Bend profile pipe home. Bend profile pipe at home

The question of how to bend a profile pipe, not using special equipment for this, many of those who are going to build a greenhouse on their homely plot. Such structures made of bent pipes not only pass significantly more light, but also differ in high stability and durability, if you compare them with structures from wooden bars. It seems that the proftrubube, creating an arched structure, is not easy, but if you understand the features of this process, it is quite possible to effectively perform it using the simplest devices.

What is the difficulty of flexing profile rental

The essence of the flexible metal rolled, regardless of the form of its profile, is that the profile pipes are given partial or full bend. Perform such a technological operation in two ways: acting on the bent pipe only with pressure or additionally heating the pipe of the pipe, in which the bend is performed. In the course of bending, two forces are simultaneously operating on the metal pipe:

  • compression force (from the inside of bend);
  • the strength of the stretch (from the outside of the bending area).

It is the impact of such multidirectional forces that causes complexity characteristic of the process of flexing any profile pipes.

  1. The segments of the pipe material, which in the process of bending changes its shape, may lose the alignment of its location, which leads to the fact that individual pipes of the pipe will be located in different planes;
  2. The wall of the proftrub, located on the outside of bending and exposed to stretching, may not withstand the load and burst.
  3. The inner wall of the pipe, subjected to compression, can be covered with folds that resemble corrugations.

If you do not take into account the subtleties of such a technological process, then instead of bending the profile tube, you can simply minimize the product, irrevocably spoiling it.

So that this does not happen, it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the material of the pipe, but also its geometrical parameters are the size of the section, the wall thickness, the radius to which the bend must be performed. The knowledge of the listed will allow you to choose the appropriate technology and bend the proftrube correctly, without resolving it and without receiving a corrugated surface.

The need for accounting profile

Categories of the profile pipeline include products having a different cross-sectional shape - round, square, oval or flat. Despite such a variety, for the construction of a greenhouse or a canopy mainly use rectangular or. This is due to the fact that on their flat walls is much easier to mount the external coating.

The range of modern profile pipes is characterized by a large variety. Their geometric parameters, the main of which are the cross-sectional area and the wall thickness, determine the plastic capabilities of the product. The latter characterizes such an indicator as the minimum allowable radius of rounding. It is this parameter that allows you to determine which the minimum radius can be bent a professional to be bent so that it is not damaged.

To determine such a pipe parameter with or a rectangular profile, as a minimal bending radius, it is enough to know the height of its profile. If you are going to bend a profile pipe with a cross-section in the form of a rectangle or a square, you should follow the following recommendations.

  • Pipes, the height of the profile of which does not exceed 20 mm, can be bend in areas whose length exceeds the value of 2,5хh (H is the height of the profile).
  • Products, the height of the profile of which exceeds 20 mm, can be successfully bend on areas whose length corresponds to 3.5xH and more.

Such recommendations will be useful to those who are going to bend profile pipes in order to make racks, canopies and various frame structures from them. At the same time, however, it should be borne in mind that the possibility of high-quality flexion of pipes affects the thickness of their wall. Products, the wall thickness of which is less than 2 mm, it is better not to bend at all, and if it is necessary to create structures from them to use welded connections.

At home, bend proftrube, which are made of carbon or low-alloy steels, can only be taken into account certain nuances. Such pipes after bending can sink and return to its original state, so the finished structures must be re-customized by the template. The magnitude of the skip characterizes such a parameter of profile pipes, as the plastic torque of resistance - WP. This parameter is indicated in the accompanying documentation (than it is lower, the less promotion profits in the process of their bending).

Features of the most popular methods of pipe bending

In production or homework, proftrube is bent both heating and cold condition. Heating, which is produced using a gas burner, significantly increases the plasticity of the metal, due to which less effort is required for bending. Pipes of a small section can be bent and without heating, because they are so different with a good plasticity.

