Ceiling staining with water-level paint. How to paint a ceiling with water-level paint without divorces: Tips for experienced rap

The advantages of the water-emulsion coating are the absence of a sharp odor and toxic properties, the formation of a durable layer allowing cleaning, wiping and washing, the possibility of tinting - made it a popular material for ceiling.

However, such staining, especially in the layer of old paint, has a number of features and mandatory preliminary operations.

Tools and materials - full list for all occasions

To carry out the necessary preparatory work and high-quality staining of the ceiling with any composition of the former coating and the condition of the surface, it will be needed:

  • wide durable polyethylene film or glue to store the floor and furniture that could not be taken;
  • sponge for discharging and washing the old coating;
  • steel spatula for removing the former layer of paint (whitewashing) and applying a shtlotkin when aligning the surface under painting;
  • mesh-serpentine for smoking the joints of the ceiling plates;
  • putcloth basic and finishing;
  • primer penetrating;
  • mesh grain to equalize the covered surface - larger pretty and small finish;
  • special solutions to eliminate yellow flots, rust spots, mold fungus;
  • the water-making paint of suitable quality in the required quantity;
  • brush of medium width with flocculated edge for painting the corners, joints with walls, sections around the ceiling lights; before use it is soaked in water; Wake-up wood handles tightly holding bristles hairs, so they will not remain on the surface covered by the color composition;
  • narrow brush to eliminate small painting defects;
  • malyary roller in fur "fur coat" with a pile of medium length and a handle with a telescopic extension to it; The width of the roller depends on the area of \u200b\u200bstaining - than it is more, the wider roller;
  • a rectangular bath with a corrugated inclined surface, which rolls rolled to remove excess paint.

Required tools and materials: 1. Film. 2. Sponge. 3. Spatula. 4. Sherryanka grid. 5. Putty. 6. Primer. 7. Grid-grater. 8. Cleaning products. 9. Paint. 10. Middle brush. 11. Narrow brush. 12. Roller. 13. Special bath.

Surface preparation

A smooth one-photon coating, which gives water-emulsion coloring compositions, does not hide, but, on the contrary, it makes noticeably all the surface defects, irregularities and stains. Therefore, the ceiling before painting must be carefully prepared.

Prices for water-free paint

water-emulsion paint

Removal of the previous coating

First of all, you need to store the floor and the furniture remaining in the room.

Then, if the ceiling was bitten, it follows:

  • gradually, in squares moisten the old whipping with a sponge with a warm soap solution;
  • remove the opened layer with a spatula, substituting the pallet to less dirt floor;
  • finally wash off the former coating with a sponge.

If there is an old waterfront paint on the ceiling, it will not be afraid of it. At least, to remove this coating where it detached.

To reveal and eliminate all such sites, you need:

  • richly moisten the ceiling with a roller;
  • give water as it should absorb;
  • opening the windows and doors, arrange in the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts;
  • the spatula to remove the old water ore-emulsion coating from all areas on which it was detailed as a result of such a procedure.

Special processing

If there are rusty stains or dark sweeps, they are covered by one of the following compositions:

  • 3% hydrochloric acid;
  • thick limetric "milk" with 50 ml of denaturate;
  • 5% copper vigorous;
  • 20 pieces of thustenance lime with one part of the Olifa.

If there is a black mold fungus (frequent phenomenon in kitchens and in bathrooms, in other raw rooms), you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Clean the plaster before concrete. To the dust be less, it should be pre-mixed.
  2. Processing the concrete surface of antiseptic primer. Budget alternative - detergent containing chlorine, for example, "whiteness".
  3. Cove the problem area penetrating primer and re-plastering it.

Alignment of the ceiling surface and its primer

If the ceiling is quite smooth and even with lateral lighting, significant surface defects are not detected, the following steps are needed.

  1. Cove the ceiling penetrating primer. It is better to use a brush in order not to miss a single depression or irregularities.
  2. After the primer dry, eliminates the irregularities of the finish gypsum attack.
  3. After 5-8 hours, align the covered areas first large, and then a small grid mesh.
  4. Propriate crowded sections.

Primer, aligned prosthetic sites

If formed slots in plates connectionsAnd the old plaster crepts, the algorithm will be somewhat different.

Prices for spacure


  1. Clean the concrete with a spatula or perforator. Dust will be less if the surface is pre-mixed.
  2. Covered penetrating primer.
  3. Re-plastering by checking the quality of work with the level and steel meter. Filled cracks in the joints cover the reinforcing grid-sickle.
  4. A day later, sharpen and finally align the surface with clouded grids.

After the alignment is complete, the surface of the surface of the surface of the water with water-diluted water is performed.


By purchasing a water-emulsion coloring composition for the ceiling, it is especially important to navigate in the assortment.

Currently, it is represented by five major products:

  • with acrylic;
  • with latex and acrylic;
  • with silicone;
  • with polyvinyl acetate;
  • with silicates;
  • with mineral additives.

The cheapest water-emulsion mixtures with a polyvinyl acetate, but the surface painted by them cannot be washed. The most precious composition with silicone is good to lay on the plaster even without primer, and the coating that they form can withstand wet cleaning with detergents. Due to the good permeability for water vapor, they are optimally suitable for kitchen ceilings and a bathroom. The average price and strength of the coating - acrylic and latex-acrylic paints; They are most in demand. Silicate compounds are designed to dye the surface of concrete and brick masonry, they are durable, but not moisture-resistant.

Prices for acrylic paint

acrylic paint

The main manufacturers of water-making paints entering the domestic market produce products that differ in both the price and quality.

To properly choose a water-based paint and purchase it in the right amount, the information text of the label should be carefully read. It is necessarily the following important parameters.

