Why is flea in the house. Independent fight against fleas in the apartment and house

The methods of combating fleas today abound. How to understand which ones are the most effective? Experience shows that this must be attributed to:

Create a detergent from fleas can be independently at home.

Video "Wrestling Methods"

Pyrethrum plant

Such grass is often called the Persian chamomile. This is a traditional detergent from fleas in the house. The smell of this plant is absolutely harmless to the residents of the apartment and their pets, but for fleas it is also an irritant.

Degtyar soap against fleas is a good alternative to all sorts of rags. There are no special technologies for its use, it is enough to put on them with their pet, and after 10 minutes, wash the foam. Next, you should wait until the car's full drying is dry. Then you can proceed to the combination of fleas.

Use a comb with small teeth - and you can remove not only fleas, but also the eggs that they managed to postpone on the wool of the mustache-tailed. The same applies to the processing of the room. Soap simply needs to be divorced in water. The resulting liquid is the perfect means to eliminate insects indoors. Wash the apartment with mortar and evaluate the result.

Boric acid

How to ensure one hundred percent removal of fleas from the room with the help of a primary means? Surely in your home reserves there is boric acid. If not, it will not be much difficulty in the nearest pharmacy. This is a crystalline powder that is a good antiseptic. It is not necessary to breed with water: such powder, as a rule, scatter under the mattress and on the carpet.

How exactly does boric acid act? The fleas do not die immediately after contact with it, however, if the powder accidentally falls on their limbs, after some time, they will certainly be eliminated. As for your pets, you do not have to worry about them: boric acid carries no danger to them. Even if your puppy is slightly increasing this powder, it will not affect his health.


A good household substitute for harmful chemicals is the usual table salt. It can be used everywhere. In addition, it is not necessary to worry about the fact that the powder will fall into the body of your pet. It lies the main advantage of it: if the chemicals in the house are a certain risk, because it is not only about the health of domestic pets, but also young children, it is worth a preference to a safe medium, for example, salts. It should sprinkle carpets and tracks in the house. What salt is harmful to fleas? The thing is that its crystals damage insect carts, and they die.

Children's soap

How to get rid of flea folk remedies? An excellent assistant in the process of removing from your house insects will be the usual baby soap. One bar must be grate and stir it with water. Then the resulting solution is heated on slow heat. Another key component of this mixture is a terrifying bulb. Cashier prepared by you is suitable not only for the processing of the main surfaces in your home, but also for the treatment of pets (the mixture is applied to the car's fur in the battery). This solution will help you clean the room from bloodsowing pests.

Baking soda

How to get rid of fleas in the house, can folk remedies? Yes. In addition, the result is not worse than from the use of chemicals, and harm is much smaller. The optimal option is a mixture of salt with soda. Powder must be evenly sculpted on the surface in a house or apartment.

After some time, insects die, since in contact with the soda means, the integrity of their skin is disturbed. About 10 hours after this kind of procedure, in the room you need to carefully walk the vacuum cleaner to collect the remains of insects. If necessary, repeat the processing of the room to enhance the effect.


Among the effective methods of struggle can be allocated the easiest way - cooling. The fact is that fleas, like most insects, belong to thermal-loving beings.

Therefore, if you do not want to resort to the use of mixtures, complex in preparation, apply the most banal, but the right way is cold. Especially effective in this kind of struggle in the winter.

To do this, just a few hours leave open windows in an apartment or a private house. Low temperature is able to kill both adult individuals and their eggs.

Aromatic folk remedies

Successfully selected "aroma" - a recipe, effective from flea. There is a lot of smells (herbal or food), which are capable of not eliminating, then at least scare off bloodsowing insects from your home. These include:

  • essential oils;
  • pine sawdust;
  • herbs;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • citrus;
  • ammonia;
  • kerosene;
  • a mixture of camphor and vinegar.

Aromatic substances are excellent assistants in the fight against fleas.

Essential oil

This kind of funds can be purchased at a sufficiently favorable price both in a pharmacy and in a cosmetic store. Essential oils of carnations, eucalyptus, anise and peppermint are considered particularly effective. You can apply an aromatic composition or to focus on a particular product (for example, flea mint).

