Cleaning fatty spots from inlets and interior doors. Than launder fat and dirty stains with interroom doors - proven funds and ways than flushing the powder door

One of the most frequent problems after repair is a mounting foam dried on the door. It is quite difficult to clean it, since the substance quickly sticks to the surface. How and how to remove the mounting foam without damaging the door?

Design features

Methods of cleaning the door from the "Installation" and traces of whitewings depend on the material from which the design is made. Doors can be:

  • wooden
  • made from MDF,
  • plastic
  • metal,
  • glass.

Most often, wood or MDF is used as materials for the door. With cleaning wooden products, there are no special difficulties. But designs from MDF can have a different type of coating: paint, film, veneer, laminate, etc. Particularly careful care requires a door with a veneered surface.

Some covers, for example, lacquered and painted, can be spoiled due to the use of the solvent, so it is necessary to be neat, resorting to chemistry.

Methods for cleaning the assembly foam

The mounting foam dries quickly, so the earlier work started, the more likely to clean the door without leaving the defect on it. In order to wash the fresh mounting foam, a special wash or solvent is used.

It is much more difficult to clean the dried foam traces. This can be done as follows:

  1. Cut the remnants of foam as close to the door coating.
  2. Cover it with solvent, special washes or vinegar. When the foam is splashing, try cleaning the contamination using a scraper or a rigid sponge.
  3. For more effects, use a scraper that is solid than foam, but softer than the door surface. Clean the foam traces until you get rid of them to the end.

How to clean the traces of whitewash

Another actual problem after repair is cleaning spots from whims, as a result of which mutual divorces appear on the surfaces. If the door is glass, wash the drops of blots can be ordinary sprays for glasses. In order to eliminate pollution from a metal or wooden structure, you need to "argue" with a soft cloth and a bucket with warm water. This process is unprecedented, but effective - stains are completely discharged from the coating.

How to wash fat stains

The process of installation of new doors is not necessary without the use of technical oil for lubricating door loops. After that, bold spots may appear on the surface. The most effective "instrument" of the fight against such pollution is starch. Suitable as dry starch and ordinary raw potatoes. Cut the vegetable on the 2 parts and cut side. Watch the fat stain so that potato juice has absorbed.

Another alternative way to clear fat traces on the doors is a children's powder, which contains Talc.

You can also apply a conventional soap solution. But be careful with MDF coatings that can spoil from the abundance of moisture.

Acetic acid is also a good assistant in the fight against bold stains. The greatest effect can be achieved if the composition of clay and vinegar is applied to contamination. After it remains only to clean the mixture with a slightly moistened rag.

What to clean paint

The most effective and popular means to remove stains from paint - solvent. However, it is not necessary to use it to clean up pollution with MDF - it is better to apply alcohol on the surface, and then carefully remove the residues of the paint blade. Even greater difficulties occur when laundering spots with matte glass.

If it is sandblasting, you can use a conventional solvent. To clear the glossy surface of the glossy surface use a special scraper. The least problems occur with the removal of traces of water-emulsion paint, which is not difficult to wash off with ordinary water.

How to wash primer

Many difficulties occur when laundering a primer from the door leaf, since this composition dries quickly and immediately entrusted to the coating. Methods for removing primer spots are as follows:

  • water dipped (for fresh pollution),
  • acet
  • soda,
  • detergent for glass or tile
  • ammonia.

In order to soften the dried spots use also mounting foam or fresh primer.

Methods of cleaning plaster

Credit with stains from plaster on MDF surface is quite simple. Only rag, water and scraper will be required. Avoid getting water to the door so that the coating is not deformed.

When the putty softens, start quilling pollution with a rigid part of the sponge, if it does not go, use the blade and scraper. Also for this purpose you can use small emery paper.

Difficulties occur when the spikes spots are laundered, which contains polymers. It is folded well with the surface and without mechanical exposure in this case can not do. For softening, the stains also use a mounting foam.

