Finishing the facade of the house with the help of modern materials, its views and photo examples. How to separate the facade of the house inexpensively: available and practical materials cheap facade finish

October 24, 2016
Specialization: finishing of facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

The facade is a business card of any building, in addition, the outdoor finish of the house, as is known, serves as the protection of the walls from the rain and other negative environmental impacts. Therefore, the choice of finishing materials needs to be approaching well and responsibly.

Currently, the market is pissed by various proposals that on the one hand, of course, is good, but on the other - a newcomer because of this, it is not easy to decide whether to separate the house. To help in this issue, then I will introduce you to the most common external finishing technologies and their features, as well as modern facade materials.

Outdoor finish options

So, the following facade finishing options are popular:

  1. dry (hinged facade) - implies the installation of a frame, which is subsequently trimmed by panels;
  2. wet (Plaster) - is carried out using all sorts of plaster solutions that can be applied to the walls in different ways;
  3. facing with piece materials - implies stack of walls with tiles, natural stone or other similar materials;
  4. facing brick - In this case, the walls of facing bricks are built around the perimeter of the house;
  5. thermopanels - This is a relatively new material that is attached to the walls in a dry way.

Each of these finish options has its own characteristics, as well as the pros and cons that we will talk about below.

Option 1: Hinged Facade

Features of technology

Finishing on technology ventilated or hinged facade is very popular, as it has a number of advantages:

  • the facade is quickly and easily mounted, and you can study the finish at any temperature;
  • the finish is sufficiently strong and durable;
  • a large selection of materials, which allows you to implement any design of the facade to your taste;
  • it is possible to arrange under the insulation under the skin, as well as hide communications.

Due to the absence of wet works, this finish is an excellent option for wooden buildings. Also, this method can be separated from blocks such as aerated concrete or arbolit. Truth, in this case, you need to use special fasteners for mounting frame.

The disadvantages include higher cost, compared to plaster.

Materials for the mounted facade

As already mentioned above, the basis of the mounted facade is the framework. It is collected from metal profiles or wooden bars. In addition, some of course, they will also need other materials for outdoor finish of the house in this way:

  • heat insulation material for insulation of walls. On our resource you can find detailed information on the choice of thermal insulation. The only one, I note that it is best to use slab materials, for example, polystyrene foam plates or mineral mats;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • if the house is wooden, protective impregnation and interventical insulation will also need;

Special attention should be paid to the finishing material, on which the design of the facade depends, as well as how much the finish of the house outside will be durable. The range of all sorts of panels is just huge, and not all of them. Therefore, you will find out only with the most common materials:

  • wooden finishing boards - this includes a block house, lining, imitation of a bar, plaquen, etc. All of them differ only with sizes and profile.

Among the advantages of these coatings, environmental friendliness can be distinguished, an attractive appearance and a relatively low cost - from 300-350 rubles. For 1m2. The disadvantages also include the need for periodic care, namely the processing of protective compositions.

As a rule, similar materials are used to finish wooden buildings. For example, a log house even after decoration can save its natural beauty, if you have a block house;

  • vinyl siding - plastic panels in the form of several interconnected boards. Vinyl siding is a good alternative to wooden materials, as it is cheaper (from 200 rubles for 1m2), moreover, it does not require any care;

  • metal: externally resembles vinyl siding, however, is made of galvanized steel or aluminum. Externally, this material reliably imitates a wooden coating, but at the same time it has some drawbacks:
    • high cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1m2;
    • noise thief time of precipitation and strong wind;
    • high thermal conductivity.

Therefore, metalyadig is rarely used to finish residential buildings.

  • facade panels are essentially an analogue of vinyl. The difference lies only in appearance - this coating can mimic natural stone, masonry, and other materials.

Often, homemade masters are interested - how to separate the bottom of the house to highlight it and ensure sufficient strength of the basement? Excellent solution are special basebars. Externally, they resemble the front panels, but they differ in greater strength.

To choose which material it is better to separate the house outside everyone should be, depending on the desired design of the facade and, of course, financial capabilities.

Option 2: Plaster

Features of technology

Plaster enjoys not less popular than, for example, a mounted facade, as it has some benefits:

  • it costs much cheaper than other finishes. Therefore, if you are looking for than to separate the house outside cheaper, the plaster is an excellent solution;
  • allows you to achieve a presentable type of building - there is a large selection of decorative plasters that can only distinguish the most nondescript structure;
  • this method can be performed not only the finishing of the private house outside, but also finishing the facade of the apartment. True, it is necessary to obtain permission in the relevant authorities;
  • there is an opportunity to warm the facade - in this case, the plaster is applied over the insulation on a special technology that has repeatedly described on our resource.

If you decorate the plastered and painted facade with decorative rails and bars, it can be made in the style of the Facrow or Japanese style.

At the same time, plaster has some disadvantages:

  • watching is seasonal work, since at a minus temperature to do it it is impossible;
  • durability is much lower than other options for finishes. As a rule, it does not exceed 10-15 years, subject to strict adherence to technology and the use of the most expensive and high-quality materials. Otherwise, the facade will be repaired even earlier;
  • strength is much lower than other types of finishes, especially if the plaster is applied on top of the insulation. In this case, it protects the thin layer of cement-based glue and fiberglass mesh. As a result, even minor mechanical loads may damage the surface of the facade;
  • plastering is quite laborious work.

If the house from arbolite or aerated concrete, placing it over the insulation is not recommended, as the walls will have much greater vapor permeability than the finish, which will lead to their constant regeneration with all the ensuing consequences.

Types of plaster

It should be noted that shuttering is several types:

Type of shuttering Features
Chernovaya The task of such plastering is to level outdoor walls and their preparation for further finishing, for example, applying decorative plaster, tiles, painting, etc.

Cement solutions are used to perform draft plaster. It is best to use special plaster mixtures that contain additives that improve the quality of the coating. Their cost begins from 180-200 rubles. per bag 25kg.

The liquid solution is applied to the wall with a manual or mechanical manner, after which it is leveled by the Rule of Lighthouses. True, if the irregularities of the wall is minor, plastering can be performed without lighthouses.

Decorative Forms the facade texture, respectively, performs an exclusively decorative function. As a rule, decorative plastering is performed by special mixtures that are applied with a thin layer. Their composition may contain a marble crumb or another filler, which forms the texture of the coating.

The cost of the cheapest mineral plasters begins from 300-400 rubles. per bag weighing 20 kg. The cost of more expensive polymer compositions can reach 2500-3000 rubles.

It must be said that there is a technology for decorative plastering by conventional cement mortar. Its essence is to splashing the composition on the walls, resulting in a texture resembling a fur coat. Therefore, such a technology is called a fur coat.

Wet facade With such plastering, the walls are preliminarily calcined by insulation, for example, foam or mineral mats. In addition, the insulation is additionally fixed by special dowels.

The surface is then reinforced with a fiberglass mesh, which is glued with Ceresit CT 85 glue. Thus, it performs the function of roughing plaster.

Any decorative plaster is applied on top of the surface in this way, which is later painted.

If you want to insulate the house on the technology of the mounted facade, but at the same time separate it with decorative plaster, you can shelter the frame of the bed with plates, and then apply them to apply a decorative composition.

