 cm. Thanks to the extended furnace of up to 63 liters of lamps, it is available here and along and across. There is in variations of carbon and inox with stainless steel inserts either with the presence of heat exchanger.

6. The bath oven Geyser Thermophore 2014 is characterized by a two-stage vaporization system. Released in Carbon and Inox models. Equipped with a comfortable funnel with a dispenser for water supply, while the preheated steam at the output will make the sound, similar to the noise of the natural geyser. The modifications have a built-in heat exchanger and a panoramic door.

7. GEKLA - Variation of the Firm of the Termore Business Class. Such a furnace easily heels the room of a public bath or sauna in 30-40 and more m3. The bulk firebox is 109 liters, a two-row heat exchanger, the vertical exhaust of the steam provide high efficiency of the instrument. There is a design with a built-in porthole to observe the burning of the pair.

8. Kalina - The oven the thermophore of the premium class is the perfect combination of powerful heating and fireplace design. Produced in versions of Carbon and InOX with a built-in heat exchanger. The fuel tank at 79 liters is designed for a steam room at 18-30 m3, and a wide fuel can be comfortable to observe the flame.

9. Compact 2013 - a budget version of the Kamenka Thermophore, which can effectively heat a small pair of 6-12 m3. It is manufactured in the types of Carbon and InOX with a roomy furnace for 42 liters. Also has its own modifications:

  • with stainless steel door;
  • with a shortened fuel channel to save free space in steam room;
  • base, with a shortened firebox;
  • with an elevated water tank;
  • with a transparent screen with a diagonal of 42 cm.

10. The OSA is the most small and affordable wood-burning furnace Hemofore. It is capable of providing heat a small pair of 4-9 m3. The volume of the firebox is 26 liters. Available in two models to choose from: carbon and inox. There is a modification with a shortened fuel channel - such a device is necessary when the washing and the steam room is aligned into one room.

11. Primavat - Electropamental furnace for a bath and sauna thermoform. It can boast of small size, such a device is allowed to be installed even at home on an area of \u200b\u200b5-8 m3. It has a wall mount and remote control.

12. Sayans - a bath oven with the original design in the form of a barrel type stove-grid. It is characterized by quite a long warming of stones and rooms with a volume of 8 to 18 m3. There are options for Carbon and InOx with a fuel tank of 36.5 liters. As well as several modifications and the auditer with a built-in transparent screen with a diagonal of 42 cm.

Released Sayan equipment has additional varieties:

  • Sayani mini is characterized by a smaller amount of firebox on 26 liters and heated with a power of 4-9 m3.
  • The Sayans of the XXL 2015 of the Witer have a firebox by 36 liters, capable of damping the room at 12-24 m3. There is a modification of the furnace with the heat exchanger.

13. Spearbank 2012 - Thermofore steam equipment for the arrangement of the Russian bath 10-18 m3. Built-in tank on 40 liters of water and structural features, allowing to produce an unlimited amount of superheated steam.

14. Taimyr - Gas version of Kamenka Angara 2012 with all its characteristics. In stock Carbon and INOX configuration.

15. Tunguska 2011 - the classic oven is one of the prototypes of the company Thermophore. It is manufactured in a wide range of variations, including Carbon and InOX. Suitable for medium-sized steam rooms. Improved by thickened parts of the furnace and stringers from heat-resistant steel. Tunguska XXL 2013 is a restyled version of 2013. It is allocated from the basic configuration by significantly advanced dimensions and furnace sizes.

16. Urengoy - Gas equipment for a bath designed on the basis of a compact furnace and repeats all its technical characteristics. There is in the variations of Carbon and InOx.

House heating

1. Aquarius is a complete fireplace furnace with a built-in water heating mechanism. Equipped with special protection from the soot so that through the door is always without interference to watch the tribe.

2. The harmonica is a compact furnace-fireplace for the room at 100 m3. Of the features - the regular podium above the floor level.

3. GERE - a small cap baking oven, suitable for both heating and to heal food.

4. Hydraulick - line of water boilers of various power and modifications to connect water heating.

5. The gymnasium is a wood-burning oven for the room for no more than 100 m3.

6. Cinderella is the most miniature model with a cooking panel, but no less functional. In addition to heating, it makes it possible to prepare and warming up food.