Regulatory recommendations regarding the use of heating are available only for round-section products. So, heated before flexible the pipes, the diameter of the cross section of which exceeds 10 cm. In cases where the square or rectangular pipes are bend, it is necessary to navigate on their own experience or tips of other home masters.

  1. Without preheating, the pipe is bent, the profile height of which does not exceed 10 mm.
  2. If the height of the pipe profile exceeds 40 mm, they must be heated before flexible.

If at your disposal there is a pipe bender, with it, you can easily handle the task of cold flexible pipes, the height of the profile of which is in the interval of 10-40 mm. In the absence of such a device, it is necessary to solve the question of how to bend the pipe without a pipe-bender, after conducting uncomplicated tests. They will help you determine, you should heat the proftrub before flexible or not. These tests are carried out as follows. One end of the pipe is clamped into vice, and the second is put on a pipe with a large size of the internal cross section. If with the help of such a shoulder, it is possible to bend the pipe clamped into vice, you can perform this process without preheating.

Flexible pipes on various methods well demonstrates training video, but it will not be superfluous to pre-examine this process in all details.

Bending Prof Pedube with preheating

To bring the profile pipe with your own hands with a hot method, you must first fill it with sand. This will make the bend better and uniform. Because you have to deal with hot metal, all work should be performed in dense tarpaulin mittens. Bending itself, with the implementation of which can be found in the video, is performed in the following sequence.

  • Both ends of the profile pipe must be closed with plugs that are made of wooden bars. The length of such plugs should be 10 times the width of their base, which, in turn, should have an area, twice the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole in the pipe closed with their help.
  • After fitting the plugs under the inner section of the pipe on one of them, 4 longitudinal grooves are performed, which are necessary to remove the gas accumulating in the pipe when the fill-fill sand is heated.
  • The proftrub plot, which you plan to bend, is required to be supervised.
  • As a filler for a pipe, you need to use the sand of medium grain. If there is no purified building sand, you can take any, even from the children's sandbox, but it should be prepared accordingly. So, the sand is first sifted through a sieve with a cell size of 2-2.5 mm to remove gravel and fine pebbles from it, and the final sifting is performed on the sieve with the cell sizes of 0.7 mm. The final sifting is necessary in order to remove the dust inclusions from the sand, which can be sintered when heated.
  • Prepared sand needs to be hungry at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.
  • Before grazing sand, one end of the pipe is closed with a plug, on which there are no gas-sized channels. A funnel is inserted into the second end through which the sand prepared sand is poured. To the sand evenly and tightly filled the entire inner cavity of the pipe, when it is covered, it is necessary to tapping through the walls of the product using a wooden or rubber image for this.
  • After full filling of the pipe with sand, its second end is also covered with a plug.
  • A plot that will be heated for further flexion must be noted in chalk.
  • The pipe must be fixed in vice with a template or in a pipe clina. It is important that the welded seam is, if it is on the surface of the product, turned out to be on the side. It is necessary to adhere to this requirement because the welds are undesirable to expose to compression or stretching.
  • Plot pipe, previously marked with chalk, heat hot with a gas burner. After a complete warm-up, the pipe neatly, without making sharp movements, bend into one intake, applying efforts strictly in the vertical or horizontal plane.
  • After cooling the bent pipe, the result obtained is compared with the template. If everything is fine, then the products are removed from the ends of the product and pour sand.

This method, which is easy to implement at home, is best used in cases where at the prom Profiter it is necessary to form a single angular bending. Multiple metal heating can lead to loss of its strength, and it is impossible to avoid it if you jet the pipe for its use as an element of arched design.

How to bend the pipe without preheating

Bend the profile pipe itself, without heating it before, you can, as with a filler, and without it. Do not require filling with sand or rosin pipes, the height of the profile of which does not exceed 10 mm.