Option 3: Facing with pieces

The outer finish of the house can be performed by piece materials. Among the advantages of such a solution, the following points can be distinguished:

  • reliable protection of walls from atmospheric influences;
  • the facade acquires a presentable appearance;
  • durability.

Of course, along with advantages there are some drawbacks:

  • walls under such a cladding can not be insulated outside;
  • the cost of piece facing materials is much higher than the coatings described above.

Therefore, the combined outer finish of the facade is very popular. In this case, piece materials are used only to finish the base or corners, and the main part of the walls is placed or is separated by in other ways, as in the photo below.

The most popular are the following types of piece materials:

  • stones;
  • clinker tile;
  • ceramic tile.

Below more for more information with the peculiarities of all these coatings.

Facing stones

Natural stone is a common finishing material that always looks stylish and fashionable. In addition, such a finish is durable and very strong.

True, it should be borne in mind that the stone stone is mounted. Therefore, let's consider the most common types of stones that are used to finish facades:

Stone type Features
Limestone and sandstone They are beautiful stones that are found at various shades. Of course, in addition to visual appeal, other advantages can be distinguished:
  • low cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;
  • relatively low weight.

The disadvantages include low strength and porosity.

Shelchik This is also inexpensive, but at the same time a beautiful stone. It has the same shortcomings as the above-described limestone and sandstone.
Slanets Beautiful and at the same time durable material, so takes great popularity. It is often used when the facade in the style of Provence is applied.

The cost of shale also begins from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;

Marble This stone is one of the most famous and common. It is distinguished by a beautiful texture and a rich selection of shades. In addition, this stone can be called eternal due to its high strength and hardness.

The only serious lack of marble is the high cost - the price begins from 3500-4000 rubles. For 1m2.

Granite It has practically the same operational qualities as marble. True, its value is somewhat lower - from 2500 rubles per square meter.

So that the porous stone is not wary and not clogged with mud, it should be covered with a special varnish.

Installation of stone is carried out on ordinary tile glue. Since when laying this material it is not necessary to perform smooth seams and strictly withstand the level, to cope with this task, even a newcomer.

Clinker tile is a beautiful and durable material for the outer decoration of the walls, which is made on the basis of shale clay. Thanks to the special manufacturing technology, it has the following qualities:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • durability - many manufacturers of clinker tiles give a warranty for 100 years;
  • light weight compared to natural stone.

Externally, the tile resembles a brick, so the wall trimmed with this material is almost impossible to distinguish from brickwork. True, the installation process itself is quite complicated, since the tile should be located in the same plane and have the same seams.

In addition, the process of grouting seams is quite difficult. Therefore, if you decide to fade the house with tiles, you will have to seek help from specialists.

As for the cost, clinker tiles, the price of products of domestic manufacturers begins from 600 rubles per square meter. European tile stands several times more expensive.

Ceramic tile

A good alternative to clinker tiles is ceramic and porcelain tiles. It can be smooth and structured. The latter resembles a natural stone, so takes great popularity.

Sometimes even photo printing is applied to the glazed surface. As a result, the material can have any texture or patterns. Accordingly, it looks like a coating very effectively.

It should be noted that from ceramics make not only tiles, but also large front panels, whose width can reach 60 cm, and length -180 cm. The panel is easier to mount, however, the design of the facade in this case is quite peculiar. Therefore, the tile is still greater popularity.

The cost of ceramic facade tile begins from 400 rubles. For 1m2.

Option 4: Brick cladding

Considering the modern types of outdoor decoration, it is impossible not to mention the lining of the brick. This is perhaps the best protection of walls from negative environmental impacts and mechanical impacts.

Therefore, if you are interested in finishing the old house, cladding brick is an excellent solution. After all, in this way, you not only protect the walls from negative impacts, but also give the structure a presentable appearance.

True, for objectivity it is necessary to familiarize themselves with some disadvantages of such a decision:

  • brick has a lot of weight, resulting in facing walls need foundation Even if you plan to separate one-storey house. Therefore, if at the stage of the design of the house, such a cladding was not planned, it is necessary to perform an additional ribbon foundation around the perimeter;
  • the cost is quite high - starts from 10-15 rubles per piece;
  • facing masonry requires highly qualified bricklayer, so save, after having finished independently, it will not work.

Option 5: Facing the thermopanels

Finally, consider modern outer finishing materials that relate to the category of thermal insulation plates. The main feature is the presence of two layers:

  • the base is the thermal insulation material. This may be polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam or even polyurethane foam;
  • the facial layer - serves as protection with the insulation from environmental impacts, and is also a decorative element. As a facial coating, clinker tiles, marble crumb, porcelain tile and other materials are usually used.

It should be noted that these panels do not require the installation of the frame, as they are fixed directly on the wall using special fasteners. In this case, they are connected to the lock with each other, which provides a solid surface without cold bridges.

Of the disadvantages of this method of finishing, you can allocate:

  • high cost - the price of thermopanel begins from 1000 rubles. for 1m2;
  • the vapor permeability of such a coating leaves much to be desired, so one should not be separated by this method of a gasilicate or other materials that have a high parpropuscular ability.

Here, in fact, all kinds of finishes of the outer walls, with whom I wanted to acquaint you in this article.


The outer finish of the house can be made in different ways and materials. Moreover, it is impossible to unambiguously say that some option is better, and some worse, since they all have their advantages and minuses. Therefore, everyone should make a choice itself depending on their own wishes, financial capabilities and other factors.

If you have any questions about the facade finish, ask them in the comments, and I will gladly answer you.

October 24, 2016.

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Each self-respecting homeowner tries to make his dwelling cozy, beautiful and reliable, and not only from the inside, but also outside. The outdoor finish of the facade carries the most important functions - insulation, protection against moisture and temperature drops, well, of course, a spectacular appearance.

Fortunately, today, building shops are ready to offer a wide range of finishing materials for every taste and wallet. Naturally, when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the location of the construction, the general view of the site, fences and the architectural style of the building. It is also important and the budget of the finishing campaign, since sometimes visually beautiful decoration can cost cheaper than more primitive. In short, the options are not so easy to choose.

Facade finishing options

To date, construction companies performing turnkey repair companies offer several facade finishing options:

  • stucco
  • natural stone
  • artificial stone
  • facing bricks
  • porcelain stoneware
  • clinker tiles,
  • sandwich panels
  • cassette facade

How to choose a facing for the facade and that each of the materials is, we'll figure it out.

Finishing facade plaster

It is very popular for a long time and it is unlikely to come down from the leading position in the near future. Plaster is beautiful first of all, and then firmly and in some way even reliably. The types of finishing plasters are several, and they have completely different prices, properties and appearance.

It is a mixture of cement with marble crumb, quartz sand and lime. Water repellent and frost resistant additives are introduced into plasters for external work. Such a finish is for sale in dry, in bags, and already on site is brought to the desired consistency with the help of water and a building mixer.

Important advantages of mineral plaster: good resistance to temperature drops, has anti-grapple additives, it looks good and able to decorate the facade. It is also important that this finishing material has a very affordable cost and is available to almost everyone. For those who strive to separate the facade of their own, mineral plaster will become a good choice, since it is easy to apply.