7. Normal is a classic system. It has in its arsenal Normal 2 turbo - a mixture of a wood and electric furnace.

8. Fire-battery - a series of devices of a new generation, various power and design, in shape resembling a heating radiator.

9. Pragmatik - Long burning furnaces for heating residential and non-residential premises with a total of up to 500 m3. Unpretentious to fuel material.

10. Professor - overall furnaces of long burning thermoform, intended for a country house over 1000 m3. There is a variation with coal fuel.

11. Selenga - furnace for a house with a cooking panel, made in the original oriental design.

12. Series student and engineer - stoves on firewood or coals. They have differences in the presence of a cast-iron and steel door. Designed for 150 m3 heated space. They differ from each other with dimensions and the size of the thermal station.

13. Statics - a line of heating and cooking systems mimicted under the vintage fireplaces are varied in geometric proportions.

14. Tashkent - heating and at the same time water-heating boilers on solid fuel.

Portable models

1. The brazier is frozard with elegant design.

2. Mangal Myrtudmai - Collapsible design for relaxing in nature.

3. Avoska - Portable thermoform aggregate with a cooking panel.

4. Doupelet is an original design in the form of a spacecate in a coupe with a cooking panel.

5. Indigir - the unique invention of the manufacturer - the electric generating wood heating and cooking system. During operation, the built-in thermoelectrogenerator heats up and produces a current in 12 V.

Ownership views

Negative feedback on the company practically does not find places. In confirmation below, some of the consumer opinions about thermoform products are given.

"The owner of the furnace Kalina Thermophore is already 5 years old, it will be perfectly! The steamer to 100 ° C is easily heated in an hour. No additional investments required. Without difficulty mounted in chimney. It is easy enough, and, most importantly, the observation of fire fascinates, like a real fireplace. The producer was bored for glory. I am satisfied with everyone. "

Konstantin, Moscow.

"From a detailed review of the equipment found the desired model for itself. I installed without difficulty, even the water tank was additionally not necessary to buy. As they say, the perfect combination of price-quality. According to the manufacturer's description, a long service life is also promised. In its own experience, I was convinced that the thermophore is worth the products. Highly recommend!".

Valentine, St. Petersburg.

"To purchase a firm of the firm Thermophore feathers numerous laudatory reviews. Siberian reliability and guaranteed lifelong service life, acceptable price and excellent quality - all this is inserted in one device. It easily got into place of the old stove, but what interesting design, and more powerful and more economical than the previous one. Now they get parked more often and with great pleasure. "

Marina Globin, Novosibirsk.

"Long selected the desired unit for the country house. I wanted something at a high heating rate and economical on firewood. I decided to buy thermoform and I do not regret it to this day. The stove fell in harmoniously in the interior. In fact, it performs three main functions: the house heats, the food is prepared, and a fireplace appeared in our dwelling. After the working day, you can relax, meditating in front of the fire. "

Stanislav, Yekaterinburg.

The cost of thermoform

To buy thermoform furnace equipment is possible at the prices specified in the table below.

Name Dimensions, mm. Price, ruble
CARBON OSA Yes Chocolate 660x415x605 8000
Sayans inox yes 790x600x715 20000
Sayany mini carbon yes 740x525x610 14000
Sayans XXL 2015 Carbon Viter ZK 865x680x920. 30000
CD 2013 carbon day anthracite 730x415x705. 11000
Aurora INOX Yes Porthy Terracotta 830x415x790. 17000
Aurora XXL INOX Yes Porthy Anthracite HB 415x990x790. 22000
Angara INOX Yes That Anthracite HB 830x415x790. 18000
Witruvia INOX BSE TORRACOT 665x680x785 25000
Geyser 2014 CARBON DN ZK then Anthracite 830x415x900. 20000
Gekla INOX BSE ZK Anthracite NV 940x590x1110 70000
Primavolt 415x390x600. 12000
Tunguska XXL 2013 Carbon Viter 990x415x810 22000
Gymnasist 530x370x780. 11000
Engineer CHA, SK, TV 765x440x895. 20000
Aquarius 515x690x930. 30000
Cinderella 465x300x460. 7000

The thermoform furnaces are excellent heating units of domestic production. Thanks to the continuous improvement of products, the manufacturer in this case managed to achieve high indicators of reliability, practicality, safety and economy. Add an attractive design to this, and get products from one of the undisputed leaders of the modern domestic market.

