Description of Willow blossom. Why does the willow bloom early? Rakita, Verba, Stencils are folk titles

Service table

Service name Price
Primary consultation of the gynecologist 2,300 rubles.
Ultrasound gynecological expert 3 080 rub.
Intrauterine contraceptive 4 500 rubles.
Hysteroscopy. 22 550 rub.
Repeated consultation of the gynecologist 1 900 rub.
Taking a grip-print (scuffer) for cytological research 500 rub.
Laparoscopy (1 complexity category) 61 000 rub.
The program "Women's Health after 40" 31 770 rub.
Treatment of the cervix (medication) for 1 procedure 800 rub.
Diagnostic scraping 12 000 rub.
Bartoline glands whose inflammation is called bartolinite, sometimes affected by acute infection, which is often accompanied by a purulent injection (abscess). This pathological process involves fiber surrounding inflamed tissues. A capsule cavity filled with pus is formed on the pathological site.

Bartaline Iron - Inflammation, photos in women, epidemiological features of the disease

When bartoline glands are affected as a result of pathological processes, inflammation (photo) is accompanied by a strong integrity of adjacent tissues, the formation of a cystic tumor. Most often, Bartolinite is affected by the body of women of reproductive age. The main cause of the inflammatory process is to enter the infection inside the vagina. Pendant there in pathogenic microorganisms is obtained after the appearance of favorable factors:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • neglect hygienic measures during menstruation, after an abortion or giving birth;
  • wearing cramped trousers, jeans, underwear;
  • permanent mechanical irritation of outdoor genitals.

Based on the above reasons for the development of bartolinite, measures can be provided for preventing the disease. A woman should take care of its own sexual health, prevent the development of infectious diseases of the intimate sphere, and with sexual contacts with a partner, use barrier methods of contraception.

Inflammation of the bartholine glands Photo: Classification of the disease

When bartaline iron is subjected to attacks of pathogens, inflammation in it can have a different classification. Depending on the stage and severity of the flow, the disease takes various forms:

  • sharp;
  • purulent (the development of abscess);
  • recurring;
  • cystic.

In gynecology, the inflammation of the bartoline gland in the groin in women is diagnosed with certain screening techniques. They are used to determine the type of bartholinite. Good diagnostic results give bacterioscopy, laboratory examination for hidden infections. Screening studies are conducted for pregnant women and patients, just planning to conceive the baby. Surveys of adolescent centers and patients of gynecological offices can pass through the survey.

What does the inflammation of the bartoline gland, photo, description of the disease

Bartoline glands with inflammation have pronounced skin manifestations. For example, with this pathology, there are edema, skin redness, attachment to the secretory fluid leukocytes and microbial pathogens. Infiltrates go on the wall of the gland, soft tissues of the vagina and large sexy lips. They also affect the paravaginal fiber and subsequently contribute to the formation of an abscess. Incoding within the gland further worsens the state of the woman, leads to the formation of a cyst, strengthens discomfort with any television.

Inflammation of bartoline glands in women, photo and clinical picture

The beginning of the inflammatory process in the bartoline gland is sharp. A woman feels pulsating pain in outdoor genital organs. The uncomfortable area is located on the inflamed side (usually bartoline glands, where the inflammatory process occurs, are affected only on the one hand). He provokes the emergence of painful sensations of a woman when walking, bowing, sitting. There is a deterioration in the overall state, accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C and more, the development of suppuration, total weakness and chills.

The overall picture is complemented by new signs with visual inspection:

  • redness and swelling of large sexes;
  • sharp pain at the time of taking a gynecologist's bartholine gland.

If the ball under the skin in the location of the large glands of the exterior is moving and is constantly rolling during palpation, probably inflammation flowed into the present abscess. This process is dangerous with the melting of the rustic structure and fabrics that surround it. Against this background, local manifestations of pathology are enhanced. Leukocytosis increases in the patient's body, high body temperature, pain and inflammation are becoming stronger. Purulent inflammation of the bartoline gland in women (photo), in the absence of drug treatment can go to sepsis. Sometimes abscess spontaneously operates, the accumulated pus expires from it. If the fistula is not formed outside, and from the inside, this leads to infection of organs adjacent to bartholine gland. Such a state requires the immediate hospitalization of the patient to the branch of gynecology.

Bartolinova Iron, inflammation, code in μb

In the international classification of diseases (10th revision) inflammation of the bartholine gland was assigned an individual number - N75.8. This disease belongs to the hierarchy of the diseases of the urogenital system with the number of MKB-10 N00-N99.
It is included in the group of inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs of N70-N77, and the category of Bartoline disease N75.

With bartoline, the diagnosis of the doctor is carried out after the evaluation of the characteristic clinical manifestations, the data of the visual inspection and palpation of the inflamed body, the results of the bacteriological analysis of the purulent contents of the abscess. To detect hidden infection with purulent masses, PCR analysis is carried out in the hospital. The importance for the accurate diagnosis of bartolynitis has common analyzes of urine and blood, bacterioscopic examination of vaginal smears, bakposev on the microflora, taken from the vaginal lubricant or the secrets of the bartholine gland. If necessary, an additional study of biomaterial is carried out for ureaplasm, chlamydia, trichomonade, sexher herpes, a gonococcal infection. Diagnostic events help determine the reasons for which bartaline iron inflamed.

Causes of inflammation

The causes of the inflammation of the bartoline gland in women are always associated with the penetration of infection inside the organ.

Iron Bartolinovaya - Causes of inflammation, photo of the inflamed organ, the mechanism of infection

Before telling why the inflammation of the bartoline glands is developing, the reasons for its formation, we offer readers to get acquainted with the mechanism of the pathological process. It includes several stages.

Inflammation of bartoline glands, causes and treatment, photos of pathology are carefully studied and analyzed by a medical specialist. It is very important to turn to the doctor in time in order to prevent further spread of infection as a result of the breakdown of cystic ulcers. It is impossible to struggle with the inflammation of the high predvender gland independently, all therapeutic procedures are strictly controlled by the attending physician. This is important because on the background of independent treatment, serious complications are often developing (cysts, sepsis).

Why bartoline glands are inflamed in women, the cause of inflammation

The reasons for the inflammatory process in bartoline glands in women are different. Bartolinitis (this is exactly the name of the disease, In which inflammation affects the outer secretion to the female genital organs) develops due to infection, and its main reasons, according to the doctors of gynecologists, are:

  • infection by pathogenic microorganisms propagating the sexual way (chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, mycoplasmas);
  • reduced immunity in the patient, against the background of which there is an intensification of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci, intestinal sticks, Candid, Klebsiell).

Violation of the functions of the bartholine gland, its inflammation, treatment, photos, the causes of pathological deviations diagnose, examines and conducts a gynecologist. In order to detect pathological states of the body, a specialist in examining a patient performs a number of research and therapeutic procedures.

