Recommendations for creating crafts from pallets for giving with their own hands. How to make garden, home and office furniture from pallets: photos and step-by-step master classes pallets how to use

Wooden pallets today have been greatly distributed and popularity. Most often they are used to put various goods, type of boxes, packs or bags, as well as other goods to unload or immerse. But this is not the only sphere of applying durable and stable wooden pallets. Today they are used to create playgrounds for children, build fences and much more, what we will tell about today.

Very often, wooden pallets people use in the country area for different crafts, including for the manufacture of garden furniture. Pallets may have different sizes, in addition, they are stable and strong. Machine can be produced at a special factory, but will not make it difficult to make the wooden pallet itself. No need to have special skills and materials to create a pallet. It is only necessary to find boards and bars, nails, the necessary tool.

High beds from the pallet

Why do people often use pallets in their farm not by appointment? The fact is that the pallets are not expensive. They are easy to get to create crafts at the country area. Pine wood is used as a material. It can always be processed, for example, on the used pallet to increase its operational period. Even if you found not quite new pallets, you should not put a cross on them: they can still be restored and used for crafts at the cottage.

So, let's talk about what you can create with your own hands on the cottage area. We have already said that basically a wooden pallet is used to raise goods over the ground. The reason is the appearance of dampness, water, which can spoil the cargo. Considering this, on its site you can make dumplings from pallets. For example, you need some work on your garden, but it rained yesterday. In order not to walk in the garden on the dirt, you can lay out the pallets of the platform. Make the design is very simple. It is only necessary to find pallets and smoothly cover them the desired area. It is important to comply with security, creating a one-piece design. Obviously, the pallets will need to be fixed with each other. You can use small wooden planks, which then fasten the pallets on self-drawing.

Shed, hangar, basement and cellar are considered economic. To create sex in them, you can use pallets. If you do not want to walk on raw concrete cold floor, then put on it a wooden foundation. But there is a flaw: the floor will not last long, as the tree pulls moisture. Where the pallet lasts longer, if it is sealing for a concrete base.

So that the bird and the cattle is not frozen in the sheds, it is necessary to create a base on the floor, which will allow animals to feel comfortable. In this case, over the pallets you need to lay wooden plates.

Photo: Flippers for the cottage from Paletov for firewood

Even buildings on the cottage create from the pallets. For example, it is easy to build a small rabbit from Palt. Pallets will serve as a high-quality support structure. As a rule, pallets have a proper geometric shape. This means that they are easy to use in construction.

Country buildings from pallets, photo

Landscape designers also say that the pallets can be used near the Alpine slides, flower, arbors, pools, and so on. So, on each site you can meet many decorative plants, most of which are curly. To do this, we use wooden pallets. Create a support structure. It is noteworthy that it will not only be plants, but you can still install pots with flowers. From the pallets on the plot, bridges, gazebos, slides and other are made.

Pallet garden furniture

Photo: Sofa from pallets at the cottage

You can easily make a sofa, chair, swing at the cottage from the pallets. And soft materials can be bought or sew yourself. So, with minimal financial and time costs, you will create comfortable furniture on which it will be possible to relax in the evening in the garden or just sit in the break between the works.

So, in the brief review we will try to call some more, which can be independently made of wooden pallets. The first item is a shoe stand. If you put a vertically one pallet, then it will be in itself the perfect stand. Great hanger will work for clothes if you attach hooks on the pallet and hang it on the wall.

There is no table in the country? It is not necessary to buy a finished table in the store. You can take several pallets and bore them with each other. It turns out a great table. To increase its functionality, screw the wheels.

In the basement from the pallets, not only the floor can be made, but also shelves for storing wine, vegetables and cans with routines.

Pallets are perfectly used on flower beds, where floral compositions are performed. For children, you can make a spacious sandbox, as well as a small house for the game.

Today, often next to the waste collection boxes can be seen a bunch of pallets. At the economical person, the heart breaks down when he sees such mismanitality! After all, there are many ways to put in a matter of such a building material. Especially important is for the cottage.

What is the pallet?

Immediately, it is worth discussing what kind of building material will be discussed in publication. Pallet or pallet is a means of packaging to transport a fairly large cargo unit to which the item is installed, often attached specially intended for that with ribbons or belts. Wooden pallets are usually considered one-time, so utilized after shipping.

Brokes on the site

Small fences that are easy to do from pallets will serve for a dachank, which decided to contain a bird, goats, sheep outside the city. With their help, build a barrier for walking livery.

If such fences are decided to use to highlight the recreation area on the site, then they can strengthen the pots with plants. Especially luxurious will look in this case the belly, blooming beans, ivy. Shuffing the crossbars, the greens will give the fence of charm and originality.