In the case of the company " Thermoform»The range applies not to individual models, but by entire series, characterized in various power, dimensions, as well as constructive features. In comparison with the products of domestic competitors, any wood-burning furnace of this manufacturer boasts the compactness of its size, an attractive design and high efficiency. It is optimal for heating of small-sized residential premises and baths.

The video tells about the tests of the company's heating devices

Important! The oven for the Baths Thermophore can be successfully used in the commercial-type saunas having a very large area.

Variety of assortment

Choosing a furnace for home thermoform, usually be surprised by a large range of models and colors. Such heating equipment can be performed in anthracite, terracotta, chocolate, etc., which will make it more harmoniously place it indoors with a modern interior. Many models are equipped with an elongated combustion chamber channel. This allows you to lay fuel from the adjacent room, contributing to an increase in heated area. Consider in more detail the most popular manufacturer models:


Compact bath stove, which is able to warmly warm the room, 4 by 4 meters. The owners note that good room warming is achieved in approximately an hour, while the walls of the design are capable of holding heat for a long time.

8 cubic M.
18 cubic. M.
Type of fuel Firewood
Recommended battery mode Russian
Material of manufacture Structural steel
Guarantee period 1 year
The volume of fireboxes 40 L.
Mass of stones 70 kg
Weight 75 kg
Type of furnace Oven-Kamenka
Maximum length is Lena 500 mm mm
Dimensions (DHSHV) 830x415x900 mm
Diameter of chimney 115 mm
Min. Height of chimney 5 M.


Ownership reviews indicate high durability of this design.. This is a great option for a bath that allows the installation of large in size of the tanks. It is reduced relatively long, but is characterized by long preservation of high temperature.

Paright Room (MIN) 8 cubic M.
Paright room (MAX) 18 cubic. M.
Type of fuel Firewood
Recommended battery mode Russian
Material of manufacture Heat-resistant steel
Guarantee period 3 years
The volume of fireboxes 51 L.
Mass of stones 60 kg
Weight 65 kg
Type of furnace Oven-Kamenka
Maximum length is Lena 500 mm
Dimensions (DHSHV) 830x415x790 mm
Diameter of chimney 115 mm
Min. Height of chimney 5 M.
Availability of built-in heat exchanger Yes

Tip! By installing the tank over the stone, you can provide faster water heating.


This is a good option for the house, made in the CD package.. The furnace of this type can be installed in the residential room with the removal of the furnace in the kitchen. This design allows you to use different types of solid fuel and absolutely unpretentious to its quality. So, in addition to wood and coal, you can successfully apply paper, shoot bushes, dry, that is, everything that is well lit. This furnace is an excellent option in terms of cost, efficiency and compactness.


The Bath Furnaces of the "Thermophore" won popularity due to its high performance, and this design is no exception. Possessing compact sizes, such a furnace quickly warms the bathroom, which is especially important in the winter.

Paright Room (MIN) 18 cubic. M.
Paright room (MAX) 30 cubic meters. M.
Type of fuel Firewood
Recommended battery mode Finnish
Material of manufacture Heat-resistant steel
Guarantee period 3 years
The volume of fireboxes 79 L.
Mass of stones 90 kg
Weight 75 kg
Type of furnace Oven-Kamenka
Maximum length is Lena 440 mm
Dimensions (DHSHV) 785x605x935 mm
Diameter of chimney 140 mm
Min. Height of chimney 5 M.
Availability of built-in heat exchanger Yes

Tip! To achieve long-term heat conservation, you can make such a design with chamoten brick. At the same time, it should be provided for a gap between the furnace and the casing of 100 mm.


The furnaces of this series can be attributed to the Economy Equipment, which is characterized by an excellent value ratio and quality. The housing of such an aggregate is made from the heat-resistant legileted steel with an admixture of chromium. As a result, the possibility of scale is eliminated. Excellent option for parillas, up to 12 m2.

Fire Battery.

This is a unique furnace construction in the modern market, which has an increased firing, a cooking surface and heat exchanger. Also should also be noted a large-type thermophore-type oven. Due to the presence of a hob, such a design is an excellent choice for private houses, cottages and cottages.


