The stove for the bath from the cast-iron bath do it yourself. The stove of the cast-iron bath is a budget solution for everyone! Cast iron bath stove with their own hands

More recently, it came across a brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a garden stove from an old bath. The idea is so simple that any man can embody her. The benefits from such a device, very much, because it can be used as a stove, street fireplace, barbecue, and so on.

In order not to tire the reader, I propose to get acquainted with the process of creating this country masterpiece.

For the stove will need:
- Old bath;
- Pipe, it will be chimney;
- Bricks, you can, old and unnecessary;
- metal sheet with a thickness of 5 mm;
- Bulgarian or any other metal cutting device.

The first stage is the most difficult, since the bath will need to cut across two completely equal parts. In one of the parts, you should make a hole on the diameter of the pipe. Exactly such a hole, we are doing in a sheet of metal that we managed to find. When the most difficult stage remained behind, you can proceed directly to the assembly of the structure.

1. One half half of the old bath, in which there is no hole, we put as usual. On top of this half, put a sheet of metal. Attention! The hole must be in the districted wall area. Now onto the sheet, we put the second half of the bath upside down, that is, so that the bottom looked into the sky.

2. Our wonder-oven is almost ready and left to add reliability of the whole design. The edges of the stove bath must be tightly copped. For this, the bolts are suitable, preferably large. Holes for bolts, of course it is better to drill in advance. As a result, it should be possible so that the metal sheet will be tightly clamped between two half of the bath.

3. It's time to construct chimney. Insert the pipe into the hole on the upper half and put it on a couple of three centimeters below the metal sheet. If the holes for the pipe turned out to be more diameter, you will have to show a mixture in order to secure the chimney. An exemplary owner who does all on conscience, will surely resort to welding and make it right. For greater reliability, welding seams are sealing sealant.

4. Here is also a garden furnace from the bath, the last touch remains - creating a pedestal. Stove Stand, make bricks, stones and other materials that are in your area. Do you have a building trash that you still can't take out? So turn on a little imagination, because your brainchild deserves a comfortable place of installation.

That's all the trick. Although you can greatly improve it. For example, in order for the furnace to be easier to be easier from ash, the grille can be put on the bottom. But to achieve good retention and impact of heat just like in a real furnace, you can with the help of a stone sheet, which is placed directly on top of the metal sheet.

Now you can cook everything in this furnace that your soul is used from ordinary porridge and ending with fragrant bread.

By the way, it is perfect for cooking jam and other summer billets that are so nice to get out of the storage room or cellar, the cold winter evening.

Always a little sorry when some old things, faith and the truth served for many years, come into disrepair. But the natural domestic ventant often allows you to inhale the second life in, it would seem that I served your "veterans". For example, very often from the old cast-iron bath is made a bass oven. The popularity of such a decision adds undoubted advantages, which has such a non-trivial material, like cast iron.

  • almost an unlimited service life. Even enamel, which covered the baths, is almost very difficult to destroy. This is explained simply enough. In Soviet times, the coating of enamel was made by two-layer using quartz sand, which tapping formed a superproof composition;
  • a significant indicator of heat capacity, as well as the accumulation and impact of heat;
  • high resistance to corrosion.

Necessary materials and tools

  • actually, the old bath, preferably cast iron, although you can use with a slightly smaller effect and steel;
  • steel sheet with a thickness of at least 6 mm.;
  • steel pipe;
  • several bricks;
  • metal fasteners;
  • an angular grinding machine, it is Bulgarian;
  • welding machine.

Option number 1, universal

Step number 1

Cut the bath in half using grinders. The cast iron is a fragile material (and this is perhaps one of the few of its shortcomings), so when performing cutting, it is necessary to observe accuracy to avoid material chips. It is necessary to ensure that the Bulgarian does not heat up too much, for which the technological breaks are arranged.

Step number 2.