How to use the means? It should be applied to the exterior surfaces in the house. What is good this way, so it is absolute security for human health. It is possible to carry out such a procedure in preventive purposes. Nevertheless, carefully apply essential oils if there are people inclined to allergies in the house, otherwise too sharp aroma can provoke a strongest allergic reaction.

Pine sawdust


Herbal plants also scare fleas. You can use pies or wormwood sprigs, as well as a mix of field herbs. Moreover, it is enough just to decompose herbs on the floor in the house. If you wish, getting your pet in a wrapper from wormwood (dry plant handle / glass of boiling water).

Brewer's yeast

If you are not frightened by peculiar flavors in the house, and your only goal is to get rid of pests to get rid of pests, use a mixture of beer yeast and garlic. How to get rid of fleas in the house of folk remedies? What of them to give preference?

As for beer yeast and garlic - these components did not once show high efficiency in the process of destroying insects in a private house. Carpets, furniture, floor coverings - all this can be treated with this mixture.


The flesh for a person, crusts - from fleas. Citrus will be useful in the fight against bloodsowing insects. Spread citrus crusts in various hard-to-reach places (slots, corners, plinth, etc.). Their fragrance successfully distinguishes pests from an apartment or a private house. And indoors will stand a pleasant smell.


On two glasses of water will need only a few drops of ammonia alcohol. This solution needs to be treated with flooring indoors.

Any insects that feed on blood always live near a person. So, such a phenomenon like the appearance of fleas in the house, always worried tenants. The question of where they come from and how to quickly get rid of fleas in the houseremains relevant.

Under favorable conditions, flea can live to 2-3 years. At the same time, it can exist without food. If the environment is not suitable for its habitat, it lives only a few months. Depending on the type of insect and the place where it lives, its color varies from light tones to dark.

Most often, fleas are coming around in the house where there are pets. Also, they attack dwellings in which the cleaning is rarely carried out. Nevertheless, insects may be present in a clean house where there are no cats, no dogs. Get rid of such unborn guests is not so easy.

The main reasons for the appearance of fleas in apartments:

  • From neighboring apartments and other premises.
  • From any pet.
  • Because of the antisanitarian in the house, as well as neglect of the rules of hygiene.
  • Easily penetrate the housing, close to the ground level.
  • From rodents.
  • From public corridors.
  • Entered from the street with objects of clothing.

How to destroy

It is difficult for people to come to humble with uncompressive guests. In addition, fleas are hazardous to human health. The blood circulation is attached to the skin of people, after which pain, burning and itching appears.

Bloch habitat:

  • slots in windows, doors and plinths;
  • under the wallpaper and window sills;
  • especially they love to hide in the cabinets for linen, in bed, carpets and other soft objects;
  • also, they live comfortably in those places where animals sleep in the house.

Feline and doggy

Most often, it is in the wool of these animals and fleas will be pulled and successfully. This is noticeable by how pets begin to be constantly walked and become quite restless. Blood axles are easy to detect on the body of animals. When examined, they can be found on the stomach and in the head of the head. In these places, they usually lay eggs.

Feline and dog fleas, practically, are no different from each other. A small difference is available only in the inner structure of individuals. They live in wool animals, but do not mind to enjoy both human blood.

It is the sprays and aerosols that are most convenient for use. In addition, they give the greatest effect. However, when used, there is a risk of animal poisoning. It should be taken into account that animals lick themselves, and these drugs contain in themselves poisonous elements. Before choosing a flea fighting agent, it is better to consult with a specialist.

Bedding and loss

In the cabinets with linen insects are not long disturbing, as they need to look for the place of food. However, in the underwear they often postpone the larvae. When these nondelays begin in bed, it is very unpleasant, but the fleas are comfortable here. In this place they can eat and get it.

If on the human body, especially on the legs, after night sleep, the inflamed seats of bites appeared - this is the work of flea. Also, you can see small black points on the sheet.