High-tech oven, which is characterized by compactness and high efficiency. This model is equipped with a retractable ashist, which allows removal of ash without interrupting the combustion process. Thanks to the large sedimentary type, the burning uniformity is ensured throughout the furnace area. The furnace is suitable for heating food, which can be carried out on its upper horizontal surface.


The furnace is designed for rapid water heatingwhich is not provided through the wall of the furnace, but due to the radiation obtained from the flame. In addition to the high technical characteristics, this model has a beautiful and aesthetic body, the decorative outdoor details of which are manufactured using modern technologies.

Paright Room (MIN) 8 cubic M.
Paright room (MAX) 18 cubic. M.
Type of fuel Firewood
Recommended battery mode Finnish
Material of manufacture Heat-resistant steel
Guarantee period 3 years
The volume of fireboxes 46 L.
Mass of stones 60 kg
Weight 56 kg
Type of furnace Oven-Kamenka
Maximum length is Lena 500 mm
Dimensions (DHSHV) 830x415x800 mm
Diameter of chimney 115 mm
Min. Height of chimney 5 M.
Availability of built-in heat exchanger Yes

Pros and cons furnaces Thermophore

Like all heating units, thermoform furnaces have both advantages and disadvantages. Naturally, each of the models has its own features and other than other technical characteristics, but in some aspects you can consider the company's products in general.

First, let's talk about the pros:

  • Compact compactness compared to other domestic competitors. The company "Thermophore" is actively developing, and one of the directions in development is to reduce the dimensions of the heating equipment.

  • High efficiency, which is comparable to foreign analogues.
  • Attractive appearance. Any model from this manufacturer looks aesthetic and perfectly fit into any modern interior.
  • Unpretentiousness to the quality of fuel. The Siberian company draws attention not only to productivity of its products, but also on the possibility of using a variety of hard fuel species, which significantly reduces operating costs.
  • Use advanced technologies. Thanks to the continuous implementation of innovation, this company has become popular not only in the CIS countries, but also in Europe, where its products appreciated.

Of the disadvantages, it is possible to note only the very high cost of thermophore equipment in comparison with the products of domestic firms. But, since in quality, this company went far ahead for many Russian manufacturers, then compare its products standing rather with European brands with which it can perfectly compete both in terms of price and quality plan.

The furnaces of the Novosibirsk company Thermophore recently enjoy ever in great demand and it is not by chance. Kamenka Thermophore has gained popularity from buyers due to reliability at work and affordable prices.

Today, the company produces a new, allowing you to make products more affordable even for people with a little sufficient.

Let's see which furnaces offer the thermophore, structural features of furnaces, characteristics, and also let's see how to put the oven furnace in the bath.

Models furnaces thermoform

The company Thermophore today produces various models of modern furnaces, differing in their design, heat production, the presence of additional options and differing in principle.

In the range of products manufactured by products, there are wood charming stoves, gas baths, heating and heating and cooking furnaces, as well as boilers of various purposes.

Furnaces are most popular among bath stoves, and gas furnaces are not less in demand.

Depending on the material manufacturing material, the thermoform is divided into stoves made of high-alloy stainless steel (designated in the name in the word INOX), and cheaper counterparts from structural steel (designated by the word Carbon). Cheaper models belong to the so-called anti-crisis line, read below.

How to choose a furnace thermoform

To select the furnace, proceed from the size of the bath, as well as the preferred method of heating.

If gas has been carried out on the site, then you can look at the Gas Kamenkov Urengoy INOX, Urengoy Carbon, Inox Taimyr and Carbon Taimyr.

Thermal production of the furnace is chosen depending on the volume of pair and manufacturer's recommendations for each specific model. At the same time, the rule should be followed - the value of the volume of steam room (cubic meters) should not close to the maximum volume recommended by the manufacturer to use a certain model of the furnace.

In other words, if the furnace model you have chosen is recommended for installation in the room by steam volume from 6 to 18 cubic meters., It is better to use it in a steam room, the volume is closer to the middle of this range (that is 10-12 cubic meters). If such a furnace is installed in a doublen volume of 18 cubic meters, then it will work at the limit of its capabilities, which will affect its service life and on the convenience of operation.

In addition to the size of the room and heat production, the furnace should pay attention to its design features.

If you like to watch the flame game in the burner, you can buy a model from the line of the Viter. These models are characterized by a large size of overview glass in the furnace door, allowing you to admire the flames of fire.

