Why burst toilet burst in the summer in winter. How to prepare the sewer to winter on the unheated dacha

To the next year, the sewage system worked properly, in the fall, before leaving to the city for wintering, it is advisable to perform several simple actions:

1. Preparing toilet bowl.

The largest water plug in the volume is in the toilet, and it is understandable - the biggest traffic through the toilet. In addition, this cork is the largest, it is in the knee of the ceramic bowl of toilet bowl having very low deformation properties. Simply put during the freezing of water in the bowl of the toilet bowl, the bottom of the knee is simply chips. Sometimes it happens very beautiful and neatly, so that the awesome part can be glued into place, but it is better not to risk.

With the preservation of cottages for the winter:

  • ring several times water from a toilet bowl,
  • discharge water flow into the toilet tank and wash the water from the tank.
  • unscrew the tank cover and make sure that the water in the tank is almost no left if you wish can be removed with a cloth or sponge of water residues (it is not necessary to do this if the water in the tank remains a bit).
  • Drag the maximum water from the bowl of the toilet bowl. It is best for this to use a special crap made with a wobbling knife from a plastic bottle, in shape resembling a habervel. However, it is possible to extract water by any submitumed tool.
  • Remove water remnants from a bowl of an old cloth or sponge.
  • To winter the smells from the sewer network in the house, plug the hole in the bowl with a tight cloth.
  • From above, you can still throw cloths and even close the lid, although it is not necessary:

2. Preparation of siphons of washbasins, sinks, shells.

If you have plastic sewage and, respectively, plastic siphons, then they are theoretically, it is possible to cook much to winter and not prepare. A water plug in plastic siphones is small in volume, plastic has higher thermal insulation properties than metal or ceramics, in addition, plastic can be slightly deformed, therefore, the water that does not have time to evaporate from the siphon before the onset of frosts, freezes a little slower than in ceramic The bowl of the toilet or the cast-iron knee and turning into ice the siphons do not tear. If you have cast iron siphons, then remove water for the winter from them. You can do this in several ways, for example, Kwach (Vanatuz) push the water from the siphon further along the pipe. If there is no vanza, then you can try to blow out a bicycle or car pump or carefully to stop between the grid of draining the cloth and gradually swell all the water. After removing the water, the drain hole is plugged with a cork or cloth (it is desirable to press the rag from above with something heavy) so that the smells from the sewage network do not fall into the house.

I use these technologies here is 15 years and so far everything is reliable. And yes, do not forget to drain the water from the tank. One of my friend did everything right, but the water from the tank did not merge. When frost came, then the tightness of the gasket in the tank was broken, the water of glass in the bowl and frozen there. As a result, I had to change the toilet.

A toilet is a practical construction that is usually the first to be built on the country site. Agree, without it, you can simply forget about a comfortable stay in the country. Elementary amenities are needed at the beginning of the construction of a residential building and when using the country area as a garden.

The comfort of the toilet determine the factors: water access, lack of smell, reliability of the construction, the appearance of the construction and a convenient country toilet, which should fully replace the home analogue. In this article we will tell you how it is all independently implementing in practice.

Here you will learn all about the types of toilet toilet and understand how to choose a suitable model. In addition, we will tell you how to install a country toilet. In the article you will find many useful advice, photos and video materials from experienced professionals.

The toilet toilet can be purchased ready by choosing from a wide variety of products presented in the market of sanitary equipment. If you wish, to save the owners of the country area can build a budget and no less practical design of the toilet with their own hands.

The final choice takes the owner of the cottage, but before this should be familiar with the possible options.

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The owners of cottages and country houses of temporary residence have one serious problem - how to prevent freezing toilet in the unheated house in frosts in frosts? Water frozen in the siphon will expand and can simply break the toilet. On the Internet you will find a huge amount of tips, how to avoid this in order to arrive in the winter in winter it is not to catch this picture:

The most reliable way to solve the problem is to dry the toilet siphon before the conservation of the house for the winter. But what to do to those who plan to visit the cottage on weekends all winter? Refuse to visit the toilet or once a week to have fun, cautious toilet immediately before leaving. In addition, after draining, it is necessary to shut somewhere to the sewer so that the smells from there do not apply to the house.

Someone offers to fall asleep salt. But salted water freezes even at -5 degrees, and we can drop the outdoors and to -30. During the long lack of even the most insteaded house, too, will have time to freeze well.

They also offer to pour alcohol instead of salt. But it is some kind of targeted use of a valuable product 🙂 besides, the alcohol evaporates over time.

There are smarts that fuel antifreeze into the toilet. They do not evaporate, but all this chemistry after washing falls into your septic tank, killing bacteria or absorbed right into the ground (who has been made by sewage). The benefit from this is not enough, in any case. In addition, antifreeze is also expensive at frequent winter visits.

Some try purely mechanical methods - plucked into the siphon several loops of the rubber hose. The hose remains filled with air. The freezing water squeezes the hose and does not break the toilet. Unfortunately, the reliability of this method can not confirm. And what to do with this hefty ice plug in the toilet, when will you arrive at the cottage in the cold? Ward boil from the kettle, so the toilet is burst easily from the temperature drop.

Lucky the one who has a warm floor in the bathroom. You turn it on in winter at a temperature of +5 - +10 degrees and you can sleep well. Even when the electricity is disconnected, the bathroom will remain warm for some time thanks to the heat accumulated in the thickness of the floor and heated walls. Speech, of course, is about the electric healing system. Those who have gas heating is recommended for the winter to put automation on the heating of the whole house. Another bathroom can be trapped with an electric heated towel rail.

We have no warm floor in the bathroom without a heated towel rail, but the gas in our country side unknown when it appears. Heating is possible only with firewood or electricity. We did not plan to ride every day at the cottage to warm up the house, inciting the fireplace. But now coming once a week-two wanted to be able to use the toilet normally. Therefore, to solve the problem of freezing toilet bowl, we simply lowered the electric thermostat for aquarium into it.

The thermostat took the easiest, power of only 50 W. It will not eat much electricity for the winter. But the convenience of this method is obvious. We arrived, the thermostat turned off and removed from the toilet. You can use. Before leaving, the thermostat was lowered in the toilet and turned on the outlet.

This method has its drawbacks. It is energy-dependent, but we have almost no energy outages for several days. Another minus - our thermostat has a minimum temperature of +16 degrees. House in Lukey Frosts can freeze up to -15 degrees. Due to the big difference in water and air temperature, water will constantly evaporate. Experience shows that it is necessary to approach at least once every 10-15 days to fascinate water. And because of the constant evaporation of water, the crust of the scale (water stone) is formed on the surface of the toilet. But it seems to us that laundering the toilet in the spring will be not the biggest problem.

And paranoids who fear of long-term power outages are recommended to simply turn on the thermostat through an uninterrupted power source. Even the simplest UPS will support the operation of a low-power aquarium thermostat for several days, especially if the toilet siphon is wrapped with some insulation to cool the above.

To connect plumbing devices to the water supply network used flexible water lining. It is in demand when connecting mixers, shower cabins, toilet bowls and other points of water intake, and significantly simplifies the installation process. Flexible lining is also used when installing gas equipment. It differs from similar water tools for manufacturing technology and special safety requirements.

Characteristics and species

A flexible supply for connecting plumbing is a hose of different lengths made of non-toxic synthetic rubber. Due to the elasticity and softness of the material, it easily takes the right position and allows you to install in hard-to-reach places. To protect the flexible hose, the upper reinforcing layer is intended as a braid, which is performed from the following materials:

  • Aluminum. Such models are withstanding no more than +80 ° C and retain functionality for 3 years. With increased humidity, the aluminum braid is prone to the appearance of rust.
  • Of stainless steel. Thanks to this reinforcing layer, the service life of flexible water supply for water is at least 10 years, and the maximum temperature of the transported medium is +95 ° C.
  • Nylon. Such a braid is used to make reinforced models that hold the temperature to +110 ° C and are designed for intensive operation for 15 years.

A pair of nut-nut and nut-fitting, which are made of brass or stainless steel are used as fasteners. The devices with different indicators of the permissible temperature differ in the color of the braid. Blue is used to connect to a pipe with cold water, and red - with hot.

When choosing a watering for water, you need to pay attention to its elasticity, fastening and destination. Mandatory is also the presence of a certificate that eliminates the separation of rubber toxic components during operation.

