Float Water Level Switch for pump control. All about water level sensors. Barrel filling warning.

A simple but very useful and effective water level indicator will do themselves. And this article will help you make such a necessary and very useful business.

To begin with, consider the fundamental scheme of this device.

Water level indicator circuit.

The scheme is very simple, but works fine. At the end of the article will be a video where the work of this water level pointer is clearly shown, which we will do with you.
To begin work, we collect the items that we need for the manufacture of the device.

Details for the manufacture of water level pointer scheme.

We need:
The ULN2004 chip or is similar to it, the contact site for installing the chip on the fee. If there is such a platform, there is no risk to overheat the legs of the microcircuit with a soldering iron or damage its internal device with static electricity. And the repair of the scheme, if necessary, is reduced to a few seconds. It is enough to remove the burned chip from the nest and insert a new one into its place. Complete benefit, especially for not very experienced radio amateurs.
Resistors R1 - R7 - 47KOM.
R8 - R14 - 1KOM.
LEDs of any color according to your choice, diameter 3 - 5 mm.
100mkf 25V capacitor.
Terminal pads of any type, and in general without them, but the convenience of using the device will slightly decrease.
Macateneck any, if only all the components have gotten. I use such fees, because I do not want to bother to make a printed circuit board, just it is more convenient for me and more familiar.

Components all collected and proceed to the manufacture of our device.

We place part of the components on the board.
We immediately send the set details, otherwise they will constantly pop up from the nest.

Welcome details in turn.
Install the following details of the scheme.

No system, work as it is more convenient and easier.

You just need to constantly check with the scheme, no matter how simple it is. Everyone can get confused, but I don't want to redo the work done.

Accuracy and attentiveness, also not an extra piece.

And so in order. Install the item, we turn and go to the next.

Approach the finish.

I installed the bearer of the board only because this block of the water level pointer scheme will be installed in the control panel on the front panel. The panel will be drilled under the LEDs, and the outlines of the container will be drawn from the outside. And on the shield will be visually displayed for the amount of water. The board will secure on four bolts into existing holes.

This is the first finished element of the future water purification system from iron, bacteria, all harmful impurities and other "kaki". My system has been working at home for almost three years, showed itself as reliable, comfortable and in general I like it. The quality of water is completely satisfied. But it is time to upgrade. New requirements appeared (I), I want to have more convenient service, I want all information about the operation of the system constantly before your eyes. I built the first water purification system without any experience and allowed some mistakes that would certainly write in the following articles, but in general there were only two minor breakdowns. In one breakdown, I am to blame, and in another not a quality component (again I am guilty, I saved a little and bought something that followed).

All the equipment will be blocking (the possibilities of modernization increase and repair is simplified), if possible, cheap and simple, so that many can repeat.

Why do you need white wiring to tell in one of the following articles.
The pointer (signaling device) of the water level is ready.

The cable that goes to level sensors can be put any eight-tier signal, they are sold now all sorts of and in different stores that are engaged in alarm system. The cross section of the core and the length of the cable do not play a special role. There are cables completely thin and cheap.

How to make level sensors, you need to think and produce at the place of use. Sensor contacts are best made from the stainless steel. Plus common electrode need massive. I did from a small stainless spoon, the electrode is working normally and does not succumb to electrochemical dissolution. Places where the wires are soldered to the electrodes, it is best to exhibit with the assistance of any adhesive gun (reliably remain from dissolution).

However, if you save the diagram by means of a button without fixing, the dissolution will not be. You need to see how much water - I pressed the button. Weave and power circuit turned off. In the country, the power of the circuit can be applied from batteries or finger batteries, connected in series, and with a button (enough for a long period) or from an old battery. This device is not demanding about power voltage.

Good luck to you.

To automate many production processes, it is necessary to monitor the water level in the tank, the measurement is carried out using a special sensor that feeds the signal when the technological environment reaches a certain level. Without levels, it is impossible to do without levels and in everyday life, a bright example of this is a shut-off toilet bowl fittings or automation to disconnect the well pump. Let's consider various types of level sensors, their design and principle of operation. This information will be useful when choosing a device under a specific task or sensor manufacturing with your own hands.

Construction and principle of operation

Constructive design of measuring devices of this type is determined by the following parameters:

  • Functionality, depending on this device, it is customary to divide on the alarms and level gauges. The first track the specific point of filling the reservoir (minimum or maximum), the second carry out continuous monitoring of the level.
  • The principle of action, in its foundation can be laid: hydrostatics, electrical conductivity, magnetism, optics, acoustics, etc. Actually, this is the main parameter determining the scope of application.
  • Measurement method (pin or contactless).