Houses from pallets

Today, some craftsmen have been constructed from this redemption, gazebo ,.

And others even manage to build from them at home. So that the structure is well maintained heat, inside the pallets should be fascinated by the insulation. To give an aesthetic appearance on top of the wall, you can fly or hide siding. Such a building made of a throwing raw material will be difficult to distinguish from the purchased material built.

Finishing material for walls

It is possible to create an antiquity to the premises, create a certain rustic flavor with the help of dug from the used pallets.

To work with this material, you should carefully disassemble pallets, pulling all the nails, choose those that have excellent quality, attach them to size and fill on the wall. Then you can pass the surface to cover it with a verse or color varnish for wood.

In the same way, panels, hangers are built of panels. Moreover, in these cases, defective details go to the move - they only strengthen the rustic flavor of the interior.

Tables from pallet

Tables are considered the simplest product from the pallets. For their manufacture, practically nothing is required. You can simply set the pallet to the floor - and the table is ready!

Some pallets are true, require the application of human labor. Especially if the pallet is broken shoes. They must be removed and replaced by others. Yes, and to open the surface is not the last thing. Extra off-bements have not yet brought joy to anyone.

You can even cover the finished product with varnish or paint, all or partially.

Increase the functionality of the table is easy to equip the shelves under the table top, in which it is convenient to store a different trifle, or a sprouting of small boxes for it.

And it is possible to turn a thing into an extravagant interior object at all, adapting a glass countertop on it.

For the convenience of moving furniture, you can fasten the wheels from below. Today, buy them in stores is not a problem.

Sofas and pallets

Similarly, other furniture, such as sofas and beds is constructed. They can also be simply covered with varnish or paint in any color.

Similar interior items are used in styles:

  • country;
  • minimalism;
  • loft;
  • industrial pop art;
  • high tech.

Things created by hand from a material that is often used as a firewood, original, attracting guests attention to its originality and unusualness.

Often the masters use wooden pallets for arrangement. Make a miniature house for children or to build a swing can be literally in a matter of hours, and the joy of the result will be huge.

It is worth remembering the safety of children! Therefore, it is recommended to use only those pallets, all the details of which are strong, do not have cracks and are not touched by rotting.

Be sure to carefully polish all surfaces, make a paint coating. It will be necessary to take care of the fastening of product details - it is not necessary to hope that the pallets were once sloped, it is better to screw the screws once again or drive an excess nail.

Not all people love creative solutions when creating an interior in a residential room. Therefore, the tips to furnish the bedroom or kitchen furniture from pallets with delight will not be taken away. But the use of this building material to create an area of \u200b\u200brest at the cottage or in the garden will probably have to taste to many.

In fact, the pallet can be made much more things than it is presented in this article. And it will be just great if readers in the comments will share their work and fantasies on this topic.

29 Pallet Application Ideas - Video

Pallets, or, as they are different differently, pallets are produced from coarse, untreated, but very durable, capable of withstanding high weight, boards collected in a two-tier design of a specific configuration.

Standard pallet (pallet)

If you have everything in order with a fantasy and you know how to work with your hands, it is worth trying to make furniture from a pallet, for this you first it is worth it to get several used pallets sent to the dump, and then create something original from them that it will help to make a unique atmosphere of your dwelling or Pricework.

Recreation area with pallets sofas

Naturally, you will have to find time for preparatory work, clean and give the smoothness of rough surfaces, carry out the necessary measurements, purchase fastening elements and accessories, varnish and paint, but even with all this it is originally obvious that financial spending on small things will be equal to the amounts, Which is asked asking for new furniture of a similar type, the more released in one instance. The time spent and nested forces with more than will rise by the emergence of a new interior subject, which keeps the warmth of your hands.

The sofa and chairs from the pallets will decorate any plot, and there is no hurry to say this wonderful idea. After all, in fact, what stops you? Even in the case of a damage of several cheap pallets, nothing critical will not happen, in the case of good luck, you get the subject of the decoration, which will certainly become an interior highlight, and for this it is worth trying.

Features of the use of pallets and their advantages.

The weight of the standard pallets on average is 15-20 kg. There are two main types of pallets, their overall dimensions, depending on the purpose of use may be as follows:

  • 120x100x12 cm (standard pallet);
  • 120x80x12 cm (Europallet).

Wood, which is used in the production of these structures, should be durable and durable, with the calculation so that they can withstand the cargo to one ton. After one two transportation, the pallets often remain integer, without cracks and chips, despite this, they are usually written off or sell, therefore even used pallets are able to gain a new life, which is faithful to the truth as unusual and functional objects of furniture during the landscaping of the site not one year.

Pallet kitchen table

At the moment, furniture from the pallets among design solutions in the rating of popularity occupies the leading position. Some decorators produce entire collections in Eco-style, embodying the most unusual ideas in them using standard transport pallets. Taking basically loved ideas, you can easily work out them in your own way.

The advantages of furniture from pallets.

Furniture from pallets with their own hands has a number of indisputable advantages:

1. Fashion trend, popularity gaining momentum. When creating interior images, an increasingly appear unusual elements made from pallets, and this stylistic branch continues to actively develop, representing a new stylish trend.

2. Practicality, accessibility and multifunctionality. All made of wooden pallets will be much more efficient in use and an order of magnitude cheaper than produced in industrial conditions. Typical models from the chipboard are significantly inferior in the non-standard of design, and in high-quality characteristics.

3. Naturalness, 100% environmental friendliness. The boards from which pallets are made are specially not processed by any paint and varnish materials (stabilizers, impregnations, verses and antiseptics), so they do not carry any hidden threat. Only a tree, and nothing superfluous - what is not the main postulate of eco-style?.

4. Full freedom of creativity, the ability to realize all your bold design fantasies.

5. Interesting lesson for all family members. In the process of processing pallets and extinguishing from them, furniture for home, cottage or plot, each wishes can find a job forces, thereby contributing to the common cause.

How to choose a suitable pallet?

This is almost the main question arising in the process of finding a pallet from among those used and used, and it is not accidental. Packaging varieties are really somewhat. They differ in both sizes and conditions. You should acquire those options that meet EUR or EPAL standards, they are easily different by the presence of special stamps.

Pallets with stigma

Excellent properties are distinguished by the pallets of the US and Canada, with their manufacture of higher quality, it is used than in domestic samples, and there are also commercial stamps that can be turned into original decorations.

If nothing like this fails, you do not need to get upset, Russian pallets after processing will also look very worthy.

Where to get pallets?

Pallets, despite the unusual form for packaging, are considered to be packaging material, and therefore, they need to look for them in warehouses and outlets of enterprises engaged in logistics or implementation, many companies use them only once, after which they write off and sell at cheap prices. You can stock constructions by finding an advertisement for the sale of used packaging on the Internet (information of this kind is not uncommon for thematic portals), or resort to the old Dedovsky method - search for newspapers or pay attention to stands with information whose role in Russia often perform pillars And fences. The cost of products is most often purely symbolic, but they are usually sold, in bulk.

Pallets in warehouses

You can directly contact the pallets and logistics companies engaged in cargo transportation. Many will gladly give you spent materials absolutely free pickup. Dispose of it yourself. It is consistent with them, and there is a lot of space for storage, which can be used to store goods and products.

Also, pallets can be made independently, in this case, the boards of 15-20 mm sections and 70-mm timber will have to buy. They will need to cut in accordance with the size of the future design, after which it is mainly copped with a standard way, mainly nails or self-draws.

Preparation of material

Pallets from wood are convenient because they can be used in many ways. It is convenient to separate them and fasten, cover with cloth and paint, combine with other materials and complemented with rollers, fittings and other accessories.

To apply pallets for the production of blanks, it is necessary to prepare the material for which they are first to be cleaned from dust and contamination.

The work is most convenient to perform, processing the wooden surface with a special tool (grinding machine). For security purposes, cleaning is better carried out in a well-ventilated room, putting a protective mask and glasses.

It is not necessary to grind the whole design, you can process only the one part that will directly "contact" with the body, for example, all flat surfaces. To create blanks of non-standard dimensions, it is recommended to pre-disassemble several pallets. To simplify work, purified boards is better sorted as condition and dimensions.

If you plan to place future outdoor furniture, it is worth taking care to protect it from moisture, the impact of weather conditions and other external factors. For this, the surface is desirable to cover the primer layer intended for external work, which has a moisture-repellent effect.

What is important to remember in the manufacture

To date, many owners of their own home or any other premises want to make their territory cozy and stylish. To implement such a desire to reality, you can use the services of famous designers, you can do everything you need yourself. True, in order to fulfill this task on your own, you will have to work well and pre-examine not one master class and read the advice of famous masters. But in any case, the efforts spent and time are worth it, because the result is really hit by your originality and beauty.

Interior set of pallets

Based on everything that was mentioned above, it becomes clear that if desired, any person can make his home even more comfortable and practical and for this not at all necessary to have great financial capabilities or detailed knowledge. It is quite a bit of perpetuity and patience.

Well, it is necessary to consider the external design of such products, because they must harmoniously fit into any interior. Therefore, this issue should also pay special attention before the production of wooden structures.

Step-by-step furniture manufacturing instructions

If you have already decided what you want to make, but you can not imagine how to do it, we offer you several options for furniture, from simple items to a real exclusive. The Master's business is afraid, and you can easily handle work.