Why bartaline iron is inflamed - additional adverse factors

Determine why the bartoline cyst was inflamed, the doctor helps additional data on the health status of the woman and the patient's attitude to its own body. There are several adverse factors that increase the risk of developing pathological processes inside the largest gland of the Three. They are presented in the next list.

Clarification of the reasons for the inflammation of the bartholine gland and the treatment of the house of this pathology becomes possible only after a full-fledged examination of a woman in the gynecological department. A qualified doctor, appreciating the results of the patient analyzes, will be able to understand the nature of inflammation, will develop an effective course of therapy and controls the fulfillment of a female medical recommendation. The presence of characteristic symptoms of the inflammatory process contributes to the rapid diagnosis of pathology.


Inflammation of the bartholine glands, the symptoms of which are quite characteristic, can not be confused with any other disease.

Inflammation of bartoline gland: photo, symptoms and treatment of pathology

Inflammation of the bartholine gland, symptoms, treatment of pathology, doctors are conditionally divided into 3 main stages.

  1. Canaliculitis. The acute stage of inflammation of the bullbowaginal gland, accompanied by the suppuration of the output ducts of this organ. The skin over the inflamed focus blushes and swells. Inflammation of the output of iron duct looks like a pimple. Many women squeeze it, and as a result, 2-3 pus drops stand out. After the time of the Pump, remaining in the Large Breast's output dummy, the run-up thickness, and this leads to the blockage of the channel. Purulent masses accumulate inside the gland, stretch it and provoke the formation of a visible bump over the skin, in the field of large sex lips. The skin over the neoplasm of the tumor-like structure becomes red and eating, easily shifted. Large sex lips with false narying in bartoline gland are made and covered with themselves in the vagina. Patients with canaliculitis complain of pain when running, walking, sexual semilation. Women with such a problem bothers burning in the perineum. The overall condition of the body remains normal, the subfebrile temperature is kept.
  2. Real abscess. With a true abscess in bartoline iron, inflammation and symptoms (photos) are subjected to further adverse metamorphosis. Pathogenic microbes penetrate the body tissue and tissue, which surrounds the gland, provoking the purulent melting of functional epithelial structures. In their place, a capsule is formed, where the entire pus forming is localized. Small and large sex lips swell, and on both sides. The pathological site becomes red and strongly hurts when the body moves, easy touch, at rest. The intensity of painful sensations is high. The patient is experiencing difficulties when walking, the body temperature (more than 38.5 ° C) is significantly increased. The woman appears chills, weakness, nausea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting. Pain in the perineum does not pass, wears a pulsating character.
  3. Bartolinite chronic form. If the acute inflammation of the bartoline gland is not cured on time, the disease passes into a chronic form. Pathology has a recurrent course, and painful sensations and inflammatory process are weak, insignificant. High sensitivity at the location of the organ and seal, easily tangible when tugging the gland, are characteristic signs of a chronic inflammatory process. A woman suffering from chronic bartolinite is discomfort with sexual contacts. If the disease is put on the sampling and not to treat it, the risks of the formation of a bartoline chamber of the cyst, inside which liquid purulent content accumulates.

The development of acute inflammation of the bartholine gland is accompanied by such signs:

  • the temperature of the body rises, and in this background there are strong headaches, malaise, general weakness, burning in the crotch;
  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen, tingling sensations during the emptying of the bladder appear after 2 days after the start of inflammation;
  • urinary cue becomes more frequent and occur even in those moments when the patient's bladder is empty;
  • the work of the kidneys is disturbed, and the consequence of this becomes the occurrence of pain in the lumbar region;
  • the mucous membranes or purulent discharge from the vagina appear;
  • employment of external genital organs, their pain in palpation;
  • intelligible sensations in the crotch;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the vagina;
  • a tangible seal near the base of large sex lips (its sizes are different and depend on how much the disease is launched);
  • it is released from the compaction.

Chronic bartolinite is characterized by the weak severity of the above symptoms.
A woman only periodically feels pain in the crotch, amplifying during the sexual act, and notices the weak redness of the larger sex.

An experienced gynecologist will be able to properly diagnose the pathological condition of the bartoline gland with inflammation, and the symptoms, treatment, the photo of X-ray from the past history of the patient's disease contribute to the speedy detection of the problem. The diagnostic results will be the basis for the development of a barolynite treatment plan.


If a specialist of gynecological consultation during diagnostics detects in the patient of bartoline gland with inflammation, the treatment is prescribed conservative and symptomatic. The absence of complications of the disease eliminates the likelihood of hospitalization. The patient passes an outpatient therapeutic course, performing all the prescriptions of the attending physician.

How to treat inflammation of the bartoline glands in the hospital

Diagnosis of inflammation of the bartholine gland, treatment, photos of pathological deviations from the X-ray apparatus - all these possibilities are now easily implemented thanks to modern equipment installed in gynecological offices. Each woman, when anxious signs appear, should visit a specialized medical institution, and not engage in self-medication at home. Indeed, only in the conditions of the gynecological clinic, you can accurately determine the essence of the problem and go through the course of effective treatment.

Diagnostic measures in the gynecological office (tests, x-rays, ultrasound), help the doctor to detect inflammation and treatment in bartoline iron (photo) to develop individually, given the characteristics of pathology. Treatment of bartolinite at the day hospital of the female branch is carried out in compliance with such techniques and requirements:

  • thermal or cold (with ice) compresses applied to the place of inflammation;
  • medication therapy using antibiotics;
  • prohibition of sexual contacts to complete recovery;
  • compliance with beddown.

If the woman had a bartaline iron in such a situation, doctors gynecologists will tell in such a situation. With such pathology, doctors immediately recommend under the course of treatment with antibiotics. Usually for these purposes, a wide range of action is used. For example:

  • penicillins with a semi-synthetic composition;
  • macrolides;
  • cephalosporins.

It is necessary to take into account that pathogenic bacteria provoked the inflammatory process is insensitive to the components of drugs. To find out the existence of this problem, the backed of purulent contents. Before the results of the diagnostic procedure are obtained, the antibiotic complex is experimentally selected.

To the general treatment regimen, the doctor may sometimes add imidazole, fluoroquinolone, other antibacterial drug formulations. It may be necessary for both symptomatic therapy with the use of spasmolitics and analgesics, which will help to eliminate pain syndrome and relieve inflammation.

The development of purulent injections in bartoline glands is a reason for hospitalization. Women with such a complication are treated in hospital gynecology, most often surgical intervention is carried out.

Inflammation of bartoline gland - operation when it is necessary?

The first testimony for surgical intervention in acute bartolynitis is the occurrence of purulent rushing in a vile. When diagnosing in bartoline glands of inflammation, treatment is being developed by a doctor on a comprehensive scheme. During surgical intervention, pus is cleaned, and postoperative therapy is based on the use of antibacterial medicines. When all purulent masses are removed from the cystic capsule, the devastated cavity is washed with antiseptic solution (for this purpose, hydrogen peroxide is most often used). The final stage of surgical intervention is to install drainage. If the rehabilitation period after the operation is successful, the drainage tube is removed after 1 week.