Cut the metal sheet with a thickness of 6 mm. Or more by the size of the cooked first step of a part of the bath, which in the final structure will be below. Pre-spout, cut the hole on the sheet to the size of the existing pipe. Then welcome it at the place. Thus, the chimney is gradually formed.

Step number 3.

Make a hole in the top of the bath, after which it is half a half on each other with a layer of metal sheet. The pipe must be consolidated by either welding or using heat-resistant chimney sealant. By the same sealant, it is necessary to process the places of adjuncing a metal sheet to halves of the bath, which will avoid possible smoke. The edges of the bath must be securely connecting fasteners.

Step number 4.

The basis of the future furnace is practically ready. Now it must be installed on the brickwork for giving the design of stability and convenience during operation. The ends of the future furnace, first of all, are recommended in decorative purposes to be seen either by a conventional iron sheet or corrugated, which further addresses even more attractive.

Step number 5.

Make metal doors on the firebox and chamber for stones. In order to improve air supply and, as a result, better burning of firewood, it is necessary to make some number of holes in the furnace.

Step number 6.

The resulting universal furnace can be used by most different purposes. In order to establish it in the bath, you need to make the most minor additions, namely, in the upper part there are stones; Connect with an existing chimney or withdraw the existing pipe outside the steam room.

Option number 2, specialized for the bath

When using the furnace only for the bath is possible, a simpler constructive solution, which includes actually refusing to use the second part of the bath. In fact, the first half of the bath, which is placed ceramic chimney bricks.

Inside the bath, either a gas cylinder is used as a firebox, or a metal drum with a diameter of Kolo 40 cm. It is connected to the chimney pipe, welding it.

In the free space of half the bath, the remaining of the furnace, stones are covered with (diameter 7-15 cm.). As a rule, it uses pink quartzite or granite.

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The masonry is performed on the height of the bath using a clay solution. The main feature is to dock two very different materials on thermal expansion of materials - bricks and cast iron. To do this, it is necessary to provide deformation seams, which are usually used, as a rule, basalt cardboard or asbestos.

After performing masonry work in decorative purposes, you can bile the surface with tiles.

The time occurs when plumbing due to its type or malfunction becomes unsuitable for use. But, replacing it new, you should not hurry to throw away. Sadders and household owners can easily make a garden furnace made of cast-iron bath, which, by strength and service life, will not give way to factory models.

Pros of the use of cast iron

This type of metal is considered to be one of the best chimney materials. Its main pluses should be attributed:

  1. Environmental safety. When heated does not highlight harmful substances.
  2. Resistance to temperature drops. The street oven, created from the brick, after a few years it can start crumbling.
  3. High thermal conductivity. The fireplace from the cast iron warms the room much faster than built from other materials.
  4. Strength. Cast iron is the leader among metals in strength. Even steel furnaces are less reliable.
  5. Ease of operation.
  6. Fire safety.

The disadvantages of cast iron, which is worth paying attention is fragility and corrosion exposure. In the first case, unnecessary mechanical impacts should be avoided, in the second - process the surface with special solutions.

The homemade design of the cast iron will turn out not very beautiful, so it is recommended to put it with a brick or stone.

Preparation of materials and tools

To create such a miracle bake from the bath, you need to prepare:

  • angular grinding machine (Bulgarian);
  • 2-3 circles for metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm, a diameter of 12.5 cm;
  • electric drill;
  • metal drills with a diameter of 9, 11 mm;
  • grinding circles;
  • files;
  • a hammer;
  • level;
  • construction pistol (for applying sealant);
  • plumb;
  • putty knife;
  • master OK.

Materials that you need:

  • iron or steel sheet 5 mm;
  • refractory red brick;
  • grate;
  • sealant;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • metal corner;
  • bolts with nuts, washers;
  • pipe for chimney with a diameter of 12 cm.

Photo: Material Prepared, It remains to choose the destination of the furnace and proceed to work

When all materials, tools are assembled, you can proceed to cutting the container. For convenience, it can be turned over to the bowl down or lay the side.