How to wash the matte or glossy glass

In the process of repairing, construction waste can fall on glass elements. How and how to remove pollution from matte or glossy glass on the door?

The glossy surface of the glass can be laundered by the usual means for washing the glasses. For this purpose, it will be suitable for always at hand in the house - citric acid, vinegar, alcohol solution.

To clean the matte glass, in addition to the usual means for glasses, you can use a special caring composition that carefully removes stains without damaging the structure of the glass.

Regardless of the material from which the door is made, try not to apply strong chemicals and abrasives.

Professionals advise how to wash the wooden doors on their own, and what means it is better to apply for this. Modern doors are often embossed, they are decorated with decorative rails and patterns of mosaic.

Door handles acquire an untidy look in a short time after cleaning and also need separate detergents. Therefore, it is better to know the root washing rules from various materials.

Basic rules for the care of doors

To the doors served as long as possible, the owners follow:

  • recall that the tree does not like humidity over 65% and temperatures more than 24 degrees;
  • carefully refers to the doors to prevent damage;
  • various spots are removed from the door immediately;
  • if the door canvas is not high-quality, it is necessary to cover it with a varnish in two layers - then the problems, how to wash the doors of the MDF will not.
  • at the time of repair work, the doors are covered with polyethylene.

Selection of detergents for doors

For washing doors apply:

  • neutral detergents;
  • glasses in the doors are wiping with water with ammonic alcohol and drip dry;
  • metal inserts wash with soap solution;
  • door handles disinfect.

The general means for washing include Mr. Muscul and spray with a spray gun. They wipe the doors and remove bold stains from the glass.

Cleansing doors

A tree can not be wiped with a wet rag, so before washing it needs to be squeezed. To remove stains on the door applies:

  • for the door leaf uses liquid for washing dishes;
  • fat stains are eliminated if they wipe them with a slice of potatoes;
  • the mixture of clay and vinegar in the same proportion is covered with stains, withstand 30 minutes and wash off with water;
  • to impart a glitter glossy glass in water add apple vinegar;
  • first, the glass is washed, and then the door is already;
  • smooth glasses are wedged with a soft napkin, embossed - brush, and starch is added to the matte glasses.

It is especially the problem, how to wash white doors, because pollution is more noticeable on them. The main thing is to apply the detergent composition for softening the mud, and in time to wash off pollution with water and wipe the doors of dry.

Elimination of surface defects

When it was not possible to avoid damage to the door, they are eliminated by the wax pencil coinciding with the color of the door. If damage is deeper, you need to use a putty on a tree, after which the doors to paint or cover with varnish.

All compounds are washed off with clean water, after which the doors wipe dry. When washing, do not use metal washcloths and abrasive means, so as not to damage the surface of the doors.

Reading time: 1 minute

Wooden doors - how to wash the right surface so as not to damage the capricious frame? Whether the case is veneer or MDF, which is unpretentious to moisture. But there is a reverse side of the medal - the tree is not only possible, but also need to be cleaned and process with various means. And what methods do it, show in the video and article.

To clean the wooden doors, you need to take into account a number of factors. They will help to choose the cleaning options. Do not forget about the coverage:

  • Modern doors may have PVC facing films;
  • The tree is often covered with varnish;
  • MDF doors are resistant to moisture;
  • One-piece arrays do not tolerate water.

Some chemicals can destroy the surface, so it is necessary to remember possible damage.

Excellent tree care. It can be applied to the surface that is covered with varnish or PVC film. Well penetrates into small pores, threads. It does not disinfect, but removes small dust.

There are special wax pencils that can not only clean the doors, but also renovating them. The solid array needs dry cleaning, and this component is perfectly coping with similar features.

They should handle doorways and cracks once every six months. This is a preventive measure of disinfection and surface treatment.

Tip: Woodwood washing should be carried out in a closed room without drafts. Otherwise, damaged parts of the surface can appear.

Already knowing how to wash the wooden doors, moving to the section that contains information about the process itself - how to clean the tree from pollution and process it after washing.

