Development of individual design projects of two-bedroom apartments. Design of one-bedroom apartment: redevelopment, zoning and perfect repair apartment repair 60 meters

For a three-room apartment a huge selection of designs. Small-sized premises are not able to.

The large area allows you to apply any bold idea. Modern design of a three-bedroom apartment is better to trust professional designers.

Given the composition of the family, the design project is considered, zoning rooms. Attention is paid not only to the stylistic decision, but also practicality.

It is necessary at the very beginning to pay attention to the doors so that it is convenient to open and were not an obstacle for households. You can choose sliding doors. The number and convenient location of sockets and switches is another important detail that is forgotten.

More often the design begins with an increase in area - redevelopment, but sometimes there is enough partition. From the West, fashion came to open space, it is applied in different projects. Do not combine only bedrooms and, of course, bathrooms.

Rules redevelopment and dismantling

You can expand the area at the expense of the loggia, but you have to warm it well. Great idea will be a warm floor, you can make a heater on the loggia.

It is unacceptable at the expense of kitchen or adjacent rooms to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathrooms. It is necessary to consider that in the supporting structures it is strictly forbidden to install openings more than 1.2 m and no closer to 1.5 m to the outer edges of the walls. One opening on a 1 carrier wall.

On the balconies of the part under the windows and window glass, too, can not be dismantled. It is forbidden to make the door to the bathroom from the kitchen.

The main thing is not to forget that redevelopment should formally be issued. Otherwise, in the case of the sale of housing, problems will immediately arise. All changes in the apartment should be carried out in accordance with construction standards.

Tree design in a panel house

Regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bhousing, rationality and maximum comfort are needed. In the housing bar houses cheaper than in bricks. Among the plurality of styles, not everything can be applied in the panel house.

The design of a three-bedroom apartment in a classic style is almost unrealistic to create in such an apartment, it is supposed to be a lot of space, which is not in the panel houses. With small areas will look boring and not organically.

3 bedroom apartment (45 square meters)

With a midline of 45 square meters. The meters of the three-room panel apartment, it is better to use minimalism, where some furniture and interior elements. So you can free area.

By choosing rustic motifs, the kitchen of small sizes will be a cozy cute corner. The tone of a warm spectrum with a large number of textiles will help create amenities and comfort.

Who loves high-tech with unusual forms and lines, you need a lot of metal parts, the latest technology and the lack of proportionality.

With any style it is important to competently organize space. It was previously that it was impossible to redecessing in the panel house. With the advent of new materials and methods of finishing, such an opportunity appeared.

Rooms first divide by functionality. Big room - a living room for receiving guests will be in bright gamma. Other premises can be in different styles, will be unusual and bright.

3 bedroom apartment (60 square meters)

A more difficult task is the interior design of a three-bedroom apartment with a large area. Here you need an experienced designer. Each person room, taking into account his desires and taste. You can apply fantasy.

Often combine living room with kitchen, another interior is obtained.

In the children's room it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. For a baby, you need a changing table, a cot, a wardrobe.

For the bedroom, smooth rounded shapes and gentle shades are perfect.

Original design projects for 3-room apartments are gaining great popularity. This is connected with more affordable prices on the apartment than the private cottage.

The large area is the main advantage that allows you to implement the variety of original and comfortable interiors for a large family.

Stock Foto Design of three-room apartment

Design and design of the interior of 60 square meters. m. implies unusual, fascinating work for any designer or creative personality.

Unlike a small apartment with one room, the owner of a two-bedroom apartment of 60 square meters. m. There is from what to choose: to determine each member of the family of your own room or use free studio type plan, if there is such an opportunity.

It is still possible to maintain a common style in the interior of all rooms, or create the original design of each room. It follows that the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is 60 square meters. m. makes it possible to implement almost any concept.

Working out the design of the apartment project 60 square meters. The first paramount parameter is the number of families or the number of residents. This affects the type of planning system.

For example, for the project of an apartment on a single tenant, or a pair should equip the studio with free space in the guest area, and the bedroom area separates to the new room, or burn the bed from the main zone by partitions or shirms.

But if children will live with you, there are separate rooms for sleeping and children's rooms. Only in some embodiments, it is possible to conceal the place for the sleep of parents behind the screen or partition from the main space of the living room interior of the apartment is 60 km. m.

To evaluate all possible options for planning a 60 km apartments. m., you should pay attention to the basic parameters: the project and seriality of the building, the elevation of the ceilings, the presence of erkers, loggia or balcony.

The location of the risers is also significant, as well as the number and location of the windows to which it is necessary to pay attention to another property acquisition.

Full repair of an apartment of 60 square meters. m. Rarely manages to see in new buildings, thus the main work on its own creation or order of the design of the apartment project 60 square meters. m. falls on you.