Features of gas supply

When connecting gas stoves, columns and other types of equipment also use flexible liners. Unlike models for water, they have yellow and not tested for environmental safety. For fixing uses end steel or aluminum fittings. Distinguish the following types of fixtures for connecting gas appliances:

  • pVC hoses that are reinforced with polyester thread;
  • from synthetic rubber with stainless steel braid;
  • silphon, made in the form of a corrugated stainless steel tube.

Holding "Santekhkomplekt" offers engineering equipment, reinforcement, plumbing and fixtures for its connection to communications. The range is represented by products and materials of famous foreign and domestic manufacturers. With wholesale purchases, discounts apply, and product quality is confirmed by certificates of the established sample. For information support and assistance for each client, a personal manager is assigned. The possibility of making delivery within Moscow and to other regions of the Russian Federation allows you to quickly get purchased goods without unnecessary trouble.

Drainage - a hydro-elevative event on the disposal of excess groundwater.

If you do not leave the water from the territory for a long time, the soil is flunk, if they quickly disappear (swell) shrubs and trees, it is necessary to urgently take measures and carry out the drainage of the site.

Causes of soil moistening

The reasons for the convergence of soils several:

  • clay heavy soil structure with weak water permeability;
  • the waterproof in the form of gray-green and red-brown clays is located close to the surface;
  • high groundwater occurrence;
  • man-made factors (construction of roads, pipelines, various objects), which prevent natural drainage;
  • violation of water balance with the construction of irrigation systems;
  • landscape plot is located in a lowland, beam, hollow. In this case, atmospheric precipitation and water inflows are playing a major role.

What is fraught with excess moisture in the soil

The results of this phenomenon you see yourself - trees and shrubs die. Why is this happening?

  • the oxygen content is reduced in the soil and the carbon dioxide content increases, which leads to a violation of the processes of air exchange, water regime and power mode in the soil;
  • there is an oxygen fasting of the root-forming layer, which leads to the dying of the roots of plants;
  • violates the receipt of macro and microelements by plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), because Excessive water flushes mobile forms of elements from the soil, and they become inaccessible to assimilate;
  • an intensive decay of proteins occurs and, accordingly, the processes of rotting are activated.

Plants can suggest at what level groundwater

Look carefully to the flora of your site. Inhabiting its views will be prompted, at what depth there are soil layers of water:

  • ripowodka - in this place is best to dig up with water;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m - the bow of the village, the chests, varieties of the Oskock - bubble, ostolic, foxes, Vainik Langesdorf;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m to 1 m - Tollga, Canary,;
  • from 1 m to 1.5 m - favorable conditions for taming meadow, mint, mouse peas, ranks;
  • from 1.5 m - drink, clover, wormwood, plantain.

What is important to know, planning the drainage of the site

Each group of plants has its own moisture needs:

  • with a depth of groundwater from 0.5 to 1 m can grow vegetables and aluminum flowers at high beds;
  • the depth of the water reservoir to 1.5 m is well transferred to vegetable crops, grains, annual and perennials (flowers), decorative and fruit-berry shrubs, trees on dwarf dive;
  • if groundwater at a depth of more than 2 m, you can grow fruit trees;
  • the optimal depth of groundwater grounds for agriculture is from 3.5 m.

Whether the drainage is needed

Record your observations at least for a while. You will be able to understand how much drainage is needed.

Maybe it makes sense to simply redirect the tale and sedimentary waters along the bypass channel, and not allow them to flow through their plot?

Perhaps you need to design and equip the lavety and improve the composition of the soil and will it be enough?

Or is it worth making a drainage system only for fruit and decorative trees?

The exact answer will give you a specialist, to call which we strongly recommend. But after reading this article, you will gain some awareness in this matter.

At the end of the technological and production tasks associated with the arrangement of the sewer system in an apartment building, a production building, as well as in private home ownership, it is required to experience the system involved by the method of forced strait. This task is applied to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire sewed sewage unit and the act of testing of internal sewage systems and drainage systems will be a real proof of work on the reception of the object.

