Principle of operation of the heating system. Varieties of the heating schemes of the private house Home heating system and the principle of operation

We live with you in the age of active construction of private housing. Building your home, it is important to understand in a pile of aspects to avoid any misunderstandings with prolabs and builders. It is also important to know the principle of the work of the home of the house, on which all your comfort depends on the cold seasons.

There were a long time of contrameproker and stoves. Today in homes there are much more modern heating systems that work not only on the corner, but also on other energy resources.

So, what is the basis of the principle of operation of the home of the house? Let's figure it out in order.

The whole principle of the operation of heating begins in essence from the boiler. The boiler serves to heat the coolant. Most often, the coolant acts water, less often special non-freezing solutions.

Boilers today are of different types and work on different stuffs, such as coal, diesel, gas, electricity.

Boilers today are installed in special premises, so-called boiler rooms. Boiler room is not limited to one boiler. It concentrated all heating nodes:, pumps, boilers of indirect heating

In this article, we will not concentrate on the principle of operation of the boiler room. You can read about it separately.

So, the boiler heats us the coolant. Further, our coolant begins to move around the pipes to the source "Distille of heat". Today, under these sources, either radiators or warm floors are more likely.

The coolant moves either naturally (such a system is called a system with natural circulation), or forced.

In the case of natural circulation, the heating system does not depend on electricity and works strictly according to the laws of physics. Such a system is the easiest way to do on the basis of radiator heating.

Disadvantages of systems with natural circulation:

  • it is impossible to automatically adjust the temperature;
  • greater energy consumption due to increased pipe diameters
  • the impossibility of using an indirect heating boiler
  • it is not always possible to hide the pipes in the wall;

In case of forced circulation, the heating system depends directly from electricity, since the system requires pumps. Such systems include warm floors, two-pipe radiator systems and others.

Advantages of systems with forced circulation:

  • More economical compared to the natural circulation system;
  • Pipes can be hiding into the walls;
  • Automatic dummy temperature control is possible.

With the principle of movement of the coolant figured out. Further, the principle of operation of the heating system is the movement of our coolant for pipes and entering it into the source of heat recoil. Such a source performs the radiator itself. In the case of a warm floor, it is pipes that warm the screed.

The heating of the house from the heat source occurs on the principle of convection or on the principle of radiation. Warm floor, for example, works on the radiation principle. The sun works on the same principle. It heats the land and the earth gives heat.

Copper-aluminum radiator, on the contrary, runs 90% on the principle of convection. It warms the air flows passing through it.

In the heating systems there is a concept as feeding and reverse. Feed - this is where a hot heat carrier comes. The return is where the coolest coolant arrives (returns).

To achieve efficient operation of the heating system, the coolant is constantly circulating in the heating system. Hot water enters the source of heat recovery, then returns back to the boiler where it is heated again. And so on a closed circle.

During heating, the coolant extension occurs. An expansion tank is mounted to compensate for this phenomenon. The tank together with the boiler is mounted in the boiler room.

Here we are with you and reviewed the basic principle of home heating at home. Want to easily understand the heating systems? Take advantage of ours.

Heating in the house is a complex device. Until recently, a system was almost universally used in which the coolant naturally circulated on it. But there are many shortcomings in this system, and significant increase in tariffs for gas and electricity made it expensive. So, more and more people began to establish at home, we will talk about.

Differences of systems with natural and forced circulation

Heating using a circulation pump takes into account all the disadvantages of its analogue with the natural movement of the coolant: it can increase the length of the pipeline, adjust the temperature and get a uniform heating of the entire housing. To understand what the improvements are related to, it is necessary to consider the operation of each of them.

The principle of operation of heating with natural circulation

It is carried out as follows: The coolant enters the radiators due to the difference in hot and cold water temperatures. When the liquid is heated from the boiler, hot water becomes easier by reducing the density. So, it moves up the feeding riser, and then flows through the pipes down to the heating devices, passing through them and giving heat, then returns to the "return" to the boiler.

The principle of the system with forced circulation

Such a heating system has the following principle of operation: Heating is carried out due to the introduction into the pump system, which increases the head of the coolant. This makes it possible to connect heating with any radiators and pipelines.

It allows you to expand the possibilities of natural heating, create several options for its strings and simplify the device. When using the pump, there is no need for pipes with a large diameter that is necessary with natural circulation. From this, the appearance of the heating is only wins.

In the forced system, automatic temperature adjustment is provided, thanks to this function, you can create more comfortable conditions for existence in the house. Its only minus - dependence on electricity.

The principle of operation of the heating system is based on the use of the circulation pump:

It allows you to expand the possibilities of natural heating, create several options for its strings and simplify the device. When using the pump, there is no need for pipes with a large diameter, which is the main condition for natural circulation. From this, the appearance of the heating is only wins.

Thus, the work of a closed system is similar to heating based on natural circulation, but it turns out more productive, since the pump built into it provides high speed of the coolant and thereby guarantees the accelerated heating of all housing.

Connecting system radiators

Connecting the radiator is performed in the usual way: the pipeline with hot water is located at the top, and with cold - down to the output. For a small house, pipes with a diameter of 20 inches are suitable, and if the construction is large, then you need to install pipes with a diameter size 25.

Adjustable cranes are installed on each battery, which are necessary for uniform heating of all radiators. Naturally, the hot heating devices are heated faster and stronger, and the latter can be a bit warm. To avoid this, on time overlap the valves on the front radiators, and the coolant is straightforward into subsequent heating devices.

The sequential lattice of radiators leads to one single pipe, most often it is paired below the heating devices.

With such a scheme, the coolant comes out of the heating boiler heated to a certain temperature, it fills each of the connected radiators. In this particular, the huge minus lies - the temperature of the latter batteries can be significantly lower than those located closer to the boiler. Another flaw in this wiring is the inability to adjust the temperature regime if there is no. It is a jumper with a crane that is installed on the incoming and outgoing pipeline.

In such a system, it is impossible to overlap one of the radiators. A single-tube connection is established in apartment buildings, made in the past century. This scheme was often chosen due to easy installation and savings on the pipes, because they needed two times less than with a two-pipe scheme.

Some craftsmen to eliminate its disadvantages, perform independent inserts to the main pipe, and thereby heated additional areas (balconies, loggias) or warm rooms. Read more about a single-tube version.

If it is used to each radiator, two highways are mounted simultaneously: incoming and "reverse". A parallel method of supplying the coolant ensures the warming of one radiator. Each battery in such a system, if necessary, is easily disconnected from the pipe, it is convenient for repair, as well as for adjusting the heating of the room. For these purposes, a thermostat or a regular crane is installed at the radiator input.

There are modern automatic two-pipe systems that adjust and monitor the temperature itself. Their disadvantages include: complex installation and necessity in a large number of pipes.

The two-pipe layout system is vertical and horizontal. Each of them is divided into several varieties.

Horizontal schemes

There are three of them:
  1. T. upikova. It is the easiest. In it, the temperature of the radiators depends on their remoteness from the boiler. The farther from it is the battery, the worse it heats. The outline becomes longer, and there is no possibility to control the temperature mode.
  2. Star-shaped . When using it, two pipes are supplied to the boiler - with cold and hot water. In this case, the temperature in the batteries is the same, but the length of the pipeline increases.
  3. Collector . The most efficient. In her case, each battery comes its pipe, which receives the coolant, due to this, the uniform distribution of heat is ensured. She has significant disadvantages - large labor costs and the need to purchase numerous materials.

Vertical schemes

They are with two types of wiring:
  • Nizhny . In each room two pipes. In general, there is a common riser that serves the coolant to all floors, and then it is connected to the radiator at the top, and the cooled water is descended again to the first floor.
  • Upper . Ensures the location of the riser vertically from the boiler to the attic or the technical floor. It produces pipes for each radiator located on the top floor. Then, from each of them, the pipes are descended to batteries located on the lower floors. As a result, only one pipe is supplied to the room.
Comparing the horizontal and vertical system, it can be concluded that its first kind of economical: with it, the coolant is rendered outside the residential premises and is located on the staircase spans or in the corridor. Only pipes going to radiators are located in the rooms. To eliminate air traffic jams in batteries, it is necessary for each of them through which the air will be discharged, which accumulated in the battery sections. It is often used in private homes, where there is a long heating line.

The vertical heating circuit is protected from air problems, but it costs more. It is used in multi-storey buildings, while the riser passes through her overlaps on all floors.

The circulation pump can effectively work in any of the reduced heating schemes. Created by them forced circulation of the coolant will be able to ensure uniform heating of all housing, regardless of the location of radiators relative to the boiler.

Read more about the two-pipe heating system.

The advantages of the pumping system and its disadvantages

The presence in the heating circuit of the pump gives a system with several significant advantages:
  • Simplicity of installation . This advantage is essential in comparison with the natural system. The fact is that when installing the circulation pump, there is no need for a complex installation of the upper pipeline, it is not necessary to weld the pipes, withstanding the angle of 300 and set the main risers of large diameters.
  • Uniform and rapid heating housing . In contrast to the natural circulation, at which heating radiators depends on the distance to the boiler, in the case of application of the pump version, the coolant falls into all batteries at the same time, and if some dissonance occurs, it can be adjusted.
  • Heated large territory . It is possible to perform if you select the collector-type pipe wiring. It provides a uniform heating of radiators, for no matter what the distance from the boiler. Therefore, it is possible to extend the system of pipelines to the desired length, without fearing because of its large length to lose heat during transportation.
  • The ability to use antifreeze . It will provide a system for protection against frozen.
  • Heating adjustment . It is carried out in separate areas of the network. Using the provided adjustment cranes, you can overlap whole areas of the highway. Due to which you can change the layout of the network and redo the scheme of its connection.
  • Extension of equipment service . Boiler devices in a closed system practically do not suffer from the temperature difference, it is less noticeable at the inlet and outlet of the boiler.
  • The possibility of introducing additional elements to the system. The presence of a circulating pump makes it possible to embed "warm floors".
  • The lack of need to adjust water in the system. Turning on a pump and an expansion tank with a membrane into the heating circuit, and making it closed, they got the opportunity to reduce the evaporation of the fluid from the system.
To the weaknesses of compulsory heating systems include:
  • Work from electricity . The dependence of the system from the presence of an extraneous resource turns into the failure of the entire heating equipment in the absence of energy.
  • The cost of the pump and its components . The device itself is inexpensive, but for its work you need to purchase special adapters, cranes and other details.

Work and diagram of the forced heating system (video)

The given video describes the principle of action of the combined system - the ideal option for the arrangement of heating, and also shows the device of a two-pipe version. With it, it is not necessary to adapt to the system and placing the pipes at a certain distance, the pipeline can be mounted anywhere: on the floor, walls and even on the ceiling.

The pump circulation system takes into account all the shortcomings of heating with the natural movement of the coolant. This is an improved appearance, and now only it is used in the construction of new houses. In this case, there are two schemes with forced circulation: single and two-pipe. They differ not only by the number of pipes, but also their wiring, pressure of embedded fittings.

The climatic conditions of the middle strip and the north of Eurasia require thermal insulation of houses, but one insulation is not enough. Heat loss must be compensated by a heating system. Water heating in a private house is the most efficient way.

The quality of the operation of the heating circuit directly depends on the features of the design, selecting the heating device and the type of wiring. How to decide on the equipment and the most suitable scheme, learn by reading the article proposed by us. The information provided relies on the requirements of construction standards.

