Steam generator for a bath - how to create a homemade analogue? Rules for choosing an electric steam generator for a bath, their types and purpose of the steam generator in the bath furnace principle of operation.

Hello, dear readers!

It took quite a bit of time from the moment when I shared with you interesting information on how to make waterproofs from plastic bottles. And, quite recently, I fully implemented a long-time idea - the steam generator for the bath with my own hands! And, imagine, everything turned out.

In my own experience, I know that I know that I don't see anything difficult for it, it seems difficult only until you figured out all thoroughly and began to act. And as soon as the activity began, the process is launched by itself.

That is how it happened with our man-made phytobuchka. By the way, in more detail about the real phytobochka, you can read here. Having mastered the principle of operation and the device of the steam generator in theory, we took up its manufacture in practice, right at the dacha of a friend! It turned out that it was not at all difficult! Well, interested in?! Then I start my detailed story on the topic!

From this article you will learn:

Where to begin?

What steam generator is needed for phytobochka and hamama and do they have something in common? Of course there is, because both of these "sparking" objects (let's call them so if you do not mind) are practically the same. Warm pairs comes from the steam generator to the Hamama room or the barrel container, saturating them with warm and wet steam, the temperature of which, as it is injected, only increases, giving comfort and relaxation to the visitor to the pair!

So how to build a steam generator for phytoboles with your own hands? To do this, it is enough to prepare the following materials: a flexible metal hose, it is sold in plumbing stores (ordinary eyeliner on the mixer). It will take about 1.5 - 2 meters. Plastic canister with lid, lathery 5-10 liters.

Metalplastic pipe with a diameter of 20-32 mm and a length of a little less than the perimeter of the barrel, insulating tape, a metal splitter adapter (fitting-tee) for the crane. The thermometer with an outer electronic scoreboard, a wooden barrel with the opened door of the desired size, sealant, screwdriver, rolled, heating elements - tanes, connecting electrical wire with a fork. And do not forget to grab a little patience, since the work on the result has it.

What to do with all this?

Tan must be strengthened in the canister, it is more accurate to arrange them inside it. And for this in the case of the canister, drill the openings of the corresponding diameter. On the inside of the canister (through a large cover) insert the heating element in them, we seal and well fix. In a word, remember the boiler, immersed in water, and do it by analogy!

After the tannes were inside, it is necessary to connect their electrical terminals with a wire outside, and the contacts should be completely wrapped with a tape and close from random touch. One stage of work on this is completed, congratulations, you coped!

And what's next?

And then - even more interesting! In the lid of the polyethylene canister, we need to drill a hole, a diameter for a fitting for a flexible eyeliner. In this hole, you must insert a floss with a threaded connection to which our hose will be cooked. The location of the flange connection with the hole in the lid is also worth sealing.

After that, the flexible metal hose must be connected to this flange. Another stage of work was spoiled.

Metal plastic plumbing pipe with a drill or screwdriver. The openings must be a maximum of 5 millimeters in diameter, and the distance between them is desirable to make 5-8 cm. Then the plastic pipe must be collapsed into the ring corresponding to a slightly smaller diameter than the diameter of the bottom of the wooden barrel. The workpiece from the pipe is inside the barrel, on its bottom, openings up.

Almost everything! We approached the final stage of the work. Now you need to drill the hole inside the barrel corresponding to the diameter of the flexible metal hose. Turn the hose into this hole, and combine it through the fitting-tee with a metal-plastic tap. Almost everything, it remains only to fix the thermometer inside the barrel, and the electronic challenge the thermometer is installed outside.

When can I start enjoying?

Patience! It remains quite a bit! Our design is ready by 99%, it remains to pour water into the canister, turn on the plug into the socket, wait for the boil of water and enter the steam into the barrel. Then climb inside, close with a special shelf on top and door on the side.

Now enjoy! Just do not forget to look at the thermometer, so as not to overheat. And be sure to follow the water level in the canister. Otherwise, good luck does not see! I note, this is the most elementary way of a self-made bathogenerator, which can be done without tightening.

Here is such a summer mini-hammam we turned out. What? We can safely call the phytobochka. After all, steam baths, including the Turkish bath, everything is built according to a similar principle - the basis of their device is a closed room and a steam supply through a steam generator!

How is the sauna, is it now not popular?

Why? To each his own! Someone soul dry couples, someone wet. Most saunas work from the electric furnace with a heating indoor and outdoor element - stones! And steam from such bath stones will only be possible if the liquid for vaporization is used. Most often it is a simple water with oil diluted in it. But such a couple quickly disappears at the expense of high temperatures in the steam room.

You can apply a more upgraded solution for the bath, putting a multifunctional installation in the steam room using a furnace with a steam generator. And you can buy a ready-made cool unit of the company Harvia and "not to warm your head", but this is a completely different story.

Comment, criticize, put the huskies. In short, everything is as usual. Light pair!