Chronic bartholinite forms are also treated with a surgical operation. However, the achieved therapeutic result is not so sustainable as when combating an acute inflammatory process. The opening and washing of cysts from the pus during the chronic flow of pathology does not allow to achieve complete recovery. The cystic walls will eventually grow together with each other, and the duct is completely closed. From this situation there are only 2 outputs:

  • formation of artificial duct (Marsupialization);
  • full excision of bartoline gland (extirpation).

Marsupialization is more often used by specialists in the field of gynecology. This method of surgical treatment is considered more gentle and suited to women who often have recurrences of the disease, the cysts of large sizes are formed, and conservative therapy does not give the desired result.

Surgical manipulations involve the formation of a new duct doctor to derive the secret. A small incision is made in the cyst, then the tube with a ball at the end is inserted into it. The free edge of the catheter remains outside, and the ball is inflated through it, caught inside the cystic education. It increases in size, fixing the catheter and not allowing it to fall out. After 4-5 weeks after the performed manipulations, the ball is blown away, and the catheter tube is removed from the cystic cavity. For the allocated time, a new duct is formed through which the secret of bartoline glands comes out.

The removal of bartoline glands is an extreme measure that surgeons are used very rarely. The operation of this type is fraught with complications and strong bleeding, because the iron is located next to the large bunch of vessels. The technique is used only if it is the only possible (for example, with frequent recurrences of the purulent inflammatory process, or after an unsuccessful marcupialization procedure).

The rehabilitation period after the excision of the bartoline gland is 1 week. To speed up the process of recovery, the patient is prescribed UHF and magnetic therapy. It is also recommended to lubricate the operated area with special ointments with healing effect, to go through the procedure of phonophoresis.

Postoperative forecasts in surgical intervention on bartoline glands depend on the timeliness of the appeal of a woman in the hospital. The earlier the patient came to the doctor, the more favorable there will be a result.

Inflammation of the bartholine glands - treatment at home

Conduct against bartoline gland with inflammation treatment at home the patient may after agreeing the selected therapeutic scheme with the attending physician.

If bartaline iron inflamed, the first help of the house is sent to the removal of sharp symptoms:

  • severe pain;
  • inflammation;
  • otchiness.

A woman should not mindlessly apply home treatment techniques to prevent the development of the purulent process. Before applying one or another therapeutic way, she needs to consult with a doctor. During the period of exacerbation of the inflammatory disease and when treating treatment, it is necessary to provide the body to peace, move less and more to lie, stop sports, eliminate intimate proximity to the partner. Below is a list of methods for the treatment of inflamed bartoline gland at home.

  • Cold. The impact of cold compresses made of frozen water helps to quickly remove the edema with bartoline. Water before the procedure is frozen in a special refrigerator container or polyethylene bubble. The prepared ice turns into a dense cloth and applied to the inflated area for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times by changing the ice and making 15-minute breaks.
  • Package drugs. Anesthetic drugs of long-term action will facilitate the state of the woman, will remove painful manifestations, they will remove the solidity, there will be a powerful anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. The best among these drugs are diclofenac, Ketorolac and Dollarken. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that these drugs cannot be taken with the ulcerative disease of the stomach, impaired blood consumption and intestinal problems. If the patient suffers such problems, to improve the condition when barting, it is better to give preference to paracetamol.
  • Ointment. The means of wound-healing, antimicrobial, regenerating action in the form of ointments will help to cope with the suppuration, stimulate and strengthen the immune system, they will remove inflammation, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and purulent ulcers. Among the numerous pharmaceutical drugs recommended when inflammation of the bartholine glands, the Ointment of Vishnevsky, Levomikol and Levosin are the best. Ointment with bartoline can not be rubbed into the skin above the inflamed site. The drug is applied to the gauze bandage and gently apply to the affected place.
  • Natural immunoregulators. The saturation of a relaxed disease of the female organism complex of trace elements and vitamins will help restore and strengthen the immunity. During the drug treatment of bartolinite, it is recommended to eat products enriched with vitamins A, C, E (antioxidants). Their deficiency in the body leads to violation of immune processes, reduces cell protection, provokes protracted diseases, frequent infection and constant relapses of inflammation and suppuration. Vitamin supplements are used before eating or in the process of eating, because it is so they are better absorbed.
  • Antiseptic solutions. The irrigation of the amazed areas with disinfecting solutions of Mirisminestine, chlorhexidine or decoctions based on natural herbs chamomile calendula, oak bark will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Vaginal candles. Thanks to the candles from the inflammation of the bartoline gland, treatment at home is becoming effective, demonstrates a quick and expected therapeutic result. Most often, at home treatment of pathologies of bobbowaginal stands, drugs are used in the form of candles - Terezhinin or metrogyl. The Terezhinna means contains antibiotics in its composition, therefore it has a fungicidal and antibacterial effect on the body. Another component of the medicine is prednisible, helps to remove inflammation. You need to enter candles deep into the vagina, before bedtime, having accepted the situation. Metrogyl or medicinal compositions of a similar action (clion, metronidazole, trichopol) contain active ingredients that kill trichomoniasis pathogens. These candles are used 1-2 times a day, on the 1st thing.

Therapeutic effect on inflamed bartoline glands will become more powerful and effective if you use medicines from a folk piggy bank as a supplement to basic methods. Sollar grazing, baths with the addition of kidneys and leaves of chamomile, birch, celandine, oak bark, yarrow, Hyperician, help. Strengthen the immunity and eliminate inflammation will help teas and decoctions from Rosehip, with the addition of lemon, young birch leaves, elderberry colors, sage, souls, lime color, Hypericum.

Few a woman knows about where Bartolin Iron is located and what Bartolinitis is, until it meets with a similar problem. The disease occurs relatively rarely and does not represent a serious threat to health or reproductive function. However, recently there is an increase in the number of cases. This is promoted by a frequent change of sexual partners, condom disregard, increasingly widespread HIV infection.

About pathology

Bartolinite is an inflammatory pathology, usually associated with a decrease in immune protection or venereal diseases. Bartoline glands are inflamed - a pair education that lies in the thicker of large sexy women. They received their name according to the name of the Anatoma described by their anatoma - Kaspor Bartolini, who studied the female reproductive system in the 17th century. The functions are auxiliary: they allocate a small amount of mucus on the eve of the vagina, which plays the role of natural lubrication during intercourse. When inflammation of bartoline gland increases in the amount, become painful and cause a woman substantial discomfort.

Often, patients suffer bartolinite without any treatment, in the hope that the situation is resolved independently. Such levity leads to a serious gynecological problem - chronic bartolynitis. It is more complicated to cure it at times than the sharp form of the disease, inflammation takes a thrust recurrent character. How to recognize the disease at the initial stage and what to treat bartolinite, read further.

About iron

To better understand the principles of the treatment of bartolinite, it is worth a little learning about the structure of the gland itself. Bartaline Iron is a hollow rounded formation of a pea size, from which the output duct is departed to the surface of the skin. The inner part of the gland lies in a fatty tissue filling large sex lips. Normally, it is soft, elastic and hardly forgiven under the skin.