  1. Painting destination With the list of types of work.
  2. Square meter - Allows you to calculate the required purchase volume. At the same time, paint must be purchased with some reserve, as the tone of different parties can differ significantly.
  3. Shelterness - The ability is completely, without a lotication to paint a much more damage base.
  4. Resistance to abrasion - The main indicator of durability and resistance to cleaning and washing.

In addition, additional inscriptions often typed in the smallest font should be read.

  1. "It is recommended to use in dry premises." Such products are not suitable for any bathroom or kitchen.
  2. "Immoved" or "with high resistance". The painted surface can be washed exclusively with water without additional detergents.
  3. "Resistant to abrasion", "with dirt-repellent properties." The coloring composition forms a layer withsting wet cleaning with the use of detergents.

Carefully choosing a water-emulsion composition, suitable by properties, manufacturer, price and purchased it in the right amount, you can start painting the prepared ceiling surface.

The process is in the following order.

Latex Paint Prices

latex paint

If all the preparatory operations were performed quite carefully, and the color of the color was going correctly, the new ceiling reservoir will be smooth, uniform and durable.

Video - Preparation and painting of the ceiling of waterfront paint

Study repair of his home, whether it is a city apartment or a house in the countryside, everyone understands that the most difficult stage at the same time, there will be a ceiling finish. Modern companies specializing in the repair of apartments offer a wide variety of options for this: finishing with ceiling tiles or wallpaper, stretch or suspended ceilings, etc. But not every housewife for the pocket of their services. Therefore, it remains with your own hands is still relevant.

Until recently, such a kind of ceiling finishes, as it was extremely popular. But with the development of new repairs technologies, this method is resorted to all less often. This is due to the fact that, despite its low cost and harmonious combination of a snow-white ceiling with an interior of any type, many do not suit the complexity of preparatory work. In addition, the whore surface quickly pollutes and loses its attractive appearance.

Today, the painting of the ceiling of water-level paint adopt to remain one of the most sought-after ways to finish. Unlike whitening, the surface painted by it retains its aesthetic view for a longer time. In addition, it allows you to spend fast and easy care over the ceiling surface.

This is one of the cheapest ways to repair. In its composition, this paint represents a suspension, which is based on particles of polymers and pigmented substances dissolved in water. Its feature is that after applying to the surface, there is an intensive evaporation of water, and the polymers form a coating with high resistance to moisture. The water-level paint is an eco-friendly material that does not cause allergic reactions and negative impacts on the human body.

Selection of waterfront paint for ceiling

If you decide that the most optimal option for you is the painting of the ceiling with your own hands using water-level paint, then you have a hard task: choose from a huge product product that will come to you at a price and quality. Today in the consumer market you can meet emulsion paints with various additives:

  1. acrylic
  2. acrylic with the addition of latex,
  3. based on polyvinyl acetate,
  4. with silicone or silicate basis,
  5. with mineral composition.

The cheapest them - polyvinila acetate. But it is possible to use them only in dry rooms. Ceilings, painted such paint can not be washed.

Paints with the addition of latex - The most expensive. They have a number of benefits, such as the possibility of wet care using detergents, getting a smooth beautiful surface, etc.

Acrylic waterfront paints - The most sought after. They can be used in almost any premises, they have increased abrasion resistance during washing.

Paints with the addition of silicate (liquid glass) are widely used for staining of plastered, stone or concrete surfaces.

How to choose a water-emulsion paint so that it has high strength characteristics, gave a beautiful surface after staining, etc. According to the names of the paint, put up for the sale of jars, it is difficult to understand what is different from the other, and what are their advantages. Especially since the seller himself often tries to sell the goods in the first place, which is more expensive, not too thinking about his quality.

Read the label

Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is worth carefully reading what is written in annotations, on the label cans with water-level paint. In it, the manufacturer indicates:

  • For what type of work it is intended,
  • What is paint consumption per square meter (which is very important to determine the required amount),
  • The degree of shelterness (paint ability to close with white dark background, in the form of a solid canvase),
  • Its resistance to abrasion during wet cleaning, etc.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that it is written in small font. Most often, the basic information on the technical characteristics of the paint is there. For example, if the annotation says that the paint has:

  1. "High resistance to dry abrasion" - This means that the painted surface cannot be washed, and you can only wipe the dry climber or use the vacuum cleaner.
  2. "Use in dry rooms having a reduced operational load". This inscription suggests that the water disposal is not suitable for painting kitchen premises, with a large number of fatty evaporation from the prepared food, as well as in bathrooms where heightened humidity.
  3. "High resistance to abrasion, inclemenable" - The ceiling painted with such paint can be washed with water without using detergents.
  4. "It has dirt-repellent properties, high resistance to abrasion with intensive wash". This is the best type of waterfront paint. The surface covered with paint of this type is allowed to wash using gentle detergents.

Water-emulsion paints can be glossy and semi-man, matte and semiam. Their difference lies in the fact that matte paints slightly mask small surface defects and visually increase the height of the room. But they are difficult to wash. The surface covered with glossy paint is easier, it is more resistant to abrasion, but small cracks and other ceiling flaws are noticeable. The optimal option is a selection of semi-man or half-wood paint.

Another important point. Acquire a water-free paint, it is necessary in the store that has a warmed warehouse. The fact is that during freezing, the paint structure is disturbed, which is no longer restored when it is thawing. And this means that the acquired paint has lost all its useful properties.

It is recommended to use water-emulsion paint, the purpose of which is staining the ceiling overlap. It is perfectly distributed over the surface, almost not dripping, and has excellent adhesion.

Preparation of the ceiling to staining

Before proceeding to staining the ceiling surface with water-level paint, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. To begin with, it is necessary to free it from whitewings or layers of old paint. To get rid of chalk or lime blots, it will be necessary to richly moisten it with water with a painting roller, and then scraping, using a chisel or steel spatula. In conclusion, wash the ceiling with a sponge.

