The most unusual phenomena of nature in the world. Inexplicable phenomena - supernatural and strange riddles of the modern world

20. Moon rainbow.

We are almost accustomed to ordinary rainbow. The lunar rainbow is much more rare than the rainbow, which is visible in daylight. The lunar rainbow may appear only in places with high humidity and only if the moon is almost complete. The photo shows the lunar rainbow on a Cumberland Waterfall in Kentucky.

19. Mirage

Despite its prevalence, Mirage always cause an almost mystical sense of surprise. We all know the reason for the appearance of most mirages - superheated air changes its optical properties, causing light heterogeneities, called mirages.

Usually, halo arise with high humidity or a strong frost - earlier halo was considered a phenomenon over, and the people expected something unusual.

17. Venus belt

An interesting optical phenomenon arising from the dust of the atmosphere is an unusual "belt" between the sky and the horizon.

16. Pearl clouds

Unusually highly highly clouds (about 10-12 km), becoming visible at sunset.

15. Northern Lights.

It appears when a collision of high-energy elementary particles in a collision with the ionosphere of the Earth.

14. Color Moon

When dusting atmosphere, high humidity or for other reasons, the moon sometimes looks painted. Especially unusual red moon.

13. Two-cone clouds

Extremely rare phenomenon appearing mainly in front of the hurricane. Open only 30 years ago. Called Mammatus Clouds.

12. Fires of St. Elma.

A fairly common phenomenon caused by the increased tension of the electric field in front of the thunderstorm, during a thunderstorm and immediately after. The first witnesses of this phenomenon were sailors who observed the lights of St. Elma on masts and other vertical pointed objects.

11. Fire vortices.

It is often formed during fires - may occur over the burning stacks of the hay.

10. Mushroom-shaped clouds.

Also formed over places with elevated temperature - over forest fires, for example.

9. Light columns.

The nature of these phenomena is similar to the conditions causing the appearance of halo.

8. Diamond dust.

Frozen water droplets, sun scattering.

7. Fish, frogs and other rains.

One of the hypotheses, explaining the appearance of such rains - a tornadow, sucking nearby reservoirs, and transferred their content over long distances.

The phenomenon arising from the fallout of ice crystals from clouds that do not reach the surface of the Earth evaporated on the road.

Hurricane winds having many names. Arise when moving air masses from the upper layers to the bottom.

4. Fire rainbow.

It occurs when the bottom of the solar beam is a high clouds.

3. Green beam.

Extremely rare phenomenon arising from sunset or sunrise.

2. Ball lightning.

There are many hypotheses explaining the origin of these phenomena, but none has yet been proven.

1. Optical outbreaks and jets

Open only recently because of its short existence (less than a second). Arise when the appearance of hurricanes.

Among the most unusual natural phenomena there are the most terrible, representing a real danger. Of these terrible phenomena, the top is made up. In addition, it is also known about the most terrible phenomenon of nature on the planet.

Top of the most terrible and unusual natural phenomena

All over the globe, from time to time, natural phenomena occur, which cannot be called familiar. We are talking about unusual terrible natural anomalies. They are dangerous for people. Soothes that such phenomena happens infrequently.

Brianikl or "Finger of Death"

In the Arctic under water hanging very unusual icicles, carrying a danger to the inhabitants of the oceanic bottom. The formation of such icicles science has already solved. Salt from glaciers rushes narrow streams to the bottom, freezing the sea water around itself. After a few hours, such a stream, covered with a fine ice crust, begins to resemble stalactite.

"Finger of death", reaching the bottom, continues to spread further on the bottom. This structure is able to destroy unnecessary living organisms in fifteen minutes.

"Bloody rain"

Such a terrible name of the natural phenomenon is quite justified. It was observed in the Indian state of Kerala for a month. Bloody rains were horrified by all locals.

It turned out that the reason for this phenomenon in a water tame, which suggested spores of red algae from the reservoirs. Mixing with rainwater, these disputes fell on people in the form of a bloody rain.

"Black day"

In September 1938, an inexplicable natural phenomenon occurred on Yamal, which remained unsolved to date. Suddenly, the day it became dark as at night.

Geologists, who became eyewitnesses of such a phenomenon, described it as a sudden darkness with simultaneous radio. They, having running a few signal missiles, saw that not far from the ground were very dense, non-sunshine, clouds. This eclipse lasted no more than an hour.

"Black mist"

Fog with such title from time to time envelops London. It is known that it was recorded in 1873 and in the 1880s. On the streets at that time, almost nothing could be seen, people could move, only holding the walls of the houses.

In the days when the black fog watched the city, many times the mortality rate of its inhabitants increased. It is associated with the fact that it is extremely difficult to breathe in such a fog, even putting a dense gauze bandage. The deadly fog attended the British capital last time in 1952.

Fire Tornadoes

In the top of the most terrible natural phenomena includes fiery tornadoes. It is known that Tornadoes themselves are very dangerous, if they are connected with the fire, their danger increases sharply.

These phenomena arise in fires, when the scattered foci is combined into a single large fire. The air is heated above it, its density decreases, because of this, the fire rises up. This hot air pressure is sometimes reaches hurricane speed.


There is no man who has never heard thunder and have not seen a lightning. However, it will be about ball lightning, which are the discharge of an electric current. Such zippers are able to take various forms.

Ball lightning most often outwardly resemble red or yellow fiery balls. They refute the laws of physics, completely unexpectedly appearing in the salon of a flying aircraft or inside the house. Lightning is filled in the air for a few seconds, after that disappear without a trace.


Impressive, but an extremely dangerous phenomenon of nature is a sandstorm. The sandstone demonstrates the power and strength of the nature of nature. Such storms occur in the deserts. Once in a storm, you can die, suffocating sand.

The sandstorm arises due to the strongest air flow. From the desert of the Sahara to the Nile pool annually transferred at least forty million tons of sand and dust.


Such a natural phenomenon as tsunami is a consequence of an earthquake. Formed in some place, a big wave moves with a huge speed, sometimes reaching a thousand kilometers per hour.

Once in shallow water, such a wave grows to ten and fifteen meters. Flowing to the shore at a huge speed, the tsunami takes thousands of human lives, carries a lot of destruction.

The site has detailed and other large and destructive waves.


The funk-like air flow is called Solochi. Most often, tornadows happen in the United States, both above the water and above the land. From the side of the Tornado resembles a cone-shaped cloud pillar. The diameter can be tens of meters. The air moves inside it in a circle. Eating items also begin to move. Sometimes the speed of such a movement reaches a hundred kilometers per hour.

Everything that gets inside the moving post is damaged. Serious damage is applied to houses and all objects that touched the tornado. The air can be raised in the air, the weight of which reaches fifteen tons. It is terrible that items with ease climb into the air, but with the same ease and at great speed they can be thrown into a tornado.

The worst natural phenomenon on the planet

The terrible of all natural disasters of the planet are earthquakes. They lead to millions of victims, so incomparable with hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami and tornadoes.

Over the past decade, seven hundred eighty thousand people died as a result of earthquakes. The shocks occurring inside the Earth lead to the oscillations of the earth's crust. They can apply to huge areas. As a result of the strongest earthquakes from the face of the Earth, whole cities are erased, thousands of people are dying.
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People have always been interested in different riddles, secrets and phenomena. It's all about human psychology explaining the presence of thrust to all hidden and new. It is difficult to assert that inexplicable phenomena on Earth have a mystical nature, and scientists are tirelessly engaged in the fact that they are trying to understand the cause of existing phenomena.