Wisdom quote: Years learn a lot, what days do not know.

How to make a steam generator for the bath with your own hands: the easiest and most visual option
We make a steam generator in a bath with your own hands. We consider the easiest option for phytobochka and mini bath.

The main purpose of the steam generator for the bath is to turn water, pre-flooded in the tank, in high-quality pairs. The most common types of steam generators are electrode, with ten and induction. From what type of steam generator is used in a steam room, you can reach a different microclimate in the steam room and ensure optimal temperature for yourself.

Varieties of steamers for bath

The steam generators are differently called steamers for the bath, they are designed to turn the room into a full-fledged pair, filled with light or raw ferry. Depending on its quality and density, you can create a Turkish Hammam microclimate or an original Russian steam room.

Installing a massive stove-Kamenka is a troublesome business. But if you hang the steam generator in the bath, you can do without it. Electrical devices allow for a steam room that does not fly into the pipe, and completely remains in the pair, bringing the maximum benefit. For the steam generator, firewood will not be required.

The main task of the steam generator is the need to transform the water, filled into its reservoir, in steam. There are several varieties of vapors:

  • electrode: The current proceeds through the water from the electrode to the electrode, and as a result it heats up,
  • equipped with Tanni. - heaters with different power,
  • induction - Works on the principle of the microwave oven.

Couples of diverse consistency has different moisture and temperatures. The steam generator is able to produce pairs of temperature from 35 ° C to 95 ° C. You need to easily specify using the control panel. As a result, in one room, you can create an atmosphere of a Russian bath, hammam or sauna, which is very convenient.

The bathing steam generator consists of a water tank, a block for its preparation, a pump for water movement, as well as a vapor agent, a pump for steam movement, safety sensors and a control unit.

On the outside of the device there is a nozzle with which the steam generator can be connected to the water supply system, drain crane, sensor connectors, aircraft connecting outputs and control panel.

Microprocessor, as well as temperature sensors allow you to adjust the intensity of the steam supply.

Steam generator for the steam room: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of steam generators for the parillers are to complete control automation, the organization of the continuous process of formation of steam without dried humidity and temperature, low power. Additionally, it is not necessary to equip the stove. It will be enough to install the electric heaters or to equip a hidden heating. In addition, steam generators have stylish design and compact dimensions.

But there is similar equipment and disadvantages. The steam generator in the bath can break, and the repair will cost expensive, in addition, a powerful electrical input will be required for the device. The unit depends on the interruptions in the power grid, has a high cost.

When choosing a high-quality steam generator to a bath, you need to pay attention to its power, the number of steam, which is capable of producing in an hour, as well as on whether it is suitable for the performance of steam rooms.

For example, for a steam room in 5-6 m3 there will be a fairly steam generator with a capacity of 4-5 kW. If the room has dimensions of 10-12 m3, the power of the device should fluctuate in the range of 8-10 kW. Large paired about 18 m3 require the acquisition of a steam generator with a capacity of at least 12 kW.

Modern vapors are automatic or autonomous. The first is connected to the water supply system, and in the second you need to pour water yourself.

At first glance it seems that the automatic steam generator is better in all parameters. But the fact is that the pipes often contain a large number of impurities, and the water that passed on them causes the formation of scale. Therefore, it seems to many that it is much more expedient to pour into the assembly pure purchased or brought from well water.

Steamer oven for baths do it yourself

Some prefer to make a warehouse ship for the bath with their own hands, in which case it is not separated from the stove. The result is really good steam without the use of electrical energy.

First you need to increase the inertness of the steam room. To do this, it is necessary to either increase the number of stones in the furnace or if such a mass is placed in it, it is necessary to provide for them an additional trough made from a galvanized grid. It is installed directly to the heater.

First you need to take an empty gas cylinder from under the propane, release from it the remnants of the gas and carefully remove the brass valve. After that, it is necessary to clean it well to wash its inner part, taking the detergent for dishes. The procedure must be performed until the smell of gas will disappear completely. Now the balloon is required to dry and cut into its lower part of the Ten. For every 10 liters of water should have 3 kW of power.

The fastening of the Tan should be withstanding at least 6 atmospheres. But it is not necessary to strictly twist them: when they blown, they can be easily changed.

In the top of the cylinder, you must install 4 tubes equipped with thread for automation instruments. This is also needed to mount the valve to refuel the cylinder with water and the valve, allowing to reset the pressure. On the side of the balloon you need to weld the tube equipped with a ball valve - it will need to be opened when the steam generator is filled with water. It should be located at a distance of 10 cm from its upper point. When water flows from the crane, this will indicate that its level has reached a maximum.

After that, the brass valve from the cylinder must be cut in half, remove the top rod and drill holes with a diameter of 15 mm. After that, you need to cut the thread and screw the ball valve for the selection of steam on the valve. The switching manometers to control the temperature and pressure acquired in advance, must be connected between them in series so that in case of danger, the heating is disconnected. When all the devices are connected to the cylinder, it will be necessary to place the steam generator near the steam room in a separate dry room. To avoid condensate formation, you need to make the minimum length of the steam pipeline from the unit to the steam room.