It should also be paid to the method of cooking hot water for a washing. You can choose a model with a tank setting on a saming type or look at models with a built-in heat exchanger, which allows you to make the hot water tank from the steam room in the nearby room. For a small bath, a couple of people can pick up a model with a built-in tank.

Depending on the boot of firewood, you can choose a furnace with an elongated or shortened fuel channel. An extended flue channel allows you to remove the flue door to the next room through the wall and there to load firewood. But, if you do not want to get out of the steam room once again to throw firewood, you can choose a stove with a shortened fiber channel and loading firewood directly in the room of the steam room.

Wood chambers of thermoform

The most popular buyers are wood chambers of the furnace. They do not require gas on the construction site of the bath, and also allow to obtain easy pairs with minimal cost.

Currently, the company produces the following models of wood chairs:

  • Sayans;
  • Biryusa;
  • Karasuk;
  • Variate;
  • Geyser;
  • Aurora;
  • Tunguska;
  • Hangar;
  • Vitruvia;
  • Sayans
  • Kalina;
  • Gekla.

Characteristics of stoves thermoform

Below, we give only a small table of the most important indicators for each of these models:

Furnace model

Material of manufacture

Mass of the furnace, kg

Size, mm.

Price, rub

Carbon steel

Stainless steel

Sayans mini carbon.

Carbon steel

Sayans mini inox

Stainless steel

Gaiter Mini 2016 Carbon

Carbon steel

CD 2013 carbon.

Carbon steel

Compact 2013 INOX.

Stainless steel

Aurora INOX.

Stainless steel

Tunguska 2011 carbon.

Carbon steel

Tunguska 2011 INOX

Stainless steel

Angara INOX

Stainless steel

Angara 2012 Carbon.

Carbon steel

Angara 2012 INOX

Stainless steel

Geyser 2014 Carbon.

Carbon steel

Geyser 2014 INOX.

Stainless steel

Vitruvia Carbon.

Carbon steel

Vitruvia inox.

Stainless steel

Sayans Carbon.

Carbon steel

Stainless steel

Vita Barrel Inox.

Stainless steel

Biriskaya 2013 carbon.

Carbon steel

Karasuk Carbon.

Carbon steel

Inox pigtail

Stainless steel


Carbon steel

Tunguska XXL 2013 INOX

Stainless steel

Sayany XXL 2015 Carbon

Carbon steel

Sayan XXL 2015 INOX

Stainless steel


Stainless steel

Kalina Carbon.

Carbon steel

Kalina INOX.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel

Video Overview Heizers, Angara 2012 and Geyser 2014 You can see below (for playback, click on the triangle):

Furnace Thermofor Geyser.

One of the most popular models manufactured by the thermoform furnace is a geyser oven.

She, like many other models, is produced in two versions - in the budget modification of Carbon from structural steel and somewhat more expensive inox modification from stainless steel.

Constructively, the stove geyser consists of a fuel channel, fireboxes, perforations, steam pipes, a double-circuit heater protected from heat-resistant screen and chimney. The geyser furnace device is shown in the picture below (click on the image to enlarge):

This furnace was designed by the engineers of the company Thermophore on the basis of the two most successful modifications of Geyser and Angara 2012 CARBON.

The furnace is calculated on the volume of steam room from 8 to 18 cubic meters. And in its constructive a unique system of two-chamber vaporization.

Water in the Kamenka is served through a special funnel with a built-in dispenser, which will not "pour stones."

Kamenka Geyser 2014 Carbon today are available in the following modifications:

Gas furnaces thermoform

As already written above, the company Thermophore is produced by several models of gas chairs, which can be installed if gas has been carried out on your country site. Gas furnaces include Urengoy Inox, Urengoy Carbon, Inox Taimyr and Carbon Taimyr. They differ from each other with the material of manufacture and the recommended volume of the steam room, in which the furnaces will be used.

Below is the price table and the basic characteristics of gas furnaces:

Furnace model

Material of manufacture


Urengoy Inox.

High-alloy steel (stainless steel)

Urengoy Carbon.

Taimyr inox

High carbon steel (stainless steel)

Taimyr Carbon.

Constructive carbon steel

All furnaces have a firebox specifically designed for burning natural gas. CARBON models all elements susceptible to increased thermal load are made with thickening, which allows you to extend the service life of the furnace. For each model, you can choose the most appropriate modification of the gas burner.

Anti-crisis ovens thermoform

As already mentioned at the beginning of this review, the thermophorence of the thermoform today is offered a line of budget furnaces for a bath at lower prices.

The price reduction is achieved by using instead of an expensive stainless steel carbon structural steel according to GOST 1050-88. Due to the fact that the structural steel is less resistant to scale formation, details exposed to a particularly strong thermal effects are made with an increase in thickness.

An increase in the thickness of the bottom and other elements practically does not affect heat production, but it can significantly increase the service life of the furnace.

Furnaces Thermofore from carbon steel have the designation of Carbon. If the name is CARBON in the title, then the furnace is designed from carbon steel according to GOST 1050-88.

Here is the price table for anti-crisis furnaces, shown on the official website of the thermophore. From the presented data, it is clearly visible to savings when purchasing each of the models of the company's proposed bath furnaces compared with the purchase of the same model from high-alloyed steel (stainless steel):

Anti-crisis stove

price, rub.

Savings, rub.


PB Angara 2012 Carbon Yes ZK Terracotta

PB Angara 2012 Carbon DN ZK Anthracite

PB Angara 2012 Carbon Viter ZK Anthracite

PB Angara 2012 Carbon Viter ZK then Anthracite

PB Gaiter 2014 Carbon Yes ZK Terracotta

PB Gaiter 2014 Carbon DN ZK Anthracite

PB Geyser 2014 Carbon DN ZK then Anthracite

PB Gaiter 2014 Carbon Viter ZK Anthracite

PB Geyser 2014 Carbon Viter ZK Terracotta

PB Geyser 2014 Carbon Viter ZK then Anthracite

PB Vitruvia Carbon BSE Anthracite HB

PB Vitruvia Carbon BSE then Anthracite HB

PB Kalina Carbon BSE Anthracite NV Pra

PB Sayan Carbon Yes

PB Sayan Carbon Viter

PB TUNGUSA 2011 carbon yes terracotta

PB TUNGUSA 2011 carbon day anthracite

PB Tunguska 2011 Carbon Viter Anthracite

PB Urengoy-2 Carbon BSE Anthracite HB

PB Taimyr Carbon BSE ZK Anthracite

PB Tunguska XXL 2013 carbon yes terracotta

PB TUNGUSA XXL 2013 Carbon Viter Anthracite

As you can see, in some cases, savings are 5,000 rubles, which, you see, a lot. Therefore, if you are constrained in the means, be sure to take care of the furnaces from the anti-crisis ruler, which will help you to save on their acquisition.

Installing the furnace thermoform in the bath

To create a reliable thrust and providing the heat-processed production company, their exploitation with a chimney with a height of at least 5 m is recommended. This height provides the creation of stable thrust due to the difference in the pressure of exhaust smoke gases and air inside the bath.

The decrease in this height can lead to the volatility of the thrust, a decrease in heat-producing, as well as to the hazard of the release of combustion products inwards, in which the furnace is installed (so-in tipping of traction).

When choosing a chimney, pay attention primarily to products of well-known manufacturers. Previously, we already wrote about the chimney of the chimney from sandwich pipes. If you have not read the advice given in the article, we recommend to get acquainted with them.

Before installing the furnace in the bath, it is necessary to protrude it outdoors to burn oils that are covered with metal parts for preservation and prevent corrosion when stored in stock.

Before you flood the oven, remove all protective films and promotional stickers.

If you purchased a furnace with a built-in heat exchanger or a self-type tank, you should fill them with water even with a preliminary extract on the street to prevent the exit of the furnace.

With a preliminary protest on the street, the oven should be equipped with several chimney segments to create thrust. Otherwise, the burning will be unstable or will not be able to ignite firewood in the furnace.

Before putting the furnace to the floor, you should take care of a reliable base, as the weight of the furnace with stones filled with hot water tank and firing, loaded by firewood, can reach 250 kg. The floor must be reinforced with additional enhanced lag. You can also take care of the device of a small additional foundation at the installation site of the furnace.

The thermoform furnace installation circuit in the steam room is shown below (click on the picture to enlarge):

To get real pleasure from staying in the bath, you need to competently pick a furnace, which will create the right warm, and will also be distinguished by reliability and durability. Progress does not stand still, and along with the familiar stove models for baths, upgraded devices of a new generation appear.