Removal of the old paint layer

To renew the ceiling, painted with waterfront paint, will need much longer than the preparatory work. This is due to the fact that the process of removing the previous painting is quite time consuming, since the layers of old paint are practically not dissolved in water, and therefore they are not allowed to scrape them to fully from the ceiling. Most often, this work comes down to removing the spatula of areas of peeling paint.

To facilitate this not quite a pleasant job, you can use this technique: an old coating can be mixed with a large amount of water using a water sprayer or a foam roller. This procedure is repeated twice with an interval of twenty minutes. It should be good to impregnate the old coating. Then you need to create drafts, opening all the doors and windows. The layer, swelling from water, forms bloating, and remove the old water-emulsion paint with the spatula will not be much difficult.

It is necessary to perform this work very quickly that the surface being processed does not have time to dry. After that, it is necessary to treat stains from the sublishes and rust with a 5% copper sulfate solution. If the ceiling is difficult to remove stains, use one of the following compositions:

  1. a solution of hydrochloric acid, two or three percent concentration (neatly, trying so that the acid does not hit the skin, wipe the stains);
  2. the solution of 20 parts of the pushed lime divided by one part of the Olifa,
  3. a thick solution of water and lime with the addition of denatured alcohol (approximately 50 ml).

Any of the last two mixtures is superimposed for 10-15 minutes on pollution. Repeat up to their complete deletion. Usually enough of two procedures.

If you have been put on your ceiling to current repairs - (there you will find information on how to find out what the ceiling was painted earlier).

Leveling ceiling

As soon as the ceiling surface is completely cleaned, it is necessary to hold it align. It is best for this thin-layer putty, which is characterized by good coupling properties, has excellent plasticity and gives a smooth surface that is easily polished with fine-grained emery paper. Apply a putty on the ceiling using a spatula.

Often, the ceiling alignment is made on it a special putty-whitewash on an adhesive basis on it, which is evenly distributed over the surface using a roller, brush or spatula. Before that, it is necessary to close all cracks and cracks in the ceiling, filling them with the prepared composition. So that the putty could fully fill the gaps, they need to be slightly expanded before it applied.


The following preparatory operation is a primer surface that is performed by the same paint. It is applied with a thin layer. She is given well to dry, so that the putty does not take place.

The main stage of painting

Painting Tools

To perform high-quality painting of the ceiling of paint, based on the water emulsion, you will need:

  1. a painting brush for staining the joints between the wall and the ceiling, as well as the corners;
  2. narrow brush, to perform correction;
  3. fur, long-wave roller,
  4. paint bath,
  5. ribbed surface for a uniform paint distribution over the surface of the roller.

Rules of coloring

just like when pairing with chalk, the first layer of paint is better to apply parallel to the rays of the light from the window, and the second - parallel to the windows frame

Many do not know how to paint the ceiling with water-level paint correctly. In most cases, they do not take into account during the execution of painting works, the direction of the light flow and many other nuances. Therefore, the painted surface is observed uneven, with strips from the passage of a brush or roller, with lighter or dark spots. To do not happen to you, follow these rules.

  • It is always necessary to start painting from the corners and junctions between the wall and the ceiling. At the same time the farthest corner relative to the front door is colored. To do this, a wide painting brush is wetted halfway in the paint, then slightly presses to remove the excess. There is a passage throughout the perimeter, a width of 3 to 5 cm. Due to this, with further staining with the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling and stench, and the corners will not be corrupted.
  • The main overlooking the ceiling of water-level paint is performed by roller. It is superimposed in three passages, no matter what type of paint is chosen .. In this case, the very first passage of paint is performed in parallel falling from the window rays of light. The second in the perpendicular direction to it. The latter - must always be directed towards the window.
  • Each subsequent coloring is carried out only on a well-dried previous layer. This requires from 8 to 12 hours.

Technology coloring

  1. In the bath, filled with paint, moisten the roller, and three or four times spend on a rough surface. This will allow the paint to host the roller evenly.
  2. Make the first passage on the ceiling site. Starting from the corner on the left side of the wall, located opposite the window.
  3. Move the roller needs to be right. Then change the direction. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the paint lay down to the smooth layer, without visible transitions. You can move the roller and W-shaped movements.
  4. This technique will help to remove the excess paint: when there will be no paint on the roller, go through the painted surface. He will select all surplus.
  5. In the process of performing paintwork, with the help of a directed bright beam of light, check the quality of the color.
  6. The use of a new roller during the last staining will allow you to get a homogeneous surface.
  7. Up to complete drying, the paint is not allowed in the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts. It is desirable to protect the painted surface from direct sunlight. This will avoid the appearance of spots. Do not try to dry the painted surface with electrical appliances.

Features of staining of the plastered surface

The ceiling that plaster is applied, you can paint using a special collapse or a conventional vacuum cleaner. They give a qualitative, uniform distribution of paint on the plastered ceilings. At the same time it lies with a thin, smooth layer. It is best to produce coloring with a collapse that is best done using a roller or brush primer.

Among all types of finishing finish, the painting of the ceiling of water-mounted paint is the most common option. But what is characteristic when it comes to such a way, for some reason they mean exclusively concrete overlap with the surface prepared to the perfect condition. And this is not.

There are different base materials for which staining with water-level paint, this is if not the only one, one of the main types of finishing:

  • ceilings with leveling layer of plaster or putty;
  • concrete floors in the "pure" form;
  • bearing ceilings made of wood;
  • suspended plasterboard systems;
  • glassworks;
  • stretch fabric ceilings.

From what kind of version it is about, the list of works of the initial stage depends.