The one-room is more often equipped with two windows in the kitchen and living room. If you meet the apartment of the same area, then the kitchen can expand here at the expense of convenient technical premises and the convenient location of the risers. Often, they have 3 windows.

There are apartments and with 4 windows, which gives a magnificent chance to separate the kitchen and dining room, as well as 3 isolated rooms, corridor and bathroom. This is most suitable for a large family.

But the organization of a single space in the form of the studio is not difficult here.

Create a 3-room apartment from 2 roommate, prepare practical design, and whenever possible and demonstrate ready-made photos of the apartment design of 60 square meters. m. - one of the most sought-after orders.

It takes a lot of staff, but the area is very limited. Space, especially empty meters in the corridor, should be functionally used. Creating a living room will free your bedroom to you, and the rest can be done.

It is worth purchasing furniture transformer: For example, a sofa, a bed-cabinet, a dining and coffee table in one. Light and compact furniture - exactly what you need.

Double functions will also be suitable, pay attention to them, for example: beds with drawers, or puffs with storage space inside.

Enlarge room space of a two-bedroom apartment 60 square meters. m., not resorting to redevelopment - very profitable. White color wall design will completely remove the boundaries, and the combination with white brick will look interesting.

Take advantage of brighter lighting with different backlight levels, which will help to visually increase the borders of the room. And the joining and insulation of Almaty loggia is an excellent area for a winter garden or a small working area.

Cream and bright beige color, in a contrast combination with a chocolate tint looks impressive.

Photo of 60 square apartment apartment. m.

The apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters is considered rather spacious. Especially if there are only two main rooms in it. Presumably on such space can accommodate a lot of items. Yes, and the layout allows you to adjust so as not to create cramped. This apartment can be divided into three rooms of a small format or create a large studio apartment.

Some residents are enough if the bedroom and the living room combined with the kitchen will appear as the main premises. Other variations are possible. If you wish, you can create a whole set.

The main thing is to choose the appropriate options, do not make a mistake and do everything so that it is beautiful and comfortable. In addition, it is worth considering a very important detail. The funds that repairs are always considerable and it would be a shame if the result did not justify expectations.

The same can be said about time. It has to spend in large quantities to hold such events and would not want it to be wasted.

Designer help - multifaceted approach

To avoid mistakes and disappointments, it is best to take advantage of the advice of a professional master. The opinion of the specialist is always valuable. This is, first of all, exemption from long and painful searches for suitable options for planning and finishing, although at first glance it always seems that the design of the apartment is 60 square meters. m. easily can be defined independently.

Of course, not everyone can use the services of a real designer. With the conclusion of this contract. The work of designers of high-level professionals by pocket only a certain category of people with high sufficiency.

However, you should not ignore the hands and fall into the despondency. It is enough to remember such a unique thing as the Internet. Today it is almost in every home, in every apartment. You can use the services of such an assistant and without any costs.

The necessary style or several combined styles can be chosen among numerous types of interior design of the premises, viewing the photo of the apartment of 60 square meters. m. On any selected construction site. Here you can get the consultation of the designer.

3D programs developed online will help to determine the external background, placement of furniture items, choose a suitable style taking into account all the wishes and preferences. The same work also holds a real master designer.

Before something to present as a final species, the specialist first assums in references on the current desires and the promising needs of the client (individual person or family), features and preferences of all living in the apartment. Only by collecting complete information, it proceeds to work out possible options. Such an approach to the case is built on the maximum full accounting of all interests and contributes to the level of comfort.

Studying design solutions regarding different premises

Design solution, the object of which to become a modern one-bedroom apartment is 60 sq.m., located in a panel, brick or monolithic block house, can be an example of a reasonable zoning of space, the correct distribution of the main and secondary functional rooms (living room, bedroom, kitchen, hall, bathrooms ).

Sometimes, thanks to the skill of professionals, the internal volume begins to seem wider. Having in his arsenal all sorts of receptions that can visually increase the space, the specialists of their case literally create atmosphere of high comfort in the house and it is often difficult to believe that the real area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is just some 60 square meters, and not much more.

It is practiced literally every centimeter of the area, both the main and adjacent. For example, by maintaining the apartment, many do not take into account such a permanent element as a balcony.

In the opinion of designers, having a qualitative insulation of this adjacent or built-in part of the apartment, it can be used as a gym, eliminating a distinctive wall that is not carrier. An interesting option also looks like a winter garden.

Starting work with the main premises, it is necessary first to figure out the number of people living and their age. If this is a family where there are small children, then of course the need for the equipment of the children's room immediately arises. It should be located on the light side, but the sun should not blind.

When the apartment is located in the darkened zone, the nursery is equipped with additional lighting devices. An external background of the room should have blonde tones. You can apply additionally bright funny shades, but at the same time they should not dominate. As a rule, the room, the children's room with such common areas, provides for both the function of the bedroom simultaneously.

Apartment project 60 square meters. Unfortunately, it does not allow to redevelop such as to get an additional spacious room that can be equipped as a game room.

However, a certain area can be exhausted by creating a small additional room, using it in the future as a working office. Thus, it will almost be a three-bedroom apartment.

A selection of style or combined styles for premises representing a common area (living room) or a specific room (adult bedroom) involves mainly emphasis on the preferences of an adult half of the family.

A good designer will easily help spouses find the very option that will satisfy both sides. Sometimes the result becomes the choice of a single style or classical or modern, or some other.

In some cases, a competent combination of several styles is carried out. For example, modern and east. The main thing is not to create sharp contrasts. This will cause inconvenience and discomfort. The interior of the apartment should be aimed at creating comfortable conditions for staying in the house and nico-way images not to create a feeling of the lack of comfort.

The linen of the hall can visually expand, using the mirror in the interior. The kitchen as the final functional area is equipped with modern technologies, significantly facilitating life to lovers to cook something.

Modern kitchen style is expressed in a clear combination of diverse shades and additional elements of a harmonious form together. For example, a black and white monochrome design of the kitchen room on the background of the suspended ceiling with backlights.

Such a design admission emphasizes the concept of the premises, giving it some kind of similarity with the industrial space.

Light decoration of the apartment

Light plays an important role in the interior. Apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters. m. Can be equipped with different types of lighting devices. Large chandeliers or lamps can be located in the main rooms. Small lamps are applicable in the kitchen in beautiful plasters. In the bathrooms, hermetic lighting devices, point lamps, protected from moisture.

Photo of apartments 60 square meters. m.

Thoughtful layout and original design of the apartment of 60 square meters. m. - the key to the fact that housing will be cozy and comfortable for all its inhabitants. Organize space, choose finishing materials, furniture and equipment - difficult work, but there is nothing impossible when it comes to creating your own home.

Apartment layout

Planning options are quite a lot. It can be like a two-bedroom apartment in a new building and a three-room in the so-called "secondary".

The apartment looks more spacious when it has a minimum door.

It does not make sense to choose which of these options is better: each owner has its own preferences based on family composition and lifestyle. If the number and location of the rooms for any reason does not suit the owners of housing, you can always resort to capital re-planning.

Most Popular reasons for redevelopment:

  • number of family members;
  • little size or inconvenient displacement of the kitchen, bathroom or hallway;
  • availability of passing rooms;
  • the need for a separate room for.

Alteration of a two-bedroom apartment in three-room

One-bedroom can be considered sufficiently spacious for a bachelor, unmarried woman or a young childless pair. One of the important reasons for redevelopment in a three-room can be added to the family: the birth of a child or moving the elderly in need of parental care. Or, for example, one of the family members needs a workplace, atelier or studio for creativity. In addition to practicality and comfort, this alteration can be a good investment in the future: small-sized three-bedroom apartments Evoid in great demand in the real estate market than spacious "doubles" and large (and, accordingly, dear) "Treshka".

Space design plan.

Drawing up a refreshing project - Serious and responsible business, requiring the necessary knowledge and experience. Perhaps the help of planning specialist will be required. A professional will not only create a rework plan, but also helps to calculate the necessary materials and coordinate the project in the relevant instances.

The possibility of such redevelopment depends on the number of windows. They need a minimum of four: one in the kitchen and one in each room. If there are three windows, you can resort to the favorite version of the specialists - the kitchen and living room.

Important: The law prohibits combining a gasified kitchen with a living room. Typically, this ban is bypass by the construction of the folding partition.

Combined bathroom - This is a modern solution that allows you to accommodate all the necessary zones with comfort and even install the washing machine. Nevertheless, the bathroom is better to leave separate. Or if the configuration of the riser and the size of the corridor can allow, then you can enter the project so-called "guest" toilet in addition to the existing one.

There is an alternative "bloodless" method of redevelopment without transfer of walls, allowing all family members to have a separate bedroom. The owners are quite spacious kitchen 9-10 square meters. m can transfer the zone of receiving guests there. No matter how strange it seemed to this idea at first glance, in fact there is nothing unusual in it, because "kitchen gatherings" fit into Russian traditions. Moreover, this option does not require major repairs: just just install a sofa and TV in the kitchen. A zone of food intake can be equipped by purchasing a transformer that serves both the journal and dining table.

Organization of the sleeping area in the living room

But for example, capital redevelopment is impossible for technical or financial reasons and someone from family members will have to sleep in the living room.

Folding sofa - The most common, but not the best option. Not all sofas of this type are equipped with convenient orthopedic mattresses, in addition, pretty tiringly spread them and lay the bed every day.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe living room allows you to organize a full-fledged bed, extinguishing a small private zone.

Methods of zoning roomnon-blocking natural light access:

  • low wall (for example, from drywall);
  • folding partition;
  • partition from matte or transparent glass;
  • rack;
  • curtain.