In the process of installing steam generators, it is necessary to provide them with an automatic shutdown in case there are at least minimal deviations from the norm. To be attentive and careful, it is quite realistic to correctly install the steam generator independently, without resorting to the help of professionals.

Types of steam generators for a bath
What are the varieties of bath steam generators, in what their difference and how to make a vapor agent yourself | Online magazine about construction "Stroy House!" -, only reliable information.

Steam generator for saunas

What is needed for a good rest in the bath? Of course, light steam! No wonder the wish of a "light pair" has long been classic for those who go to the bath or barely left the steam room. Dry or wet, such a healing light pair is not visible, but it is felt with all the body, it has a beneficial effect on the human body, relieves stress, it is cheery and at the same time contributes to relaxation. And it is possible to obtain such a good and useful pairs, very simply with the help of a special device - an electric steam generator. Today bath and sauna steam generators We produce many manufacturers of equipment for saunas.

Steam generator for sauna, hammam and russian bath

The electric steam generator for the sauna can become a good alternative or addition to the Kamenka stove. It should be borne in mind that even with a high-quality furnace of a reliable manufacturer, it is not easy to control: the ability to create an ideal microclimate in a steam room requires a certain experience and skills. At the same time, the steam generator for the bath is perfect for newcomers: it quickly fills the steam room with a light steam, it remains only to enjoy a serene rest without being distracted by settings. This device establishes quite simple - after all, it does not need chimney or in any additional pipes. And thanks to small dimensions, these structures are easily placed even in the rooms of modest sizes, where it is difficult to squeeze the traditional heater. In this case, the steam generator for mini sauna will be perfect.

Use electrical devices to create a steam is also easy: to get the best pair of the desired temperature, it is enough to select the desired mode of operation: the rest of the device will make it yourself. The greater advantage of such devices is that they are completely safe: they will not only lead to a fire, but will not harm their health, creating steam only optimal temperature and humidity.

With their help, you can create a dry hot steam for a sauna, and abundant wet steams for the Russian bath, and for the Turkish bath will allow to recreate the atmosphere of Eastern Niga in the steam room, which makes Hammam so attractive. The soft pairs of comfortable temperature produced by such a device delicately envelops the body, relaxing the muscles and soothing the soul.

Choose an electric steam generator for a bath

Regardless of whether you want to use a steam generator for the Turkish bath, for Russian or for the Finnish sauna, it is desirable to acquire the equipment only better quality. When choosing these products, as when choosing a bathing furnaces, you should pay attention to the brand. Famous and reliable manufacturers of various sauna ovens produce the highest quality steam generators for the bath. A steam unit for a sauna from a well-proven Finnish brand (such as Harvia or Helo) is ideal in terms of value and quality ratio, it is convenient to use and high-tech. The same can also be said about the Swedish company TYLO - another leader in the equipment market for baths and saunas. Ergonomic and compact instruments of Scandinavian manufacturers are made of high quality materials, their thoughtful safe design allows you to enjoy different types of light steam. Due to the temperature sensor, which is equipped with each steam generator for saunaIn a pair, it is convenient to create any temperature regime to your liking.

Also, when this device is selected, it is necessary to pay attention to its power, which must correspond to the size of the steam room (that is, the more the amount of the steam room, the more powerful steam generator should be preferred). The material that has been used to cover walls in the room has a value. At the same time, even powerful steam generators for the bath are usually very compact. Many devices of solid producers have a pleasant steam flavor function: for this, aromatic substances are flooded in special containers (for example, with the smell of needles, eucalyptus or herbs), as a result of which the couple becomes fragrant.

Steam generator for saunas
Steam generator for saunas What is needed for a good holiday in the bath? Of course, light steam! No wonder the wish of a "light pair" has long been classic for those who go to the bath or barely

Steam generator for bath It is often included in the mandatory list of sauna equipment. Real connoisseurs are known that soft thick steam gives special pleasure from the guy. It allows you to create the desired level of humidity and steam even at a small temperature or furnace, which is strongly dried air, and is an indispensable for equipping Hammam - a traditional Turkish bath. But, about everything in order, below.

Catalog of steam generators

Types of steam generators for baths and saunas

Today there are two types of steam generators for the steam room. The first type is set in Turkish baths for which, unlike the Finnish saunas, a temperature of about 35-50 ° C and humidity from 80% to 100% are characterized. In such conditions steam generator for sauna It satures the room with a wet ferry, replacing boiling water boilers, which coped with this task in classic Hammam. And it should be noted that for this type of steam generators, it is necessary to allocate a separate technical room and a complex connection of plumbing.

The second type of steam generator serves as an addition to the electric furnace. It allows you to expand the possibilities of the Finnish sauna, if desired, turning it into a Russian bath. Here a steam generator for a sauna is assigned a special role: it softens with dry air with a wet ferry, radically changing the sensations from visiting the pair.

Features of accommodation and operation of the steam generator for the bath

Steam generators for baths and saunas are distinguished by the installation method. In Hammam, as noted earlier, they are placed in a separate utility room. At the same time, steam is fed using special tubes, and the control of the steam generator is carried out with a separate control panel, with which, not only temperature and humidity are specified, but also controlled lighting and ventilation.

There are electrocamean models with built-in steam generators, which are installed in the steam room, and have compact dimensions, which saves free space. Regardless of the model, each steam generator works the same: when the water is turned on, the built-in tank fills and is heated by the Tane. The steam formed is submitted to the steam room. When the water level in the container drops, an electromagnetic valve opens, and it is replenished.

Purchase a steam generator intended for the bath volume - from 2 to 21 m³ will not be difficult. But there are solutions for paired larger volume: they can be equipped with several steam generators that are connected in parallel and controlled from a single panel.

Important things and pleasant little things

You can expand the functionality with which the steam generator for a bath has an optional equipment that makes the use of the steam generator is easier, and the passing is more pleasant. For example, a nozzle for steam supply, a drain valve that flushes a steam generator in automatic mode and removing lime bloom.

Also, the steam generator for the sauna allows you to take a bath with aromatic liquids and essential oils. To steam generators, which go in addition to electrocamers, provide special stone bowls for liquid flavors, and packaged, laid out on the steam grille. The steam generator for the Turkish bath can also be equipped with an additional aromatic fluid supply device that is sold in our store.

Steam generators for baths and saunas - the right decision
Parogenerators for humidifying air in baths and saunas, directory with prices for steam generators for baths and saunas, buy steam generators at an affordable price.

A homemade steam generator for a bath can serve as an addition to the stove and an independent device. It is increasingly used in the bath to create a healing and soft steam. The device can be bought in the finished form, but it will make it cheaper yourself.


Couples can improve the body and clean the skin if used in the correct quantities. Having a steam generator for a bath, you no longer need to periodically pour water on the stones to get a certain amount of steam. The steam generator is able to produce steam in the required quantity. At the same time, water is also saved. In addition, the steam generator has enough compact size and does not occupy a lot of space in the bath. It is pretty easy to install, and one person can cope with this.

Features of the steam generator in the bath

A steam generation from the "shop" steam generator can be controlled using a special control panel. You can set the temperature of the steam and its number. Couple temperature can be installed up to 95 degrees. In addition, industrial patterns of steam generators have built-in programs that are able to create temperature regime and the amount of steam supply, imitating hamam, Russian or Finnish bath. Another advantage is that steam from the steam generator is softer than from casting water to stones.

Let's look at how the steam generator is arranged:

  • Safety sensor;
  • Water tank;
  • Pump, with which steam and water moves;
  • Water preparation unit;
  • Pair formation unit;
  • Control device.
On the outside of the steam generator, indicators and control panel are placed.

Types of steam generators for a bath

Steam generators are manual and automatic water fill. With automatic fill, the steam generator is connected directly to the water supply. Modern installations are mainly equipped with automation, which controls both the temperature in the steam room and the water temperature.

There are several types of steam generators:

  • Industrial. The voltage is 220-300 volts, they are calculated on the sauna of social type.
  • Household. Power reaches 4-16 kilowatts, suitable for home use.

For a steam generator for 8-9 kilowatt. If the room is more than 15 cubes, then optimally install the steam generator by 12 kilowatt. For a small steam room up to 5 cubes, there is enough steam generator with a capacity of 5 kilowatt.

Highlight 3 main varieties of water heating for steam generators:
  • Electrode. At the same time, the current passes through the water in the electrodes. It heats the water.
  • With the help of Tan. Water heated special devices of different power.
  • Induction. Water is heated by the same principle as in the microwave oven.

Bath steam generator with your own hands

Considering that the price of an industrial corporate steam generator can vary within 1-10 thousand dollars, it makes sense to build a design yourself. There are two time-tested methods - the steam generator in the furnace and a separate installation for the formation of steam. Consider further how to make a homemade steam generator in both ways.

Instructions for creating a stove steam generator for a bath

True bathroom connoisseurs do not recognize electrical steam generators. Such lovers prefer to build steam generators directly in the bath oven. We will need such materials: Economic pipe (from 100 rubles per piece), Magnesit sheets (from 340 rubles per meal).

The design is made according to such a scheme:

  1. We increase the inertness of the steam. To do this, you need to increase the weight of the stones. If about 60-80 kilograms do in the oven, we make an additional steel trough. Install it in the oven.
  2. Place the layer of stones.
  3. Install steam guns.
  4. To get rid of hard infrared radiation, we laure the oven brick.
  5. The pipe with the economizer is closed by magnesite sheets. Previously need to hang them on the frame. To do this, we make duralum billets and screw in the framework of the sheets in such a way as to leave the gap between them. This is ensured convection.
  6. We repeat the layer of stones in order to completely block the path to radiation.

Creating a homemade electric steam generator for a furnace

The unit created by the following scheme will operate under high pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to take care that the body has the corresponding thickness. To make a homemade steam generator, you can use the usual gas cylinder. It only needs to be slightly upgraded.

Materials that will be needed during the work:

  • Gas cylinder (from 4300 rubles);
  • Heating tans (about 140 rubles per piece);
  • Manometer (about 450 rubles).
Step-by-step instructions for creating an electric steam generator:
  1. For the base, take a gas cylinder. We produce gas from it, we remove the valve and thoroughly rinse the cylinder inside with warm water with any detergent, until the smell is completely disappeared. Sorshest cylinder.
  2. We select the heating lamps with the calculation of 10 liters of water - 3 kilowatta. Mount them into the lower part of our cylinder. When creating fasteners, consider that the pressure should be at least six atmospheres, and the mount should withstand them.
  3. Next, we need to make 4 carving tubes. The valve for collecting pressure, the tap for refilling the steam generator with water and automatic system devices will be cooked.
  4. Then, on the side of the tubes and at a distance of 10 cm from the top, we weld the tube with a ball crane that will control the water level. When the water is recruited, the crane must be discovered and wait until water flows from it. If the water flowed, it means that it is enough, and closed the crane.
  5. To create a pair of selection device, we will fit the brass valve from the cylinder. We cut it in half, remove the top rod and make a hole with a size of 15 mm. Then cut the thread and screw the ball valve.
  6. You can use pressure gauges as sensors that will control the temperature and pressure. Cile appliances are suitable. Connect the devices - and when the restriction is triggered, the heating will be automatically disconnected. Use the magnetic starter coil to load.
  7. We establish a steam generator using steam pipelines.

Remember: the steam generator should not be installed directly in the steam room. It should be located in a separate room, but next to it. The room must be dry and with good ventilation. The length of the steam room from the room with the steam generator to the pair should be as small as possible. Watch that condensate and water pockets are not formed.

Read more about the operation of the steam generator for the bath will learn from the video:

As can be seen from the instruction, the steam generator device for the bath is not complicated, but rather time-consuming in the process of creating. In the production of steam generators, a lot of attention should be paid to the security system. After all, the steam generator is running from electricity, and the contact of electrics with steam is a sufficient unsafe phenomenon.

Types of steam generators for paired

In our online store you can purchase modern steam generators of leading Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Delivery is carried out throughout Russia.

A number of models have promotions, within the framework of which, when buying, you get additional gifts and free shipping.

All steam generators can be divided into two types:

  • Electric. Two types are available:
    • First Type: Installed mainly in the technical premises, only steam is served in the pair.
    • Second Type: Steam generators that serve as an addition to the electrical furnaces for a sauna, or a furnace with a built-in steam generator.
  • Gas. In the presence of access to Gas more economical in operation than electric.

What parameters to choose

Regardless of whether you choose a device for the Turkish bath or Finnish sauna, it is necessary to take into account the main parameters for selecting the steam generator:

  • Power. Depends on the size of the steam room - the more the steam room, the greater the power of the device must be purchased.
  • Used fuel. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these are electrical models. In the presence of access to the gas, it is better to use a gas steam generator, because This will reduce the cost of operation.
  • Dimensions of the device. The external size has a value when the device is selected.
  • Manufacturer. The manufacturers in the market are quite a lot, mostly are German (EOS, Hygromatik), Finnish (Harvia, Sawo, Helo) and Russian manufacturers (Paromaks, Tula Sauna).
  • Control. Some models come complete with control panels, for other remote, it is necessary to buy separately.
  • Additional options. There are models for sale equipped with a pleasant couple flavoring function. To do this, the design provides a special container for the flavoring bay. You can choose an aroma to your liking - coniferous, eucalyptus, citrus, etc.

Principle of operation

Connection options

Installation will be better performed by a professional master, but no special tolerances are required, so if there are certain skills with it you can cope with yourself.

  • In sauna:

You can set as an alternative or in addition to a conventional Kamenka furnace.

This will make it possible to create an optimal microclimate in the steam room and ensure the filling of the room with a light, soft steam.

  • In Hamama:

Installed in adjacent, technical room.

The steam generated is fed by tubes to the parch room.

The control panel allows you to adjust the temperature, humidity, lighting, ventilation, fragrances supply, etc.

If you need a high power, you can combine several steam generators sequentially to one control panel.

Parogenerators for baths are also called vapors. The main goal is to turn any room in a full-fledged bathroom, filled with raw or light steam. Depending on what quality and density it will, you will receive a microclimate of the real Russian steam room or healing Turkish Hammam. Yes, the steam generator for the bath is just a small device that serves a pair right into the steam room. And it is convenient, and profitable! Do not believe? Let's consider this question more intently.

Why the Russian bath steam generator?

So what is the pair in the bath? After all, this is not only a pleasant procedure, and also:

  • Purification of the body from the invisible eye of the mud.
  • Getting rid of the body from all sorts of toxins and slags.
  • Healing and healing of skin and hair.
  • Useful impact on lungs and throat.

The Russian bath is just famous for its ferry - rich and easy. Thanks to him in the steam room there is no need to apply synthetic detergents - no reason for the steam mops are not worse than the Mr. Muscov. But the fact is that the large part of the steam-received via the furnace is in the literal sense flies into the pipe, while the steam generators are closed systems with high pressure. In fact, they are simple in their design, and therefore many Russian craftsmen build their own own steam generators in their baths, working on the same principle.

Installing a massive bath oven, which produces good couples is a troublesome business. This is the manufacture of a foundation, and a chimney device, and a thorough recheck of all the rules of fire safety ... There are enough problems, in one word. Then the steam generator hung - and all the business, you just need to deal with the console.

Let's summarize: electric steam generators are better than usual because all their work results remains only in the steam room, and does not fly into the pipe. This is the maximum benefit. Secondly, the process itself can be fully automated that it will not pass with firewood. After all, today the steam generator for the bath and sauna with a remote remote control is not a miracle of technology. And, interestingly, the high-quality steam generator is able to give even lighter steam than water on hot stones.

What is this device?

The main and only task of any steam generator is to turn water into the steam into the reservoir. But how to do it, there are several:

  1. The electrode when the current flows from the electrode to the electrode through water, and that heats up well.
  2. With the help of Tan - special heaters with different power.
  3. Induction - by type of how the mug is heated into the water in the microwave oven.

A couple of different consistency - different temperatures and humidity. So, for the bath such a device is capable of output from 35 ° C to 95 ° C, which is easy to set through the control panel. So you can create a sauna atmosphere, a Russian bath or Turkish Hammam in the same pair.

And an absolutely every steam generator - for the Turkish bath, and for Russian - has the same structure scheme:

  • container for water;
  • water preparation unit;
  • water pumping pump;
  • pair movement pump;
  • steamer;
  • control block;
  • safety sensors.

On the outside of the acquisition, you will notice the nozzle to connect to the water supply system, drain valve, steam outputs, connectors for sensors and control panel. The microprocessor and modern temperature sensors adjust the intensity of the steam feed - you can even install certain time intervals of the steam generator.

Industrial Models - Manufacturers Overview

And now we will deal some of the brands. So, for heavy raw pair of eastern baths, the best steam generators produce manufacturers Harvia, Tylo, Helo and Sawo. All their models are stainless steel, and Finnish are also equipped with self-cleaning devices.

Some models of domestic industrial furnaces for the baths are also equipped with additional steam generators - a whole system of metal plates wired on the housing. They quickly warm up in the process of stove extracts up to 65 ° C, and with water contacting a pleasant light pair. And this is not exactly the pair that it turns out if the water is pouring directly to the top area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace - here boiling water also faces the waves, rolling from one plate to another, why pairs becomes even hotter and easy. And especially good reviews about stainless steel steam generator, which comes with a bath stove of sugar. It turns out very light pairs even with already warm stones.

And the most ergonomic steam generators produces Hello - market leader. These models are the most different power, with a plurality of additional functions - steam flavoring, water purification before heating, digital control systems and much more.

The most reliable are the Swedish TYLO steam generators, highly reliable and unpretentious in operation. The most qualitative to date is the products of the company Harvia, naturally.

Pros and cons setting such aggregates

If we talk in general, then the main advantages of modern steam generators for baths:

  • Full control automation.
  • Organization of a permanent permanent process of formation of steam without any jumps of temperature and humidity.
  • Power is only 3-12 kW.
  • The furnace is additionally not needed - it is enough to put the electrical machine or organize a hidden heating.
  • Compact sizes, stylish design.
  • Steam generator control using an electronic system - even through a modern phone.

But there are no plaquinity of industrial steam generators:

  • Strict breakdowns are quite expensive equipment.
  • The need for a powerful electric entry.
  • Dependence on interruptions in the work of the power grid.
  • High price.

As for steam generators, having a steam flavor function, this is a particularly valuable acquisition. It is enough just to drop a few drops of essential oil into a special hole, and the couple will become not only pleasant, but also healing.

How to choose a high-quality charger?

Let's first look forward to: What is the effectiveness of the steam generator? This is the amount of steam that it produces per hour, its power and calculation on the room of the steam. And the steam generators themselves are different. So, for private baths and saunas they produce a capacity of 4-12 kW, and for public pairs there are much more powerful - even for voltage at 380 volts.

So, for a small steam room in 5-6 cubic meters, there is quite enough steam generator with a capacity of 4-5 kW, and for the room at 10-12 cubic meters. The parameters are already needed within 8-10 kW. For large pairs of about 18 cubic meters, only a steam generator with a capacity of at least 12 kW is suitable.

More modern steam generators are autonomous and automatic by means of connection. You need to pour into the first water, and the second themselves are connected to the water supply system. It would seem that the bad is the second option, and why then first? The fact is that in our pipes so much impurities that it is not possible to avoid scale, and therefore it is better not to be lazy and solely pour the clean water acquired or pulled out of the well.

Construct steam generator: two proven methods

But for many, the electric steam generator for the bath is akin to a pair of outdoor electric kettle. Such, who consider themselves the true connoisseurs of the real Russian bath, build a steam generator for the bath with their own hands, without separating it from the furnace. And the pair is really fame, without any electricity!

The steam generator in the oven is simpler!

So, the first thing to do is to increase the inertness of the steamer itself. The easiest way is to increase the mass of stones, and if no more than 60-80 kg falls into your oven, you can make an additional trough from the galvanized grid. Install it directly on the furnace. Next, follow such instructions:

  • Step 1. Place the bottom layer of stones.
  • Step 2. Install steam guns.
  • Step 3. Get rid of hard infrared radiation from metal surfaces - if possible, sort the furnace with bricks. The pipe with the economizer is closed by magnesite sheets, after having hung them on the frame. To do this, make duralum billets and screw the sheets to the frame so that the slots remain between them - for convection.
  • Step 4. Report more stones so that the path to radiation is completely blocked.

This is how it looks in the photo:

Full steam generator - from undergraded means

Here is another way to make a steam generator for the bath with your own hands:

  • Step 1. Severy empty gas propane cylinder - such a volume you need.
  • Step 2. Release from the cylinder absolutely all gas and carefully remove the brass valve.
  • Step 3. Wash the inside with the help of a detergent for dishes - until the smell of gas is completely disappeared.
  • Step 4. Now the cylinder needs to give a good dry.
  • Step 5. In the lower part of the cylinder, we embar it (3 kW per 10 liters of water). Their fastening should be designed to withstand at least 6 atmospheres and not be twisted "tight" - when the Tan will overcome, they will need to be changed.
  • Step 6. In the top of the cylinder, place 4 tubes with special threads for automation instruments. There is also a pressure reset valve and water refueling valve.
  • Step 7. Side of the cylinder, at a distance of 10 cm from the highest point, weld the tube with a ball valve - it will open when the steam generator is filling with water. As soon as water flows with it, it means that the level has already reached the maximum.
  • Step 8. Now the brass valve of the cylinder must be finalized: saw it in half. Remove the top rod and drill holes with a diameter of 15 mm. Next, cut the thread.
  • Step 9. Screw the ball valve for steam selection.
  • Step 10. Purchase the arrow gauges to control pressure and temperature. Connect these devices in a sequential way so that heating is disconnected at any risk.
  • Step 11. Place the finished steam generator in a separate dry room near the steam room. And so that the condensate does not form, the length of the steam pipeline is minimal.

And last: to the process of installing steam generators to the bath there are serious safety requirements - barely only happen the slightest deviations from the norm, the device must automatically turn off. In general, in order to correctly install such equipment in the pair, it is not necessary to call even a specialist - you can cope with yourself, it is only important to read the instructions correctly.

That's all! This home steam generator is enough to achieve a high humidity in a steam room without any problems - and this is already the mode of a real Russian bath, with its soft steam and saturated air.

The traditional Russian bath implies the presence of a kamenka stove. However, its device and operation is not easy and requiring skills. If we talk about "extracting" from the stove of a soft and light pair, then this skill is akin to talent - a lot of features and nuances that need to be considered. Yes, and the choice and installation of even the most elementary iron furnace is troublesome and complex - it is necessary to consider and ensure fire safety, take care of the chimney device and its competent wire through the roof to enhance the foundation if it was not provided during the planning. In general, the trouble is enough. A simpler output - installation of the steam generator. These are small (relative to the size of the furnace) devices equipped with a control system that are capable of issuing pairs of different moisture and temperature.

Steam generators can work in a pair with a stove or separately from it. But to fully heat the steam room, they can only small - approximately 4-6 m 3 - depending on the model and power.

Steam generators - small devices

If we speak short, then the principle of operation of electrical steam generators is the conversion of water, poured into the tank in steam. Make it can only having heated surfaces. It is possible to heat them with any coolants: gas (liquefied and natural), solid and liquid fuel, electricity. Domestic steam generators are only electrical. Moreover, they also mainly work on thene. Other types - induction and electrode - are mainly used in industrial models. So, only steam generators are left for home use.