Preparation of concrete base

Technologically, the most complex type of work is to level the overlap to the perfect state of a smooth surface. The full cycle looks like this:

  • clean the old coating: wash off whitening, believes paint or remove the wallpaper;
  • for plastered ceilings - remove grounding sites and strengthen the primer of deep penetration;
  • the traces of rust are cleaned (if they are tested from the closely located surface of the reinforcement) and proceed this place by the anti-corrosion composition;
  • if there is a fungus or mold, then the full processing cycle is carried out, up to the removal of the entire infected area of \u200b\u200bplaster or putty;
  • align the entire surface with a thin layer of the finishing mortar, which is grinding after drying;
  • purify the surface with a vacuum cleaner;
  • ground.

It looks much easier to prepare for the color of concrete overlap for the interior in the Loft style. It is necessary to simply clean it from any type of finish, including from the layer of plaster. And then from the entire list of works, only one - alignment of the surface falls. But it is he who is the most time consuming and complex when repairing the ceiling.

Wooden ceilings

Many interior styles use wooden ceilings. And not all of them are covered with colorless varnish (with toning or without tinting - it does not matter). Designers are often resorted to the color of a tail (or suspended) wooden ceiling with colored water-free paints for wood. For example, in the style of Provence is any pastel shade of blue, weak or beige color.

There are also two options for preparing for painting a wooden ceiling with water-based paint with their own hands.

In the first case, the boards or rails are grin, apply a layer of colorless soil for wood (with the properties of the antiseptic) and stain. Unlike concrete or plaster, a layer of paint can be alone so that the texture of natural wood appeared through it.

In the second case, you can do without grinding. For example, when used to cover the unedged board in the interior of the "rustic style", "Loft" or Rustic.

Suspended ceilings made of drywall

This species also requires surface alignment, although it is one of the designations of the design itself.

Place is needed either part of the surface or the whole ceiling.

But first it is necessary to strengthen the seams and the corner connections of the sheets (for multi-level ceilings) so that there are no cracks on the decorative paint layer. On flat joints, this is done using a sickle tape, on ribs - perforated corner.

Partial surface spacing is carried out for simple staining of the ceiling. In this case, they are lubricated and leveled under the overall level of the attachment point of GLC to profiles and place of reinforcement.

A complete putty surface is recommended to do with the ceiling pasting with wallpaper under painting. Although it is not necessary. The only advantage is that such a reception makes it possible at the next repair to remove the entire upper decorative layer, while retaining the whole plasterboard itself.

Preparation for painting of glasses and fabric ceilings

Perhaps these are the simplest options.

If the glazes were once passed, the task is how to update the ceiling painted with water-mounted paint. In this case, at the initial stage, either carry out dry cleaning to remove dust, or - wet to remove stronger contaminants. Applying primer is necessary if the new color is very different from the previous one.

The coloring of the fabric stretch ceiling is often used for the new canvase, and for the old one.

In the first case, the reason is a small palette of the source material, which is limited by light matte shades. And if for design reasons you need a saturated or bright color, then the fabric canvas color. Manufacturers argue that this can be done 4-5 times.

The same motivation is most often for the color of the old stretch ceiling. Although the same method allows not only to change the color to the new, but also to restore the old if it was spoiled by the places.

And for fabric ceilings, the entire preparation procedure lies in a dry or wet cleaning of the coating.

Types of paint

There are four main types of paint, in which water is used as a solvent:

  • Polyvinila acetate.

Already by the title it is clear that the same group of polymers is used as a binder as the PVA glue. This is the most inexpensive category, but less durable. The paints are afraid of water and high humidity, quickly burn out and begin "peeling".

  • Silicate.

Another group on the binding is the relationship of the same glue. Refer to mineral water-soluble paints. Comes in the form of two components - a dry part containing pigments and potash liquid glass. They have good adhesion with all mineral surfaces, therefore are often used when staining cement (cement-lime), plaster or silicate plaster and concrete. The coating is characterized by good vapor permeability and resistance to moisture.

  • Silicone.

They have good shelterness and elasticity - can be applied even without a layer of primer. Excellent vapor permeability is combined with damage to the fungus. The main scope of use is the painting of mineral bases operating in conditions of high humidity. Limits wide application price, the largest among water-soluble paints.

  • Acrylic.

Some of the most popular and durable. Different versatility are suitable for any type of foundation. Due to the features of the drying of the hydroxyl group, the film structure is obtained by crystalline, with high strength and resistance to any type of impact. Pigments are not on the surface, but inside the layer, therefore the effect of staining is created in the mass - the coating does not fade, it does not wash off, does not be engaged. Additives are responsible for adhesion and determine the degree of gloss.

Among them may be latex, which increases the elasticity of the film and its resistance to temperature changes - this species is used to dye fabric tension ceilings.

Technology and tools

To create a "smooth" monochrome coating, a standard tool kit is used:

  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • kraspopult.

The most even layer gives the use of collapse. Usually use divorced and lesion paint, in a more "liquid form" than when working with a brush or roller. It reduces her hiding, so sometimes there is little even the second layer. The exception is the painting of the ceiling by water-level paint along the layer of old paint of the same color.

The disadvantage of the method is the need to complete the protection of all surfaces and the entire "content" of the room. It is not enough to close only the adjacent part of the wall - the suspension of microscopic droplets will fall on any open object indoor. Therefore, it is not possible to quickly "refresh" the ceiling - this method is good when carrying out a full repair: in an empty room, with a standard sequence of finishing "top-down"

If we talk about how to properly paint the ceiling - only with a brush or only a roller, then you need to use both types of tools in the complex. Work stages. Initially, "finely", painting the corners and plinths. Then paint the ceiling by water-free paint roller.

The first secret of painting is the right direction of the movement with a brush and roller:

  • For two layers. The first is across the ceiling relative to the window, the second - towards it. If there are two walls in the room with windows, then the interroom is chosen as a guide.
  • For three layers. The first - towards the window, the second - across, the third - again along.