Users are often looking for:

It is necessary to clean the grinder carefully so as not to damage the surface.

Before starting to cut the bath, it is worth considering several nuances:

  1. Application of markup will simplify the cutting of the product.
  2. The first is removed by the enamel layer strictly over the line. This will help prevent the appearance of chips around the edges.
  3. The next step is to cut the cast iron. Make it gradually, in small pieces of about 10 cm, so as not to overload the grinder.
  4. When the bath is already cut in half, supports supports for each piece. They will not give it details to fall and damage the tool, material.

According to the reviews of experienced builders, the grinding machine is better to operate at an angle. So enamel will not start peeling and all cuts will turn out to be smooth without burrs.

Subject to the use of high-quality grinder, the processing of the cast iron will take no more than 1 hour.

For a barbecue, you will need two halves of the bath: one part will perform the fuel loading chamber function, the other is necessary for cooking. For a bathing stove or a fireplace will be enough one half.

Stepitary creation of a bath from a bath

Without building experience, it is worth consulting about all the subtleties of laying and installing parts with a specialist, and it is better to perform work under the supervision of the master. So the product will be qualitative and fire safety standards will be observed.

As for the construction of the foundation, its type depends on the total weight of the furnace:

  • For the design of over 700 kg, a monolithic or ribbon base depth from 50 cm should be equipped. A formwork is built around the perimeter, the formwork is constructed and a layer of rubble or broken brick is covered. Tamper. Poured concrete.
  • For mines of small sizes, there is enough brick foundation. It is recommended to acquire the cement of the brand not lower than M300. Bricks put an edge, fasten with a solution.

Now consider detailed instructions for the manufacture of each of the furnaces with different purposes.

For bath

To create the necessary conditions in the steam room, the design must comply with the following requirements:

  • have high thermal power;
  • adjust convection streams;
  • produce a sufficient number of steam.

The construction procedure for the sauna oven:

It is important to notice that the foundation should have a protrusion on the border of the furnace at least 50 cm, and before the furnace it is necessary to leave 1-1.5 m of free space.

An interesting idea to make a bath oven from both halves of the bath. The second part will be needed as an extension for heating of water or you can lay out a Russian stale.

For cooking

In the country area, do not do without barbecue or mangala. And the ability to bake delicious bread, fry meat outdoors forcing the owners to equip small street ovens on the territory.

Let us give a description, how to build a barbecue from the bath.

The sequence of work is as follows:

Some masters leave a barbecue in this state, but that your oven looks beautiful, you still need to perform an outdoor finish.

There are several options:

  1. Tempets of the clay part.
  2. Laying a whole ceramic tile or her pieces.
  3. The finishing of the surface with natural stone, previously cut into parts with a thickness of 10 mm.

Materials are attached to the furnace with heat-resistant adhesive compositions.

A good solution is to set the chimney to the oven through the drain hole of the bath, expanding it in advance, and then welcome it to the steel sheet.

For heating

In the country, it is easy to build a fireplace of half a bath. He can be:

  • Built in the wall. Suitable if the house is performed by brickwork walls. Significantly saved free space.
  • Leaning (semi-open). The fuel is at a considerable distance from the wall. This fireplace does not need a separate foundation, it is mounted directly to the floor. It has a good craving, built-in ash bar.

Plus the use of pig-iron bathing part - the fireplace is in the form of the arch and eliminates the complex brickwork. The hole under the chimney pipe is made at the top of the bath. The outer part is decorated with a fireplace portal.