Caring for door

Before using the tools for cleaning, determine what do the doors are made, and what kind they do. Is there an additional coatings, are there factors that need to be considered?

They need to be cleaned only with dry rags and special processing agents. It is unwanted to wet, so use professional sprayers.

This is a good material in care - it is easy to clean with soap solutions and soda. First, you need to hand in the soda in the dirty stains with your fingers, then wash the soft sponge. A sponge without abrasive dip in the remedy, then pressed. Only after wiping immediately wipe the door with a dry towel. Dry.

Over the doors with such a coating, you can apply any detergent that cleans the surface. The film protects against moisture exposure, and dust there is not so much there. If the fat drops, it is better to replace the film, refreshing the appearance for aesthetics.

In order not to damage the varnish, you need to exclude all materials that contain alcohols and ammonia connections. Varnish will be durable and integer if the doors wash with soft napkins.

Such a coating was recently considered very stylish and fashionable, but someone hurried to acquire such doors cheaper than it would be worth it. They look good in the apartment, stylish and fit almost any design due to the variety of color palette. But it is better to limit oneself to soap solution and microfiber.

Why cover wood plastic? It is convenient and environmentally friendly - the door of the real tree, and such a frame is valued. But the coating brilliant and smooth from the plastic panel is better for you. Do not know how to wash a wooden door with such a coating? Just choose any household chemical, divert how the instruction says, and wash the surface to the brilliance.

Thus, you can pick up with your own hands the appropriate tool for washing wooden doors. And then in the photo list, we will show you the best means that offers a modern market for interior door care.


We already know how to wash the wooden doors to pay attention to, but still wish to see what you can stock from household chemicals for such a process. Here are some good components that will not harm the surface of any coating, and will retain its aesthetic appearance.

Microfiber rags for dry cleaning polyrolol for clean wood
Polyrol for wood with Luke coating for any type of wood
Tool for washing dishes for plastic doors Eraser to remove stains and fat

Doors accumulate the same dust and dirt as the walls. So, it is possible to clean and wash them in the same way. But only a few doors the surface is the same smooth as the walls.

To remove surface dirt, wipe the door with a dry towel. Then wrap the broom to the old soft towel and pass through the corners and slits where the dust accumulates. Sophisticated embossed decorations Clean the soft toothbrush.

Wash the door when cleaning it from dust and dirt. If it is wooden and treated, use the oil soap for the tree, mixing it with water, as indicated on the package. A pair of home remedies will help to wash the painted door.

Mix 4 liters of warm water, 1/2 cup ammonia, 1/4 cup of colorless vinegar and 1/4 cup of washing soda.
Divide / Glass ammonia and 1 teaspoon of soft dishwasher in 4 liters of warm water.

Moisten a natural sponge solution so that it becomes completely soft. Then squeeze it better. Wash the door from the bottom up, thus avoiding traces from the flows. Thrite small sections with circular motions. More often and better dress the sponge so as not to smear the dirt. If the solution remains clean, wash the door with water is not necessary.

To clean the door accessories, not necessarily remove them. Arm yourself instead of screwdriver plastic film. Secure it with a tape around the detail that you are going to clean. If it is metal (for example, a handle), take a metal cleaning agent, such as "Metal Cleener Bugs", which cleans any metal, including brass. If accessories are glass or ceramic, plastic film is not required. Wipe them with a rag moistened in alcohol, which your clean door does not hurt.

And some more tops ...

For each type of doors, an individual approach is needed in care and means intended only for certain types of doors, as the use of funds that are not intended for care, for example, beyond the doors with a varnish coating, can damage the varnish itself and their surface.

