Kitchen layout in Khrushchev. Kitchen design in Khrushchev: photo interiors and small kitchen design options

Often the owners of small-sized apartments in the houses of the old building do not believe that such a small living space can be comfortable and functional. The presented photos of small kitchens in Khrushchev helps to convince the fact that the corner cuisines are able to optimize the living space and create the necessary comfort.

Corner kitchen in the styled knife! Modern

General requirements for furniture in small kitchen

Standard kitchen models, based on sale, are unlikely to help the owners of a small kitchen in Khrushchev with optimal usefulness to dispose of residential space. In order for the headset to optimize the small kitchen, it must be ordered individually. To do this, it is necessary to carefully measure the room and take into account any segment of the wall, near which the furniture can be placed.

Fashionable trends in the kitchen in the Khrushchevka

Think about what things should be stored on your kitchenette how much you need boxes and open shelves. After all, the built-in kitchen in Khrushchev, custom, is impossible to transfer or move. Specialists - designers will help you develop the most suitable interior solution for you. The following photos of small cuisine in Khrushchev helps you find inspiration and choose exactly the photo that will suit your individual case. And yet, the basic requirements for furniture for small cuisine are unchanged for each specific case:

Beige angular kitchen in a crunch

Corner kitchen in a crunch in white

Modern kitchen with red facades and refrigerators


Small spaces are presented to furniture special requirements. One of the mains is the possibility of one or another item to perform several functions at the same time. For example, a washing machine built into the kitchen set can serve as a base for the working surface. The width of the window sill is a place to eat.

Functional use of the kitchen in a crunch, combined with the living room

Combined household appliances deserve separate attention, for example, a microwave with a built-in toaster or an oven equipped with an electrical oven. Such a "smart" equipment will save enough space. Those who dream to create a design of a truly comfortable kitchen for Khrushchev must use such modern ideas of 2017 furniture masters, which are presented in the photo below.

Functional design of kitchen furniture in the kitchen with refrigerator

These are special devices that make it possible to use hard-to-reach faces of the kitchen headset. A special mechanism allows the basket to fully extend from the cabinet, exposing the cells with the necessary objects.

Retractable basket with a closer

Baskets can be of any sizes and equipped with different attributes: cavities for small cutlery, towel holders, bottles separators. Thus, the rustling of small kitchen objects is always at hand and ideally. It is conveniently organizes a hard-to-reach space in a small angular kitchen in a Khrushchev presented in the photo Double basket: the devices bonded between themselves when the cabinet door is opened both, and one pulls over the other. Thus, the highest corners of the headset become available and efficiently used.

Retractable kitchen baskets

This functional equipment serves to accommodate various small kitchen accessories. Here you can arrange jars with spices, spend tacks and towels. In addition to convenience, they perform aesthetic role in creating an interior.

Most often, they are placed on the kitchen apron or are attached to the bottom of mounted cabinets. Photo of a small kitchen design in Khrushchev will kill you in the effectiveness of such a reception.

Railing systems in the kitchen interior

This is a modern idea for comfortable accommodation of kitchen utensils. The name of such a regiment speaks for itself: it can turn around its axis, providing access to any subject. Making the kitchen in Khrushchev with such devices, you get a convenient and functional room.

Shelves - Carousel for lower shelves


The kitchen set in Khrushchev should differ in small sizes, but at the same time be extremely capacious and roomy. To achieve this will help specially arranged boxes that leave free and minimum space. Hinged cabinets must be arranged as close as possible and tightly. But at the same time, it is impossible to be carried away and fill with them all the space at the level of the eye: it visually reduces the room.

Corner kitchen set with white facades

Tip!The mounted facades seem easier and the effect of free space is created if you use inserts from transparent or matte glass.

Photos of kitchen furniture for small cuisine in Khrushchev will kill you in the fact that even such a compact structure can hide many functions in itself.

Corner kitchen in a crunch with light brown facades

The form of furniture should be as simple as possible, without protrusions, consoles and unnecessary parts. Massive handles and complex carved patterns on furniture facades will complicate the interior. With constrained dimensions, the best option will be the selection of smooth glossy surfaces that reflect the light and optically expand the space. Experienced designers advise extended and narrow cabinets for small kitchens.

Corner kitchen set in classic design

To most rationally use the kitchen space in Khrushchev, do not leave a free space between the mounted cabinets and the ceiling. Thus, you increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe cabinet and gets rid of the surface to collect dust.