Second secret - mix thoroughly all the paint and be sure to strain so that there are no lumps.

The third - if the ceiling area is large and for staining in several layers will have to use several cans of paint, then you need to trace them all from one party. At least for the last layer.

How to paint rough ceiling

How exactly paint the rough surface of the ceiling? You can not try to "repass" it to make perfectly smooth. There are simpler and easy methods.

Decorative paints with bulk texture. For example, multicolor. They consist of a colorless polymeric binder and multicolored soft particles. The paint is applied with a roller or brush, and then a soft spatula "Pressy" grapple filler.

The second method is the use of decorative staining with a special tool. It can be embossed rollers for rolling or sponge in the form of a set of sponges with large pores. In this case, two colors of paint are used: the first for the "base", the second for the top layer.

Repair works associated with the ceiling construction finish are of particular importance, since this surface is always in sight, so any defect will be visible immediately. The ceiling finish can be carried out using a variety of paints, but the most popular today is a water-emulsion, since it is not only easy to work, but also safely. But do not forget that this paint has its own characteristics, which consist not only in the composition, but also in the methods of applying to the surface.

Features of coloring composition

The main component of the water-emulsion paint is water. It is in it dissolved particles of the substance. Some give a shade of the surface: these are pigments, and others contribute to the formation of a protective film. After applying the composition on the surface, water evaporates and substances dissolved in it form a solid film.

The paint may include a variety of substances., improving the properties of a particular type. The additives use thickeners, antiseptics, antifreeze, defoamers and other additives.

The source of white color is most often zinc oxide. Sometimes titanium dioxide is added. In low-cost brands, as many years ago, chalk. Also, minerals such as barite, calcite, mica, talc are used as dyes. In modern paints, as a rule, minerals can add comprehensively, thus improving paint properties.

All waterfront paints have a percentage ratio of incoming substances, where the share of the film is 50%, the share of pigments and fillers is 37%, 7% plasticizers, and on other additives about 6%.


To date, there are several varieties of waterfront paint.

The most inexpensive include those that include such a substance as polyvinyl acetate. Polyvinyl acetate based emulsion is used mainly in rooms with low humidity, since this composition poorly transfers the impact of moisture: the surface treated with it cannot be washed.

For concrete and stone domains, paint is used, which includes liquid glass. This species refers to silicate paints.

Silicone paints are capable of aligning the surface with small cracks (up to 2 mm) without preprocessing. The ceiling, treated with silicone paint, is resistant to water, so it can be used for a kitchen or bathroom.

For any surfaces, emulsions are suitable, having acrylic resins in its composition. The ceiling will turn into a flat surface, resistant to moisture, temperature difference. The composition of acrylic paints allows to hide small cracks, and the surface itself is resistant to the effects of gentle detergents.

How to choose?

In order to properly choose the paint, you need to pay attention to its characteristic specified by the manufacturer on the bank with this composition.

Usually manufacturers indicate the composition of the paint and the type of materialfor which it is intended. For surfaces made of concrete, brick, stone, wood and drywall there are their types of emulsions. The most universal is acrylic paint. It is suitable for processing any surface, including for staining ceiling tiles. After all, there is no possibility and the desire to change the ceiling surface completely, sometimes it is enough to update it, and the paint with acrylic resins is perfectly cope with this task.

Manufacturers always indicate annotations, for some premises paint is suitable.Here the level of room humidity and the degree of required surface resistance to detergents play a major role. Antiseptic and anti-grapple components in the composition of the emulsion are of great importance if the ceiling is located in a room with a large humidity, to which the bathroom belongs. The presence of these components will save the surface of the ceiling from mold and will extend the service life.

The choice of paint depends on how it can be careed after the ceiling surface after staining. Manufacturers produced three types of composition, on which the method of care of the ceiling surface depends.

The composition forms the washed coating is unsuitable for wet cleaning, so care for such a ceiling can be carried out only with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner. The remaining two types of incommable composition are well tolerated wet cleaning. One type of composition does not tolerate the effects of detergents, so the surface of the ceiling is cleaned with simple water. And the other composition is resistant to the effects of cleansing means, so the ceiling can be washed using a suitable means.

An important meaning when choosing an emulsion has a degree of gloss surface of the ceiling.

Manufacturers produced a wide variety of paints that give the surface matte, semi-wave, deeply matte, glossy and semi-shaden.

The matte surface is a suitable option for the premises where it is necessary to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

She also helps to hide some small ceiling flaws. But it is worth remembering that care for such a ceiling is somewhat more complicated than the glossy. The glossy surface has a more presentable species, longer serves, but any defect is noticeable on it. The golden middle is the choice of an emulsion that gives a semi-wave or semi-chamber ceiling.

The shellability (density) depends not only on the composition of the paint, but also on the material covered by the emulsion. The more uneven and loose structure has a material, the more the mixture is needed to cover the ceiling surface.

Buying paint more than one bank, you should pay attention to the party number: it affects the shade of the mixture. All purchased banks must be under one number to eliminate the winding on the surface of the ceiling.

Required tools

For dyeing and preparation of the ceiling surface, you will need to purchase a number of tools, without which it is not necessary to do during all works.

The main tool for coating is a langer roller. The quality of the coating depends on the correct choice of this tool.

To date, there are many of the most diverse in terms of the magnitude of the manufacturer of rollers. For paint application, foam rollers are less suitable, since bubbles can be formed on the ceiling surface due to the porosity of the material. The spinning base from velor allows economically to spend the mixture, but such rollers require ideal surface preparation.

The optimal option is a roller with a fur basiswhere the pile can be either medium or above the middle length. Roller with a short pile is not able to absorb the desired amount of paint, so you will have to more often to inceate it into the paint. For rollers with a long pile, the problem is different: they absorb too much emulsion. Because of this, herds can be formed on the surface.