As for the shortcomings, it is the main way to be called not a particularly long life of the finished coverage - it will be about ten years. Such plaster is subject to crack formation, so completely unacceptable for buildings that can give shrinkage or are in the zones of high vibration.

It is based on synthetic resins - acrylate. It is they who make this material durable and at the same time plastic. In addition, acrylic plaster has one more important property - due to its structure it allows the walls of the "breathe" the building, that is, to skip moisture and temperature without holding in themselves. Such a coating perfectly showed itself even with significant difference in ambient temperature and impacts of atmospheric precipitation.

Acrylic plaster is convenient to purchase in the ready-to-use form - this is a plastic mass in buckets of various volumes.

Initially, it has a white color that can be colorful to the one that will be needed. It is best to make it in a specialized caloring laboratory to get a homogeneous and beautiful shade.

The type of plaster, the basis of which serve sodium and potassium silicates. Perched at special temperatures in autoclaves. Naturally, plasterfielders, dyes, mineral additives and various additives that protect against fungus and bacteria are added to impart properties necessary for external use.

Silicate plasters are comfortable for their versatility in use, as suitable for use on any surface, it does not matter, it is a brick, concrete or. In addition, such a finish also leaves the walls of the structure to "breathe", which prevents them of premature destruction. It is not affected by high and low temperatures, dampness and evaporation.

Sold in the ready-to-use form, in which the first minus: the choice of shades is rather limited because it is determined only by the manufacturer.

However, a much more serious drawback is the exposure to the formation of cracks. Over time, on the facade, covered with silicate plaster, can form cracks, even without affecting the outside.

It is made on the basis of silicone resins, which give it the material, characteristic of them elasticity and resistance to moisture. This type of plaster is most beneficial in all respects: and frost-resistant, and not afraid of temperature drops. It does not crack and retains the walls of the house in the initial state well. Silicone plaster does not fade in the sun and completely retains its operational characteristics for a long time.

Its only minus can be called except its value, which is significantly higher than other types of plasters.

Different types of plasters can be textured or smooth, with a clear relief, or structured at the request of the client into a specific pattern. Plasters are convenient because they can be shed in the desired tone or they are already sold color. This type of finish is wonderful combined with many others, such as a stone or brick.

Also a very common type of finish for and facades of buildings. The stone wall looks good, beautiful and stylish, immediately turning the most ordinary house in the medieval castle. The stone can be used both natural and artificial. Naturally, the stone is firmly and reliably, his durability has no doubt.

Stone finish is able to well hold the temperature, this is important when climate with large seasonal temperature drops - for example, in the summer, the stone is able to hold inside the construction of the coolness, and in the winter - on the contrary, heat. This finish, it does not matter whether the natural stone or artificial is environmentally friendly and completely safe for human life and human health.

The disadvantage of the stone is its decent weight - not any construction will endure such a finish. For finishing, the stone requires a solid foundation capable of withstanding weight in several tons. Another minus is the cost, of course, the facade finish can afford not every owner. Of course, in this case, an artificial stone can be helped out, which has similar properties, and looks very close to the original. This option will cost cheaper.

The facade was decommissioned - already visually turns the house in a kind of fortress. Such a finish looks spectacular and expensive, so many years attracts buyers.

Choosing a stone design of the facade, remember that he will serve you a very long time, so, about all the nuances take care in advance. The stone is also perfect for an additional decor of the facade decorated with other materials. Very colorful, the trim of the facade with natural or artificial stone in combination with similar elements of the decor on other estates, such as a gazebo, paths, borders, and the like.

Facing trim facing brick

Also very popular for outdoor finishing works. Different types of facing bricks are successfully used to finish fences, fences, all possible parapet, arbors, and, of course, for facades. Brick decoration can be called in some way the analogue of stone - but it is definitely easier and more than a budgetary. The types of finishing brick are several, here are the main of them:

  • Clinker brick

It is made of a certain variety of clay, it has good sintering and under firing comes to a solid consistency. The properties of the finished clinker brick allow you to get a finish of walls, resembling ancient buildings, and besides the presentable appearance, provides good protection from cold, heat and dampness.

Clinker brick in retail chains is presented in different color solutions. They depend on special natural additives that can be used in the firing of clay. For example, metal oxides, in particular, aluminum and iron, give the product a burgundy shade, of various intensity. Carbon oxide, on the contrary, is able to give ready-made bricks black and various gray shades. Shades remain unchanged throughout the service life of the finish.

Clinker brick is beautiful, but it also has a number of flaws. For example, quite complicated installation, requiring an ideally smooth surface. In addition, the facade will most likely need pre-sound and thermal insulation.

  • Ceramic brick

Also manufactured from clay, only for it, raw materials are sifted to obtain the smallest fractions. This finish tolerates mechanical effects well, it is not terrible as frost and ultraviolet.

Facade finishing with ceramic bricks for a long time remains popular and is not going to take their position in the near future. This material perfectly misses couples, allowing the surface of the walls to "breathe", which prevents their premature destruction. Shades of this material can also be diverse.

Ceramic brick is not only beautiful and practically universally, but also firmly, reliable and for a long time.

  • Silicate brick

It consists in essence, a mixture of sand and lime. Properly prepared with these ingredients solution, bricks are formed under a special press. Thanks to this method of production, silicate bricks are ideal in the installation process - they are easy to dock, there is no need for a selection.

Coloring silicate brick can be the most diverse - the choice of shades is worthy, you can choose exactly what is needed.

An important advantages of the facade finish with silicate brick, it is necessary to name its thermal insulation properties, strength, good density. But it was not possible to do without minuses - compared with other types of brick, this species has lower rates of frost and moisture resistance, which, often wet and may suffer from atmospheric phenomena.

The brick facade is a kind of classic in the finish of the house. It has been popular for a long time and many years will enjoy good demand from consumers. Clear, even lines, ideal pattern geometry - will always be a sign of a good taste.

  • Hypersed brick

It consists of a mixture of cement and a seven, is manufactured by semi-dry pressing. External characteristics are similar to ceramic brick, but physical properties are much higher quality.

The advantages of such a brick: durability in operation, resistance to different temperatures and moisture. It is not difficult to mount, but he has a lot of weight - it is his minus. But manufacturers provide a wide range of shades of hypersded brick and its geometric parameters allow you to get clear edges.

  • belgian facing brick

Also in the picture below below can see what the facade belgian facing brick.

Finishing facade house with porcelain stoneware

This material is made from natural components: clay, quartz sand, field spat. This mixture is bred by water to the desired consistency. Then the firing should be found at high temperatures and pressing. The result of the process is a beautiful durable porcelain tile.

Such a cladding looks spectacular and able to decorate any facade, usually like even very picky customers. In addition to its excellent external data, porcelain stoneware is durable, weather-resistant and reliable material. The walls decorated with patchwork will serve in its original form for many years, since this material does not change during operation.