Corner kitchen in a crunch with yellow facades


Kitchen furniture should be comfortable and comfortable to use, each hostess will agree with this requirement. Conveniently and properly planned kitchen will give the opportunity to prepare with pleasure and not knowing fatigue. A photo of such an ergonomic kitchen in Khrushchev you will see more. To get such a kitchen space, it is necessary to place all the objects of the headset. Namely:

  • Correctly position the three main components of the kitchen: stove, sink and refrigerator. These items must be on the tops of the working triangle, as shown in the following photo.
  • It is advantageous to arrange drawers and cabinets, and all items to sort the level of their demand. The most commonly used accessories should be closer than those rarely use.
  • It is rational to use the height of the tabletop, washing, as well as the level on which hinged cabinets will be.

Ergonomic accommodation of the corner kitchen in a crunch, combined with the living room

To expand the small kitchen space in Khrushchev, choose wallpapers as in the photo: pastel tones with horizontal lines.

Corner Kitchen Design Options

G - figurative

Options for placing the headset letter M means the location of two working surfaces on adjacent walls. Thus, the kitchen room is divided into two different zones: cooking zone and dining. The dining space can be equipped with the help of a folding table, which as unnecessary can take shape, freeing a significant place.

White corner kitchen in a shrimp creates a very easy atmosphere

Also as a dining table in such cramped conditions, designers advise actively using a modified windowsill. On the following photos of corner kitchens in Khrushchev, you can see how the dining area is equipped.

Window-side as a tabletop at an angular kitchen

The headset, located along the two walls, allows you to have two work surfaces, which is never excess in the kitchen. Out of both table tops can be placed hinged cabinets. With such a layout on the kitchen space, all the necessary furniture and household appliances will be placed. A photo of a similar angular kitchen for a small kitchen in Khrushchev will help you choose the appropriate option.

Corner kitchen set with mounted cabinets

P - figurative

With this option, the location of furniture in the kitchen cabinets are located along three walls, which makes it convenient to use all the kitchen zones. Since according to the calculations of specialists, the maximum of time the hostess spends near the washing, then install it at the wall above the window. This will maximize the use of natural lighting. With this kitchen layout, there is an opportunity to arrange the maximum number of household appliances, they convince this photo of 2017.

P-shaped corner kitchen in a shrimp with light facades

Tip!If there is a need to have as many cabinets as possible and you infrequently use an oven, then the rational solution will be the use of a cooking panel instead of a full-fledged plate. This option saves a place significantly.

With this location of the furniture, there is no place for the dining group, so the table and chairs will have to find their place in another room.

Corner White P-shaped kitchen in a crunch

If all the same options for designing space do not like it, then try to organize a kitchen in one-room Khrushchev - Studio. This will require much greater capital investments and forces, but as a result, you can get an additionally several square meters of useful area. In addition, such modern arrangement is fashionable, convenient and aesthetic. Photo of kitchen design - Studios in Khrushchev will kill you in this.

P-shaped kitchen layout

Here you can visually increase residential space and use it more practical. You will have more opportunities for the placement of kitchen furniture and the organization of the dining composition. The following photo of the kitchen - Studios in Khrushchev will help you realize your creative ideas.

Photo Gallery (51 photos)

Apartments of Khrushchev times are characterized by small dimensions. This is especially true of the kitchen, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich, as a rule, is 5-6 sq m. But, no matter how small it, it is neither, the interior of such a kitchen wants to make a functional, attractive, comfortable. About how little kitchen in Khrushchev Design photo ideas can be found in this article.

Kitchen layout in Khrushchev is such that it allows you to accommodate only the most necessary, since its main purpose, unlike modern kitchens, is cooking. The area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen in Khrushchev rarely exceeds 6 sq. M. The room is usually square shape, which makes it easier to facilitate the task of the situation with its furniture, appliances. But, since the corridor is practically no, and the window is located opposite the entrance, only two walls remain in such kitchens. In addition, the layout in the houses of the old building often includes gas columns that interfere with embedded headsets, spoil the interior.

To combine the design and functionality of the room, as well as to maximize the useful space, it is necessary to take into account some features of the design of small-sized cuisine:

  • the gas column can be hidden in a suspended cabinet or under a decorative panel;
  • it is recommended to adhere to the bright tones of the design of surfaces;
  • the window is better to hang a light chart, blinds or rolled curtains, it must be decorated in the minimum way;
  • if the kitchen requires the door, it is better to install sliding;
  • if possible, a better version of the design of a comfortable kitchen in Khrushchev will become redevelopment - combining it from the living room, loggia, or combining the bathroom with the bathroom, due to which another wall will be released, a corridor will appear. The latter option must be carefully thought out, agree with the necessary instances, but not always possible.