Design and principle of operation of electrical steam generators

By way of connecting steam generators are autonomous and automatic. In autonomous water, you need to pour into the appropriate tanks, and automatic do it yourself. But their installation of automated systems is complex: a connection to the water supply system is required. In addition, these models have one significant disadvantage: water in our pipes has a large number of impurities, which leads to the formation of a large amount of scale. It must be regularly deleted. Of course, there is a solution - put the water treatment system, as well as washing and cleansing. But these functions complicate the design that invariably affects the price.

In this sense, the autonomous models are good: in the container you can pour purified or even distilled water. Since such devices have a simpler design, then they are cheaper. Water tanks have quite large volumes - 3-6 liters, which is more than enough for home use. So much to burden you with service they will not.

Regardless of the method of connection, such steam generators are similar. There is a container in which water is flooded. The tanks are located, which heat it, steam is allocated when boiling. It comes out through the holes that are in the top.

For any person familiar with the bath, the lack of such a way is obvious: pairs is obtained by a non-affected - about 100 ° C, and heavy. And these are not at all the consumption that we strive. With such a pair, you will not experience the ease and rise of strength, but weakness and lethargy. Not at all what you need.

But our person themes and famous that finds a way out of any situation. And this time: the resulting crude pairs are settled on the heated stones in the electrical machine. As a result, it turns out that the load on the furnace is small, the Tanes in it are not overloaded, which extends the service life. At the exit, we have a well-hot light steam: raw, passing through the heated stones, reached good condition. There is one feature of the connection: the steam line should have a bias (in any direction) so that the condensate forms on the walls can flow or back into the container with water, or on the stones of the heater. Such a simple, but very effective way to get the desired steam characteristics.

This is a steam generator from "Teplodar"

But there is one electric steam generator that immediately gives out light and well-preheated couples. This is "insteam-energy" from "Teplodar". Since this company has already produced bath furnaces for a long time, then with the requirements of the banknickers familiar. Their product has a more complex design, but it turns out a transparent steam heated to high temperatures. Below is video. This is a commercial, but you can catch the essence and difference.

For metal bath stoves

There is another type of device that is also called steam generators. These are different designs of metal, which are embedded in. They are offered manufacturers of bath furnaces. Some models have built-in devices, in some they go option (bought separately, then installed). Designs may be different. Here is some of them:

No matter how attractive did these devices look like, but there is a disadvantage: these are not stones. From overheated metal, there is still some specific smell that does not happen from stones. Therefore, we consider the connoisseurs of the bath that the best pairs in the bath is from stones. Find a furnace in which there is an inner stone. And no steam generators need. But it is in the stationary Russian bath. And as a "home" option, an electric parodyman is perhaps the present invention.

And no steam generator need

Possibilities of electrical steam generators

Modern models are able to issue pairs of different humidity and temperature (from 35 ° C to 95 ° C). These data are set on the control panel, and all the condition are maintained in automatic mode using sensors. This makes it possible to create an atmosphere characteristic in one room.

Due to the fact that steam generators work in high humidity conditions, high safety requirements are presented to them. The efficiency of the device is constantly monitored and with the slightest deviations from the norm there is an automatic power off.

Power steam generators varies widely - household models have from 4 kW of up to18 kW, industrial are at times more powerful. The selection of the device for this parameter depends on the size of the room. For a small steam room with a volume of up to 5 cubic meters, the power of the steam generator must be no more than 5 kW, up to 13 cubic meters there are enough 8-9 kW, and for more spacious, very powerful models are needed - up to 12-14 kW.

Rules for installing steam generators

There is no possibility and the desire to put another device in a small pair size. Then the body is placed outside, and the steam is served on a heat-resistant hose - steam pipelines. When choosing a place of installation, you must consider a few points:

That's all the requirements. It can cope with the installation can every more or less technically competent person.

Manufacturers of steam generators

Most of this technique has an imported origin. But the Russian manufacturer has joined the Campaign of Finns, Swiss and Germans - Teplodar. Their equipment pleases. First, low price - it is 2-3 times less than the devices of similar power of the market leaders (Teplodarovsky cost 6.5 - 8.5 thousand rubles, and all others - from 18 to 28 thousand rubles) Second, the best condition of steam.

There is another Russian enterprise that produces steam generators for baths, hammams and saunas. This is the Voronezh Enterprise "Paromaks", which produces the Tan and the same steam generators.

As in the situation with the baths for the bath, the leaders of the market are read by the Finns: Helo produces ergonomic steam generators in a large power range, with various additional functions (the ability to aromatize steam, pre-cleaning of the water supply, a tank cleaning system, digital control panels, and the like. ) Sawo is not lagging behind - they also have a considerable choice.

Products of the Swedish company TYLO are also popular, which are distinguished by high reliability and unpretentious operating conditions. There are still in the market of Harvia steam generators, producing reliable and high-quality devices.

There are Germans in smaller number: EOS, DR firms Kern represents the vertical models inherent in the market. They are installed on the floor and have the kind of small columns.