A lot of varieties of this material are available on sale, for example, stirrerins are distinguished:

  1. Maty. This is not processed after production surface - it gives the finish an interesting appearance.
  2. Sounded or satin. Externally, the tiles look as if covered with a layer of wax. In production, this effect is achieved by adding mineral salts.
  3. Glazed. The view resembles ceramic tiles, as it opens the protective glaze. It gives it additional strength properties and a glossy layer.
  4. Polished. The surface is specifically fascinated by abrasive nozzles. This porcelain stoneware cannot be noticed due to its sparkling saturated color.
  5. Structured. Particularly used for facade finishing of private houses. These are tiles of porcelain stoneware with various textured drawings. It can be simply embossed, rough, mimic the texture of a tree and so on.
  6. Mosaic. The most difficult in laying, like any mosaic - only real professionals will be able to fulfill this work. But the facade, the mosaic porcelain, always attracts attention, is not important, it was made from the standard set or owners preferred an exclusive option.

The disadvantage of porcelain is, first of all, its big weight is, that is, not any foundation will be able to withstand it. And also - the complexity of the installation, beautifully and high qualityly lay it will be able to only truly highly qualified specialists.

Finishing facade house clinker tiles

It is also very common as finishing for facades of buildings and fences. You can confidently call it the leader of external facing materials. Due to its attractive appearance, good operational properties and a variety of color schemes, clinker tiles clearly wins other similar materials.

The clinker tile is capable of carrying high and low temperatures, the effect of ultraviolet, the impact of moisture. And with all this, it is much easier than porcelain stoneware or facing stone. Its only disadvantage can be called fragility - careful attitude is important for it both during operation and during transportation and laying.

Finishing facade siding

The relatively new finishing material, which has already proven itself in the construction market as not expensive, visually pretty and convenient to use. Currently, there are many siding varieties.

The most fiscal option for finishes, but setting the goal, you can find an attractive design under the tree, timber and the like textured types of siding. The latitude of the range of vinyl panels is extensive.

Secondly, its dignity, in addition to the price - light weight and simplicity of installation. Cut the facade of siding can be independently with minimal physical costs.

However, it is impossible not to remind the essential shortcomings of this finishing material. It does not make high and low temperatures. In the cold, the vinyl becomes fragile and can crack, under the influence of direct sunlight - soft and can be deformed. Also, color siding has a flavor in the sun - in a few years it can radically change his original shade so that this does not happen to buy acrylic siding, you can read about it.

Congue siding came to us from the USA. The first panels for appeared on the market in the early 1970s. The base siding is a finishing panels that are installed at the bottom of the structure to protect against external atmospheric and mechanical effects. It is this part of the house most exposed to an aggressive external environment, random external blows and weather.

Also, the base siding is used to give the presentation of the appearance of the structure - it perfectly imitates the brick, masonry, and modern technologies allow you to make its appearance beautiful and neat.

In modern enterprises is made of wood-cellulose mixture, pressing with heating. All raw materials are cleaned of resins and harmful components, therefore, wooden siding can be called an environmentally friendly material. Facade finishing with wooden siding looks presentable and cozy.

Watches of wooden siding naturally flow from the properties of raw materials - wood. Finishing from this material, from time to time it is necessary to process with special solutions that scare insects and making siding resistant to ignition and exposure to moisture. Also, periodically wooden siding needs both color updates, as it can burn out in the sun - for this purpose it needs to be painted.

It perfectly tolerate mechanical effects, not deformed at low and high temperatures, not subject to cracks. Metallic siding does not rot under the influence of moisture and will not be able to spoil insects or fungus. Naturally, this type of finish is not afraid of exposure to open flame and fireproof. This siding does not fade under direct sunlight, which is also distinguished from others.

The minuses of this type of finishes will be: the possibility of the appearance of rust, the cost, higher than that of analogues from another raw material.

Installation of metallic siding will be better to entrust professionals, as first of all, a special tool is needed for cutting it. Well, and an important factor is not in favor of metal siding, is the mandatory need to use, since the material itself is cold and is not able to hold heat.

Trim Facade Sandwich Panels

This facing material consists, as a rule, of three layers: a polymer or metal on both sides and a layer of insulation between them. In the form of insulation, it is usually used or polyurethane. Such a finish wins among other types of thermal insulation properties - they, perhaps, here are the highest.

The panels have a completely safe composition and a small weight. Installation is easy to implement even independently, since it does not need special devices or skills. However, the correct technology of laying sandwich panels is still very important, since if it is broken, it is possible to freeze the joints - and this is unacceptable.

Convenient sandwich panels and their low cost, if desired, everyone can afford such a finish of the facade.

Metal cassettes are currently very widely used, both for finishing the facades of public buildings and in the decor of private households. This is an excellent version of the performance of the ventilated facades - the walls of the house do not deteriorate, and at the same time they provide reliable protection and a presentable appearance.

Cassettes are mounted on special rivets or self-tapping screws, it is possible to do it both open and in the closed way - depends on the wishes of the client and the finish type.

This material is reliable, resistant to all sorts of aggressive factors, be it atmospheric phenomena, temperature or fungus. It is impossible not to notice his fire safety and environmental friendliness.

Cassette facades are provided in a variety of options. The number of colors, sizes and textures - will form the imagination even the most picky buyer.

The only disadvantage of the cassette facade is their decent cost. However, choosing materials, note that such a finish is able to last for more than fifty years, and therefore, to fully justify its price.

Types of finishing facades, in fact, you can find many more - in some cases, the owners prefer to apply a non-standard approach or little-known materials. The most common were voiced above. Signally speaking, they can be divided by the method of mounting on "wet" and "dry". The first is mounted using special mixtures that are applied directly to the walls of the facade. The second is mounted using a special fastener, there may be a gap between such a finish and wall, the airbag or the insulation is laid.

The choice of material for finishing the facade is not a simple, here it is necessary to take into account all sorts of subtleties: the location of the building, height, its appearance and sizes. It is important to provide for the maximum harmonious combination of facade finish with other objects, fence, a common type of section.

Well, of course, taste wishes are important - classically strict design, romance or modern - different styles involve the use of various materials in color and texture. Modern building hypermarkets can offer an extensive assortment of finishing materials, you can make the right choice for every taste and wealth.

At construction forums, where the facade cladding is discussed, every third post on how something went wrong. The plaster cracked, the coroede was dried up and lost sight, facing brick and tiles began to fall off. It happens when the material for finishing the facade is chosen on emotions or repulsted only from the budget.

When choosing finishing materials, it is necessary to navigate not only for the price and appearance. On how the finish of the facade of the house will behave in the process of operation, the material of the walls is affected by the material, the power of the foundation and even what you live in what climatic lane.

In this article, we will look at the materials for finishing facades, their advantages and disadvantages and will understand, in what cases one or another finishing material is suitable.

Popular finishing materials:

  • Decorative plaster
  • Coroed
  • Ceramographic
  • Natural tree
  • Artificial and natural stone
  • Brick
  • Tile
  • Siding
  • Facade panels

House lining with decorative plaster

Where apply
Decorative plaster is suitable for houses with complex architecture. It can be applied on the walls of bricks, seashells, concrete, foam and aerated concrete. But there is a nuance: if the masonry is uneven and vertical discrepancy reaches 2-3 cm, then the layers of the plaster are expensive.

Material at low temperatures can crack. Therefore, such plaster in the northern regions is rarely used.

Stores offer several types of plasters, depending on the tasks that need to be solved.