It should be abandoned from unnecessary accessories in the kitchen, which will download space, litterness - the main enemy of the interior of a small kitchen in the apartment. The dishes are better stored in the cabinets, the cabinets, and not on the open shelves and the countertop.

Color solutions

In decoration and furniture of a small kitchen, it is best to use light and pastel tones - white, beige, creamy, light gray, and with design design ideas can be seen in the photo. Dark floor visually reduces the room in the apartment and narrow the wall. Design, decorated in soft colors, will add light and freedom. If possible, the color of furniture and walls must coincide - the space visually expands, visually washing the boundaries. Accordingly, it is not recommended to bring dark and contrasting colors to the interior. Bright colors are advisable to use as an accent, decoration element. Thus, it is possible to highlight furniture facades on the background of light countertops, as demonstrated in the photo. But you should not use more than two contrasting shades when finishing, creating a design.

When designing angular compositions, such as a headset, an angle can be highlighted with brighter than direct areas, then it will visually expand.

The design of the kitchen located on the north side is better to perform in warm trim and furniture. Complex geometric drawings and large patterns are better not to use when finishing the interior. You can decorate the situation with a small pattern, but as an accent of the dining or working area.


Flooring in the kitchen should be shockproof and moisture-resistant. What material to use is a matter of preference, the main thing is that the overall design is harmonious. It is recommended to use the same color and structure flooring if not in the entire apartment, then at least in the corridor and the kitchen. This decision will smooth the boundaries of space, and the ideas of such a design are collected in a selection of photos.

Ceramic tiles, especially light color or with a pattern of diagonal strips visually makes the space wider due to such a pattern and reflection of light. It is not worth laying out the floor with a tile with a large pattern: first, it will visually reduce the space, secondly, with a cutting tile, an inesttic pattern will be obtained on a small floor area. But the shallow pattern on the floor will emphasize the interior, provided that most of the other surfaces are monophonic.

To date, there is a decent replacement of ceramic tiles - PVC tile. It has the same advantages as the usual, but it has absolutely not a slippery surface and a wide range of ornaments and shades.

If the layout is such that the kitchen in Khrushchev is combined with the living room, the ideal option will be zoning - the floor in the kitchen work area and the living room should vary by type, ornament or color of floor covering. As an idea, the floor is recommended in the kitchen zone to separate tiles, and in the living room - laminate or linoleum.

Registration of walls

The decoration of walls in the kitchen in the apartment of Khrushchev times should be carried out by reflective and glossy materials - glass windows, a mirror over a dining table, decorative glass elements. In accordance with the common color recommendations, the walls in the kitchen are better made by light tones. For the coating it is worth using not ordinary paper wallpapers, but on a flieslinic basis, vinyl, bamboo, that is, those that are not exposed to moisture and with a dense basis. Stucco finishing also has high strength and life.

Since in a small-sized kitchen it is not recommended to use a wall covering with a large and bright pattern, use the ideas of creating an accent on one wall - in the dining area, where the table is located, thereby separating the space. To bailize the interior, you can make a kitchen apron in the same style as shown in the photo.

Wallpaper with a vertical strip visually stretched out the space up, making the design more attractive. Walls in the kitchen Khrushchev are not recommended to load various decorative elements. Maximum that emphasizes such an interior - a mirror or glass shelves.


The ceiling in the kitchen of small size can be issued in two ways:

  • stretch ceiling;
  • aligned and painted.

All other types are suspended from drywall, plastic and others, only reduce the height of the ceiling. The color of the ceiling must also be bright shades, and the stretch must be matte, since the glossy surface will reflect the daylight and make the room darker. It is also not recommended to do a multi-level ceiling design, because in the Khrushchev type kitchen, the main thing is freedom of space, and such a ceiling will shrank it.

If it is decided to install the suspension, stretch or rush ceiling, it is necessary to remember the safety measures, since the heat from the plate, especially gas, may be fire hazard for a small kitchen.

The optimal option is the usual, aligned and painted ceiling. Without the use of foreign artificial materials, such a ceiling coating allows the premises to "breathe", and, moreover, does not deprive the height of the room of cherished centimeters. In any case, it must be borne in mind that the ceiling in the kitchen should be moisture-resistant, resistant to hot air, and easy to care.