Inexplicable phenomena in the ocean

Sea depths have always attracted people and the world ocean not more than 10%, so many phenomena are still inexplicable, and people associate them with different mystical manifestations. Mysterious phenomena in the ocean are fixed regularly, so the waterways, huge waves, the sorry circles occur. It is impossible not to mention, called triangles, where people, ships and even aircraft disappear.

Whirlwind Malstorm

In the Norwegian Sea near the bay of the West Fjord twice a day, a modest scale of whirlpool appears on the scale, but the sailors are afraid of him, because he saved the life of a huge number of people. Many inexplicable natural phenomena are described in the literature and about the whirlpool Malstorm was written the work "Loading in Malstorm". The fact that once in a hundred days the movement of the whirlpool changes. Scientists argue that the danger of Malstorm and the stories of people are greatly exaggerated.

Michigan triangle

Among the famous mysterious places, the Michigan triangle is occupied by the last place, which is located in the north of America on Lake Michigan. It is clear that serious storms and storms can regularly arise on a large water branch, but some disappearances cannot explain even scientists:

  1. Describing the most inexplicable phenomena, it is worth mentioning the mysterious disappearance of the flight 2501. In 1950, on June 23, a plane that flew from New York was gone from radar screens. Liner debris were not found on the bottom, nor on the surface of the water. Nobody managed to determine the cause of the accident, and whether someone from passengers survived.
  2. Another disappearance that could not be explained, occurred in 1938. Captain George Donner went to his room to relax and disappeared. What happened, and where a person came, it did not work.

Glowing circles in the ocean

In different oceans, large rotating and glowing circles appear on the surface of the water, which are called "Buddha Wheels" and "devilish carousels". According to reports, for the first time, such inexplicable phenomena of nature were noticed in 1879. Scientists push a lot of hypotheses, but to accurately determine the reason for the appearance, and it was not possible. There is an assumption that the circles are formed by marine organisms that rise from the bottom. There are versions that this is the manifestation of underwater civilizations and UFOs.

Inexplicable atmospheric phenomena

Although science is constantly developing a lot of natural phenomena still remains inexplicable. Many phenomena continue to surprise the minds of people, for example, you can attribute different outbreaks in the sky, incomprehensible movement of stones, drawings on earth and so on. Scientists put forward a lot of assumptions than they could have been provoked by nature riddles and other inexplicable phenomena, but as long as they remain only versions.

Fireballs Nag.

Each year in October in the northern part of Thailand over the surface of the Mekong River there are fiery balls, a diameter of 1 m. They are taken off into the air and after a certain time they dissolve. People who observed this phenomenon argue that the number of such balls can reach 800 and during the flight they change color. Similar mysterious phenomena of nature, people explain in different ways:

  1. Local Buddhists claim that Naga (the Giant Semi-Change) produces fiery balls in honor of his loyalty to the Buddha.
  2. Scientists believe that this is not mysterious natural phenomena, but conventional emissions of methane and nitrogen, which are formed in Ile. The gas at the bottom of the river explodes, and the bubbles are formed that climb up, turning into the fire. Why it only happens once a year, scientists cannot explain.

Hesdalena lights

In Holland, near the city of Trondheim in the sky of the valley, you can watch the phenomenon inexplicable today - glowing rays that arise in different places. In winter, the flashes are brighter and appear more often. Scientists associate this with the fact that the air is at this time discharged. Studying incomprehensible phenomena, it was definite that the shape of the luminous formations can be different and the speed of their movement is different.

Scientists have conducted a huge amount of research, and that strangely lights behaved differently, so sometimes spectral analysis did not give any results, and there were cases when the radars fixed a double echo. To determine what kind of inexplicable phenomena and what kind of nature they have, a special station was created, which constantly conducts measurements. A hypothesis was put forward in one of the scientific journals that the valley is a natural battery. The conclusion was made on the basis that large stocks of chemicals are concentrated on the territory.

black mist

London residents periodically cannot move normally around the city, because it envelops a thick black fog. Such inexplicable phenomena on Earth scientists were recorded in 1873 and 1880. It was noted that at this time many times increased mortality of residents. For the first time, the indicators increased by 40%, and in 1880 there were hazardous mixtures with a high level of sulfur gas in the fog in the fog, which took the lives of 12 thousand people. The last time the inexplicable phenomenon was recorded in 1952. It was not possible to determine the exact cause of the phenomenon.

Mysterious phenomena in space

The universe is huge and man mastering her seven-year steps. This fully explains that the most mysterious phenomena occur in space, and it is still unknown about many humanity. Some phenomena refute many laws of physics and other sciences. Through the use of new technologies, scientists find confirmation or refutation by some phenomena.

Satellite of "Black Knight"

Dozens of years ago, a satellite was recorded in the orbit of the Earth, which was called "Black Knight" because of the external similarity. For the first time, he recorded an astronomer in 1958, and he did not appear on official radars for a long time. US military specialists argue that this was due to the fact that the object was covered with a thick layer of graphite absorbing radio waves. Such mysterious phenomena has always been considered a manifestation of UFOs.

After a while, thanks to the supersensitive equipment, the satellite was discovered, and in 1998 the space chelot made photos of the Black Knight. There is information, it is already spinning in orbit about 13 thousand. Many scientists after careful study concluded that there is no satellite and this is a simple fragment of artificial origin. As a result, the legend was dispelled.

Space signal "WOW"

In the state of Delaware in 1977, on August 15, a signal was drawn on the radio tracking of the radio telescope, which lasted 37 sec. As a result, it turned out the word "WOW", which was the cause of such a phenomenon, could not be determined. Scientists have established that the impulses came from the constellation of Sagittarius at a frequency of about 1420 MHz, and, as you know, this range is prohibited by an international agreement. Mysterious phenomena were studied all these years, and Astronidon Antonio Paris presented a version that the source of such signals are hydrogen clouds surrounding comets.

Ten Planet.

A sensational statement was made by scientists - a tenth planet of the solar system was found. Many strange phenomena in space after a long research lead to discoveries, so scientists managed to determine that a large celestial body was found outside the belt, which is 10 times more massive land.

  1. The new planet moves along a stable orbit, committing one turn around the Sun for 15 thousand years.
  2. In its parameters, it is similar to such gas giants as Uranus and Neptune. It is believed that for all studies and the final confirmation of the existence of the tenth of the planet, it will take about five years.

Inexplicable phenomena in the life of people

Many people confidently say that they came across a different mysticism in their lives, for example, some seen strange shadows, the second - heard steps, and the third - traveled in other worlds. Inexplicable paranormal phenomena are interested not only by scientists, but also psychics who argue that this is a manifestation of residents of other worlds.

Ghosts of the Kremlin

It is believed that in ancient houses live the souls of dead people who were associated with these structure in life. The Moscow Kremlin is a castle that has a stormy and bloody story. Different storms, uprisings, fires, all this left their mark on the structure and should not forget that in one of the towers was torture. People who ever were in the Kremlin argue that supernatural phenomena here is not uncommon.

  1. The cleaners are already accustomed to the fact that frightening voices and other noises are distributed in empty cabinets. Situations where items themselves are falling, are considered the norm.
  2. Describing the famous inexplicable phenomena of the Kremlin, it is worth mentioning the most famous casting of Ivan the Terrible. Often it takes care on the lower tiers of the bell tower of Ivan the Great. It is believed that the ghost of the king appears to prevent any distress.
  3. There is evidence that Vladimir Lenin can be seen on the inner territory of the Kremlin.
  4. At night in the Assumption Cathedral, you can hear children's crying. It is believed that these are the souls of children sacrificed in the chapter, which was previously located in this territory.

Black Bird Chernobyl

About the tragedy that occurred at the Chernobyl NPP, they know in different parts of the world. For a long time, information related to it was hidden, but after that there were evidence that there were strange and inexplicable events before this event. For example, there is information that four employees of the station, they said that a few days before the accident saw how a strange creature was fluttered over it with huge wings. It was dark and with red eyes.

Employees claim that after this meeting, they began to come calls with threats, and at night they saw bright and terrifying nightmares. When an explosion occurred, people who were able to survive after the tragedy claim, they saw how a huge black bird appeared out of smoke. Such inexplicable phenomena on Earth is largely considered nonsense and stressful visions.

Okolosmerty experiences

The sensations that arise in people before the death or during, are called near-themeal experiences. Many people believe that such sensations give a person to understand that after the earth's life, other reincarnations are waiting for the soul. Strange phenomena associated with clinical death are interesting not only to ordinary people, but also scientists. The most typical sensations include the following:

  • unpleasant noise;
  • tunnel, at the end of which the light is visible;
  • understanding your own death;
  • the feeling that the space has changed;
  • peace and peace;
  • meeting with people who went away;
  • the feeling that the soul came out of the body;
  • fear and desire to return to your body.

Such inexplicable phenomena on Earth for scientists are not mysticism. It is believed that when the heart stops, hypoxia comes, that is, the lack of oxygen. At such moments, a person can see specific. Receptors begin to react to any stimuli and flashlights of light, which many are considered "light at the end of the tunnel" can occur before the eyes. Parapsychologists believe that the similarity of the near-speed experiences means that life after death is there and this phenomenon must be understood.

Being children, we all wonder the blue sky, white clouds and bright stars. With age, many people passes, and we stop noticing nature. Browse this list of unusual natural phenomena, for sure it will make you once again be surprised by the complex organization of our world, and natural phenomena in particular.

20. Moon rainbow.

The lunar rainbow (also known as the night rainbow) is a rainbow generated by the moon. The lunar rainbow is relatively larger than the usual. The best moon rainbow is visible with the full moon, or on the phase of the moon, close to complete, since at this time the moon is brighter. To appear the lunar rainbow, except for those caused by a waterfall, the moon must be low in the sky (less than 42 degrees and preferably even lower) and the sky should be dark. And of course there should be rain opposite the moon. The lunar rainbow is much more rare than the rainbow, which is visible in daylight. The phenomenon of the lunar rainbow is observed in several places in the world. Waterfalls in Cumberland (Cumberland Falls), near Williamsburg (Williamsburg), Kentucky (Kentucky), USA; Vaimea (Waimea), Hawaii (Hawaii); Zailovsky Alatau in the foothills of Almaty; Victoria Waterfall on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe is widely known as the places of frequent observations of the lunar rainbows. On the territory of the Yosemite National Park in the United States there are a large number of waterfalls. As a result, the lunar rainbows are also observed in the park, especially with a spring increase in the water level from the melting snow. The light rainbow is also observed on the Yamal Peninsula under conditions of strong fog. Probably, with a sufficiently strong fog and quite clear weather, the lunar rainbow can be observed on any latitudes.

19. Mirage

Despite its prevalence, Mirage always cause an almost mystical sense of surprise. Optical phenomenon in the atmosphere: the reflection of light by the boundary between sharply different in the density of air layers. For an observer, such a reflection is that, together with the remote object (or the sky section), its imaginary image is seen about the subject. Mirages are divided into the lower, visible under the object, the top, - above the object, and the side.

18. Galo

Usually, halo arise with high humidity or a strong frost - earlier halo was considered a phenomenon over, and the people expected something unusual. This is an optical phenomenon, luminous ring around the object - light source. Galo usually appears around the Sun or Moon, sometimes around other powerful light sources. There are many types of halo, but they are mainly caused by ice crystals in the cider clouds at an altitude of 5-10 km in the upper layers of the troposphere. Sometimes in frosty weather halo is formed by crystals very close to the earth's surface. In this case, the crystals resemble shining precious stones.

17. Venus belt

An interesting optical phenomenon arising from the dust of the atmosphere is an unusual "belt" between the sky and the horizon. It looks like a strip from pink to orange color between a dark night sky below and blue sky at the top, appearing before sunrise or after sunset in parallel at an altitude of 10 ° -20 ° to the horizon in the opposite sun. In the belt Venus atmosphere scatters the light of the setting (or ascending) sun, which looks more red, so it turns out pink color, not blue.

16. Pearl clouds

Unusually highly highly clouds (about 10-12 km), becoming visible at sunset.

15. Northern Lights

Northern, or polar shine, also known as Aurora Borealis - really amazing spectacle. This nature phenomenon most often can be observed late autumn, in winter or early spring.

14. Color Moon

When dusting atmosphere, high humidity or for other reasons, the moon sometimes looks painted. Especially unusual red moon.

13. Two-cone clouds

Extremely rare phenomenon appearing mainly in front of the hurricane. Open only 30 years ago. Called Mammatus Clouds. Clouds, round and having the shape of a double lens - before they were sometimes confused with UFOs.

12. Fires of St. Elma.

A fairly common phenomenon caused by the increased tension of the electric field in front of the thunderstorm, during a thunderstorm and immediately after. The discharge in the shape of glowing beams or brushes (or coronary discharge) arising at the acute ends of high items (tower, masts, lonely standing trees, sharp vertices of rocks, etc.) The first witnesses of this phenomenon were sailors who observed the lights of St. Elma on masts and other vertical pointed subjects.

11. Fire vortices

Fiery whirlwind is also known as the fiery devil or fiery tornado. This is a rare phenomenon in which the fire under certain conditions depending on temperature and air flows acquires vertical currency. Fire vortices often appear when bushes burn. Vertically rotating pillars can reach from 10 to 65 meters in height, but only the last few minutes of their existence. And at a certain wind can be even higher.

10. Mushroom-shaped clouds.

Mushroom clouds - smoke clouds in the shape of a mushroom, formed by the combination of the smallest particles of water and land, or as a result of a powerful explosion.

9. Light columns.

One of the most common types of halo, a visual phenomenon, an optical effect, which is a vertical light strip stretching from the Sun during its sunset or sunrise.

8. Diamond dust.

Frozen water droplets, sun scattering.

7. Fish, frog and other rains.

One of the hypotheses, explaining the appearance of such rains - a tornadow, sucking nearby reservoirs, and transferred their content over long distances.

6. Virga.

The rain that evaporates without reaching the earth. It is observed in the form of a noticeable deposition band emerging from the cloud. In North America is usually noticed in the southern United States and Canadian Prairies.

5. Bora.

Hurricane winds having many names. Strong (up to 40-60 m / s) Cold wind in some seaside areas, where low mountain ranges bordered with warm sea (for example, on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, on the Black Sea coast in the Novorossiysk area). Directed down the slopes, is usually observed in winter.

4. Fire rainbow.

It occurs when the bottom of the solar beam is a high clouds. Unlike an ordinary rainbow, which can be observed almost anywhere in the globe, the "fiery rainbow" is visible only in certain latitudes. In Russia, the belief belief takes place in the eldest south.

3. Green beam.

An extremely rare optical phenomenon, a flash of green light at the time of the disappearance of the solar disk by the horizon (usually by sea) or the appearance of it due to the horizon.

2. Ball lightning.

A rare natural phenomenon, the unified physical theory of the occurrence and the flow of which is currently not represented. There are about 200 theories explaining the phenomenon, but none of them received absolute recognition in the academic environment. Provides the opinion that the ball lightning is the phenomenon of electric origin, natural nature, that is, which is a special type of lightning, existing long time in the form of a ball, Capably moved to unpredictable, sometimes very amazing for eyewitness trajectories.

In South America, the largest waterway in the world lives in the Amazon River basin - Giant Victoria Amazonian. The diameter of her leaves reaches two ...