Note! In addition to pallets, in some cases you can use wooden storage boxes for vegetables, or even combine these materials in one product. Next we give a couple of options.

Coffee table or bedside table

Perhaps it is worth starting with the simplest in the manufacture, especially if you are a novice in a joinery and work with pallets for the first time. For the coffee table you will need 1-2 pallet, and besides them:

  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • nail holder;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • glue for wood;
  • wheels for the table;
  • primer;
  • tassels for primer and varnish;
  • simple pencil.

Getting to work.

First of all, the pallet needs cleaning and polished. Thoroughly wipe it from dirt and dust, after which it is seized using a drill with a special nozzle for processing a tree. You can swallow the surface with sandpaper.

Disassemble the pallet, carefully removing nails with a hammer and a nail. After that, fold the boards tightly to each other in the worktop. Slit them and for reliability to bring two boards from the inside.

Wait for the glue drying, then strengthen the worktop from the inside of several other boards. Thus, you will have a place to store logs.

Cover the worktop to the primer, and when it dries - a layer of varnish. Now try the wheels. Attach them to the bottom of the tabletop, let's notice the places for the screws.

Arm yourself with drill and drill in the planned places of the hole for screws. Secure the wheels.

A simple, but very pretty coffee table is ready to use. As you can see, the time and effort of its manufacture occupied quite a bit.

Video tutorial on the manufacture of pallet table

Chair from pallets

Since we have finished with a table, it does not prevent the chair to do it. I do it immediately, since the tools are needed the same as in the previous case.

First you need to cut the pallet in half, and do it needs it along the board located in the middle. The resulting halves cut out even twisted. You will get a seat, back and two armrests.

Collect all the details. Choose that of them that will be the back, make one side of the incision at a low angle: the part must be set under the tilt.

After connecting the back and seat with screws, secure them between two armrests designed to hold the chair. So that the product is strong and reliable, attach the details of nails and screws.

When you finish with the connection of all parts, cover the finished chair first with the primer, then varnish. If you want to put such a product in the room, you can paint it into suitable color and decorate with pillows or soft seats.

Sofa with drawers

Let us turn to more complex designs. The pallets have space between the boards in which you can store some things. But if you try, you can make a sofa with drawers. For him you need 6 pallet; Three of them pre-disassemble separate boards. And still need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • drill;
  • bulgarian;
  • lobzik;
  • screws;
  • four wheels;
  • handles for drawers;
  • primer;
  • paint for wood or varnish;
  • tassels or roller;
  • sandpaper;
  • pillows and seats.

Before work, pallets must be cleaned and ground.

One of the entire pallets will serve as the basis of the sofa to which the wheels need to immediately. If it is possible, buy rollers in the store equipped with brakes.

The second pallet will be the back. In width, cut it up to 47 cm, in length - up to 91 cm.

Make from the third pallet armrests. Cut the pallet into two parts of 47 x 80 cm.

The back and seats of our sofa must be solid surfaces, so you need to fill the spaces between the pallets board. To do this, you will need pallets disassembled at the very beginning. For reliability, the joints can be missed with glue.

With the help of screws or screws, attach the back to the base.

On the sofa sides, secure the remaining 2 parts of the pallet - armrests. Cover the sofa with primer, top with varnish or paint, and leave until complete drying.

Meanwhile, do the manufacture of two identical boxes from plywood sheets. The height of each box corresponds to the height of the opening between the bottom and the top board pallets minus 5 mm, width and length - 37.5 cm. Cut 2 parts for the bottom and 8 parts for sides, connect screws or glue. Attach the handles from the outside. It is advisable to kill the lateral board at the bottom of the pallet, which will hold the inside of the boxes before inserting them.

The comfortable and stylish sofa from the pallets is ready. It remains only to decompose pillows, and you can enjoy the rest in an embrace with your favorite cat.

Such a sofa will have to taste and your pet pets.

Video Tutorial: Made a sofa from pallets

TV table

We continue to engage in apartment arrangement. A good modern technique and the environment should be under the one, so for a new plasma TV we will produce a spectacular bedside table. And not a simple, but functional: you can fold wheels or logs in it, put a DVD player.

You will need:

  • 4 pallet;
  • 6 wheels;
  • paint;
  • sandpaper.

The bedside table can be decorated, laying up decorative pebbles or fixing the energic garland around the perimeter.

After reading and fly away the pallets, they need to be treated with primer and paint.

Now proceed to the assembly. To begin with, cut the pallets in half, and each cut out the sandpaper: the surface must be carefully polished. Screw the trash to the bottom of the pallet selected as the base, and paint again. Put pallets to each other.

When the paint is driving, decorate the end: attach decorative elements, backlight, pebbles to it.

It remains only to bore pallets with each other screws or screws.

As you can see, such a couch is very roomy and comfortable. When you need, you can easily move it to another place.

Simple bed of pallets

In order not to spend a lot of time and strength, we suggest you make a simple bed option. For her you will need:

  1. three pallets of the same size, you can take 120 x 80 centimeters;
  2. self-tapping screw;
  3. nails;
  4. drill;
  5. screwdriver;
  6. sandpaper;
  7. tree primer;
  8. varnish or paint;
  9. a hammer;
  10. tassels;
  11. roller

Try to pick up good, strong whole pallets so that they do not have to clean them for a long time.

Prepared pallets carefully treat sandpaper or drill with a special nozzle. When you finish, wipe everything with a damp cloth.

Cover pallets by primer using a roller - it is much faster than working with a tassel. Wait for complete drying surfaces.

Now the paint time has come. Apply it at least 2 layers (each previous layer must dry completely). Instead of paint, you can use varnish or sampling.

After complete drying, proceed to the conjunction of the structure. Bonding is done along the long side. Do the hole drill in the pallet boards and screw the screws. From the reverse side, which will stand back to the wall, strengthen the frame of wooden boards.

It remains only to put the mattress, blanket and pillows on the finished frame.

Acting on this principle, you can make a frame for a double bed by taking 6-8 pallets. If you need a frame higher, fold pallets in 2 or 3 rows.

Video Tutorial: Produce Pallet Bed

Rack of pallets or wooden boxes

The easiest way to make a rack from the pallet is to remove the transverse bar and integrate 2 or more boards at the same distance from each other, securing them with self-draws. These boards will serve the shelves. Of course, the product needs to be polished and covered with varnish or paint.

It remains only to fix the rack on the wall. With the help of a building level, make 2 points horizontally on the wall surface. The distance between them should be slightly less than the width of the rack, about 5 cm. Drill the holes drill, insert the dowels in them. Screw the screws so that their caps are not tightly twisted. On the top board of the rack from the pallet, make the same points, drill holes, screw the loops with self-reversals. The loops can be metallic or rope.

Hang the rack on the wall. If you think you need, you can screw the vintage legs from the old table to the bottom shelf: this will additionally strengthen the design and give it the spirit of the style of retro.

And you can make a rack of wooden boxes used for storing vegetables. It's still easier: you will need 12 identical boxes in good condition. Carefully sand them and cover with a mourn or dark varnish. However, you can take any paint on the wood to the interior color. Crerate them with each other from all sides with nails or screws. The design is sufficiently stable due to a wide surface, and does not require additional mounting to the wall.

Such a rack is not only suitable for storage room or basement, it will look great in the living room.

Video: how to make shelves from pallets

Assembling simple shelves for shoes

When entering the house from the street, it is customary to remove shoes. But so that she is not confused under their feet, it needs to be put somewhere. We offer you a very simple version of the manufacture of footwear.

First of all, it is necessary to pick up a suitable pallet and to open it or polish the machine.

The most difficult thing in this lesson is to choose paint. But this choice depends only on your desire and fantasy. The main thing is that it was a special paint for wood work. You can even combine several colors.

Start the pallet, and when it dries, paint into the selected colors.

That's all the work! Put the finished junction in the corridor near the input and use the destination - just place shoes in the pallet slots.

There is another option to manufacture shoe supports, and it is as simple. You can use wooden bins from under vegetables. Just sand them, paint into the right colors and arrange on the floor or cheer on the walls on the hinges.

Those who have already engaged in the manufacture of furniture from wooden pallets, argue that this is an excellent lesson for the whole family, which allows not only to spend time with benefit, but also have fun to communicate, reveal their talents. We hope that you will have such work in the soul, especially since you can not only make furniture on our recommendations, but also add something from yourself.

280 ideas for furniture from pallets!

Try instead of cleaning the bonfire for kebabs former in the use of pallets, use them to create an original setting in your home or on a homeland. Of course, you will have to spend time on the preparation of the product for skill, clean, color and brand all the surfaces, make the necessary measurements, acquire accessories, possibly paint or lacquer for opening. But it is obvious that the financial costs of the necessary little things do not go into any comparison with the cost of similar furniture items from the stores. And the spent time and efforts with more than the acquisition of a new interior subject, which keeps the warmth of your hands. We bring to your attention an impressive selection of photo examples of the fact that the pallets for building materials may not just get a second life, but also become a highlight of the interior or landscape design.

Dining Tables, Coffee Tables and Stands

The most popular furniture items that are most often made from building pallets - tables of various modifications. Their spread is obvious - a low table can make it simple and quickly even a master without much experience. In order to get a full piece of furniture, you need a minimum set of tools and furniture accessories.

You can simply deal with your coffee table or stand, do not paint and thus bring warm shades into the interior. The coating of varnish is not only to protect you and your household, but will allow to extend the life to a new object of furniture, because there is always a risk to shed anything to furnishings.

And you can paint the resulting product, put a thick glass as an original table top and provide your table with mobility tables. Such accessories are sold in all construction stores and is inexpensive.

The free space between the two rows of pallets can be used as storage systems or equip retractable boxes. By providing them with original handles.

If you can easily make a coffee table from the pallets, it means that the written or dining table can be made quite quickly. For this, "we extend" the legs, placing part of the pallets perpendicular to the tabletop, stain in the product or cover with varnish. The resulting piece of furniture can be equipped with a glass table top, drawers or original blocks on the sides for storing books, securities or magazines.

A writing desk with drawers on metal legs, separated using a restored tube, can be a workplace or sector for creativity of two adolescent children living in the same room.

Dining table made of wooden pallets, installed on metal legs with wheels (they can be purchased in furniture accessories stores) on the one hand - durable and reliable, and on the other - mobile and can easily organize with the chairs of the dining area anywhere.


From pallets, you can completely make a frame of bed. You can perform the base as from one row of pallets (in this case, a sleeping place in the style of Asian interiors, where all the furniture is very low) or put two levels one to another. You don't have to worry about the ventilation of such a base for the bed, but you do not recommend jumping on the resulting frame.

Depending on the style of the interior of your bedroom and the selected color palette, it can approach both the natural color of wood, and it will take painting the frame.

Pallets can be used to decorate the head of the bed. For interior styles, in which elements of such styles are used as loft, minimalism, country, industrial pop art or their varieties, such a decor can become a find, a highlight of a modern bedroom.

Pallets for registration of the headboard bed can be located differently relative to the wall and bed. In some cases, you can organize an unintelligible shelf, so that you can put the phone or book.

For a minimalist setting of a bedroom, where the bed is not only the central object of the interior, but also often the only one is perfectly suitable pallets as a material for making a frame.

Sofas and armchairs

If you can make a bed from pallets, then the sofa make it a completely real case. Obviously, such a piece of furniture will require the acquisition of soft seats and backs. But you can use such a sofa even in rooms where there is a risk of smearing the upholstery, such as a kitchen or dining room, you can simply wash the removable soft parts.

The height of the sofa in general and the backs in particular, the presence of armrests is your solution. Given the standard sizes of pallets - a little options, but they are.

Similar sofas with removable soft details can be used both for the arrangement of indoor rooms and install on the street.

You can leave the Palettes in their pristine color, treating only special protective varnishes. And you can make a color variety in the interior of the room and paint the resulting sofa frame in a bright color, and maybe use contrast combinations of two shades.

From wooden building pallets, you can make a whole ensemble from sofas or apply an angular modification to create a roomy furniture item. With soft lining and multiple pillows such a sofa can become an excellent living room area.

For a more ascetic setting, you can use a sofa made of pallets and without soft linings.

By similar scheme, you can construct a small chair. The space between the pallet levels can be used as a storage system - to fold logs or books that are currently relevant for you.

Decorative elements

Using the boards taken from the old pallets, clearing them from dirt, Occarb and machining the sandpaper, you can make not only furniture items, but also the decor for your home. The original elements of the interior will not only bring a variety of in traditional stop, make the room original, but can also become focal centers of the rooms of your dwelling.

A small panel of wooden sawing dies and colors with open shelves can be not only a wall decor, but also a storage system for small things that are important to keep "at hand".

Just a few short boards, shot down with low sidelights and pair of pens on the sides - is the original tray, which you can use in situations when you need to bring anything, for example, breakfast in bed.

You can make a rest space for your pet, the manufacturer's principle is similar to the process of obtaining a sofa or chairs. The resulting place for a dog or cat can be equipped with a soft substrate, make holes for drinkers and bowls with food so that they always have been stationary and water, the food is not spilled.

The original frame for the mirror, composed of wooden pieces of different colors and shape, can bewindowing your bathroom or bathroom.

The use of pallets for the arrangement of the yard or the naud

If you are not yet ready to bring a product from wooden pallets to your own home, try using building blocks to arrange the landscape of your country area or the courtyard of a private house. Wooden boards from pallets can serve as a basis for creating a barbecue area. Do not forget to treat surfaces with heat-resistant impregnations.

From the pallets there may be excellent, durable garden swings that can enjoy both children, so adults. The resulting product can be supplemented with soft seats or simply throw the bedspread for more comfortable accommodation.

On the principle of all the same angular sofas, you can build spaces for the open-air seating or on the terrace, a veranda, under a canopy. By adding a low table stand to the resulting furniture kit, you will receive a full-fledged recreation area.

A small table and chairs for breakfasts or dining area for four are an excellent opportunity for the exercise of the fresh air. What could be better for your own yard or cottage area with a house?

Already known to us bunk tables on wheels can also be used as a supplement to garden furniture for organizing a surrounding area in the fresh air. Thanks to the wheels, the product is very mobile and you easily hide it under the canopy if the rain starts.

Wooden pallets have limitless possibilities for use in the country area or in the courtyard of private household. For example, such supports for flower pots and pads can be a practical addition to the organization of the landscape design of the local area territory.

Such colors stands can not only be placed on sites, but also hang on the fence or any other vertical surfaces.

Small sofas and chairs that you have seen in the first section of publication dedicated to the inner arrangement of premises can also be used as garden furniture. Of course, such a furnishing will be blown out in the sun and protect it from moisture, it will have to be specially thorough, but it will cost you such a garden furniture is much cheaper. And many impregnations, varnishes and other sprays will be able to help increase the life of products from pallets for street exploitation.

Wooden sun beds for sunbathing and tanning is another way of practical use of building pallets. You can supplement them with soft substrates and place near the pool or just on an outdoor area in the yard or on the plot.

On any summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private house, a wooden bench made from building pallets can be useful.

Painted in a bright color and equipped with soft seats or pillows, such a bench can be a place for collecting households or guests on your site.

Of the old pallets, which could simply go to the ground of the bath or become a fuel for a fire, you can create a whole furniture composition, able to equip a patio on your backyard or an inadequate area. This headset is not only reliable, practical, is available at cost, but it looks very organic.

Furniture from pallets Photos of popular projects

Wooden pallets that are used to transport large-sized cargo, often lie intelligently in garages and sheds, or turn into a stuff for burning a fire. However, these designs are great for creating many useful things. For example, in the skillful hands, wooden pallets can turn into beautiful garden crafts, comfortable furniture and even full-fledged arbors. The "Dream House" offers to consider in more detail what can be made from ordinary building pallets for office, for home or on the plot.

Houses and Pallet Offices

Western builders, architects and designers are passionate about the idea of \u200b\u200brational use of raw materials, so pallets are used in the process of creating their masterpieces. For example, Architect from Canada Justin Drazno, together with the artist Filippo Alard, decided to build a house from Pallel. The idea accounted for taste to the city authorities and they allowed masters to build an unusual house in the center of the industrial district of Toronto. For the construction of the construction of the architect, 810 wooden pallets took place. Interestingly, in the construction process, the master did not use absolutely no additional materials. Now the Canadian Pallet House is considered a place for meditation and relaxation.

Another interesting idea of \u200b\u200busing wooden pallets belongs to designers from the Netherlands company Most Architecture, which with the help of this material have been equipped with a full-fledged working office. Masters managed to create absolutely all furniture items from pallets, including tables for negotiation, jobs, cabinets and shelves. It should be noted that the "homemade" office looks incredibly representative, stylish and original.

7 original ideas for using pallets for home and summer cottages

Inspired by such bright ideas, we suggest you look at what you can do from wooden pallets yourself, thereby decorating the interior of the house or garden design.

1. Garden furniture

Wooden pallets are the perfect material for creating garden furniture. Of these, you can make gelatin and benches, sun beds, chairs, tables and even open-air bar. The process of manufacturing such objects is extremely simple: entire designs are used as tabletops, seats and bases, and from parts of pallets you can make backs for chairs, legs or chairs. To garden furniture It was stable and safe, attach the pallets to each other with long nails, screws or reliable glue.

Original garden furniture from pallets

Crafts from pallets for giving with their own hands

Since the pallets are made of wood, country furniture from them is not distinguished by durability, because Under the influence of moisture and damp, this material is inevitably deformed. However, you can extend the service life of your creations, if you pre-process the surface of the pallet. To do this, it is enough to open designs, and then coat them with a primer for a tree. If desired, pallets can be painted paint for outdoor work.

Products from pallets for giving photos

2. Furniture for home

From the pallets you can make not only the furniture for the cottage, but also for the house. For example, their design is great for creating a frame of bed. It is enough just to fold several pallets in a row and establish a convenient mattress on them. If the frame size is much higher than the mattress size, then the pallets can be beaten as a kind of podium or bedside shop. In addition, if desired, a homemade bed can be supplemented with original headboardcreated from pallets.

Wooden pallets bed

If you like to make crash, make a stylish sofa from the pallets, which is perfect for the design of the living room or the rest room. To create side handles and backs, use the design boards, and the seats will complement suitable soft pillows. To make a sofa, it is convenient to move and rearrange, you can attach to its base of the wheel.

Wooden pallets are almost ready-made material to create coffee or coffee tables. It is enough just to open the surface of the product, and then complement the pallet with legs or wheels. If you wish, you can put tempered glass on the worktop product, and then the table will look even more original and stylish.

And, of course, tables from pallets can be painted and complemented by various drawings, thereby creating exclusive furniture items.

Exactly by the same principle of pallets can be made komoti., hinged and bedside boxes, cabinets for the living room and even a staircase in the workshop.

What can be made of wooden pallets

3. Children's furniture

If there are excellent furniture items for adults from the pallet, then why not make them furniture for children? For example, baby bed? To do this, you will need to attach several boards to a whole pan so that they constitute the side and front walls. Now it's just left to pick up a comfortable bed children's mattress.

In addition, you can create an excellent game center for children from Pallet.

But remember that before use, especially in the children's room, wooden pallets need to be well treated so that their surface becomes perfectly even smooth.

4. Garden for the garden

To build a gazebo For a garden or cottage from pallets, you do not need to possess special skills. These facilities are collected by the type of designer: fold a few pallets horizontally and take the walls around them, putting the products vertically. The gazebo should be durable and safe, so use the most reliable fasteners.

5. Fence and fencing

Wooden pallets are the most suitable material for creating fences and fences. Just turn the products vertically and install them in a row around the perimeter of the desired area. Cross bars that are present in pallets designs, it is very convenient to use colors as coams.

6. Boxes and racks for flowers

From the pallets, excellent containers are obtained for seedling, bases for flower beds, plants and racks for flowers. Such products are made very simple and quickly, and at the same time harmoniously fit into any landscape design.

So, you have extra pallets in the country. Perhaps a few years ago, it was on these pallets that you brought a brick for the construction of your new home, and since then they have aimlessly wander from one corner of the yard to another, preventing you and falling under your feet. And perhaps you just bought a country area and found in the barn there are several unnecessary pallets left by previous owners. One way or another, you wondered "And what can be done from the pallets?" Of course, you can simply break them on firewood, but we want to offer you a few extraordinary ideas, armed with which you can make beautiful and practical things from pallets for giving, which will delight you and surprise your guests.

Furniture from pallets for giving

Old pallets can become an excellent material for the manufacture of original garden furniture. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

First, it is important to carefully treat the outer surfaces with sandpaper to protect yourself and your loved ones. Of course, it is better to do it better and faster, but if it is not, this work can be performed manually.

And secondly, you need to be attentive, choosing finishing materials. Morlogs, varnishes and paints can give the fantastic look of your new furniture, but not all of them are equally safe for humans. Carefully read the instructions for use on the package, and if you doubt, try to get a qualified advice before purchasing.

Do not immediately wade into something complicated, especially if you first try yourself in a joinery. First, select a simpler project. Better little victory than great disappointment. If you have never tried to do something like that, start, for example, from this table. He is simple, practical, and most importantly - he will definitely find a place in your country. You will be able to make the manufacture of more complex items as soon as you feel confidence in your abilities.

If you really have a lot of pallets, then you can get a great flooring for a terrace. Such a flooring will cost much cheaper than the traditional millet, and it is easy to install.

Can find its place not only in the garden at the cottage. It will also perfectly fit into the interior of your living room, hallway, kitchen or bedroom, such as such a TV cabinet.

The original shelf for things will decorate your workspace and help find a place for each little things.

A unusual hanger will definitely attract your friends when they decide to visit you once again.

A small coffee table from the pallet will refresh the room and will become a unique item in your interior, because you can not buy such a store.

In addition, the use of furniture from natural materials will bring you a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

Another plus of such furniture is its absolute environmental friendliness.

Flower beds and décor

Also from the pallets you can make a large number of varied flowerms, flower pots, stands and other decorative garden elements.

Using paints, varnishes and their imagination, you can give every thing your unique character.

From the pallet you can make a beautiful shelf for flower pots.

Or a device for storing garden inventory.

If you have children, you can make a sandbox for them.

Or a whole playground.

Or maybe you have long been dreaming about a swing?

Connect the imagination and combine ideas. So you can create something your own, absolutely unique and reflecting your individuality.

From old pallets you can make a lot of interesting, comfortable and beautiful things for the cottage, with which you can completely transform your site and make a highlight to the interior of your home. We hope that our selection of unique things made from pallets will inspire you to search for your own solutions. Do not be afraid to experiment, the main thing here is a bold idea and flight of fantasy.

Improve yourself and surprise your friends with original things, because looking at your new table or sofa, they simply will not believe that you did it from old unnecessary pallets, which were in your garage for years.