In addition, the design features determines the nature of the technological environment. It is one thing - to measure the height of drinking water in the tank, other - to check the filling of tanks for industrial wastewater. In the latter case, appropriate protection is necessary.

Types of level sensors

Depending on the principle of operation, the alarms are made to divide the following types:

  • float type;
  • using ultrasonic waves;
  • devices with the capacitive principle of determining the level;
  • electrode;
  • radar type;
  • hydrostatic principle.

Since these types are most common, consider each of them individually.


This is the easiest, but, nevertheless, an effective and reliable method for measuring fluid in a tank or other capacity. An exemplary example can be found in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Float sensor for pump control

The design consists of a float with a magnet and two gerons installed at check points. Briefly describe the principle of operation:

  • The capacity is emptied to a critical minimum (and in Fig. 2), while the float is lowered to the level where Gercon 2 is located, it includes a relay feeding to a pump, pumping water from the well.
  • Water comes to the maximum mark, the float rises to the place of arrangement of Hercon 1, it triggers and the relay is turned off, respectively, the pump engine stops working.

It is quite simple to make such a germ signaling device yourself, and its setup is reduced to setting the on-shutdown levels.

Note that if you correctly choose the material for the float, the water level sensor will work, even if there is a foam layer in the tank.


This type of meter can be used both for liquid and dry environments, and it can be an analog or discrete output. That is, the sensor can limit filling to achieve a certain point or track it constantly. The device includes an ultrasonic emitter, receiver and signal processing controller. The principle of operation of the alarm is demonstrated in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Principle of operation of the ultrasonic level sensor

The system works as follows:

  • ultrasonic impetus is emitted;
  • a reflected signal is accepted;
  • analyzed the duration of the signal attenuation. If the tank is complete, it will be short (and Fig. 3), and as it is empty, it will begin to increase (in Fig. 3).

The ultrasonic signaling device is non-contact and wireless, so it can be used even in aggressive and explosive environments. After the primary setting, such a sensor does not require any specialized service, and the absence of moving parts significantly extends the service life.


Electrode (Conductometric) Signalizers allow you to control one or more levels of the electrically conductive medium (that is, it is not suitable for measuring the tank filling of the tank). An example of using the device is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Measurement of fluid level by conductor sensors

The example of the three-level alarm is involved in which two electrodes control the filling of the container, and the third is an emergency, to enable intensive pumping mode.


With the help of these alarms, it is possible to determine the maximum filling of the container, and, as a technological environment, both liquid and loose mixed composition (see Fig. 5) can be used as a technological environment.

Fig. 5. Capacitive level sensor

The principle of operation of the alarm is the same as the capacitor: the container is measured between the plates of the sensing element. When it reaches the threshold, the signal is sent to the controller. In some cases, the execution of "dry contact" is involved, that is, the level gauge works through the wall of the tank in isolation from the technological environment.

These devices may function in a wide temperature range, electromagnetic fields do not affect them, and the triggering is possible at a high distance. Such characteristics significantly expand the scope of applying up to severe operating conditions.


This type of signaling devices can be really called universal because it can work with any technological environment, including aggressive and explosive, and the pressure and temperature will not affect the testimony. An example of the device is shown in the figure below.

The device radiates radio waves in a narrow range (several gigahertz), the receiver catches the reflected signal and the time of its delay determines the tank filler. The measuring sensor does not affect the pressure, temperature or nature of the technological environment. Dustiness is also not reflected in the testimony, which you can not say about laser alarms. It is also necessary to note the high accuracy of the instruments of this type, their error is not more than one millimeter.


These alarms can measure both the limit and the current filling of the tanks. Their principle of operation is demonstrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Measurement of filling by a gyrostatic sensor

The device is built on the principle of measuring the level of pressure produced by the fluid post. Acceptable accuracy and a small value made this species quite popular.

Within the framework of the article, we cannot inspect all the types of alarms, for example, rotational flags, to determine the bulk substances (there is a signal when the fan petal is stuck in a bulk medium, pre-revealed the veil). It also makes no sense to consider the principle of operation of radioisotope meters, the more recommend them to check the level of drinking water.

How to choose?