It is necessary to take action immediately:

  • Linen to lapse, and the boxes are thoroughly rinsed with a solution of vinegar or simple soap.
  • Soft pieces of furniture, carpets are well supplied.
  • Try all things and underwear in hot water.
  • Thoroughly try.
  • In winter, all bedding will be taken out of frost. In the summer you can carefully dry under the sun.

Herbal I. earthman

Earth fleas, as a rule, fall into the dwelling through the open doors and the windows in the warm season. It is easier for them to get into apartments on the lower floors. Moreover, harmful individuals begin to quickly come true, especially if the room is not ventilated, little light, heat and damp, and also there is an antisanitary.

Herbal fleas find themselves in a residential room with animals that bring them on their wool. Then, it is necessary to process not only all rooms in the house, but also a favorite pet.

The bites of this type of insects are very sick. They do not quietly exist neither to people nor animals. However, earthy and herbal fleas are much easier to destroy than other species. For this, it suffices to eliminate the causes of their development, as well as to disinfect the room.

How to quickly get rid of fleas at home

There are many methods for treating fleas. If you can cope with independently, the guests are difficult, you can use the services of specialists.

Professional disinsection

Before the start of the disinsection, the Employees of the SES are conducting an inspection of an infected area. After evaluating this situation, experts decide on the desired way of processing premises. There are several methods of professional disinsection:

  • spraying with hot steam;
  • air supply of low temperature;
  • small-closed processing.

The hot and cold method of destruction of harmful insects differ from each other only in the fact that they have different temperatures of the treated solution. The best result brings hot steam, but this processing can affect the quality of furniture and other subjects.

Processing of premises using a small-grade method is the cheapest. Sprinkling insecticide on a problem area is carried out with the help of special pulverizers.

Watch the video! Professional Disinfection from Bloch


For independent fight against fleas, in the store you can purchase special aerosols that are very easy to use. At the same time, it is important to comply with the rules for use, since the tool has toxicity. If you adhere to the instructions, the desired effect will come quickly:

  • Doors and windows must be closed.
  • Free from pieces of furniture all the walls and plinths.
  • Fluid sprayed for all possible places of Bloch: walls, rear walls of furniture, window sills, gender, etc.
  • The room is left in such a state, preferably for a whole day. If possible, then for 2-3 days. Then the eggs and the larvae of these creatures will be destroyed.
  • The final stage of the procedure will be ventilating and careful cleaning of the room.

The most common household facilities that people have long used - this is:

  • Dichlorophos;
  • RAID;
  • Raptor;
  • Executioner;
  • Combat.

They are always on sale and easily use it. Working with these drugs, do not forget about the use of protective equipment: glasses, gauze bandage, gloves.


To independently deal with bloodsuckers, you can also buy special solutions. They are diluted with water according to the proportion specified in the instructions. Such solutions can be treated with all surfaces in the room.

Today, innovative chemicals are produced, many of which have no smell, and also do not carry people and animals for health. The composition of such drugs includes active elements:

  • permeter
  • filronile
  • Tetrix,
  • Digging (budget option. 50 ml bottle costs about 200 rubles and allows you to process an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 square meters. M.),
  • Cookaracha (50 ml bottle is divorced in 5-10 liters of water per 100 square meters. M.),
  • Palace (40 ml bottle is divorced at 0.5 liters of water. For processing 2 rooms, there will be 10-15 bottles of substance).

Folk remedies

These methods for the destruction of fleas in the house almost do not require any costs. However, if this situation is launched, and a large number of harmful insects are observed in the dwelling, then some recipes will be difficult to cope. Therefore, it is better to use them in a complex with purchased chemicals.