15 of the most unusual nature phenomena

These phenomena of nature most of us saw only in films or on the Discovery Channel. I present a detailed description with the photos of the most incredible phenomena of nature.
1. Water blossom:

When the ocean, air and temperature conditions allow, the phytoplankton of the ocean is reproduced rather quickly, creating a thick visible layer on its surface. This phenomenon, called water bloom, the day looks rather unsightly, but in some parts of California and other places where there are bioluminescent nighttime, water flowering is a really exciting spectacle. This type of phytoplankton with excitement glows in blue, which turns the dark ocean into the gigantic lave lamp. You can observe how the waves begin to glow when they blows, scattering on the sand, and the Earth begins to shine under your feet, and if you dive under the water, you will see an amazing radiance in all its glory.

2. Boluminescence

Boluminescence occurs not only in water. At the end of summer, the supernatural glow can be seen in many forests in the world, where the bioluminescent mushrooms grow on a wet, rotting crust. Boluminescence can be observed in different parts of the world, but the greatest diversity is found in the tropics, where humidity in the forests contributes to the growth of fungi. A new variety of glowing mushrooms was discovered in San Paulo in Brazil. If you want to admire this phenomenon, then make a trip to the forest during the most wet period and go away from light sources that can muffle a weak glow.

3. Fire Rainbow

Another natural phenomenon that is found in the summer is called a fiery rainbow, and it happens when sunlight falls on frozen ice crystals in the cider clouds at high height. Since with a fiery rainbow there is no rain, then scientists prefer to call it more accurate name of the near-coronal arc. Since the presentation is needed by the presence of cider clouds, and the sun should be very high in the sky, it is more common to observe it on the latitudes closer to the equator. In Los Angeles, conditions allow you to observe a fiery rainbow for six months a year, and in London for about two months.

4. Pearl clouds

For those of us who are far from the equator, there are many more reasons for observing the sky. Pearl clouds are quite rare, but most often they appear when it is still dark on the street before dawn or after sunset. Due to extremely high height, they reflect sunlight from under the horizon, brightly glowing for those who will observe them from below. In the lower stratosphere, where the pearl clouds are, so dry that it often prevents the formation of clouds, but the harsh cold of the polar nights allow you to see this beautiful phenomenon. You can see the pearl clouds in winter in high latitudes, such as in Iceland, in Alaska, in Northern Canada and very rarely in the UK.

5. Snow rollers

Snow rollers are formed when the thick layer of snow drops on the top layer of ice. At a certain temperature and wind speed, snow slices can break out and start spinning. When they roll on the ground as a winter rolling-field, then an additional amount of snow is collected along the way. The inner layers are usually more fragile, which allows the wind to blow them easily, leaving large natural snow donuts. Since the creation of this effect needs a certain temperature and wind speed, snow rollers are rare phenomenon, but they can be seen in North America and in the UK.

6. Basalt columns

Natural volcanic education - basalt columns look as if they were made by a man. Hexagonal columns are formed naturally when the thick layer of lava is quickly cooled, compressing and creating cracks on the surface of new rocks. Unusual geological formations can be seen in all corners of the world. The most vivid examples of basalt columns is the road of giants in Ireland and the National Monument of Devils Plopile in California.

7. Rain from animals:

Whereas in the small town of Yoro in Honduras, a festival of fish rain is held every year, actual eyewitnesses of this phenomenon are still quite small. However, in general, the phenomenon was reported in different parts of the world for many centuries. Most cases of falling animals from the sky included fish, frogs or small aquatic animals, although there were evidence and falling birds, mice and even pieces of meat. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon is extremely rare, most cases are easily explained. The most obvious explanation are tornadoes, during which the whirlwind raises small animals from the water, carrying them over long distances until they fall to your head. If you want to witness the rain from animals, then you should go to the places close to the water, during large storms.