The choice of water level sensor in the reservoir depends on many factors, the main of them:

  • The composition of the liquid. Depending on the content of foreign impurities in water, the density and electrical conductivity of the solution may vary, which is highly likely to be reflected in the testimony.
  • The volume of the tank and the material from which it is made.
  • Functional purpose of the container for the accumulation of fluid.
  • The need to control the minimum and maximum level or requires the monitoring of the current state.
  • The admissibility of integration into the automated control system.
  • Commuting device capabilities.

This is not a complete list to select the measuring instruments of this type. Naturally, for domestic purposes, it is possible to significantly reduce the selection criteria, limiting them with a tank volume, a trigger type and a control circuit. A significant reduction in the requirements makes it possible to independently manufacture such a device.

We make the water level sensor in the tank do it yourself

Suppose there is a task to automate the work of the submersible pump for the water supply of the cottage. As a rule, water enters the cumulative capacity, therefore, we need to make the pump automatically turned off when filling it. It is not necessary for this purpose to buy a laser or radar level signaling device, actually no need to purchase. A simple task requires a simple solution, it is shown in Figure 8.

To solve the problem, you will need a magnetic starter with a reel by 220 volts and two Hercon: the minimum level - on the closure, maximum - on the opening. The pump connection scheme is simple and, importantly, safe. The principle of operation was described above, but we repeat it:

  • As the water set, the float with the magnet gradually rises until it reaches the high level geron.
  • The magnetic field opens the gercon, turning off the starter coil, which leads to engine de-energization.
  • As the water consumed, the float is descended until it reaches the minimum mark opposite the lower Hercon, its contacts are closed, and the voltage to the beeter coil feeds the voltage to the pump. Such a water level sensor in the tank can work for decades, in contrast to the electronic control system.

Small trick from the secret of the master. Two simple items allowing to improve the life of the dacket and not spoil the mood at some point. Gardeners know this problem when pouring barrels are not always clear when it is necessary to turn off the water, so you have to often check the water level or skip the moment of overflow and make flooding on the beds. Speaker made by chance when carrying out one experiment. Such a simple lifehak will allow from far to visually control the amount of water in the barrel and not to skip the moment of turning off the water supply.

How to make a filling indicator with your own hands

Materials and tools

For work it will take only the tube pipes - plastic, metal or improvised plastic bottle, medical or shopping glove. The essence of the indication process is simple. Water flowing into the barrel increases the water level. If you install the pipe inside the barrel, then the air from the pipe will be gradually crowded with water, this air can be used to inflate the medical glove, balloon or object. It is important to calculate the volume so that the air is enough to inflate the gloves. The volume is regulated by the length and diameter of the pipe. An example of realizing a little tricks, see photos and video :).

Barrel Empty water enters the barrel full of barrel

Homemade will find application for other occasions where the capacity is installed not equipped with automation, but requiring control or knowledge of the level of fluid, for example, the tanks of the summer soul, pressure tanks, septic tanks, etc.

To implement continuous control over the level of fluid in various household and industrial tanks, as well as for timely feeding signals about level control, a special device is provided - the water level sensor.

There are contact and non-contact types of devices, the main differences of which are in the working mechanism.

Main varieties of devices

Water level control sensors are classified according to their intended purpose. Devices are used to solve the following tasks:

  • control over the change in the level of fluid in the tank and alarm when an allowable value is exceeded;
  • running an alarm sound or light relay in the central control unit;
  • transmission of measurements on the control unit display with the definition of used containers;
  • maintain a closed control cycle over the level of fluid in the container using the controller and the electrical pumping engine.

According to constructive features, the device happens:

  • Contactless type. Such devices are used for substances in a viscous, bulk, liquid or solid form. This category includes discrete and ultrasound sensors.
  • Contact type. Devices intended for installation in the tank on the inner wall at the corresponding height. When the installed mark is reached, the instrument is activated with the signal transmission. This category presents float and hydrostatic sensors.

By the mechanism of impact, the water level regulator in the tank happens:

  • float;
  • hydrostatic;
  • discrete;
  • radar;
  • ultrasound.

Functional characteristics of the main types

  1. Float sensor - reliable and ergonomic design of the device, which is equipped with an electric level relay. The sensor works for this principle: when the water level in the tank has reached a certain mark, the liquid activates the float. By changing the position, the float affects the relay and promotes the closure of the working contact.

Float devices are represented by magnetostriction and discrete types. The first type is characterized by the cheap and simplicity of operation, the second is the high cost, the complexity of installation and durability, guaranteeing accurate control of the water level in the tank. The only lack of float-type devices is permanent in the liquid medium.