The rollers are used to stain in a large surface area, and in order to paint the hard-to-reach places (corners, seams, joints), it is better to use a small width brush. As a rule, the width of the pile base is 4 cm.

You can also apply paint with a very convenient device - the paintopult. This tool is not only convenient in operation, but also allows you to apply the paint layer quite smoothly and quickly.

But it is worth remembering that the paintopult is more expensive than the usual roller. If the painting of the ceiling is not the main activity, it is better to be limited to the purchase of cheaper tools.

Using a brush or roller, it is impossible to do without cuvette. It helps economically spend the paint. This container consists of two compartments. In one paint poured, and the other with the corrugated side allows it to distribute it throughout the surface of the base of the roller. The paint smoothly falls on the ceiling surface without herds, excess the mixture remains in the cuvette.

An important adaptation when painting the ceiling is a stepladder. The presence of a stepladder allows you to get closer to the ceiling surface at the maximum convenient distance. But do not forget that the stirrer will have to move from time to time. In order to facilitate the work, you can use a special roller with a telescopic handle.

The stepder or table in a pair with a stool will help not only in working with painting, but also with the preparation of the surface to it. Stable classic version of the table with four legs will excellent human weight.

Polyethylene film will be needed to prepare the ceiling surface.Entering all surfaces and furniture, not subject to removal, you can avoid getting paint splashes.

Other tools may also be required for preparatory work. Cleaning and further preparation will be caused by a spatula, sandpaper, bucket and foam sponge.


Before preparatory work, it is necessary to understand one rule: any old coating needs to be removed, since there is a high probability of detachment of old paint when applied to a new coating. Regardless of whether the old layer is good or bad, and what a paint ceiling.

Properly prepared ceiling coating is a pledge of smooth, smooth and without the slightest surface flaws. As preparatory activities, it is necessary to make existing furniture in the room and set out the outdoor surfaces with film or old newspapers. For fixing protective coatings, you can use greasy tape. Now you should proceed to the preparation of the ceiling using suitable tools for these works.

How to clean the surface?

Cleaning the ceiling is always made depending on the type of paint. The surfaces covered with water-based paints or wallpapers are cleaned easier. The ceiling, covered with a solvent-based paint, is harder to clean, but it will still have to remove such a coating.

Any cleaning must be started with surface moisturizing using a roller or manual sprayer.

In order to remove the easily lagging one layer, it is enough to withstand the surface in a moistened state of 20-30 minutes. For difficult lagging layers, it is better to increase the wetting time, and to facilitate the task, you can open windows and doors in the room, setting up drafts.

The discarded layer of paint needs to be considered with a spatula.With solvent-based paints, it will not be possible to quickly clean the surface, you have to tinker. To facilitate, you can use solvents or other means to help in the processing of this surface.

After it is necessary to wash off the residues of paint or wallpaper using water and sponge. The dried surface must be carefully looked at the presence of different spots. To remove them, you can use effective tools. These include a 3% solution of hydrochloric acid, 5% solution of copper sulfate and composition in which there is a lime with denature in an amount of 50 ml.

How to make the basis of smooth?

In order to align the ceiling surface and give it a smooth shape, it is necessary to use fine-grained gypsum plaster. It plastic and keeps well on all materials. First you need to handle the ceiling by primer. In addition, the existing cracks need to sharpen.

Next, you can proceed to continuous applying puttyUsing a special wide spatula. For the fence of the mixture of the container, they also use a spatula, but its surface is narrower, compared to the main tool, the basis. The product with a narrow base is gaining a mixture, and then shift it to the main tool. Only after this is applied to the ceiling surface.

At the end of the leveling process, you need to wait for the surface drying. After you can start grinding the ceiling. For this work, use a special abrasive grid having minor cells. Thanks to such a cellular structure, the surface becomes smooth and very smooth.

Applying primer

Processing the ceiling surface before direct application of the emulsion is a necessity. Emulsion is better adhesive with the surface of the ceiling. In addition, the likelihood of such defects, like cracks and bloating of the applied layer, is eliminated.

For each emulsion fits its type of primer.The basic substances involved in the formation of film on the surface should be identical to the substances contained in the primer. But you can prepare a solution for the priming of the surface and independently. To do this, you just need to dilute the prepared paint with water in equal proportions.

1 liter of water is taken to 1 liter of paint, everything is thoroughly mixed. You can proceed to the primer using a roller for a larger area and a brush for angles and joints.

Ground surface is better several times. As a rule, it is enough to prepare the ceiling to apply paint. After each primer, it is necessary to wait until the layer is completely drying.

How to dilute the material?

Before painting, it is necessary to check the consistency of the mixture. The water-making paint is bottled by manufacturers in banks, on which it is indicated how much water should be added before use. As a rule, water needs to be added directly before painting, having previously stirred the contents of the bank. The amount of water added to the container should not be more than 10% of the total mass of the emulsion.

The degree of concentration also depends on the type of use of tools for painting. For collapse collapse, breed the paint is needed in more than for a conventional roller or brush.

The mixing process of the mixture and dilution should occur slowly and gradually. Water streams into the container with small portions, it is carefully stirred. In the mixture there should be no clots and lumps. Before painting the main surface, it is desirable to check the consistency of the prepared emulsion on a small area. Only then can be started to the main painting.

There is an indicator that affects the cost of work and the density of the layer. Different types of emulsions have its own consumption per 1 m2.

This table indicates the flow rate for the first layer applied to the ceiling surface. For the second layer, less paint is required, so all the above indicators have smaller values:

Staining technology

Observing certain rules and following step-by-step instructions, you can achieve high-quality coating the ceiling surface with your own hands.