The iron from the inside is lined with secretory epithelium - cells that produce mucus. The secret accumulates in the inside and when its full filling or a woman is excited, it stands out in protuce outward. The bartholine gland mucus has good lubricant properties. It facilitates the introduction of a penis into the vagina and protects the threshold from damage during frictions. The violation of the function of the bartoline gland is felt dry and discomfort with sexual intercourse.

About the causes of the disease

As mentioned above, the reasons for the occurrence of bartolinite are infections and decrease in immunity. Both of these factor are combined in the following cases:

  • insufficient compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • invasive interventions on genital organs - operations, endoscopic examination, abortion;
  • pregnancy in combination with a hearth chronic infection in the body;
  • wearing the laundry of synthetics;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

The main pathogens of the Bartholinite are:

  • trichomonas;
  • gonokokk;
  • streptococcus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • intestinal wand;
  • klebsiella;
  • proteus.

Conduct the disease, both true pathogenic bacteria and conditionally pathogenic. The latter are activated only in conditions of decline in immunity. Microorganisms fall into the gland from the surface of the skin, climbing along the output duct is either entered with blood current or lymphs from other foci of infection.

About Bartolinita forms

Bartolinite can leak:

  • in acute form - signs of inflammation expressed brightly, the immune system actively reacts to the causative agent, the disease lasts no more than 8 weeks;
  • in chronic form - inflammation takes the wave-like flow: the periods of the clutch are replaced by exacerbations. Symptoms are manifested in Neurko, the cysts of bartoline gland are often formed. The disease lasts more than 2 months and can last for years.

Depending on which the department of the gland is amazed, allocate:

  • Canaliculitis - inflammation affects only withdrawal duct. The walls will swell it, but do not fully climb and the outflow of the secret is not violated. Such a form proceeds easily, the symptoms of it appear weakly.
  • The false abscess - the duct of the gland sticks out and the outflow of the secret stops. The mucus accumulates in the inner department, gradually stretching it. The cloth gland is not destroyed, it continues to function normally. The cyst is gradually formed - the cavity filled with mucus is limited to the walls.
  • True abscess or purulent bartolinite - develops in the destruction of bacteria of the secretory department of the gland. It is filled with pus and increases in size. Microbial toxins and cell decay products are absorbed into the blood, which leads to a violation of the well-being of a patient and an increase in body temperature.

On the manifestations of the disease

Bartholinite symptoms can be expressed to varying degrees, which depends on the type of inflammation and the vastness of the lesion of the gland. Light forms of the disease flow unnoticed for a woman: it does not attach importance to insignificant discomfort in the field of the vagina. However, even a small inflammation leads to an increase in the size of the gland and its seal. It takes care of the skin of the sex lip and can slightly empty over the surface. If inflammation is expressed slightly, iron is moderately painful or does not hurt at all.

Acute bartrolinite with purulent inflammation proceeds otherwise. Symptoms are pronounced:

  • the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees with;
  • a woman is difficult to sit, walk because of pain in the perineum;
  • in the gender lip, the heat, pulsating pain, sawing;
  • the overall state of health deteriorates - the bombability, fatigue, headache;
  • sexual life becomes impossible, as it causes a woman of suffering;
  • inflamed iron sharply increases in size, blows out in the form of a rounded formation, dense, painful. The skin over it changes its color to red or crimsheral, its temperature is raised compared to other areas.

When chronizing the disease, the bartaline iron is converted to the cyst filled with pus or mucus. It gradually increases and can achieve the sizes of chicken egg. Since the function in this case is violated, the main complaint besides the tumor becomes dryness and discomfort during sexual contacts. A chronic shape with exacerbations is flowing: periodically a woman feels heat and pain in the sexual lip, iron increases in size.

An excessive or sharp increase in the size of an abscess often leads to what he revealed himself. Such a situation may occur during sex, mechanical cringe compression when riding a bike, horse-drawn sports. In this case, the pus is poured out in the form of a yellow-green thick mass with an unpleasant smell. With an unfavorable coincidence, the abscess can be pulled out into the fatty cell of the sexual lip, which entails its inflammation - cellulite. Pain at a similar condition is sharply enhanced, tissue fading around the gland.

It can be inflated both alone and both bartoline glands. In the latter case, complaints about discomfort when interchanges are first place. The necessary lubricant for unhindered the introduction of a member is absent completely and in women there is an unpleasant feeling of friction during frictions.

About diagnostics

It establishes the diagnosis of a gynecologist and for this it is required to inspect the patient on the chair, the collection of anamnesis and the study of complaints. The doctor is important to know how long the disease has arisen and with which it is connected with: with a change in the sexual partner, stress, supercooling, abortion or operation. He finds out whether the patient had symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. As a rule, these measures are enough to determine the diagnosis. If a gynecologist has doubts about the nature of pathology, then the diagnosis includes additional procedures:

  • common blood test - acute purulent bartolinite is manifested by an increase in the number of leukocytes and their immature forms, the acceleration of the ESP;
  • biochemical blood test - allows you to identify possible diabetes in the patient;
  • microscopy smear from the vagina - serves to detect the pathogens of sexual infections, the diagnosis of the concomitant;
  • bakposposev separated from the inflamed bartoline gland - allows you to accurately establish the pathogen of the bartholinite and its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • PCR smear from the vagina and cervical canal - detects even the minimum number of pathogenic microflora.

About treatment

The treatment of bartolinite conducts a gynecologist in an outpatient basis. Hospitalization and registration of hospital, as a rule, are not required. Therapeutic tactics depends on the form of the disease and its stage. When a sexual infection is detected, the treatment of bartolinite is mandatory carried out jointly with the therapy of the STD. To do this, they are prescribed vaginally candles with antiseptics (hexicone, polyizinaks, betadine) and antibiotics (clindamycin, metro astone-neo). The treatment must also go through the patient's sexual partner.

Acute form of bartolinite

The main task of therapy at this stage of the disease is to suppress the pathogen and prevent the transition of infection into the chronic stage. What antibiotics take the doctor first decides, based on their experience and the presumptive pathogenic microflora in the patient. Subsequently, the exact choice of the drug he performs after receiving the results of Bakposev. If the improvements in the patient's state does not occur more than 3 days, the initially appointed antibiotic is changed to a more suitable. For the treatment of bartolinite suitable:

  • Doxycycline;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Offloxacin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Ceftriaxone.

The doctor can combine two types of antibiotics to expand their spectrum of action. For example, doxycycline is prescribed together with metronidazole - together they destructively affect gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and anaerobes. The listed drugs are prescribed to receive inside in a tablet form.

Treatment of bartolinite antibiotics are carried out in local form. The preparation in the composition of Mazi is applied directly to the skin in the zone of the inflamed gland. So antibiotics affect more locally, create a high concentration in the tissues of the gland and the surrounding fiber. Their impact on the entire body is excluded, thereby decreasing to a minimum risk of side effects.

Well suited for local treatment Ointment Levomecol. It combines an antimicrobial drug with healing, successfully copes with inflammation. The ointment is easily applied and quickly penetrates the focus of inflammation. Apply 1-2 times a day with a thin layer. Effective for the treatment of bartolinite and tetracycline ointment. It is applied to the skin of the sex lip thin layer 3-5 times a day.

A sharp bartholinite requires sexual rest from a woman for the entire treatment period. She should comply with a diet with a restriction of sharp dishes, marinades, smoked, fatty and fried products. Alcohol must be completely eliminated - against the background of taking antibiotics, it can cause a toxic reaction. Compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor makes it possible to cure bartolynitis without surgery.

Abscess and cyst

The formed abscess or cyst is subject to mandatory autopsy surgical path. Conduct the procedure in the outpatient conditions at the reception at the gynecologist. He puts a woman on the chair, conducts local anesthesia lidocaine and makes noise skin over the iron. Gradually, the doctor comes to the gland, reveals its capsule and carefully retrieves the contents. After it is washed with antiseptics, the cavity formed and brings the edges of the wound loosely.

Further treatment largely determines the outcome of the operation. With inadequate performance of the postoperative period, relapses often occur: iron is again gradually filled with mucus or pus. The opening of the bartolinite in such cases is carried out multiple times until a good result is achieved.

Sterile gauze napkins impregnated with healing and antimicrobial preparation are applied to the sterile wipes. The ointment of Vishnevsky is well fits - it stimulates the regeneration process, strengthens the local immunity and has an antiseptic effect. The ichthyol ointment effectively pulls the fluid from the inflamed tissues, the wound exudate and the pus, which contributes to the rapid purification of the wound and its healing.

Chronic form

Treatment of chronic bartolinite is a difficult problem. The microbial factor at this stage already plays a minor role, and in the first place there are violations of local immunity. Therapy is carried out in the following ways:

  • The appointment of antibiotics in cases where the pathogen is detected in separated from the gland or a woman has an infection transmitted by sexually.
  • Vaginal candles with useful bacteria for recovering microflora vagina and local immunity (acilakt, lactone).
  • Immunomodulators are preparations for the normalization of the reactivity of the immune system (Likopid, Timalin).
  • Dimexide in combination with anti-inflammatory agents (indomethacin solution) - the stagnation of tampons or gauze napkins are impregnated and entered into the vagina / make compresses on the region of the inflamed gland.
  • Physiotherapy for stimulating local immunity and acceleration of tissue healing - magnetotherapy, exposure to high frequency current (UHF), electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs.

In pregnant women

Bartolinitis during pregnancy and after childbirth are treated with local anti-inflammatory drugs, sedentary baths with solutions of antiseptics (mangarteean, chlorhexidine). Antibiotics in this case are prescribed only at extreme necessity - if a woman has developed a sharp purulent bartolinite. Self-medication in pregnant and nursing mothers is unacceptable, only the doctor decides what to do with each patient individually.

At home

The treatment of bartolinite at home is allowed if the severity of inflammation is minimal and the woman does not bother nothing but a minor increase in the gland. However, in this case, there is a risk of a bartolinite transition to a chronic form. It is impossible to independently take antibiotics - the wrong dose or the choice of an inappropriate drug will lead to the formation of stability in microorganisms.

How to treat bartrolinite at home? You can take 1 time per day. Sitting baths with decoction of herbs: chamomiles, calendulas, oak bark, Hypericum. At night, compresses with ichthyol ointment, ointment of Vishnevsky, should be made. It is necessary to limit sex life at the time of treatment and to be examined with a partner for sex infections. With a positive result of the analysis, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Can bartrolinite go? Yes, but only in cases where iron is not transformed into the cyst or abscess. It is easy to understand the resistant change in its size, and it becomes dense, sometimes soldered with the subjectable tissues.

Batolynitis Prevention is a number of simple rules, which will reduce the risk of infection of the glands:

  • wearing cotton linen;
  • the use of condoms during sex and sinking mirograms after unprotected sexual acts;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • sanitation of foci of chronic infection - carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis.

The consequences of the disease are to form a recurrent cyst, to cure, which can only be completely removal of the gland.

Girls who are concerned about the problems at the bottom of the abdomen can suffer from the diseases of the bartholine glands, and at the same time, there is no suspect of their existence. Therefore, it is extremely important to know what kind of glands, the functions are performed and what their diseases may occur. In this article, we will consider in detail about the properties and functions of the bartholine gland.

Bartolinov glare - These are paired glands, up to one centimeter, which are located at the bottom of the large sexy lips approximately at the level of the lower spike (spike - the place of connecting the skin folds). The gyling glands pass through the tissues of large sexual lips on the eve of the vagina, and are removed on the inner side of the small sex.

Basic function data glands - highlighting secrethaving a viscous structure of grayish color. This mucus contributes to moisturizing mucous membrane Vagina and the development of lubricant that is important:

  • during sexual contact - facilitates the commissioning of the penis inside the vagina
  • in case of labor - conducive to stretching of vaginal muscles

numbersecreted by these glasses the secret depends on such factors:

  • hormonal background of women
  • emotional experiences
  • possible injury

If the lubricant is highlighted in insufficient quantity or stops completely, dryness, irritation or itching of the mucous membrane of small sexual lips may appear. Usually, bartolinov glare Not visible and practically not tangible.

However, when the flow channel purcharge (due to infections, injuries, etc.) and the released fluid due to the obstacle that appeared does not have the ability to exit outside, accumulating inside, gland inflamed swell and become quite noticeable. A woman at the same time may experience a comfortable state during sexual intercourse and even when walking.

Treatment of bartholine glands

Violations in the work of bartoline glands often lead to the formation of cyst and inflammatory processes. Cysts - Education in the tissues, which arise due to the drainage of the secret to the gland, due to the blockage of the duct.

According to experts, small cysts, which do not cause discomfort and proceed asymptomatic, can not be treated. If a woman occurs, the disadvantages of various properties, the doctor is assigned the necessary therapy.

Therapeutic therapy of the bartholine glands is sent to the restoration of their functions by forming a channel, according to which the outflow of the released fluid occurs. Given the nature of the violations of the functioning of the bartholine gland and the patient's condition, the doctor is prescribed certain treatment methods:

  • Treatment of local(Ointment, grafting) - is appointed simultaneously with medication treatment.
  • Reception of drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.) - indications are the initial stages of inflammation, and the period after surgery.

  • Opening of the focus of inflammation- A cut is done through which the liquid is removed and the cavity is washed after that. As a rule, while the method is the likelihood of re-formation of abscesses or cyst. The reason is a fairly fast sticking of the tissues that close the duct.
  • ImplementationWord.-Kathetra - After conducting the procedure for opening with the extraction of the contained fluid, the cavity is washed and the Word catheter is inserted. It is a silicone tube with a bloated ball on the tip. Thanks to this, the fabric adaptation does not stick together and are covered with epithelium. After 5 or 6 weeks, this device is extracted. The indication are cysts more than 3 centimeters without an acute inflammatory process.
  • Laser Vaporization - Impact on the pathological tissue of cystic formation with a laser beam. The advantage of this method is the painlessness of the procedure and the lack of need for hospitalization.
  • Marsupilization of cysts - In the area of \u200b\u200bthe greatest increase in the gland, a cut of oval tissue is made, the liquid is removed. The edges of the walls of cysts are laid to the mucous membrane. This method allows you to preserve the bartholine gland and its normal functioning.
  • Removal of cysts completely - With this method, bartolinov iron is removed. The indication is numerous relapses after applying the methods described above.

Moreover, folk healers Support such methods:

  • hirudotherapy (leeches treatment)
  • compresses and baths using medicinal plants
  • mazi.based on natural components

Bartolinov Iron: Inflammation, Causes

Often, women have any age inflammationbartoline glands that otherwise call bartolinitis. Conducted by a non-penetration infection in the gland. Basic reasonsthis disease doctors call:

  • Infection pathogennemi.microorganisms having sexual nature of distribution (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, etc.). It should be noted that not always the presence of listed diseases can provoke the inflammation of the bartholine glands.
  • Activation conditional pathogenic Microflora reducing immunity (Candida, intestinal wand, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, etc.).

Much increases the likelihood of inflammation and appearance bartolynita The presence of the following factors:

  • Illegible intimate connections and a fairly frequent change of partners - at the same time increases the risk of infection sexual infections.
  • Do not followrequirements personalhygienes.bacteria Which are on the surface of the genital large lips, can penetrate inside the vagina. In addition, the spread of infection often occurs through the discharge from the vagina. Therefore, a woman needs to change strips as often as possible, especially after every visit to the toilet.
  • Microtrauma The mucous membrane of the vagina obtained by excessive combing or intimate contact With insufficient lubrication (the infection is inserted inside through small wounds).
  • Availability hemorrhoidal nodes or cracked Rear pass.
  • Frequent wearing of too close underwear.
  • Availability sugar diabetes - For glucose bacteria is a beneficial nutrient medium.
  • Chronic diseases Stomach, kidney or liver - Lymph movement can spread infection in the body.
  • Immunodeficiency (Congenital or arising as a consequence of cold, nervous voltage, overwork, etc.) - with weakened protective functions of the body increases the risk of infection.
  • Violationsanitary standards requirements surgical operations The urogenital system and in the subsequent postoperative period of rehabilitation.
  • Supercoolingintimate organs.
  • Stressstates that are constant.

Process The emergence and further development of the disease bartolinitis In general, you can describe this:

  • Infectious agents From the surface of the small germ lips penetrate the flow channel of the bartoline gland.
  • There are active reproduction.
  • Ductinflamed.
  • Further inflammationdistributed by on the glandwhich increases in size and compacted.
  • Appears eveny.
  • Occurs suppuration.
  • Arises abscess(false, true, secondary).

With suspected bartolinitis Be sure to refer to the doctor toto begin treatment,in order to avoid further distribution of infection. It's no secret that any disease is better warn than treat. In order to to avoiddiseases described by a notch, observe the following measures prevention:

  • regularly pass the inspection at the gynecologist
  • watch out for hygiene
  • on time treat infections
  • avoid random unprotected intimate contacts
  • strengthen immunity

Inflammation of bartoline gland: treatment, photo

IN initial Stages inflammationbartholine gland woman can don't feel No painful sensations or other discomfort. She observes only some kind of seal Local type fabrics on the eve of the vagina. Then with the penetration of infection further appears pain.

In some cases, the inflammatory process can sinkwhile maintaining seal gland or its duct. And over time inflammation again flashes Spreading infection on. Medical therapythat the doctor prescribes depends on the nature of the process of inflammation. At the same time distinguish the form:

  • acute
  • chronic

Acutethe form of the disease is characterized by the following states women:

  • Increase temperature.
  • Weakness and intoxication of the body as a whole.
  • Redness and swelling the focus of the inflammatory process.
  • Education in this place of a rounded seal, when pressed to which a woman is experiencing pain.
  • When the gland palpation occurs a feeling of fluid near it and its channel.

Specialists describe the following types acute

  • Canaliculitis (false abscess) - Inflammation of the output channel of the bartholine gland. It is characterized by redness, or skin hyperemia. When pressing the area of \u200b\u200bthe gland it is possible to allocate a small amount of purulent discharge from the duct. At the same time, due to a significant increase in the volume, the channel can be tested during palpation. The general condition of the woman can be quite normal, without a significant increase in temperature. Pains may appear with active movements.
  • Primary (true) abscess - Through the flow channel, the infectious microorganisms penetrate the tissue of the Bartolin gland itself, and its further inflammation occurs. Iron increases significantly in its size. Sex lips (small and large) swell strongly and blush. The body temperature in a woman can rise above 38 - 39 degrees. The pain or burning is intensified not only when driving, but also at rest.
  • Secondary abscess - The suppuration of the cyst, which was formed earlier.

Often occurs spontaneous Opening of the abscess and the yield of purulent discharge outwards. However, even in this case, complete cleansing from pus not happening And interventions are required surgeon.for wound processing.

Do not try to open the abscess on your own, as this may lead to the fact that the infection will fall into lymph. It is very dangerous!

For acute The shape of the inflammation of the bartoline gland is sent to hospitalwhere she passes treatment. Acute The form can go to chronic, in which periods of exacerbation of inflammatory processes alternate with remission periods. Temperature, as a rule, within the normal range. Painful sensations are absent or insignificant. Never-hand recurrences can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • supercooling
  • intimate contact
  • infections
  • hormonal failures
  • nervous tension

If chronic bartolinite is observed in a woman for a long time, it can form a bartoline cyst. The therapeutic treatment by the doctor is appointed not only depending on the nature of the disease, but necessarily and after identifying the causes of infection. Diagnostics includes the following:

  • gynecological examination
  • delivery of the vaginal smear
  • PCR for sex infections
  • sowing bacteriological to detect sensitivity to antibiotics
  • research purulent discharge
  • in women of older age, Petno goes to the biopsy

After research all indicators are appointed by a specialist treatment Inflammation of the bartholine glands:

  • conservative
  • operative

During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from intimate contacts. In addition, it is very important to completely cure a concomitant infection to avoid relapses. A conservative approach includes the appointment of drugs:

  • Antibacterial(Amoxiclav, azithromycin, ceftriaxone) of a wide range of action aimed at various types of pathogenic organisms.
  • Anesthetics(Diclofenak , analgin, Ketorolac) to facilitate the state.
  • Antipyretic(Doloren, acetylsalicylic acid) at high body temperatures.
  • Fluorochinov(offloxacin, ciprofloxacin) - antimicrobial drugs, the action of which is directed to microorganisms resistant to antibiotic means.
  • Immunoregulating, increasing the protective properties of the body and contributing to the restoration of intestinal microflora and tissue at the cellular level.
  • Polyvitamincomplexes.

In addition, methods apply local Therapies:

  • Tamponswith anti-inflammatory agents (omphyol liquid, levomecol, levosin).
  • Bandages and compresses with miramistine or chlorhexidine solutions.
  • Hot baths With the use of dishes of medicinal herbs or potassium mangartage.
  • Treatment with ultrasound waves, ozokerite and other physiotherapists.

In cases abscess or absence a positive result with drug treatment, resort to surgical intervention, in which:

  • The focus of inflammation is revealed.
  • Remove purulent content.
  • The wound is disinfected.
  • For pus outflow, a drainage tube is introduced, which is removed in a few days. At the same time, it is very important to prevent the premature instances of the tissues above the drainage hole, as this may cause the formation of cystic formations.
  • Antibacterial, antimicrobial therapy and physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

It happens that similar operation Shown even at the chronic stage of bartolinite. remember, that bartolinitis - this is serious a disease that in case of unfinished treatment may lead to heavy Consequences:

  • education of the non-heating hole (fistula) in the tissues
  • frequent recurrences
  • distribution of infection on the urinary system
  • sepsis
  • syndrome intoxication of the whole organism (may be observed in weak patients)

Bartoline inflammation: Treatment at home

At the initial stage of inflammation of the bartholine gland in the absence of an abscess woman can carry out treatment at home. The main goals of it are:

  • reducing edema
  • removal of pain
  • repayment of the inflammatory process
  • preventing the development of formations with purulent contents

You can use different folk ways. So naturalmedicine offers the following healing recipes:

  • A mixture of honey, crushed aloe and red dry wine plant (in equal parts). Put on a water bath and boil on low heat for about an hour. Strain and take three times a day before meals.
  • Mix the chopped walnuts with honey, crushed with cooked garlic and dill seeds. Use after meals 2-3 times a day.
  • Prepare a decoction from nettle, wilderness, moss of Icelandic, immortelle (in equal parts) and boiling water (per 1 l of liquid at 4 tbsp. Mixtures of herbs). Boil for 7 - 10 min. Drink this infusion 15 minutes after consuming the above-described mixtures based on honey.

Make anti-inflammatory daily bathroomsbased on such grass:

  • romashki.
  • calendula
  • oak bark

For their cooking A tablespoon of dry plants pour a glass of boiling water and keep about 5 minutes in a water bath. Then a strong infusion dilute with warm water and take bath In the sitting position for about 20 minutes.

For the same purpose you can use compresses:

  • Based on a solution sololi. - 2 tsp. Large salt solvent in a glass of hot water. Moisten a soft tissue in this solution and apply to the inflamed area for half an hour 3-4 times a day.
  • Based on rye of bread - Radied bread mix with honey and crushed garlic teeth. Cashitz from this mixture to attach to a sore place.
  • Based grass- On a tablespoon of yarrow flowers and elderberry, blackberry and nettle leaves pour a liter of boiling water and insist 2 hours. Make a grazing twice a day.

It should be noted that all listed methods are applied. in complex with discharge physician preparations And do not act as an alternative treatment. Therefore, first consult your doctor.

In the treatment of antibiotics, the body needs a lot liquids. For these purposes, drink healing herbal teas Phone on:

  • shipovnik
  • lipovy color
  • birch leaves
  • shalfere
  • oilitsa

If you felt a sharp pain and degradation of well-being, it will greatly facilitate this state of applying ice frozen in a package or plastic container. Drink painkillers, and then definitely contact the hospital for help.

Removal of bartoline gland

Timely and right treatment It is the key to successful getting rid of bartoline diseases. However, in some cases it is shown complete removal(extirpation) operational way:

  • in the absence of a positive result after marcupilization
  • with frequent recurrences

The main and, perhaps, the only one advantage This procedure is an exception Possibilities of manifestation recurrements.However, complete removalthe glands have a number disadvantages:

  • The operation is usually carried out under general anesthesia, which may be unfavorable for some patients.
  • During the operation, severe bleeding and the formation of large hematomas are possible, since the base of the gland is located near the cluster of the veins.
  • The presence of scars after the imposition of seams and inside, and outside the genital organs.
  • Subsequently, due to violations of moisturizing mucosa, a woman may have dryness with intimate contact.

The operation takes into account a number factors:

  • spend it after the end of the patient menstruation
  • with acute inflammation, medication treatment is first appointed

Processoperations occur as follows:

  • carry out a cut on a small sexual lip from the inside
  • separated by scalpel gland and remove it
  • apply to the wound of the seams (Ketgutov)

Rehabilitation period lasts more than a week and includes:

  • reception of antibiotics
  • compresses with antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • UHF - procedures
  • magnetotherapy

Note that the removal of the gland does not affect on the children Women's function. but extirpationis an extreme measure. Therefore, to to avoidoperations, do not exacerbate the disease:

  • talk to the doctor in a timely manner
  • strictly follow its requirements for treatment

Video: Female diseases: Bartolin cyst

- Inflammatory disease of the large gland, located at the entrance to the vagina. Uncomplicated forms do not lead to a deterioration in the overall condition and reduction of working capacity, accompanied by minor pain and swelling in the field of sexual lips, poor discharges, a slight increase in temperature. The diagnosis is usually established during the gynecological examination, a culture analysis of the edge of the gland is performed for the choice of antibacterial treatment. Conservative treatment - drug, physiotherapy, in the case of purulent complications it is necessary surgical intervention.


N75.8. Other diseases of the bartoline gland


Bartolinitis is one-sided, less often - bilateral infectious inflammation of a steam bartoline (large vestibular) gland located in the field of the vagina's runway and named by the Danish anatom of Caspar Bartolin, which described it in the XVII century. This is a common disease in gynecology, which is subject to women of reproductive age, the peak of morbidity falls for 20-30 years, the frequency of occurrence is 15%. In girls, the disease is not registered, in postmenopausal women are extremely rare, because children are not developed sufficiently, and the elderly is undergoing involutive changes. Bilateral forms are characteristic of high-end infections (for example, gonorrhea, less often trichomoniasis) or develop against the background of a significant reduction in immune activity.

The reasons

Bartolinite is a consequence of the lesion of gland tissues with specific (gonococcal, trichomonade, pathogenic types of chlamydia, ureaplasma) and nonspecific (intestinal stick, streptococci, staphylococci, peptococci, bateroid, clostridia) infectious agents. The infection can penetrate the gland as exogenous (outside) and endogenous (the distribution of pathogens present in the body). The infection of specific microorganisms is most often due to external sources, whereas for the damage to nonspecific bacteria is more characteristic of autoinfection.