There is another technique that involves the use of a sprocket with a dense navill of turns instead of the filler, which is inserted into the inner cavity of the prom and protects the walls of the product from the deformation, as well as from the excessive change in their thickness in the process of bending.

Those who need to bend profile pipes with their own hands, not previously heating them, you can use the learning video and the following simple recommendations.

  1. It is possible to obtain the desired bending on profile pipes using the simplest devices - vice, mandrels, bending plates.
  2. You can use for round-profile products. In this device, it is necessary to remake the working rollers, the shape of the excavation in which must correspond to the pipe profile.
  3. It is possible to generate pipes most effectively and accurately with the help that can be purchased or made with your own hands.

Fixtures for flexible pipes

The question of how to bend the pipe without a pipe-bender will not cause difficulties if used to perform this operation the simplest devices. You can perform cold flexible pipes using the following devices.

  • In cases where it is necessary to bend a soft (aluminum) or a steel pipe with a profile height not more than 10 mm, a horizontal plate is used with holes in which the stops are inserted - metal pins. With these pins and flexible products are performed according to the required parameters. This method has two serious disadvantages: low accuracy of bending, as well as that when it is used, it is necessary to apply significant physical efforts.
  • Products with a 25 mm profile height is better bent using roller fixtures. The pipe is reliably fixed in the vice, and to that part of it, which must be bent, the force is applied using a special roller. This device allows you to get better bending, but also requires an application of physical effort.

An option that is called, an ambulance hand. The long lever of this is extremely uncomplicated device allows you to cope with rather thick pipes.

For forming on steel or aluminum promotional curvators, motionless rounded patterns are used on a large radius of curvature, which mount special clamps for fixing the product. On such an adaptation, the pipe is also hung manually, with an effort to lay it in the chamber of the template, the form of which exactly corresponds to the desired bend radius.

Plywood and metal brackets are everything you need for the manufacture of a bending template

Bending plate

In order to effectively bend steel or aluminum pipes at home, you can make an upgraded bending plate using the following guidelines.

  1. The role of such a plate plays the panel, which is cut from a sheet metal of a large thickness.
  2. The panel made in this way welded to the rack, which is installed on a special pedestal.
  3. Two holes needed to install bolts that serve as a profile tube are drilled in the panel.
  4. A special nozzle is installed on one of the bolts-stops, with which the bending radius is adjusted.
  5. In order to ensure the coaxiality of the segments of the pipe adjacent to the split, over the workpiece placed the metal plate fixed by the bolts.

At that moment, when you do not use such upgraded pipe bending, its pedestal can be adapted to perform various plumbing operations.

Bending mandrel

For bending at home, profile pipe products, the height of the walls of which does not exceed 25 mm, you can make a special mandrel. To this end, it is better to use an overall workbench, on the surface of which there will be enough space for such a device. To select the optimal location of the element that locks the flexible pipe, often spaced openings are performed at one end of the workbench. For providing the desired bending radius, proftrub is answered by a special pattern that can be made of thick plywood or metal corner if you are going to use it often.

Application profilegiba

Of course, if you have a significant amount of work on flexible profile pipes, it is better to make a special machine for this, whose drawings are easy to find on the Internet. We will not take here to disassemble this question, since more than in detail is considered in the articles on the links below.

Do not do without such a machine and in the event that you need to bend pipes with a large cross section of the profile. The main working bodies of such a machine, distinguished by broad versatility, are three rolls, two of which are fixed motionless, and due to changes in the position of the third regulate the radius of the product bending. A chain transmission and handle that the operator rotates as a drive of such a device.

Obviously, the variants of devices allowing to effectively bend profile pipes for the manufacture of greenhouses, a canopy or other structures, quite a lot. Having considered these options and choosing from them that optimally comply with your capabilities and needs, you can always provide yourself with a convenient and inexpensive pipe bending device.

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Profile pipes are indispensable in the process of assembling frames for building structures. Greenhouses, a variety of greenhouses, gazebos and other objects erected with their help quickly and efficiently. However, everything is not so simple.

To bend such a pipe you have to use expensive special equipment, which is not always acceptable for a homemade master. Let's talk about how to bend a profile pipe at home.

Profile is considered a pipe having a different section. It can be rectangular, oval, hexagonal or square. The pipe has increased strength, because its faces take on the role of rigidity.

Profile products cope with significant bending loads, so that they are a good choice for the construction of the metal frame of buildings of the most detailed destination.

Raw materials for the production of profile pipes most often becomes high or low-alloy steel. Depending on the manufacturing method, electric welded, cold and hot rolled, seamless pipes.

Products vary the wall thickness and profile height. Such pipes can be used to make different parts in the form of frames, stairs and railings. Most often, the profile pipe is used in construction for the construction of arched structures and as a replacement of an iron bar when erecting frames.

Skills in the flexible tube tribes will be useful to homemade craftsmen wishing to equip the countryside:

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The simplest devices for cold bending

Consider how you independently make two very simple devices that will help bend profile pipe.

Mandrel for profile

The basis for the device will be the workbench. It is important that not only the work area, but the space around it was free. To secure the mandrel, you will have to perform several close holes in the table top of the worktop.

Actually, the mandrel or pattern is performed from plywood. However, this option is acceptable only if several parts are executed.

The simplest mandrel for the pipe is made of thick plywood or from the board. This template is enough for several bends

If you need to bend a large number of pipes on this template, the mandrel is best made from the steel corner. In some cases, the profile product must be bent at different angles.

For such a job, you will need several templates to prepare in advance. Before the start of operation, the mandrel is firmly attached to the base with clamps.

It is reliably fixed to bending the pipe. After that, bending is made. The operation is performed smoothly, without sharp jerks. The effort applied to the pipe should grow gradually. In the process of bending, the part takes the shape of the mandrel. This will require a significant effort.

Advanced bending plate

This is a convenient multifunctional device that allows you to spend high-quality profile flexible with your own hands. The device is a solid metal plate-based base attached to the pedestal. The latter with the help of fastening bolts is fixed on the floor of the workshop.

Set of steel mandrels for different radii

Plywood disposable billets

Mandrel for a narrow profile pipe

Alternatively, you can consider a similar device that is fastened to the workbench. After operation, the bending plate is easy to dismantle and remove or can be used as a stand for other plumbing operations.

For the manufacture of such a device, you will need a thick plate of metal. It is welded on the telescopic stand. For stops under bending, two holes are performed on the base plate.

They are put bolts-stops. They wear and fixed the nozzles of various radii, which allows you to curb the pipes as it is necessary. The clamping plate is cut from sheet thick steel.

The bending plate is desirable to equip the pressure plate made of durable metal. It will save the coaxiality of the profile detail in the process of bending

Its use is necessary that the coaxiality of the flexible part is not broken, since the bending profile pipe without a pipe bender can be accidentally deforming it in two different directions. The plate is fixed above the nozzles on the bolts-stops.

The simplest way of bending a profile pipe:

The methods of manual bending of profiled pipes are quite a lot. And they all have a general drawback: a very large effort is required for flexing them. A physically unprepared wizard may not cope with such work. Bending parts with the help of specialized devices is much easier, more precisely and does not require special physical efforts.

The problem is that the cost of such equipment is large enough. Therefore, to buy the device only in order to perform a one-time job is definitely unprofitable. The best option is to rent specialized equipment, which will allow for a small fee to get profile products bent exactly by template.

Independent arrangement of the private site can sometimes be able to build a profile pipe for the construction of a greenhouse or gazebo. Some people think that without a special device it is impossible to do, but there are several methods that may well cope with the task.

Nuances flexible pipes

Under the concept of "profile pipe" means empty products of square, oval and rectangular shape. Their rounds are also included in this definition, but they are applied less frequently (more about the types of pipes -). Protective configurations to give the profile tube and at the same time maintain its technical characteristics are difficult, but is permanently, if you do it on a special device with a hot or cold method.

For a profile, with such a process, two efforts are affected: from the inside - stretching, and from the inner compression. To balance these efforts, several nuances are applied:

  • When flexing the pipe, you need to monitor its outer wall. When heated, it is very expanding and may not withstand the load, which leads to its crack.
  • Conduct the bend is slowly, then the risk of breaking the breakfast is reduced.
  • After the process is completed, it is necessary to check the edges of the pipe, and if they lie in different planes, repeat the process of bending to align them.
  • When choosing a bending machine, you need to focus on the thickness of the pipe walls and its cross section.
  • The inner wall of the pipe after the process can resemble the harmonica, this is a normal phenomenon, since there is a reduction.
  • It is necessary to start the pipe from the end, and not from the middle, otherwise it will be more difficult to succumb to changing the profile.

Before carrying out bending, you need to practice on unnecessary pipes to prevent marriage.

How to bend profile pipes with welding?

You can bend the profile pipe with a semicircle with a grinder. It is used to perform several cuts throughout the pipe profile. This method is as follows:
  • Fix the pipe in clamping visits.
  • Perform thin cuts in the places of the future brassing pipe.
  • Clear cuts from dust chips, and gently bend a profile on them.
  • Brew the holes formed by flexion using the welding machine. With a small diameter of the pipe, you can apply a soldering iron for these purposes.
  • Clean and stick the formed sections of the profile fold and handle their protective composition, it will save them from corrosion.

With it, you can get the pipe of the desired radius. When choosing this method, you do not need to use vice, the work of work is as follows:
  • Fix one end of the pipe in the ground and close it with any plug.
  • Fill the profile pipe with sand.
  • Preheat solder lamp. To take it near the place of the alleged bend.
  • Bend the pipe, but it needs to be done quickly so that the metal does not have time to cool, otherwise you will not bend it.

Such a "hot" method allows the use of water instead of sand.

Spring flexible pipe

This method retains the integrity of the walls of the profile pipe. Preparatory work is carried out before applying the method:
  • Spring preparation . It is performed from steel wire. The diameter of the latter depends on the thickness of the pipe walls. For the back of the spring, the square of the square section is used, the wire is placed around it. The outer diameter of the spring should be less than the internal dimensions of the pipe.
  • Preparation of template . The flexible tube will be carried out on a pre-made reference workpiece.
The deformation of the profile pipe is carried out by booking in it the springs, which will save the material from the break. The part is heated by a soldering lamp, and in the hot state deformed by the desired diameter.

Flexible profile pipes on manual tube (video)

In the given video, it is shown how to bend profile pipes with a cross section of 25? 25 mm and 20? 40 mm to perform a carcass for greenhouses from them.

Pipes come with a wall thickness of 2 mm. Homemade pipe bending is a welded design. It consists of the base of two small rollers, sandwiched between the racks. In the middle of the design rises a carriage made from the corners. On the upper part of them, the square platform is welded into which a screw with a nut from the jack is inserted, and a removable handle is inserted on it. A handle also comes to the first roller, with her tube is fed to the machine. Inside the carriage is provided for the third roller, the deflection boom will pass through its center.

The process of bending pipe:

  • Put the pipe into two lower rollers and stretch it on the required distance, srolling the first roller.
  • Lower the middle roller by checking the handle.
  • Skip the entire pipe to the applied mark in one direction. After rolling, she will become a bit arcuate.
  • Perform the previous action only in the other side, lowering the middle roller below. The pipe remains in the device and you need to return it to the starting position, scrolling the handle on the bottom roller in the opposite direction.
  • Drink the pipe for the third time through the pipe bender. The arc of her bend sharply increase.
  • Repeat all actions in the 4th time.
As a result, it will be a rather impressive radius of the tube deflection, in this way you can prepare the necessary number of profiles.