Any painting, as a rule, starts from a certain place. The ceiling surface is no exception. In this case, it is necessary to start to start the cakes of the ceiling plates with a wall, starting from a long corner relative to the door. To do this, you need a brush with paint to walk around the perimeter of the surface. The width of the scratched surface must be at least 5 cm. Such a stock will allow to protect the problem areas from paint surplus.

The main stage of the work is made in three right. From what direction will lay the layer, the appearance of the surface depends.

The main application of the layer should begin perpendicular to the window loan. The starting point is at the window. In the subsequent stage, the paint should be applied in a different direction, namely, in parallel the window. The final application of the layer should be carried out in the direction of the window, ranging from the doorway.

After applying the first layer of the emulsion, it is necessary to withstand a certain time. As a rule, the ceiling surface dries at least 8-12 hours. Apply the second layer should not be previously defined.

During drying ceiling, it is worth excluding the possibility of sunlight on the surface. In addition, in this period it is necessary to take care of the absence of drafts, otherwise stains may form on the surface, and the ceiling will have to be repainted.

Do not forget that the use of additional heating devices for accelerating drying will lead to deplorable results. Optimally carrying drying in vivo.

The phased process of painting the ceiling looks like this:

  1. A small amount of stirred and brought to a certain consistency of paint from the jar is poured into the cute. The prepared roller is wetted in the mixture and then for a uniform distribution of the composition is carried out on the surface with riflation.
  2. The layer imposition starts from a long corner located on the left side relative to the window loan. Gently crouch the ceiling. After the first enter, we change the direction, while watching the quality of the layer. The correctly applied layer should be homogeneous, without visible transitions.
  3. If there is surplus paint on the surface, then they can be removed by rolling the roller on the corrugated surface of the cuvette.
  4. Before the third time you can change the spinning part of the roller to the new one. This will help improve the quality of the layer.

Is it possible to paint on the whitewash?

Very often people have a question: is it possible to paint the ceiling surface if there is an old layer of whitewash, which is well held? How to lay a layer of a new emulsion? Will he stay a long time?

It is better to clean the surface from the old layer, but if it has a small density and holds hard enough, and the surface itself without defects, the ceiling can be painted without removing the previous layer. This approach to surface color will even save not only money, but also the time required for applying the second layer of the emulsion.

But there are some nuances that need to be taken into account before applying paint. On the old layer for better adhesion it is worth the primer.

It makes no sense to paint the ceiling on an old whitewash if there is even small spots of rust or ordinary heights.

The thick layer of the old whitewash is better to believe to prevent squeezing or detachment of a new paint layer.

Painting the ceiling takes a lot of time, so every person wants the process itself to go without additional spending of money and strength, and the result pleased. But excesses sometimes still happen. In order to prevent some errors, there are a number of recommendations, following which you can avoid many problems.

In order to paint the ceiling without divorce and ugly stripes, you need to follow the time. On the color of the surface it is better to allocate not more than 20 minutes.

After this time, the water contained in the emulsion begins to evaporate intensively, and visible transitions can be formed at the junctions of the feed layer.

The presence of good lighting makes it possible to view the painted surface at any angle.Include lighting is needed even during the daytime. So you can control the places of paint, without missing even a small area. It is also necessary to remember the heating system, the battery is better to hide.

But sometimes the paint is unevenly distributed over the surface, after which areas are formed with the shades differ from the rest. To eliminate such an error, it is necessary to observe the direction when staining.

It should not be fixed immediately: it is necessary to wait time, let it dry the layer. Only then can be painted distressed places.

Repeated coloring is not always able to correct the situation, so sometimes you have to clean the problem areas using sandpaper. Only a new layer of paint will help refresh the surface. If all efforts are in vain, you will have to repaint the ceiling again, and the surface before painting is clear and flushed again.

How to properly prepare and paint the ceiling with water-level paint, see the next video.

The ceiling decoration during the repair of the room is an important step of all work. The ceiling surface defects are rushed immediately, because it is an open design, you will not force her furniture and do not touch the carpets. On the proper preparation and color of the ceiling with water emulsions - our article.

The content of the article:

Unlike the usual bliss, the snow-white surface of the surface after painting the ceiling of water-level paint is preserved much longer. In addition, the surface covered with such material can be washed, which is an important factor. Moisture resistance to the paint is attached to its composition environmentally friendly polymers. However, not all of its species have such a property.

Types of water-free paints for ceiling

The consumer market offers paintworks based on water emulsions, which differ in composition, price and intended purpose:
  • Polyvinila acetate paints. This is the cheapest material. It is used exclusively in dry rooms, it is impossible to wash the ceilings after painting.
  • Paints with liquid glass additives. Used to finish concrete and plastered surfaces.
  • Silicone paints. They can be applied to the plastered surface of the ceiling without its preliminary priming. Such paints serve as protection of structures from fungi and other microorganisms, have a high vapor-permeable ability, which makes it possible to use them for coloring the ceilings of bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Water-emulsion acrylic paints. The most sought-after material. It can be used in any premises. Painted such paint ceilings are different when leaving them with high wear resistance and no moisture is afraid.
  • Acrylic latex paints. More expensive of all of the above. In the process of painting the ceiling, they give a smooth and beautiful surface, perfectly fill in it cracks with a thickness of up to 1 mm. Ceilings can be washed using gentle detergents.

Selection of waterfront paint for ceiling

For the right choice of water-emulsion paint, you need to get acquainted with annotation written on the packaging of the goods. The manufacturer indicates the type of work for which the material is intended, its consumption is 1 m 2, wear resistance during a wet cleaning, the recommended number of layers, etc. For the color of the ceiling surfaces, there are special types of water-level paints that do not eat on top when performing work and have good adhesion.