We described in detail the principle of the device of the water system, disassembled typical device options. To optimize the perception of a difficult theme, the schemes, photo selection and video attached.

Heating structures with liquid coolant have a similar set of components, this:

  • heating equipment - boiler (gas, liquid or solid fuel), furnace, fireplace.
  • Closed contour in the form of a pipelineproviding continuous circulation of heated and cooled coolant (antifreeze).
  • Heating devices - Metal ribbed, panel or smooth-tube radiators, convectors, water heating floor pipelines.
  • Shut -ling fittingsnecessary to disable individual instruments or system lines for repair and maintenance;
  • devices for adjusting and controlling the operation of the system (expansion tank, pressure gauge, reset valves, etc.).
  • Circulating pumpsused to create forced coolant supply, sometimes to ensure a stable pressure in the system an increase in the system is installed.

If the centralized gas highway is laid nearby, the most economical solution is the installation of a gas boiler.

In the absence of central networks, a gas grolder will have to be installed for an independent gas supply system. However, this option is applicable only in the case of arrangement of the estate of a fairly large area.

Gallery of images

  • open, used for systems both with pumping and natural coercion, should be installed above the main riser;
  • closed membrane devices used exclusively in forced systems are installed on the return highway before the boiler.

Expansion tanks are designed to compensate for thermal fluid expansion when heated. They need to reset the surplus into the sewer or trite into the street, as in the case of the simplest open options. Closed capsules practical, because they do not require the participation of a person in adjusting the pressure of the system, but more expensive.

Types of heating systems:

  1. Water. The most common and most profitable option. The main element of the scheme is a boiler. The device heats the fluid, it enters the pipes in the radiators, which heat the air in the rooms.
  2. Air. Calorifers are used as heat sources, which serve warm air into the room. As the primary heater applies water or hot steam.
  3. Electric. Electric heating systems are safe, automated, differ in efficiency. Lack of device - high cost.

Each system has its own pros and cons. When choosing, you should focus on personal needs, goals, priorities. Owners of private houses most often equip water heating. This is a rational solution that allows you to create comfortable living conditions with minimal costs.

Popular heat sources

As sources of energy use:

  • Solid fuel. Coal, firewood, fuel briquettes or pellets are beneficial if there is no possibility to connect to the central gas supply line or install a gas grolder.
  • Natural gas. So far, this is the cheapest resource. Gas heating has been popular for several decades. If you correctly calculate and qualitatively assemble the system, heating will work stably for many years.
  • Liquefied gas. Autonomous gasification is an excellent option for the house located away from centralized communications. The minuses should include large expenditures at the stage of arrangement.
  • Liquid fuel. In residential buildings infrequently install boilers operating on the dieselopliva, but as a spare solution is a practical option.
  • Electricity. Often installed warm floor, infrared heating. Systems are economical, but are not suitable for all regions, so more often apply as additional.

Photo 1. Laying infrared warm floor operating on electricity, indoors of a private house.

  • Alternative sources. There are systems that use the energy of the sun, wind, land. Heating equipment works at the expense of solar panels, wind generators or heat pumps. "Green" heating is environmentally friendly, but too expensive.

Important! With all the advantages of energy sources, it is difficult to find an alternative to gas heating. Such sub-operation systems and pay for approximately 5 years. Boilers, radiators are installed as heating equipment.

Principle of water heating

The system is a closed circuit in which the coolant circulates through the pipes from the boiler to radiators.

Cooling, the water goes back to the boiler, and the cycle is repeated repeatedly.

As a coolant, water is often used, less often - antifreeze. The first option is more profitable, and the second is saferSince the systems do not figure out in the harsh winters.

The operation of heating regulate additional devices to which the expansion tank, pressure gauges, safety valves, shut-off valves.

To create a closed chain use pipelines. When choosing pipes, it is necessary to pay attention to the material of the manufacture. Popular options are galvanized or stainless steel, copper, polymers.

Reference! Choose more often metal plastic pipes. Products are durable, not subject to corrosion, durable. The inner walls of such pipelines are smooth, do not overgrow the scale and scale, so that they do not lose their properties over time.

Natural and forced water circulation

Water circulation is ensured by natural gravitational processes or special pumps (Forced circulation).

Gravitational systems are beneficial in arrangement and operation.

For him no additional equipment required, and when there is no noise. The heated water rises up and distributed over radiators, and the cooled lowers and goes to the boiler.

The movement of the coolant does not depend on the supply of energy, so in periods of turning off electricity The house remains warm.

To design and mount a system with natural water circulation, no special skills are required. It is enough to think about the scheme and to withstand the necessary slopes.

Such heating is able to work uninterrupted within 30-35 years. Maximum that may be required - minor repairs.

Important! Heating with natural water circulation has a significant minus: the system is effective if a two-pipe system is equipped. When the outline is one - radiators are uneven warmed up And every subsequent colder previous one. When saving on equipment, it is necessary to overpay for pipes and components.

For forced circulation of the coolant set pumps.

Such systems are more efficient because hot water goes quickly to radiators, not so much to cool in the pipeline.

Heating perfectly works, no matter what scheme is selected - single or two-pipe. However, when the power supply is disconnected, the heating stops, and the house quickly cools.

Compromise option - thoughtful scheme providing for natural and forced circulation at the same time. When the electricity is disconnected, the heating is simply switched to the gravitational mode into the pump bypass.

Single and two-pipe, collector wiring

Depending on the specifics of the movement of the coolant and the principle of operation distinguish one-tube, two-pipe, collector system. Each of the schemes has its advantages:

  • One-tube. This is a standard diagram in which the resistance of the system increases as it removes from the boiler, which leads to uneven heating of radiators. To solve the problem, use balancing fittings.

Photo 2. Single-tube diagram of the heating system with boiler, radiators, expansion tank, circulating pump.

  • Two-pipe. The scheme provides two pipes - feed and reverse. The coolant from the boiler is supplied to all radiators in the chain, so that they are evenly warming up. The two-pipe layout is convenient, practical, but metal, so requires serious costs of arrangement.
  • Collector (radius). This is an ideal option from the point of view of performance characteristics and hydraulic stability. To adjust the technology of the radiators, the cabinet is installed, where collectors are placed, all shut-off, balancing fittings. If necessary, one or more radiators are turned off without prejudice to the rest of the instruments.

Useful video

The video presents the principle of action of different types of heating systems in a private house.

Brief summary

One-tube heating is profitable in terms of smaller materialsBut on this advantages ends, since the owner of the house has to solve the problem of uneven warming of radiators.

Two-pipe systems provide comfortable temperature In all rooms at home. The collector wiring is universal and allows you to adjust the degree of heating in each room separately. When choosing a suitable scheme, it is better to contact a specialist.

This guide is intended to hold the owners of small private houses, seeking independently organize housing heating in order to save money. The most rational solution for such buildings is the closed heating system (abbreviated - CSO), which is operating with overpressure of the coolant. Consider its principle of operation, the species of layout schemes and the device with their own hands.

The principle of action closed with

Closed (otherwise - closed) The heating system is a network of pipelines and heating devices, in which the coolant is completely isolated from the atmosphere and moves forcibly from the circulation pump. Any CSO necessarily includes such elements:

  • heating unit - gas, solid fuel or electric boiler;
  • security group consisting of a pressure gauge, safety and air valve;
  • heating devices - radiators or contours of warm floors;
  • connecting pipelines;
  • pump, pumping water or non-freezing liquid through pipes and batteries;
  • filter net coarse cleaning (mud);
  • a closed expansion tank equipped with a membrane (rubber "pear");
  • cranes, balancing valves.
Typical circuit closed thermal

Note. Depending on the scheme, the composition of the CSO additionally includes modern devices for controlling the temperature and flow of coolant - radiator thermal heads, reverse and three-way valves, thermostats, and the like.

The algorithm of the work of the closed type system with forced circulation looks like this:

  1. After assembly and crimping, the pipeline network is filling, while the pressure gauge shows the minimum pressure of 1 bar.
  2. Automatic safety group air vent in the fill process produces air from the system. It deals with the removal of gases accumulating in the pipes during operation.
  3. The next step is to turn on the pump, start the boiler and heating the coolant.
  4. As a result of heating, the pressure inside the CSO increases to 1.5-2 bar.
  5. The increase in hot water is compensated by a membrane expansion tank.
  6. If the pressure rises above the critical point (usually 3 bar), the safety valve will discharge the extra liquid.
  7. Once in 1-2 years, the system must undergo emptying and washing procedure.

The principle of the SSO of an apartment building is absolutely identical - the movement of the coolant for pipes and radiators provide network pumps located in an industrial boiler room. There are also expansion tanks, a mixing or elevator node is engaged in temperature adjustment.

As a closed heating system functions, explains to the video:

Positive qualities and disadvantages

The main differences between the closed heat supply networks from obsolete open systems with natural circulation are the lack of contact with the atmosphere and the use of pumping pumps. From here there are a number of advantages:

  • the necessary pipe diameters are reduced by 2-3 times;
  • the slopes of highways are made minimal because they serve to drain the water in order to wash or repair;
  • the coolant is not lost by evaporation from the open tank, respectively, you can safely fill the pipelines and batteries by antifreeze;
  • ZSO is more economical on the effectiveness of heating and the cost of materials;
  • the closed heating is better to regulate and automation, can act in conjunction with solar collectors;
  • the forced flow of the coolant allows you to organize an outdoor heating with pipes, inside the screed or in a furrows of the walls.

The gravitational (samotane) open system wins the SSO for non-volatile - the latter is unable to work normally without a circulation pump. The moment is second: in the closed network contains much less water and in case of overheating, for example, a TT-boiler, a high probability of boiling and formation of steam cork is high.

Reference. From the boiling of the wood boiler saves a plus buffer container absorbing the height of the heat.

Types of closed systems

Before you buy heating equipment, pipe fittings and materials, you need to select the preferred version of the closed water system. Masters-plumbing practices the installation of four main schemes:

  1. One-tube with vertical and horizontal wiring (Leningradka).
  2. Collector, otherwise - radiation.
  3. Two-pipe deadlock with shoulders of the same or different length.
  4. Tichelman loop - ring wiring with associated water movement.

Additional Information. Water warm floors also include closed heating systems. It is much more difficult to assemble radiator heating, novice to take on such installation is not recommended.

We suggest to consider each diagram separately, viewing the pros and cons. As an example, take a project of a single-storey private house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m² with a bounted boiler room, whose layout is presented in the drawing. The magnitude of the heat load on heating is already calculated, the required amount of heat is indicated for each room.

Installation of layout elements and connection to the heat source is approximately the same. The installation of the circulation pump is usually provided in the return, the mud is mounted in front of it, the feed pipe with the crane and (if watching). Typical blockage of solid fuel and gas boiler is presented in diagrams.

Expansion tank in the figure is conditionally shown

Read more about Mounting and methods for connecting heating units using different energy carriers, read in separate manuals:

Single-pipe layout

The popular horizontal scheme "Leningradka" is one ring line of increased diameter, where all heating devices are connected. Passing through the pipe, the flow of the heated coolant is divided on each tee and cries in the battery, as shown below on the sketch.

Having achieved a branch, the stream is divided into 2 parts, about a third its in the radiator, where it is cooled and returns to the main

Passing the warmth of the room, the cooled water returns back to the highway, mixed with the main flow and moves to the next radiator. Accordingly, the second heating device gets water cooled by 1-3 degrees, and again selects the desired amount of heat.

Leningrad horizontal wiring - one ring line bypass all heating appliances

Result: In each subsequent radiator, increasingly cold water comes. This imposes certain restrictions on the closed one-tube system:

  1. The heat transfer of the third, fourth and subsequent battery needs to be calculated with a reserve of 10-30% by adding additional sections.
  2. The minimum diameter of the highway is DN20 (internal). The outer size of the PPR of the pipes will be 32 mm, metalplastic and stitched polyethylene - 26 mm.
  3. The cross section of the supply pipes to the heaters - DN10, the outer diameter is 20 and16 mm for PPR and PEX, respectively.
  4. The maximum number of heating devices in one ring "Leningradka" - 6 pcs. If you take more, there will be problems with increasing the number of sections of the last radiators and an increase in the diameter of the spreading pipe.
  5. The cross section of the annular pipeline does not decrease throughout.

Reference. A single-tube layout is vertical - with the lower or upper distribution of the coolant for risers. Such systems are used to organize a samoneca in two-story private cottages or operate under pressure in apartment buildings of the old building.

A single-pipe system of heating of a closed type will cost inexpensively if it is soldered from polypropylene. In other cases, it will decently hit the pocket at the expense of the price of the main pipe and fittings (tees) of large sizes. What does "Leningradka" look like in our single-storey building, demonstrated in the drawing.

Since the total number of heating devices exceeds 6 pcs. The system is divided into 2 rings with a common reverse collector. Noticeably the inconvenience of mounting one-pipe layout - you have to cross the doorways. Reducing the duct in one radiator causes a change in water consumption in other batteries, so the balancing "Leningradka" is to coordinate the work of all heaters.

Advantages of the radiation scheme

Why the collector system received such a name is clearly visible on the presented scheme. From the comb, installed in the center of the building, the individual coolant feed lines are diverged to each instrument of heating. The eyeliner is laid in the form of a ray along the shortest path - under the sexes.

The collector of the closed radial system is powered directly from the boiler, circulation in all circuits provides a single pump located in the furnace. In order to protect the branches from convulsion in the fill process, automatic valves are installed on the ridge - air vent.

Strengths of the collector system:

  • energy efficiency scheme, since it allows you to clearly dose the amount of coolant sent to each radiator;
  • the heating network is easy to enter into any interior - the supply pipes can be hidden in the floor, walls or over a suspended (stretched) ceiling;
  • the hydraulic balancing of the branches is made using manual valves and flow meters (rotameters) installed on the collector;
  • water is supplied to all batteries of the same temperature;
  • schema's operation is easy to automate - the operating valves of the collector are equipped with servo drives that closes the flow of thermostat;
  • The SSO of this type is suitable for cottages of any sizes and floors - at each level of the building there is a separate collector, distributing the heat of battery groups.

From the point of view of financial investments, the closed radiation system is not too expensive. A lot of pipes are consumed, but their diameter is minimal - 16 x 2 mm (DN10). Instead of the factory comb, it is fully allowed to be used, paved from polypropylene tees or twisted from steel fittings. True, without rotimetrov, the adjustment of the heating network will have to do with radiator balancing valves.

The camshaft is placed in the center of the building, the radiator lines are directly packed.

The minuses of radial layout are a bit, but they are worth attention:

  1. Hidden installation and testing of pipelines is performed only at the stage of new construction or overhaul. Laying radiator liners in the floors of an attached home or an apartment unrealistic.
  2. The collector is extremely preferably located in the center of the building, as shown in the drawing of a one-story house. The goal is to make eyelid to batteries of approximately the same length.
  3. In the event of a leakage of the pipe, deputy in the floor screed, find the place of defect without the thermal imager is quite difficult. Do not take connections in the screed, otherwise the risk of encountering the problem shown in the photo.

Connection leakage inside concrete monolith

Two-pipe options

In the device of autonomous heating of apartments and country houses, 2 varieties of such schemes are used:

  1. Tupic (another name - shoulder). The heated water is distributed by heating devices through one highway, and it is going to flow back to the boiler over the second line.
  2. Tichelman loop (associated wiring) is a ring two-pipe network, where heated and cooled heat carrier moves in one direction. The principle of operation is similar - the batteries are obtained from one highway, and the cooled is reset into the second pipeline - the return.

Note. In a closed backway system, the reverse line starts from the first radiator, and the feed ends on the latter. To disassemble the scheme presented below.

What is good deadlock closed home heating system:

  • the number of "shoulders" - dead-end branches - limited only by the power of the boiler installation, so the two-pipe layout is suitable for any building;
  • pipes are fitted with an open or closed way inside building structures - at the request of the homeowner;
  • as in the radiation scheme, equally hot water comes to all batteries;
  • ZSO is perfectly adjustable, automation and balancing;
  • correctly unfolded "shoulders" do not cross the doorways;
  • according to the cost of materials and installation, the dead-end layout will be cheaper than one-tube, if the assembly is carried out with metal-plastic or polyethylene pipes.

Optimal Battery Connection Option - Two separate branches envelm rooms from two sides

Designing a closed humerus of a cottage or residential house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 200 squares does not represent a special complexity. Even if you make branches of different lengths, the scheme will be able to balance by deep balancing. An example of a wiring in a single-storey building of 100 m² with two "shoulders" is shown above in the drawing.

Council. When the branches should be selected, the heating load should be taken into account. The optimal number of batteries on each "shoulder" - from 4 to 6 pcs.

Attachment of heaters with associated movement of the coolant

Tichelman's loop is an alternative version of a closed two-pipe network, which involves the combination of a large number of heating devices (over 6 pcs.) In a single ring. Take a look at the scheme of passing wiring and notice: through no matter how the radiator either proceeds the heat carrier, the total length of the route will not change.

From here there is an almost perfect hydraulic equilibrium of the system - the resistance of all sections of the network is equally. This is a significant advantage of Tichelman's loops over other closed wiring entails and the main drawback - 2 highways inevitably cross the doorway. Bypass options - under the sexes and above the door jammer with the installation of automatic air vent.

The disadvantage - the ring loop passes through the opening of the entrance door

Choice of the heating circuit of a country house

  1. Tepique two-pipe.
  2. Collector.
  3. Two-pipe passing.
  4. One-tube.

From here Tip: You will not be mistaken if for the house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 200 m². You will choose the first option - a dead-end scheme, it is suitable in any case. The radiation layout is inferior to it in two indicators - the price and possibility of mounting indoors with the finished finish.

A single-tube version of the heating network is perfect for a small house with a quadrature of each floor up to 70 m². Tichelman's loop is appropriate on extended branches that do not cross the doors, such as the heating of the upper floors of the building. How to choose the right system for houses of various shapes and floors, look at the video:

Regarding the selection of pipe diameters and mounting, we will give several recommendations:

  1. If the dwelling area does not exceed 200 m², it is not necessary to carry out the calculations - use the advice of the expert on video or take the cross-section of the pipelines according to the schemes above.
  2. When you need to "hang" on the branch of a dead-end layout, more than six radiators, increase the diameter of the pipe to 1 size - instead of DN15 (20 x 2 mm) take DN20 (25 x 2.5 mm) and label to the fifth battery. Further lead the trunk of the smaller cross section indicated initially (DN15).
  3. In the building under construction, it is better to make a radiation layout and select radiators with lower connections. The underground highways will necessarily insulate and protect the plastic corrugation in the places of crossing the walls.
  4. If you do not know how to properly solder polypropylene, then it is better not to associate with the PPP pipes. Install the heating from stitched polyethylene or metalplastic on compression or press fittings.
  5. Do not lay the joints of the pipelines into the wall or tie, in order not to have problems with leaks in the future.