Elastic plaster. If you withstand the application technology, does not give cracks with a slight shrinkage at home. Resistant to high humidity and frosts, parroopuscable. Plaster quickly absorbs dirt, but it is easy to clean.

With the help of acrylic plaster, you can create a different texture (photo №1)

Differs good wear resistance. With it, you can create a different wall texture: grooves, "pebbles", drawings. Update silicone plaster need not more often than once every 10-15 years.

"Kameshkin" effect created by silicone plaster (photo №2)

Consists of cement and color stone crumbs. Color gamut small - 4-7 colors. Minus - low elasticity. With the slightest shrinkage of the house, the plaster is cracking outside. This is especially impractical, because all new houses are subject to shrinkage.

Mineral plaster with marble crumbs in the composition well hides unevenness on the walls (photo №3)

It is based on a potassium liquid glass that provides high moisture and fire protection. High steam-resistant, low pollutability - pluses of this material.

Silicate plaster can be applied with a thin layer (photo №4)

Pros and cons of finishing plaster


  • Suitable for the facing of very complex architectural structures.
  • You can combine with other types of materials.
  • Lower price compared to other facing materials.


  • It needs to be updated and repaired every 2-4 years depending on the type of plaster.
  • Not suitable for curved walls. We must first remove the wall so that there is no discrepancy on the vertical. These are additional costs.
  • High requirements for applying technology. Before applying the plaster, the walls of the house must be prepared: clean, align, to evaluate the grid, sharpen and rejuvenate.

For the reinforcement of the facade, the builders used glue and a grid of poor quality, because of which the plaster began to crack a month after application (photo №5)

Outdoor finish at home with a core

Where apply
Coroede is used to shock the facades of houses and offices. Suitable for walls of stone, brick, sandwich panels, concrete, foam and aerated concrete. It can be applied to any insulation: mineral wool, foam concrete, polystyrene foam.

Coroede is two types:

  • Acrylic. For sale already in the finished form. Does not need painting.
  • Cement-gypsum or mineral. Sold in the form of a dry mix. Mineral cored necessarily needs paint based on silicone. Otherwise, in 2-4 years, not only the decorative layer will be collapsed, but also a basic reinforcing.

Depending on the technique of applying, the koroede looks different (photo №6)


  • Atmospheric resistance. Plaster withstands the temperature from - 55 ° C to + 60 ° C.
  • Resistance to mechanical exposure. Coroede is withstanding the blows of a hail, water flow, light tapping.
  • Texture, due to which irregular walls you can hide. Also, at the expense of the drawing on the cored, the cracks are less visible.
  • Simplicity of application. If you wish, you can plaster the walls yourself.
  • Large selection of colors.


  • Quickly clogged with dust. At least once a year it needs to wash.
  • If the chick was formed, the koroede is difficult to restore it so that it is imperceptible.
  • If you do not prepare the walls to apply or disrupt technology, there is a risk of swelling and peeling plaster.

Cerambist house covering

Porcelain tiles in its technical properties are not inferior to natural stone. In addition to the decorative function, the porcelain is performed and protective: it provides sound and thermal insulation.

Where apply
Porcelain stonewares are used for facing facades of office and residential buildings. In Russia, they are used mainly for cladding of the base or office buildings. The material takes the design. Therefore, if you plan to use it for lining a private house, learn the project at home and make sure that the foundation has a margin of safety.

In Russia, in private house-building, the facade trim is rarely used (photo №7)


  • Increased strength and resistance to atmospheric phenomena.
  • Does not miss moisture, does not fade and does not lose its appearance. The material reliably protects the facade from destruction.
  • Does not require repair. During operation, there is no need to update the facade.
  • Resistant to mold and condensate formation.
  • Representative appearance.


  • Large weight. Porcelain stoneware significantly drags the building. It is advisable to take into account even at the design stage.
  • High price. The cost of porcelain and work on the cover of the facade is 2-8 times higher than that of other facing materials.
  • Increased installation requirements. It is difficult to find a brigade that has enough experience with this material.

Facade Finish Tree

Where apply
Tree is used for lining of private and country houses. Suitable for finishing walls of brick, foam and aerated concrete, as well as for frame cottages. The material is easy and in most cases does not require a reinforced foundation. It can be used to finish old houses with a weak foundation.

Manufacturers offer several types of wooden materials for facing facades:

  • Siding. It is used in the reconstruction of old and finishing new homes.
  • Lining. It is made of solid wood. Mounted on the Schip-Paz system.
  • Block house. A variation of the board, imitates the cutting wall. The material is quite durable. In width and thickness exceeds the lining.
  • Planken. Facade board with a chamfer. From the usual board is distinguished by the form of the edges, externally, the plaquen is similar to a bar.

Wood materials are distinguished by thick, fastening and appearance (photo №8)


  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Additional heat and noise protection.
  • Resistance to high and low temperatures.
  • Quick installation. Depending on the type of material, the external finish at home takes from 3 to 10 days.
  • Large selection of colors and textures.


  • Combustion.
  • Bounds, cracks, resin.
  • Gigroscopicity.
  • Infection with fungus.
  • Complex care.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Where apply
The decorative cladding of the base stone is most often used in country houses and office buildings. Less often - this material is used to finish the entire facade. It is suitable for use in any climatic strip. The stone is resistant to temperature differences and moisture.

For finishing facade use artificial and natural stone:

  • Fake diamond. Manufacturers produce several types of artificial stone: clinker, concrete, sand-polymer, ceramic. Materials are distinguished by appearance and properties.
  • A natural stone. Most often used granite, marble, travertine, slate, tuff, sandstone, dolomite.

Artificial stone from a sandy-polymer mixture. In appearance very similar to this (photo №9)


  • Natural and artificial stone durable, moisture-proof and durable. With the right installation, the facade does not need additional maintenance over a decade.
  • The facade, separated by natural stone looks solid and expensive.


  • Natural stone is difficult to cut. It is harder to work with granite, marble.
  • If in the production of artificial stone used poor-quality dyes, the stone is fading. The usual buyer is difficult to determine how much the quality product is in front of him.
  • The cost of natural stone is 2-15 times higher than other finishing materials.

Facing home bricks

Decorative brick for facing facade is a lightweight brick that is cut into two halves.

Where apply
The material can be used for lining any home or cottage, including frame. Suitable for any climatic strip. If you use a whole brick for finishes, make sure that the foundation will hold the extra load. This is especially true of lightweight belt and pile foundations.

Brick species:

  • Ceramic brick. The material is resistant to high and low temperatures, provides additional thermal insulation. But there is a minus - brick absorbs moisture. So that the brick is not destroyed, it must be treated with water-repellent solution.
  • Clinker brick. Material is resistant to moisture and temperature drops.
  • Silicate brick. Material is dense, resistant to mechanical effects. Differs good sound insulation. Unpretentious in care.
  • Brick with effect of aged surface. After the molding of the wizard, the brick is treated with a special composition, and after burning. Brick turns out uneven and with different patterns.

Photos of different types of facing bricks (photo №10)

Facing facade tiles

Where apply
Facade tile is suitable for cladding a country house, cottage, office building. It does not waste the design of the house, so it can be used on any type of structure. Suitable for both ordinary and ventilated facades.


