Platonic love is what? Platonic relations - what is it? Where Platonic Love expression comes from.

Platonic love - In the current meaning of expression, sublime relations based on spiritual imposition and romantic sensuality (about the feeling of love), without a lowest sensual physical attraction.

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The expression comes on behalf of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato (427-348 BC), which in its essay in the form of a dialogue called "PIR" has invested reasoning about this kind of love in the chart of the character by the name of the Pavzania. The last reason for her love is "ideal" - purely spiritual.

He explains the opportunity to feel the emerging love and how it develops in their dual nature: sexual attraction and asexuality. The partial value of the monologue of Socrates relating to the idea of \u200b\u200bPlatonic love can be attributed to a propheted Diothime, which showed its value as climbing to the contemplation of the Divine. For Diotima and Plato, as a rule, the most correct way to apply the love of other people is to send your mind to Divine Love.

Briefly, with genuine Platonic love. Beauty or loving other person inspires her mind and soul and draws his attention to the world of spiritual. Socrates explains the "symposium" of Plato, there are two types of love: Eros is ordinary love, or the love of earthly, and the love of the Divine. Ordinary love has nothing but physically attracting a beautiful body for physical pleasure and reproduction. Love Divine begins with physical attraction, that is, from the attractiveness of beauty of the body, but gradually goes into the love of higher beauty. This definition of love Divine later became the definition of Platonic Love. This term also exists in Sufism, although the word is often used to determine it as ISHQ-E-HAQEEQI.

The English term dates back to the criticism of Platon lovers of William Devinant (published in 1635); The criticism of the philosophy of Platonic love was popular at the court of Charles I. It was obtained from the concept of love "Symposium" Plato, as an idea of \u200b\u200bkindness that lies in the roots of benefactors and truth. In a short time, Platonic love was a fashionable phenomenon in the English Royal Court, especially in the circle of Queen's communication Henrietta Mary, King Charles I. Platonic Love was the theme of some polite masks that appeared in the Caroline Epoch, although fashion soon descended under the pressure of social and political changes.

Probably many ask themselves the question, what is Platonic love? As we understand this relationship, there are no sensuality. They are built only on spiritual, it is love in which people value mental and mental qualities of their second half.

What is Platonic Love

Each person guess that the word "Platonic", for sure, happened on behalf of the famous philosopher Plato. It remains to understand why Plato is associated with Platonic love, and maybe he instilled such love in the soul of the ancient inhabitants.

Plato lived in the V-IV centuries BC He wrote many books, more than half in the form of a dialogue of Socrates and an unknown person. One of the dialogues was held in the house of Agafon's poet back in the distance 416 BC.

Did some people start the topic of love, about what real love is? What does the word "love" mean? How to keep it near yourself longer? Each of the guests said his word about this.

Socrates believed: that love can feel each, while when he wants to achieve something beautiful or get satisfaction. In those days and now "love" is associated with physical proximity. But now the love of beauty and thoughts goes into the past, and physical love is becoming in her place.

Many may think that such love should be called Socrates, as he assumed it, but I outlined all this information by his student Plato, and called such relations in his honor.

From the older people we often can hear that in their time, love was completely different.

Different people have a feeling can manifest in different ways. Basically, we hear from our grandparents that they lived for a long time with Platonic love. Some say that Platonic love should not be long, and others - what exactly should exist, as relationships are strengthened and such a feeling is the most light. But still some are asked questions. What is she, Platonic love? Love, what is this feeling?

What should be perfect feelings?

Now let's try to understand what love is called "Platonic". Only dealt with this, you can find out the answer to the question: does she exist? When we fell in love with a person, we have sexual instincts, based on this, it can be argued that Platonic love simply does not exist. But can always say that love is real? Is this when the desire of sex arises?

If the girl met with a guy, and he wants more than just one kiss, she should think well over the seriousness of their relationship. The girl should not look at the rest, she must decide herself, is it ready for such a step. If you think that it is better to restrain, explain this guy if he loves, then everything will understand. In case of strong stubbornness and threats of separation, the best solution will be one - to complete your relationship, no self-respecting man will not blackmail the girl. And do not need to succumb to provocations to? This is clearly not real feelings if he wants only intimacy.

There are such situations where men insist on platonic relations. In these cases, girls can be sure that the guy is managed not sexual attraction, but true love. There are also those that do not understand this, in this case, you need to explain why the guy does not want to be intimidated.

If a young man had a bad experience in his youth, the girl can explain that nothing terrible will happen that the former love will remain, and she will not make it up. A variant of pupils or religiosity is possible, in this version, the guy guides the principles that it rarely violates.

When the girl loves a guy, she will wait for how much he needs himself. You can just think about marriages that existed on platonic relations much longer, or to talk about the future baby with your second half. As a rule, love when they want a child, accompanied by agreement on both sides.

Each pair is unique in its own way, and it is impossible to put someone as an example, because many do not know what is the first love, and try to ask for friends or friends about it. It is necessary to sometimes think about what you could just love someone, only sitting with him next to the bench.

Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

Platonic love

See Plato.

Antiquity from A to Ya. Dictionary-directory

Platonic love

the Greek concept denoting to be called in honor of Plato, deprivable sensuality, the tendency of the soul (psyche). Considered by Plato in the dialogues "Fedr" and "Pier". In modern meaning - purely spiritual love between loved ones, far from sexual impulses.

Dictionary eponymov

Platonic love

love, based on spiritual imposition, not related to sensuality. Name - named Plato.

Plato (approx. 427 BC e. - approx. 347 BC. E.)

ancient Greek philosopher, student Socrates, Teacher Aristotle. Real name - aristocals. Plato is a nickname, meaning "wide, broadly". Born in a family that had an aristocratic origin. About 407 BC e. I became acquainted with Socrates and became one of his most enthusiastic disciples. After the death of Socrates went to Megara. According to legend, visited Kiren and Egypt. In 389 BC e. He went to South Italy and Sicily, where communicated with the Pythagoreans. In Athens, he founded his own school academy. In 367 BC e. and 361 BC e. I visited Sicily again (in 361 BC, at. At the invitation of the ruler, Syracuse, Dionysia Jr., expressed its intention to spend in his state the idea of \u200b\u200bPlato); This trip, like the previous attempts of Platon, come into contact with the power of the people, ended with full collapse. The rest of the life spent in Athens, wrote a lot, lectured. According to Plato's philosophy, the real world is the gross reflection of the world with absolutely correct concepts, ideas that only have real reality.

He was a source of many interesting theories. Including the existence of several forms of love. The most significant of them he considered such feelings that did not include bodily attraction. Since then, they got the name "Platonic Love".


By and large, Platonic relations are a direct answer to the question: "It is possible according to the generally accepted opinion, in any case there is a shade of eroticism, hidden sexuality. And if representatives of the opposite sex, close by age, closely communicate, are often seen, it means that" Something is there. "Let's figure out how much such a suspicion is right. Recall the times of the Middle Ages, the knighthood. Beautiful ladies come to mind, Messenters, sublime ballads, in which the service of the woman was heard. This example is not better characterized by Platonic relationships. This is the ideal Living in the hearts for many years, in which there is no hint of physical proximity. It is synonymous - knightly love. A man went to war, left the subject of his passion often not for one year. The lady promised to wait for him, gave a vow of loyalty, along with her swore and man. People remained faithful to the word for a long time. They could conduct free sex life, but did not let anyone in your hearts.

Platonic love in faces

Or such a sample concept of "Platonic Relations": This is the relationship of the great Russian classic of our literature Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev and the talented French opera singer Polina Viardo. The story of their acquaintance is known to us from school bench. And it remains only to be surprised at the immeasurable proportion of respect that these people feed each other and to their feelings, which gave them the power of will not fall to the banal intrigue. This is exactly what Viardo's husband looks like, the famous Paris composer and made a lot to popularize Russian literature and, in particular, the creativity of Turgenev himself. Naturally, it was not secret for him that it was experiencing a writer to polynem. But their platonic relations are the embodiment of correctness and purity, and Louis Viardo with joy and pleasure took Ivan Sergeevich in his house, supported him in difficult moments of life, he considered a member of his family. And Turgenev did not deceive his trust! Children Viardo, he considered almost his children. The daughter of the writer, who appeared on the light from the fortress peasant, grew and brought up in the French family - in his homeland, in Russia, she was illegitimate! That's what it means to plane to love a woman! And combine personal, intimate feelings with the ability to be friends! Speaking about historical personalities, it is impossible not to remember Marina Tsvetaeva and her "novels in verse" with the German poet Rilke and Russian - Boris Pasternak. Rilke and Tsvetaeva have never seen personal. With Pasternak, she met several years later, after active written communication. But both loved dusty and passionately - how can the poet of another poet can love, talent in the brightest manifestation. With everything, at the same time, it mostly treated her husband most, and life put in order to be with him together. Consequently, Platonic feelings are the relationship of the souls, the joy of communication, the proximity of the internal worlds.

Ideal love in literary works

Our literature is wonderful literature. If you raise the topic of perfect, high love, for which there is no hoping, nor the distance, then the legendary "garnet bracelet" comes to mind. The small telephones of yolks was capable of a great spiritual feat. For many years, he loves the princess faith - without a hint of reciprocity, without any complaints and claims. He loves and guardian - like Madonna, as holy. Here it is, the highest manifestation of the feeling! Here they are true Platonic relationships!

Platonic love

Platonic love
The expression comes on behalf of the ancient Greek philosopher of Plato (427-348 BC), which in his essay in the form of a dialogue called "PIR" invested the reasoning about this kind of love in the chart of the character by the name of the pavnia. The last reason for her love is "ideal" - purely spiritual.
In this sense, the expression is used in modern speech, but usually ironically.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

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