  • A completely harmless mix for a man:
  • g salts and 200 g soda. It is treated with all the soft surfaces located in the room. After that, it is necessary to spend everything well.
  • For all secluded places (cabinets, corners of rooms, furniture, window sills) decompose citrus crusts.
  • A mixture of garlic and culinary yeast in equal amounts, for example, 200 g of each. Products must be fine and decomposed on problem surfaces. A day later, everyone collects a vacuum cleaner.
  • The fleas do not like the smell of mint, wormwood, Aira. The grass must be decomposed in all rooms in the house. At the same time, do not forget to put frightening plants under carpets, for cabinets.
  • Essential oils (lavender, mint and eucalyptus) also oppress insects. It is enough to pour a few drops of funds so that the smell spread across the area.
  • Pour out fresh fir needles on dust surfaces, through a day spending.
  • Safe composition from eucalyptus, wormwood and pyrhems in equal parts (for example, 100 g). Brew plants with boiling water to breed 5-7 hours. The resulting fluid to process surfaces from the spray gun of the cluster of flea.

Fighting insects in the basement

To destroy fleas in underground rooms, conventional methods are used as when processing houses. You can apply folk methods for self processing. However, cellars located in multi-storey buildings are better to handle with the help of special services.

Specialists use concentrated funds that distribute on the room with special devices. Such a processing ensures the disposal of bloodsuckers.

Actions after completion of the procedure

After the procedure for processing premises from annoying insects has been completed, it is necessary to ventilate all the rooms in the house for 2 hours. To get rid of fleas finally, it is better not to wash the walls and floors within 10 days. Only work desks, handles from doors and cabinets should be rinsed.

Watch the video! How to remove fleas in the apartment by folk remedies

Black fleas - domestic generalized name of all types of fleas that live in apartments, houses:

  • cat;
  • doggy;
  • rat;
  • rabbit.

Due to the tiny dimensions and minor differences notable only under the microscope, only the entomologist is capable of determining the species. The ordinary victim suffering from the attacks of bloodsuckers is essentially anyway, to what kind they belong and therefore domestic fleas are called black, bedding, basement, household.

Interesting! Fleas - excellent jumpers. Before the jump, their body is compressed like a spring and with the help of highly developed rear legs, they are pushed from the surface. The height of the jump reaches 30 cm. If a person had such a jumping, he could easily jump over multi-storey houses.

Thanks to its invulnerability and rapid response in case of danger, black fleas do not mask their bite. Unlike bugs, they are not administered with a saliva analgesic substance, but only an enzyme for blood turning. The component has a protein structure that provokes the appearance of allergic reactions to the affected places. In addition, the fleas suffer dangerous infections, helminth eggs.

Where black fleas in the house live

Contrary to erroneous opinion, small bloodshots do not live constantly on the body of the victim. The locations of their settlements are located near the power supply. Black fleas in the apartment dwell:

  • in the substills, pets, if any;
  • in secluded corners near the plinths, in the creams under the boarded floor, parquet;
  • in the pile of carpets, in the joints of upholstered furniture, in soft toys;
  • in places of high humidity near the holes, shower cabins.

Eggs can be detected almost everywhere. The female does not make eggs in certain places, but literally squeezes out ripe embryos during the movement, as a result of which they are flying away from the nearby territory. Eggs do not differ in adhesive shell and easily roll off surfaces.

Females are very prolific. For your life, one female individual postpones up to 500 eggs.

For fleas, a complete transformation is characteristic. White-legged with eggs appear from eggs, which feed on organic residues, livelihood products of adults.

Often they can be found near the garbagers, in animal cells. Under favorable conditions, the larva is developing from 10 to 20 days, during which time it acquires a dark color, undergoes 3 molts and goes into the step of the pounding.

How to get rid of black fleas

All events need to be held in one day. For the period of disinsection work in the apartment, at a pet, it is recommended to wear a protective anti-blank collar to prevent re-invasion.

The chemical industry produces a huge number of insecticidal agents that differ in the form of the release, price. Whatever the drug is not selected, the processing algorithm for all the same. Before getting rid of ferrous fleas, the room should be prepared:

  • provide access to all hard-to-reach places;
  • remove food products from the processed zone, hygiene products;
  • during disinsection in the room there should be no household, animals.

Aerosols against Bloch

Disinsection is carried out with closed windows to avoid the appearance of drafts and volatilization of chemical components. After completion of the procedure, the room should be left for several hours, after which it is thoroughly ventilated.

The most effective aerosol preparations:

  • RAID is a universal means for the destruction of crawling, flying pests, including fleas. The active substance is cypermethrin. Citrus, lavender fragrances are in the composition. Price 190 rubles.
  • Dichlofos - the drug is produced by several manufacturers, only the name is associated with the Soviet tool. The aerosol does not differ as a sharp smell as before. An improved formula allows to effectively deal with black fleas and other synanthropic insects. The price varies from 60 to 130 rubles.
  • Kombat - the development of South Korean specialists is produced in Russia. There are several modifications: Superprey, Multisprey. The price ranges from 200 to 600 rubles.
  • Raptor - the manufacturer declares the prolonged action of the drug. As a result of applying an aerosol on the surfaces there remains an insecticidal film, after contact with which the individuals who survived after processing are dying. Price 190 rubles.

Emulsions and concentrates for the destruction of fleas

Concentrated preparations are bred by water in accordance with the instructions. After that, the working solution is placed in the pulverizer. At home, you can use containers from under wiper. Most often, re-processing is not required, since the tools from this series are distinguished by a long residual effect.

Concentrates for the destruction of ferrous flea:

  • Butoxos 50 - the remedy in ampoules is realized in veterinary pharmacies. The active substance is deltamerin. Different with a sharp smell similar to kerosene.
  • Get - microencapsullary drug for the destruction of household pests. Active chemical components are placed in miniature capsules, so that the agent does not release toxic evaporation and is not characterized by a bright-pronounced aroma. The only drawback is the price of 750 rubles per bottle.
  • Digalism is a budget tool that helps get rid of black fleas in the apartment. The price of the bottle, which can be processed up to 100 square meters. M Square, approximately 200 rubles.

Dusts against Bloch

The greatest effectiveness of the dryers - drugs in the form of powders are shown in relation to larvae and in non-residential premises with high infection. In most cases, it is not possible to scatter the dust in the apartment throughout the floor covering, and the processing of only hard-to-reach places will not give proper result. Popular Dusts for Bloch Pass: Fast Double, Tornado, Fenasyne.

Preventive measures

Earthy flea with multiple increases

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What are fleas and what they are dangerous

These creatures of nature have three pairs of legs, thanks to which they jump to height, many times superior to their own sizes. Turning around to the goal, they immediately allow their elongated jaws, having a needle semblance. Human skin spinning with them over the blood vessel, they are accepted to suck blood. Pests can repeat the procedure for about three times in one meal. The fleas do not sing out anesthetics, so their bites are so painful.

Flea bites not only cause the strongest itching, but also serve as the causes of allergic reactions, as well as a number of serious diseases. These bloodsicles carry tit, encephalitis, hepatitis, plague, salmonellosis and other infections. Their bites are able to cause strong swelling and even anaphylactic shock. Therefore, finding in the house of earthy fleas, you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Fleas are hosted on the human body

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Ways of penetration into the dwelling and the habitat of flea

After hitting the house, the fleas do not need to perform periodic skills on people. Insects are usually in the sheets, under the mattress, along its seams, closer to the back of the bed. On the presence of flea indicates their litter, which is easy to detect - it is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Another favorite habitat is a carpet. To detect traces, just go through it in snow-white socks, and then inspect the sole.

One of the most likely sources

Also, fleas do not discern with sex slits, loosely glued plinths. They are comfortable to wait for their victims under linoleum, in furniture boxes and niches, in stacks of clothing and linen, in soft darous toys. Another favorite habitat is under the bathroom.

I decide how to deal with fleas in a private house, consider that this will be suitable for the same methods as for apartments. Just a separate house is easier to take control, in contrast to the densely populated apartment high-rise.

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How to distinguish flea tracks from the invasion of other pest insects

To determine that fleas were settled in your dwelling, and not bugs or mosquitoes, you should know some of the features of their hydration activities:

Flea bites on the human body

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Tactics of war with settling in the dwelling of fleas

It is always easier to prevent the emergence of a problem than to deal with its rooted consequences. Before entering the apartment after street presence, it is recommended:

Bitches of earthy flea

Fowing fleas, just shook them outside the room. To reduce the risk of migrating these insects from the neighbors, it is important to monitor the cleanliness in the apartment, not allow high humidity and not overlap access to sunlight. Good prevention will also be skin lubrication with cream, in which a pair of eucalyptus oil drops. This will reduce the risk that street fleas crashed to you while walking.

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Careful room cleaning and domestic treatment

If preventive measures did not help and the fleas in the apartment or house still appeared, start the fight with them with general cleaning. These bloodsowing can not tolerate purity, therefore, at least, they will cease quickly multiply. Before dealing with fleas in the apartment with cardinal measures, thoroughly clean all the carpets with a powerful vacuum cleaner.

If possible, warm the pillows, blankets, mattresses, carpeting and soft toys under the sunny rays. You can use the ultraviolet lamp. Do not forget to spend a vacuum everywhere using different nozzles. All the clothes and underwear are good and sweeping.

It is important to always contain carpets clean

  • break the dog with a special anti-slip shampoo;
  • take advantage of efficient drops against fleas containing selamektin, fipronil, permethrin; It is enough to apply them to the Wolf region, following the instructions of the instruction;
  • use the anti-slip spray, it will help if the swimming pet is not included in your immediate plans; spray the drug should be careful not to get a dog into the eyes;
  • put on a special collar that will scare the bloodsuckers for 4 months;
  • the litter on which the pet is resting, wash and treat insecticide.

The result of the operation of the anti-flame agent for animals

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Folk methods of prevention and fighting flea invasion

More our grandmothers to combat this misfortune had a whole arsenal of effective funds, which are now working no worse than chemicals.

Degtyar soap

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Safe folk recipes for residential premises

If you want to use the folk wisdom piggy bank, do the following:

  • Prepare the infusion of eucalyptus, pies, bitter wormwood and wash them floor. Piece into the spacing and spray all vertical surfaces, including furniture.
  • Use home repellents based on citrus and ordinary water. For their preparation, both natural juice of fresh fruits and appropriate essential oils are suitable.
  • Cover the floor with plenty of wormwood or pine needles.
  • Apply soda for washing dishes.

Eucalyptus essential oil effectively against fleas

Perform all the above actions must be comprehensively within a few weeks.

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Shangling processing of pets

Dogs and cats are often very sensitive to chemicals. Homemade flea fighting agents may not be less effective, while safe. To do this, do the following:

  • break the pet with the use of a tar or economic soap, withstanding the soap composition on the animal at least 10 minutes, after which it thoroughly rinse the wool and sneeze it. Degtyar soap also well removes irritation and inflammation;
  • open four-legged friend in a strong salt solution, dissolving a pack of salt in 10 liters of water. The exposure time is 4 minutes, after which the animal needs to rinse in a large number of running water;
  • prepare the home shampoo against fleas, for which we negotiate a strong solution of children's soap to a jelly-like state, add the middle bulb, nettle, yolk, calendula; Means apply a pet for 20 minutes to wool, wrapped with polyethylene, then rinse.
  • spread the fur of a dog or cat tincture of eucalyptus, pies or wormwood.

Bathing Pets

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How to deal with fleas in the house using chemicals

But what to do if folk methods, even despite regular and long-term use, do not make a proper effect? Already the whole apartment is missing wormwood and eucalyptus, and fleas continue to jump and bite, as if nothing had happened. The process is better not to delay, otherwise the broken hordes of insects may be only special services. It's time to move to heavy artillery in the form of ready-made chemicals.