8. Wavy clouds

Recently discovered cloud formations, so-called wavy clouds (Asperatus Slouds) are so rare that they were not included in the classification until 2009. Evil and stormy, these clouds disintegrate pretty quickly, not having time to call a storm. As in most cases with a wavy type of clouds, these clouds are formed when whirlwinds or opposite air masses are ruthlessly whipped the lower layers of clouds, leading to bizarre forms and formations. Such clouds are more often found on the plains in the United States and for them can be observed in the morning or in the middle of the day during a thunderstorm.

9. Green beam

The famous and elusive green beam is a rare meteorological phenomenon that occurs during sunrise and sunset. In these periods, the light of the Sun passes through large atmospheric layers, creating the effect of the prism. Of course, this explanation is not so exciting as sea legends that surround this phenomenon. But you can consider yourself lucky if you managed to watch this phenomenon. To see the green beam, try to watch the sunrise or sunset on the horizon on a clear day. The horizon of the ocean or prairies is suitable for this purpose. The green beam lasts only a split second, so do not blunt. In my opinion, this is very much like the return of the soul from the other world in the movie "Pirates of the Camibic Sea: on the edge of the world"

10. False Sun.

When the sun is located near the horizon and ice crystals are present in the air, then you can see several light rainbow spots on both sides of the sun. Always on the right and to the left of the Sun along the horizon line, these halo are committed to the sun over the sky. While this atmospheric phenomenon can happen anyway and anywhere, the effect is usually quite vague. When the sunlight passes through the cider clouds under the desired angle, these stains become the same bright as the sun. Brighter than the false sun can be observed when the sun is low in the sky in colder areas where many ice crystals are in the sky.

11. Double rainbow

The same forces that lead to the formation of ordinary rainbow can also lead to the creation of a double rainbow. Sometimes, the sunlight is reflected in the rain drops more than once, but twice, which leads to the creation of a second rainbow, which is for a brighter first rainbow. It is best to watch this phenomenon when the sky is still dark and filled with clouds, as the dark background allows you to see the more vague colors of the second rainbow.

12.Facked Icebergs

Icebergs are usually not monophonic. Some icebergs in the polar regions are distinguished by colored stripes, standing out among the arctic white and blue. When water on iceberg melts and re-freezes, dirt and other particles can get between new layers of ice, which leads to the formation of color strips on their surface. A few colored stripes may appear on icebergs. Blue stripes appear when water falls between layers of ice and freezes so quickly that air bubbles do not have time to form. When Iceberg splits and falls into the ocean, algae and other materials present in water can lead to the appearance of green and yellow stripes.

13. Lightning katatumbo

Pretty mysterious phenomenon, zipper katatumbo in Venezuela is known for their long-term discharges. This incessant lightning can be seen from the distance and they often noted for the ability to help sailors when navigating. Since the zipper katatumbo appears about 140-160 nights a year, you have a big chance to see them. They arise mainly in one place - above the seat of the river Katatumby around Lake Maracaibo.

14. Gravitational wave

Waves occur not only in water, but also in the sky. When the air is pushed up upward a more stable layer of the atmosphere, it can cause a wave effect, the same that happens when you throw a stone into the pond. To occur with a gravitational wave, interference should occur in the atmosphere, such as the upward flow of air from the thunderstorm. According to the latest research, gravitational waves can concentrate and strengthen the tornado, so if you are fortunate enough to see them, first of all, you should take care of asylum.

15. Boulders Moerac

Boulders of Moeraki - spherical stones were naturally excavated from Argillita, a dense clay rock on the New Zealand coast. People discovered these giants thanks to erosion, but they acquired their spherical shape for another reason. It is believed that the boulders were formed by millions of years ago at the bottom of the ocean, and as in oysters, pearls were formed - layers of sedimentary rocks and materials crystallized around the central kernel. Throughout millions of years, they acquired huge sizes that we can see today. The boulders of Moerac were found on the southern coast in New Zealand, but they can also be seen in different areas of South America.