The kitchen in Khrushchev should be well lit. It is not recommended to install a large chandelier in the center of the ceiling, since it will be weighting space, reduce the height of the room and focus on the center of the room, whereas in a small-sized kitchen, a scattered and soft light is needed, illuminating all the corners of the room. For this purpose, the point light of halogen lamps are ideally suitable, evenly located on the ceiling, and the dining area can be highlighted with a suspended lamp located directly above the table or bar counter. The ideas of this design are assembled in a selection of photos. In addition, it will be advantageous to look at the headset with illuminated cabinets. The light, reflected in the glass doors and mirrors, visually expands the space.

When creating the right light in the kitchen, you should not forget about natural lighting - you do not need to hang tight and dark curtains on the window, as well as force the window sill with plants. It is necessary to ensure good penetration of daylight, especially if the kitchen window goes to the north side.

The work area in the kitchen should also be well lit. If the corner headset is built, it needs a varied backlight. There should be no dark corners in the kitchen of a small size that visually making its space even less.

Working area, kitchen apron

The work area layout in the kitchen includes:

  • place for storage of products (cabinets, refrigerator);
  • place for washing (sink);
  • product preparation zone;
  • cooking area (cooking technique).

These zones should be as close as possible to each other both for saving space and for convenience during cooking. The main working area, which includes the distance from the sink to the plate, should be from 400 to 900 mm. The refrigerator and stove are not recommended to be installed next to each other closer than 300 mm.

The work area should be covered with small point lights. To equip it as a whole, it is necessary to use a one-piece countertop. In order to maximize the useful space of the kitchen as a working area, you can install an additional worktop under the windowsill, thereby expanding it as shown in the photo. So it turns out a place for a dining or desktop, saving a place at the wall.

The kitchen apron is better made from glossy material so that it reflects the light from the lamps and the day sun. It will make the kitchen seem more. The design and color gamut apron must match either the main shade of the surface finishes, or combine the color of the headset. The photo shows the ideas of how the kitchen headset and the apron are performed in the organic style.

Selection of furniture and technology

Before you to furnish the kitchen interior in Khrushchev, it is worth paying attention to some nuances about the right choice of furniture and household appliances:

  • the headsets must have facades of light shades, and its design should be combined with the rest of the kitchen decoration. Better, if they are glossy, and the doors of cabinets - with glasses;
  • the kitchen headset must be equipped along the walls, better if it does not have sharp corners;
  • the dining table is recommended to choose oval, not a rectangular shape, then it will occupy less space in the kitchen. Glass table will create an impression of weightlessness in space;
  • the table and chairs should not be cumbersome, with thick legs;
  • built-in equipment hidden behind the same furniture facades will create the impression of the unity of the interior, compactness of the placement. There will be no separation of household appliances objects;
  • the microwave stove is also better not to put on the shelf, and hide behind the cabinet door;
  • open racks and shelves will litter and load the interior with trifles. The highest atmosphere in the kitchen will be, if you place the headset with a linear or angular manner;
  • in floor cabinets, it is recommended to use non-swollen, and retractable mechanisms. The use of transformer furniture will save space in the kitchen, which is perfectly visible in the photo.

In order to visually pull out a small kitchen up, in the setting you can use the headset with high cabinets of polarons. It must be remembered that whatever the layout, several well-chosen large objects of furniture in the kitchen will create a more successful interior than a lot of small and scattered.

The kitchen in Khrushchev is a small space of 5-7 square meters. M, in which even the necessary home appliances are hardly fits. Each hostess dreams of ensuring that this room is functional and convenient for cooking and communicating with households. How to equip a dwelling with maximum comfort, and what are the ideas of the interior design of small-sized kitchens in Khrushchev offer modern specialists?

Houses of Khrushchev buildings are 4-5-hours with small square apartments, which appeared in the middle of the last century. Initially, they were considered temporary housing, however, over time, the service life increased and reached this day. In Khrushchev, the kitchen is an average room 3 by 2 meters with an adjunct bathroom on one side and a living room on the other. The apartment usually installed a gas column, which delivers certain inconvenience when designing the interior. However, the biggest problem is the owners - it is to make a kitchen with a comfortable work area and leave a place for dining.

In Khrushchev's kitchen, two main problems: cramped space and gas column

After moving into a five-story building, the tenants begin to consider possible options for expanding space. Here they can only be two.