In the next video, you can visually see how you can do and use pipe bender with your own hands:

The described methods using sand, welding and springs are used for special occasions in the household. If the pipe bending is often necessary, or it is planned to build a large building with them, it is better to purchase profilegility or make it yourself. When using pipe-bending process, the process goes faster, the profile is obtained correct without unnecessary beggars.

On how to make the bending of profile pipes on their own at home, many are conceived, when there is a need to build a gazebo, greenhouse and other buildings of this type. And this is not by chance, since profile pipes look much more advantageous compared to products produced from ordinary rounds of circular sections.

But the usual pipe, which has a round cross section, can be bent using an ordinary pipe bending, and the profile pipe cannot be bended with a pipe-bender, because hydraulic conventional pipe bending of shoes and rollers folds the form rounded. If you try the profile tube to bend, then fuses and cracks will appear on the pipe or the pipe is flattened.

For this purpose, several ways are applied. These include bending with special machines designed specifically for profile pipes. This type of machine tools are called profiles. However, these machines have a very decent cost. In addition, the ordinary homeowner has anything professional equipment. If the pipe bend is required only once, then you can find manual pipe bending, which are suitable for profile pipes and for round. They are relatively inexpensive (up to 100 dollars). When flexing pipes using manual pipe bending, it will be necessary to make significant physical efforts.

Another method, which in such cases is often used - this is the execution of a bending of the pipe with your own hands with the help of folk methods. But such a way can be bent pipes, in which either a small cross section, or they are made of a sufficiently soft metal, for example, copper.

With the help of pipe bend

In order to generate the generated pipe, it is necessary to proceed from the bending radius, the material from which the pipe is made, the thickness of the walls, as well as the pipe cross section. In addition, the required bending accuracy should be taken into account, the quality of the product that is obtained as a result of production conditions.

The bending of the profile pipes is performed in the permissible limits of the size of their cross section, as well as wall thickness. In this case, it is necessary to avoid the cross-section of the pipe so that the inner part of the pipe occurred.

When the pipe is in the machine, it worst and stretched along the edges. Simultaneously with this, the pipe and bends during the motion of the bending template.

Note! In order to save the resistance of the pipe walls on the bend, bending is performed under internal hydrostatic pressure. To do this, the plugs are put on the ends of the pipe, and liquid is supplied inside the pipe. After that, a bending pattern is supplied to the middle of the pipe. With this template, the bend is performed, giving the necessary form at the same time.

Using welding and grinder

Bend the profile pipe can also be without the use of special tools and machines.

And you can achieve in most cases of bending really good quality.

In order to bend a profile tube using a welding machine and a grinder, you must perform the following:

  • calculate the bending radius (rounding) pipe;
  • along the length of the bending area is evenly made from the 3d sides of the propulsion;
  • after that, the pipe with ease bend;
  • soaked places are welded;
  • welding places are processed and grinding.

It can be achieved in this way of good external results with the reinforcement radius of the pipe.

With the use of means of internal counteraction

As such a means, a specially manufactured spring can be served. Before you bend the pipe, the square of the square cross section is hung out of the steel wire. Each side of the spring segment must have a value that is 1.5-2 mm will be less than the internal size of the pipe cross section. This is necessary so that the spring can be embedded in a pipe without any effort. After the place of bending the pipe is installed before starting it bending, the bending area is heated by a soldering lamp. Then the pipe is performed on the blank. The radius of this discharge is equal to the required radius of the bending pipe.

Copper profile tube (for heating or water supply) in the winter period, if necessary, can be bent a slightly original method. To do this, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto fill the copper pipe with water, closing one of the ends before the plug. The pipe is exhibited by frost until the fluid does not freeze. Bending pipes from copper after this is performed according to the pattern of the corresponding radius. At the same time, efforts are not applied, and the cross section is not lost.


Here is such a hand profile profitable to assemble:

The profile tube is a pipe having a square or rectangular section. Therefore, you may think that it is almost impossible to bend it. Although in fact, knowing how to bend profile pipe, this process will seem to you almost trifle.

However, starting to work, you need to know exactly what you want as a result to get. Bending the pipe, as they say "on the eyes" is an extra spending and its time, and physical forces.

Inactively attached efforts can destroy the profile pipe, even despite the fact that it is made of metal.

Machine for flexible pipes

Since it is necessary to bend a profile pipe very carefully so that it does not change its cross section, and, of course, related properties (rigidity and durability), it is best to use for these purposes a special machine, which is called profile years. To buy such a machine for one-time work is financially unprofitable, so you can simply contact the firm that this equipment already has and its employees will fulfill your order quickly and efficiently. The cost of such work may vary, but in any case it will be much cheaper than to buy pipe bender for personal use.

When using the machine, the flexing of the pipe is usually done evenly along its entire length.

It should be acting gradually so that the freshers do not appear and the profile flattening has not happened, which cannot be eliminated.

With the right application, you will be able to avoid such defects as the appearance of corrugated sites. The pipe will remain smooth, as the pipe bender simultaneously stretches, and bends it, while the compressive force also occurs gradually and acts constantly, and not jerks.

However, to achieve an increased quality of work, it is worth using the bend using the pluses of hydrostatic pressure. To do this, the profile tube must be fully filled with liquid, then closing it both ends with special plugs. Bending on the machine such a pipe should be started from its center, and not from the edge, gradually reducing the bend radius before reaching the desired form.

Genne manually

Another option is to use the manual tube-bending suitable for the secting pipe you choose. Unfortunately, the use of this adaptation requires significant physical efforts that "on the shoulder" not to each of us, since to bend the profile pipe, the walls of which have a thickness of several millimeters, is quite difficult.

In addition, if the profile pipe has a large cross section, then it will not be able to bend it manually, since it is designed to hand-made pipe bending only on strictly defined pipe sizes.

Home option

If you do not have one of the above pipe bending (no manual or in the form of a machine), you can use another way - bend the pipe at home with the help of "Bulgarian" and welding.

In this case, the process will look like this and will take quite a long time:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to calculate the bending radius of the profile pipe that you need.
  2. Apply the mark on the tank, for which you will be cut to then bend to the desired form. Remember that the quantity will be more often, the more smooth will be the final bending of the profile pipe.
  3. With the help of "Bulgarian", perform contigates of the three sides, all the time leaving the fourth side of the cross section untouched.
  4. Carefully bend the pipe to the desired form. To facilitate the process, you can take advantage of a kind of lecaler, drank from a tree, the external edge of which will repeat the desired bending form. Attach the edge (whole fourth side) of the profile pipe to it, secure and proceed to bending to the desired curvature.
  5. With the help of the welding machine, brewing feed. The seams should be sufficiently neat and durable.
  6. Collect welding places so that you end up with a smooth surface.

Since to bend a profile pipe in this way you will not work quickly, use the "grinder" and welding is better only for single works or for flexing the pipes of a large cross section. If you need to perform a fairly large number of curved profile pipes, it is better to first make it possible to make homemade pipe bending.

Pipe bender do it yourself

It is not very difficult to create pipe bender, if you, of course, know the principle of its action and the basic elements of the design. As a prompt, you can use this video here:

Spring for pipe bending

Masters know another way how to bend profile pipe. For this, they use a specially made spring of the square section, made of a steel wire with a thickness of 2-4 mm. The external size of the spring must be 1-2 mm less than the inner section of the profile pipe.

The finished spring is placed in the pipe. Then, with the help of a soldering lamp, it is heated by that section of the pipe, which must be bent (not forgetting about special protective gloves and ticks), apply it to a blank having the necessary radius, fix and pressed until the required bend is obtained.