  • Porcelain stoneware. Frost-resistant, environmentally friendly material. Does not absorb moisture, you can use in rooms with high humidity.
  • Ceramics. Facade ceramics is not very common, as the options for facing the facade are produced only by several manufacturers.
  • Clinker. According to frost-resistant, the tile exceeds even a porcelain band.
  • Agglomerate. It is made of granite or marble crumb. Durable, resistant to abrasion.
  • Concrete tile. Frost-resistant, durable, but inferior to other types of tiles in appearance.

Quartz agglomerate in appearance looks like a natural stone (photo №11)

Facing at home siding

One of the most popular facade facing materials. Shockproof, resistant to fading, durable. Side service life - from 25 years. With careful circulation - up to 50 years.

Alta Profile annually conducts laboratory tests of its products at the Certification Center "Composite Test" and in the Polisert Coordination Center.

Where apply
Suitable for all types of houses. Light design does not waste the building. One square meter of siding weighs 2 kg. Therefore, the lining of the house by siding is used in the restoration of old houses and for frame cottages. Depending on the type of material, suitable for use in the southern and northern regions.

Side types:

Siding is distinguished by increased frost resistance. Even at a temperature of - 60 ° C panel resistant to shock. This type of siding is in demand in the northern regions of the country: Murmansk, the cities of Yakutia. Siding is resistant to moisture. This is one of the few materials that can be used in regions with high humidity. Siding is represented in 40 colors, including rare.

Vinyl Siding "Blockhaus" Golden Color Production of the Company of Alta Profile (photo №12)

Acrylic siding is 8 times more resistant to ultraviolet than vinyl. It is suitable for facing buildings in the Crimea and in the south of Russia, where a large number of sunny days a year. Siding is not deformed even at a temperature of + 80 ° C. Unpretentious in care.

Acrylic red-brown siding. Imitation of the shipboard (photo №13)

Block house
Plastic panels imitate natural log house. The block house in its performance exceeds the natural tree. Resistant to high humidity, opposes infection with fungus and mold. It does not burn and does not need special care. It is enough one or twice a year to wash it with simple water. "Alta Profile" produces a block house in two types: acrylic and vinyl.

Acrylic Block House Color Light Oak Production of Alta Profile (photo №14)

Private house, covered by a block house, looks like a log


  • Low flammable. Unlike facade cladding with wood, the lining of the house siding is safer.
  • Increased resistance to UV radiation and to moisture. Can be used in regions with difficult weather conditions.
  • More than 40 colors and textures. You can implement any idea to design at home.
  • Resistance to the effects of chemicals. Siding can be washed with any detergent.
  • Elasticity and impact resistance. The material is not deformed when hitting.
  • Price. Siding costs 3-5 times less than the cost of wood.
  • Easy care. Unlike wooden panels, plastic block house does not need special care. Its enough one or twice a year washed with simple water.


  • Requires professional installation.

Errors when mounting siding: video

House design with facade panels

Where apply
Facing panels - especially durable material. Suitable for all types of buildings. Can be used in any climatic strip and are attached to any insulation. The panels retain impact resistance at temperatures from +50 to - 60 ° C. The material is light, does not waste the building. They can be as a lining base and sow all the facade. Panels can be combined with siding.

Types of facade panels:

  • Under the brick. "Alta Profile" produces several types of panels "under the brick": brick antique, baroon, clinker brick, brick. Panels are presented in six colors.
  • Under the tile. In the range of 60 types of textures and colors: granite, stone, rocky stone, brown stone and many others.

Facing the base and the whole facade of the facade panels "Stone" (photo №15)

Types of facade panels "Alta-Profile": video


  • Complies with GOST and international standards.
  • Resistant to rains, hail, thunderstorms, snow.
  • Suitable for facing the facade and socle.
  • When heated does not release toxic substances. Panels are suitable for private house-building.
  • Suitable for any climatic strip.
  • You can mount even on the uneven wall.
  • Price from 1000 rubles per m2.
  • Designed for 30 years of operation.

How to separate the facade: summary

Choosing, than to bind the house, you need to take into account the power of the foundation, the material of the walls, the climatic strip.

Decorative plaster shows well in the southern and central regions, but not suitable for the northern.

Facing with porcelain stoneware and stone is possible only for buildings, where there is a margin of the standard of the foundation, as they take the design. These options are not suitable for the old house, a frame cottage or a wooden log cabin.

Siding and facade panels - universal material:

  • You can choose for any climatic zone.
  • Suitable for all types of houses, including pile. Does not waste design.
  • It can be mounted on a wall of any material: wood, foam and aerated concrete, brick, concrete, SIP panels.

Some building materials from which the walls are built immediately imply the need for outdoor decoration at home: a picture is very unsightly. Others can lose attractive over time. And the third case is an extensive formation of cracks, which is "treated", but the results are visible. In all these cases, the question arises: "How to strip the house outside." More often, it is necessary to "notify" - without the use of a solution or other similar means that require a large amount of money and time. I want to do everything quickly and, very desirable - inexpensive, and even if possible, - do it yourself. Oddly enough, but there is a choice of materials and technologies, and considerable.

Fundamental rules

Selecting the materials for the object of the house from the street, be sure to remember that in order to maintain normal humidity in the premises, the vapor permeability of materials should be reduced from the inside of the room - outward. That is, the outer decoration should better carry out steam than the material of the walls. Then the increased humidity, which is characteristic of our homes, will be excreted through the walls naturally (explanations in the photo).

If this principle is broken, the moisture will accumulate on the border of materials with different vapor permeability. It condenses, creating conditions for rotting, the development of fungi and mold. In winter it freezes, destroying the wall of the wall and / or finishes. Sooner or later, such a system will have to dismantle and redo.

The whole trouble is that only wood is responsible for this requirement. Most of the other materials for the outer decoration of the house has low vapor permeability. The problem is solved in two ways:

Today, the second option becomes increasingly popular. There were very effective thermal insulation materials that allow us to reduce the cost of heating. But they have very low vapor permeability (expanded polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam). When using them, only the second moisture regulation scheme is possible. Choosing than to strip the house, consider these moments.

Wooden sheathing

Wood in construction and decoration is not used by the birth of an eyelid, and it seems to be relevant for a long time. All thanks to excellent appearance and property to regulate humidity in the room. This is perhaps the only material that without problems will remove excess moisture regardless of what material the walls are built.

Wooden sheathing can have a completely non-standard look: different colors and sizes, different direction. Everything is simple and the effect is awesome

The most popular materials for the walls of the walls are a block House and imitation of a bar. There is still a lining for the outer decoration - it has a greater thickness, compared to the one that is intended for the rest of the same.

The block house simulates the surface of the rounded log - the front part has a rounded shape. The imitation of the bar is very similar to the planed timber. Both types of cladding are attached to the crate, then polished and covered with protective impregnations, but they are still quenched or painted.

What lumber looks for outdoor house

If you cannot decide what to see a house of foam blocks outside, consider the Wooden Facing option. In this case, the walls are nailed (metallic or wooden). If necessary, the insulation is laid between the planks - basalt wool (foam or polystyrene foam can not be used), and then a wooden casing is nailed.