When building a semi-open fireplace, such recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. A cement solution is poured under a thickness of 15 mm thick.
  2. The metal grid is stacked from above.
  3. Apply a layer of waterproofing.
  4. Asbokarton type insulation is laid.
  5. Constructed pedestal under the furnace. Suitable brick, aerated concrete. Binding mixture is a cement solution or heat-resistant glue.
  6. Construction plastering. It is possible to separate it with a stone, ceramic tiles.
  7. Between the facing and firebox of the fireplace, leave the gap for the convection system of heating.
  8. The chimney tube is mounted in the hole done, it is removed through the overlaps, the roof. Often it is done in the form of a sleeve.
  9. From the inside of the furnace, the chimney is trimmed with thermal insulating non-flammable material.
  10. Finishing the bottom of the fireplace is performed.
  11. The product is closed on the side and on top of the frame from duralumin corners connected by self-drawing.
  12. The frame is trimmed with plasterboard.
  13. Holes are done in facing for air ventilation.

When installing the chimney, it is important to consider that with the height of the pipe up to 5 m, the deviation angle is 45 0, over 5 m - not more than 20 0.

For utilization of garbage

An unusual solution to build a stove for burning waste from the old bath.

The principle of its construction is similar to Street Mangalu.

Furnace placement scheme on a brick basis

Alternative - to remake the old heater, removing all the details besides the grate of the grid and the case. Part of the cast iron is welded to the base from the inside to enhance the design.

In such a fiery trash, you can upload waste from above. When burning, the furnace is worth covering another part of the bath so that the smoke does not dissipate throughout the site.

So do not hurry to get rid of things that have failed or lost view. In skillful hands, even the old bath will receive a second life, will become a functional stove that will serve many years.

Cast iron is the perfect material in order to make your own hands on the backdrop of the bath for cooking various dishes. But since the cast iron can be processed only in industrial environments, then for the manufacture of something from it, you should use ready-made cast iron products, such as an old bath.

The advantages of cast iron:

  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • has a high heat capacity;
  • not subject to corrosion.

Make a stove made of pig-iron baths is quite difficult, this process requires attention and patience, since the bath itself is durable, but has a fragile structure.

Making an old bath

The furnace of this species is two halves interconnected by half of the old bath, located on each other. Therefore, you will first have to cut the bath in half.

Attention! Before proceeding with the work, remember that cast iron is a very fragile material, and any, even minor damage, can spoil it and make it impossible to further processing.

To split the bath for two identical parts, best use a grinder, drawing in advance the cutting line and measuring the distance to the edges. Only after that you can carefully start the bath cutting. Fuely to several cutting discs, since one may not be enough.

Most importantly, you should remember: do not rush. If you want to achieve a smooth and smooth edge of the cut, you should not hurry anywhere.

Basic Stage: Furnace Installation

The most reliable way to fix the oven and give it stability -. It must be massive enough to ensure the stillness of the whole design.

After fixing the lower part of the furnace, the sheet was placed with a thickness of about 6-10 mm.

But note that the speed of heating the furnace will depend on its thickness. It is he who will serve as a division between the fuel and an oven, as well as a hob. Also in it you need to do a hole for the chimney, which is welded to it later.

The oven from the old cast-iron bath with your own hands opens unlimited opportunities for every master who loves to make your own hands.


Thanks to the logical obsolescence of the baths from the cast iron, their cost is reduced from year to year, and the benefits of the construction of the furnace cannot be measured by any money.

Forget about the fact that your own oven is expensive. All that will need is a small set of tools and a certain number of personal time.

Design device

Most often used a cast-iron bathtub of a classic type, which is divided into two equal parts. From above, the free plane is closed with a steel sheet to create a closed space.

A concrete floor or brickwork can be used as a base. With a proper cut, open cracks will not appear, which will interfere with the thrust.

Actually, the chimney pipe is attached at the place of drain exit, which avoids the need to perform a number of additional cuts and drilling. It is worth understanding that the stove from the bath sawn in half can be additionally sold or donated to close friends, as two ovens can be created from one bath.

An example of a cast iron bath furnace in the photo:


There is nothing difficult to create your own cast iron bath oven. Carefully follow the instructions in order to get a fantastic result. Be sure that the quality of the furnace will not give up to industrial models, but the cost will be in order lower than that of the original!

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