  1. Combining the kitchen and adjoining room by dismantling the wall. Such repairs in Khrushchev can significantly improve housing conditions and get a modern studio in which you can experiment with styles, choose any interior design and design.
  2. Transfer walls and an increase in the kitchen at the expense of a bathroom, a corridor or living room. This method is more costly, so it is chosen less frequently. As a result, more or less free space is obtained, but the bathroom dimensions and the hall decrease.

Such kitchen projects in Khrushchev require a development permit, and this takes extra time and money. It should be taken into account that unauthorized redevelopment threatens a major cash outline and a prescription to return the interior to its original state. The fact is that when combining the kitchen and the living room dismantled the carrier wall. Its absence subsequently leads to the collaps and collapsions of the apartment or the whole house. This problem for Khrushchev is particularly relevant, which is already exceeding 40-50 years.

Any unauthorized alteration of the premises can lead to an accident and the death of people. Take care of the safety of your family and neighbors and make the official building permit if you plan to overhaul in Khrushchev.

Kitchen layout

The design of the kitchen is something that costs any repairs. Visualize the future room is not obtained from everyone, so it is better to draw a sketch on paper or use the online constructor. The choice of planning depends on the main purpose of the kitchen. For example, if there are several rooms in the apartment, one of them can be a dining room - living room, then in the kitchen there is no point in putting a large dining table and equip the recreation area. If there is no such possibility, then you should try to design the room at once with two zones: both work, and a place to eat. Consider the main ways to accommodate furniture for small cuisine in Khrushchev.

  1. Linear layout is the easiest and most fiscal option that involves the location of furniture in one row along a deaf wall. Such a kitchen looks very stylish and compact, and the main focus is on the dining room. The advantages include the low cost of furniture, which should not be made under the order. It is enough just to measure the length of the room - and you can go to the store. From the disadvantages you can allocate non-ergonomic use of space. If you put the refrigerator, there will be almost no place for the working surface. A similar interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev will be more suitable for people who do not like to cook or prefer to eat outside the house. It can also be families without children or a lonely working person.
  2. G-shaped planning is the placement of the headset along two perpendicular walls. Such a layout retains the "triangle principle", which is so important for the owners. This is a visual association of the plate, washing and a refrigerator, allowing not to make unnecessary maneuvers, due to which the process of cooking is optimized. The kitchen headset with built-in home appliances and multifunctional niches and cabinets takes a third of the kitchen and leaves a place for a coffee table with chairs. There are practically no minuses in this layout, perhaps such furniture will be slightly expensive than direct headsets.
  3. The P-shaped layout can be considered only if the room is square shape, and the dining room is in another room. With this design, the headset is located along three walls with the capture of two angles and windows. Under the window, you can install a sink (it will take to elongate communications and coordination with utilities) or just lengthen the windowsill and make a worktop. It will serve as a place for fast snack or tea drinking. Similar kitchen design in Khrushchev allows you to place all the necessary techniques, including dishwasher and washing machine, as well as a gas column, coffee maker, etc. So in the room it was convenient to work, the distance between the sidewalls headset should be at least 1 meter.

Photo of the kitchen in Khrushchev can be found on the site and choose the option planning and design that most complies with the requirements and wishes.

Furniture and machinery

So that no centimeter in the Kitchen Khrushchev remained unsurdized, it is important to place everything you need as compact as possible. Built-in household appliances will be compact in the headset and hide from prying eyes. On open and hinged shelves, you can put a toaster, microwave, combine and other small-sized technique.

It is important to take into account what units can be replaced which you can transfer, and from which to refuse.

  • A large high refrigerator with a linear layout is recommended to be installed opposite near the dining table. If you can, it is better to transfer it to the corridor or on the balcony. A family of 1-2 people can consider the acquisition of a mini-model that will be compact in the cabinet in the kitchen. Another option is a horizontal refrigerator or a separate freezer, which can be reached on the balcony.
  • The stove is an important and necessary unit that can only be in the kitchen. Save space and zoom in the work surface will help the model with 2 burners. This option is suitable for people who give little time cooking.
  • It is advisable to be a washing machine to arrange in the bathroom, but its location in the kitchen is also allowed. Prefer the models of a depth of no more than 40 cm, as well as take care of good grounding and follow the safety technique to avoid closures and floods.
  • A gas column is an unit that is often found in the kitchen in Khrushchev, a photo, design and layout of which can be viewed on the site. If it spoils the appearance of the interior and takes a lot of space, it can be installed in the corridor or in the bathroom. However, this will require the permission of utilities. In the kitchen, the gas column can be hidden in a suspended cabinet. It should be made under the order and make holes for corrugations and ventilation.