In addition, paints are matte, glossy, semiamatic and semi-man. Using matte paint increases the height of the room and masks the small irregularities of the ceiling. But the surface painted with such material is difficult to wash. When using glossy paint on the ceiling will be noticeable flaws, but it will take care of it easier. The optimal option can serve as a selection of semi-paste or semi-man paint.

Any paint does not withstand the cycles of freezing and thawing - its structure in such conditions is broken and is no longer restored. Therefore, it will be right to buy such a material in the store that has a warmed warehouse.

Cleaning the ceiling before painting water-level paint

Before prepare the ceiling to paint the water-level paint, it is necessary to make everything too much: cabinets, tables, equipment, etc.

The old layer of ceiling coating can be in the form of bliss or color. Therefore, ways to remove it differ. In the first case, the surface must be wetted with water with a roller, and then remove the lime layer with a spatula or scraper. The procedure should be completed with a flushing of a purified ceiling using a sponge.

As for the removal of old paint, it will not work out with water. The only option is to scrape the detached areas of the coating. To facilitate the work, it is possible to richly moisten the painted ceiling with water, giving the old paint the possibility for swelling, and then remove its swollen on the wet surface with a spatula. For better swelling coating in the room is suitable for draft.

The stains of various origins present on the ceiling can be removed by a three-percent composition of hydrochloric acid, a five percent composition of the copper vapor or a solution of lime with the addition of 50 ml of alcohol-denaturate.

Leveling the ceiling under the painting of water-level paint

Alignment is performed after the completion of the first stage of the work. To eliminate the irregularities and imparting the surface of a smooth form, fine-grained gypsum putty applies. It has excellent plasticity and adhesion to many types of coatings. Before its continuous application, the surface of the ceiling must be dusty and primed, and all its cracks are separated and covered.

Application and distribution of putty on the ceiling is performed using metal spatulas. There should be two of them: a wide spatula is made of basic work, and a tool with a narrower working surface is made of a mixture of a tank and its distribution along the plane of a wide spatula before applying to the ceiling.

After leveling the ceiling and drying the putty, its surface is polished with a special abrasive mesh with small cells to a completely smooth state. Grinding forms a lot of dust, so the floor of the room is recommended to cover with a film. All furniture, of course, is made before the start of work.

Features of the ceiling progress before applying water-mounted paint

The primer is needed for the adhesion of the base of the ceiling with a putty applied to it and the planned painting material. It is performed on the surface purified from the old coating and before it is painted.

Special compositions with an alkyd or water basis are used as primer. In addition to adhesion, priming increases the strength of the base of the ceiling, prevents its destruction and significantly reduces paint consumption at the main stage of work.

The priming is made with the help of a brush, it allows you to handle the irregularities of the ceiling and it is high-quality to impregnate its surface. The application of the composition is produced in 2-3 layers, each of them is maintained before drying. After grouting the leveling layer of finishing putty on the ceiling, the priming before the color can be made from the floor with a roller fixed on a long handle.

If the surface is infected with fungus, a special antiseptic primer is applied to the ceiling. It contains substances that prevent the emergence of microorganisms.

Painting the ceiling by water-emulsion paint with your own hands

Before painting the ceiling of water-mounted paint, it is necessary to paste a greater scotch in the perimeter of the surface of the painted surface to eliminate the unwanted material from entering the area of \u200b\u200bthe room walls. Work can be started even after noon - per night the ceiling will dry and will be ready to apply the second layer of paint.

Preparation of a tool for applying water-level paint on the ceiling

The production process requires such tools:
  1. Roller with a shell made of synthetic or natural fur.
  2. Flat painting brush 3-4 cm wide for painting places, hard to reach roller - corners, adjoins, etc.
  3. A cuvette with a ribbed surface for a uniform paint kit on a roller.
  4. Telescopic roller handle for convenient work from the floor.

The foam working surface of the roller for painting the ceiling of water-level paint is not suitable. It violates the homogeneity of the coating, covering it with air bubbles.

Application of waterproof paint on the ceiling

For high-quality staining the ceiling, it is necessary to follow these rules:
  • It should be started with the stys of the ceiling and walls, as well as the corners, the first of which should be the most distant from the entrance door. For this, the paint brush moistened in the paint around the ceiling perimeter is passed to a width of up to 5 cm. It will allow the roller to be further painted, not assisted for it for it nodes of the ceiling design.
  • The main painting is made in three passages of the roller, fixed on the telescopic handle. The first pass is performed in the perpendicular direction to the window plane, the second - in the transverse direction relative to the rays of the light falling from it into the room. The last passage of roller with paint is always heading towards the window.
  • The layer color of the ceiling involves the overlay of fresh paint on the dried surface. The drying of one layer occurs within 8-12 hours.
Step-by-step painting process looks like this:
  1. In a cuvette with paint, a roller should be moistened, having spent 3-4 times on the corrugated surface of the bath for a uniform distribution of material on the working surface of the tool.
  2. From the left corner of the wall, which is located opposite the window, you need to make the first roller passage along the ceiling site.
  3. The tool movement should occur from left to right, then the direction must be changed. It is important to ensure that the material lay down to a smooth homogeneous layer in the absence of visible transitions.
  4. Excess paints on the ceiling can be removed slightly pressed roller.
  5. In the process of coloring the ceiling, its quality can be checked with an angle point to the surface of the bright beam of light from the lantern or portable lamp.
  6. Before the last staining, the working surface of the roller is recommended to replace the new "fur coat". This will increase the quality of the finishing layer of paint.
During the drying season, the presence of drafts indoors is unacceptable, it is worthwhile to avoid direct sunlight on the wet ceiling. Otherwise, the appearance of stains can spoil the result of the work. Drying the ceiling should occur in vivo, so electrical heaters cannot be used for it.

How to paint the ceiling of water-based paint - Look at the video: