Laying sewer pipes: installation specificity, rules and tips of masters. Installation of sewage in private house Stages of making homemade septic

For a private developer, the most acceptable way of removal of effluent is the installation of a samotane sewer system. It can be built by personally, cheaper forced, reliable. In order for communications to function smoothly, the correct laying of sewage pipes is extremely important.

The internal sewer network includes a plumbing installed in the house and connecting it pipes. It is recommended to use inexpensive and durable products from PVC or polypropylene as the latter. Depending on the type of plumbing devices, two species pipes are used: a cross section of 100-110 mm or a cross section of 40-50 mm.


For assembly of the internal network, connective elements will be required: fittings. These parts should have the same cross section, like the branches that they join. Since the installation uses two types of pipes, produce fittings that are capable of connecting pipes of different sections.

To design an internal (and external) sewage networks are intended:

  • tees;
  • couplings;
  • taps;
  • adapters;
  • crosses;
  • revision;
  • seals made of rubber needed to seal joints.

To prevent the deformation of the products from polypropylene, it is unacceptable to store them in conditions of minus temperature. For pipes and fittings from PVC there is no such requirement.


The pipeline consists of branches of different lengths, so during the installation of the network you will need a special tool: Truborez. It is good because it is capable of creating a chamfer on a cut. Its presence significantly improves the quality and speed of installation. But in the absence of this tool, you can use a hacksaw or a grinder. In this case, the sections will need to be cleaned from sowing and align the file.


The gasket of sewage pipes is carried out with their own hands, taking into account the requirements for the installation of the samotane sewer system SNiP 2.04.03-85. Namely, the slope of the network branches towards the pipe, withdrawing drains from the house. In order for the system to be self-cleaning, water should move on communications at a speed of 0.7-1 m / s.

Since the diameter of sewage pipes is different, they have no bandwidth. Since it is necessary to pave the sewage in a private house correctly, it is recommended to follow the following rule:

  • for pipes with a cross section of 50 mm to withstand a slope of 3 cm per 1 m,
  • for pipes with a cross section of 100-110 mm - 2 cm per 1 m.


  • it should be verified that the sealing ring is properly distributed around the circle of the termination;
  • clean the external and inner part of the dust items.
  • apply one of the elements of silicone lubrication;
  • connect parts of the pipeline.

Fixation of pipes

All branches of the internal sewage network must be fixed in the position corresponding to the required slope. For this purpose, fastening clamps are used. These elements are installed in accordance with the rule: the step between the clamps should not exceed the 10-fold diameter of the pipe. That is, if the sewage branch has a cross section of 50 mm, it is necessary to fix it every 50 cm.

So that the internal network is less noisy, between the clamp and the element of the pipeline fasten the rubber gasket.


Laying sewer tubes of external sewage is performed according to its own rules. Common between the internal and external network is that they can be built out of the same materials. But for the exterior, high-quality insulation of pipes in the ground is necessary. Laying sewage in a private house with your own hands can be performed in any way: open and hidden. The first assumes the ground line of the branch, the second - underground.

For the external network, sewer red tubes are used 110 mm. The bias towards the septica observe the same as when installing internal communications.

Installation of sewage pipes underground requires compliance with a number of rules:

  1. The depth of the trench is below the TPG (ground freezing point).
  2. Sand pillow - 10-15 cm.
  3. It is desirable to have a warmed box for pipes.
  4. At the point of rotation of the highway and after each of its 25-30 m arrange viewing wells.

In the fields of the pipeline out of the house and enter it to septic, it is necessary to seal holes. Laying sewer tubes is performed in compliance with the rules of sewage installation and in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85.

Sewage in a private house is necessarily needed if you live there constantly, and very desirable if you give there only the summer months. I will help you deal with the basic schemes of the sewer system, and we will analyze the algorithm for performing key steps of work.

Channelization scheme

Sewerage for a private house - an integral condition for a comfortable stay. You can only use the street and mesh pit temporarily. Sooner or later, the question of creating a complex system is understood.

Before making sewage in a private house, you need to decide on its configuration. The easiest way to do this, consistently:

  1. Analysis of available communications. If there is a centralized sewage network in the settlement, then the work is simplified by an order. It will be enough for us to just get to the collector pipe to connect to it.

To connect to a general collector, permission is required from the local administration, and the work itself is better to entrust specialists. But in any case, it will be much cheaper than the sewer tank itself.

  1. Determining the type of tank. Here we have only two options: septicch or cesspool. Septic tank is more difficult and more expensive, but he is less likely to pump, the cesspool is the opposite. The optimal choice is a septic tank combined with a biological treatment station, but the high cost acts as a limiting factor.

  1. Choosing a place for a tank. In this question, you need to be guided by the current standards that determine the minimum distance from the pit or septicity to different objects. It is advisable to find a point at the bottom of the relief (to dig less) at a distance of at least 10 meters from home and at least 15 m from the well / well.
  2. Selection of the room.The sewage system of a private house must bind all the water drain points together. It is worth collecting them as close as possible to each other, because we determine where the bathroom will be. It is advisable to have it from the outer wall, from the side of the house where the reservoir will be so we will spend less forces and money on the pipe gasket.

  1. Pre-planning.Based on the information received, we build the plan of the entire system and pre-calculate how many and what materials we need. According to the calculations, we plan a budget (you immediately launch an excess of 30% in it) and we estimate whether the project will be "lifting".

If the preliminary stage has been completed successfully, you can move to procurement and implementation of preliminary works.

Materials for creating autonomous sewage

An independent sewage device in part-finding is a fairly resource-intensive project. What minimum of materials will be required to implement it?

The main articles are expented in the table:

Illustration Element design

Ready septic.

The optimal solution for the autonomous sewer system is the installation of septicity of industrial production (tank, triton and analogs). Such products are completed with multi-chamber tanks of sufficient volume and all the necessary devices for the primary wastewater treatment, therefore we will just be installed.

The main minus - high price.

Plastic Capacity for Septic.

As a tank, you can use a plastic (polyethylene, polypropylene) tank for waste accumulation.

You can also purchase the so-called Eurocube.

A plus - Full tightness of the system. Minus - sufficiently high cost and the need to install additional treatment devices.

Concrete rings.

If, when creating a sewage system, the system will save money, then the tanks for the accumulation and wastewater treatment can be made from standard concrete rings.

Disadvantage - The need to additionally seal the capacity and complexity of installation. Without attracting the crane, perhaps not to do.

Pipes for external sewage.

To connect a cesspool or septicity with the house, special external pipes are used (orange color). They are well tolerated the temperature differences and are not deformed even under significant pressure when laying at a depth.

Pipes and fittings for internal sewage.

The internal sewering layout is formed from polypropylene (gray) pipes with a diameter of 110 to 40 mm. Together with the pipes, it is desirable to purchase the desired number of fittings for the design of turns, taps, revisions, etc.

Pipe heat insulation.

When laying the outer part of the network, as well as when installing communications in unheated premises (base, basement), there is a risk of freezing pipes. To avoid this, the sewer system is desirable to warm up using mineral wool housings, polyethylenethylene, polyurethane foam, etc.

In addition to the basic materials that are used directly to create a system, additional will be needed:

  • gravel and sand for earthworks and styling of the drainage layer;
  • cement mortar;
  • sealant based on moisture-resistant silicone;
  • audit wells - if you need to lay a long or winding pipeline.

Outdoor work

Stage 1. Principle of operation and calculation of the amount of septic

Installation of sewage in a private house includes two types of work:

  • outdoor - consist in the device of the tank (cesspool or septic) and laying the pipe to the house;
  • internal - Ensure the installation of pipe wiring in the house and connecting water consumption points to it.

If there is a possibility, then these works are performed in parallel, if not, then you need to start from the outdoor device.

The most efficient design for the autonomous sewage septication is considered to be septic. Unlike a cesspool, it does not accumulate the drains, but ensures their processing. At the exit, it turns out relatively clean water, which is filtered into the ground, polluting it with a minimum level.

Works septic enough simple:

  1. Adjustion. First, wastewater falls into the first container - sump. It is separated in the separation of wastewater on fractions: solid particles fall into the precipitate (IL), the lightweight organicer floats on the surface, and the lighter liquid is assembled in the middle part. There is also a bacterial decomposition of waste with the release of gaseous reaction products and mineralization of residues.

  1. Pereliv. In the wall of the first container, the overflow hole is made, which is located at the level of filling. Through the overflow tube, the clarified water comes from the sump to the second chamber, and solid residues are delayed.
  2. Filtration. In the second chamber (filtration or drain well), the clarified strokes pass through the drainage layer at the bottom. Drainage detains another part of pollution, because almost clean water enters the soil.

For this principle, almost all septics work - both homemade and factory. The difference lies in the design of the tanks, as well as in their quantity. Sometimes the septic tank has not two, but three cameras - then another tank for more efficient cleaning is added between the septic tank and the filtration container.

Before you have a septic, you need to calculate its optimal volume.

The calculation of the septicism is performed by the formula:

V \u003d n * Q * 3/1000where

  • V. - the desired septicism in cubic meters;
  • n. - the number of people permanently residing in the house;
  • Q. - the rate of consumption of water per person, liters per day;
  • 3 - average drainage duration of wastewater, day.

If you take the cost of consumption approved in SNiP 200 liters, then, for example, for 4 people the volume will be like this:

V \u003d 4 * 200 * 3/1000 \u003d 2.4 m3.

Stage 2. Installation and equipment of the sewer tank

Now we'll figure it out how to make the sewage in a private house. The algorithm for the device is septic in the table:

Illustration Stage of work

Digging pit.

In the selected location, we apply to the markup site, after which the knob is knocked for installing tanks. The dimensions of the recreation are selected with a margin - so that the bottom of the submetock and waterproofing / drainage layer can be put on the bottom, and make a clay castle on the sides.

For septicles of a small volume, the drunk rotates manually, for large-scale structures it is better to use the services of an excavator.

Preparation of the foundation.

The bottom of the pit is equal, after which we put a sandy bench with a thickness of up to 20 cm. Plumbing trambra.

Under the installation of the settling room (first capacity), it is possible to pre-lay a waterproofing pillow of clay or a concrete disk, the diameter of which will correspond to the diameter of the well.

Installing containers.

At the bottom of the pit, we lower concrete rings, from which two wells form. The joints between the rings are sealing in order to exclude the ingress of crude drains in the ground.

DNA device tanks.

The lower part of the sump is done with a hermetic, pouring a layer of concrete to 10 cm thick. Additionally, you can process the base with bitumen mastic and put the waterproofing rolled material.

At the bottom of the filtration well, we fall asleep drainage: pebbles, gravel, broken ceramic brick, etc.

You can also do holes in the lower ring of this tank or use a special perforated workpiece from reinforced concrete.

Registration overflow.

Both tanks connect the overflow tube, which insert into the holes at a distance of about 1.5 m from the bottom. In order for the sump to the filtration capacity, organic waste in the filtration capacity is set to the T-shaped fitting. Due to the presence of a lower nozzle, such a fitting makes it possible to make the selection of the clarified liquid under the surface film from the organic.

The installation site of the overflow pipe is thoroughly sealed.

Overlapping and neck.

Plates of overlap with holes for hatches are installed on the wells. If the septic is located deeply, the neck can be additionally used - narrower rings, providing access for cleaning, revision and repair.

Ventilation and hatches.

Insert the ventilation pipe into the overlap. It is advisable to make it higher - so an unpleasant smell will quickly disappear.

Wells or separately declined necks cover the suites of a suitable diameter by fixing them with a cement solution.

If the septic is below the groundwater level, it is desirable to seal it outside using runneroid or bitumen mastic. Also, the injection of moisture in the chamber will help the laying of a dense layer of clay along the perimeter of the tanks - the so-called clay castle.

Stage 3. Laying pipes from the tank to the house

The next element of the outer sewage is a pipe connecting the tank with the house. It will receive wastewater in the sewage / cumulative structure.

Pipe laying technology:

Illustration Executable operation

Drain and trench preparation.

There is a depth of 50 cm to 1.5 m between the house and septice (the deeper the soil in winter freezes - the more you have to dig). For the most efficient flow, we form a bias in the side of the septicism of about 2 cm per 1 m.

At the bottom, we lay a sandy submission up to 15 cm. The subference is moisturizing and trambra.

Pipe laying.

The trench is placed in the pipe to drain waste. The optimal diameter of the pipe outdoor of the sewer system is 110 or 160 mm.

Heat insulation pipe.

If the septic is relatively shallow, and the pipe does not turn out to burst more than 1 m, the contour requires additional insulation. To do this, turn it around with a rolled material on the basis of glass gambles or mineral fiber, or we use cylindrical casing of a suitable diameter.

Input to septic.

One end of the pipe is envious to septicch through a hole in the concrete wall of the well. As with the mounted overflow, the hole is thoroughly sealing.

Input to the house.

The place of entry into the house can be decorated in different ways, but most often the pipe is started through a hole in the basement or foundation. It is desirable to insert a metal sleeve in the hole, which will protect the sewage from damage when moving and drawdowns.

Also, the input node should be insulated.

After completing these works, we fall asleep all the trenches and the pit finally, and then put the fertile soil or a layer of turf over the backfill.

It is also desirable to make markers on the wall of the house at the entrance. These marks will need when we look for where the sewer pipes are laid.

How to make the sewasonal wiring

Stage 4. Basic elements of the internal network

The next stage is the arrangement of internal sewage. Its configuration directly depends on where stock sources are located, because here I will give a description of its main elements:

  1. Riser- Central vertical pipe, large diameter (minimum 110 mm), which combines all contours together. As a rule, in a private house there are one riser, but in large buildings there may be several of them. In the lower part, the knee is connected to the withdrawing sewer tube.
  2. Fan trumpet- Mounted in the upper part of the riser, serves to lead gases accumulating in pipes, from the system to an external environment. It is displayed in a separate vent mine or connects to the ventilation pipe located above the roof level.

Without a fan pipe, the pressure in the system will increase, which can lead to incorrect operation of shut-off valves. In addition, accumulating gases are the reason for the appearance of unpleasant odors.

  1. Main branches- pipelines with a diameter of about 50 mm (2 inches). Used to connect plumbing devices and other sources of flow with a riser. Since local sewage is usually made in self-erased (i.e., working without additional pressure), then the pipes are packed with a bias in the direction of the drain. For two-link pipes, the optimal bias is about 3 cm per 1 m.
  2. Side pipes- Used to connect issues of sanitary devices with highways. The diameter of such a pipe cannot be larger than the diameter of the highway.

  1. Revision - Special fittings, which are a tee with one tap equipped with a closing hatch. The revision is placed at the base of the riser, on turns, branching and at the ends of the highways. It provides access inside the pipeline to remove blockages or preventive work.

Stage 5. Pipe Connection

All pipes are connected with the help of fittings that allow you to draw up turns, taps, branching, etc. When installing the system, it is advisable to avoid turns under sharp and straight corners, forming smooth arcs - so we will reduce the risk of blockages in the place of reducing the flow rate.

Typical modern pipes equipped with crops and elastic cuffs are easily mounted with their own hands. :

Illustration Mounting operation

Trimming pipes.

Using hacksaw with small teeth, cut a smooth end of the pipe to the desired size.

Removal chamfer.

The pruning place is cleaned, removing burrs from the outer inside - they can cause a blockage.

Preparation of the termination.

Insert the rubber sealing ring in the slur. Roll up the seal, laying it into the groove and watching the lack of bends and chances.

Connection of pipes.

Insert the nozzle into the socket and move until you stop. If necessary, we turn the pipe so that the removal or revision opening is in the desired position.

After assembly, all pipes are installed on carrier surfaces. The instruction admits both hidden (in the strokes or behind the trim) and open gasket. In the second case, plastic clamps with latch or screw fixation are used for fastening pipes.

Step 6. Connection to Plumbing Devices

At the last stage, plumbing equipment is connected:

  1. Toilet - Usually installed in the immediate vicinity of the riser. Release of the toilet is connected by corrugation or tube segment or with a riser tap, or with a short trunk with a diameter of at least 110 mm.

  1. Bathroom or shower booth - Connected to sewage using compact siphons, which are placed under drain holes. The optimal diameter of the discharge pipe is at least 50 mm.

Some models of shower and toilet bowls require vertical sewage to the sewage - this must be considered in advance when designing the system.

  1. Shells in the kitchen and in the bathroom - Embed into the system using siphones with hydraulic assets. Siphon usually has the shape of the flask and is placed under the sink, and with the conclusion of the sewage it is connected by a flexible corrugated pipe.
  2. Washing and dishwashers - Also mounted using flexible corrugated hoses. To connect such devices, install a separate removal of the sewage pipe, equipped with a rubber cuffs with a rubber sealing cuff.


Installation technology of the sewage system includes a number of nuances, directly affecting the final result. Now and you know them. You can see the subject's subtleties clearly in the video in this article. Answers to any arising questions you can get in the comments to this material.

Work on the construction of water supply and sewage must be carried out immediately after the construction of the house, but before the start of any internal work. Once you have determined where water consumption points are located, determine the amount and location of wastewater reception points. Laying sewage in a private house with your own hands - the occupation is not difficult, even easily performed, but there are several nuances, knowing which you can avoid alterations.

In the villages and country villages to connect to the central sewage, as a rule, there is no possibility due to the absence of such. Therefore, the choice that will serve as a receiver-wastewater purifier, prerogatives exclusively by the owner of the compound.

Let's look at how the sewage can be arranged in a rural house.

Sealing system should be divided into:

  1. External contour.
  2. Inner contour.

Internal sewage

To begin with, determine which side of the house there will be a sewer well. Usually choose the side where the natural slope of the landscape is going, i.e. The lowest point.

Here in the foundation at a depth of about 1, 2 meters (so as not to move the pipes) a hole is made sufficient for the release of the sewer pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

To this point, the exit is reduced everything inside the house.

Tip: In order for the drain to happen without difficulty, laying the pipes in the house and on the street with a slope of 5-7 mm on the pipe room meter of the pipe.

A good solution will be a device internal sewage in a private house in the form of a sewer rim, to which all distille points are connected throughout the house (cm rice).

In the figure, we see that to the riser (1) with a diameter of 100 mm: toilet (2), washbasins (3), bath (4), while the pipe riser is attached to the walls using fastener brackets (8). The upper end of the sewage riser ends with a ventilation yield (7), the lower - comes out of the house in the drain well.

Tip: Connect to the riser from the bath, shower cabin and washbasin with a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, and from the toiletz - 100 mm.

Sewer riser should also necessarily have an audit hole for system maintenance.

We will assume, in how the internal sewage is arranged in a private house, we figured out. Next, go to the construction of the external system.

It is understood that the pipe from the house came out at a depth of about 1.2 meters (if there is a desire, learn from the geodesists of your region to the depth of the soil; it will be the desired value for us), and then with a 5 mm bias bias entered the sewer .

External sewage

Tip: If the uncleans fall into drinking water intake and people will suffer, the culprit may suffer criminal responsibility.

The following option is to arrange the sewage in a private house with a hermetic cesspool.

The advantage, undoubtedly, is that you do not need to fool your head in finding a solution where to give the cleverness. A large sealed tank is laughed in the soil, which periodically rolls out the assessing machine. Your task is only to ensure that the maximum allowable level of drainage is not exceeded.

Tip: Install a float tank filling alarm in the pit.

The disadvantage of such a solution is the high cost of maintenance. The challenge of the associates will cost you about $ 30 per visit. The number of visits depends on the volume of the tank, but is usually 2-3 arrival per month.

  • On average, one person produces about 150 liters of stocks per day. If the family consists of 4 people -600 or 0.6 m cubic meters.
  • So, at the volume of the pit at 6 m cube, the car must be ordered once every 10 days, 12 meters - once in 20 days.

Tip: Do not make the depth of a pit of more than 3 meters, otherwise the nozzle of the assessing machine may not get to the bottom of the pit.

All distances between objects on the site should be, as in the case of a pit without the bottom.

Now let's look at how to make the sewage in a rustic house in the form of a full-fledged system of biological wastewater treatment.


The most common and effective method of processing household waste is considered to be septic. It happens one, two-, three-chamber.

Septic is a device of biological wastewater treatment with bacteria that decompose the remnants of water and il. Bacteria are formed in the septic nature, forming a kind of film. Also industrially produced all sorts of septicists, which, when adding, accelerate the disintegration processes of unclean.

Operating principle:

  • Streams from home fall into the first chamber.
  • Here there is a sedimentation of suspended (insoluble) particles on the bottom in the form of a mineral precipitate and a bundle of three layers - crust, water, or.
  • The bacteria split the remains of food and other uncleans on the silt and water. Water flows into the subsequent chamber, and the crust and il are cleaved by bacteria further.
  • Partitions between cameras interfere with the passage of peel and il into the clarified part of the septic.
  • In the 2nd (and 3rd) chamber of the septicity takes advantage of the clarified water, an insoluble mineral precipitate is settled onto the bottom, and the purified water goes into the drainage system.

Caliation in a private house further implies the release of the resulting septic water, but this will be discussed below.

So, the place under the septicch is chosen as follows:

  • The septicum should be at least three volumes of daily drain.
  • The landscape level of the septic should be below the level of the well of drinking water intake.
  • The distance from Septic to the well of drinking water is at least 50 meters.
  • The distance from the septica to the fence or the boundary of the site is at least 2 m.
  • Free access of the car.

Build a septic tank mainly from reinforced concrete rings, bricks or ready-made plastic structures. Choosing to make you for reasons of availability and installation costs.

Consider on the example, how to make a sewer from reinforced concrete rings in a rustic house


  1. I dig a hole to the wells with a stock of 20 cm to relieve mounting.
  2. We put on the bottom a lightweight concrete pillow (max 20 cm).
  3. We set consistently: bottom, rings 2-3 pieces, cover with a hole for the hatch.
  4. Thoroughly close all the joints. Cover the inner surface of the well 2 times bitumen.
  5. We do the same for the second chamber. Connect them with each other.
  6. The drainage well put out of the rings, but without the bottom, and on the sand 20 cm and gravel 20 cm for filtering from the septicity of the clarified water.
  7. Install the ventilation pipes. If the house has a sewer riser, the ventilation can occur through it.

That's all. Now we have a full-fledged system of biological wastewatering. The sewage device of the private house is even working in this case autonomously, but still approximately once every 2 years need to pump out and mineral precipitate from the septic.

For clarity, we offer to see a small video about the installation of the sewer system on the example of laying pipes from PVC.

When designing and installing internal sewage sealing for a private house, no one is insured against errors that can lead to unpredictable consequences, from the appearance of an unpleasant odor to the complete inoperability of the system. Consider in this article the concept of internal sewage in a private house: the design and installation rules + the analysis of frequent errors arising in the process of all this.

General characteristics of the modern internal sewage system

Today, the construction of private suburban housing is experiencing a real boom. Therefore, there was a need to create a convenient and modern sewage system, which could be mounted an ordinary person who does not have construction education. Such a system should have good performance, since the number of sanitary devices producing household waste has increased significantly. After all, with the advent of automatic washing machines, dishwashers, jacuzzi and shower cabins, the water consumption of ordinary household increased to 200 liters per person per day.

An increase in the number of plumbing devices leads to a significant complication of the pipeline networks themselves. The benefit that PVC pipes are used for installation of sewage, which is supplied with auxiliary shaped parts, with which the installation of the pipeline becomes not more complicated by the manufacture of crafts from the children's designer. All these parts are supplied with sealing rings that can be easily replaced if necessary.

Internal sewage is a combination of plastic pipes and shaped parts for their compounds serving for wastewater removal from sanitary devices. The devices themselves are equipped with siphons necessary to prevent the smell penetration into the premises. Laying of pipes obeys strict rules, non-compliance with which is fraught with a violation of the work of the entire system.

Rules for laying pipes when building internal sewage

As a central discharge channel in the entire sewage system at home is the riser. He can be one for the whole house. If the house is too large or the bathrooms are located at a considerable distance from each other, then the risers make two or more. They are vertically installed pipes that begin in the basement, and end on the roof. The lower part of the stand is connected to the inclined pipe of the same or larger diameter, which comes out into the container for the accumulation of wastewater or in the wastewater treatment plant. The upper part of the riser towers above the roof of at least 0.5 m. It is open or equipped with a check valve. Why it is necessary - consider further. All vehicles leading from plumbing devices are connected to risers.

Hydrodynamics of liquids in pipes

The pipe is a cylinder, inside of which water moves. With full filling the pipe with water, the effect of the piston occurs. This means that the pressure from the top of the water plug drops sharply, and on the contrary, it rises. In a situation where an explosive plums from a toilet bowl occurs, the vacuum formed is able to suck all the water from the siphones. This is fraught with the appearance of smell in the premises. On the contrary, in the course of the movement of the fluid, an excessive pressure occurs, which is able to push the uncleanness of the device below.

Ignoring the laws of hydrodynamics leads to two common errors in the design and installation of sewage. The first error lies in the failure of the ventilation device. The background tube coming from the root to the roof, not only removes the unpleasant smell, but also serves as a pressure compensator in the system. After all, when it is presented, the reduced pressure over the water piston does not cortify water from the siphones, and will ensure air flow into the system from the atmosphere, which again levels the pressure.

The second common error lies in the fact that all plumbing devices are connected through the undermining pipes to the riser below the toilet bowl. It is unacceptable, as it will certainly be the reason for pouring uncleanness into the sink or shower cabin during washing. Similar problems occur when supply pipes are longer than permissible for them. In order not to have no such trouble, it is necessary to formulate some important rules for the installation of intumery sewage.

Rules of the device of the domestic sewage system, whose violation is unacceptable

Attention! The violation of the rules below may result in a serious disorder of the internal sewer system or emergency.

  • Connecting the toilet to the riser should be carried out separately from other plumbing devices.
  • All other plumbing elements include the system above the toilet connection point. On one supply tube there may be several devices if their performance allows.
  • Any supply pipe must be diameter no less than having the largest diameter of the appliance.
  • The toilet removal has a diameter of 100 mm, therefore, the riser should not be thinner.
  • The toilet is set at a distance of no more than 1 m from the riser, and the remaining devices are not more than 3 m.
  • If the house has a drilling pipe longer than 3 m, then it should not be thinner than 70 mm. Approach that is 5 m longer than 100 mm millimeter pipes.

If an increase in the diameter of the supply pipes for some reason is not possible, then there is a way to bypass this rule. To do this, it is necessary to bring the roof of such a pipe to the roof and supply a vacuum valve or to flashes it to the riser above all other appliances.

Quantitative characteristics of parameters of laying sewer pipes

Significant, important nuances, the observance of which will ensure the performance of the sewage in optimal mode:

  • The slope of all horizontal pipes depends on the diameter of their cross section. The standards suggest that the pipe with a diameter of 50 mm should be descended by 3 cm each temporal meter of length, having a diameter from 100 to 110 mm 2 cm per meter. Pipes having a diameter of more than 160 mm can be tilted at no more than 0.8 cm on the temporon meter.
  • Such an indicator, as a height difference for the toilet, should be 1 m, and for other devices 3 m. The exceeding of these parameters must be accompanied by the ventilation organization at the ends of the corresponding veins.

Another common error lies in the improper design of the corners. If you make angles of 90 degrees, then as a result of the rebound in this place, zoom from waste will be formed, and the pipe will quickly break. For this reason, on the corners it is necessary to create a smooth flow of water. To do this, use the shaped parts having an angle of inclination of 135 degrees.

The fourth error is the output of the fan pipe not on the roof, but in general home ventilation. Such a device will create an unforgettable "fragrance" in the whole house, to get rid of which it is possible only by converting the entire system.

In order not to be heard of the sounds of water moving along the pipes, it is necessary to arrange noise insulation. For this pipe, the pipes are wrapped with mineral wool and placed in the box of plasterboard sheets. For timely and convenient conduct of preventive work, the pipes are equipped with hatches of revision every 15 m. The same applies to all turns.

Fifth error. In a pipe connecting the domestic sewer and septic tank, the check valve is not installed. In this case, when overflowing outdoor devices for recycling, water can rise up through the pipes and pour the basement.

Errors associated with the connection of siphones

Connecting any plumbing device to sewage is carried out through siphons having a view of the letter U. Such a curved form allows water to be constantly in it. It forms a hydrobarier and does not smell penetrate the room. However, this system ceases to work when performing some errors. Main error - no ventilation. In this case, the vacuum simply sucks water from the siphon, allowing smells to walk freely around the house. Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant smell is a banal evaporation of water from a siphon. This happens with rarely using the device. You just need to plug the rag used device.

What calculations are produced when planning internal sewage

Work on the design of internal sewage should be carried out strictly in accordance with the above rules. In addition, certain calculations are required to comply with them:

  • The general scheme indicates the place where one or another will be located. Its distance from the riser, the diameter of the supply pipe, the option of attachment and compounds with sewage is thought out in advance. At the same time calculate the required amount of materials.
  • Defined with the type of sewer system itself. They are pressure and controversial. Usually because of the simplicity, the system is used in which water flows under the action of the gravity of the Earth. The main thing here is to calculate the tilt of the pipes according to the rules set out above.
  • According to the technical characteristics of each sanitary appliance, it is calculated its simultaneous stock. The thickness of the supply tube depends on this indicator. In most cases, for all devices, in addition to the toilet, 50 millimeter tube is suitable
  • Calculate the most optimal place for mounting the riser. Most often it is toilets. If there are two of them in the house, in different vertical planes, then the riser is better to do two.
  • Calculate the sequence of the sewage is needed so as to maximally reduce the number of angles of rotation. This will significantly reduce the risk of blockage.

The above calculations made correctly will make the sewage system most workable and efficient even if overload occurs.

What is needed to build a domestic sewage system

As mentioned above, the main thing in the sewage device inside the house is to compile its detailed drawing with the indication of all the instruments and sizes of the elements. For installation, sewer pipes from polyvinyl chloride are used. The device of their ends is such that the two pipes can be connected by placing the end of one into the socket of the other. For risers, pipes with a diameter of 100 mm are used, and for the remaining devices 50 mm. For a compound with external sewers, a corrugated pipe is used, due to its better resistance to the adhesion of the soil.

From the tool usually used: saw for cutting plastic pipes, sharp knife and rubber mounting seals. The saw cut the pipes, cut the cuts with a knife and make chamders. Rubber seals are inserted into the squabbles. For connecting pipes to the system, various fittings are used:

  • Kings or taps that are needed for the design of the corners. They are produced with a bend of 45 and 90 degrees. Their ends are also equipped with connoisseurs with seals to create dense connections.
  • If it is necessary to connect trimming of the pipes of one diameter, apply transitional taps.
  • Tees of various species are fittings for organizing pipe branching.
  • Transitional clutches are needed in order to create transitions between pipes of different thickness.

A common error during installation of plastic sewer pipes is ignoring their heating. So that the pipes are easier and more densely in each other and in the connecting shaped parts, the squabbles must be heated in hot water.

Sequence of work when installing internal sewage

Installation of the sewer system inside the house is carried out in the following order:

First, the risers are installed, withdrawing their ends on the roof and in the basement. They must pass in close proximity to the toilet bowls. In the basement, they are connected to the inclined pipe, which goes out into the septic tank, and the upper ends are left open or supplied with check valves.

Secondly, underwater from toilet suits to riser. They must be separate.

Thirdly, connected to the laying stands from other devices above the inputs of the toilet bowls.

Fourthly, installed on all devices of siphons.

Fifth, connect siphons with eyeliners.

In conclusion, let's say that the properly designed and collected sewage will work will work all for a long time without serious problems.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine a private house without plumbing benefits of civilization. Bathrooms, showers, household appliances and other equipment, one way or another, should be able to remove sewage electrics beyond the dwelling.

Without a high-quality liquid removal system, this will be very difficult.


The design of the sewer system, all auxiliary and treatment facilities should be done at the design stage of the house. This will provide an opportunity to properly position all the communication channels, which, accordingly, will allow in the future the entire system to work effectively.

It is desirable that the entire inner and outdoor highway can have as little complex nodal compounds and sharp turns. At this stage, you can also calculate the diameter of pipes and, of course, select the pipes themselves.

Photo: Sewage Project Plan diagram

The design of the sewage channels is very closely associated with the gasket of the water supply. Often the main water pipes are mounted along with the central sewer rim.

This suggests that the entire design procedure should take into account other communications at home to facilitate the layout of systems and the rational use of special channels.

Photo: Pressed Channels for Pipes

The design part of the sewage also includes the definition of a place for septicism, drainage pits and other outdoor communications.

Important! Without taking into account the level of soil freezing, as well as the depths of groundwater, it is impossible to correctly calculate all external work.

Best of all, the specialists of the relevant profile will be cope with this task, and further earthy and installation work can be made independently.

Determination of the angle of inclination

Since most systems are self-earthen, the angle of inclination of pipes when installing plays a very large role. If the slopes are non-compliance, blocks are inevitable and the yield of sewage system. But if you follow certain rules, this can be avoided.

Photo: Observation of the angle of inclination

First, different diameters, unequal. The larger the internal passability of the channel, the less the angle of inclination is made.

It is also worth considering the inner coating of the pipes - with a rough structure of the material angle, although not significantly, it is worth an increase.

There are regulatory documents that give the definition of the right slopes for sewage pipes of various diameters. For example, for the most popular in modern sewering of pipes, a diameter of 110 mm, a slope should be at least 0.02 (2 cm per 1 m / n).

Photo: Tilt angle sizes

Installation of a pipe with such a bias will allow the sewage drain to move at normal speed and will not allow suspended particles to fall into the sediment.

Below is a table with slopes for the most common diameters of pipes in relation to plumbing equipment:

Plumbing device Pipe diameter, mm Tilt angle
Toilet 100 1:20
Bath, shower 40-50 1:48
Sink, washing 40-50 1:12-1:36
Bidet 40-50 1:20

When laying highways, adhere to the angles of inclination described below:

  • for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm - 3 cm on m / n;
  • for pipes with a diameter of 160 mm - 0.008 cm per m / n;
  • for pipes with a diameter of 200 mm - 0.007 cm on m / n.

For greater clarity, consider one example. Suppose that the length of the pipeline is equal to 10 meters. Pipe diameter 50 mm. It means that the difference between the lower and the upper edge of the pipe should be 30 cm (0.03 x 10).

How to rotate sewage pipes

When installing the internal sewage in a private house there is a need to change the direction of the pipe.

For this procedure, all kinds of fittings are used, which may vary not only by angular characteristics, but also constructive data.

Important! It is also worth remembering that any connection is a guaranteed leak point, with an incorrect docking of parts. Rotary fittings are an even place of accumulation of the sediment and the emergence of blockages. Therefore, it is necessary to establish audits on particularly complex areas.

Photo: Sewage Wiring Fitting

Based on this, it is very responsible to refer to the rotary nodes of the pipeline. For a start, you should refuse turns of pipes by 90 degrees in the horizontal plane.

It is better to replace this node fitting with an angle of rotation of 45 degrees. If there is no such possibility, it is desirable to establish an audit well at the place of rotation.

Photo: Audit well

With the internal wiring of the sewage, it is worth avoiding the docking of the taps with a central stand at right angles. To a greater extent, it concerns kitchen taps.

FirstlyThis will make it impossible to set the inclination angle.

SecondlyThe specificity of kitchen discovers is such that fat and food particles will not be able to be deleted properly.

Important! Special attention should be paid to the connection of the toilet. The swivel nodes at this point should be the least, therefore, the installation of this plumbing is produced, if possible, as close as possible to the discharge channel.

Regardless of the number of sewer risers in the house, everyone is combined into one sewer branch, the drains of the drains further to the cleaning or accumulative facilities. In most cases, such a place is a basement.

Photo: Sewer junction

Turns of pipes in this sewer "junction" should be made by fittings with an angle of rotation of 45 and 90 degrees.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the entire design by holding suspensions and the installation of revision nodes.

Warning of the appearance of unpleasant odors

Unpleasant odors in the house may appear for several reasons. The most common of them is bad ventilation of the room, in particular the bathroom, and problems with hydraulic assets.

If you can cope with ventilation without any problems, setting the exhaust fan, then with the siphons not so simple.

The problem may be in an error made at the installation of the pipeline. The absence or incorrect (negative) bias can cause a blocking formation and, as a result, there is a narrowing of the passage channel.

Photo: narrowing of the passage canal of the sewer pipe

It can cause full blockage of the removal, then due to the overflow of the pipe, water can occur from the siphon, opening the path to the sewage gases.

Also the reason may be the installation of pipes of a smaller diameter, unforeseen for this type of plumbing. It can be eliminated either by cleaning, or, more difficult, altered part of the pipeline.

Photo: Troubleshooting

In the case when unpleasant aromas have not yet filled the room, it is worth conducting a number of preventive action.

They include:

  • flushing of kitchen channels from accumulation of fatty sediments with boiling water and detergent;
  • timely cleaning of siphones from accumulated garbage in the sump;
  • wash the dishes follow after cleaning it from food residues;
  • do not throw in the toilet different garbage, in the form of newspapers, securities, etc.

Another point, which in the installation of sewage occupies a special place - these are ventilation pipes in septices and cesspools.

In their absence, the sewer gas will definitely find an output, and it will most likely in a restroom or shower.

Device of revision hatches

For full maintenance and cleaning of the sewer network, as well as for free access to the pipeline, revision hatches are used.

Depending on the installation site, they can be ceiling, wall and outdoor type. With regard to sewer systems, consider the last two types.

Wall hatches are often masked under the tile, thereby visually not disturbing the integrity of the coating. The design itself is made so that when the hatch is closed, the possibility of damage to the glued tile is completely excluded.

Photo: Mounted audit hatch

Wall revision hatches are two species and differ in the mechanism. The first type is the pressure, whose name itself speaks about the principle of work. The hatch consists of a metal frame with the door on the loop.

Also, the mechanism of the revision hatch has magnets, for fixing the hatch in a closed state

Photo: revision hatch

The second type is frontal-swollen. It has a similar design with a pressure hatch, but differs in the design of loops and fixing latches.

The door with the help of a rotary mechanism can not only open, but also move to the side, which allows access to revision in full. The opening of the hatch is made by the suction cup.


The correct and consistent procedure for the installation of sewage is only half of what is required for the normal functioning of the entire network. A significant role in the assembly process is to connect pipes.

After the locations of the taps and the revision begins the assembly of the sewage riser. To fulfill this procedure to one person is quite problematic, so participation in the process should take at least two.

The pipes are connected to each other by the detachment of one pipe and the smooth end of another. Previously, the rubber sealing ring is inserted into the rubber ring.

To facilitate the connection, the ring is lubricated by any lubricant that does not contain chemical-active compositions feeding rubber.

Photo: Pouring method

Installing the connected parts of the pipeline should be made by the fool down, along the movement of the future drain. In places of connecting plumbing applied couplings with removal.

The fitting pipe in size is made by cutting with a hacksaw. Sharp edges of the pipe are treated with a file so that when docking does not damage the sealing ring.

Photo: Pipe Prochet

For a high-quality connection and leakage prevention, the sealing ring in the termination should sit tightly and not have distortions.

Photo: Connection using a sealing ring

Important! To compensate for the thermal expansion of pipes during operation, during the connection of the socket node - a pipe, a clearance is left, but not more than 10 mm.

This is especially true when installing outdoor sewage in a private house, because This sewage branch is most susceptible to thermal loads and soil pressure.
As can be seen from the article, to build a sewer system in a private house is not so difficult.

The main thing is to choose the material of the pipes and make all the calculations. Special attention should be paid to the installation of the angles of the highway and the pipe connection. And it is worth remembering that the correctly assembled system will last long, without requiring frequent interference in its work.

Video: Installation in a private house