Pay attention to transforming furniture. These multifunctional mobile blocks have a lot of capacity and easily move to another place if there is a need. The only minus is a relatively high price. Very convenient to use and three-tier headsets. On the mezzanine, you can store things that are less likely in everyday life, and in the lower tiers should keep everything you need. Reaching ceiling furniture visually will increase the kitchen.

The dining table can be replaced with a folding mounted in the wall. In folded form, it does not take up much space and is a shelf. The same applies to the chairs like the country. There is also a variant of a cabinet transformer, which, if desired, turns into a full-fledged surface. You can also use a countertop or bar counter desk as a dining table or snack. A similar interior looks stylish and modern, especially in combination with high chairs.

Secrets of decoration

The design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev should be based on visual expansion of space. Proper design will allow you to increase the area and give the room home comfort and heat.

As an outdoor coating, you should choose moisture-proof laminate, tiled or ceramic tiles, linoleum without a large drawing. Stasted the coating should be diagonally, and the dies should not be too large (if it comes to laminate or parquet).


Here you can choose decorative plaster, wallpaper for painting, wall panels. Vertical stripes "stretch" the kitchen up, but narrow. Horizontal, on the contrary, will help to expand it, but "empty" the ceiling. Give preference to monochrome, increasing coatings. Finishing apron can be represented by Stalinite or ceramic tiles. If a free wall remains, it can be saved with photo wallpapers with a perspective that the room is lengthened.


For a kitchen in a Khrushchev with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, a two-tier suspended design of plasterboard with point illumination around the perimeter is suitable. You can also consider the option "steaming" ceiling. Such effect is achieved with LED ribbons mounted in eaves. If the height does not allow, it is recommended to use a PVC film or a simple staining. Optimal and budget coating option - white water-emulsion paint.


One sunlight sometimes is not enough to provide good visibility in the kitchen. In addition, the dark room is visually perceived as closer and small. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the installation of additional lighting devices in advance. It can be halogen lamps, scab, chandelier, point illumination, LED tapes. Separate illumination of the apron and the dining area will save on electricity in the future.


Pastel tones, peach, sand, dairy, white, beige, brown, are suitable for small-sized kitchens. It is desirable that the interior is light - so the room will seem spacious and free. However, that the kitchen does not resemble the Hospital Chamber and looked more stylish and modern, a bright focus is allowed in separate details.


First of all, it is worth paying attention to laconic and simple styles. This is minimalism, modern, high-tech, eco-style. Classic and oriental designs will be inappropriate because they suggest much larger rooms. You can also consider the ethnic rustic country style, which in turn is divided into French Provence and Scandinavian.

For modern designers there are no impracticable tasks: even from the smallest kitchens they can make a functional and cozy room. The ideas and secrets of interior design specialists will help independently develop a sketch of future cuisine and embody the most bold dreams of reality.

Photo: Modern Designer Ideas

The kitchen should be different as its comfort, as it is a workspace, from which the ease of use of the room depends on the organization. Modern designers offer two options for making a small kitchen:

  • Linear layout;
  • Kitchen for Khrushchev Corner.

A distinctive feature of a small kitchen in its certain inconvenience, so modern models of corner heads solve the problem with the size of the room. Here, the main thing is to properly dispose of the available hore and lay the headset as convenient as possible.

Such an option headset allows you to draw a working triangle in your kitchen room. This zone includes all the required items that are required for the right organization of working kitchen space in its configuration. The following components are located in the access zone:

  • Panel intended for cooking;
  • Washing;
  • Boxes to preserve kitchen utensils.

For a small kitchen, this option is universal and compact.

Installation and Choice Headset

Specialists advise the installation of such a headset along the surface located perpendicularly - it saves a place. This trick allows you to most effectively use this interesting space, making it useful and efficient.

Most often, the kitchen in Khrushchev with the refrigerator is installed along the window opening, the effect of triangular workspaces with all the necessary elements is created. This layout uses the P-shaped tabletop or shell.

One wing is installed along the surface with a window opening, it allows us to provide natural illumination of a part of the workspace. At the same time, a small coil area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen is effectively used. The table top must be released from unnecessary items. To do this, you need to hang rails for drying dishes and placing jars with croups or spices.

The modern design of the corner kitchen is distinguished by its multitasking. The headset is equipped with all sorts of modules and mechanisms. This ensures a variety of drawers, shelves that allow the place of storage of kitchen utensils in the area of \u200b\u200bthe working space. Thanks to such a design, the headset becomes not only convenient, but also functional. It helps save space indoors.

The ideal solution will be the order of the kitchen headset in the size of the kitchen. Specialists will help to deal with elements, for example, whether the client will suit the corner kitchen in Khrushchev with a gas column and what sizes it should be. For the manufacture of such furniture, a natural array is usually used, plastic, MDF and chipboard. Furniture made of wood massif is the most expensive version of the kitchen, which is characterized by noble appearance and its respectability.

The best option of the corner kitchen in Khrushchev is a headset made in minimalist style. It can be supplemented with additional functional elements. In the modern market, a large selection of furniture colors of this destination.

But it is better to choose light tones and mirror or glossy surfaces. This trick will lead to a visually increase in the room. The main thing is to choose a color gamut combined with the common kitchen style.

Height should be used completely

The rational use of the upper space in the corner of the room allows you to increase the functionality of the working area, do not occupy an additional area. This uses hinged cabinets that are adapted to existing services, plates, vases and other household items.

It is possible to use angular cabinets and shelves that can be used for storage of dishes, scenery of the kitchen room.

Modern hinged cabinets are characterized by their functionality. You can purchase a model with folding riding. This will save not only the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, but the efforts to accompany tasks. It is easy to open and closes, you can simply reach the design without an additional effort.

An angular cabinets with open shelves decorated with decorative objects will be wondering.

Recommended the use of floor cabinets that have a design with retractable elements. They can store large dishes. Inside the cabinets, you can make a storage compartment for small things. It is possible to perform the furnishings of the room according to the next plan of the corner kitchen in Khrushchev. One part of the headset is fill in only lower additional elements, and another top models of cabinets.

Easyness can be supplied with the installation of mounted shelves from glass suitable for kitchen trifles. It will be interesting to look the design headset, including drawers of different heights.

The asymmetric placement of elements adds sophistication and uniqueness to the room, is great for modern style. The classic design is better than furniture installed in a symmetrical order.

Dinner Zone

The kitchen in Khrushchev has a sufficient small size - it makes it difficult to highlight a separate dining area on it. Therefore, the involvement of various design solutions is required. Bar rack will perfectly replace the dining table in the kitchen of small size. It has a big countertop and perfectly suitable for a family, for example, of two people.

This design is adjacent and is located perpendicular to one of the sides of the headset. Bar rack will not only give the room an additional flavor, but will also become a working surface that can be used to use during cooking.

Where to place a refrigerator?

This question often worries the owners of small kitchens. It should be understood that the installation of a standard refrigerator is non-refective. Because of its sizes, he will take a lot of space and will simply interfere. The optimal option is an embedded model that will fit under the tabletop. This option has a decent appearance, full functionality and does not take up much space.

First time you can use the Khrushchev refrigerator under the window. The main thing is to understand that it will be effective only in the cold season, he will also not be able to accommodate enough products. In addition, it is undesirable to store vegetables.

Varieties of kitchen garnitars

Corner kitchen headsets are divided into three groups:

  • M-shaped furniture;
  • P-shaped headset;
  • Kitchen with bar counter.

Each of them has its own distinctive features, but they are ideal for the proper design of a small kitchen room.

M-shaped The headset is very common among consumers. It is installed along perpendicular planes in the kitchen. It is necessary to choose the most appropriate angle that is fully accommodated fully. Such a headset is characterized by its compact sizes. Its small size allows you to create a working kitchen zone in small apartments.

P-shaped furniture It is installed along the three walls, it is less compact than the previous option. Such a headset is practical, as it has a high level of functionality. In the modern market, a wide variety of designer solutions such heads. Thanks to numerous mechanisms included in the design of furniture, it becomes an indispensable assistant for the hostess.

Bar rack headsets will help to highlight a separate dining area without sacrificing square meters. The space itself is separated by two zones - it is dining and working.

Such a model creates a unique design in the kitchen, gives it a style and rigor. Designers note that it will be better to look at a large kitchen. But with the correct calculation and creation of a project, such a headset can be an indispensable interior solution of the kitchen.

If the sizes do not allow placing a bar counter, then you can choose an option with a folding table that easily opens and accommodates up to four people.

When choosing a kitchen headset, it is better to draw your attention to options with built-in home appliances, for example, an angular kitchen in a gauge charter. So space will be minimally filled with various equipment, and the functionality will not differ from large-scale kitchens.