In addition to the organization of the bedroom zone, another task arises: accommodation in the living room of clothing storage and linen. Furniture walls announced by the remnant of the Soviet past, in fact a wonderful idea for organizing storage. Unlike its predecessors, modern modular systems are distinguished by light modern design and are combined with all styles. They may include a wardrobe, bookcase and multimedia system.


When drawing up a project, it is important to remember the rules that professionals adhere to:

  • no matter how original the selected design, functionality and convenience should be in the first place in importance;
  • all rooms are better accurate in one stylist;
  • color is of great importance for the perception of the room design;
  • it should not be chased for ultra fashionable design flows, preferred to prefer proven solutions.

Harmony of beauty and rationality.

Styles suitable for the project a huge set. The following are the most relevant for today:

  1. Modern style. Interior in modern style is the harmony of beauty and rationality. Natural materials and ergonomic furniture, stylistic volume, a variety of textures and a neutral palette will bring peace and dynamic in any design.
  2. Scandinavian style. This type of popularity style is considered indispensable for small and dark rooms, and also allows you to create a stylish design even the owners of a small budget. The color of the walls in white will fill the house with light, and natural materials - warm. Functional furniture will allow rational use of each square centimeter of useful area, and bright accents will bring comfort.
  3. Loft. Bold and relevant, this style is the perfect option for high and spacious premises. Few people decide to reproduce an authentic loft in an ordinary urban apartment, but some of its elements: brickwork, a tile, imitating concrete, industrial furniture and lamps, will give freshness and originality to the interior.
  4. Classic style. Style that will never come out of fashion. Modern reading of the classics involves light furniture, wallpapers and textiles, as well as antiques, peacefully adjacent with ultra modern design.

Quality design The project will emphasize the dignity of the interior, and the disadvantages beat the most favorable way.

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If you want to make a high-quality apartment repair of 60 square meters. m. in Moscow, order specialist services on Youdo. Experienced masters know how to properly organize redevelopment and decoration of the room so that one-bedroom housing is truly comfortable and attractive.

On the Yudu website, you can hire professional masters and brigades for comprehensive re-equipment of any in the area of \u200b\u200b2-room apartment (60, 62, 63 m2). How much is the repair of an apartment of 60 square meters. m. and design design, you can learn from performers Youdo in advance.

Types of repair and finishing works

Experienced professionals registered on know how to convert a two-room apartment to enlarge the useful space, and make rooms comfortable even a large family.

Professional masters produce various types of repair work:

  • comprehensive repair of turnkey apartment
  • capital finishing of housing in a new building from scratch
  • european repair of the apartment 60 meters square and another on the area of \u200b\u200bhousing turnkey
  • cosmetic Repair of Apartments (Bathroom and Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Bedrooms)
  • redevelopment of apartment 60 square meters

Cosmetic finish of two-axis (60, 64 or 65 m2), unlike renovation, can be made independently (cross the wallpaper, put a new floor covering), but even such minor work will take you a lot of time. It is better to seek help from specialists who will be able to carry out any premises finishing quickly.

Professional professionals perform certain types of work:

  • finishing the ceiling and walls by plasterboard
  • wall transport, dismantling floor covering
  • installation of floor screed
  • dismantling of old plumbing equipment and installing new plumbing

Regardless of the type of repair and from the area of \u200b\u200btwo-room, our specialists will be performed high quality and in full. If you need a favorable repair of a two-bedroom apartment of 60 square meters. m. - the price of professional services by Yudu is quite acceptable.

How much is the interior decoration of 2-room housing in Moscow?

In order to find out in advance how much is the repair (cosmetic, euro), you can familiarize yourself with the price list of performers Yud. The price has the approximate cost of partial and complete finishes of the whole house, and prices for repairing a specific room (bathroom, kitchen, living room).

Artists of Yudu inexpensively will develop a new interior design for your home or apartment and implement it using high-quality finishing materials. The cost of repair work usually depends on the following factors:

  • room area (in square meters)
  • complexity and volume of repair work
  • the cost of the finishing materials used

Performing a turnkey renovation, the performers of Yudu provide a full range of services, while starting the work, counting the estimated cost.

Advantages of ordering brigade services Masters on Youdo

Order services Brigades of Masters on the site Yuda favorably for a number of reasons:

  • departure of specialists to assess the volume of work is possible at any time convenient for you.
  • masters are installed democratic prices for repair and finishing events of any type (overhaul, euro, cosmetic)
  • executors Yudu during registration indicate reliable data guaranteeing the security of cooperation

Ordering the services of experienced masters, you can set the price acceptable for you, the final cost is coordinated with a specialist. Repair of an apartment 60 square meters. m. Youdo performers are cheaper than in construction companies operating with intermediaries, by 30-40%.