One of the most famous Russian manufacturers for baths is the thermophore. We find out what characteristics the products from this manufacturer have.


The company produces various stove models that are combined by common characteristics. Furnaces for baths can be used in conditions of harsh winter and hot summer. Properly designed instruments create a pleasant soft steam and the temperature you want for the bath, while only high-quality materials are used to create each model.

Wood and gas units are distinguished by exquisite and concise appearance, because they perfectly fit into any interior. Thus, these products combine classical and innovative methods to create furnaces.

The furnaces are made of heat-resistant chromium steel, which has previously actively used in the aviation industry. This material allows you to retain heat for a long time and significantly increases the efficiency of the wood stove. Okalo in such a furnace is formed only when the temperature is 750 degrees reaching, which means that the firewood burns almost without oxidation, and oxygen does not fade in the steam room.

The furnaces are equipped with a double burning system, thanks to which the required temperature is quickly installed in the steam room. To warm up the bath, the kilns from the Russian company takes about an hour, in the summer, quite enough and 30 minutes.

The unit consists of an impressive on the size of a closed or pyramidal open heater, thin-walled firebox, heat exchanger or tank, as well as a convector. Depending on the model, the furnace can accommodate from 25 to 100 kilograms of stone, which, by the way, warm up from five sides. Some devices allow you to control the temperature in the furnace remotely, which is possible due to the remote fuel channel.

They are also equipped with a safe self-cooled door. There are models with heat-resistant glass produced by the company, which allows you to enjoy the beauty of fire.

Ban stoves are suitable for rooms from 4 to 24 cubic meters. At the same time, regardless of the specific model, the aggregates not only fill the steam room, but they can also warm the water and create a soft high-quality pairs. Stainless steel water tank can be installed in the center of the stove or be built into the heat exchanger.

Interestingly, with proper operation, water does not boil in the tank, but only heats up to 90 degrees.

Competent selection of model

The company produces economy, middle and premium furnaces. The company produces completely miniature products, for example, the Wasp wood furnace, which weighs only 30 kilograms and is designed for a room from 3 to 9 cubic meters. The economy-class category also includes the "Compact" furnaces created for small parots, as well as combined with a home bath shower.

For owners of standard premises, the "hangar" model was designed with a double compartment for stones and an impressive transparent screen. The unit weighs about 65 kilograms, while it can accommodate up to 60 kilograms of stones. The Watchar Bath Furnace Caline Premium Class is equipped with a large fireplace, which makes it possible to monitor fire at different angles, as well as a built-in heat exchanger with remote tank. In addition, the powerful device has a stylish design and exquisite appearance.

Furnaces for Baths Thermophore were presented on the Russian market for quite a long time. This company is one of the first production in the country, both for home and modern, reliable stainless steel bath stoves. Today, we will look at the model range and technical characteristics of the coaching chairs of the company thermoform with heat exchanger and water tank.

We will also analyze their device, features of the design and connection of water on the example of the oven for the Bathi Tunguska, buyers for which are most often found.

Model range of thermophore bath stoves

Bath furnaces Thermophore is produced in different versions. Buyers are given a fairly wide selection and price, and on the heated volume of the steam room, and the design-size design of the Kamenka from the Novosibirsk company "Termofor".

1. Stove "Tunguska": Viter, XXL, XXL Viter.
2. Kamenki Kamenka "Angara" and "Angara 2012".
3. A furnace-fireplace for Bath "Kalina" and "Geyser 2014".
4. Budget Bath Furnaces "Compact" and "Shilka".

In stores we can meet inexpensive models for a small pair of 10-12 m3 - "compact" or "shill" with a built-in tank for heating the water located behind the oven.

Furnaces for Baths Thermophore

Good reviews have Kamenki Kalina and Angara 2012, which have a "fireplace effect", thanks to its large panoramic heat-resistant glass. Such fireplaces for the baths are capable not only to heat the pair of large volume up to 25-30 m3, but also an adjacent room, for example, a pre-banker, a washing or a room for recreation.

But the most popular in consumers still acquired models of the Tunguska series, due to their optimal set of functions and good value for money. We will analyze them in more detail.