Option M-shaped kitchen

P-shaped layout

Advantages of corner kitchen heads

The most important advantage of angular furniture is its compactness. She takes little space, while perfectly fits into the design. The main thing is to understand that for the perfect version of the kitchen furniture kit, you need to develop your own project headset with an indication of the required dimensions.

The second advantage is rationality. Furniture headset is placed according to the modern requirements of housewives. The owner will not need to spend a lot of effort in search of the desired kitchen utensils. It can be placed neatly on the headset or inside it, while all design mechanisms work simply and reliably.

And the third plus is the uniqueness of the designer solution. There is a large variety of models in the modern market, which allows the consumer to select an option, ideal under the style design of the room.


The work area in the kitchen should be neat, functional and organically decorated. Manufacturers have tried to work well on the development of corner kitchen heads. Therefore, such furniture is distinguished by an extraordinary functionality that helps the hostess to cope with the tasks easily and quickly.

Corner kitchen headset will give the room a special style, will become an excellent addition to the kitchen and create a unique atmosphere of care and love. It is performed from reliable materials, so it can last his mistress for a long time and fruitful.

Video: Corner kitchen design in Khrushchev

Photo examples

The owners of large kitchens just need to choose design and color and soon you can enjoy a comfortable stay. But the owners of small-sized crushes will pre-work to work to harmoniously equip and view many photos of ready-made before deciding on. After all, it is necessary to install both a refrigerator, and the whole, and. Today in the review of the editorial site We will talk about the main techniques and design tricks for the arrangement of a comfortable and practical space.

The main rules for the design of small-sized kitchens in the Khrushchev: Photos of examples of non-standard solutions

For the ceiling finishes in a small kitchen, the perfect option is. However, it is not recommended to install it above. The optimal solution is to make a box of only over, and on the rest of the surface. Such an idea has an indisputable advantage: can be installed on plasterboard that will be. This is one of the most practical solutions for small-sized space. In addition, the following materials are used to finish the ceiling:

  • simple whitewash or painting with water emulsion;
  • if the ceiling in the old house is very poor quality, you can close it with plasterboard and then paint.

The main rule when choosing for a knife - they must visually expand the space. Glossy facades, mirror, abundance are the main attributes of small rooms. All surfaces should be chosen in bright shades. You can simply or glue them, it is desirable to choose with moisture-resistant coating. Bright walls in small space are not welcome, however, near the dining table can be made an accent surface. In addition to it to apply a similar reception and for over.

Tip!Particularly pull the room with a vertical strip.

For a kitchen apron in a small kitchen, materials that reflect the light are chosen. It can be glossy, from tempered glass or a mirror canvas. The design should approach or stand out with a bright accent.

Article on the topic:

This material will be discussed about how to choose the correct photo-catalog correctly, the criteria for the right choice, the tips of the designers and the installation recommendations will help you in the design of your own interior.

Color Harmony in Khrushchevka

Which textile can be used in a small space

Turn the minuses in the pros, or how to choose a kitchen design in a shutter with a gas column

There were practically no apartments with water heaters of an old sample, modern compact models came to replace them, and at quite a budget price. However, during the design of the kitchen, such a detail of the interior causes discomfort. We have already written above that in the Khrushchevka to embed a water heater in the furniture is extremely undesirable. It is much easier to choose a 5 m² kitchen design under. So, it will naturally fit into the interior, the frequencies are presented in our gallery.

4 options for placing a refrigerator in the design of small-sized kitchens in the Khrushchev

Many in the Khrushchev take out a refrigerator outside the kitchen, but it is completely uncomfortable hostess, frequency examples of unsuccessful designs - this is confirmed. After all, thus, the golden rule of the triangle is disturbed. The best output is an embedded model, thanks to this solution will not be disturbed by the integrity of the design of space. You can offer some more options for the location of the refrigerator in a small apartment.

Place placement of the refrigerator Description
In niche under the windowsonThe main advantage of the Khrushchevok is wide windowsill, in which it is possible to accommodate one low refrigerator or two small models.
Under the cooking surfaceMany recently refuse to place a small unit.
Under the sink or anyIf you choose an enlarged height of the upper lockers, it is quite possible to place all the kitchen utensils at the maximum, thus freeing the niche at the bottom for the refrigerator.

The main techniques for the design of the kitchen in a crunch of 5 and 6 m²: Photo Gallery of the implemented projects

Regardless of the layout of the kitchen in the Khrushchev, during the interior design it is important to remember the main rules for the location, plates and refrigerators, it works great in small rooms in size.