Visual check should be accompanied by the test of the internal sewage and drainage systems in the ACT, which is currently submitted by the current regulations of the application of the "D" series, which corresponds to the joint venture 73.13330.2012 "Domestic Sanitary and Technical Systems of the Building" has recently applicable new Actualized working edition of SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Residents of urban apartments have long been accustomed to the comforts that modern accommodation provides. Therefore, even coming to the rest of the countryside, few people want to give up such achievement of civilization as a comfortable toilet. This is not necessary, because in the household site you can send natural need to comfort, it is enough to build a toilet septic tank in the country with a toilet.

Detailed instructions describing the process is presented below.

Constructive features


Most often, the country restroom is a small separate house, made of wood, slate, corrugated flooring or other material left after the construction of the housing.

On how to put in the garden toilet, no one thought before. Stulchak or box was shown in the cabin, in which the opening of the appropriate value was done. Ease of use of this design was not provided. The main focus when designing was made on functionality.

But the times are changing, and the toilet in the country has its own hands in the country, it establishes an increasing number of people. Moreover, many different models intended for use in country areas have appeared in specialized stores.

Tip! If your country house is equipped with the necessary engineering networks - plumbing and sewage - you can simply install a standard device that is mounted in urban apartments. If it is supposed to use such a toilet in winter - central heating should be equipped at the cottage, otherwise water in sanitary devices can freeze and bring them unusable.

When a separate house is used as a restroom, you need to purchase special toilets with the following constructive differences:

  1. Small weight. Too massive ceramic toilets used in urban apartments are not suitable for country toilets, since light flooring above the cesspool may not withstand their weight.

  1. Opportunity to use without water. As a rule, separate toilets are not equipped with plumbing, so you can't use classic models with a drain tank.
  2. Lack of knee. The toilet in the summer toilet is installed without connecting to the sewer network. Therefore, the knee, which serves to create a hydraulic assembly, is not suitable here (another reason is the lack of water).
  3. Special fastening system. Catering plumbing devices are attached to the floor using ordinary screws. Sophisticated fixation systems are not required here and are not used.

Often, the toilets made from two different materials are installed in the country. You can learn about the features of each model from the table below.

Required requirements

Summarizing the nuances to be paid attention to when buying a toilet to install in the country.

  1. They should not have a plum if you do not intend to install them in a house equipped with a sewer engineering network.
  2. The toileties should be easily mounted and dismantled. The latter is necessary for periodic cleaning of a cesspool from accumulated waste there.

Tip! By choosing the options for fasteners, prefer the topics that do not require the use of power tools. After all, in the country, especially new, often there is no access to an electrical outlet where the screwdriver or a perforator can be connected.

  1. Do not buy too expensive models. County sites at the end of the season often remain without security, so your expensive plumbing device can become a subject of criminal encroachment.

  1. Purchase models with a wide base. In this case, it will not be necessary to buy separately and install toilet seats. Wide toilet is ready for use without them.

Mounting order

Now let's stop on how to install the toilet in the country.

A specific way depends on what type of cesspool you have been equipped:

  • from finished blocks, rings or concrete;
  • from the iron bar.

In the first case, the installation is extremely simple. To the toilet flooring you need to install the toilet and fix it with screws.

It is advisable to use rubber seals. So the toilet will be fixed tight.

In order not to suffer from an unpleasant smell, it is advisable to make ventilation in the toilet. For it, an asbestos or polymer pipe with a diameter of about 10 cm and about 3 meters long is suitable.

It must be installed in a cesspool and remove the toilet. The resulting thrust will be enough to ensure the removal of gases.

Note! If the toilet is located close to the house, then the pipe cutting should be above the uppermost house window. Otherwise, the biological gases formed in the cesspool can get straight into residential premises, spoiling you impressive from rest in nature.

When a barrel is used as a cesspool, then before installing the toilet, it is necessary to make an adapter - a cone, rolled from the galvanized sheet. The fact is that the diameter of any toilet is greater than the sizes of the barrel, so without such a device, waste can fall past by clogging the soil.

The upper diameter of the cone should be done in the width of the toilet bowl, the lower - the diameter of the barrel. Leave a little space for thermal deformation, otherwise the metal can be torn as a result of compression.

Do not forget to carefully seal all the seams and joints with the help of sealant.


Having bought and installing at home, you can visit the restroom with amenities that are accustomed to, living in an urban apartment. However, to preserve the performance of your sanitary facilities, it is necessary to take care of periodic cleaning of the cesspool.

You can learn more about this process from the video in this article.