Features Design Furnace for Baths Tunguska

The classic bunk bunch of Tunguska is capable of pumping a steam room with a volume of up to 16 m3. Like all stoves of the thermophore brand, the furnace furnace of the Tunguska model is made of heat-resistant stainless steel with a chromium content of 13%.

The branded steel door without glass has the property of self-forming from its outdoor side. Due to the in-depth structure of the heater, it is evenly warming up from all four sides. We look at the chart of the device of the classic Bath furnace Tunguska:

Internal device Bath furnace brand thermoform

1 - chimney
2 - convector
3 - remote channel for fuel
4 - Steel Door
5 - Zolnik
6 - Stones
7 - Enlarged Kamenka
8 - Flak.
9 - cast iron grate

All models are equipped with a cast-iron grate, which creates a good flame under the bottom layer of firewood. The convector of the stove-heater shields infrared radiation and gives the stream of hot air, evenly distributing it through the entire volume of the steam.

In addition, the model " Tunguska XXL.»Have an extended flue chamber, which makes it possible to use more than 50 cm long as fuel. And the Kamenka itself is more more than that of the classic" Tunguska ".

Model series " Viter"And" Viter XXL.»Designed for a bath with a steam room to 24 m3. These stoves have a door with a heat-resistant glass of the Schott Robax technology and the porthole, the size of 17.5 ', which allows us to visually enjoy live fire, while in the adjacent room with a steam room.

Bath furnace Tunguska with heat exchanger

All heat-stoves thermoform are designed not only for heating the steam room itself, but also to obtain hot water. This water is heated in the tank, which can be located:

- on the chimney pipe ("self-" type);
- on the wall (remote tank).

The water in the remote tank is heated due to the heat exchanger, which can be located either on the flue of the chimney pipe, or installed under the outer facing (convector) of the Kamenka stove itself.

The chimney heat exchanger must be purchased separately, and preferably from stainless steel. But this can not be done, but just buy a furnace for Bani Tunguska with a heat exchanger, which is already built into the stove with the side. We look at the connection scheme of the bath furnace with a built-in heat exchanger.

Furnace Connection Scheme Thermoform with Heat Exchanger

1 - chimney pipe
2 - stainless steel heat exchanger
3 - Stove-Kamenka
4 - remote tank cover
5 - water tank
6 - ball valve for selection of hot water
7 - three-way crane
8 - Pipes for Natural Water Circulation
9 - drain crane

This heat exchanger is a flat tank of a small volume having two threaded fittings with a diameter of 3/4 '. Tunguska oven with a heat exchanger has a universal connection both on the left and on the right side by transferring the heat exchanger to any comfortable side.

An important point is that it is possible to pull this furnace not only in the presence of water in a shirt, but without it. It is explained by the fact that the heat exchanger for water is not soldered into the design of the oven itself, and the heating in it occurs only through the walls of the contact of the water shirt and the heaters.

Water heating occurs in the heat exchanger with a melted heater. At the same time, the furnace should be at the lowest point of the steam room, and the remote tank at an altitude of 2 is 2.5 meters from the floor. Water heating in the circuit and the tank is achieved by natural circulation.

If the tank is hanging at an insufficient altitude, this circulation may not be, and, accordingly, water in the tank will be badly heated or not heated at all.

Connecting water to the heat exchanger is produced using steel water pipes or stainless steel pipes, as well as fittings. To simplify the installation of the Tunguska furnace, instead of pipes use flexible stainless steel with precipitated nuts with a diameter of 3/4 'and the corresponding length.

Tunguska furnace: Specifications, Dimensions

Technical characteristics of the stoves of Tunguska

Advantages of the oven for the Baths of Tunguska Thermophore brand

- Wide lineup;
- the housing of the furnaces is made of stainless steel with a chromium content of 13%;
- fast heating steam room;
- light weight oven;
- reliability;
- Universal installation of the heat exchanger.

Disadvantages of bath furnaces thermoform

- high price;
- The absence in the assortment of stainless steel furnaces with thickness has become more than 3 mm.

On the stove for Baths Thermophore Customer Reviews, mostly meet positive. This can be easily explained, for the advantages of this oven clearly exceed its disadvantages. If you decide the oven for the bath from the company Thermophore, you will get an easy, reliable and modern heating unit that you should serve for many years. Watch video review.