Compliance with safety

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What is a flea bomb and how to use it

The flea bomb is a special spray that works on a special principle that makes the life of insects in the room as uncomfortable as possible. Before getting rid of earthen fleas in a private house or apartment in this way, be sure to read the manufacturer's instruction. Usually the main steps of the struggle contain the following instructions:

  1. You need to open all interior doors in the apartment, as well as the door of the cabinets, push the furniture boxes.
  2. All foods, kitchenware, including cutlery, dishes and other utensils, carefully pack into polyethylene or outlets outside the room.
  3. All that can be removed is impossible, cover with plastic sheets or special covers. Building awning or old bedspreads will be suitable. It is usually recommended to cover electronics, kitchen countertops.
  4. At the time of processing in the house there should be no people nor pets. This rule must be observed for at least eight hours while the bomb continues its work.
  5. If you are a happy owner of a huge aquarium, you should know that flea insecticides are dangerous for fish. Be sure to cover the container with fish and curtain the joints of the joints of the scotch.
  6. All electrical appliances, including kitchen hoods and heaters, must be de-energized, the overall light is turned off.
  7. Next, the bomb must be placed in the central part of the apartment. Well, if it is a room that has access to several neighboring rooms. By running the activator, the house needs to leave immediately.
  8. Returning to the apartment on the expiration of the time specified in the instruction, you can start cleaning. All surfaces should be allowed, and the floor and furniture wash and wipe. Cleaning is recommended to do in protective clothing and rubber gloves.

The fact that the flea bomb worked with a bang, you will understand by returning to the house. Floor and other horizontal surfaces will be covered with dead insects.

Important! The flea bombs contain neurotoxins. Therefore, it is impossible to use such funds regularly. If, after applying, flea bombs are constantly returned, it means you need to look at more efficient ways to combat them.

Fleas after processing

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Universal concentrated means "Delcide"

The tool is safe when used in recommended dosages. Can be used for spraying or bathing. Before use, the drug is bred according to the instructions. When processing animals, it is recommended to take care of the eye, since the tool causes their irritation. It is also necessary to ensure that the solution does not hit the nose and mouth pet.

By treating an apartment "Delcide", it is convenient to use an aerosol way. It is allowed fine spraying. For the preparation of aqueous emulsion, a 0.125% solution solution is prepared. You need to handle ceilings, walls, partitions and arches. The solution should get into hard-to-reach places, including plinths and space between furniture.

Important! Having finished processing, be sure to carry out the room for one hour, and then spend all the surfaces.

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Perol - an effective spray with a good reputation

While using the window and the doors should be closed, and the ventilation is turned off. After completion of the work, the room needs to be at least an hour. The processing will require a multi-step, it is recommended to repeat it once every two weeks, it is possible a little more often.

Concentrated insecticide "Digaligs"

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Deliverance from fleas in 15 minutes using "Digalias"

To combat fleas, it is enough to prepare a 0.1% solution of the drug. The resulting mixture is poured into the pulverizer and sprinkles indoors on the walls, furniture, ceiling, plinth and other surfaces. It is possible to work with the means only in overalls, respirator, protective hermetic glasses. Processing occurs when open windows, forwarders. At the end of the disinsection, check the apartment within an hour.

If you have shown inaccurability and poisoned while working with the drug, then, first of all, rinse your mouth with a soda solution, putting a teaspoon of soda on a glass of water. Signs of poisoning serve as headache, nausea, weakness, change in the taste, increased salivation, irritation of mucous membranes. In case of accidental swallowing the "Digalism" solution, you need to drink near the liter of water and cause vomiting, and then take 10-20 activated carbon tablets.

Chlorpirick for Professional Processing

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Dutch preparation "Chlorpirimark"

"Chlorpirick" is another means intended for disinsection services, well-proven in the fight against flea invasions. This is a concentrated disinsection drug. The active substance in its composition is chlorpiff. The tool perfectly copes not only with fleas, but also with flies, cockroaches, clouds, mosquitoes and ants. After processing insects, do not return to settled places at least one month.

To get rid of fleas in a private house or apartment, the drug is bred by water room temperature in proportions: 5 ml of chemical on 1 liter of water. Cooking the remedy is needed immediately before use so that its effectiveness does not decrease. The apartment is necessary in overalls, which includes a protective bathrobe, rubber gloves, golk. Spray the solution is permissible only in the respirator protecting the respiratory tract. Random inhalation of the drug is dangerous.