  1. Hydrostatic sensor - a sensitive device for measuring water pressure in various tanks. The main advantages - durability, practicality, ergonomics and affordable cost.

The hydrostatic meters are constantly in contact with the liquid medium, so they are almost impossible to operate in aggressive conditions.

  1. The discrete sensor is represented by special plates that determine the degree of filling tanks with water. Structurally, such devices are deprived of moving elements and mechanisms, which ensures their durability, reliability and availability of use. The disadvantages of devices include mandatory contact with the liquid medium and susceptibility to a change in fluid temperature.
  2. The radar sensor controls the fluid level due to the frequency shift, the difference between the emitting and reflecting signal. Such devices operate on the principle of emitter and catcher electromagnetic waves, so that they provide more accurate measurement.

Radar type devices have the following advantages:

  • have a simple and reliable design;
  • do not require contact with the liquid medium;
  • differ in resistance to the aggressive environment;
  • guarantee a high result.
  1. The ultrasonic sensor is constructively and functionally similar to the previous type of devices, control is carried out with the help of ultrasound radiation, which is created by a special generator. It has the same advantages as the radar analogue, the only difference lies in the lower accuracy of the finished result.

Correct level sensor selection

To choose the right water level sensor in the tank correctly, it is recommended to pay attention to its key characteristics:

  • What are the design features and appointment of the device, the types of substances for which it is intended.
  • Whether the type of material is affected from which the device is manufactured to the final measurement indicators.
  • What signal conversion schemes are provided for efficient operation of the instrument.
  • Whether the accuracy of the resulting results is ensured with a rapid change in the level of fluid.
  • Standard whether the equipment is standard, there are auxiliary elements and pointers to change the settings and parameters.
  • What is the susceptibility of the device to external influence - vibrations, electromagnetic radiation.
  • Is there a product certification in accordance with state standards.
  • What guarantees are given from the manufacturer or seller.

Making a float level sensor at home

How to make a homemade water level sensor for use in a plastic drive? For the manufacture of a simple device, a lever, opening valve, and a float element are required. All works are performed in the following order:

  1. At the top of the finished tank, the float element with a lever is connected to the rod, which is used to move the piston cylinder.
  2. When water reaches the maximum value, the float affects the lever, which moves the piston and provides the valve closing to stop water access through the lower water pipe.
  3. As the volume of water will be used, the float slowly falls on the bottom, affecting the piston. Next occurs the valve opening and filling the tank with liquid.

Make the water level sensor with your own hands under the power of any novice master. The device is suitable for installation in wells, wells, pumping equipment and water tanks.

With the arrival of the spring-year-old country garden season, the need for seedlings in water and watering. Of course, it is better to water, but not everyone, of course, it turns out to be regularly coming to the cottage for watering vegetables. Before watering the water, it is necessary to defend cold water from under the crane, it is categorically impossible, because it is possible to ruin everything for the root. Usually dacms are typing water in large containers, barrels. During the time of which you are on the site turned on the water it is recruited, and you yourself are with the beds. But for frequent, it happens that they worked tired and forgot to turn off the water, went home for two days, returned, and there the flood and their neighbors were flooded. Unpleasant of course the moment, yes, if the meters are installed on the water, it is generally horror. So our author fell into such a situation and decided - with this you need to do something. And the thought came to make a warningler filling the barrel with water with her own hands. To buy a device for money, he did not want and began to develop alarm. As a basis, the driver's warning device "Anti" was taken

And so what will need to be needed to the author for its design.

Materials: Signaling device, wire, tennis ball, plastic tube.
Instruments: Adhesive pistol, pliers, hammer, screwdriver.

The principle of operation of this alarm is when the driver begins to fall asleep and his head leans the beeps. The trigger occurs due to the mercury ball of the enclosed in the flask with the contacts, when the tilt, the ball rolls and closes the contacts and triggers the signal. This is a device disassembled.

The first step of the author is the preparation of the wire.

Then on the flattened end the author puts the plastic tube

On the wire was made here such a loop for the subsequent fastener.

Next, by one end, the author is glued by the adhesive gun.

On the other end sticks the tennis ball, which will perform the role of the float.

The author is attached to the column, for the hose near the barrel, so.

And as the container filling the tank, the alarm device deviates in the same way that simulates the falling asleep.

With full filling the angle of inclination will be the maximum and will work the beep.

After the container is filled with the alarm, you can remove not a wet in the rain or did not stole thighs.