This building is covered with timber imitation. Under the skin can be brick, log house, skewer or any of the building blocks

If the cheapest option is needed, for most regions of Russia it is an ordinary planed board. Its thickness - from 40 mm, stuffing as well as the lining or block house on the crate, the lower end of the top board comes by 10-20 mm on it below it. It turns out the principle of the bump. So you can build a country house or even residential. With due processing, such a facing has a very good appearance.

The cheaply to strip the house outside? For middle strip of Russia - Wooden planed board

The disadvantages of such a finish are the same as in any wood: it can be damaged by pests, rot, without proper care quickly loses decorativeness, becomes dark and ugly. If you want to strip the house, and do not remember it for years, it is not your choice. It takes care of the wooden trim, and most often - annual.


In some regions, boards and other lumber are far from the most affordable materials. In this case, it is cheaper that option when making a finish once, you can forget about it for a long time.

If you think than to separate the house from the bar outside, perhaps your option is siding

Since the trim is nailed for the crate, the facade is obtained ventilated. If it is necessary to retain wooden walls (from bar, logs, shields) Siding - one of the options. It can also be used for the structure of any other material: foam block, aerated concrete, slapped, etc. This facing is universal.


Siding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and therefore it is also called vinyl. It is a strip of material with a width of 205 and 255 mm, a thickness of 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm. There is a lock on the longitudinal faces on one side of the castle, on the other - perforation under fasteners (the screws are used more often).

Siding is fastened too to the crate. Recommend to use special metallic, but fully soaked wooden bars. Only regular starting and sidebands will be needed. The only nuance: self-tapping screws need a little "pregnant", leaving the backlash in order to compensate for the temperature changes of the materials. With this installation, siding will not crack from the stresses.

The advantages of this material for the outside of the house: low prices, easy installation.

Lack of vinyl siding: it quickly flashes into the sun, because it is desirable to use inappropriate colors. It has a fairly wide temperature mode of operation: from + 50 ° C to -35 ° C, but even in small frosts becomes fragile and is easily damaged.

Another point: look good at home, covered with siding, having broken configuration. If the building is rectangular, without architectural excesses, it has not the most attractive appearance (in confirmation of the photo below).

If the building is simply long, without reliefs and protrusions, the walls of the walls of the Sading is not very embezzle


Metal siding is a strip of thin aluminum or galvanized steel, which causes a protective-decorative coating. It has the same fastening system as vinyl.

The sheathing house with metal siding is simple: you can make it yourself even without much building experience

The coating can be made of polymers. It is distinguished by reliability, resistance to burnout, other climatic factors. His drawback is a limited choice of colors. The second coating option is powder staining. The color scheme is much wider, the paint is kept for years without signs of peeling.

If you are looking for than to bind the house outside, so that the finish is reliable and brighter, you may suit one of the options for metallic siding. It can be brought, it is very difficult to break, the installation is not very complex: good scissors for metal, self-tapping screw, screwdriver or screwdriver are necessary. All the features of the installation are the same as in vinyl, with the only difference that the metal can be mounted and at negative temperatures.

Harmoniously issuing a building that is covered with metallic siding

From the point of view of durability, this is a good option, but from the point of view of aesthetics it is difficult to work with it: too "production" is obtained. The building is larger than hike on a residential building, but to a warehouse or some shop.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl siding, but it has a completely different configuration, appearance and greater panel thickness. It was designed specifically for decorating and protecting the grounds of buildings, but it became like this, which began to be used and when the facade is trimmed. Exterior design - under the brickwork of different types and color, with or without drawings, wild stone. Sometimes the imitation is so successful that it is understood that you are not brick facing, but vinyl, you can only toured the wall.

Mounted, as well as other species, on the crate, there is perforation and locks. The difference is that the base siding panel has a view of a non-long rectangle, but a certain segment of the wall with curly edges. These figured edges are joined. Accordingly, the crate must be adjusted under the dimensions of the fragment. When installing, first the edge of the panel is set in the lock already installed, achieve coincidence, and then fix. The main thing is when installing do not tighten the screws strongly, leaving the possibility of siding to move at temperature changes.

The lamp can be made of wooden processed bars (protective impregnation) or from the profiles for drywall (galvanized). How to mount baseline siding on the base. See in the video. Similarly, it is attached to the wall. Difference in squares.

Fibro cement plates and siding

Relatively recently appeared on our market a new facing: fibrotent plates and siding from the same material. They consist of wood fibra, quartz, mica, cement, may contain chlorine and asbestos (some materials applied only for external finishing). This mixture is molded into sheets, then in several stages it is dehydrated, according to some technologies is burned. Then a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface:

The coating can be smooth - glossy and matte, can mimic brickwork, wood and other finishing materials. It is installed on the guide assembly strips, attached to the wall clearing. This material can be suitable if you do not know what to see the frame house outside: it creates a solid surface, the connections of the panels are sealed and the precipitate will not fall inside.

This house is also lined with fibric cement plates.

How to mount fibro-cement plates. Look in the video.

Fibro-cement siding is produced by the same technology, only molded in long stripes. They are mostly standard: 3600 * 190 * 12 mm. This material is cut by an electroltrol bike, installed on a wooden bracket (according to the bump principle) and nails are nailed or twisted with self-draws.


Thermopanels are a material that performs two functions at once - cladding and outdoor insulation of houses. A layer of decorative coating is applied on the heat insulation layer in the factory. It looks like marble or natural stone, does not burn, has low water absorption characteristics.

Make this finishing material based on foam, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. Depending on the type of insulation, the installation method is selected: polystyrene foam and foam glued to the appropriate composition. The joints are closed with a special aluminum bar or rubbing paste.

Based on mineral wool, only a special system of profiles is mounted, jokes are closed as well.

Very attractive idea - immediately and insulate the house, and bind. Excellent appearance, and the characteristics of such cladding is impressive. It is a pity that there is no less and feedback experience: Most recently it appeared.

There are still clinker thermopanels. Clinker tiles are glued on the insulation. The material is not cheap, but the characteristics are impressive, as well as a variety of finishes.

Another option of thermopanels - with clinker tiles

The choice of materials you can sow a house at any time - in winter or in summer - there is a lot. There are expensive options, there are cheaper. In any case, besides the cost, consider vapor permeability. Then you do not have to fight mold and dampness.

The facade finish is the final stage of the capital construction of the cottage. Often, it is not enough for this moment of energy and enthusiasm to fulfill the work. Therefore, the question than can be separated the facade of the house, is solved on an ambulance hand, without due attention to detail.

As a result, the design of the facade of the house becomes a weak link in the design of the whole building. What do modern facades of private houses look like and how to achieve your cottage to look no worse buildings with magazine photos?

How to choose a material for the facade of a private house?

Appearance and quality of any finishes are important selection criteria. But before purchasing, appreciate whether the facade of irregularities, the dilapidated areas, is it necessary to have additional thermal insulation of the building.

Do not forget to think about the budget for the facade of the house. It is predictable that natural facing will be more expensive than composite analogues. But the cheap raw material does not guarantee the low cost of work. Consider all the cost of installation: for example, the need to preliminary surface preparation and tool purchases.