Interior wooden doors without varnishing coating need the most delicate care - at the beginning of cleaning such a door first need to remove dust, and only after that it is already cleaning itself. The doors for cleaning the doors can be both specialized and the so-called "folk remedies" - a solution of water water with alcohol, approximately in the water ratio - 90%, alcohol - 10%. After cleaning, it is necessary to remove the residues of the liquid with a dry cloth. For wooden doors with lacquer coating after such a cleaning procedure, it is necessary to apply a polyrolol or other special means. Application of such funds is necessary, since the lacquer can be covered with cracks, and the polishing agent fills them, preventing the drying of the tree and the formation of even larger cracks.

From the history of the door.

The ancestors of the first wooden doors for buildings are the doors from Sicacor or the German maple used in ancient Egypt (3000 d. N. E) and ancient Persia (1000 d. N. E.). In Italy, the most ancient arched door is, perhaps, the Etruscan door in Volterra (4 century d. N. E.). During the long years of existence, the door has acquired a number of fundamental characteristics, such as architect (from Greek. Archi-senior, main and lat. TRABS - beam), door jamb, threshold, door panel, door - book, etc. Architev and jamb transformed In today's door, the threshold remained almost unchanged, and the ancient doors on the pin - the "turntables" were modified into technologically advanced doors on the hinges. However, the "pin, rod", as a structural element, which ensures the movement of the door canvase, remained unchanged.

As for the material that served as raw materials for doors, iron and bronze gradually donated their positions. How much you can judge the creation of outstanding sculptors and architects, the doors from the tree were already diverse on the design and decoration. Walnut and oaks, famous for their strength, were and remain the most used wood materials, while more valuable wood types: maple, rosewood, pear, tick, ash, cherry and others were temporary favorites in different centuries.

How to clean the doors from greasy spots?

In general, this process is not so complicated. Fix the position is simple enough. To remove bold spots from the surface of any door canvase, you will be useful to:

  • acetone;
  • potato tuber;
  • table vinegar;
  • clay;
  • alcohol;
  • ammonia;
  • baking soda;
  • water;
  • napkins and sponges;
  • some free time.

To begin with, set which category the contaminated door includes. The proposed range of wide, but the most popular is the following types:

  • metallic;
  • wooden;
  • laminated;
  • glass.

Metal door

The type of doors, from which fat stains are deleted particularly easily. Quickly eliminates the problem familiar to everyone and sold in building materials - acetone. Alternative option - White spirit. It is no less effective and is additionally good because it practically does not smell.

Wooden door

In the case of a polished wooden door, the initial state will help her initial state to help her. So,

  • divide the fruit in half;
  • fat prints are pretty soda one of the parts;
  • lose time and eliminate the remaining traces of a wet cloth.

Instead of potatoes, you can use a pharmacy talc, well-proven in the fight against such pollution. Ensure its effectiveness as follows:

  • put a wet sponge powder;
  • purit the necessary areas;
  • after passing around the clean and dry napkin.

Wooden door canvases, painted paint and unpainted, clean in different ways. In the first case, act:

  • rush to wet a cotton disk or napkin with a cinema;
  • clean the fat stains on the doors until all moisture is absorbed;
  • get complete dryness with clean fabric.

Important! If oily traces appeared on the surface relatively recently, replace the essence of heated water with the addition of soap.

Unpainted canvas from lightening marks will save the combination of ordinary clay and vinegar. For this:

By the way, did you know that many mistresses in everyday life use different surfaces? Try!

Similar specimens from above are covered with special, especially durable, film. And when laundering fatty spots it will only be on your hand. The instruction is simple:

  • alcohol dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 9;
  • pushed in the solution with a maximum of 5 minutes, lean to the blurred part;
  • wipe dry.

Caring for laminated doors completely eliminates the use of abrasive and chemically active acid-type cleaning agents and alkalis.

Laminated door

The longest thing is the things about which they care. Do not be lazy to deliver your doors and dust doors, follow the hygiene hands and avoid unpleasant situations enjoy food only in the places allocated for this. And when you appear on the doors of oily spots, do not delay cleaning in a long box and follow the advice given.

We hope that our tips will help you and you will become a permanent reader of the site "", and we will share with you the most useful ways to clean pollution and stains.