  • Endogenous infection. In most cases, it happens during sexual contact. Other sources of infection - other people's items, dirty hands, poorly processed medical tools. Thus, the risk factors of external infection include sexual contact with an infected partner, disregard for personal hygiene. Not only specific (venereal) infections can be transmitted exogenous, but also conditionally pathogenic, for example, in the case of a political partner of a non-specific urogenital infection.
  • Endogenous infection. The main sources of endogenous contamination are foci of infection in the above sections of the sexual tract (bacterial vaginosis, counterpart, cervicitis), urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), intestine (enterocolites).

The predisposing conditions for the development of nonspecific bartolynitis are injuries and operations on the outer genital organs, wearing cramped linen, immune disorders. Factors that increase the likelihood of nonspecific infection include endocrine-metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, diseases of ovaries and thyroid gland), hypovitaminosis, admission of antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytostatics, overwork, stress, a frequent change of even healthy sexual partners (contributes to the development of bacterial vaginosis), Frequent abuse of alcohol, intensive tobacco. The pronounced immunodeficiency can lead to hematogenic infection, the sources of which are cholecystitis, caries, chronic LOR infections (tonsillitis, sinusitis).


Bartoline glands are located in the thicker of the lower third of the large sex, their ducts open on the inside of the small lips. The organ produces a mucus, moisturizing the anticipation of the vagina under the influence of estrogen. With age, when the level of female sex hormones in the blood decreases significantly, the bartoline glands lose activity, and with it susceptibility to the development of inflammation. When an infectious agent gets into the mouth of the output duct, the inflammation of its mucous membranes is developing - canalicular bartolinite (canaliculite). In the spread of infection, increasing the inflammatory process captures smaller ducts and the parenchymal fabric of the organ where inflammatory infiltrates occur. At any of these stages, inflammation can be resolved under the influence of treatment or less often - spontaneously.

Further progression of bartolinite leads to purulent complications. As a result of pathological changes associated with the inflammatory process (the enemy, sticking the walls of the channel, its obstruction of the epithelial cells), comes the obstruction of the output flow with the accumulation of purulent exudate in its cavity - a false abscess, or an empire of the gland is formed. A more rare complication is a true abscess characterized by purulent resorption of iron tissue with the formation of a restrictive pyrogen membrane around the focus.


According to the type of inflammation, serous and purulent bartolinite allocate. Serous inflammation develops as a result of infected with inferrect (chlamydia, trichomonic, intestinal stick) by microorganisms, is easier. Purulent inflammation is the result of infection with piogenic (stafilo, strepto, gonococcus, protemat) by bacteria and quickly leads to complications. Since inflammation is accompanied by an uncontrolled growth of the entire conditionally pathogenic microflora, serous bartholinite with time often goes into purulent. For clinical flow, three forms of bartolynitis are distinguished:

  • Acute. It is usually observed when manifestating the disease, characterized by the most pronounced symptoms, the best response for treatment, permit for three to four weeks.
  • Chronic (recurrent). The recurrent bartolinite flows for a long time (often for years), almost asymptomatic phases of remission alternate with the phases of exacerbation. Chronic form with difficulty can be conservative.

Symptoms of Bartolinita

The first symptoms - redness of a small sexual lip in the field of graf intake of the gland with the formation of a small (grain size to the pea) nodal or heavy, swelling of the mucous membrane, the feeling of weak burning. Later joins the moderately painful or painless swelling of the lower third of a large sexual lip, minor serous or purulent discharges, an increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 ° C. Sometimes there is a local itching, a small overall malaise, easy discomfort when walking.

The development of purulent forms of the disease is accompanied by a rapid increase in education in the thickness of the sexual lips, intense, often unbearable with the pulsating local pain (including in peace), which is in the thigh, the difficulty of walking, the attacks of fever, the deterioration of the overall state, the weakness, depression, decline in appetite. Especially pronounced symptoms are characteristic of the true abscess of the bartholine gland. Recurrent bartholinite in the Remissions phase proceeds asymptomatic or with uncertain discomfort in the field of vulva, disparse. Menstruation, intensive sex life, supercooling, interco-terrain disease can provoke exacerbation. During the exacerbation of symptomatics corresponds to acute bartolynitis.


The most frequent complication of bartolinite - abscesses, significantly worsening the quality of life capable of resolving to deformation of the sexual lips, the formation of vaginal fistula, septic state. Another common complication, usually concomitant by recurrent bartolinitis, is associated with the formation of the retention cyst of the bartholine gland, which has a tendency to frequent suppurations with the development of the pseudo-concess. The untreated bartholinite in pregnant women makes it difficult to make the course of natural (vaginal) childbirth, it may be a source of obstetric sepsis, entail perinatal fetal infections and neonatal infection of the newborn.


The diagnosis is set to the gynecologist and includes an objective study of the genital organs and analyzes of smears. The differential diagnosis of bartolinite is carried out with other purulent formations (furuncle of the sexual lip, inflammation of the occasional infamous fiber, paraproititis), infectious processes (atypical form of syphilitic shankra, tuberculous sifter), as well as bartholine cancer. To distinguish these pathologies, advisory techniques of the onkogynecologist, dermatovenenerologist, proctologist, etc. may be required.

  • Gynecological examination. In case of inspection and palpation, the vulva is detected by hyperemia and maceration of small lips, sealing, redness and convex "roller" around the mouth of a bartoline duct, when pressing serous or purulent exudate.
  • Identification of the pathogen. To identify the infectious agent, microscopy and bacterial sowing of inflammatory exudate and vaginal smear are used. In addition, the culture analysis allows you to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics. For accurate diagnosis of gonorrhea, chlamydial infection is carried out by PCR study.

With frequent bartolinite relapses, a comprehensive examination with the involvement of the therapist and narrow specialists - a urologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist is necessary to identify the predisposing factors. In the case of a stubborn, non-treating inflammation with the rapid growth of infiltrate, especially in postmenopausal patients, a cytological study is required to exclude carcinoma.

Treatment of Bartolinitis

  • Medicia treatment. Empirical therapy of bartolinite includes the antibiotics of a wide range of action - inhibitors of penicillins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides. Antiseptics are treated locally. After verification of the causative agent, antibacterial agents are prescribed depending on the results of culture analysis and PCR. To relieve pain syndrome, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products are used.
  • Physiotherapy. It is assigned to prevent relapses after subsidiary of the acute phase of inflammation, during the remission of chronic bartolynitis. In acute inflammations, UFOs, UHF are carried out, SMT on the crotch area, with chronic - treatment with infrared laser, appliques of mud, paraffin, ozokerite.

Prediction and prevention

The prognosis for acute bartolynites is favorable, most cases ends with complete cure, but about a quarter of patients, the disease passes into a relapse form, as a rule, conjugate with the formation of cysts. Prevention includes compliance with personal hygiene rules, eliminating random unprotected sex contacts, carrying free underwear from natural tissue, timely detection and treatment of vaginal dysbiosis, inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract and intestines, chronic oral infections, ENT organs, and pathologies of the exchange and endocrine system. Minimize the likelihood of nonspecific bartrolinites helps a healthy lifestyle (compliance with labor and recreation, physical activity, admission of balanced food, rejection of bad habits).