Concentrate Emulsion "Sinuzan"

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Time-tested efficient "Sinuzan"

As for the mechanism of its action, the drug is a contact-intestinal insecticide. Suppressing the enzyme of acetylcholinesterase, it violates the transmission of nerve impulses in insects. As a result of the pest paralyzes, and in speed it dies. The tool retains activity within one or two months after processing.

Before use, the concentrate is divorced in the ratio of 2.5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Such a dose is quite enough to destroy Bloch. When working, it is recommended to use a special spray equipment. For example, Avtomakse, quasar, thermophogene or ULV-sprayers.

When processing an apartment spray the composition on the entire surface of the floor, plinth, including slots. Squate the walls at least one meter. Iron absorbing surface moisture, double the amount of the drug. Upon completion of the processing, check the apartment at least two hours. Wet cleaning do not earlier than 24 hours. To do this, it is recommended to use the soda solution. It is enough to take 50 g of calcined soda per liter of water.

Disinsectional service specialists in work

In some cases, especially if you failed to deploy from where the fleas appeared in the house, in order to get rid of them, you may need to re-process the room. All precautions remain the same - special clothing, safety glasses, respirator and gloves.

There are countless species on the planet, which adapted to survive in any climatic belts. The duration of the existence and the size of insects affect the air temperature. The average life expectancy of blood circulation is three months, during which one individual is able to leave behind approximately five hundred eggs. If the egg turns out to be in suitable conditions, then for the output of the larvae will need two days. Incompracting fecundity is able to help the flea populations survive in difficult conditions.

Species that are found in a person's life

A person has to meet with the following types of flea:

Ways to quickly output fleas from home

It is possible to determine the presence in the housing of dangerous "neighbors" by the presence of bites that will not remain unnoticed. The bite is extremely painful, redness appears, an allergic reaction can develop. If you do not declare the wage to pests in a timely manner, the flea population will be formed and getting rid of them will be more difficult. To do this, you should know how to process the apartment from Bloch.

Folk ways

Before processing the room from fleas, it is necessary to prepare it for processing. To do this, we should conduct a general cleaning, paying special attention to carpets, upholstered furniture and relaxation places of domestic pets. After that, you can proceed to disinfection, not forgetting that the flea population needs to be destroyed completely, so that in a month it did not have to start the struggle. Insects are extremely resistant to unfavorable factors affecting their livelihoods, so manifest persistence.

If the bloodsows in the house divorced a bit, you can use folk methods to combat them. It is safe for young children, animals, people who suffer from allergies to chemicals. The following ingredients will help scare insects:

  • Celest, wormwood, juniper distribute to secluded places indoors, periodically replacing them on more fresh twigs.
  • Softwood sawdust trees hidden under carpets and animal bedding, for a long time will deliver you from the presence of "uninvited" guests.
  • Cooking salt mixed with food soda in equal proportions or scattered in a dry form will scare fleas.

Chemicals for processing

Preparations should be evenly distributed across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. Or at home, filling the cracks in the floor and the space behind the plinths:

  • Smalls containing insecticide ("Tornado", "Masha Silver", "Titanic").
  • Sprays will help to get to hard-to-reach places ("Deltametin", "Combat", "Palace", "Raptor", for non-residential premises "Dichlofos").
  • Powders act on horizontal surfaces, filling the microbes, are effective in combating fleas larvae ("Delicia", "Bros", "Absolute Dust").
  • Liquid concentrated poisons are bred by water in the specified instruction of the proportion ("GET", "Medilis-Cupper", "Agran").

When chemical processing, security techniques should be followed, using protective equipment, since drugs are toxic and able to cause poisoning.

If there is a carpet in the house, the fleas will settle in it first of all, taking a villus for the animal wool. To withdraw insects from there completely - a long and time-consuming process, which begins with the use of a vacuum cleaner for fifteen minutes. After that, chemical treatment insecticidal drug is required. After some time, the procedure must be repeated, since the eggs and larvae will continue the development of the flea race.

So that bloodsowing insects did not turn your life into a nightmare, it is necessary to periodically hold preventive treatment of residential premises and pets.

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