Evaluate whether in the future the finishing of investments will require, and what will be their volume. Often a rational solution that allows you to save - select a product of a medium or high price category. A cheap finish method after thorough calculations is unprofitable.

What is better to separate the facade of a private house inexpensive? Universal way will be a cladding siding or facade tiles. Relevant installation works will be performed by their own. If the skills in the construction sphere are missing and to appeal to professionals, pay attention to the plaster and the facade panels.

Options of facades of private houses: current ways of finishing

What to separate the facade of the house so that your country house does not only have a modern look, but also the finish was practical?

  • Plaster.As the basis for applying plaster, gas-silicate, slag block, foam block and other surfaces, including insulated, suitable. Before applying plaster, it is recommended to reinforce the external wall of the building. The reinforcing layer will prevent the cracking of the plaster. The appearance of the plaster is diverse: from the traditional smooth to a complex texture, for example, "Coroed" or "lamb". All traditional types of plaster are made on the basis of sand and cement. But the wet plastering formulations deserve separate attention. Such plaster contains the splashes of color pigments, many decorative particles. The finished surface has an interesting inhomogeneous structure and does not require staining. Facade silicone-based plaster is used, acrylic. Silicone plaster on its operational characteristics exceeds the remaining types of this finishing material, but the facing should perform a professional. A good choice - acrylic plaster. This material is cheaper than other decorative compositions, but has a significant drawback. Plaster cracks with sharp temperature differences.

  • A natural stone.The classic finish option for those who think than to bind the facade of the house. The cost of such a cladding is higher than the average, but its appearance remains unchanged for a long time. Installation of stone is carried out on a cement mortar applied to the walls of the private house. The seams between the stones are filled with special grouts. Raw materials for decoration can be diverse - slate, sandstone, marble, limestone, quartzite. So that the frontal part looks less massive, a combination finish is used - for example, stone and plaster. A common option is a clamping of the corner parts of the building and plastering the remaining surfaces. If you plan to decorate the front of the building with natural stones completely, then the builders should be notified about this. Any natural material has a large mass, so the load on the wall of the building increases. It may be necessary to make changes to the design of the foundation.
  • Artificial facing stone.Such decorative material is able to become cheap replacement with natural stone. Color range is diverse, as well as the range of textures. This material has a low mass and practical. Its installation does not represent any particular difficulties. The lack of artificial material compared to natural is a smaller service life. But natural texture is unique that the facade gives a truly respectable appearance.
  • Clinker brick.Such a decorative brick is made on the basis of clay according to special technology, the specificity of which allows to achieve the exceptional performance properties of the material. Clinker brick is resistant to low temperatures, is characterized by low absorption of atmospheric moisture and excellent sound absorption. The color scheme is not limited to the usual terracotta shades. Decorative clinker brick is available in yellow, red, black, white colors. This facing material has a disadvantage - on its surface over time, sustains may appear. But such cases are rare. Fully decorate the facade of the private house with a brick - an option that does not fit into a small budget. The solution exists. It is a facing by the brick of individual parts of the building - window sills, chimney, basements. The individual architectural elements of the building laid out with bricks - columns, stairs, porch look harmoniously.
  • Clinker tile.Such a tile will replace the brick. Its advantage - in a low price and low weight. But the tile is characterized by greater fragility and smaller thermal insulation properties. On decorative properties, the tile is not inferior to brick. If it is decided to separate the facade with tiles, then it is mandatory to take care of the arrangement of the water supply system from the roof. Otherwise, the finish will suck.
  • Porcelain stoneware.This material is made on the basis of clay with the addition of field spat, quartz sand and other ingredients. After firing at ultra-high temperatures, the porcelain stoneware acquires exceptional strength. This modern material does not absorb water. The appearance of the ceramographic is limited only by the fantasy of the manufacturer. For example, there are structured coatings, imitating wood or brick on sale. And satin porcelain stoneware has a noble gloss, resembling a wax layer. The facade of the porcelain is fastened with a special adhesive composition or mounted on a metal frame. The use of cement mortar threatens with a detachment of the finish at low temperatures. Often, porcelain stoneware is used if there is a need to separate the ventilated facade.

  • Block house. How to separate the facade of the house inexpensive, but using natural material? A suitable choice will be a block house or a facade board. This material can be lined with a private wooden or foam block building, regardless of the reduction of construction work. This method of cladding will help hide the octicity of the facade. A person who is not familiar with the intricacies of the construction sphere, not distinguish the real timber from block house. But the last material is cheaper, while maintaining excellent heat and sound insulation wood quality. In order for the block House to justify the expectations assigned to him in practicality and durability, the material must be properly prepared. Before installation, it is kept outdoors for several days, but defending moisture. So wood passes the acclimatization process, which will help to avoid strain and cracking. Self-tapping screws are used for attachment, whose caps are closed with special linings or poured with glue. The tree is processed by antiseptic solution, primer and transparent varnish. After grinding on the tree, color varnish or paint is applied. Please note that processing is periodically repeat. Otherwise, wood quality is significantly worse.
  • Siding.These facade panels are characterized by high decorativeness. For example, there is a siding "under the tree", "under the brick", "under the stone". Material for the manufacture of facing panels - wood, PVC, metal, vinyl. Siding installation process will not be particularly difficult, but such a finish will protect the walls of the private house from negative external factors. Siding cost is available, but in practice, the service life does not exceed five years. But high quality siding can serve longer, so you should not save on the purchase. Siding for facing is worth using if private home ownership is located in mild climatic conditions. Also consider that the material is characterized by high thermal expansion.
  • Fontoam panels.Such a cheap type of facing is made on the basis of foam plastic with a protective reinforced layer. Foam finish simultaneously performs thermal insulation functions. The top layer can be unpainted or imitate any natural texture, for example, brick. Often, the panels are used to ventilate the facade of the private house. There remains free space between the wall surface and insulation, thanks to which it becomes possible to ventilate it. The ventilated facade is breathable, but the excess moisture does not accumulate in it. Private household with such a facade design is characterized by a comfortable microclimate, an increase in the construction period of the building is ensured.

Modern facade of the house: choose style

Country style - Frequent way of finishing at home. Country will be a harmonious choice if private home ownership is located in the suburbs, not far from mountain or forest arrays. Popular species of country is Provence and Chalet. All directions imply the use of natural materials or their high-quality imitation. In the cozy style of country, soft and smooth shapes are dominated, restrained color scheme.

High-tech style is characterized by opposite aesthetics. Private household, decorated in this style - strict and restrained. The finish is replete with glass and metal. When you first look at the building, decorated in the High-Tech spirit, it is problematic to determine whether it is a residential building or an industrial premises. Private household in this stylistic direction is a rare case in the post-Soviet space. But in the photo in glossy magazines, where the works of Western architects, similar buildings, are demonstrated.

Modern style is a suitable solution for those who like the same and hai-tech, and country. Modern style allows any non-trivial combination of textures and colors. This is a frequent selection of household owners living in post-Soviet countries.

How to close the facade of the house? There are many opportunities. For example, the glass surfaces of the large area can be combined with natural stone, and metal panels with bricks. The clinker brick will fit perfectly, on the surface of which a glass layer is applied. Such an original material is able to decorate any private building.